The March 2019 Supermoon Equinox and You
Did you see my comments on the Equinox in The Express in Britain? The March Supermoon Equinox astrology of March 20th or 21st (depending on your time zone) shows an unusual event in astrology. It will bring a radical new chapter into your life. Just four hours after the Equinox, we will see a Supermoon Full Moon, which shows the start of Spring in the United States and Great Britain (and Northern Hemisphere) and Autumn in Australia, New Zealand and the Southern Hemisphere.

The Zero Degree Effect. Is Your Personal Chart Affected?
The Supermoon Full Moon falls on 21st March at 1.42 am, depending on your time zone and location. It falls with the Sun at 0 Aries and Moon at 0 Libra. This is tied into a bigger pattern with Uranus at 0 Taurus and Chiron at 1 Aries. This is not just one new start in your life, but two. In a moment I will look at your Sun Sign chart (regular horoscope) and then at your personal birth chart if you are a Premium Member.
Your Personal Birth Chart
Your personal birth chart will be shown here if you are a Premium Member. Look for anything at 0 and/or 1 degree.
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If you have chart factors at 0 and/or 1 degree of any zodiac sign then this rare pattern on the Supermoon Equinox with points in Aries, Libra and Taurus will bring first chapter in two stories in your life, thanks to the astrological weather. It will not be without an inner conflict, or a polar opposites situation, as the Sun at 0 Aries is right opposite the Moon at 0 Libra. The Moon at 0 Libra is also right opposite Chiron at 1 Aries.
Uranus at 0 Taurus is making a semi-sextile to the Sun. It is also making a quincunx to the Moon. Finally, Uranus at 0 Taurus is making a semi-sextile to Chiron.
Don’t expect a smooth and easy start. It will be a bumpy entry! Yet, it will also take you on a new path in your life. What kind of path? Well, the horoscope factor will tell you half the information. And the zodiac sign and house it is in, will tell you the rest.
Do You Have Personal Birth Chart Factors at 0 or 1 Degree?
Let’s use this an example. If you have the North Node at 1 Cancer in your Fourth House of home, home town, homeland, family, apartment and house. You have the South Node at 1 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career, social status and success. Along comes Uranus at 0 Taurus, Chiron at 1 Aries, the Sun at 0 Aries and Moon at 0 Libra. That’s going to squeeze decisions from you, about all these factors in your life.
In all cases, hit Search or look at the ebooks that come with Premium Membership to see what the factors in your chart mean, and what sign/house they are in – because this is where the story will be, at Equinox Supermoon.
What is the March Equinox?
Experienced on Thursday 21st March in Australia and on Wednesday 20th March in the United States and Great Britain, the Autumn Equinox (in Australia and New Zealand) and Spring Equinox (in the U.S.A., Canada, Britain and Europe) is crucial in astrology.
The Sun goes into Aries!
The sign of Aries the Ram (your Sun Sign if you were born March 21st to April 19th) is based on the start of the season we link to the Spring Equinox, around 22nd March. (In New Zealand, Australia and the rest of the Southern Hemisphere, it’s called the Autumn Equinox). It’s really unusual to also see a Supermoon at the start of Spring or Autumn Equinox (Aries Season) so this year, 2019, you will really feel change staring you in the face.

Aries Season in History and Astrology
Writing in Tetrabiblos, Claudius Ptolemy noted “The moistness of spring forms a primary beginning in the zodiac, similar to the beginning of all animal life.”
Is is typical of astrology that even today, March and April are tied to the reproductive cycle of rams and sheep, not only in the Northern Hemisphere where moist spring begins, but also in the Southern Hemisphere, where autumn unfolds.
March and April and the early Spring days are peak lambing times in Great Britain. In New Zealand, when March and April means Autumn, it’s mating season, when ewes and rams are put together.
Astrology works on synchronicity, first identified by Carl Jung. Powerful connections and correlations. Cosmic coincidences, if you like. This is the perfect example of it.
The Los Angeles Rams sum up this pushing, thrusting, aggressive, fiery quality of Aries very well. In fact, rams are often adopted by football teams because of the ancient association with being first, winning and coming first. This old ticket from 1937 is for a Cleveland Rams game. This is not science. This is astrology. This is synchronicity.
The reproductive cycle of the ram is tied to the Spring Equinox in England and the Autumn Equinox in New Zealand, as we’ve seen. This gives us more synchronicity about the sign. Rams settle fights by ‘ramming’ their heads together. When we lock horns we are expressing our Aries side (if we have other planets there). Sheep depend on fights, threats and competitions to work out who dominates. Butting heads and headbutts are associated with aggression. I wrote a series called Handbag Horoscopes (Penguin) some years ago. Maybe you’ve seen the Aries book in the series. My publisher Julie Gibbs and the Penguin art department ran various images past me for the cover, below . We chose a lot of red because of its association with Aries symbolism. You ‘see red’ if you see a red light stopping you in Aries season, because it’s time to push, charge, initiate, begin…and so on. You won’t accept a red STOP sign because everything is telling you to go, go, go.
Aries Weather From Scotland to Australia
Let’s look more at Aries weather (astrological climate change) at the start of Spring and Autumn on both sides of the world, so you can see long proof of the world horoscope working.
Aries the ram rules the Spring and Autumn Equinox in March. Believe it or not, sheep played a role in several historical conflicts like the Highland Clearance in Scotland, when people were evicted from their homes, the American range wars, and the English “enclosing of the commons.”
In the U.S. range wars, violent conflicts erupted between cattle ranchers and sheep herders. Britain’s close of the commons displaced farmers. It’s textbook Aries.
History and astrology tell us that important battles commence during Aries season. This applies no matter if it’s Spring in the Northern Hemisphere or Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.
