Predicted! Brexit, Boris and Trump – September 2019
September 2019 has all the drama that astrology was predicting, as far back as November 2018 and February 2019. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has agreed a ‘magnificent’ Brexit trade deal with the United States of America to the very day you read about on this website, 11 months ago.
At the same time, the Democrats are trying to impeach President Donald Trump over the Ukraine. Which means Russia. Which astrology also called, for September 2019.
Predicted on November 18th, 2018 – True on September 24th, 2019
Headlines in The Sun newspaper, in an exclusive story, called the big, brilliant, British Brexit trade outcome on September 24th, 2019.
And here’s what you read 11 months ago – on this website.
Wednesday 25th September 2019 for B-Day
“Wednesday 25th September is likely to bring the crucial peace agreement (B-Day) as we find Mercury at 17 Libra, Jupiter at 17 Sagittarius and Neptune very close by at 16 Pisces. These all aspect the U.K. Mercury position at 17 Sagittarius in the 1801 chart. Neptune in Pisces suggests the English Channel. Mercury at 17 Libra is about The Special Relationship.”
And –
“Despite what politicians or the media may be saying, Brexit will go round in circles yet again until Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 2018. Privately or publicly, politicians will be marking that as the start and Christmas Day 2019 as the ultimate finish.”
“There will be a major obstacle to get over in June 2019, but in September 2019 the paperwork will be done.”
“This seems so far away on November 14th 2018, but…Close to Wednesday 25th September 2019, we’re looking at a big, brilliant, British Brexit bargain.”
“The Big Brexit Finish is September 22nd to 29th, 2019″
“The final window for the best possible Brexit is September 22nd to 29th. That’s the last chance. The big finish. After that Jupiter has done his stuff and the conjunction is over.”
“September 2019 is calling us from the future, as I write this on 14th November 2018. How do we predict 10 months ahead in astrology, though? Well, we go back to history. In fact, we go all the way back to 55 B.C.”
I really like this photograph from The Daily Telegraph in London which shows ‘have your cake and eat it too’ in relation to America and Britain, and the predicted free trade deal after Brexit.
The Biggest U.S. Free Trade Agreement in History
BORIS Johnson and Donald Trump have agreed to strike a UK-US trade deal in lightning quick time. The deal the two leaders are aiming for will be the biggest free trade agreement that the US has ever done with another country.
What Trump Said to Britain –
The Financial Times: Speaking at the UN climate change summit in New York, the US president said: “As the United Kingdom makes preparations to exit the European Union, I have made clear that we stand ready to complete an exceptional new trade agreement with the UK that will bring tremendous benefits to both of our countries. We are working closely with prime minister Boris Johnson on a magnificent new trade deal.”
Donald Trump, Impeachment and Astrology Predictions
This is what you read on this website, back on 23rd February 2019 in a story on Trump, Russia and Mueller.
“We will come a lot closer to the truth about the Florida vote and Russia in September 2019.”
Trump Russia, Mueller and Astrology Predictions for September 2019
“There is a fated connection between Russia and Florida. It involves spies (ruled by Pisces) and organised groups (ruled by Aquarius) – so this is a really clear horoscope story.”
As we now know, President Trump ordered his staff to freeze nearly $400 million in aid to Ukraine a few days before a phone call in which he pressured its leader, to investigate the family of political rival Joe Biden.
The Florida Connection – September 2019
Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida doesn’t think Trump’s actions are grounds for impeachment, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Watch this space.
Mueller, Russia, Trump, Ukraine and the BBC

And how about this from the BBC?
“The most damning allegation is that the president pressured a foreign leader for damaging information about a political opponent while holding out the prospect of US military aid. Is that illegal? We do have some very recent precedent. It certainly recalls the recently concluded two-year Robert Mueller investigation into possible Trump campaign ties to Russian election-meddling in 2016.”
New! Astrology, Brexit, Boris and Trump in 2019-2020
Astrology cuts through the noise really well, especially when newspapers are spinning the stories to suit their views on politics. How can you tell what’s real and what’s not?
Well, you’ve just seen how horoscopes can pinpoint specific months – even dates – into the future.
I’m just going to repeat something that’s been published here many times before. Italy is the key player in Britain’s Brexit future. Scotland will leave the United Kingdom. The drama surrounding Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and Donald Trump will continue.
And – Britain is set for No Deal/New Deal. Now, over to you for your comments and questions.
