Your Aquarius Side and Friendships to 2023
If you have a stellium in Aquarius (more than three factors in that zodiac sign) then your Eleventh House of friendships and groups is unusually packed. What happens to those friendships when Saturn, Jupiter and then Pluto all pass through Aquarius? Have friends been lost, or has the friendship changed? That’s typical of this long cycle.
24 Responses
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for the Gemini weather youtube special with yourself, Kyra, and Penny. How generous of all of you to share your knowledge, insights, and wisdom! Also, thanks to your technical team for their skills in connecting us together around the globe! Well done!
I have the sun (05), mercury (26), south node (26), prosperpina (6), panacea (14) all in Gemini. I’ve been blessed with a steady career in health care and academia, and look forward to more adventures in life. Any insights to share?
Kind regards to you and your staff!
Thank you, I will pass this on to Kyra, Penny and to Asporea, and to Alicia for organising us all in Meetups. The Taurus-Scorpio patterns in your chart are actually more important than the Gemini stellium. Obviously the Gemini factors have led you to academia, but the bigger story is the unusual transit of Uranus in Taurus, which has never happened in your lifetime. Uranus will slowly oppose your Scorpio factors in the Eighth House of finance, charity, insurance, banks, and the rest. Uranus will also conjunct your Taurus factors, so we’re again talking about money, cash flow, security, property and philanthropy. Uranus is a wake-up call waiting to happen which changes everything and liberates. It requires a great ability to change one’s ways and to think differently. For you and the people around you, particularly if you have had an interest in health care, there is a real moment of truth here about altering a mindset and embracing abundance. You sometimes see these patterns with people who are wedded to poverty mentality. They do not see, or will not see, that there is money there for them in the shape of a grant, or low-interest loan, and so on. It is also true that people who are the ‘haves’ can get very stuck in their ways and enjoy all the dazzling benefits of having property or possessions (for example) without realising that the real wealth is in giving or donating. Transforming and healing. Uranus will be with you until 2026 and in general, from this point forward, it is about a wake-up call on all sides which alters everything profoundly and corrects a few imbalances.
Hi Jessica
Hope all is great with you and Thank you for all you are doing to guide us through this mad time. This week was due to be a good week for my career however on Monday I was told that my role and thirty others are to be made redundant. I am not in the position long enough to benefit financially. I was wondering if you might have a quick look at my chart for me please as I see Gemini at 29.
Thanks again
Thank you. It is a mad time. Mad World, like the Tears For Fears song. (But we save the planet by 2026). I am very sorry that you have had the shock of being told you are to be made redundant. It is also tough to know that you did not have the job long enough to receive a payout from your employer. You are not alone and millions are going through exactly the same situation. Let’s look at what is going on, Aine. This is part of a long cycle until 2026 which will radically change the way you handle your money. You will be free of debt by 2026 if you set your mind to it, no matter what is going on now. You have a chain of opportunities to expand your success in life, develop your ambitions and walk through open doors, until November this year. One is coming at the end of June. I am very sorry you have lost your role but take it as a paving stone to something bigger and better, no matter if you are going to upskill, take one or two new roles on, or find lateral thinking helps you move on up. Self-control and willpower with work will bring empowerment by November. You may find internet-based activities, plans and projects go backwards and forwards until the end of July but stick with the idea that your computer is the gateway even if the gate is jammed at the start. You have already been given the tools and resources, the reasons and the motivation you need (back in March) to make 2020 a massive career transformation year, and you probably know it. When the time is right, take a deep breath and get stuck into this.
A man who is sympathetic and open, will help you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I couldn’t wait for the Gemini Birthday Horoscope! The past seven years have been insane hard and lonely but I am looking forward to a change and closures. It’s been already looking and feeling better for the past couple of months.
Wishing you all the best and thank you for your amazingly detailed articles. I appreciate you a lot.
Thank you, for your thank you. I am having a cup of tea at my desk this morning and this is lovely to read. Enjoy your amazing connection with a foreign country and its people in 2021. It will change your life from 2023.