Anzac Cove became famous as the site of the World War I landing of the ANZACs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) on 25th April 1915. The famous Siege of Tobruk began on April 10th, 1941 and the decisive 1918 Spring Offensive by Germany along the Western Front during the First World War began on 21st March 1918.
A headbutt (coup de tête) is a good symbol for Aries. During the Autumn Equinox season, when astrologers mark the start of Aries birthdays, New Zealand rams begin ‘butting heads’ in order to compete for breeding supremacy. This strangely Aries phenomenon is often seen in football. The head-to-chest butt famously used by Zinedine Zidane in the 2006 World Cup is proof. The headbutt is also known as the Glasgow Kiss.
The ancient military use of the battering ram is tied to Aries the ram. Naval rams have been used in battles for centuries. Air ramming was famously suggested on 9/11 when Major Heather Penney was sent to intercept United Airlines Flight 93.
Head butts turn up in some forms of martial arts like judo and karate. Martial is a word which has its roots in Mars, the Roman God of War who is associated with the red planet Mars in astrology. The ruler of Aries.
All these associations and connections come to us from the Ancient World but are still relevant today, for the very first sign of the zodiac – Aries the Ram – which we still think of, even after centuries, in connection with the American and European Spring Equinox and the Australian and New Zealand Autumn Equinox. Nothing to do with the constellation of Aries! All to do with the fact that at both ends of the world, the same month is crucial to ram/ewe reproduction.
Read More About Aries and Equinox Here

The Headlines of Your Life on the Equinox Supermoon
You have two charts in modern astrology. Your public chart (Sun Sign) which shows the headlines of your life and your private chart (natal or birth chart) which shows the background story.
Where is the big new beginning signalled by Chiron in Aries? By the Sun in Aries at Equinox, right opposite the Full Moon? I mentioned it would be a bumpy entry, and so it will be – yet you have years of Chiron in Aries ahead of you, so you might call this the first sentence of a very, very long story for you.
Taurus – Secrets. Classified Information. The Unconscious Mind. Subterfuge. The Occult. Dreams. Privacy.
Gemini – Groups. Political Parties. The Freemasons. Friendships. Twitter. Networks. Clubs. Teams. Community.
Cancer – Success. Ambition. Social Position. Mission. Vocation. Career. Degree. Title. Role. Success. The Top.
Leo – Academia. Informal Education. Publishing. Websites. Travel. Foreigners. Spirituality. Science. Belief.
Virgo – Finance. Taxation. Rent. Investment. Banks. Cryptocurrency. Blockchain. Debts. Credit Cards. Paypal.
Libra – Potential Partners. Former Partners. Current Partners. Enemies. Rivals. Allies. Opponents. Duets.
Scorpio – The Body. Your Daily Workload. Service. Duty. Chores. Tasks. Rituals. Routines. Health. Well-being.
Sagittarius – Pregnancy. Step-Parenting. Adoption. Nieces. Nephews. Godchildren. Youth. Lovers. Offspring.
Capricorn – House. Land. Apartment. Holiday Home. Home Town. Homeland. Boat. Caravan. Family. Household.
Aquarius – The Internet. Multimedia. Hearing. Speech. Eyesight. Communication. Computers. Language. Words.
Pisces – Money. Debt. Credit Cards. Barter. Exchange. Charity. Business. Property. Investment. Possessions.
Chiron in Aries to 2026 and The Big Picture
Chiron is in Aries April 17th, 2018 to September 25th, 2018, then February 18th, 2019 to June 19th, 2026, then finally from September 17th, 2026 to April 14th, 2027 as discussed further here. What does this mean in your horoscope and also your personal birth chart? Well, that Supermoon is really going to announce Chiron to you!
Chiron is the teacher of astrology. He turns up as people, organisations or situations which educate you about what is possible. What is no longer ‘impossible’ or unthinkable. Chiron is a centaur. He stretches his bow and arrow and he stretches you, too. He is an unusual, unique teacher. Not like anybody or anything else. Chiron is a maverick educator. An outsider.
Learning What is Unacceptable or Unthinkable from Chiron
Chiron, as a half-man, half-horse, could not exist and should not exist. Yet (at least to the Romans who gave us our astrology) he was the best of all teachers. Chiron’s lessons are about anything or anybody which more conservative or traditional types think is outrageous. Often, what you learn on a Chiron cycle is what would previously have seemed unacceptable or unthinkable. You are about to see this in connection with the area of your life (above) listed.
Uranus in Taurus and the Supermoon Equinox
Tied into this extremely unusual pattern at 0, 1 degrees is Uranus, the planet of radical change, revolution, freedom and independence. He is in Taurus, the sign which rules the banks, money laundering, Blockchain, cryptocurrency and the world economy. The ripple effect from events regarding this near March 21st will also have an impact on you. It won’t be directly about money unless you have factors at Scorpio or Taurus 0, 1 in your birth chart. Yet, one way or another, extreme sharemarket change is coming and it will add to this story about the fresh start and new beginning (above). You can read more about Uranus in Taurus here.
Your Second News Story on Supermoon Equinox
Knowing that this Supermoon Equinox releases a brand-new beginning in your life, as above (finance for Virgo and Pisces, partnership for Libra) what else is in store?
Well, Uranus in Taurus is also being triggered by this huge astrological event, so you can expect the revolution to really get started with this life department for your sign, below.
Thus, you have not just one, but two bold new stories starting very close to March 21st. Remember, this is the headlines of your life. This is publicly where there will be a new start.
