Your Aquarius Side and Friendships to 2023
If you have a stellium in Aquarius (more than three factors in that zodiac sign) then your Eleventh House of friendships and groups is unusually packed. What happens to those friendships when Saturn, Jupiter and then Pluto all pass through Aquarius? Have friends been lost, or has the friendship changed? That’s typical of this long cycle.
34 Responses
Wow what a year ahead ! 2019 was turned upside down by the effect of Uranus. I left my husband and everything we had together to start over. I have changed my career path and am starting new projects this fall. When I read about relocation I was a little scared because I relocated 20 years ago to France (from Canada). As you say, relocation changes everything in your life, the way you love, everyday habits etc…Afters years of wondering if I should go back, I decided to stay in France. But since the Covid issue, the fact that I can’t go visit my family when I want…the issue arises again ! Is there anything more precise in my chart about this ? Happy Birthday from one leo to another.
Thank you and happy birthday. One thing that the astrology is really clear about is the Mutable Sign Cycles to 2040. So we will be living with COVID-19 (mutating) and even if we do find a way to treat it, vaccinate against it or even get rid of it – there would be other epidemics travelling fast over the next 20 years. The problem is travel. Cheap flights and open borders have made it too easy for huge numbers of people to travel into big cities and create high-density, high-rise apartment living. This is the same cycle as 1665/1666 when The Plague hit an overcrowded London. This is all part of the Gemini-Sagittarius-Virgo-Pisces pressure now hitting those born with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo (public health) and Uranus, Neptune or Pluto in Sagittarius (tourism and immigration). As you want to know how your chances are about flying between Canada and France are, over the next few years, I have to tell you the astrology is moving powerfully against your old way of life. We are going to see airline and cruise collapse, which will drive up the cost of flights. You are also going to see new quarantine, border, residency and visa regulations. One look at the WHO statistics and you can see how the pandemic has spiralled upwards. It’s not going away it’s getting bigger. The mutable weather is pro local, anti global. It is also about a mutating virus (literally, mutable) and constantly changing conditions from one country to the next, from one year to the next. So you have to be an absolute realist about the likely expense of flying, but also the measures taken by (say) France in relation to Canada or the stops in between. We’ve seen this cycle with AIDS in the Eighties, the aforementioned plague in London in 1665/1666 and also The Black Death in the 1300’s. It was definitely there for the Spanish Flu in 1919. Trust me, I also used to love travelling between two hemispheres, but I’m afraid I have to bow to the astrology.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for your writing. I loved reading all of them, it is so detailed and give us insights on how to navigate our life, especially during these difficult times. Like most people, I was feeling hopeless. However, I found your twitter account with a blog link which resonated with me, and I am now your loyal follower. Thank you for your dedication and hard work, I really appreciate it.
As a Leo Sun, Capricorn Moon and Gemini Rising, for the past 4 years my career has been very volatile. I lost my job on May 2020 due to the COVID19 situation (I work as Marketing in Travel/Technology industry) and I currently find myself very confused with my future. I read your 2019/2020 Leo Birthday Horoscope and found your prediction to true, especially this paragraph : “The GREAT CAREER RESET – The more aware you are of what you need, why you need it and how to obtain it – the less chance that this cycle will pull the rug from under you. Uranus has a reputation for bringing shocks (you are suddenly sacked, or your company shuts down) but these tend to happen if you are seriously out of touch with your need to be your own person.” (Note: I wished I had read this before 2020).
In your 2020/2021 Leo Birthday Prediction, you mentioned the following passage :
1. Chiron Mars in Aries – For 6 months
Both in the current transit and in my personal birth chart, the South Node is in my 9th House (Sagittarius). It relates to events 19 years ago (in 2001/2002) – how will I know which life events is connected?
2. Ceres in Aries in 2021 – Ceres in Aries (1st House), Centaur in Sagittarius (9th House)
From 22 Feb 2021 – 8th May 2021 : Ceres, Sun, Mercury, a New Moon and Venus in Aries (1st House)
I see that you continuously mention about foreign travel, foreign people in my 9th House (Sagittarius). How can I capitalize this opportunity and engage with with these people/teachers during the pandemic?
3. Leo until 2021 : Life as an education (9th House activities)
Referring back to question 1. Can I find a decent job to support my family as money is quite tight? I am in management. It has been very tough. I have a good reputation in the tech industry, however there is no vacancy available that suits my expertise. Does this mean that I will not be able to find a decent job in the coming months? I am worried about my finances. Should I change industry?
