Your Aquarius Side and Friendships to 2023
If you have a stellium in Aquarius (more than three factors in that zodiac sign) then your Eleventh House of friendships and groups is unusually packed. What happens to those friendships when Saturn, Jupiter and then Pluto all pass through Aquarius? Have friends been lost, or has the friendship changed? That’s typical of this long cycle.
36 Responses
Hi Jessica
Thank you for that wonderful Libra prediction. May I ask if you can look at my chart and see if you can see any signs that I will move from my current town. I see no way out financially and have no idea where it is I would move to if I did have the finances?
Many thanks for all the enthralling articles you continuously write.
You won’t move until you have the money – and you will have the money when you alter your lifestyle and budget – not before. You may then decide not to relocate at all, but to find another way of having the space you need. This will come during the Node cycle in Sagittarius which falls into place 2020, and 2021. Then and only then will you get serious about packing up. Until then if you ‘see no way out’ financially you won’t actually get out. You can and will change things but you are going to have to be radical. After that, a choice comes by 2021.
Thanks for the birthday treat – everything you touched up on is on point! Family, the house, all difficult, but I can see how they’re easing up. I can use good karma in those categories, that’s for sure. The one thing I have yet to experience is the love/relationship situation. Can you please enlighten me? Any good news? I’m not living my main stelliums Libra/Scorpio and it’s breaking my heart. Thanks for everything!
I am glad the astrology is on point for you. There is no point in forcing the act of falling in love – and you cannot do that anyway – and it actually won’t happen until you have ‘grown into yourself’ as they say. Once you have understood how powerful you are, and how empowered you should be (on every level – body, heart, mind and spirit) it will finally be ‘right time, right place’ for you to click with the right person. At the moment you are rather like a chrysalis waiting to become a butterfly, so you could end up with someone who is chrysalis-friendly but wants to leave when you change. Or you would want to change, flying free – and break that person’s heart. So you see, nature is protecting you. You are not ‘finished’. Not remotely. You’re not ‘done’ in terms of who you are going to be. Live your best life and then when you are the future human you are always going to be – another human will make perfect sense to you, to be by your side.
Wow! That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever read and to be honest, that’s exactly the way I felt about myself – especially lately, as if I’m living an out-of-body experience! I just never knew how to put it in words – you just filled in the Thank you so much, Jessica. You are probably the only one who understands me! XX
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for our yearly prediction.
Do you see anything wonderful or interesting in my chart? Is there travel?
Thank you.
You will find travel irresistible between May 2020 and the year 2021 and will have been to the place before, either in recent years, or perhaps in another lifetime. It’s the kind of cycle when you will be drawn to a particular city and country and find it oddly familiar.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for preparing such a comprehensive annual Libra birthday report! Everything you mentioned in this report related to some aspect of my life over the past 10 years. 2018-2019 were very difficult years for me and my family foundation has completely crumbled. All of this being said, I still manage to retain hope for a better tomorrow! My question to you is whether the timing is now right for me to work abroad and complete my Masters while I am abroad? A recent opportunity now exists for me to make this move but I am afraid of failure. My birthday is 9/23/76 and I have a 0 degree Libra Sun, Gemini in Jupiter at 6 degrees, Virgo Moon and Sagittarius rising at 6 degrees. Thank you for your time!
You are in the perfect position to work and study abroad but you will need to make sure you get this done as soon as possible – preferably with the application lodged well before Mercury Retrograde on October 11th – with as much in place by the first week of December as you can. Jupiter (growth, expansion, solutions) goes into Sagittarius (travel, study) only once every 12 years. He is here now but leaves in early December.
Thank you for the birthday gift. These predictions are the headlines in my life right now.
What amazes me is, I did an oracle reading in your site about my online store. Ceres popped twice. This business caused me depression as there is not enough sales. My site is head-to-head with wall mart, Ebay & Amazon. They are big and I am like a midget (a woman and a laptop).
Sometimes I think should I give up, shut down and to just do the 9 to 5 job but then the buyers who show up from US to Iran and the co-operation from suppliers from India to China keep giving me hopes. Anything you could share would be great.
Thanks again for this birthday forecast.
