Your Aquarius Side and Friendships to 2023
If you have a stellium in Aquarius (more than three factors in that zodiac sign) then your Eleventh House of friendships and groups is unusually packed. What happens to those friendships when Saturn, Jupiter and then Pluto all pass through Aquarius? Have friends been lost, or has the friendship changed? That’s typical of this long cycle.
45 Responses
I don’t have Premium membership – but wish I could afford it – just to read this. Your insights are FASCINATING – I love it !!!
Stay safe.
Thank you Zappy.
Hi Jessica
I think many, like myself will breathe a genuine sigh of relief once Trump (and his dynasty) have left the office.
I refer to this sentence you wrote: “Then we have Uranus in Taurus (the economic revolution) which will replace greed and planet destruction, through 2026”.
My question is how I then personally use this for financial freedom, I would guess the share market would look very different and so on, and maybe we would invest in renewable energy or something like co-ops – anything that is collective good, and not just blatant individual greed.
Shaolee, the release of energy after leadership changes at the White House will be quite remarkable in America as the frustration of Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn (since Christmas 2017) is finished and in its place, comes the generation nobody took seriously – aged 20-25 they are in a hurry for change. You really need to think about today’s teenagers in particular because they are tomorrow’s consumers, quite obviously, and they will drive the sharemarket. They are the Aquarius generation. Have a look at the feature I posted on Millennials. They do not want, what their parents wanted. They want a fair planet for everybody and that means an end to the climate emergency. So – electric cars, solar energy, electric bicycles, old-fashioned bicycles, shared electric cars, new-style trains, new-style buses, new-style coaches – and a dozen other things that will not be invented until 2026, actually. And above all we are talking trees, plants, flowers, herbs. Green tower conversions, where abandoned office blocks and high-rise apartments become living greenhouses to supply local areas with food, are the future. Have a look at what Paris and Milan are doing.
Wow, Jessica. I have been sitting mulling on this since reading it and it has given me major food for thought. I too think this is a perfect storm and the Mercury retro was worrying me too. Mainly due to the delays in the voting as you say and the fact that if SCROTUS is still in the Oval Office, he may use this as an excuse not to leave causing a major constitutional/international crisis. I hope not. However, my question is do you think certain states may secede the union and the US break up like the Soviet Union did? There’s a strange vibe out there which I watch due to having friends in places like Texas. They used to be Trump supporters but no more. But the zeitgeist is very much taking your guns (of which they have arsenals) and withdrawing to your property and shooting anyone who comes in and tries to tell you what to be doing. Lone Star State thinking – the Wild West but I am wondering if Lone Star actually could mean going it alone? Then we have the insanity taking place in Idaho. Plus by contrast states like California, Oregon and Washington and also New York. More liberal thinking and rich in resources. Is this the end of the US as we know it? Or rather knew it? Just curious. If so we would be the first people to witness the fall of an Empire in the age of mass media. Watching Rome burn on Twitter. May you live in interesting times as the Chinese curse goes!
Yes, eventually America will be based on states, not the whole country. That is coming from 2026, though it is trialled in 2021. Guns are going to go, long-term, so the Texans can pack heat as much as they want (I remember my holiday in Austin never felt particularly normal!) but they are going nowhere fast. In general, the teenagers today become the voters tomorrow and they do not want guns. The state issue will really be based on airport and port control, and of course the temptation of striking bridge/bubble deals with particular regions. We are seeing this in Australia, which is most interesting. The Prime Minister is being ignored by the Premiers. This is rather like Washington telling New York to open her borders, and NYC shutting JFK and Newark down, in defiance. This local power is on the rise and once Uranus goes into Gemini, the sign ruling the neighbourhood, short-haul travel, public transport from 2026, we go past the 2030’s with a completely different, local-based way of thinking. It’s strongly, strongly hinted at now through 2022 because of course the North Node is in Gemini.
Dear Jessica,
I work at a place that is deeply affected by the ongoing political gyrations. It’s been unbelievably confusing and difficult just to hold on to hope. I very much feel an impending cross roads is approaching for me career wise. I could go back to my old job or stay in my current assignment. Either option has a marriage/mortgage type consequence. Do you see anything in my forecast that could help me decide? I’m eagerly awaiting the end of Capricorn age. Thank you.
