Daily Horoscopes from Jessica Adams


Daily Horoscopes Tuesday July 27th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Tuesday July 27.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


March 21 - April 19

Sometimes, Jupiter, the planet of solutions and opportunities, appears to move backwards It’s retrograde then, and everything it rules (for you this year, friends and groups) – goes backwards too. Issues are picked up, then put down. People change their minds. They’re too late – or much too early – with the big answers. Now, return to an earlier clue.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out 2021 and beyond astrology on my YouTube channel now.


April 20 - May 20

At last, some solutions for your career, unpaid work, course or other role are in sight. Commonly, the atmosphere at this time is busy and lively, but also shambolic as Jupiter, the planet of solutions, goes backwards and forwards. Taurus, there are no guarantees for anything but as you recycle ideas, issues, plans and deals you will see a big answer.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out 2021 and beyond astrology on my YouTube channel now.


May 21 - June 20

On this Leo weather in your Third House, Gemini, there is typically a vast amount of analysis, discussion, gossip, sales talk – and loose talk – around a particular project or plan. Some of it is worth relying on, all the way to the New Moon in Leo which is ahead of you in August. Any negotiations during these Leo cycles could lead to a better deal later on, as the Moon shrinks in front of your eyes. If you can ask for time to think and ponder now, it’s probably a good idea. Later on, you will be in a better position to make sense of it all.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out 2021 and beyond astrology on my YouTube channel now.


June 21 - July 22

Pluto cycles will pair you up with someone, so that you can move forward together to become a more powerful pair or potent duet. One or more double acts will become a priority at this time – and the goal for both of you will relate to the amount of influence or control you might have. Not surprisingly, this cycle is about trust, co-operation and sharing. It is also, however, about compromising over the reins.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out 2021 and beyond astrology on my YouTube channel now.


July 23 - August 22

Aquarius cycles can bring you much closer to someone you are already in a partnership with – like your wife or husband. However, it can also pair you off with a stranger, or a professional person you hardly know. This period is about understanding that even though there are differences between you, it’s time to join forces. Jupiter and Saturn commonly put us on the same road as someone who presents an obstacle course, but with glittering prizes up ahead.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out 2021 and beyond astrology on my YouTube channel now.


July 23 - August 22

The natural luck and protection of Jupiter in Pisces is leaving your life, with a particular duet or double act. Nevertheless, you must now find some common ground again, and locate the central axis of your relationship or association. Driving forward from that axis is what this cycle is all about as Jupiter returns at Christmas. Use as much tolerance and good timing as possible, in order to truly co-operate with one eye on December and also April 2022.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out 2021 and beyond astrology on my YouTube channel now.


September 23 - October 22

Let’s look at power and control issues with the family or the household, seeing as you have had a couple of ‘moments’ in July. Does this person appear to have an agenda, or do they even appear to be mouthing somebody else’s agenda? The ‘golden rule’ of all world religions works well now: do unto others, if you possibly can, even if you can’t choose your relatives. There are techniques you can use, to head it off (Tibetan Buddhists have a few) but the best Pluto-management method of all is willpower and self-control. Try it. It is empowering.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out 2021 and beyond astrology on my YouTube channel now.


October 23 - November 21

Well, Jupiter is returning to your sector of property, family, roots, heritage, history, culture and particularly your hometown and homeland. Opportunities knock. They may be uncharted and unexplored in your life if you want to relocate – or just a long way off in terms of goals. Amazingly, the opportunity to discover these enormous new vistas of potential with your people and your place, will be handed to you on a plate. With enough faith, hope and optimism, Jupiter says, all this can be yours.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out 2021 and beyond astrology on my YouTube channel now.


November 22 - December 21

The area of life which now opens up for you in the most spectacular way, with the media, the internet, publishing or education – will be dictated by Jupiter’s cycles at the time. To make the most of this cycle, make sure you are prepared to see the big picture on a small telephone or laptop screen. Forget any attitudes or ideas which keep your world small and expand your perspective. Luck is on your side.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out 2021 and beyond astrology on my YouTube channel now.


December 22 - January 19

Is what/who you want really so unattainable, in terms of the money, business, house, charity or apartment – so far off, or so vast? Is it all really beyond you, or will your attempts to make it there, turn you into the kind of person who can succeed? Jupiter gives you the opportunity. Yes, you have had obstacles and challenges, but there is a solution for every query.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out 2021 and beyond astrology on my YouTube channel now.


January 20 - February 18

Pluto can empower you with religion, spirituality, meditation, therapy, omens, dreams, meaningful coincidences, Tarot cards, astrology or other oracles now. Psychics and mediums may also play their part. If these have worked for you before, then do trust them again. The key with this transit is your own control, though. This also applies to the Church.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out 2021 and beyond astrology on my YouTube channel now.


February 19 - March 20

Religion, therapy, self-help, counselling, spirituality, Tarot, psychics, dreams, hypnosis or the other inner aspects of life call. This is a hard-work cycle when your need for security will dominate your life, in the area which Saturn is affecting at the time. You’ll be building the safest structure you can manage now – patiently building a set-up. Now Jupiter is also moving into this sector of your chart, answers wait.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out 2021 and beyond astrology on my YouTube channel now.

Zodiac Icons made by bqlqn from www.flaticon.com

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