Thank you. You have global buyers but you are competing with Amazon. Don’t compete with them. You need to completely rethink the way you are doing business. There is no point in competing with corporations. You need to exploit your natural advantage which is personalised, name-to-name, face-to-face, service. You also need to identify your market by their astrological generation. Do you know that? For example, Generation Libra are obsessed with love, sex and marriage. Generation Virgo are obsessed with losing weight, food intolerance and beautiful bodies. That is a really simple way to begin giving yourself an advantage. You also need to look at online competitors to Amazon who are targeting sole traders like you, for partnership and alliance. Keep researching this in Virgo Season – it’s not over yet – and it’s all about work!
Dear Jessica, thank you for the birthday prediction! I’ve given birth this year (on july 29) and while very happy with my baby it’s sometimes hard to balance it all with my in-laws and marriage (your predictions are already working out here I think). But what I’m mostly worried about is getting back to work in a few years time (maybe part time or home office) to help my husband with our mortgage. Childcare is very expensive for under 3 years olds where I live. I don’t clearly see a solution yet (but of course there is still time). We were originally planning to have two children but of course that would only make everything even more difficult. Thank you for your insight – if you have time to answer.
Congratulations on becoming a mother. Childcare is expensive, and mortgages are not going away. Yet, it should help you to realise that you are going through a karma cycle which ends in May 2020. The North Node is in Cancer in your Fourth House at the moment, which rules your home, your husband and small child. You three have been here before, perhaps playing opposite roles (you may have been the child, your husband may have been the wife) and so there is rather a lot of balancing to do. This is why it feels so intense. That feeling will fade when the North Node changes signs and the Cancer weather in your horoscope has gone. You are also feeling the pressure of the Capricorn-Cancer weather at the moment, as we have an unusually high number of planets in Capricorn, the opposite sign to Cancer, which rules big business and government. The council too. You might say other people’s policies on taxation, interest rates and childcare are having a personal impact on you! This also fades from May 2020, so please don’t worry. You will in fact develop a skill or talent online which means you can work remotely from home, if you wish, between now and 2021. You could easily join a pool of other people who are sharing the workload together and that creates community even if some of you live miles away from each other.
Hi Jessica, quite an apt prediction. I have recently started making YouTube, Instagram digital content along with publishing articles on Linkedin. Do I really need to put in lots of effort before Dec 3,2019 to get maximum success?
I had a visit to a local astrologer who told me :-
1) possible loss of job. Advised to not change jobs.
2) possible genital area infection
3) possible diabetes
4) no family relocation or selling of home property to pay loans
Can you please comment on these as per my birth chart? I have serious concerns over these issues.
And also I’m not understanding the homeland thing. My family has huge huge debts of loan. What’s gonna happen?
Ignore the local astrologer, please. Astrology cannot, and never will, diagnose genital infections or diabetes! Continue with your articles and videos online, as your opportunities are at their best by the first week of December 2019, yet everything you did this year, in terms of hard work – will pay off in 2020-2021 as well, because you are going to see the North Node in Gemini (karma involving the internet) and the South Node in Sagittarius (karma involving publications and foreign audiences) return to you. The more good you did this year, the better the pay-off next year, and also in 2021. You should also be looking at part-time study, awards, scholarships and other ways to expand your vision. So, look beyond the content you are creating, into areas like assisted part-time study into other aspects of multimedia and online life. It will pay off long-term. The situation with your family is also karmic in nature, in the sense that you owe them, and they owe you – spiritually. This ends in May 2020 when the North Node leaves Cancer and your Fourth House of relatives. If you are curious about all this terminology I am using, just hit Search and look up North Node and South Node to find out more. Relax about your health – unless you are clinically obese – in which case you obviously need to lose weight! Do some serious research about the internet when you have the time and find out how to use it best, in an ever-changing world.
Dear Jessica:
I am new to this information and I do not understand much of my birth chart. There is a huge decision I have to make. To be frank, the writting is on the wall and I need to have the courage to go ahead. Would it be possible for you to give me some interpretation from my chart? In addition, is there a possibility of a private reading?
Many thanks
I am afraid I only give private readings for charity, or people who win a reading with me at my events. I am accepting names for 2020 horoscopes which involves online forums next year, but we closed the waiting list a long time ago, so you would need to pick up a cancellation. I can recommend the medium Ruth Phillips online or my colleagues at Sun Sign School – Penny Thornton or Debbie Frank. I hope that helps, Chenxi.
