Mercury is the planet of information, communication, negotiation and organisation. When he appears to get stuck, turn backwards and repeat himself – your plans stall, they can reverse, and either change or come to nothing. After years of writing about this cycle for magazines around the world – Elle, Marie Claire, Vogue – and seeing thousands of your comments on this website – I have some practical advice to share.
I’ll look at your Sun Sign forecast here, which always shows the headlines of your life, but for those of you who are Premium Members, I’ll also go into detail about your personal birth chart and how it’s affected.
I will also look at what it means when you have Mercury Retrograde going over (or conjunct) anything in your personal birth chart. How are you affected, for example, if you have a planet like Mercury itself, or Mars, or Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Cancer at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14 degrees? What happens to your house or apartment (ruled by Cancer) or the family, when Mercury is also stuck in the same place as anything in your chart?
Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius – February 2nd, 3rd, 4th 2020
This is chaotic for all groups, teams, clubs, societies, associations and networks. We would expect this period to hit Facebook particularly hard, as it triggers that chart. Facebook may be hacked, for example, or you may see ‘Facebook down’ reported on Google. The share price of Facebook might fluctuate – let’s see.
What we have here is Mercury hopping around at 28 and 29 degrees Aquarius as February begins – then he disappears – along with the discussions or plans – only to boomerang back from around March 5th to 16th (adjust for your time zone as astrology is based on London UT).
Friends, Groups, Teams, Clubs, Societies, Associations, Trade Unions, Bands, Political Parties Affected
Allowing for different time zones (and for the world to catch up with itself) please assume that what you hear, read or plan regarding the above – and social plans involving friends too – will not be final. It will not be fixed, nor firm. It’s a very good time to rehearse, to put down rough ideas in a notebook, to ‘talk around’ an idea or make very loose plans.
Mercury Retrograde is linked to extreme weather and the first weekend of February 2020, Saturday 1st February, Sunday 2nd February, into Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th February will see extreme heat, flooding and storms that tangle up air traffic, motorways/highways and shipping/ferries. Always have Plan B and Plan C on Mercury Retrograde. In Australia we are going to see extreme bushfire risk. We know that is a fact of life anyway as Climate Emergency has made the nation hotter and drier. The astrology agrees.
This is Mercury Retrograde Shadow, the period when trains are cancelled because of signal failure further down the line. This is exactly what happens in astrology too. The Mercury in Aquarius ‘train’ is receiving signal failure notices up ahead from March 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th.
In fact, you can use these dates to factor in chaos. Cricket and football teams may have technical issues with scoreboards, or results will not be final. Aquarius also rules political parties, so – the Democrats and Republicans, Conservatives, Labour, the Brexit Party and so on. We’re going to see reshuffles, and retracted statements.
How is Your Sign Affected?
Sun Sign charts are excellent ‘weather’ reports in a broad and general way. Which area of your life will be stuck, repeated, perhaps reversed – certainly delayed and changed – as we watch this odd behaviour?
Mercury at 28 and 29 Aquarius – Sunday 2nd, Monday 3rd February – repeating March 5th to March 16th in a time-warp and time-loop. Now, I am signalling this to you early, because this area of your life is going to (deep breath) change your future – in December! That is when Jupiter and Saturn both enter Aquarius.
So, despite the backtracking, delays or changes you see in early February and early March 2020, this ends up with a massive new life path for you, on the week before Christmas, that year.
Aries – Groups and friendships. Teams and clubs. Networks and communities. Social media. Associations.
Taurus – Career and position. Ambition and mission. Leading role and title. Profession or unpaid work.
Gemini – Travel and vacation or holiday plans. Foreign people and places. Academia, education, books.
Cancer – Finances and property. Insurance and business. Shares and possessions. Wills and legacies.
Leo – Former partners. Current partners. Potential partners. Enemies. Rivals. Opponents.
Virgo – Daily routine. Lifestyle and workload. Part-time and full-time jobs and study. Health. Fitness.
Libra – Babies and infants. Schoolchildren and teenagers. Millennials. Parenthood-potential relationships.
Scorpio – House and apartment. Family and household. Town and country. Home and all that it means.
Sagittarius – Commuting and holidays. Vacations and work trips. Computers and telephones. The media.
Capricorn – Finances and bank accounts. Credit cards and shares. Mortgages and business. Charities.
