Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Jupiter in Virgo Predictions 2015-2016

Science cures cancer. Cloning cures diabetes. Jupiter in Virgo is here.

Virgo has always ruled the body. It’s the only zodiac sign to be determined by a physical condition – virginity. When Uranus and Pluto were in Virgo in the 1960’s they invented The Pill. So what can we expect when Jupiter goes through Virgo, August 2015 through September 2016?

A cure for cancer with game-changing drugs becomes real, not just hopeful. 
A cure for Alzheimers becomes real, not just talk.
Cloning cures childhood disease.
Cloning cures diabetes, heart disease and Parkinson’s.
Gene therapy cures diabetes.
A cure for AIDS.

Why the focus on diabetes in particular? Because during the last Jupiter in Virgo cycle in 2003, scientists said a diabetes cure was ten years away. It’s now around 12 years later and the cycle is back. How hopeful should we be? Very hopeful.

The troubled N.H.S. (National Health Service) in Great Britain will be completely reformed under Jupiter in Virgo and health tourism from Europe will come to an end, stopping the drain on hospitals and doctors. After defeat in 2015, UK Labor will make a stunning comeback thanks to a power couple leadership team who know how to handle the media and the internet.

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UK Labour makes a huge comeback by 2016 according to astrology.

Even inherited deafness will go from ‘hopeful testing’ to  ‘proven cure’ thanks to gene therapy in this Jupiter in Virgo cycle. Why? Because the last big breakthroughs with genes were made on the 2003-2004 cycle.

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Obamcare blessed by Jupiter in Virgo

Within two days of this new Jupiter in Virgo cycle starting, on August 9th 2015, Australian scientists announced pear juice was a new, proven hangover cure. It made world headlines.

Jupiter in Virgo announced itself on 20th July, just weeks before the cycle, with an AIDS trial planned after a French teenagers was cured. 

Jupiter in Virgo will put paid, once and for all, to opposition to Obamacare, which falls away by September 2016. This will end up being President Barack Obama’s greatest success story, as history will show. He is a Leo with Pluto (power) in his Sixth House, ruled by Virgo itself – and he is pushing affordable health care in a year when Jupiter wants him to be successful.

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Tanya Plibersek will rise in Australian politics, her horoscope suggests.

Virgo rules the working class, trade unions, the Labour movement, Labour parties and the workers. We’re going to see charismatic, wildly popular new leaders in Australia and Great Britain who push for improvements for the workforce and change politics.

A new power-couple leadership team in the UK Labour party will be matched by the rise of Sagittarian Tanya Plibersek in the Australian Labour party.

As usual, astrologers don’t have a time, place and date of birth or Tanya so specific predictions about her assuming the leadership are impossible to make! She will, however, rise and rise within politics as we know she’s a Sagittarian. That sign is having the best success cycle in 12 years.

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6 Responses

  1. Dear Jessica,
    I started August so hopefull because times were not easy for me since May: 1st of all, Ia have many debts and cash doesn´t seem to be my friend at all; 2nd, I´ve discovered I was pregnant in the very begginning of May, but I lost the baby in the end of June (just how you predicted talking about Mercury retro in my world of babies and children-it was amazing, evn the dates were correct!). After the abortion I came back to work and discovered my boss made me loose a promotion and, at the same time, I´ve lost a big deal involving a great loan I was trying to get. I started August really confident that things will become better, specially on my finances, but things seem to get more and more stucked and cash is not flowing, anyway I try. I thought that the end of Saturn in Scorpio would be the easiest part but it proof to be the most dificult moment I´ve ever been through. Do you have some good news for me? I am an Aquarius, raising Aries, born in January 21st 1980 at 10:30 am, in Botucatu, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Looking forward your prediction for me.

    1. I am so sorry you lost the baby. Life can be very hard sometimes. You have survived the toughest cycle in 29 years so pat yourself on the back. Work will be so simple for you, from 18th September. Start again. Going into 2017, you will have the holiday of a lifetime in an amazing, different part of the world.

  2. Dear Jessica
    I am a premium member, and I love your site. I have been following your predictions with interest only recently. I am an Aquarian with Gemini rising, born 2 Feb, 14,02 in Amritsar, India. I have had the toughest financial cycle in my life since 2012. Cash is elusive, and our real estate assets seem impossible to sell. I am a creative person with huge energy and positive outlook, but am feeling deflated by circumstances. Are there key dates fro me in this Jupiter cycle where things will look up? I also have legal issues with a business partner/opponent who has tried to destroy everything my husband and I have created. I feel I am at the end of this cycle, but the last leg is really tough. I hope I’m right! I’d really like to book an in-depth reading, too. Looking forward to your response.

    1. Thank you very much, I will pass that compliment onto my webmasters. I do have a waiting list of about 12 months for personal readings but please feel free to put your name down. Okay – so your financial situation has been tied to a very heavy global cycle which is not your fault. This eases up considerably towards the end of September and by Christmas you should see cash flow improve. You have also been given two major opportunities to make or save money in the last six weeks, which you must use. Maybe you saw them but ignored them.Your issues with your opponent will end when Venus goes direct in Leo. Read the article on ‘Venus Retrograde in Leo’ (hit Search) for details.

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