4. Uranus in Taurus (2nd House)
Uranus is the planet of rebellion and it has created havoc in my life. How do I utilize its power to find direction in my life? Can I start a business – I am still searching for what type of business though.
5. Mars in my Birth Chart – is it in 12th House or 1st House? I am still catching up on astrology.
I do hope you can answer my questions above. I now believe astrology is about awareness and I plan to educate myself better. Thank you for your time Jessica, stay safe and healthy. God Bless You.
Regards, Ika
Ika, I am glad you feel better and thank you for following me on Twitter. I understand why you are worried about your money and job situation. You are still getting over the shock of your situation and it does take a little time. However, there is nothing wrong in starting again in August 2020. In fact, very close to Wednesday August 19th on the New Moon in Leo (give or take a day or two) you’re in a good position to relaunch. Update your Curriculum Vitae and online photograph then and remove anything online that pigeonholes you professionally or does you no favours. “Feel the fear and do it anyway” is good advice for that time. The New Moon at 26 Leo is in quincunx to Saturn at 26 Capricorn in your Sixth House of work. We also have Mercury at 26 Leo, so this is about speaking your truth, selling yourself, and being who you are. The North Node and South Node are also very close to 26 degrees, in zones of your chart relating to self-education, formal education and new skills – as well as teaching and instruction. Do not panic about the future. Things get better in slow stages and one week before Christmas you will feel a load taken off. Your partner will help you a great deal in 2021 Ika and you may acquire a professional partner in a duet. Long-term your career direction will add to, or replace, what you had. It will be far more exhilarating, exciting and liberating than anything you have known before. The dark and heavy days will have gone. Financially you will create two worlds for yourself. The real world where you budget. And the unreal world where things are not what others experience – a kind of bubble actually. It’s a nice bubble to be in and will help you escape from the budget side of your life. A concrete example from my files is the man who was broke, following a bad employer going to the wall. He was offered a house at a very low rent by an old friend, and then given everything he needed by another friend, who was overseas and wanted to save on storage. That bubble was the protection; the budget was the rest of his life until he found new work. See what you can do to reinvent yourself and your work through 2026. August is part of it and you will never look back.
dear Jessica, in the next year, how is my business going? better or worse? will i have the chance to change my professional direction or area? when is the turning point of my business? and how is my romantic life? could i become the one i ever expected and now expect?
Blimey, just a few questions, then. You haven’t logged in, so I cannot see your chart. However, if you have the Sun in Leo then there are two main messages. The first one is that the most difficult cycle in 248 years, which began in 2008, and has affected your work and your health, is slowly drawing to a close. This is the notorious Saturn, Pluto and South Node in Capricorn cycle. Well, the South Node left in May. Saturn is on the way out (he has gone by Christmas 2020) and Pluto is the last man standing. Add to this that you also have Uranus (liberation, radical change, freedom, independence) in Taurus (success, career, professional achievement) and you can see what is going on. This is a total reshape of your paid and unpaid work and you are now free of what/who held you back for such a long time. This includes your own health, fitness or mental health concerns which have dogged you, for years. They are also on the way out. As for love, also at Christmas, when Jupiter changes signs, you will see the start of the biggest and best opportunities in 12 years to resolve things with a former partner, find a new partner, or go to the next level with a current partner – with a baby, new business, new home or similar. If you are in a bad marriage, or in a partnership on the rocks, you will resolve it with counselling, or have an amicable separation or divorce by Christmas 2021 – possibly finding a new lover.
Hello Jessica
Thank you for another year of the Leo Birthday Horoscope.
I’d be really interested in how you see the sexuality and sensuality story & the emphasis on my Fifth House and Seventh House unfolding over the next 12 months.
There is a man I hope to have a relationship with but we are stuck somewhere between lovers and just friends.
Thank you
You will find the Full Moon in August and the one approaching Saint Valentine’s Day are decisive for this. A conversation needs to be had, perhaps with the same person both times – or him now, and someone else later on! The polarity between Aquarius and Leo in your chart, the Eleventh House and Fifth House, is often about ‘What would my friends think?” or ‘What would his friends say”. And of course it is about the difference between having a man as a friend (which can be previous and last a lifetime) or as a lover (which can be riskier as the chance of separation is always there). As this is so intensely personal you may find your Astrology Oracle cards give you insights tailored to you.
Hi Jessica,
I am currently writing a novel and am looking to get it published. When would be the best time for me to send it off to publishers which would give me the best chance of being successful and being offered a publishing contract?