64 Responses
Hi Jessica. Wow what a weak its been. I have been actively waiting for 25 September to see what deal will be made and its great to see that the begginings of a new trade deal could happen in the future with the US. U were spot on. But after the supreme court ruling i am more convinced than ever that we will not leave the EU. The establishment wont allow it and will stop at nothing to ensure that it is their will and not the will of the people that will triumph. I am optimistic and your predictions give me some hope but, there are no lengths these people wont go to to get what they want, even if it means they have to defy the stars themselves!
You’re leaving.
Hi Jessica, whats your take on the decision made by the unelected judges yesterday regarding the proroguing of Parliament? We are in Libra – the scales of justice, harmony and balance – although after 3 years of waiting I currently can’t see the justice for the 17.4 million electorate who voted and won the right to leave the EU. MPs stated that the referendum result would be honoured and delivered in full, but a large proportion of them disgracefully want to ignore democracy because they don’t like the result, think they know better and don’t want the UK to leave. What is next for Boris and Brexit? No-Deal is the only option for a clean Brexit that truly delivers the UK leaving the EU, but how will Boris now deliver a No-Deal and out wit these shameful Remain MPs? Is the astrological weather on the side of No-Deal Brexit being delivered, I do hope so! With regards to a trade deal with America, if Donald Trump is impeached the offer of a trade deal could disappear overnight, especially if we see a President come to office who is pro-EU, like Obama was with his UK back of the queue statement! Thank you Jessica.
We will see a No Deal/New Deal Brexit, just as I predicted many months ago. Any politicians who have ignored the votes of the people in their towns – but still taken the money from their taxes – will be sacked, lose their seats and/or taken to court in January 2020. Watch. I call it Capricorn Weather. I predicted it using the same method I just used, to predict the exact date of America’s massive offer to Britain.
Hello Jessica
Considering what happened yesterday with the courts ruling that proroguing parliament was illegal I’m not seeing a great day for Brexit and Boris at all. I see it as entirely the opposite. I hope you’re right but I can’t see it, sorry.
Read what I wrote, last November. On Wednesday 25th September – Britain has a brilliant, big Brexit deal. And it does. Astrology cuts through the noise. Ignore the distraction of proroguing. Focus on the offer. The offer, the offer, the offer.
I don’t see yesterday’s events as a success for Brexit and Boris at all. The courts ruled his actions in proroguing parliament has unlawful and it was a real setback. I don’t know where he and Brexit can go from here. There are dark forces at work determined to stop Brexit and they are succeeding so far.
See my other comment. America just announced the biggest and best free trade deal in history with the United Kingdom. Just as predicted. On the day.
Hi Jessica, as I’ve said elsewhere, I feel like a child coming to its mother for comfort & reassurance.
The Supreme Court yesterday, had to make up a new law in order to frustrate Boris & Brexit. It’s clearly part of the establishment trying to deny us both Brexit & a general election.
I was stunned that it happened on your 24th September date! Has this changed anything, do you think? Can you offer a few crumbs of hope, because it feels like not only is Brexit is dying, but democracy is on life-support.
This is a few hours after your comment, Kate, as it’s taking me a long time to sort through the 8,874 messages today. Essentially you just saw the U.S.A. announce a ‘magnificent’ deal and we are now hours away from P.M. Johnson’s speech in London. I trust the astrology – I am stunned too by the date accuracy – and this is the most astonishing deal. Not just America, but also Japan, Australia and beyond. Imagine having to compete with a $ billion+ trade deal right now. No wonder the Liberal Democrats and Labour will not agree to an election! Keep watching.
There isn’t a deal, only an agreement to strike a deal by 2020. I doubt either will be in parliament by then.
The U.S. Ambassador seems to think it’s a deal.
Jessica you are an astrological marvel, I’m absolutely floored by the accuracy. I read today that the pound has also surged which I believe could be the currency zig zagging which you also predicted for the next few months? How will these trade news affect Australia potentially based on it’s chart?
Thank you. This is easily the most precise long-range, date-stamped forecast I have ever made, but I had so many readers asking me about Brexit, it had to be done. Yes, the pound surging is part of the currency zig-zag. Australia will be drawn into the electrical storm, which will send the Australian dollar high and low in the most dramatic way, from October 11th into the month of November. Ups and downs doesn’t even cover it.