Aquarius – Image and profile. Name and brand. Personal appearance and self-promotion.
Pisces – Religion and spirituality. Psychics and astrologers. Psychologists and psychiatrists. Secrets.
Check Your Personal Birth Chart Now if You’re a Premium Member
If you have anything at all in Aquarius at 28 and/or 29 degrees, then your involvement with a sports team, political party, private members’ club, secret society, charity, professional association, rock band, trade union or similar will be prone to delays, changes and perhaps chaos (depending on the aspects or patterns made in your chart) on February 2nd, 3rd and March 5th through 16th. Allow 24 hours either side.
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Flooding, Storms and Heavy Rainfall – Extreme Weather and February-March 2020
So many astrologers ignore Mercury Retrograde Shadow and I don’t want you to get caught. You’re going to see a lot of this online, about 2020 – ‘Mercury Retrograde begins February 17th and ends March 10th.’ This is not the case. It begins and ends with a shadow, far earlier and much later than Google tells you.
We are going to see flooding, storms and heavy rainfall right around the world as Mercury Retrograde takes hold in Pisces (a water sign, associated with its ruler Neptune – the sea – and also fish). This begins at 0 Pisces on Tuesday 4th February and the chaos begins as Mercury crosses 0-12 degrees from that date until Monday 30th March, twisting and turning in one long time loop.
So, from Tuesday 4th February until Monday 30th March you are going to see delays, rescheduling, reversals and cancellations. Allow 24 hours either side of those start and end dates.
Is Your Personal Chart Affected? Check Your Natal Horoscope Now
What you’re looking for is anything in Pisces at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 degrees. This will fall in your Twelfth House, which covers off issues like religion, spirituality, meditation, retreats, priests, rabbis, psychologists, astrologers, psychics, psychiatrists, monasteries, monks, convents, nuns, the Tarot and all matters which are private or solitary. You get the picture.
Generation Aquarius and the 2020 American Election
We are going to see computer problems, human uncertainty, media muddles and more, affect ‘Generation Aquarius’ as I’ve been calling them. These are the teenagers who are going to surf a blue wave for the Democrats in America in 2020. These Millennials are different from others, as they were born with both Uranus (the revolution) and Neptune (the dream) in Aquarius, the sign of community, diversity and equality. Teen Vogue have been across this in the U.S. for some years now.
What we’re going to see is confusion, instability, hacking, and other issues affect this crucial voter group, who are not only on Climate Strike, but also showing up as a new demographic that nobody took seriously. They are motivated and ready to mobilise but Mercury Retrograde will create obstacles first. We’re tracking people born in 2000, 2001, 2002 here. So, the 18-year-olds, 19-year-olds and 20-year-olds.
We might be looking at foreign interference in elections, more Facebook hassles, problems with arrangements for absentee votes, voter machine hacks and more – February 2nd and 3rd – and again March 5th through 16th. Hang in there. By December, when Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, the wave is massive.
What is Mercury Retrograde Good For?
All the ‘re’ prefix words are an excellent fit for Mercury Retrograde. So, in 2020, you will gain by rehearsing, reviewing, rethinking, rewriting, and so on. It’s a productive time for thoughtful beta-testing. If you’re clever you will plan ahead, have Plan B and C ready for issues, have a back-up, schedule time out and time off – to go over old ground. It’s a great time to take a book or script to third or fourth draft. It’s the same with YouTube clips, podcasts, contracts, essays, and so on.
Mercury Retrograde in Pisces in 2020 – Why February-March is so Random!
Pisces is a confused and confusing zodiac sign anyway. It is represented by the two fish swimming in opposite directions. Pisces is also ruled by Neptune – which rules the ocean. There is a randomness about Pisces ‘weather’ which becomes even more chaotic when Mercury goes backwards through that sign. You’re going to see this as Mercury drags his feet from March 14th to 20th, 2020, so please be aware of the potential for: flooding, heavy rainfall, storms but also issues with water and communication/transportation – so both Climate Emergency Venice and Australia might be affected. Don’t leave anything to chance when Mercury gets stuck on Pisces 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12 for that week.
If you have anything in your chart at Pisces 12, you should be particularly careful to have back-up plans and precautions.
Where is the Chaos in Your Life on Sunday 8th and Monday 9th March?