Hi Jessica, Thank you for the article. I am a Cancer but I have quite a stellium in Gemini. My Venus is 25 Gemini Retrograde and My Mercury is 29 degrees Gemini, Mars 5 Gemini, MInerva 1 Gemini, Hygeia 18 Gemini, Cupido 16 Gemini and Vulcano 25 Gemini, I am curious how this might play out this week particularly on the 28th of May, would you have time to give me any insight regarding this Gemini season for this Cancer!! Thank you, Kelbo
Kelbo, you are strongly Gemini and have a stellium in the Third House. The language development you had with a brother, sister or cousin when you were growing up was very important to your mental and emotional development too, because even if you cannot remember it, words (with and from your sibling or cousin) shaped the person you became. To this day, no matter if this person is in your life or not, that connection remains and in 2020, 2021, early 2022 you will see why. You will also need to develop the way that you think about your sibling or cousin in new directions so that you evolve and grow. It is possible that this is what comes up for you most of all as May concludes, but if not, it will emerge later. The other story in your life which will show up as May finishes and June begins, is fundamental communication. With or without the internet, your computer, telephone and so on – there is a great need to take what you used to do, and what you used to know, and who you used to be – and move it forward. You will be going ‘back to the future’ to do this and borrowing from the past, certainly the years 2001, 2002 but also further back. Even – back into past lives. Nothing and nobody around you is random now and it will all lead you to new evolution.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for all of the writing you do in these times of uncertainty.
At present, I am lucky enough to be employed on a permanent basis, but as we all know, that could change in a minute for me as well as everyone else. I am not particularly worried – what will be will be. I have not caught the virus, and am being very conscientious in my travel to work, and my contact with people which is minimal. I have been reading up on the Gemini/Sag. nodes which seem on the outset to be aspecting my my chart left, right and center. I walk alone in my life, and have always seen myself as a Gemini that is ‘missing a wheel’ so to speak, as there is not a significant other. Could it perhaps be a situational story, not about a partner?
I would like to know if there are any things I should look out for in the coming year.
Thank you, for your thank you. From now until January 2022 you will have karma to complete with your former or potential partner. It is usually a sexual/romantic partner from the past – or hovering for the future, if you choose that. Sometimes it is a professional partner, or working partner, so we have to allow for that as well. If you think about a set of scales with yourself on one side, and a particular face on the other side, and imagine the scales being tipped your way, and then his/her way, you will come to see how this cycle works. The idea is to keep moving until you both have equilibrium and balance. The clues here would be your life as it was in 2001 or 2002, and it may not be until 2021 that you really see the full picture, but one way or another, karma will be closed between you. Sometimes you are here to collect rewards and yet there may also be a need to give, or return.
Hi Jessica,
We are so fortunate to have your sense and sensibility to draw on in these challenging times.Thank you so much.
I definitely have a karmic connection going on with someone I knew back in 2001. We are no longer together yet somehow we are still a double act. As they have their Moon in Sagittarius it’s going to be interesting.
It was almost textbook Chiron in the 11th on my birthday despite the restrictions. I loved every minute of it.
As for Neptune my ambitions have taken a bit of a beating due to health issues so it’s almost like I don’t even know what I want anymore. Can you offer any advice regarding this area and my chart?
The Moon at 27 Gemini and Pluto at 27 Virgo stand out in your chart. You were born with the Moon (your need to be needed) in Gemini (the internet) in the Third House (communication, education, information, transportation, negotiation). That’s fine but it is square Pluto (your need to control everything) in Virgo (your health) in the Sixth House (the relationship between your body and your workload). Every month, whenever the transiting Moon goes to 27 Gemini and onto 27 Virgo, the original square is triggered. What is a square? It is what you find hard to ‘square’ or difficult to make work in your life. I would suggest that your health problems are a reaction to what you must do online, or on the telephone. I have no idea what you do for a living, or if you are a full-time student, for example. However, I am familiar with other readers who have Pluto in Virgo in the Sixth House in a square to another planet, and what tends to happen is that the need to control work, or dominate at work, or be solely in charge of what happens with work, cannot be made to fit with other things. So what the person does, to get out of that situation, is develop an ailment or chronic health condition which means they must resign, live on benefits or find a part-time position, or a part-time position alongside volunteer work. I think this is far too deep for just one question and answer, but as it is your health, and that is crucial, I think you would make really interesting discoveries by asking yourself about your work or university/college situation every single time you have seen your health affected. Be honest with yourself. Use your Astrology Oracle cards and guidebook and journal. It is much better to realise that you are acting out Pluto (look up Pluto when you finish reading this) and that he needs a space in your life. We live in an internet based world and as the internet is Gemini, every time you have to handle email, or meetings, or fundamental communication with others, your Moon in Gemini has to square off with your Pluto in Virgo. There are creative ways to handle this. I mentioned keeping a diary in another reply to you. Have you tried that? You can always rip it up or burn it afterwards. When you say ‘my ambitions have taken a bit of a beating’ you are using words that are quite interesting! Have a look at that. Why have you used the word ‘beating’ in particular? I will leave this with you, but I think to crack the question of your health, you need to look at this wholistically and consider your mind and spirit as well as your body. When our soul wants something and we ignore our soul, our body often steps in to create a situation which gives our soul what it wanted. This is why footballers get ankle or toe problems. They consciously want the prestige and money of being a professional footballer, but their soul can’t stand the violence and aggression of the game, so – voila – they injure their feet and have to get another job.
