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Sunday, August 1st, 2021:

Chiron in Aries? It’s about your surface, as opposed to your substance. This can be an amazingly experimental and useful time. Thus, projecting the right image out there, or sending the right signals, is less about what is conventional and more about – what feels right for these times. Aries, developments which put your name or face out there, in 2022 as well, suggest a grand experiment. Rules? Broken.

It’s Sunday – Have some time for more perspective? If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart, and what that means.

What it means to be Aries

21 March – 20 April

You shine when you push forward and lead the way for others, competing to be first in the game of life. When you are upfront and unafraid, fighting the good fight, or pioneering unknown territory, you are at your brilliant best. Coming first and being first are reflected in the First House, which Aries rules. The downside of Aries is self-interest, aggression and selfishness. Narcissism is a sure sign that you have gone too far but it’s easily fixed.

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Your Week

Groups and friends can take you on a real obstacle course, now. They can supply you with the tests and trials you have to wear – until March 2023. But if you’re uneasy about where it’s all going (and what it’s doing) then wake up and pull out. Read your full Aries Weekly Horoscope for 29 August – 4 September 2022.

Your Month

Duets and Duels Which Benefit You Well, Jupiter is back in your zone of duets and duels, Leo. He joins Saturn, who has given you a fairly hard time for the last few weeks. Now, you can see a solution. Read your full Aries Monthly Horoscope for August.
Your Year 2025
Christmas was a preview of a Support Bubble, a new Zoom circle, a Meetups or Twitter online gathering, or just what a particular political party, good cause, sports team, social club or similar could do for you. Now, you go into 2021 with a serious challenge from Saturn and a fantastic answer from Jupiter. Read your full Aries Yearly Horoscope for 2021.

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