This period is particularly chaotic because we also have a Full Moon in Virgo (organisation and order, clashing with flooding and confusion) and the Sun’s conjunction to Neptune (randomness) across this period. In fact, you can circle these dates in your diary now, because we’re going to see computer and human viruses, and regular traffic, air traffic and shipping affected by wave after wave of rain/flooding.
The Full Moon falls on Monday 9th March at 5.47pm UT with the Sun at 19 Pisces and Moon at 19 Virgo. The Neptune-Sun conjunction falls just one day before, on Sunday 8th March at 12.22pm UT with the Sun at 18 Pisces next to Neptune, also at 18 Pisces.
If you want to check your birth chart now, as a Premium Member, look for any asteroids, planets or other horoscope factors at Virgo 18 ,19 because you’ll want to schedule more time and space for yourself that weekend, into the new week ahead. If you can plan anything crucial that is work or study related, another time, then do that. Virgo rules daily tasks, service and duty. This is not a great time for those details.
If you have factors in Pisces at 18, 19 then again – give yourself more time and space – on March 8th and 9th as matters which are spiritual, religious, secret, private or solitary will be challenging for you.
Closer to the time, you can check your regular monthly horoscope for March and I’ll go into deeper detail about how your Sun Sign is affected by this muddled, messy March 2020 period – around the 9th and 10th.
Mercury Retrograde in Cancer – 5th June until 27th July – Watch Home Prices
This is a real doozy for fluctuating property prices as the real estate market is prone to ups and downs, swings and roundabouts, as Mercury (which rules negotiations, auctions, leases) gets stuck and moves backwards in June, in the sign of Cancer, which rules the Fourth House of your chart, if you are a Premium Member and want to check now.
In a more general way, June and July bring tremendous changes with mortgage interest rates and house, land or apartment price tags – so you need advice from a financial professional if you intend to buy or sell then, or begin a new rental lease. Cancer has long ruled property in astrology.
Mercury Retrograde spans Cancer 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 degrees and runs from the first shadow on Tuesday 5th June until the last shadow on Monday 27th July. Allow 24 hours either side of the start and end dates, for the world to catch up with itself.
This is vacation season. Home Stays and AirBnB will be affected. We’re also seeing something really unusual about 5th June – 27th July and that’s the end of the North Node in Cancer cycle, just prior (it ends on 6th May. This is why I think there is more to this period than meets the eye. It’s really about the housing market trends of 2019 coming to an end.
Again, when I post your monthly predictions for June and July I will go into your Sun Sign chart and the specifics of how you will be affected. For now, if you are a Premium Member, please check to see if you have anything at Cancer 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 degrees as you’re going to see classic outcomes:
- Flatmates/roommate who change their plans, or change their minds.
- Family events, vacations/holidays or family reunions affected by weather or transport alterations.
- The price of houses and apartments fluctuating rapidly over the space of a few weeks mid-year.
- Uncertainty about mortgage interest rates, home loans and borrowing/repayments worldwide.
- Wider issues like extreme climate emergency outcomes (storms) affecting the building trade.
- Landlords, strata management, real-estate agents going back on their word, or having computer issues.
September, October, November 2020 and Mercury Retrograde
I am filing this for you on Monday 11th November 2019, so peering twelve months into the future, but I know many of you are already planning next year, in terms of travel and work – so you need to know. Actually, I was predicting the year 2020 a long time ago, in this book (Penguin/Viking) which I’m republishing for 2030!
We’re going to see Mercury, the planet of communication, information, negotiation and transportation behave very weirdly in the sign of Libra across 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 degrees. This takes place on September 23rd until 27th. Allow 24 hours either side of those start and end dates, depending on your time zone.
Libra rules marriage, engagement, business and work partnerships. It also rules separation and divorce. If you are thinking about your wedding on those dates have Plan B and Plan C, please. It’s an unsuitable time to begin a relationship, move in together, or break up – just because of the waste of time and energy later on, when one or both of you change your minds, hit delays or find technical issues get in the way.
Mercury backtracks across 25-29 Libra from Thursday 29th October (Halloween) until Tuesday 10th November, when you will find yourself or others – or just the world in general – also gets hit by backtracking. This is the famous Mercury Flip.
Check your personal birth chart now, and if you have anything at all at Libra 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 degrees then allow for the relationship with your former, current or potential partner to be affected by flux. This also applies to enemies, rivals or opponents, which Libra also rules.