Both these brand new chapters in your life will be connected to each other on Equinox Supermoon. Astrology is not promising you a seamless, smooth, no-brainer beginning. Yet, it shows you a crucial fresh start which will put you on a destiny path for many years. Think of it as the beginning of a long-running television series in your life, which commences with one episode with two storylines, or two plots. This is it. March 20th and March 21st, 2019.
Gemini – Secrets. Classified Information. The Unconscious Mind. Subterfuge. The Occult. Dreams. Privacy.
Cancer – Groups. Political Parties. The Freemasons. Friendships. Twitter. Networks. Clubs. Teams. Community.
Leo – Success. Ambition. Social Position. Mission. Vocation. Career. Degree. Title. Role. Success. The Top.
Virgo – Academia. Informal Education. Publishing. Websites. Travel. Foreigners. Spirituality. Science. Belief.
Libra – Finance. Taxation. Rent. Investment. Banks. Cryptocurrency. Blockchain. Debts. Credit Cards. Paypal.
Scorpio – Potential Partners. Former Partners. Current Partners. Enemies. Rivals. Allies. Opponents. Duets.
Sagittarius – The Body. Your Daily Workload. Service. Duty. Chores. Tasks. Rituals. Routines. Health. Wellbeing.
Capricorn – Pregnancy. Step-Parenting. Adoption. Nieces. Nephews. Godchildren. Youth. Lovers. Offspring.
Aquarius – House. Land. Apartment. Holiday Home. Home Town. Homeland. Boat. Caravan. Family. Household.
Pisces – The Internet. Multimedia. Hearing. Speech. Eyesight. Communication. Computers. Language. Words.
Aries – Money. Debt. Credit Cards. Barter. Exchange. Charity. Business. Property. Investment. Possessions.
Taurus – Reputation. Image. Appearance. Profile. Face. Portrait. Title. Brand.
There’s More! The New Moon in Aries on 5th April
Connected to this ‘fresh start’ story in your life which we’ve been looking at – is the New Moon on April 5th 2019 which falls with the Sun at 15 Aries and Moon at 15 Aries. If you have factors at 14, 15, 16 Aries in your personal birth chart this is a relaunch for you. It may be a new look or ‘page one’ of a rebranding of your profile, name, face or identity.
Why is this Aries zone of your chart such a big deal? Because not only do you have all this lunar activity in Aries, you are also seeing the definitive ending of a cycle (Uranus was in Aries 2010 through May 2018/March 2019).
This is the end of one mini-series and the start of another, in that department of your life, ruled by this sign.
Do You Have an Aries Stellium in Your Birth Chart?
If you have an Aries stellium in your personal birth horoscope (more than three factors) then, in general, the arrival of that Supermoon Equinox moment, tied to Chiron in Aries and Uranus in Taurus, followed by the New Moon in Aries on 5th April, will bring a major new chapter regarding your social media in particular. Aries rules the face and Facebook is an obvious example. We’re going to see the collapse of that as I predicted over a year ago and it will have an impact on you.
Even if you are not on Facebook (and I quit many years ago) there will still be an Aries/First House ‘story’ now, if you have a stellium in Aries!
Your photograph, online profile, avatar, the name you use may be reshaped across March, April if you have an Aries stellium or there may be weight loss, cosmetic surgery, dentistry work – or a fresh title or role.
The Double Full Moon in Libra – March and April 2019
On 21st March 2019 (allow a day either side for the world to catch up with itself) you will see and feel the impact of the Full Moon, as the Moon stands at 0 Libra opposite the Sun at 0 Aries. This is the bumpy entrance to the new road. The destination is shown by your regular horoscope, depending on if you are Aries, Taurus, Gemini and so on (above).On a personal level your birth chart could be affected too, as we’ve seen. That would be a far bigger story.
Now, a very strange thing happens in 2019. On 19th April 2019 we find another Full Moon at 29 Libra. The Moon at 29 Libra is opposite the Sun at 29 Aries. So that whole story you read about, is repeated. Again, what we have is a bumpy start to a big new pathway. An ‘edit’ of the first sentence in a new chapter.
The Aries Story in Your Life Repeats in April
This is the second bump on the new road. Just to recap, in your usual horoscope or Sun Sign chart this is follows. Aries – image. Taurus – secrets. Gemini – friends. Cancer – career. Leo – travel. Virgo – finance. Libra – partners. Scorpio – workload. Sagittarius – children. Capricorn – home. Aquarius – internet. Pisces – money.
If you are a Premium Member, check your personal chart again. If you have anything at all in your chart at 29 degrees then this ‘split’ between people or organisations – or perhaps this conflicted situation – will also deliver a personal story.
The ‘what’ of the story will be explained by the nature of the horoscope factor which sits at 29 degrees, and the zodiac sign it is in, which will show you the area of life to be brought alive.
So, for example, if you have Diana at 29 Cancer in the Fourth House of home, family, household, home town, homeland, house or apartment, then the Full Moon will bring this to life. Diana is a symbol of independence and freedom without commitment. You can expect polar opposites, inner conflict or a classic pros and cons situation on 19th April.
The most famous example of a Full Moon in modern history took place on D-Day, 6th June 1944. General Dwight D. Eisenhower needed a Full Moon and low tide for a successful invasion of France by the Allies against the Nazis.
A quick way to remember Full Moon effects (any Full Moon) is just this – it will be D-Day. You might call it Decision Day. Two new stories in your life. One big new beginning. A chain of decisions. Welcome to Supermoon Equinox 2019.
141 Responses
Hi Jessica I have my Chiron at 3 Aries and I’m having my Chiron return as well as a stellium in Aries and libra but the degrees are not at one or zero , can you let me know how my chart may be triggered ?