Hi Jessica
I feel as down hearted as the other posters here. The opposition can do whatever they like, and stop Boris delivering the will of the people whenever they wish, because they are part of the remain coup.
That said, I’m curious to know why you think MPs will be taken to court. I actually feel they should be and have felt some crowd funding campaigns would be a good idea to help achieve it. that said – they can go any time now to their friends in the SC.
What is more, Labour have made it clear they will give foreigners the vote and 16 year olds. When I lived overseas, I was not allowed to vote even though I paid taxes.
You mentioned Karma previously. Labour say they are going to make us pay for our colonial past. I have to say, I do not feel responsible for ancestors of 100 of years ago. Suffering was also part of normal life for English peasants and poor workers. The Scots were the primary movers in the slave trade, but being independent, they’ll no doubt get away with it. Gladstone waited years before banning the slave trade (English industrialists had been campaigning for many years and their pleas were ignored) and when he banned it, he gave the equivalent of £1billion to his Scottish parent salve owners in compensation. The Scots founded the Klu Klux Klan.
It seems to me the English will be expected by the labour party, to be on the receiving end of ‘karma’ – and will again pay for the Scots. Listen to David Starkey – the Scots were responsible for all kinds of dodgy banking activity. Now they are helping to keep us hostage over Brexit.
I have come to the conclusion that the labour party hate their own country.
I don’t do politics (I do astrology) but the long view here is – Great Britain is experiencing the historic line-up of Saturn, the South Node and Pluto in Capricorn, which rules the system. The establishment. Capricorn is the sign of the mountain goat, who scales the giddy heights to reach the top. Thus, we associate it with politicians, the Prime Minister, the President, the ruling class, the House of Lords – the elite at the peak. What we have seen in Britain is the mountain goats climbing to the top of a mountain which is going to come down. Which is already crumbling. When that happens, they will be thrown off or jump (as I said to another reader). We are due for that in January 2020. Have a look at a two-part series I wrote called The Capricorn Effect. In this Capricorn climate, you dice with democracy at your peril and you ‘do down’ the mass/majority of voters – also at your peril. We go straight back to the 2016 vote for this. The system is propping up anti-democracy, but the system cannot and will not last.
Hi Jessica, I love your answers, you keep spirits up and hope alive, (at the moment you are the only person doing that), well done with the date 24th September, any chance of a date when the tide will start to turn and Brexiteers will start to feel that things are at last going their way please?
Thank you – that is probably the most daring long-range prediction I have ever made – using the same techniques I used to predict the Leave vote in the first place. There will be a compromise by the first week of December. Nobody will be entirely, exclusively thrilled (on either side) but it will be good for Britain in terms of her ‘new world’ with the United States of America, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and so on. I suspect there will be a general reconstruction of politics in January 2020 when the whole structure of Westminster will change and anyone who has succeeded because of the system (and not because of his/her respect for the majority of people) will fall off, or jump. That month will be astonishing.
The problem is, that at the end of the day it is not within Trump’s gift to hand out big trade deals. He can suggest them by all means, but then it’s up to the two houses of US government to confirm them. With the present state of play, you can be certain the Democrats will try to delay or block whatever he wants to do. I think smaller, sectorial deals would be easier, but that is not what, I believe, he is suggesting. How he could really have helped is by having a quiet word (is that possible?) with Brussels and offering to tone down his massive tariff threats to the EU if they quickly find a way of agreeing to a Withdrawal Agreement with the UK in the next couple of weeks. In the old days of ‘diplomacy’, this approach might well have worked. If, however, a rabbit springs from Boris’s hat in the next few weeks, then maybe ‘diplomacy’ is not dead.
Nicely put. I suspect the deal-making between America, the European Union and Great Britain will be in earnest, right throughout the Jupiter in Sagittarius cycle, which closes in early December. I don’t doubt P.M. Johnson at all, partly because he has studied Roman history. There are darker and more complicated things going on in the background, which the people are never told about. This goes beyond upfront democracy, into the whole field of intelligence. I doubt the public will ever know the full truth, actually.