Watching the World September 23rd-27th and October 29th-November 10th
Libra rules declarations of war, nuclear testing, the peace process and treaties. Watch the world in these Mercury Retrograde time-frames as diplomatic missions will fail or go backwards. Leaders will deceive. I’m really not happy about this period because Saturn will square Mercury.
In astrology, a square is ‘what we cannot square/what you cannot square’ and it’s not great for international relations anyway. Saturn is an ancient symbol of tough realities, and the square to Mercury takes place September 23rd, 24th 2020 (allowing for world time zone changes). It repeats, close to Halloween itself (October 31st) and on Sunday November 1st, Monday November 2nd.
Why You Need to Check Currency Exchange Rates when Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio Arrives
This great photograph by Christine Roy shows the money-go-round from Europe across to the other side of the world. Mercury rules the information game, so when he is not only stuck, but going backwards, in the sign of Scorpio (which rules banks) you can just imagine the wild swings of the dollar against the pound – against the euro. What we are seeing in October 2020, which is eleven months into the future as I write this in November 2019 – is chaotic.
You’re basically seeing Mercury get stuck at 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11 Scorpio in the week of Monday 12th October and that’s why you need to be mindful of purchasing travel currency at this time. And bigger investments. If you have anything in your Eighth House of finance at 11 Scorpio, then Mercury sticking on that spot will spell the usual things we see in astrology – delays, changes, flux, technical issues – or people going back on their word.
Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio from September 28th to November 20th
Be aware that some astrologers will be giving you dates that don’t cover the crucial shadows, so please don’t get caught. If you are planning ahead, remember Scorpio rules life insurance, marriage and mortgage, and all the houses, apartments, valuables or cash sums that accompany husband and wives, and people in common-law marriages (living together). Scorpio also rules death, so legacies and wills.
September 28th to November 20th will see retracted statements from economists and bankers. Market reversals as prices go wildly up and down. Currency exchange rate chaos. Some people do really well from Mercury Retrograde on Wall Street but you have to know what you’re doing!
This is another period I’m not crazy about because Uranus in Taurus (economic instability and financial uncertainty – to extremes) will oppose Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio on October 7th and again on November 20th. Allow 24 hours either side for world time zone differences.
This is the sort of transit you’d associate with a flash crash on the share markets, or computer problems on Wall Street. It’s also very much associated with sudden and unexpected ‘warps’ to your banking, business, financial or properly planning.
Specifically – 7th October at 8.55pm (UT) Mercury Retrograde 9 Scorpio opposite Uranus 9 Taurus. And the clash is repeated, as Mercury drags backwards, on 20th October at 2.53am (UT) at 9 Scorpio, again clashing with Uranus at 9 Taurus. The thing about the money markets and Mercury Retrograde is – dollars, euros and pounds never sleep. I photographed Mercury running backwards and forwards, on Fleet Street – very late at night – to show what’s happening in October 2020 (below).
Watching the Share Markets on October 7th and 20th, 2020 in Astrology
Uranus is associated with revolution, rebellion, independence, freedom. It is linked to instability, upheaval and the world turning upside-down. We link it to lightning, electrical storms and all sudden events. Uranus is associated with shock, overturn and brand new beginnings. It tends to produce classic jolts or shocks to the system. In this case it is the world economic systems that most deserve removal – money laundering and human trafficking.
The old ‘Greed is good’ thinking from the dinosaur days of the Eighties, and again Trump-era business, will implode on October 7th and 20th. There is no other way of putting it.
You have to wonder where the chaos comes from as the pound, dollar and euro fluctuate in value against each other, and why the chart for the New York Stock Exchange (17th May 1792, 12.00pm, New York) reveals such instability, as Mercury Retrograde moves backwards, at these degrees –
Scorpio 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 11
The New York Stock Exchange Horoscope
There is more to October than just the usual peaks and troughs on the graphs. It’s more than just another sharemarket zig-zag. The reason for this is that the chart for the New York Stock Exchange (source: The Book of World Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion, The Wessex Astrologer, 2004) shows Venus at 5 Taurus.
So, what we are seeing here, is Mercury Retrograde at 5 Scorpio, right opposite, near Saturday 3rd October, then again near Saturday 24th October, and finally near Monday 16th November.
Given that Venus is about financial deal-making, the fact that a very confused and confusing Mercury is right opposite, is unstable.
Do You Have Scorpio Factors at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11?