Thanks in advance
You won’t feel the Supermoon but you will experience transiting Chiron (lessons) at 3 Aries in the First House (image) conjunct your natal Chiron (your ability to teach or mentor) also at 3 Aries in the First House (image, profile). The other factor here is Jupiter (blessings) at 3 Virgo (body, workload, lifestyle) in the Sixth House. I am sure you can see how all that works for you. It’s title, qualifications or reputation with work, unpaid work or education – perhaps – or just your physical appearance, shape, posture and perhaps yoga, swimming, the gym and so on. The weather at 3 degrees involves Uranus in Taurus as well as Chiron in Aries and runs through 2019, 2020.
Hello Jessica. I separated a couple of months ago. Another astrologer said I’ll meet a lady with kids who’ll be prepared to be a good step mother to my 3 children. The way I’m reading your post is that it is possible that might happen soon? Thank you so much for support and service.
Cheers. AC.
I just heard the phrase ‘Monte Carlo’ clairaudiently AC, so I will pass that on. I have no idea if it’s the place or the biscuit! Okay, so you want a new partner and stepmother to your children after separating. This Supermoon will have no impact on that as it’s in the wrong zodiac signs to trigger anything about marriage, love, sex and parenthood in your horoscope. A really good idea for 2019 and beyond is to take life as it comes. To be prepared to change your ideas about commitment and to experiment. To be open about who and what arrives. There is no white picket fence here and what you experience emotionally with dating and relationships is really about what freedom feels like – what independence feels like. This may mean commitment but it would not be conventional and it would have no-rules rules, or the person concerned would want her own space or have a job where that is built in (like a flight attendant). You may also play out the cycle (which runs for 7 years) by agreeing on separate homes, for example, or some other inbuilt independence. It is very important that you go into dating with your eyes wide open regarding your own need for space or the other person’s so you can consciously create that, rather than not understanding or acknowledging that drive for excitement, the unpredictable and so on. Much easier for the children too. The time to start having that conversation with yourself is now.
I would love to have some comments re my chart Jessica. Certainly I tend to feel full moons anyway, my emotions will indicate their existence and then I look into the skys to confirm! Otherwise my life is relatively stress free at the moment, with the exception of investigations into the health of one of my sons. I do have Taurus/Scorpio at 00, and Jupiter and Psyche at 29 Gemini. Thanking you!
You were born with Diana (independence, no commitment, no ties) at 0 Aquarius (groups of friends, communities, people power). If your birth time was accurate and the cord was cut at 4.26am you have the M.C.(Midheaven, which means ultimate achievement) at 0 Scorpio and I.C. (Immum Coeli which means your family tree) at 0 Taurus. This is what they call a T Square in astrology. You have a T-Square from Diana to your Midheaven and Immum Coeli. Tension between what you cannot ‘square’ regarding friends, groups, the family tree (your roots) and also your ambition or mission. Money, business, charity or property would be a big part of that. Perhaps possessions. Certainly your value system. You will soon know if your birth time was accurately recorded as March, April are months of intense questioning about all that and you will need to add people to the situation to make it easier. For more on how to do this see the feature on Sacred Geometry.
Hi Jessica, thank you for this article! I have no factors at 0 or 1 degrees but I have an Aries stellium, a Taurus stellium, and Libra in Pluto and Uranus. I also have a number of factors at 29 degrees, including the nodes. I have read the information and get the impression that I could have some new stories in relation to my career and possibly a new partner. I would really appreciate your Insights. Thanks
Thank you. You have been through quite an intense phase with your money, house, apartment, charity, business or possessions as the ‘weather’ at 29 degrees swept over your North Node (karma) at 29 Scorpio in the Eighth House of sex and finance, family and property, legacies and inheritance. The South Node at 29 Taurus in the Second House of personal income, banks and values was also part of that pattern. Psyche at 29 Taurus in your Second House was also transited, so a forever statement was written in 2018 or early 2019. Now you can farewell all that as you are well and truly crossing the bridge to 2019 now. You have Vesta at 2 Aries in your First House of image, face, profile, reputation, name, role, title and so on. This is associated with the impact of one male, and more than one female, on how you are seen and how you appear. You are about to experience transiting Chiron at 2 Aries conjunct your Vesta, which will teach you lessons (Chiron is a professor or foster parent figure) about how you’re seen, in relation to gender politics. Look up First House, Vesta, Chiron in Search or in your ebooks to find out more. As you also have (in your Sun Cancer chart) the North Node of karma in your First House of image in 2019, this is the same story told twice. It’s about how you look online or in the mirror, on camera or in a portrait. Chiron will be at 2 Aries in March, April, then back again November 2019, February 2020 so it’s a long cycle. If you should get caught up in a love triangle be sharply aware of what it does to the way you are seen!
Thanks for this information Jessica. Could the one male and multiple females be in a work context? Or is it more likely to be in a personal context eg a love triangle? All the best.
The triangle with Vesta is usually personal but it can be work or family. I have seen it with a male pilot and two female flight attendants. With a family where there were only girls born, so one male head of household and daughters/ex-wife/wife!
Thank you Jessica!
Fascinating as always. Thankyou for taking the time to produce these articles.
Regarding 19th April. I have 3 factors at 29 degrees. Asc 29 Cancer, Panacea 29 Cancer and Desc 29 Capricorn. I have looked these up in how to read your horoscope but I am still confused as to how this will affect me.
Hoping you can help Jessica.