Hi Jessica,
I came across “The Capricorn Effect” article from December 2017. WoW! You truly created a magnificent telescopic lens into the future. Watching Boris Johnson and Trump headlines today, gave me chills as I read your article. You are on the spot! As most of your readers, I am concerned with regards to my chart, and if you’d be able to give hindsight of 2020? My fear is that I am a Capricorn Ascendant in 24 degrees. 🙁 My life has been since 2007 to be best described as, “Standing on a bridge with a gun pointed to my back, I must jump to save my life. I jump, then the universe speaks, “Oh, by the way, there is a cord attached to your ankle……. and… might actually not crash into the waters.” (October 7, 1987, 16:15, Vilnius, LT) A bit of my timeline in short bits:
September 2007 – My mom’s FL home goes into foreclose and she moves to NY, as I move in with my at the time boyfriend in FL. Total financial loss.
April 28 2008 – I apply and get accepted to college, my mom and I relocate to CA.
Jan 2009 – Nov 2012 – College (Business project/pitch conceived in 2011)
Feb 20, 2013 – I get hired to work for a UHNWI (70+ years old).
May 29, 2014 – My mom and I relocated back to FL for a fresh start. I rent a beautiful home and buy a car.
July 2, 2014 – Registered and opened my own design studio, and officially started working on the project pitch from college. (It’s a long term project, investing own time and funds, so I didn’t expect any returns for a few years at the least)
Nov 18-21, 2015 – Present the project in Abu Dhabi (it’s unsuccessful) and meet a German guy at a stand across from mine at the convention I was showcasing. My project doesn’t flourish, but romantically I hit it off with this guy. He kept in touch for 1.5 months after and then he disappeared.
May 29, 2016 – My mom and I relocated to London. (Dream goal. Check!)
Oct 10, 2016 – German guy reappears and we begin long-distance conversations for 9 months.He’s in Germany, I’m in London.
Nov 30, 2016 – I am forced to quit working for the UHNWI by his wife. Beginning of total financial losses. Losing everything, my flat, car, etc for the next 9 months. I didn’t know at the time, I would not recover and just drown. At the same time, my grandmother’s health deteriorates and my mom moves away to nurse her back to health.
April 13, 2017 – I start dating the German guy officially and…
May 21, 2017 – We finally meet AGAIN in London. (crazy right?)
Aug 10, 2017 – We move in together to Manchester
April 16, 2018 – Then together move to London
Mar 27, 2108 – My ex UHNWI’s wife reaches out via Linkedin asking if I have a job and disappears
May 26, 2019 – My relationship with the German guy ends brutally. I broke up with him 4 time and the last time was in January 2019, but he managed to lure me back in and promise to make it work. It didn’t. I learned that I dated a Sociopath/Dark Triad, Gas Lighting man. He broke me psychologically in ways I didn’t know people could bend emotionally. I learned that he was waiting for me to sell my project and that I would give him shares of it. “The One”I thought 2 years ago? Yeah right! Cunning calculator… to say it kindly.
Aug 10, 2019 – I leave London and move in with my mom and grandmother overseas. Since my job loss in 2016, I’ve spent about 4 months on my project throughout the last 2.5 years, progressing in terms of marketing and reaching out to leads, but as they say, it’s only official when the ink has dried. That hasn’t happened. The rest of the time, I’ve looked for work, without any luck. I’ve acquired PSTD after my relationship and learned my grandmother will not accept us for unknown reasons, there is hatred, so there is daily stress at home. I feel like I’ve been in hell ever since 2016. I went from a secure life, working nonstop to an ant stuck behind floor molding. Thank you for reading Jessica.
Thank you. Yes, the Capricorn Effect of January 2020 is not far away now, and I am sure you can see how things are panning out. In your own life, it is not really your Capricorn ascendant which is having an impact, as much as other factors (the Ascendant is only your image, and you are more than that). I am sorry you are living with Post Stress Traumatic Disorder. That is very tough, but also pretty common, as we live in quite a rough world. You have lost your job, lost your London home, and are also dealing with stress via your grandmother. Take a deep breath and recreate your life on paper, please. You have 24 hours in every day and in this Virgo Season (September) are in a fantastic position to manage those 24 hours differently. Even reworking 30 minutes of your day will change your life. For example, you may decide to change the cooking or food arrangements at home, so that you have more time to study (free) online an area which fascinates you, which you could make your part-time income from. Imagine making batches of soup, freezing them, gaining 30 minutes a day from saved cooking/kitchen time and learning French. That skill could earn you money as an online hand-translator. I could give you so many more examples but only you know your own life, and the 24 hours in each day. You would gain from the Matthew Manning meditation on YouTube. He is Britain’s most acclaimed healer; worked with famous people and the Royal family; has kindly offered an excellent guided audio visualisation free, for you and others to use. It will help hugely with your P.S.T.D.