Your chances are highest in 2020, 2021 and up until January 2022. Don’t write off other forms of writing (so to speak) as the whole industry is expanding and diversifying by 2022. For example – serial podcasts or radio scripts. Having what you are creating, referenced on a regular website or blog, or adapted, is also wise. You are in Gemini-Sagittarius weather, Third House and Ninth House, so until January 2022 that is really about being as flexible as possible when it comes to the many different ways to sell the same idea. You also have Chiron in your First House of image and will need to sell yourself.
Hi Jessica
do you see anything positive happening for me for 2020/2021? anything at all.
thank you, M
See the other reply.
Hi Jessica,
as always thank you so much for sharing your insights. Although I feel wired at all the world-expanding, learning, traveling goodies you write about and they make my Sag Moon sing and itch to get going, life seems to be having other plans, constantly stuffing me back into the box I am trying to get out of. So I am wondering: Why are things still stubbornly stuck and I am still running the same circles I have been running for years? This relates mainly to my professional life, although my living situtation is just as bleak . This is also a transit to my MC/IC, Chiron and Uranus (all conjunct within 3 degrees, Uranus rx transiting MC/IC & Chiron), so shouldn’t things be happening? I work in the media industry where travel/moving is quite normal, yet it hasn’t really happened for me for years – even before Corona – and everything 10th/4th house is completely quiet. Just this week the biggest opportunity since 2018 went up in smoke and I am facing another round of same-old-same-old. Do you see any movement in my horoscope or any reason why things are not moving? I would be so grateful for your thoughts on this, as it is driving me nuts.
Thank you!
It’s a pleasure. If you are stuck professionally or at home you can blame the Cancer-Capricorn cycles of time, which began in December 2017. You will find things improve in stages, with a big leap after you pass August, then another one in November, and the final one in December 2020, when at last Saturn leaves Capricorn. I am sorry an opportunity went up in smoke for you, though I suspect it will have a good offshoot outcome through two or three degrees of separation or distance – wait and see. You’ll do really well in November with work as a result of the effort you put in during August. Your living situation will also ease up dramatically for 2021. The difference between next year and this year is amazing but don’t let that stop you from setting up things now. You will be in a totally different professional space, and perpetually excited by it, sooner than you think.
Hi Jessica
Happy birthday to a fellow Leo!
I wanted to check in re my career and finances – I have followed your previous advice and started meditating, I also started seeing a therapist and have been life sweeping away & going for accupuncture – and am glad to say am gradually getting to a much better space mentally – old toxic boyfriend swept away, more at peace with corona and my life – look back and shudder at the state I was in just 3 months ago!
As you had Adviced – having done that and trying to focus on sorting job, career – something interesting did come through early July which I would certainly want – the consultant however has not responded back thereafter.
Can you give me a sense on career and finance for my coming birthday year, I do as you had rightly said earlier, need to set this piece in order before focusing on love. I specialise in hotel real estate / transactions – while the industry is in terrible shape – I am hoping jobs will come through given distressed owners and deals. Alternatively, would my charts suggest I start a small business or branch into another field of study further?
Seperately, time and again I keep getting this yearning that I need to move to England ( strange since I have lived in the US and Switzerland but never UK) – there is no route currently to live there – do you see me having a chance to move countries this year or in the near future ? I would very much want to…
Have a great year ahead, wishing this year brings you everything you want and require !
Thanks in advance as always for your advice
Thank you. I am glad the astrology worked and really pleased to know you are out of trouble. A new angle on hotels is a good idea. In fact that entire industry will transform over many years, so you will play your part. Distressed owners and deal-making will indeed be part of what you end up doing. You will not move to England unless there is a job there for you, but you will find out about that more in 2021. The end of Britain’s relationship with the European Union means a huge change in visa and passport rules to come, on this Gemini-Sagittarius Node transit. Hotels turned over to quarantine will of course only survive so far, because by its nature, quarantine has to be a limited number business, as airlines and ferry and cruise companies will collapse. Fewer people in transit, the deterrent of paid quarantine anyway (nobody wants to be in a room for two weeks paying for it) and so on. All this is classic Gemini-Sagittarius stuff. What happens to hotels in future may well be conversion. So, renovation and restructure to suit a different market. The future is local not global so you may well find yourself playing a part in that new industry. As particular regions drive the virus down into zero or very low numbers, the entire hotel trade may swivel to meet local ‘tourists’. Holidays at home. You don’t say what you do, but if you are all about transformation, then this is what could offer you the most. You will also definitely retrain, add skills and acquire on-the-job education which helps you into another very different role if you want it. This would be over the short-term but you may find that what you move into, becomes a calling.