Thank you. Your birth time would have to be strictly accurate for the Ascendant and Descendant to be triggered. Panacea at 29 Cancer in your Fourth House describes your ability to cure, fix, heal and resolve – with family members, with your own household, with particular houses or apartments, and on a wider level – with your local area or country. You would be a good home renovator or family therapist. A good National Trust employee. You are also a Sun Cancer person so are very much identified with the home, home town, homeland or family – it is how you are judged by outsiders. As you go into a brand new phase with Uranus, Chiron, the Sun and Moon all exiting the 29 degree spot, you will have a clear sense of ‘that was then, this is now.’ It is not half as important as the fact that you have Mars at 1 Virgo, though. That is the real story. You have Mars (action, competitive impulses, assertiveness, drive, energy) in Virgo (lifestyle, the body, daily workload, service and duty) in the Sixth House. This is being well and truly woken up by the unusual line-up we have at 0, 1 degree. Uranus is trine your Mars. Chiron is quincunx your Mars. The Supermoon is semi-sextile your Mars. The Sun is quincunx your Mars. For more on Mars and the Sixth House please read Search or your ebooks, but in general, pull back the speed and heat, at work, with your housework, and particularly when engaging in sport or outdoors activity.
Dear Jessica,
The sun is shining, the temperature’s rising and the snow is melting! Greetings from Canada. Excited for this Supermoon and how it will affect me. I am a Sun Libra with Proserpina at 0 Taurus. Thank you and Happy Spring!
Thank you. Both house systems I use for you say the same thing. As a Sun Libra person you have Uranus (radical change) in Taurus in your Eighth House of business, finance, sex and money, legacy and inheritance, marriage and mortgage, family and property. In your personal birth chart you have Proserpina at 0 Taurus (money) in your Second House of possessions, lump sums, banks and so on. You are a born negotiator or middle person when it comes to everything you own, earn or owe. You would make a good literary agent, bank loans manager or real-estate agent. Even if you just use your ability to be ‘piggy in the middle’ within the family, regarding money, you would find it came naturally. Now, this is about to be challenged and changed by Uranus at 0, 1 Taurus and Chiron making a semi-sextile from 0, 1 Aries – along with the Full Moon Supermoon which sees the Sun at 0 Aries and Moon at 0 Libra. If you look at the paintings or sculpture of Proserpina you may pick up some intuitive insights about your own situation. Proserpina was the daughter of Ceres, a powerful goddess mother, and was taken by Pluto, the god of the underworld. Proserpina was divided between her husband and mother, but in the end, was made to spend half the year with both. So, you are a natural divider, compromise artist, negotiator, people-pacifier and so on – in regard to houses, superannuation/pensions, shares, apartments, art, jewellery, money, business, charity. The winds of change are blowing fast and hard in March, April and May 2019 on a global and also a national level. When that happens, change with it. The Supermoon/Equinox is the very first sign. What happens in the financial front pages will have a personal impact on you.
Wow Jessica thank you. The headlines I do have – children and workload – were not what I expected at all, my immediate challenge in my life is upheaval in finding a home. Yet as I type this I realise that where I live is directly connected to my children and workload…hmm!
I have Aesculapia and Diana at 01deg Aquarius, and Pluto at 0 Scorpio. How will they tie into the twin headlines I have?
Thank you. There are two stories here. One is just based on your Sun Sagittarius chart, so you will find the headlines of your life very publicly involve children (Chiron and Sun in Aries) friends (Supermoon in Libra) and workload/lifestyle (Uranus in Taurus). When we go deeper we find that you have Pluto (control) at 0 Scorpio in your Eighth House of sex and money, family and property. You also have Diana (independence) at 1 Aquarius in your Eleventh House of groups and friendships, exactly conjunct Aesculapia (revivals) also at 1 Aquarius. You are looking for a home and you currently have Uranus at 0, 1 Taurus opposing Pluto in your chart. Give yourself time and space in 2019 as you may have to compromise. It does not last. What is waking up in your chart is really a friendship or community of people in your life, who are making a comeback. What flows now is your involvement with a team, club, Twitter network, society, association and similar. In fact it will ultimately change your life from Christmas 2020. For now, just focus on the art of friendship and people power within a group. Your Pluto in Scorpio wants and needs total control but you may have to let go and release a bit, as Uranus is right opposite, in 2019.
Hi Jessica, I love your posts always find them fascinating! I have Proserpina 0 libra , Ceres 1 aries ,mars 0 scorpio, my ex partner who I am going through a difficult split with has Pluto 1 scorpio ,moon 1 picses, Apollo 1 picses, prosperina 0 picses, Neptune 1 capricorn, Chiron 29 taurus and mars 28 scorpio. My ex partner is very secretive and and is making things difficult for my lawyer.
Would like to know what you can see ?
Many thanks X
Thank you. Yes, you and your former partner are caught up in the currents at 0 and 1 degree of Aries, Libra and Taurus. I will look at your chart as I can’t see his. I am sorry he is being secretive and your lawyer is having issues with him. You are fully engaged in this. You were born with Mars (fight, battle) at 0 Scorpio in your Eighth House of sex and money. You have Ceres (compromise, deal-making) at 1 Aries in your First House of reputation, appearance, profile and image. You have Proserpina (negotiation, sharing) at 0 Libra in your Seventh House of former, current and potential partners. I strongly recommend you keep the stakes as low as possible and the emotional energy investment also low. The fact is, Uranus (the revolution) in Taurus (finance) is right opposite your Mars. If your former partner has Pluto at 1 Scorpio he will also experience that opposition. It is most intense between now and mid-April 2019, then again mid-December 2019, January and early February 2020. It lingers. This is why you may want to look up Mars, Ceres and Proserpina on Search and in your Ebooks. Look up the Eighth House, First House and Seventh House as well. By knowing yourself, you can at least control yourself and use your willpower to manage your response. You have astrology on your side and he does not. Some other tips. Living with Mars under transit from Uranus can physically feel very tense and ‘stretched’ and I strongly recommend you use yoga, walking or swimming to help your body, mind and spirit. One of the unusual things about the transit you are experiencing is that Proserpina was Pluto’s wife and Ceres’ daughter. So there may be a story here about husbands, wives, daughters and mothers-in-law, for you or for him, or perhaps it all just feels very familiar. Another tip: look up paintings on Pinterest or Google Image Search of these archetypes – Pluto, Proserpina and Ceres. Sit with them and see what they tell you. Get to know the myth as well. You also need to look up Chiron both in art and in astrology and mythology as he is opposite your Proserpina and conjunct your Ceres. He classically turns up as a teacher, mentor or guide figure and he is there in your life right now. He may be your lawyer – not sure. Deep breath and start using your Astrology Journal. Find a way for your body to ‘take’ all that you feel in 2019 and early 2020.