I read the predictions with extreme hope in my heart. I have lost my soul mate and rock in May 19 and struggling to try and get over him to be able to move on. It was sudden and unexpected since we had future plans of travel and retirement together. My dob is 30th Sept 64 and his is 17th October 60. We are yet to settle the massive web of financial connections which I am dreading. I have been searching for my new ‘rock’ but getting nowhere fast! Will I have true love again and will I make it happily through the other side? My dreams and light in my life have been shattered and I cannot see any light or positive direction for me at all! Just loneliness and misery sadly! Thank you very much!
I am very sorry about your separation from this Libra. You are both experiencing the transit of Chiron in your Seventh House of love, sex, marriage, partnership, break-up and divorce. Chiron is a symbol of life education. (He was a teacher in Ancient Rome, where our astrology comes from today). In fact, he taught music. He was a centaur, and so the sight of him instructing his pupils was rather confronting. It was outrageous, actually. In 1977 when Chiron was found and named, punk rock took over the music industry around the world. That was also confronting, but it educated musicians – they could do it themselves. All this is symbolic in your personal life now. Focus on yourself, not so much your ex. You are now being ‘taught’ by people, situations and perhaps this man, about what it is possible to get away with. By that, I mean, if you believe a half-man, half-horse can teach music – then everything is possible. Chiron is about stretching yourself. If there is any chance at all that it’s not over with this person, then it may be possible for you two to dream up an outrageous, audacious, jaw-dropping new way to be intimate without the set-up you had before. I’m just throwing that in there. Otherwise, it is only a matter of time before a teacher figure comes along to educate you about love, sex and partnership in a way that has you shaking your head at your own chutzpah. But it will work. Read more on Chiron by hitting Search on this website.
Jessica, thank you for another very thorough article. As my birthday approaches, my home, my career and finances are very much on my mind.
On the house front: Hubby (early May Taurus) and I bought our first home in November 2018 and have discovered the previous owners didn’t disclose many hidden defects in the house. It has and continues to cost us far more than we planned to fix. My job which I started in April 2018 has brought challenges of its own – mostly lack of support which I was promised but have not been given. I am wondering if I should look for a new one. Lastly, the previous two are closely related to finances as you can imagine. Will any of these areas resolve for the better in the next birthday year?
I am sorry you are going through the really tough parts of this Cancer-Capricorn cycle, with a defective home at one end (with devious owners) and no support at work. It may help to realise you are over the worst. In fact you have already made promises to yourself about 2020 as you have absolutely been learning lessons all the way. The situation breaks in May 2020, partly because you and your husband have karma to complete with each other. You two have a long past life history together and each time a house or flat (or other residence) has been the test. So it is again this time but from May you get the sense that the loop is over. You are no longer stuck on repeat. The work situation eases drastically in December, with more changes in January, as your organisation, colleagues, employers are affected by alterations within your workplace or within the wider industry or profession. This gives you wiggle room and you can either negotiate to get the support you want, a different role perhaps, or take a position elsewhere by February.
Wonderful. Thank you so much.
Hi Jessica
All of this makes so much sense from what’s going on in my life right now! My Mum is terribly ill with cancer and she is my rock (to me and my young daughter) emotionally and practically- I dread the future without her (it’s terminal) and I can’t possibly see how Jupiter in my fourth house can make this situation any better! I am a single working parent and really struggling financially- I keep rejigging the balance books but the fact is there’s just not enough coming in! I can’t see how that’s going to change so I’m wondering what you see here? On top of this the man I thought was a miracle in my life after being single so long, abruptly ended it in May after 9 months together and I’m alone again. It all feels pretty rock bottom right now! Will 2020 be any better for me? Thank you.