Hi Jessica,
I am interested in the new moon this month, I am a Leo born at 28 degrees and see that the late Augist new moon is happening near to those degrees, would this have any affect on me?
Thank you
The New Moon in Leo begins on Wednesday 19th August 2020 as the Sun at 26 Leo aligns with the Moon at 26 Leo. This isn’t quite on your Sun at 28 Leo, but it does perfectly square your Uranus at 26 Scorpio. So a new beginning in your world makes you think more about your money, house, apartment, possessions, business or charity. Especially in relation to former, current or potential partners. Family members, too. It will shed light on a pattern that repeats in your world, which you need to be aware of, where you are the catalyst for radical change, upheaval and revolution – in your own budget, actually. Think about the year 2025. You would be amazed at how often people are named in wills or legacies, or superannuation/pension fine print, and the key year always turns out to be around five years into the future. So that’s what is going on. Look at where light is shed, by whom, why and where – near that New Moon.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you so much for your detailed and informative Leo horoscope. I also lap up whatever you have to say in your monthly newsletters (the coming changes to the travel industry sound really intriguing and exciting!)
You’ve been talking a lot about the Gemini/Sagittarius nodal axis and I wonder if you would be so kind as to give me some pointers with regards to my chart especially as I have a reverse nodal return in my 1st and 7th houses coming up in 2021. I have recently separated from my husband and am alone (but not feeling lonely) for the first time in my life and feeling like I function better by myself than within a partnership – is this my north node calling or is my mission to find the balance between compromising in a partnership and being independent?
Thanks Jessica, best regards and take care.
Thank you very much. Your separation is not so much your Gemini-Sagittarius chart pattern, as the ton of Leo factors you have. They are all in your Fifth House of children, godchildren, stepchildren, past pregnancies (which may, or may not, have come to term) and how you relate to the next generation. This is the J.K. Rowling and Beatrix Potter signature. Rowling famously became a single parent, then a substitute parent to Harry Potter fans, then a parent again. Potter adopted her husband’s nieces and nephews as her own, but also ‘adopted’ fans of Peter Rabbit. For generations! So your mission statement is about younger people through 2020, 2021 in particular – then from 2023 on it’s life changing. You will be very tempted by someone who is a Dad or wants to be. It will be complicated, rewarding, fulfilling and very hard work. Just be so, so aware that you are not loving the father but also his child. And you can always say ‘No’ of course – it’s just a crossroads choice. You may prefer to stay single and child-free.
Hi Jessica
Thank you for the birthday horoscope. I enjoy your site daily and it helps to guide me.
2019 was life changing in that my husband and I of 32 years seperated and am now divorced. Can I ask how my chart looks for future relationship? I have feelings for someone but am unsure how it will all go.
Thanks again
Sure. I am so sorry that you are still having to adapt and adjust to life without your marriage and your former husband. You will fix things with him in 2021 and it starts just before Christmas. You two will balance the scales so you leave things in the best possible place with each other. You will actually run two relationships if you want them. One with him (beyond 2023) and one with another fellow. Not rocking the boat and keeping your see-saw centred will take a lot of thought and time, but you are quite content about that. He obviously needs therapists, to help with his therapists, but not sure he can do that! I am being shown a prawn or shrimp clairvoyantly. I have to pass these things on!
I love your website and think you are very talented. It’s my birthday today, 8th August, and would love to hear from you if you had time to look at my birth chart. You are right with the possibility with relocating as I will be setting up a home in Perth after not living in Australia for almost 20 years. I hope in the next few years opportunities arise for our little family of 3 to move to the UK (My son was born there Nov 2016). I have just started an online course so 9th house factors as mentioned above are strong for me. Would love to hear from you if you have the time 🙂
Happy Birthday. I am not sure if this is the course, or just a bright idea, but it needs to be planted in the right place. This would mean moving the concept, not yourself, although you may later emigrate to follow it – if it works out. Striking, big, high-potential ideas look impressive on a computer or on paper, and so do particular university units or degrees. Yet they remain pure potential unless they are planted on terra firma. There is in fact a place that could be just right so keep searching.
Hi Jessica,
Happy Birthday to you too!
Your website and predictions have really helped me so thank you for that.