Spot on Jessica, his mother was very instrumental in our split !
Thank you. The mother is always there when Ceres, Pluto and/or Proserpina are in the horoscope!
Think I want to disappear around the 19th April…….
Me: Libra, with 29 Scorpio in Bacchus (stellum of 5 in Scorpio & Virgo)
B: Sagitarius, with no factors listed above. (stellum of 7 in Capricorn)
V: Libra, with 29 Leo in Pluto, 29 Libra in Neptune (stellum of 8 in Virgo & 6 in Leo) (00 Gemini in South node, 00 Virgo in Minerva, 00 Sagitarius in North Node.
The 3 of us together for the Easter weekend, I think the affair will be let out of the bag…..
Any suggestions on where to run too?
You have been having an affair? Yes, the 0 degree pattern will just catch your Bacchus (hedonism) at 29 Scorpio (sex and money), and the person with Neptune (escapes from reality) at 29 Libra (adultery) will certainly catch it. Let’s just hope you don’t catch anything else. Ahem.
Hi Jessica,
thank you for this information and you are spot on I am a sun Capricorn and spend last weekend camping in my swag under the stars in the bush, it was paradise, (except for the drunken yobos at the caravan park) but hey paradise is paradise right?
I have Aries rising and Pisces moon I feel this equinox is a powerful time for me as I having been looking for someone who is missing and I am looking to start a new chapter in my life can you let me know if this is the right time? I understand mercury retrograde may slow things down until April 18 but I can wait till then.
Happy Mabon and thank you for your brilliant insight.
Thank you Sandi. Camping under the stars in the bush is such a great thing to do – next time, not near a caravan park full of yobbos though! Okay, so if your birth time is strictly accurate and the umbilical cord was cut at 1.25pm, then you have the M.C. or Midheaven – which is your highest achievement in life – at 0 Aquarius in the Eleventh House of friends and groups. The I.C. or Immum Coeli – which is your family tree – is at 0 Le in the Fifth House of children. If this is correct, then the amazing Supermoon Equinox line-up will trigger both at the same time. So there will be a project or goal involving friendships in a wider community of people, but also a pull back to a member of your family tree whose life revolved around children and young people, either as a really astonishing parent, or as (for example) a children’s writer or perhaps the coach of a teenage netball team. You would be picking up that inheritance and about now, be starting off on that path yourself, Sandi.
I am so excited about this new beginning. I have 7 factors at 0 or 1 degree. so if you could give me any insight as to what to expect, it would be appreciated. Love your content.
Jupiter and Uranus at 0 Libra in your chart give you the classic Moon Landing signature. It took two people to land on the Moon. This raised immediate questions about partnership for the watching world, but also the wives or girlfriends at home. There were other typical Libra questions, about the competition between Russia and America to be first (Libra also rules battles and contests) and of course this was the era of the Cold War. Beyond this the Moon landing was really about the two men no doubt being in competition to be the first to make history – yet they had to be part of a loyal duet. The more you find out about the Moon Landing the more you will discover about your own patterns in relationships and partnerships, but also in battles! This entire pattern is about to be triggered by the Supermoon itself. The other major issue about that lunar mission was the sexism as no women were involved and of course it was ‘One step for mankind’ and not ‘humankind’ or ‘humanity’ as it should have been. This is also a Libra concern. I have a feeling that the relationship you have with your former, current or potential partner which intensifies at Supermoon and is emphasised in March, April is the issue here. You will be ‘landing’ in a new way with him or her.
Hi Jessica,
I have many 0 in my chart. Do you have any tips and insights for me? My husband of 26 years is a cancer 19/7/69. I am a Mum and I work in a creative field.
Thank you.
Mercury at 0 Scorpio and Moon at 1 Taurus are about your money, pension/superannuation, house, apartment, charity, business or valuables. You need to be as flexible as possible so you can adapt and adjust to radical changes which come out of the blue, as Uranus goes over 0, 1 Taurus in March and April. You may also feel the changes as he goes to 2 Taurus, just one degree away from your Moon – and that is the case until February 2020. Your husband has Jupiter and Uranus both at 0 Libra, the sign ruling marriage, so this is clearly about you. You should both be open to change rather than try to hang onto the past, as this cycle is well-known in history and astrology for changing the rules of the game with banks.
Jess! I love this post – it’s made me excited! My little boy and I are moving into our new house today and it really does feel like a new beginning- but yes, a bit of a bumpy one. I still have some things to tie up with his Dad, and I’m nervous about what this move will mean for me with my career and like in general. But where we’re moving is right near the beach- it’s almost too good to be true (but the financial cost is very real :)). Any thoughts on how the timing of this new journey will set the path most welcome. Thanks so much for your work!