You’re fine. There is a solution in November which will sort everything out, once and for all, with work. At the moment you are dealing with a really bad system, in the company, corporation or business. They don’t pay enough attention to individual staff or colleagues and they have tried to do everything cheaply by hiring young (but not particularly good) staff who don’t do the work and don’t really know what they are doing! This is boring for you, but you already have a little plan tucked away. In fact you have several plans. This gets better, not worse, and by Christmas you sign off from the problem. Be true to your vision, forget these temporary obstacles. Be passionate about what is ultimately your best bet, or first and second best bet, in terms of 2021 achievements.
Hi. I got as far as this: First up, I already predicted Donald Trump would go down in October 2020. That forecast was posted on January 6th 2020 here. Did you see it? He’s not going to be the 2021 President. That does not stop you from voting. But he’ll go down. He may be arrested, resign or leave the planet, but the United States of America chart clearly shows departure.
then it said to sign in to read more. I signed in but there is no more.
Thank you.
Premium Members go over the paywall on my website, but it sounds as if you’ve managed to sort out your subscription and now you can read the entire story. It feels rather bold to have predicted Donald will go down in October, but the American chart is so trustworthy. (The right chart; set for January not the 4th of July). Common-sense will also tell you, naturally, that those photographs of Ghislaine Maxwell with Donald over the years were quite deliberately set up by others as part of a long-term campaign to accumulate evidence. Think about it. When you look at your party photographs, how often are you captured with the exact same person unless she/he is in your family or marriage? I am amazed that he walked into that bear trap, but perhaps it’s his karma for caring so little about the bears.
sorry for my comment – turns out my subscription had expired. I remedied that and can see all the truncated posts I thought were strange (only a sentence or two) 🙂
Please don’t apologise, no need. Thank you for subscribing to this website.
Trusting you! For the love of everything that is good…
What an amazing piece.
When you talk about the partnerships does this mean there will also be a partnership of break ups or marriages filtering through all of us? I am interested to see how the economy is affected especially in oxford where we live and own properties. It’s got to the point where even though we have financial equity, in order to help the children buy their own properties is crazy hard in Oxford! We’ve all been wondering for some time in this city how long can this carry on for. I don’t want to lose our hard earned wealth but equally I wonder about the children and how they will barely be able to get on the property ladder.
Thank you. Yes, the Libra and Scorpio weather will hit a great many rocky marriages or common-law marriages. Uranus at 9 Taurus will oppose anything at 9 Scorpio in the Eighth House (sex and money) of so many couples dealing with marriage and mortgage realities. Of course if the marriage is good and founded on more things than bed and cash, it will be fine – though tested. You are in Oxford and want to help your children buy a flat. The key is Oxford, as a smaller part of the country. The focus in 2021 is on the local area and not the nation, and you will see Oxford separate herself, through her council, and local government, from what London is doing (or not doing). This affects house and flat prices. We are in a Node cycle which is about local versus national, and local versus global. So your question is really about what Oxford leadership will achieve for that area and also your county. This goes down to the smallest things like bus services (because a bus can carry a super-spreader) and the way the city responds to the new world. If you are serious about giving your children money to buy a new home, you will track this new property market that is emerging in 2021, 2022 with the North Node in Gemini (local, not global) because places you never even considered before, may start to look like good investments. You also need to wait for Britain to leave the European Union, because that is essentially what all this is about. Have a look at land as well. And tiny houses. All of that. Uranus is in Taurus until 2026 and the old property and banking world is receding fast.
I am a big fan of AOC. Do you have accurate birth info for her because i sense big things for her, i think she has massive potential and am curious what the shift to Aquarius will bring her as far as her political career goes.
AOC will rise and rise in American and world politics from 2023 if she can avoid burning out. Kamala Harris could easy be the next President.
Sooooo happy thinking that thought!
You are an international treasure. Thanks as always for your insights. X
That’s my compliment of the year, thank you!
Many thanks but I see this differently – Pelosi and Biden surely represent the old US traditional political system – whereas the Donald (ex Democrat and really an independent) will remain US President, with a surprising – to some – re-election, just like Reagan managed. AOC’s and others time may come, perhaps as leader of the Dems in the House. Appreciated.
Thank you for your polite and thoughtful response. Food for thought. Unfortunately Jeffrey Epstein may have other opinions.
Hi Jessica, Why is the marriage of Bill and Hilary important in this scenario?
We have a chart for the wedding and Mr. Clinton certainly has a verified chart (Mrs. Clinton does not, but we can bypass that). What we have here is the end game for a very long and drawn-out cover up across all those years of Leo eclipses. Ghislaine Maxwell will spill the beans to reduce her sentence; the Royal Family will compromise over Prince Andrew; Donald and friends will go down. If you go back onto Search and look up Leo eclipses you will see a long feature where I namechecked Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Donald Trump and Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. At the time I had no idea what the connection was!