Hello there,
I have Gemini as my ascendent and I am reaching a point in my career where communicating, publishing and promoting the work I do is becoming more and more imperative. This is giving me feelings of imposter syndrome even though I am quite an expert of the topics/subjects I am to publish on.
You wrote that, on May 28th, 2020, Mercury at 29 Gemini will be conjunct the North Node at 29 Gemini. So, whichever factors I have at 29 degrees are triggered. I have north node Taurus at 29 degrees. Personally, I am a huge fan of North Node Astrology and think that it really gives me a life path when everything seems Neptunian fantasy. What can we say about NN Taurus for May 28, 2020 = today = by the time you read this in Australia! Ha!
Much Love!
You are also a Sun Virgo and Mercury (publishing, internet, media) rules Virgo as well as Gemini so your path is online. Imposter syndrome is not required, because you not only have Mercury the messenger of the gods overseeing your chart, you also have a huge number of Sagittarius (knowledge, information, education, academia) factors as well as Gemini. So you are here to teach. You are also here to learn. This can take many forms. You will experience what is known as a semi-sextile from Mercury 29 Gemini, North Node 29 Gemini, South Node 29 Sagittarius to your own North Node at 29 Taurus, South Node at 29 Scorpio, as May 28th comes around. This is about your money. It is about your house, apartment, charity, business or possessions. (Taurus-Scorpio rules this in your chart). It is also about your karma from the year 2001, and perhaps a past life. You are owed, or you owe. The actual developments will concern the world of writing, public speaking, television, podcasts, radio, blogs, websites, newspapers, magazines, books and so on. The rest is up to you. One of the great truths about 2020, 2021 is that people who can speak or write at least two languages are in a very strong position as the world map is redrawn. The other great truth is that children and teenagers will be regularly sent back from school, college or university to study at home. And – adults who lose their jobs, or are just bored at home and want to add to their C.V. or interests in life, will be subscribing to Zoom or Google Meet (or similar) to learn. Or they will be tuning into YouTube Premieres. The rest is up to you. But you need to get real. You are not an imposter. And there is no fantasy. Something which helps to ground, centre and focus you now is simple walking. Get your feet on the earth. Yoga postures with a focus on the base or sacral chakra also help.
Thank you. About 3-4 years ago, I had small pain in my left hip joint & by trial and error I found out that certain Yoga postures made it feel better. All those postures put together….Guess what…. Sacral chakra routine. I am definitely more grounded today than 3 years ago.
Of course, sacral chakra!
Thank you for the YouTube meet-up with yourself, Kyra, and Penny, it was the first time I have tuned into anything similar and it was so enlightening. I just found the birthday horoscope today after taking some time to mooch around the site – Bouns!! I was 55 yesterday (that number feels so wrong, I still feel like a teenager) and I kept noticing recently you referring to this 19 year cycle. I cast my mind back to 19 years ago and I was in a job which allowed me to travel and meet many new people and I really enjoyed it. Since then I have moved back to the NHS and until a few years ago had what I would call my dream job being very hands on and in a unique clinical role (I’m a Nurse Practitioner). All that changed thanks to one bully and I have moved specialities which has been a bit daunting and completely different to the speciality I have known in since 1992. I really didn’t see how my job from 19 years ago would have any bearing on my current situation and kept wondering how this could be relevant today. Anyway last week in my inbox was an email advising me of a new job opportunity in a similar company I worked for 19 years ago. It’s a more senior position to the one 19 years ago and would involve international travel (eventually once the lock down eases) a I’ve thrown my application in and have my fingers firmly crossed that I am successful. I won’t be a doubting Thomas in future 🙂
I’m glad you enjoyed the session with Kyra and Penny. And happy birthday. How astonishing that your life from 19 years ago has returned to you (with the Node cycle) and you have an international travel opportunity. This or something else will return you to a world where your suitcase is packed. You have until January 2021.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you once again for the birthday horoscopes and everything else you do for us, I look forward to them all year!!