Thank you. It’s actually not the Supermoon so much as the fact that you are an Aquarian and Uranus (freedom, independence, radical change, space) literally just moved into your Fourth House of accommodation, family, flats and houses. Your issue with money will be resolved when you create a mini bubble of escape/holiday from reality (like a tiny amount credit card you spend and repay over and over) or similar. That bubble needs to co-exist with reality, though. In general, you’ll be renovating or moving for about 7 years, from time to time – because you need or are given what is new and different. So living lightly is a good idea. You will get more room to move each time, so you are beginning with a beach – and that is an awful lot of space. I hope your little boy loves it as much as you do.
Thanks so much Jess. I heard you on the radio saying you can bend time- you certainly can with how many of us you get back to!! Have a great day.
Aren’t you nice. Thanks Kate.
Dear Jessica,
I have saturn in 0deg Leo and Uranus in 0deg Scorpio. Then IC in 1deg Gemini and MC in 1deg Sagittarius. Can you tell me please what will be my story. Will of be something about children and finances? I I have an offer for working with children in referent paying and pro bono projects Based on my experience as a former top .manager I will guide them to create their first “companies” and to create their own products or projects. Do you think it could be the right think for me in this time?. And another offer slowly come to me – from my friend from another country – to work with her on S.O.S. call centre for employees with harassement experience. What do you think about this opportunities under this astrological event?
Thank you.
Children are ruled by Leo and the Fifth House and you were born with Saturn (hard work) in Leo at 0 degrees. If your birth time is strictly accurate then your I.C. (family tree) is in Gemini (internet) so you have inherited a role in communication from an ancestor or parent. Your M.C. (ultimate achievement) is in Sagittarius (foreign people and places) – again, if your birth time was to the minute. See how you go with finding out more about the role with children. Do a lot of research on what is actually involved and ask around. You would be setting yourself up for transiting Uranus at 0-1 Taurus creating a T-Square with natal Saturn at 0 Leo and Uranus at 0 Scorpio (financial change) and that’s very challenging to say the least. Research the other offer from a friend overseas. You have a good Sagittarius pattern in your Ninth House and so anything or anybody foreign, regional, from another culture works really well for you this year. This may be the offer now or another one later, but look at what/who is overseas.
Hey Jessica,
Ironically enough, I have the moon in Aquarius at one degree. Will you please elaborate on what this means? As always, thank you.
The Moon describes how you nurture, feed, care and protect people. At 1 Aquarius in the Eleventh House of groups and friends, it points to a shared community or network. It may be a group household of friends or a book club. A charity, or a work project involving many friends. You will find this is well and truly brought alive on the Supermoon with the Moon at 0 Libra and Sun at 0 Aries. You also have Uranus squaring the Moon from 0, 1, 2 Taurus and that is a story in both 2019 and 2020. In general the time has come to look long and hard at group psychology and the hive mind. Aquarius feeds groups she is never merged within them. Do look up this sign on Search as well as I have written a long piece on where it comes from and what it means. You are at a point in your history when you need to figure out what friendship is – and what it is not.
Hi Jessica, 19th April is a worry… as my Venus is @ 29″ of Virgo (my sun sign). Your insights would be very much appreciated. Many thanks, Mary.
Your Psyche at 1 Libra is actually the story Mary. Venus not so much. Psyche describes how you live forever. What immortalises you. What continues after you have finished this particular lifetime. In Libra this describes what it is about your former, current or potential partnerships that will be written in stone. Libra can also describe enemies, opponents or rivals. Think of the scales with either a partner or a foe on either end and you have it right. This is all in your Seventh House. As the Supermoon goes to 0 Libra it is almost exactly conjunct your Psyche. Uranus at 1 Taurus will quincunx Psyche in March and April. Chiron is opposite Psyche March-April. There is a great deal here to sort out with the other person, or the other side. Sometimes it’s a duet that is purely professional, like Churchill and Eisenhower. Sometimes it’s personal, like a marriage – Winston Churchill and Clementine, his wife. Look up all I’ve mentioned on Search and in your ebooks as it is about to be well and truly triggered.
Looks like I’ll be having some eventful weeks!
I can actually see how one of these two stories will probably play out.
I don’t have any planets or asteroids at 14, 15 or 16 Aries, but I do have my Sun, Moon and Neptune at these degrees (but in other signs). I can create a correlation with my life because on the 7th my contract with my current employer will end, and we both don’t want to renew it. In one way I feel it some kind of liberating that this partnership is ending. It was not that fullfiling and I’m having a desire to give freelancing a new try… again!
Regarding the Full MoonS in Libra, is more of a mystery to me.
Uranus did play some tricks on me for the past years. It has been quite a trip and a real revolution, relationship-wise. I’ve been showed, time and time again, that I should put myself and my freedom above all. Every single time I would get attached to someone, they would disappear by magic. Everytime someone would get attached to me, I would get this urge to just run the other way (I even left the country in one ocasion ahah). I felt like a magnet repelling other magnets.
But now I’m very very single. And happy. But still single ahah!
And having Saturn in Aquarius at 00 desgrees is a little intimidating (it’s Saturn!) but, hopefuly, with Psyche in Virgo at 00 degrees, whatever it comes it will not be so painful.
Regarding the second Full Moon, the only aspect that gets triggered in my birth chart is Vesta in Leo. I’m very curious to see how this will affect me since I do not have any children, nieces, nephews, etc. My guess is that this will be related to friendships since most of my friends are younger than me but, anyhow, there isn’t a big generational gap.
Thank you so much for these articles. I really enjoy reading them and always come to read them time and time again.
Thank you, I will pass that compliment onto Jodi in particular who often designs these features. Okay, so you have Saturn at 0 Aquarius and Psyche at 0 Virgo. Saturn (hard work) in the Eleventh House (groups) in Aquarius (friends and acquaintances). This is quincunx, or connected to, Psyche (what outlives you) in Virgo (service to others) in the Sixth House (your duty to people but also your duty to your own health and fitness). You are about to experience Uranus going over 0 Taurus, triggering this, and also the Supermoon and Sun at 0 Libra and 0 Aries. Put all that together and you will see what to do, and what not to do. I am sure you know the group or friend in question. It may be purely online or in the real world but Uranus at 0 Taurus is square your Saturn and it really is time to change.
