Your Aquarius Side and Friendships to 2023
If you have a stellium in Aquarius (more than three factors in that zodiac sign) then your Eleventh House of friendships and groups is unusually packed. What happens to those friendships when Saturn, Jupiter and then Pluto all pass through Aquarius? Have friends been lost, or has the friendship changed? That’s typical of this long cycle.
32 Responses
YAY!! The post I wait for all year, especially during all this hard yard years (felt like a decade?)…thank you. With my sun at 22 degrees and my birth date i am feeling optimistic. We’ve been toying with moving, I’ve been slowly, carefully building my new business, trying to relax about it all (quite difficult during all this) and basically taking it one inch at a time …but I am so ready for the big leap now…it’s time to really move forward – no more lurching. Sounds like it’s finally coming. Thank you!!
Thank you. Your Sun at 22 Virgo in the Sixth House of work, lifestyle and health is trined by Pluto at 22 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career, success, achievement and ambition in September, October, November. You also hit that amazing period from November 8th to 13th when Jupiter also trines your Sun at 22 and conjuncts Pluto into the bargain. That is a business breakthrough, new contract, or perhaps you will accept a job offer. With any aspect to your natal Sun, it comes back down to how Virgo you are. How brightly you shine in the name of service and duty. What happens above you, among the people at the top, is meant to be and will elevate you. It’s rather like discovering your client has gone up in the world and you go with them. Moving is an interesting proposition and you may go round in circles for a while and find the years 2001 and 1982 play a part in proceedings.
Jessica, thank you for the Virgo Birthday Horoscope.
I’ve often wondered though, as a Sun Leo with Virgo Rising, which Birthday Horoscope is more relevant to me? Certainly as I go about my week/month I tend to lean in to the Virgo horoscopes and find them much more relevant/relatable.
I also wonder this same thing when I have purchased your Annual Report…I’ve always purchased the Leo report but I wonder if it would be better next year for me to purchase the Virgo report; or both?
If you could enlighten me I’d be grateful!
Always read the Sun Leo horoscope. The Sun, Moon and Venus in Leo make you strongly Leonine and in terms of the cycles you experience, Virgo Rising will have no effect – stick with your Leo report.
Hi Jessica, currently not a premium member as very tight for money at the moment. Being a Virgo with my birthday coming up, I would greatly appreciate what the Virgo 2020-2021 horoscope means for me. D.O.B 16/09/73 In London Hillingdon at 21:57. No problem if you are you unable to, thank you very much and warm regards
Money can be tight for Virgo people in 2020 as you have Mars Retrograde (going backwards, getting stuck) in your finance zone. None of this is your fault, it is just this rather slow and backwards-moving transit, which ends on January 6th 2021. As you are an earth sign, practical, and rather a creature of routine, this year is a stretch. However, you will gradually rethink what work, paid work, study and housework mean to you, and the astrological weather at 23, 24, 25 degrees of Jupiter trines your Sun in November, we could say that was your breakthrough month. You could easily excel in a project then, get a new job, gain promotion, be accepted into a prestigious course, win an award and so on. Jupiter in Capricorn in your Tenth House of success makes a stunning pattern with your Virgo Sun in the Sixth House of work, duty and service in November 2020. Further down the track, a circular and never-ending situation involving your family, your apartment or house, or the local area – stops completely in January 2022.
Hi Jessy,Last year wasn’t good for me at all and I can say this bad life started back in 2008.Again I have birthday on the 1st of September.what should I espect? What about the full moon opposit my Sun? My natal Moon is @10 Virgo. Full moon exactly on my birth?? Will this be a good year for me?
You’re strongly Virgo and yes, we have a Full Moon in Pisces opposite the Sun in your Sixth House of health, work, lifestyle, housework, unpaid work, gardening, mental health and fitness. That is a bridge to cross. This will help you make a new beginning on September 17th on the New Moon in Virgo. You may take up a new kind of exercise, for example, or return to something you gave up, because you find out new information or resources which will help you go back to it. You may see a surgeon about important procedures to plan for, and save up for. You could start a new project, course or position around that time. Yet none of this will happen without that bridge to cross.
Sorry,I was born on the 1st of September 1970 in Malindi Kenya
Okey dokey.
Whew – this has felt like such a stagnant year for some of my projects – in particular a new book I want to write – and a property project (slow progress with council permissions). Health wise I think I’m in perimenopause (happy to finally figure that out tho).
Can you see any of these projects shifting forward this year? They feel stuck in mud!