HI, Jessica
It is very very interesting to read your articles. There are lot of people thinking proroguing parliament is not democratic. But here, people who agree with you seems to think that discussion will stop Brexit, almost automatically. How odd it is. And I think proroguing parliament at this timing is not democratic at all. So from my point of view, opening the parliament is democratic and astrology is working.
and I assume, you (or people who may read this) are now thinking I am against Brexit. I think Brexit is not a bad thing although I thought it was an stupid idea to start to off with and its because of the message those leavers sent. I think Brexit will entertain people around the world. Something new. To be honest, life style in UK is so outdated. It needs stimulation. and I know British people are practical and have “get on with it” spirit that they will rise.
Anyway, astrology is working for both sides and that makes me think,,,,,how we define “sides” may not always what astrology view our world.
I’d like to know your thoughts.
From the astrology point of view – there are two things going on here. The first one is the trashing of democracy. This has happened in Great Britain partly because of the proroguing, but also Lady Hale overriding that. The other trashing of democracy has very clearly been the failure of politicians, paid to carry out the wishes of their voters, to give them what they wanted – which was an exit from Europe. This heavy Capricorn weather we have now is about the system. The system is broken. It will ultimately be replaced or repaired.
Hi Jessica. Any timeline for a Trump to be ousted? And all the Presidents men. These people are straight up mobsters and are raiding the USA.
I made a prediction a very long time ago, on this website, about January 2020 and I will stick to that. Have a look at the two-part series I wrote, called The Capricorn Effect. You are quite right when you say ‘all the President’s men’ and we should include women in that as well. The higher meaning and purpose of the mountain collapsing, and the mountain goats falling off, is that the system needs to change in the United States. The political system has to come down. You might say, it’s a reworking of American democracy, because the founding fathers never dreamed anything like the internet would appear. Watch January 2020.
Hello Jessica
Thank you once again for keeping us Brexiteers sane and hopeful that we will finally leave the EU. My questions to you are, when do you see us having the next general election to change the paralysis of Parliment, you mentiioned big changes in January 2020, and what do you see for Boris Johnson’s premiership, will he become the shortest serving PM in British history?
Many thanks for your insight.
I wrote a long piece on Prime Minister Johnson, if you want to hit Search…
Hi Jessica,
Democracy is unbalanced in House of Commons and 11 judges with Lady Hale has supported that. It is political not legal. Political legal defence cant always be publicly displayed and open. So a political fair hearing cant nessacerilly be heard. Also The Speaker seems to be unfavourably one sided and against the few. In what way is the astrology for a fairer democracy there?
With thanks.
John Bercow will be lucky to survive January 2020 – we do not have a birth time for him – but if he is in fact a Sun Capricorn, then you cannot override the majority, from an elite position, without invoking the wrath of Pluto, Saturn and the South Node of karma. That’s January 2020.
Hi Jessica, Thank you for the dedication and efforts you apply to astrology with this website. With aprehension and curiosity I’m quite looking forward to the 12th of January 2020. However, I say that with bated breath as one never knows the affect of the Capricorn weather on self whether directly or indirectly. Good must come out of it. Wishing all to be well with everyone.
Thank you. The 12th of January 2020 is about the mountain coming down, and the goats coming down with it. Anybody who has acted out the worst of Capricorn the mountain goat – standing on top of other people – will fall off, because the mountain itself (the governments, the big business enterprises, the royal system, the social hierarchy) is set to collapse. Capricorn the goat is a symbol of one person standing at the top, and literally standing over all the rest! Elites who have tried to do that with the vast majority of people below them are not long for this world on 12th of January 2020. You just don’t get through Saturn, Pluto and the South Node in Capricorn, alongside Ceres and Jupiter, without an earthquake.
Hi Jessica,
Just read that SNP and other remain M Ps are going to vote for no confidence in the present government and want to get rid of Boris Johnson. They want Corbyn or someone else as caretaker prime minister. How do you see this happening next week? I follow your articles daily and believe your prediction for brexit will come true in time. Thanks
Best Wishes
The astrological weather, since May 2018, has been about a radical change to the world economy. A revolution in trade. All that is new and different in business, property and money. For Great Britain to turn backwards to the old European Union arrangement is just not in tune with Uranus in Taurus. It would be clinging to the past and the British horoscopes are not about that. Brexit has been good for churning up anxiety and anger, and selling newspapers, hasn’t it! (Website clicks too).
