March 21 - April 19
Your ruler Mars in your zone of ambition, mission and position is forcing a rapid conclusion to a very tough couple of years. In fact, you will power on through until March 30th, noticing a major twist in the tale at the end, as patience is not required from the 23rd.
April 20 - May 20
You have seen a couple of decided improvements, one as a result of your own willpower, with foreign affairs. Travel and travelers, along with foreign and regional differences, are no longer such a drag. In fact, there are answers all over the place from the 23rd.
May 21 - June 20
You have had two years of waiting and watching, where the house, money, business, shares, charity, apartment or possessions are concerned. That is no longer required for the final week of March and if you think you’re on a green light now, just wait. Zoom!
June 21 - July 22
Saturn, the serious, slow-moving taskmaster of astrology, has been in your partnership zone for around two years, triggering heavy questions about/for your partner, former partner or potential partner. This ends on the 23rd. Then you can really accelerate.
July 23 - August 22
Your workload, lifestyle, wellbeing and routine have been very heavy going for about two years now. Shoulder to the wheel, and all that. Now, things start to look much better. Saturn vanishes from the 23rd and Mars is here to help you expedite a solution.
July 23 - August 22
It’s been so tough with sexual relationships, babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers (or just a younger generation, en masse). Instead of putting up with ‘that’ you no longer have to do so, from the 23rd. Mars in Capricorn is here to help you speed things up.
September 23 - October 22
The grand-slam solutions you always needed at home, with your house or apartment, the family, your town or country – perhaps the household – are here. You’ve been handed one and hopefully you took it. You’ve been told about another and you can shortly take it.
October 23 - November 21
Things get better in stages with the media, the internet, and fundamental communication questions. You were given a break in January or February and if you took it, you’re so much better off. There is another huge means of improvement showing up soon.
November 22 - December 21
Never say never, to golden opportunities or solid gold people and organisations. Your finances, charity, business, house, apartment or possessions will benefit, and you are basically waiting for Saturn to move out of your way – which he does on the 23rd. Dream big.
December 22 - January 19
Your (highly) demanding ruling planet Saturn leaves Capricorn on March 23rd, and you’ll be cut another break, with your ongoing issues about how you appear – how you are seen. For now, trust a larger process taking place. Call it long-needed solution time.
January 20 - February 18
You probably have no idea just how blocked or stretched you have been, spiritually or psychologically. On the inside, it’s been very heavy indeed, with Saturn one sign behind you for the last two years or so. That’s now shifting, in about ten days. Deep breath.
February 19 - March 20
The whole business of friendship, social media or being part of a group – has been heavy. As heavy as lead on both shoulders, actually, as Saturn’s metal is a burden. You can throw off everything in about ten days, so plan what you need to do.