Sure, you’ve come into 2020, where we have an unusually high number of retrograde or stuck/slow/backward cycles. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto are all retrograde. The whole planet is actually being ‘ordered’ to slow down. We have been hurtling forwards too fast, shopping, eating, using up – way too much. So you will be on a go-slow for some time, as this thing is bigger than you are. The gradual slowing down of the world will actually end up being quite nice in the end, if you can appreciate rewrites of a book, or a longer development time with renovations or home improvements. The book will eventually lead you into far more radically exciting projects and plans – it is a stepping stone not a final outcome. You will eventually create with different mediums, media or technology by 2026 and find a wider audience, actually. The property is completely sorted out by January 2022 at the very latest. Your health and possible perimenopause is the absolutely crucial thing in September as we have a lot of factors in Virgo going over the stellium in Virgo in the Sixth House of your chart (body, mind and spirit) so this is the right time to talk to an expert. Rona or no Rona you need to find out what is going on, and this is the time, astrologically.
Hi Jessica, I have followed your site for years and always look forward to this post. I have had quite a year, in fact this time last year I was still living abroad. In the last year I sold my flat in Spain, took a new job here in the UK, bought a new house, lost my mother in lockdown and tried to start a new life back here away from an ex partner in Spain (who I still find difficult to move on from though we ended in 2015). Where to start? I do not think that I got the job right, it is below my level but I took it quickly to get back for my mum. I am not living where I want and I am unsure if I should be in Spain or the UK. I have just come through some really challenging conjunctions regarding my ideas on partnerships, so is it time for some good luck with regard to career, love and feeling at home here in the UK? or is my draw to Spain going to take me back? Thank you if you get around to replying. X
Happy birthday. Thank you. I am so very sorry you lost your mother this year. You did what you had to do, moving back to Britain to be with your mum and you are not in the space you wish to be. You are not sure about either Spain or Britain. You have unfinished business from the past in terms of 2001, 1982 in your home country and with the whole family actually and you can try to get back to Spain but you will find you are fated to spend a good deal of time sorting out the past. This cycle ends in January 2022 when you will be free to figure out permanent residency, either in another part of Britain, or the world. People from the past have obviously turned up in connection with your mother’s funeral, but there will be more of the past coming back to you in 2021 as you settle up, and reckon up. The long look back before the new beginning. You will be offered a better job in 2021 or a better project in the existing job, and do it near perfectly.
Hi Jessica, it’s great to read about upcoming change in the Virgo birthday horoscope; like many fellow Virgos, I’ve been feeling ‘stuck’ and looking forward to some change, on all levels in my life. What do you see in my chart for this coming year and how will the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction affect me? Many thanks for looking into this.
I just wrote a long feature on Virgo planets and depression, actually, which is the most extreme form of being stuck. It all leads back to the same thing, which is the need for the body to fix the spirit and mind, but also the mind to fix the spirit and body. You will be amazed at 2021 when you return to practises (like yoga) you abandoned, or take up something new (like self-hypnosis) which changes your life. You will not be stuck any longer. The circumstances which make this possible appear around Christmas. Talk about a New Year’s resolution! The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in November 2020 occurs at 22 Capricorn in your Tenth House from 8th to 13th November and is sextile your Ceres at 22 Scorpio in the Eighth House. A financial, property, charity or business carve-up is coming your way, because of general trends in America (new leadership) which send a massive ripple effect across every business, company and organisation. You will be dividing money, time or control with others. Try to get a third person in, if it’s all too close or personal. Yet the outcome will empower you.
Hi Jessica, your birthday horoscope is one of the favourite presents this Virgo gets every year! Thank you! I have been in start stop mode for years and even a tiny change means so much so I look forward to this new cycle. Birthday time is always a bit difficult, senses working overtime, as the song says. What do you think, any hope for me this year? Thank you, stay safe!
Thank you so much. Senses Working Overtime (XTC) neatly sums up how Virgo can over-think and over-analyse everything. You are in a terrific position to reshape your lifestyle, workload and daily routine in 2021 with clues at Christmas. Nothing has been easy in 2020, to say the least, but the light at the end of the tunnel appears in December and you could easily take on a new project, role or job for January 2022. Your mental health and physical fitness and wellbeing will be utterly changed for the better next year too, as you’ll say yes to an opportunity you know is meant to be.