And I hope that you are keeping well during these strange times!
I have my Sun, Venus, Mercury, Vesta, and Panacea in Gemini. I feel a strong shift coming in life. I feel very unsettled. I am wondering if that is due to the NN in Gemini and the SN in Sagittarius? I have Neptune, Minerva, and Bacchus in Sag.
I just wanted to ask for some insight as to what areas I should be aware of?
Thank you so much,
Thank you so much I will pass that on to Alicia, Alyas, James, Jodi, Justin and Kerry. Pluto in Capricorn and natal Pluto are both triggered in your chart, so there is an ending before the strong shift you feel. Jelena, the brilliant new beginning is really about moving, mentally and emotionally – spiritually – as well as physically moving. Along with Pluto your Gemini-Sagittarius axis is very much about a vacation, which may come first, and then much, much later you would be tempted to pack your bags and boxes. You can trust the future if you do, as being in a completely different place with a new life is going to be so brilliant. Yet, you have to go through the end of a chapter and the closing of a book, before you write the next one. Different book, actually. Make sure you absolutely finish the final pages and really go into the meaning of them quite deeply, so that when the time is right to close the book, you feel you’ve done it.
Hi Jessica – I am very very happy as I’ve just managed to renew my premium membership – after a year in the wilderness!
Thank you so much for this birthday forecast. I won’t bombard you with questions (!) but … I need guidance with my relationship. What you write about the current nodal cycle tells me that there is a process underway. After 12 months of intense sexual and erotic connection (2017/18), followed by a difficult year 2018-19 (for various reasons and pressures), we are now at a stage where we work together, enjoy our daily lives together (lockdown was great 🙂 ), there is affection, but he has put up barriers and sex is off the table. I used Pamela’s tarot cards and got 8 of Pentacles for present – absolutely spot on! Hard work, but the body’s needs need to be met too. I pulled The Empress for the future (6 months) – abundance to be harnessed, a relationship there to be revived.
I then asked “How” – specifically how to revive the intimacy – and got Page of Swords … Still pondering!
Any guidance on this, or anything in my chart gratefully appreciated!
Thank you so much for your fabulous work 🙂
Thank you very much for renewing membership. I’m glad Pamela’s cards were spot on for you. A relationship without sex is obviously not what you want. You are also working together and living together. That does not work for everybody, sexually. This is going to work out so please don’t worry. You two need to exchange hearts, minds and communication. Talking about sex is difficult but others have been there before you, so find a self-help book or website. There is a bit of fear there. There is also this great, looming question about parenthood. You don’t say if either of you ever had children. If not, the prospect of pregnancy is there. I think you both need to honestly answer questions about babies or children before you can really find the words to say. Property is another distant issue, but past, present or potential parenthood is a bigger one. You are both wonderfully connected, have so much to give, and the two of you can re-establish the relationship but it will take time, patience, sensitivity, great care, tact and – facing the truth.
Hello Jessica,
I am reading this forcast today as it is my birthday. I’m fairly new to Astrology but I’m intrigued and learning every day.I’m a Gemini Sun, pisces moon and Scorpio rising. I’m intrigued by the partnership forecast as I am dealing with what started as a romantic connection last year turned platonic but still very close best friend type of friendship, due to the death of his father earlier this year. I definitely want more out of this but recognize he may not be in the space for him as his dad’s death was devastating for him. So it does feel like I’m in this backwards forward loop as described . Any insight on any aspect of my chart would be a greatly appreciated birthday treat:)
You have karma with this person going back in 19 years loops, with the same issue or a similar theme in the year 2001 as well. Were you also in love with someone in 2001 who was not responding as you wanted, or perhaps you were the object of somebody else’s interest, but couldn’t go there? You could also go back another 19 years from 2001 to the year 1981, and much the same story – and in fact all the way to the last war. Past lives often come up with this cycle. Happy birthday, but recognise this is a karma clearing zone until January 2022. That does not mean you cannot see other people. In fact it may be that, that turns the karmic wheel.
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