Hi Jessica,
Apropos Italy, I recently visited Rome and noticed that both the Quirinal Palace (residence of the Italian President) and the Rome city government building on the Capitoline Hill are fronted by statues of Castor and Pollux, the Twins of Gemini.
I know how you mention that astrology is about synchronicity. Does Italy and/or Rome have a strong Gemini influence/presence in their charts?
Italy has gone through quite a few incarnations in her history, and she has different horoscopes reflecting each version of herself (including life after the Fall of Rome). At one point, she was intensely Gemini influenced and you can see that in all those Sixties films set in swinging Italy! That was when ‘ciao’ became an internationally recognised word (Gemini rules languages as I am sure you know). Gemini also rules motorbikes and the 1950s-1960s era was all about the Vespa. Castor and Pollux, the Gemini twins, are standing on guard waiting for the North Node of karma to go back into Gemini from May 2020. When it does, expect a huge revival for lovely Italy!
Boris uses your exact words Jessica! new deal or no deal, seems it is getting nearer, will he ask for a delay on the date 31st October? or will we get our new deal/no deal on this date. thanks again for keeping us sane.
One of the things about being a psychic medium (and an astrologer) is that my spirit guides occasionally give me an entire phrase. That is what happened in November 2018. I kept hearing ‘no deal/new deal’ and that is exactly what is coming. The astrology predicts a shock and a rebellion on the Full Moon and Sun-Uranus opposition of 28th October, which is just four days before the 31st October deadline. That day is also, clearly, a global economic D-Day. You’d have to wonder if the Prime Minister is not going to go early.
Hi Jessica, by ‘go early’ do you mean BJ resigning or leaving the eu early? Thanks
Prime Minister Boris Johnson is surfing the Capricorn weather very well (Capricorn rules the resentment of the minority elite who try to control the majority of people) and as all opinion polls currently show a win for him in any election, he’d be mad to resign. He is far more likely to jump the gun on the E.U. as he knows how enraged people still are about Phillip Lee and Amber Rudd betraying their Leave voters and playing games with democracy. I’ll look on with interest, though, as Uranus is about the unpredictable. It is the lightning in an electrical storm and you just don’t know when it strikes or where. Yet – you are going to see a hell of a storm, and it will be days before that 31st October deadline. Did you know this cycle is the same as the French Revolution? The people are coming for the Marie Antoinettes and P.M. Johnson is very clever to play Danton and Robespierre at the same time, even though he’s a Conservative!
Hi Jessica, It’s an education reading your posts. I’ve just been looking up about the French Revolution, and who Danton and Robespierre were. Interesting.
Thank you. No guillotines for the elite this time, but they’ll certainly get the chop, regarding their jobs or their money!
Brillliant response Jessica, thank you… it beggars belief the Brexit rebels have become so vociferous and contemptible in the face of the democratic vote to leave the EU. yet I do feel the break will happen … I’m an ex-pat living in Spain and probably in the minority’ here who voted to leave.. but it seemed to me that breaking away from the EU Via Brexit was the only way the people in the remaining European member countries could have a hope of retaining their own sovereignty and freedom!
Thank you. This goes far, far beyond politics and it’s uncannily like the American situation in 2016. What we’re seeing here is Capricorn weather, when the elite at the top of the mountain (the very few goats who climbed and can balance on the peak) are on top of a bad system where the masses (the vast majority) below them are being disempowered – democratically robbed. People feel like this about Hillary Clinton – in their millions – and it is the same in Great Britain. Both systems in US and UK politics are favouring the goats and taking power away from the people and all the astrology says: time’s up. These broken Capricorn systems will also break apart, critically so, in January 2020. Have a look at a prediction called The Capricorn Effect on Search…
Dear Jessica,
Amazed and impressed by your accuracy, yet again! I was just wondering how the Mercury Retrograde might affect negotiations and the plan to leave the EU on the 31st of October, as I seem to remember your saying that Theresa May’s March date would never be any good, as it fell during Mercury Retro, and now we’re moving into that cycle again! Will it be a sort of “Groundhog Day” scenario?
Thanks and lots of love and light to you!
Thank you. Fortunately P.M. Johnson and his ministers organised everything in person, before Mercury Retrograde was set to start on October 11th. The shambles of mid-October, November to early December is derailing, in terms of world trade, the economy and shares – but it will come out in the wash. It was always going to be January 2020 for final signatures.