Check your personal birth chart again if you are a Premium Member. If you were born with anything at all in your Eighth House of finance, charity, business and property at these degrees of Scorpio (0 to 11) then you may prefer to skip this strange period, starting near Monday 28th September and finishing with the final shadow near Friday 20th November. You can double that message if you have anything at 5 Scorpio (because the New York Stock Exchange sneezes and you catch a cold) or particularly at 9 Scorpio, because of the Uranus opposition.
It’s entirely up to you, what you do with your money and you should only treat astrology as one tool, in the tool kit of your life (your financial advisor is your mechanic). Yet. If you follow your horoscope regularly you’ll be struck by these patterns. I advise you to use your own birth chart as a Premium Member and do your own research, with the dates in this feature.
Mercury Retrograde – Rehearse, Rewrite, Rediscover, Rethink, Review
I will give you plenty of notice about the specific life areas affected for each zodiac sign in your month-ahead horoscopes for September, October and November 2020, as we get closer. In the meantime, I hope you have enough room in your diary or calendar to juggle dates and to section off the Mercury Retrograde periods for rehearsing, rewriting, reviewing, rediscovering and rethinking. The world never stops, thanks to the internet. This is really the best excuse we have all year to pause, breathe and look back. And back.
Predicting the Future With Mercury Retrograde Shadow in 2020
I prefer to predict the future way in advance to prove that astrology works. I like to be specific, to avoid vague generalisations and give date-stamped forecasts. So here goes. Filing on November 11th, 2019:
- Leadership spills, resignations, reshuffles, retractions and wrong results hit politics February 2nd-3rd and March 5th-16th 2020, specifically the United States 2020 Elections, but across many other nations.
- Football, cricket and baseball teams hit by problems, February 2nd-3rd and March 5th-16th.*Storms, flooding and heavy rainfall create global chaos from February 4th to March 30th, 2020.
- From 5th June to 27th July we will see muddle and mess affect the housing market worldwide, specifically with mortgage and home loan interest, house and apartment prices. Expect rapid fluctuations. As this is vacation/holiday season in the Northern Hemisphere, watch for extreme weather/airline strikes.
- Politicians at the top have, historically speaking, taken an interest in astrology or actively used it. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson wrote about the Romans’ use of it. Ronald Reagan hired Joan Quigley. Time for politicians to get real about war risks and the chance of diplomatic stalemate: September 23rd, 24th, October 31st, November 1st.
- The New York Stock Exchange, the European Union and the Euro will be powerfully affected by wildly fluctuating prices and trends, from September 28th to November 20th. The troubled European Union, which has its Sun at 8 Scorpio, will be destabilised further near 7th and 20th October. Why? Mercury Retrograde at 9 Scorpio opposite Uranus at 9 Taurus. That is just one degree away.
Depth Prediction – the European Union and the Euro – 2020 and the E.U. in Astrology
If you are interested in deeper astrology, consider this. The Euro was ‘born’ with Pluto at 9 Sagittarius, the planet of deep changes in the balance of power, in the sign of foreign places and people. Export and trade.
That’s a double whammy. What happens near October 7th and 20th, 2020, rocks the E.U. and the Euro. As part of a larger pattern, this is the long, long transit of Uranus in Taurus. The global economic revolution. It’s the beginning of the end of human trafficking and money laundering, which so many experts say, have propped up Europe for so many years. Data, as before, from The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion. Time’s up for the dirty money launderette and modern slavery in Europe, October 7th and 20th.
Data: The European Union, 1st November 1993, 00.01am, Bruxelles, Belgium.
The Euro, 1st January 1999, 00.01am, Bruxelles, Belgium.
How Your Chart is Affected if Mercury Retrograde Lines Up
What happens when Mercury Retrograde lands on the same zodiac sign and degree (number) as anything in your chart? You basically look for people, organisations, situations or technology which is symbolised by Mercury, and expect it to slow down, get stuck or reverse. So, for example, some journalists and authors on Mercury Retrograde will twist information or warp a story. People literally ‘go back on’ their word and can lie or deceive. Media spin is common.
Extreme weather knocks out power lines or the grid is affected. We’re talking Climate Emergency levels of high temperature (Australia now has a new colour, purple, to indicate soaring heat over the old benchmarks). We’re also looking at classic outcomes of fossil fuel (coal, gas) problems – severe flooding. That can also wipe out communication.