Hi Jessica, the past two years have been very difficult ones for me. I resigned and left a well paid job in October 2018 and since then I have sent out more than hundred applications but never succeeded in getting an offer (well I know one reason is that I used to change jobs a lot; the other one was that I was always very nervous during the interviews). Feeling quite hopeless in getting a job, I started an online shop a few months ago, a business which has no relation to the profession I have been in for more than 20 years. Not making money yet but at least I have built up something. This also allows me to take care of my parents during this pandemic seasons. On the other hand, some kind of chronic illness has also been my concern for almost a year. I broke up with an unavailable person more than three years ago and haven’t met any potential man since then.
Could you kindly have a look on my chart and advise on everything? Is starting my business the right choice? When will I see the light?
Thank you!
I am really sorry that you have tried so hard to get a job and got nowhere. Well done on starting your online shop. You also have to look after your parents, who are in a high risk age group for COVID-19 – and you are single (and feeling it) and dealing with chronic illness. There is so much going on here that we have to look for the main story. It is your Sun at 23 Virgo which is being trined by transiting Pluto at 23 Capricorn (control over your job and body), backwards and forwards. This is the forced transformation of your working life, daily routine, health, wellbeing and lifestyle. You also have Saturn at 22 Taurus (hard work with finances) in a trine. So this trine in your chart involving the Sun at 23 Virgo in your Sixth House of work, to Saturn at 22 Taurus in your Second House of money, is forming part of a Grand Trine with transiting Pluto at 22 and 23 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career. Have a look at a feature I posted called Sacred Geometry. Your solution is adding people. Not your parents. New friends or new contacts. You would be pulling those people in through business anyway. This Grand Trine at 22/23 is there until Christmas when it ends. You will be in work in 2021 and thereafter, having completely reshaped everything. September is crucial, actually, and the New Moon at 25 Virgo on 17th September is a big leap. The issues with being single or married are best resolved after you get the financial security. So much depends on what your business is. You don’t say that. The only business interests which thrive from this point forward are environmentally friendly or are more extreme than that – they correct planet damage and stop any more of it. The future is also tutor! If you are not already planning to pick up new skills and knowledge, do that in 2021. It will pay off.
Hi, i just found your site 2 days ago and im already hooked!!! It has everything! I cant wait to become a premium member in 4 days! I am a virgo 9/17/80 born at 12:16 am. The past 2 years have been very hard for me and im hoping this is the time when things start to look up. So happy i found your site!!
You’ll like Premium Membership as you have access to The Astrology Oracle cards and guidebook. You are coming up to your birthday on a New Moon in Virgo, on your Sun, so you will relaunch your lifestyle, workload and daily routine. The 16th, 17th, 18th are very special days when all that you need to do that, will be around you. You may take a new project or job on, commence a new fitness program or way of eating, tackle a health issue properly for the first time. It’s on that level.
Hi Jessica,
Hope this is my year to shine! I have Sun at 23 Virgo.
I am not sure if that has any significance but I also have Saturn and Vesta at 23 Scorpio, Venus at 23 Leo, Juno at 23 Libra, Bacchus at 23 Sagittarius. I feel like I am being pulled into different directions. Like there should be a new beginning but there is a stop or block. Maybe I am missing some key ingredients. How to manage this cycle for growth? Where should I look for solutions based on my birth chart.
I would appreciate any insight you may have.
Many thanks,
It’s your month to shine, Justina, and you’ll get to the end of September having done just that. If you want to make a new beginning in your life, you’ll do that after crossing a couple of bridges and getting to the new destination in the third week. Understanding that you have to enjoy the work you do, rather than just feel as if you are serving others, is the difference. At that point you will make a lifestyle decision about particular projects, roles or goals. The money won’t matter as much as the soul satisfaction. You could easily decide to have your bread and butter (what pays) and your cake (what you simply love in a self-indulgent way). Splitting up the 24 hours in every day, and figuring out the 7 days of every week, is what your new ideas near the end of September are all about.
Jessica thank you very much for your advice!
Regarding my business it’s an online shop selling crystal /semi-precious gemstone accessories (goods which never expire :D). On the other hand, I have just started to take an online course about organic skincare but there’s still a long way to go for a business. I have also been learning different types of Reiki, and probably singing bowls in future when I have the space and money for investing in the bowls….again will need a lot of efforts to become a teacher or something.
You are pursuing some really fascinating and useful areas of very ancient wisdom there, and may end up combining two or three together. The Reiki and Singing Bowls, and crystals, in combination could help you break through. Do you know your spirit guide? That’s the key here. Spirit guides in general are closer now, because people are in such great need of healing for mental health issues like anxiety and depression, but also the obvious issue of Rona. Knowing your guide/s quite well will really help you figure out how to monetise what you do.