I am so very sorry about your mum’s terminal cancer. Please try to trust 2020. You can and will be in a better situation with the family, the household, and your home in 2020, as Jupiter begins his cycle. You are going through the intense and difficult transformation of having Pluto, the South Node and Saturn all in Capricorn, in your Fourth House of parents, children and home life – the rent or the mortgage, which you struggle to pay. At the same time, the new Jupiter cycle which begins just before Christmas this year, is the only excuse you need to raise your sights, raise your game and hope for the biggest and best outcomes – despite the hard realities of your mother’s situation. Over the next 2-3 years you are also going to see a revolution in your budget. A radical change which will completely alter your current position. So please be open to that too. This is a life reshape. The situation with your mum is essentially karmic – you have the North Node in Cancer in your (personal) Fourth House of family. It vanishes in May 2020. As you look after her now, so she looked after you, when you were little – and you two have been together before in other lifetimes, also dealing with illness. The karmic cycle is complete in just a few months.
THank you Jessica. That is very helpful to hear. I feel like I’m ready for a life reshape. The last few years have been very tough on many levels. My job is also very demanding of my time and energy and I feel there’s not enough time for my daughter. Might this life reshape include a change of direction career wise? Or even a relocation?
You’ll see a shift with both career and home, so that you can create more room for yourself and your daughter, but it will take time. You will see the first opportunities in December 2019, January 2020 and could have easily made one big promise to yourself by February next year. Then you tackle the pros and cons of a new role, and new place, in June-July 2020. It won’t really be until Christmas 2020 that you finally feel you have put the recent past behind you and by then, it would be very likely that you would have snapped up a promotion, new job, new project (with different hours) – with a really good compromise over a house or apartment for you, and its costs. You’ll end up putting a higher price on the things money cannot buy, like peace of mind! You are being swept along by Cancer-Capricorn weather which is why it feels so intense, but it does get better – very soon.
Dear Jessica*
Thank you for this beautiful Libra Birthday Horoscope! I am a Gemini sun 9th house, Saturn conjunct Sun, 3° Libra rising, Pluto conjunct ascendant 1° 1st house; with my North Node in Capricorn 4th house and SN in Cancer 10th house .I am no lightweight or stranger to the death and rebirth of Pluto, my Husband suddenly died in 2005 at the age of 34, then my only sister passed in 2011 at the age of 33, I’ve been a single mom to my own daughter who was only 2 when my husband passed; I also adopted my sisters son, and continued raising him after the age of 12; hes now 21 and doing amazing in life!! In January 2019, my beautiful 15 year old daughter broke her back in a freak sledding accident; she miraculously and by the grace of God, is and will make a full recovery with no paralysis; however with continued surgeries and tremendous therapy, it has devastated me both emotionally, physically and financially. I am over $600,000.00 in debt with her medical bills, insurance barley pays anything, and recently had to sell my home of 10 years and move my daughter and myself into my parents home; not an easy thing to do at the age of 46, but I had to remove myself from the burden of my mortgage in order to survive. I am feeling so defeated, even though I’m so grateful and blessed for my daughters healing and recovery. We also share the same birthday June 14, 1973 and 2003!! However I am Libra Rising and she is double Gemini; we even have the same Sagittarius Moon! I am a writer, who desperately wants to be published someday; I am an empath and I feel like an intuitive healer I also am an avid student and practitioner of astrology and tarot, I feel like I am meant to share my writing and gifts with the world, however; every time I get into a place where this might manifest into something incredible; the bottom falls out of the barrel and I’m forced to drop everything and deal with life changing and devastating crisis’s with my children, immediate family and living situation. Jessica, can you please give me some insight on what to do going forward, career wise and financially, will i ever get a break? Will I be able to move into my own home again in 2020 and should I continue writing, or resign myself to always being a caregiver? I’m praying for any kind of relief from the Universe in the months ahead, thank you for the amazing work you do, it has helped me tremendously!