I took this photograph of some Mercury-styled winged sandals at Liberty in London, when I was giving a workshop there in their beautiful upstairs wood-panelled events space. I took this shot for two reasons. First, it shows Roman wings, which today we associate with aeroplane wings – so, airlines and airports. Secondly you can clearly see the shadows. Never, ever get caught out by astrology websites or message on Twitter which tell you ‘Mercury Retrograde starts on October 14th and ends on November 3rd, 2020’. It really doesn’t. This planet’s shadows are often the messiest part.
What’s the shadow? Okay, well taking October 2020 as an example, it’s the days when Mercury sets out on a path through the same zodiac sign and at the same degree, where he will shortly ‘station’ or stand still. This may be where the term ‘stationery’ comes from, for envelopes and writing paper. (This theory was originated by astrologer Julian Venables who is a member of The Stationers’ Guild in London). At the other end of the transit, it is the days when Mercury will likewise cross back over the same sign and degree. He casts a forward and backward shadow.
If Mercury Retrograde is on Your…
What happens when Mercury Retrograde is transiting anything in your personal birth chart, by a conjunction? What can you expect when Mercury Retrograde lines up with your horoscope factors at the same zodiac sign and degree, in the same house?
Sun – Your identity, brand, name, face, image, personality projection, self-promotion, spotlight, reputation is affected.
Moon – Your need to be needed is affected! Your parenting. How you care for animals, people, homes.
Mercury – Double whammy. You are going to have issues with your voice across all mediums or media.
Venus – Relationships between lovers, spouses, mothers and sons – all complicated relationships – are affected.
Mars – Your usual action-stations ‘push, push, push’ is affected by Mercury Retrograde at this time, as are all conflicts.
Cupid – Your desire, and your ability to push buttons with others, is at stake here – Cupid rules lust and lust for life.
Psyche – What should last forever about you, is affected as Psyche rules all that is immortal or immortalised after trials.
Vulcanus – Your self-control, ability to hold back your desire and anger, strength, masculinity (if male) is affected.
Jupiter – Your normal opportunism, optimism, generosity, abundance-sharing, hope, positive thinking is affected.
Juno – Your commitments, pledges for longevity, agreements to stay/stick are most affected as Juno is about bonding.
Fortuna – Life is particularly random as your Fortuna shows how you blindly spin the wheel of fate for others.
Minerva – Shown with an owl in Ancient Rome, where our modern astrology comes from, she shows your wisdom.
Bacchus – Jupiter’s son and a symbol of deep pleasure, abandon, hedonism, and to quote Spinal Tap: ‘Have a good time’.
Diana – Symbol of freedom, independence, autonomy and no-compromise wild living, with no ties or baggage.
Apollo – In your horoscope Apollo by sign and house shows you how lead, inspire, are copied and are a multi-tasker.
Aesculapius – A symbol of resurrection, comeback, repair work, healing – not necessarily health-related.
Hygiea – She is all about prevention being better than cure. Screening and insurance. Protection and caution.
Panacea – Ethical and moral questions about what works. If something is a solution but falls in a grey area, what then?
Chiron – Not a wounded healer. He was partly a medical herbalist, most commonly a teacher – he shows education.
Saturn – A symbol of fear (Saturn is yellow) and defences (the rings). How you try to defend and protect what’s exposed.
Vesta – Two or more females and one male, with issues about power, control, male-female gender balance.
Ops – Symbol of optimism, as she is the mother of Jupiter and ‘op’ is hidden in her name. How you fix problems.
Uranus – How you deal with revolution and radical change, upheaval and regular chopping and changing in your life.
Neptune – Symbol of zero boundaries, ebb and flow, floating and drifting, surfing and merging – escapes from reality.
Salacia – Neptune’s wife, and a Trans-Neptunian object, so similar to him as a symbol of a vacation from the ordinary.
Pluto – Found in 1930 as dictators rose in Europe, Pluto symbolises power, control, self-control and willpower.
Ceres – Pluto’s mother-in-law, promoted in 2006 and thus a symbol of promotion, demotion, power plays or politics.
Proserpina – Pluto’s wife and Ceres’ daughter who goes between both of them – she shows how you negotiate or straddle.
Ascendant – Image, the public judgement of oneself, how you physically appear and look, to some extent.