Dear Jessica,
Thank you for the clarification on that – I’m now looking forward to what unfolds, Brexit-wise!
Lots of love and light to you!
Trust democracy. We don’t have confirmed birth details for the key people, like P.M. Johnson, Nigel Farage, Angela Merkel and so on. Yet, we don’t really need them. All we need to see is Capricorn weather – Saturn, Pluto, South Node in the sign of the mountain goat who gets to the top. If one makes it to the top of a broken system which favours the elite crushing the will of the other majority of goats at the. middle and bottom, then the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of January 2020 is unforgiving. Even old goats who made it, then lost it (like Tony Blair) will crash off, if they continue to try and tower above the mass of British people who used democracy as it is given. Just watch him. (Tip: and watch Cherie!)
Dear Jessica,
Thank you for this insight. I’ll be watching Tony and Cherie Blair with GREAT interest – always amazed me how Tony Blair stayed so powerful, despite the disastrous Iraq War, etc. I know that one astrologer (I think it was Shelley von Strunckel or Marjorie Orr) dubbed him “Teflon Tony”, as his Neptune aspects meant that the mud didn’t stick to him!
I seem to remember she wrote something similar about Bill Clinton’s chart, too – he’s currently being implicated in the ongoing Jeffrey Epstein scandal, so it seems you’re spot-on about the Capricorn weather which is now bringing down the (old!) goats… about time!
Thanks again and lots of love and light to you!
Thank you so much. Yes, we have an accurate birth time for Tony Blair, because of his birth in Scotland. Thus it is very easy to call his horoscope. The marriage looks in question, October-December 2019. As does his relationship with the Labour Party actually.
Jessica, we are all on edge in regard to Brexit. If the EU approves a deal on 19th October then Boris will have to get it through Parliament before he is legally required to ask for a further extension.
If Parliament does vote for the deal (or rather the withdrawal agreement) he would be mad not to get the Queen to give assent at the first possible opportunity – otherwise someone will inevitably lodge a challenge in a court of law. It looks therefore as if the job will be done and dusted before, not on, the October 31st deadline.
But then the Withdrawal Agreement could, and is likely to, include a transitional period so your earlier prediction of the first quarter of 2020 for final independence could be right – couldn’t it?
Thank you for keeping me sane throughout this process.
A few weeks ago we all met on The Barge at Brighton Marina (we, being the Astrology and Tarot Great Britain group). We shared a Tarot card together and it showed The Queen of Wands would resolve the problem. This is, of course, Her Majesty the Queen. Watch her, more than you watch anyone else (and her ties to Scotland). I’m sticking to the prediction. First quarter 2020 the signatures are on the paper. It will be a case of ‘School’s Out’ to quote Alice Cooper.
HI Jessica, Oh dear, the Letwin amendment has been passed, yet more delays voted on by Parliament. I hope Boris will just get on and give us the Brexit that we want (the one we voted for over 3 years ago) I was hoping it was all going to be decided by 31st October, where is Guy Fawkes when you need him? I do hope that you are right and that all the so called “elite” are going to come tumbling down, I will have the biggest grin on my face when this happens. Getting a bit despondent now.
Your answer is John Bercow. Sun Capricorn. Watch what happens to him in January 2020. And as I replied to you in another comment, this is about system change. It needed to become this appalling for the United Kingdom’s entire political class and system to transform, which it will, in stages, from the year 2021. One peek at the history books for this island and it’s obvious!
OK, I am beginning to panic now, not only did Letwin’s amendment go through, but Bercow has once again interfered and refused Boris’s meaningful vote, things seem to be going from bad to worse. There are so many undemocratic people in parliament including Civil Servants who are hell bent on stopping the result of a democratic referendum. When are they all going to have the smug grins wiped off their faces and fall from grace, can you give reassurance that all will end well, so we can see some light at the end of this undemocratic dark tunnel please.
The bigger picture is actually system change. Entire constitution of the United Kingdom and political system will be transformed in stages from Christmas 2020, through 2021, beyond 2023. Much as a few people think they can trash democracy, the reality is, they’re only getting way with it because the system is broken. So – this is really about a new country. Leave is a foregone conclusion. One look at the Uranus in Taurus cycles going back to 300 A.D. and counting and you can see it! Britain’s ‘left’ many times before.