Hi Jessica,
I too have been waiting longingly for the Cap era to be done. I have had so much energy sitting in my 4th House and in the real world, my new house overseas has been under renovation and it’s so close to being done and there was a setback told to me this past week. It’s been anxiety inducing and I’m hoping it doesn’t drain all of my financial resources. This will be my first complete move abroad in my life, leaving the US but not sure if it will be forever. It all feels like it is coming to a head and I can’t say that the political climate here hasnt pushed me in this direction – any thoughts on the path forward that you can see in my chart?
In any event, your analysis is the change we all need.
You may be able to get away with a new life in your new country, while still being able to travel back to America occasionally – but it depends on your timing. I strongly advise against doing that on Mercury Retrograde 28th September to 20th November 2020, because what is written may come unstuck later. The virus is not magically disappearing at Christmas, nor is there a vaccine, so in 2021 you need to time it right in terms of when you move, and where you move. American travel may well be barred in particular countries or become extremely expensive. A better window for your chart is April 2021 with the Sun and Mercury in your solar Ninth House of emigration, along with Venus and Ceres – and trines to the South Node in Sagittarius, in your natal Ninth House of emigration. That is a double whammy in both chart systems. By then, according to astrology, there is new replacement leadership in Washington anyway so perhaps your views will have changed. I completely understand why you want to race into your new house and the renovations are obviously costing you, but at the very least, read the fine print and have Plan B and C if you genuinely intend to move on Mercury Retrograde. One way or another (to quote Debbie Harry) you will be sitting pretty in April 2021. And not where you are at the moment, either.
Thank you for your thoughtful response Jessica! This gives me much to think about. My move is currently scheduled for mid December – after MercRx. And yes, I can see restrictions for most Americans continuing to be a reality in terms of travel . I made a very intuitive and
I think fortunate decision to get official residency in the country of my new home back in 2017. It is the only reason I can actually leave here whenever things are ready, without restriction. Trusting my gut and paying attention to the astrology has been key. Looking forward to April to see what that brings.
Thanks Jessica for this insightful article! I have been reading your articles since college and now I am quite happy to be able to renew the membership again so I can keep accessing these contents. I was an international student studying in the US during the 2016 election, his winning of the presidency and subsequent rise of the nationalist sentiment in the states definitely were part of the reasons why I decided to leave and go back to my home country (China) after graduation in 2018 – yet America has never really slipped away from my life as I kept thinking about the situation on the other side of the pacific almost like some kind of karma. It is not that I am not content with the things at home – movements like BLM and calls for diversity and inclusions just interest me and I always feel the need to be part of something bigger and travelling somewhere far is the way to achieve it. I guess its part of having a Uranus at 0 degrees Aquarius and Pluto at 0 degrees Sagittarius (I also have the Ascendant in Aquarius, and Jupiter in Sagittarius). I have been thinking about relocation to the states (pursuing a master degree perhaps) if America elects a president that is welcoming immigrants – though recent China and US tensions might suggest otherwise but it seems I have difficulties in reconciling with my previous connections with US and feeling to belong to somewhere (I am not a US citizen, but coming to study there at such young age my worldview was shaped by the country), but seeing some of the hateful and anti-immigrant rhetorics in the states also broke my heart, as if it’s no longer the melting pot and land of the free I learned from history book as a kid. If you could see my chart, could you perhaps shed some light into where my life will go in the next couple of years, in terms of countries? Really appreciate it!
You are Sagittarius-Aquarius in extremis, and part of the new world. No wonder you studied in America, after leaving China. You will finally figure out what to do by January 2022, and much of what you feel is past life. You have lived and worked in both America and China several times and that is why it is so difficult to choose. Yet, you will absolutely have to choose, because the future is local, not global. We are moving into Uranus in Gemini from 2026 and we are also seeing a huge push back against Sagittarius in the heavens, and of course you have your Pluto there. So, as I said at the Conscious Cafe recently, you will have to marry your country. You may not be able to get back, when you wish. Sagittarius factors (emigration, travel, globalisation) are being pushed very hard by the opposition from Uranus in Gemini for several years, but also squeezed by planets in Pisces too. Add in an entire generation of people born with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo who are diametrically opposed to those with Sagittarius factors and the way you lived and studied in 2016 just isn’t viable any more. Yet – the new world needs translating. You will see why next year.