Descendant – Your former, current or potential partner by type and sometimes by sign. Similarly, anyone against you.
Midheaven – Your highest achievement in life, not necessarily your career – a vocation or sense of calling.
Immum Coeli – Your roots, heritage, family tree, history, culture, nationality, relatives, sense of home or belonging.
North Node – Karma from other lifetimes as you repeat familiar themes in your life with a view to developing yourself.
South Node – Tied to the North Node, as they feed each other in a constant loop via life events that repeat every 19 years.
Remember the Importance of Mercury Retrograde by Sign
We’re watching the god of messages (today, multimedia and computers) get stuck, go backwards, disappear, repeat himself – in the signs of Aquarius (your Eleventh House), Pisces (your Twelfth House), Cancer (your Fourth House) and Scorpio (your Eighth House) in 2020. To really drill down into the outcomes when Mercury Retrograde sits on anything in your chart (a conjunction) please use the guidebooks that come with Premium Membership and look at the house that Mercury Retrograde is in as well as the planet, asteroid, or other horoscope factor he is triggering. That’s your prediction.
18 Responses
Hi Jessica, I’m really hoping you will get to my question. I’m not usually frightened of Mercury Retrograde (though this current one has been a financial bloodbath!) but as a very Pisces person the Feb/March period is alarming. I’m due to have my baby around 9/10 March (it will be planned delivery as was the last) which will fall very close to the Full moon (I also had my first baby under the peak of a full moon in Pisces). It probably wouldn’t have been my pick of times, and still might not be the day chosen but is there anything astrologically positive in that period? Or particularly worrisome based on my chart? Should I just chill out a bit!? I’m very spiritually minded and always seeking more connection and meaning via and through spirit – it’s how I make a living also – is this part of the mentioned timeline that takes off in December? I’ve spent the last few years trying to refine and grow my spiritual toolkit for my work and life. Is this what will get me through this time around the birth and beyond? Any Astro or intuitive advice would be enormously appreciated:-)
Babies arrive when they are meant to, as the charts always align with the parents. Congratulations on your child due 9th/10th March 2020, and understand that your new baby is already communicating with you anyway – they are little souls or spirits who tend to make their presence felt. The Pisces and Neptune weather in your Twelfth House in 2020 is about being alone, actually, as much as it is about thinking of yourself as a parent. In fact you may create a space for yourself so that you can meditate and get closer to your spirituality. You can and will find that connection with your God or the Universe in 2020.
Hi Jessica
I’ve got Psyche at 9 Scorpio. So does it mean that whatever sudden shock/volatility that happens at 9 Scorpio with Mercury retrograde opposing Uranus at 9 Taurus during this period will be permanent/endure forever?
Are you able to tell me what to expect or prepare for please?
Thank you.
Dancing Queen
Dancing Queen, Psyche in Scorpio in the Eighth House is about the contents of your will and legacy, and the legacy left to you by other people. Psyche is about what endures forever. You typically find jewellery, art or homes passed down in the family, generation after generation. Trust funds or heirloom investments are another example. As you have Uranus right opposite, you would rightly expect there to be a jolt to what you assumed was in place. It will change your angle and may change the paperwork. Yet you would be advised to attend to the latter when Mercury is out of shadow. I hope that helps. A classic example would be the sharemarket volatility affecting the value of your pension or superannuation, which in turn you have left to your partner, godchild or parent after your death. A financial professional can help you close to the time – and should do.
Thanks for your answer Jessica.
Have a nice day 🙂
Hi Jessica, I was wondering if you please have time to look at my chart. After this Mercury retrograde and wide spread communication problems for me and others, break up and back together with a lover who met and then broke up with someone else, I’m convinced of the phenomenon! So, I want to prepare in advance. I have Venus 5 degrees Pisces; Ops 9 degrees Pisces; Aesculapia 18 degrees Virgo; Libra 28 degrees IC; and Uranus 6 degrees Scorpio. Thank you!
You will either get back together with the person who you just farewelled, or find a new lover in 2020. Your Libra IC in the Seventh House suggests you have inherited the ‘partnering’ gene from at least one family member and perhaps more. You come from a family tree where people were very good at making excellent marriages and some of these were also about property contracts, or even work/business mergers. You sometimes see this, for example, with grandparents who managed to celebrate their golden wedding anniversaries, but also run a bakery together. In any case, you have the gene for good partnership skills. You could easily reconcile with this lover by next year, but if you choose a new partner, it really will be a partnership. You could easily move into a new home together, think about a holiday home, or strike a deal over the existing house/apartment of one of you.