I am so sorry you are being put through this. I am sure you know that you are experiencing the North Node in Cancer in your Fourth House of family, and South Node in Capricorn, in your Tenth House of career. You are $600,000 in debt because of your daughter’s medical bills and have had to sell your home and ask your parents to take you in. This can and does get better long-term, but for now, all you need to know is that all four of you have a soul contract, to redeem karma from several lifetimes, where the same tests have faced you all before. In one other incarnation (the Node in Cancer goes back in 19 year loops) you may have been the daughter, and your daughter, the mother. You are trying to work, as a writer, healer or astrologer – so you can make money to pay back the debt – but every time you try to do that, you have a crisis with the family. This is an extreme example of what it is like to live with Cancer-Capricorn weather. Your chart is not a million miles away from Her Majesty the Queen’s, actually. She became monarch as a very young woman when her father passed away and ever since then, her push-pull between family and role, has been her entire world. Fortunately the similarities stop there, and you do in fact figure this out long-term. I don’t need to tell you, that everything you have gone through makes you a better healer, astrologer and writer. The past life clues are of course there in your birthdays – you were both born on June 14th with the Sun in exactly the same degree as Gemini. The extremes of the family money/family property situation will fade from December this year when life begins to look and feel more manageable. In January 2020 you will make some key decisions (because at last you can). From the year 2023, believe it or not, you are out of this altogether. You will have settled the imbalances between work and family and found the path. It may be that you need to put your writing, astrology, tarot and healing into a separate part of the week and spend the rest of it on another income source. There may even be two more income sources, actually. The karmic obligations between yourself, your child and her grandparents will stop from May 2020, for another 19 years. You will realise that a complete cycle or loop has finished then. I would urge you to use the Tarot and Astrology Oracle cards on this website to pursue more detailed answers. You also need to look at your daughter’s father. Where is he in all this?
Thank you Jessica, such a beautiful response; I’m so very appreciative and grateful for your insight! You touched on many things I’ve often felt I knew myself. The karmic contracts, most definitely; especially between my daughter and I. I have always thought my daughter was my mother and I her daughter in a past life— she’s ALWAYS acted like the other parent, since she grew up without her father, instead of the child. She’s has always acted like an old soul, from the moment she was born. My husband, his chart is pretty fascinating and also plays significantly into her life and mine, his birthday was December 31, 1969. 7:56 pm in Cedar Rapids Iowa. I’m certain he came here to play a role and then leave; he wasn’t meant for a lifetime only a season, of course I didn’t know that until much later in life. Life is such an intricate web of so many components, I will definitely continue to use the tarot and the astrology Oracle for deeper meaning into the next year; I’m grateful by spring there will be relief!! 2 more income sources would obviously be a game changer, that’s exciting to here. Again, thank you so much, this helps more than you know!! I’m looking forward to moving forward in January 2020; in the mean time I will continue to pursue my paths with perseverance, trust and faith!! The information about the Queens chart is so interesting, thank you for sharing that with me!
It’s an absolute pleasure and I feel you will use yourself as a guinea pig, the better to advance your career later in life, as you are your own best ‘test’ so that you can be absolutely sure of the advice you will give others, using Tarot and astrology, later on.
Hello Jessica
I have balance as ascendant and I would like to know if prédictions are valable for me…
I Wonder about what you said concerning scandalous relations and please excuse me for my poor english
I hope you will answer me because i have post yet a question but it’s Always in moderating way
Thanks a lot and have a good continuation
There are no scandalous relations! If you want to know what works best for you, it is the repair, reconstruction, improvement, progress and remedy for your home life, which comes from December 2019 and changes the year 2020. Most/all of the problems you have had with your house, apartment, household or family will disappear.
Dear Jessica,
It’s my Birthday today and thanks for the very useful Libra birthday horoscope.
Looking at my chart can you see a positive outcome in terms of finding a new job and can you see an improvement in my finances this year? Also do you see myself moving locally or internationally?
Many Thanks!
You’ll have a job opportunity (actually more than one) from December 2019 with more news by January 2020 as other people’s departures leave gaps you can fill. You will have the chance to move from May 2020 and into the year 2021, but it would involve a place you have lived in/travelled to before as there may be unfinished business there, NP.
Dear Jessica,
Thank you for your yearly Libra horoscope.
2018-2019 has felt very ‘heavy/difficult’, and trying to keep optimistic that things will improve is proving hard.
I have many blessings in my life and much to be greatful for, but I so wish I could sense a ‘ light at the end of the tunnel’, the sunlight breaking through the clouds. Will May 2020 really do that?
Best wishes
Pauline, 2019 has been heavy and difficult because you’ve been living with Pluto, Saturn and the South Node all in one sign – Capricorn – and all in the area of your chart which rules home at one end, and work at the other. That’s heavy. You will see light at the end of the tunnel from the first week of December when Jupiter goes into Capricorn and the long (12 month) road to repair and recovery begins. You will also be travelling or even moving from May 2020, going back to a place you knew from a previous life.
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