Hello Jessica – hope you have been keeping well during these extraordinary times. On a funny note – I am definitely a ‘virgo maiden’, made me laugh out loud to read her traditional definition and boy, do your words ring true on the battle with bringing about my children’s animation, interestingly it’s not the ‘pitching’ – its just as you say – the energy/self belief to keep going, to find another pathway. With my Sun 7 Virgo – does this portend to a breakthrough (I’ve recently picked up the gauntlet yet again 😉 – even I know the Gods must favour me at some stage! Stay safe, Elizabeth.
Thank you. I am very lucky to be in Tasmania, with zero new cases for several weeks. In fact we have virtually eradicated the virus and are powering a local economy – one of the first places in the world to pioneer that. Elizabeth, your chart is strongly Virgo-Pisces with Neptune slowly moving across 19-29 degrees and triggering your chart repeatedly until 2026. So you have five or six years of exploring the impact your unconscious mind, astral body, chakra system and aura has on your physical and mental health. Pisces rules the Twelfth House of your chart, which in turn rules the iceberg below the surface. That part of you which dreams, astral travels, survives physical death, taps into all time and space, and programs the rest of you, without you ever knowing about it. As you work with children’s animation you will regularly use your Twelfth House/Pisces self and so that Neptune transit is worth tracking. What you call inspiration may be channelling, for example. I am not sure how well-versed you are in these matters but with Neptune in your life like this, you may want to find out. Hypnosis, mediumship, dream interpretation, meditation, astral travel and the like, are never taught in school, so now is your time to learn (more).
Hi Jessica – I’m new to this page so apologies for the late comment. I have the Sun (22 deg) Moon (26 deg) , Mars (12 deg) and Venus (27 deg) in Virgo so a whole lot of Virgo going on! North & South Node sit at 21 Sagittarius and Gemini with Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto in Leo (all my planets seem to be staying together!) Anything you can shed a light on regarding 2021 would be fantastic (particularly in the health area – both personal health and as a career). Lucky you in beautiful Tassie. Keep safe. Kat
No need to apologise, Kat. You are strongly Virgo and ‘live’ in your Sixth House, so your own health, both mental health and physical wellbeing, has a huge impact on how hard you work, how well you work, and for how long. Your body is the barometer of how your soul feels about working for others, performing your duty and supplying a service. Always listen to your mind, body and spirit as a three-way orchestra because they are never wrong. The Virgo stellium is most important because first of all we have a New Moon on 17th September which will relaunch your unpaid, paid or (house) work in a new direction. At the same time you will relaunch the way you eat, drink, sleep, exercise, look after your health and so on. Jupiter in Capricorn forms a series of trines to your Sun, Moon, Venus in Virgo in the final quarter of 2020 so the stage is set for not just a new work direction, but a new career direction, with luck on your side. Right time and right place, right people, just about sums it up, as you will see by Christmas.
Dear Jessica.
I’ve posted my question but no luck so far. This time hope it will catch your eye. I am sun virgo but Mercury and Mars are close to jupiter and pluto conjunction degree. Mercury at 19 degree in Virgo and Mars 21 degree in Virgo.
Could you tell me what this year brings to me, looking at my chart, please?
I have sold my property in June which went well, consindering pandemic situation. now I ( husband and I) have to purchase one. We live in small but good city, rather countryside in UK. For many reasons we are waiting until next year to purchase a house where we are renting now.
It is incredible time frame you give regarding child care. It took a while to have a child in 2018 and we found child care is so tough job. (Almost every mothers who has boy says it has been hard, though!)
your reply will be nice birthday gift : )
Best regards,
I am at my desk on Sunday lunchtime to look at your question. Thanks for letting me know about the child care. And happy birthday. You want to know about the next 12 months? Essentially the very difficult situation you have been through in 2018 is now ancient history and although you are still not yet anywhere near an easy life in this department, you keep making breakthroughs all the time. There will be another breakthrough in November and once you are celebrating the arrival of Father Christmas with your child, you will be aware that 2021 is going to be completely different without constantly having to work so hard, and wait so long, for the most basic kinds of outcomes as a parent, or with child care, for example. Next year is about your paid work, housework and unpaid work, depending on how you mix them up, and you have some small clues here about how things might proceed. You still have some problems to iron out, but the atmosphere in 2021 is so different, and the situation of others so completely altered, that you will be in a really good position to get what you want and see some really stunning results, actually. In fact, February 2021 looks like a delivery. A reward.
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