Intriguing as ever Jessica. Thank you. Interesting to see about the NYSE.
As Warren Buffet said “when it’s raining gold, reach for a bucket”.
Thank you!
Dear Jessica,
Thank you for your insightful article once again – it is truly much appreciated. I was hoping to ask you a question in regards to this Mercury transit. I seem to notice the presence of AS, Saturn, Vesta, Bacchus, Ops all in the sign of Pisces. I was curious to ask if it would be possible for some insight of the significance of this at all? In addition, I had been invited to join a yoga retreat that begins on the 28th March to 4th of April 2020. Would this be a good time to arrange to go or would it be a challenge? I have never travelled alone before and anxious for the journey.
Thank you very much for your consideration of this message, it is much appreciated and I look forward to hearing from you with any guidance you may wish to offer.
Take care,
Kindest regards,
Thank you. Your yoga retreat sounds great. Yoga is about the body (Virgo and the Sixth House) as well as the spirit (Pisces and the Twelfth House) and you just happen to have received your invitation in March, which is Pisces/Virgo season. If you have never travelled alone before, I can understand that you might be a bit nervous about it, but if you double-check your plans and have a good Plan B up your sleeve, you should feel more comfortable about making the journey. Yoga is very calming anyway and so is meditation, its sister. Meditating while travelling is one good way to make use of the time, on the way.
Hi Jessica,
I was born on Oct 25th, 1993. not sure about the time of my birth but it was around the afternoon. I currently am living in CA.
I have been through so much financial difficulties since 2018. I lost my apartment and so much debts. your prediction for january 2019 was very accurate. i was waiting for some money which I received but it was less than my expectations. I was very hopeful about the conj of Jupiter and Sag on the Nov 24th but haven’t received any news, yet. Will my financial situation get better? Is the Mercury retrograde has something to do with thid delay?
I really need your help regarding my financial situation and future career.
Thank you,
I’m sorry you are having these financial problems. Losing your apartment must have been really hard. Thank you for letting me know your astrology prediction from January came true. Treat this as ‘solution in motion’ and expect something solid. Not miracles – but solid. Jupiter is not a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow but it does give you answers, the chance of something more in 2020-2021 if you want it, and a bit of closure. This is happening right now. In fact – you may be missing something. Think again. Look at what you have been given, without even asking for it, just in these last few weeks, which was the nicest little surprise. It would have saved you money, or made you money. There was also another nice surprise, just before that – just enough to make you feel something had gone full circle for you. Again – build on that, if you wish.
Hi again, I have tried to leave a comment I am not sure if you have received it…
“I don’t recall anything good in the past couple of weeks (or months). I get a sense from your words that this situation might continue (cz of Uranus in Taurus) let me know if I am wrong! I am financially connected to my dad which I don’t want to. I kind of feel I am in a 7 year process of Uranus in Taurus.”
Thank you,
also, thank you so much for the quick reply 🙂
Sorry, we just passed over 9000 comments and I’ve been travelling, as we just launched The Melbourne Astrology Walk in Australia. The financial connection to your father is ruled by Scorpio in your chart and the Eighth House. You have the Sun, Mercury and Mars in Scorpio – and Aesculapia and the MC (if your birth time is exact). If that is your main concern, it has nothing to do with the terrific transits we have just seen in Sagittarius. That was about travel opportunities, holiday/vacation discounts, teaching or studying (formally or informally), publishing and the internet. It sounds as if your chief issue is money and your dad, in which case the situation will absolutely change – slowly – over the next few years. The main reasons for this, you’ve already spotted. Uranus is in Taurus, right opposite Scorpio, so you are steadily experiencing a revolution and quite a radical change, as Uranus moves to the same degree, but opposite sign, as your Scorpio factors in the Eighth House. It does this from the Second House which rules your own money – but also your own values. The best thing to do on this transit is to adapt and adjust. Try not to hang on to the past. You can find out more about Uranus, as a Premium Member, in your guidebooks and in the exclusive features on this website. Use your journal, too, to work through the process as these transits begin to take hold.
Thank you so much Jessica. you made me feel better about my current situation.
Wish you the best 🙂
I’m so glad. Thank you.
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