Dear Jessica, I’ve been reading all your UK predictions as my younger brother lives there with his wife. We’re from Hungary and I live in Austria. I think we have a different view on the EU as the English people – we see how anti-democratic and corrupt the Hungarian goverment is, and still what a difference the EU membership for Hungary means. If there’s any justice the Capricorn weather should bring the Hungarian goverment also down – will it happen? Based on your prediction l’m also worried about Austria as it’s economy is tied to Germany’s and the euro. There were also some political storms here recently involving corruption and abuse of power – but I think the Austrians have reacted well and the people in question were removed from policics. Probably there’s more to come. I wish the best for Britain, but of course I wish also the best for Europe too. And I wish the Union could have worked. I think it was a nice idea, even if it was naive or too ambitious.
Have a look at the predictions I made for the European Union, Great Britain and Greece a very long time ago. So long ago, it was the Greek referendum on membership. The European Union as it is today will not last. It will be restructured hugely following the departure of Britain, and very likely Italy and/or Spain and Greece. You’re watching Pluto in Aquarius (power crisis, groups) from the year 2023 for the ultimate outcome.
Dear Jessica,
Thankyou so much for your perceptive incitements and astrological interpretations into UK/EU Politics.
Boris has chosen 12th December 2019 as his do or die Election day. In Numerology, the date is all 3’s, totalling 9. Given Boris’s interest in Astrology and unseen dimensions of life, has he chosen successfully to get his good Parliamentary majority in place ?
His tenacity in the face of such nasty opposition to him and Brexit and a biased Speaker/Parliament, is exceptional, no doubt inspired by his Churchill admiration and in depth knowledge of him.
I now see many Remainers, ‘Democracy trashers’ and old ‘elite’ MPs standing down for this Election, is this the affect of the advancing ‘Capricorn weather’ avenging the situation ?
Will Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party damage Boris’s majority by diluting the Leavers vote ?
Thanks and regards,
Thank you Ted. This is the first time I have seen numerology mentioned here. You are quite right about the Capricorn elite standing down for this Capricorn weather. If you search the website, The Capricorn Effect was filed quite a long time ago, but it was about this very thing – the small number of ‘goats’ at the top, including real Capricorn John Bercow, coming off the mountain. For that we have the South Node in Capricorn to thank as it’s about that golden rule – what goes around, comes around.
Hi Jessica
You posted in another article in the comments section to watch Nigel farage. Does that mean you expect him to take votes away from boris ? Surely that means brexit is over as conservatives are the only party who can do brexit and this could help the remainers. So are you still saying brexit will happen or will that change now .
I don’t predict election results any more, as I don’t wish astrology to prevent people from getting out of bed and voting, because they think there is a done deal. What I can do here, is repeat what I’ve been saying for over a year now. Democracy will triumph. We are going to see ‘the new democracy’ from the year 2021 and that means a massive change in British politics where we’ll see more varied representation (the old two party system is going, going gone) and a fairer way of ensuring that very popular votes find a place of power in the House of Commons. The December 2019 result in Britain will reflect the start of this. We’re moving into Aquarius weather. People power. By the people, for the people. Not from the elite, moving from the top down.
Hello, Jessica, form another Jessica. I am interested in your postive comments about leaving the EU. Do you see Boris Johnson winning enough of a majority in the coming election to get his deal through parliament so that we can leave on or before January 2020? I am dismayed by how members of parliament have renaged on their promises to respect the Referendum result. There are many who voted Remain who are troubled by the undemocratic behaviour of these MP’s, who keep insisting that they are acting in the interests of democracy. I also hope that in the future, a law is made so that if an MP decides to turn his or her back on the mandate from his constituents on which s/he was elected, then s/he should be obliged either to resign, or to face a by-election.
You are hoping in the right direction, if you want British politicians to wake up in a new system, where they must resign or face a new election, if they don’t carry out the will of the people who elected them (and pay for them). We’re talking about life from the year 2021, when the old Capricorn weather (the small elite dictating to the majority) is replaced by the new Aquarius weather, when people power really will rule the world. We are going to see Saturn and the South Node leave Capricorn for another 29 years/19 years and in their place, comes the Aquarius climate. The sign that rules the community, sharing power horizontally, not just being controlled from the top down! As for the election – you need to read my original forecast about Brexit made one year ago, now. Have a quick look and scroll down to the image of PM Johnson…
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