Hi Jessica, Wow its heating up! So much information coming out. Im confused about a few things and wonder if you could clarify.
Is Gates and his vaccine linked to this exposure and downfall of the elite, I hope so. And does the B & M G Foundation collapse under the Libra/Scorpio
On a different note, would it be better to hold off remortgaging until after November or squeeze it in before September 23rd retrograde Merc.
Do you see a possibility of better deals coming when Jupiter Saturn enter into Aquarius or do you think there will be more stricter rules and systems set in place. Is it a market whereby the people benefit or are we moving towards regulation, vaccination and tracking with very little option or choice? It all feels a bit sinister and controlling or are we going to be free of this control once Jupiter and Saturn move out of Capricorn? Thanks S
I’ve heard the rumours about Bill Gates all year and nothing in his natal chart suggests a conspiracy behind the virus – from him. The elite collapse because of money laundering, long-term, but short-term it is all about Ghislaine Maxwell. You want to remortgage? Yes, avoid Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio if you can. He opposes Uranus in Taurus, which isn’t exactly what you want. You can also bet your bottom dollar (literally) that there will be cunning plans afoot on both sides of Wall Street and both sides of politics to upset the apple-cart in October. Regarding the science of COVID-19 – update yourself on just that. The scientists and epidemiologists know what they are talking about. The reason you and so many others like you are suspicious about the 2020 pandemic is correct. The elephant in the room is the deliberate use of the virus for nefarious reasons and nobody has even gone there yet. The ultimate upshot of this astrologically is the end of globalisation, the end of constant people movement, and the rise and rise of local. You might want to see the Conscious Cafe event I spoke at, on YouTube.
Three things.
1. Can you give us a link to where this feature is? “you will see a long feature where I namechecked Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Donald Trump and Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. At the time I had no idea what the connection was!”
2. Yesterday in The United States, a boat parade to support Trump in Texas had several boats sink – is this an important milestone in the Trump race?
3. Is it possible for you do a feature on the corona virus, you are soooooo good at laying out dates and it would really be appreciated to see some dates of what happens when.
Stay safe and on behalf of all you do for everyone worldwide who visit this site – know that it is very much appreciated and you are changing and saving lives. Thank you.
Zappy, I have already written about this, rather a long time ago. Do use the Search button, it’s a world of wonder.
Thank you for your excellent work, I am really enjoying your blog posts. Do you see anything concerning Indigenous tribes in the political changes America will be seeing over the next few years? The recent Supreme Court case recognizing tribal land in Oklahoma has be wondering what the long term political effects will be in relation to Indigenous tribes in America.
Thank you. Yes, this is a really good question. The years 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 have gutted native people’s rights, and the pain of the last 3-4 years has really been down to the historic line-up of Saturn, Pluto, the South Node and Jupiter all in Capricorn, all opposing the Cancer (roots, origins, homeland, family, home town, national identity) sector of billions of charts. Black Lives Matter is as much a reflection of that as Donald’s Mexican wall. This situation is now easing up enormously and will be history at Christmas. From that point forward the quadruple attack on Cancer from a Capricorn stellium is finished and only Pluto remains. There will be a corresponding correction with these passionately felt (Cancer is an emotional water sign) issues about land ownership, tribal history, cultural rights and so on. This has to be about a change of leadership in Washington because December is Electoral College, and Christmas is the final departure of Saturn from Capricorn. It makes sense.
Hi Jessica, I am open to Trump not being elected but I do think there are Plutonian and possibly Capricorn energy problems with the Democrats.
While I too wonder if AOC and others like her might have a positive future in politics. Where do people like me fit into the big picture politically? Also, Looking at starting an Airbnb wondering how you think that might play out long term here in the U.S.? I second the comment that you are an international treasure. Thanks very much to you.
The two-party system transforms from 2021, you will be pleased to hear, as we go into Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius (diversity, community, equality) which favours hybrid leadership. From 2023, Pluto goes into Aquarius so that is a game-changer and the old world of Democrat versus Republican is over. People don’t want to have just two choices any more. You have Venus in Aquarius, and that’s all, so you are not really part of the American political or grassroots future. It’s peripheral. You want to start an Air BnB? You may want to watch costs and conditions for 2021 as they will change two or three times by January 2022.
Hello Jessica, many thanks again for this useful post and yes you are a national treasure! From all I have read on your website, global is dead and local is the future. What I am a bit confused about is, does it mean that governments will not be able to eradicate coronavirus with no effective vaccines in sight for years to come? Thank you for your guidance/view on this. Stay safe!