I’ve been trying to find the answer to my questions in your readings ….
I’ve started a new business at the of July with the hope of making a global impact and reaching a global audience.
I wanted to know if this would be successful.
I have tried something in the past which didn’t end up working out at all and that brings some fear of this not working out as well.
Also my love life doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, I’ve been trying the dating apps but I don’t find anyone who I like and wants to settle down as well. When do you think I would find someone?
My life has been trying to move houses for the past year but it’s been difficult and now with the corona things have slowed down even further. When do you think we would shift?
Thank you so much. It is an interesting year to turn 56 because the backwards cycles of the Nodes means I have just woken up as a university student again in the year 1982. Same city, same situation! You have started a business in July on Mercury Retrograde so this is not going to stick, as it was originally seen and confirmed. There is no need to feel any fear about that; you are just going to reshape this, and reshape it again. You also want a lover and a home. So there is a lot going on. A man who is solid gold is in the picture. He has a lot to offer although he may fall short of your expectations. He will probably be moving to your town as nobody travels any more (or should be travelling). You should meet him halfway. You may decide to be just friends or go into a sexual relationship. That is the biggest story for you. Eventually you go into the Jupiter in Aquarius cycle, from Christmas, into 2021, and that brings an opportunity for growth through a man, not possible in 12 years. The other questions you may want to address using The Astrology Oracle cards and guidebook.
Hi, Jessica. Happy belated birthday to you, fellow Leo.
I’m curious about a few items you reference in the Leo 20-21 horoscope, notably relocation and the second half of 2020 being a defining moment in that regard. I’m also curious about the influence of world travelers, immigrants on Leo’s? Does that profile apply to business or personal partners? Or both? And sensuality, and the pregnant pause in 2021? I’m intrigued.
Thank you. Well, you’re too early at the moment because we don’t have that crucial Sagittarius weather yet (nearer Christmas) but you will confirm a trip for 2021 or a final relocation then. Many Leo women will become pregnant in 2021 as the South Node in Sagittarius forms a perfect angle to the Moon in Leo, their own sign.
Hi Jessica,
I hope you are well!
Could you tell me, is there a chance that I could be a Virgo and not a Leo? I was born Aug 23rd in Australia but I do not know the time. I don’t feel like I can relate to the Leo readings.
Also can you tell me anything about my career? I’m wanting to get back into the workforce after years of bringing up children. In the gap I went back to study but took a different direction, it just feels that anything exciting in this new area is city based – which is a long way from where I live…
I look forward to seeing what you think.
People do sometimes have completely the wrong chart and birth data. It is possible. The Sun is at 29 Leo 44 in your chart which is very, very close to Virgo. Simple proof – are you dealing with major apartment or house questions now, or household/family questions? Moving? Renovating? Going back to the past in some way with all that? If so you are a Virgo. Your career is really about the local area, long-term so look there (even if you think the excitement is in the city). Your local area is going to change enormously in 2020, 2021, 2022 and new opportunities will emerge. You can also add to your skillset and find new paid work that way, perhaps part-time. You have that kind of chart. You are strongly Virgo (across your whole chart) and would be an excellent colleague.
Hi! Jessica,
What can you tell me about the new moon this week? My Sun is at 26 degrees, birthday on the 20th.
Thank you.
Just what you might expect. It’s a new beginning, probably with a younger market or audience, or perhaps a new beginning directly related to a pregnancy or birth. It’s in Leo, so it’s about the heirs to your throne or your young subjects. People often create for teenagers, or find that they are drawn into a far more central role with a younger person. A friend’s Millennial son for example. Without knowing anything about you I have to keep it general.
Fascinating, thank you! I was motivated by 2016 Brexit to relocate back to the British Isles after some years on the Continent and resume working for myself in GB and Irl. To this end I took a master’s and with it this year came great success and now a wholly unexpected academic pathway has opened up for me to go alongside or replace my work through 2024. Any further pointers please?
Congratulations on your MA and the new road in academia. You will find it goes backwards and forwards, because of the university itself, or the people, as Mars retrogrades in Aries until January 6th 2021. This doesn’t mean nothing happens until then; just that life will be stop-start and circular. You will experiment hugely with the idea of learning, exchanging knowledge, teaching, lecturing, studying and Zoom tutoring – for some years, actually. In fact you could publish widely online or in traditional print media by 2026. You would also be tempted by television or radio. The subject you are pursuing will mushroom into other things and new technology and a revolution in academia will carry you along with it. You will never, ever be bored!
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