Your Aquarius Side and Friendships to 2023
If you have a stellium in Aquarius (more than three factors in that zodiac sign) then your Eleventh House of friendships and groups is unusually packed. What happens to those friendships when Saturn, Jupiter and then Pluto all pass through Aquarius? Have friends been lost, or has the friendship changed? That’s typical of this long cycle.
6 Responses
Hi Jessica, you kindly answered a recent question I had with regards to potential Uni study I was hoping to get into. I’m wondering, especially as finances have been so very lean for my family and I, if things will likely be on the upswing. It’s hard to support a family of 7 on a full time uni student budget! Hubby is out of work and is only looking for casual now. This whole Saturn in Aquarius story has been concerned that full time study won’t be feasible for me. I’m no spring chicken and don’t have the career longevity to warrant turning a teaching degree from four years into eight!
Seven people is a big family if your husband is out of work. Yes, you can study at university but you obviously need to find as many part-time, at-home gigs as you can. There is a whole new economy starting out there, via places like Fiverr.com which I just mentioned to another reader. People are inventing this new ‘gig’ economy and it’s in an affordable way. Beyond the allowances and entitlements you will see – they will eventually begin – the time to roll your sleeves up and get working is now. New Moon in Taurus. Ideal timing.
Hi Jessica I hope you’re keeping well in Tassie. I’d love to know a bit more about the wonderful Captain Tom Moore raising so much money for the NHS in the UK. As we know that his birthday is 30th April 1920 I wondered if such a selfless feat was written in his stars and the ability to touch the hearts of so many in such a charitable and community focused way?
That’s a good question. Yes, he’s strongly Taurus – the sign that rules charity and philanthropy. He is having his Uranus Return in Taurus, too. So he has become a symbol of the unexpected, the liberating and the exhilarating (which Uranus rules) in Taurus (money). Who would have thought Captain Moore could have raised so much? But he really triggered something in the British people. This is absolute Taurus at its very best.
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