This is really kind, thank you. The issue with epidemics and pandemics, plural, is that it’s not just COVID-19, it is a whole range of existing viruses which have never been cured (AIDS) as well as potential new viruses until 2026. In astrology we always look to Virgo for clues about global health. The problem is, we have billions of people born with Virgo factors in their charts, including everyone born in the Sixties with Uranus and Pluto in that sign. For the next five or six years, these billions will experience Neptune in Pisces opposite their Virgo placements, and squares from transits in Gemini and Sagittarius. Much as I’d love to say there is terrific public health for the next five or six years, as an astrologer you have to be honest. The other big clue about the failure of vaccines for COVID-19 (which is constantly mutating) and also the rise of other viruses – is Generation Sagittarius being blocked and stopped. This is another huge population, in the billions, of people born with Uranus, Neptune or Pluto in Sagittarius (travel, tourism, emigration, globalisation) who are now walking around with squares from Neptune in Pisces, oppositions from the North Node in Gemini, and the ‘human’ counterpoint of Generation Virgo. Generation Virgo wants to be healthy. Generation Sagittarius wants to keep flying. In this pitched battle between the mutable signs, which runs until 2026, at least, we are going to see the Sagittarian types come last. Logic says, that happens for a reason – and that is going to be epidemic and pandemic spread. Without the exact date, time and place for the origins of COVID-19 it is impossible to say if this is the core problem, or if another one takes its place. But, in general, this world is going local, avoiding global and doing so, because of public health. A vast amount of time and money has been spent on seeking a cure for HIV-AIDS since the 1980’s and here we are. No cure. No vaccine. This year another $100 million attempt failed. We have to be realists. Even if governments manage to get in synch globally and eradicate COVID-19 (assuming there is a miracle and we test and approve and fund a vaccine) we still have the problem of other contagions. Think local.
Oh, Jessica. I have loved you from the beginning of my journey, and YOU ROCK with this piece!!!! I, among the majority of Americans, am tired, spent and never dreamed this could happen to America. You have been my guiding light throughout this darkness, and millions of us are more than ready to BREATHE again!! Thank you for your amazing insights, ALWAYS ❤
Thank you. It has been an exhausting period for people who are weighed down by Pluto, Saturn and the South Node in Capricorn. It began in December 2017 and was relentless in 2018 and 2019. Even in 2020, Americans are still dealing with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, which is an overload of big business, and big government. Next year is so radically different you will be stunned. When you say BREATHE you are actually intuitively talking about the astrology. We move into air signs. Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, one of the three air signs. Jupiter will trine the North Node in Gemini next year, another air sign. The atmosphere will actually be different, not only in terms of pollution and carbon emissions (going down) but also in terms of the mood. It’s lighter. Airier. The heaviness goes.
Hi Jessica,
With Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passing today, I am even more worried about the United States. Yes, our president may not get re-elected but with this he is going to leave what I fear will be an irreparable legacy. How can we get through it and what are the chances that the choosing of a new Court Justice will not happen until the after the election and by our next president. Thanks I appreciate any insight.
Yes, the whole world is mourning her passing. The next six months will be the transition period for the nation to become used to her death, but also the death of so much else. This is really the end of an era for so many people, organisations, institutions and places in the United States. Ruth’s passing is just part of the story. It’s dramatic. The hope is there. The optimism is there. There can and will be a new beginning, very similar to the ‘rising from the ashes’ of 9/11 when the entire nation was reborn. New York in particular will be reborn after tremendous grief. We are going to see, sadly, death come to call in America as COVID-19 rolls on. I think it’s possible that other powerful leaders may die. What is most important JF is the new beginnings for 2021 and beyond. Once enough time has passed for grief and adjustment – acceptance – there is an incredible future waiting for America. This is a journey. It’s a big journey but it ends with bright, brilliant, stunning possibilities for the future.
With the tax fraud, dementia potential, and laundry list of other accusations is there a possibility of him instigating a military conflict? Similar to the movie “Wag the Dog”. With Armenia and Azerbaijan in the news along with Trumps past history of tension with Iran and North Korea would it be possible that he tries to deflect the attention to something else?… not that he would be successful
Should Donald Trump try to begin a war, it may be the moment that the 25th Amendment is finally brought in – though psychiatrists in America have been trying to do that for months. Astrology does not show specifics, like enforced removal on grounds of impaired mental health, but it shows broad brushstrokes, like a downfall, descent or disappearance. October is that month. It is here.
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