Hi Jessica,
I have a few factors at 0 and 1 degrees!
Can you please tell me how this super moon might affect me personally?
Thank you!
Pluto at 2 Scorpio and Hygiea at 1 Taurus are opposite each other. Pluto (control) in Scorpio (finance) is in your Eighth House of sex and money, marriage and mortgage, legacies and wills, family and property. Hygiea (protection) in Taurus (ownership) is in your Second House of personal income and values, valuables and so on. You will experience Uranus, a symbol of radical change, across 0, 1, 2, 3 Taurus in both 2019 and 2020 and April in particular will reveal what you need to look at most. Try to release and let go. There is a tremendous need to ‘run’ the money, house, apartment, charity, shares, business and so on. That will have to be reconsidered. Get the best financial advice you can afford if you have questions but I think you will see the issues exactly near April 21, 22, 23 when the Sun sheds light on the matter.
Hi Jessica,
I’ve Mercury 1 Pisces, Proserpina 29 Capricorn & Cupido 29 Virgo
It would seem that money/finance plus communication/internet will be triggered by the Supermoon. The 19th April I can’t get my head around. Can you please give me some insight ?
Many thanks
Mercury at 1 Pisces squares Vesta at 2 Gemini in your birth chart Nikki. You communicate online (Mercury) and on your phone (Mercury) or by writing things down in a diary (Mercury again) undercover. You may be incognito online so use another name or picture for yourself. Perhaps you watch what people are up to online without announcing you are there. Sometimes this pattern manifests as anonymous blogging or just writing books under a pseudonym. The square to Vesta, which is about ‘one male, two or more females’ leads to Gemini and the Third House, which rules the internet, so this is a double whammy. I suspect that as Chiron, the Supermoon and Uranus will kick off a cycle which takes you into next year, when you need to be so aware of what you are setting up for yourself online, on your phone, with your writing and so on. Look up Mercury, Twelfth House, Vesta, Third House on Search or in your ebooks when you finish reading this. Vesta can be toxic so if one man is playing you and another woman (or even a number of women/females) like a fish, swim away.
Hello Jessica! I’m randomly plucked the date 4th April to commence some long overdue intense therapy. I then read your post with the 5th April date and funny enough I have my moon hitting right on those factors. I hit the online tarot regarding my potential rapport with my therapist and received “The Star”. I couldn’t be more optimistic now! However, I also have a ton of the 00, 01 degrees and an trying to piece it altogether; but I’m overwhelmed! Can you please help me unpack this a little bit more? I’m also still waiting to make a police statement for the abuse I reported, as you might recall. I’m wondering whether this might all coincide!! Thank you so much xx
The Star is about your sexuality and the support of a group of people, and it is very important. The time has come to experience your body for yourself, not necessarily sexually (though it is possible). You can enjoy a bath, swim, spa or shower and experience your body in a new way without having to put up with others sexualising you from head to toe. This will set you free. The support group is shown by the little stars and big star. You will have the opportunity to receive counselling or just friendship within a circle and should pursue that. The Star is a cipher for Aquarius the Water-Bearer and Uranus rules Aquarius, and is just moving across the 0, 1 degree placements in the horoscope – so that’s a double message. Pamela Colman Smith’s Tarot was created with astrology in mind, thanks to her mentor Arthur Waite and it is not unusual to draw a card and then see it echoed in the chart. For more look up Uranus and Aquarius on Search or in your ebooks. You are about to live it, if you wish. It’s a choice and I think it’s a good choice.
Thank you so very much. You are most definitely a shining star in my life and I’m very grateful for that. xx
Absolute pleasure.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for an amazing article! Could you, please tell me how this cycle will affect me?
You have Mercury (communication, internet) at 2 Libra (Seventh House, former, current and potential partnerships, both work and personal). You won’t experience anything from this Supermoon as it’s too wide. Yet, you will certainly find that Chiron at 2 Aries and Uranus at 2 Aries trigger this part of your chart, and that is valid in April 2019, May, November, December, January 2020, February 2020 (in particular, near St. Valentine’s Day). Look up the Seventh House, Mercury, Chiron and Uranus on Search when you finish reading this, and in your ebooks. Essentially there is a huge story in your life about a partner – past, present or potential future – and what you two have, online, but also perhaps with any multimedia projects. There may be another communication concern. This will be your top priority in the months mentioned. You would gain by reading widely and learning as much as you can about hearing, listening, finding the words, using the web/phone and so on – in relation to partnerships of all kinds, or possibly conflict situations. Libra can sometimes describe a battle or even a war.
Hi Jessica
How will this Supermoon help me in April? I have Uranus in Taurus ,1 deg conj my Moon and Venus in Taurus , my Second House of savings, earnings, house, possessions. I am planning a trip to Australia and I have some difficulties with my husband. Thank You .
Venus 0, Moon 1, Psyche 1 Taurus are in a triple conjunction, E. Venus describes marriage and in Taurus in the Second House, it is about the house, apartment, business, shares and bank account – but also the similarities or differences between you and your husband’s personal value system. This is about what you will or will not sell your soul for. Who or what is precious to the point of being priceless. Are we talking about what is lucrative here or filthy lucre? The Moon suggests you like to care for others, meet their needs, protect and nurture them through money. Perhaps through charity or just by lending/giving money, possessions – or extending your house or apartment to those around. Psyche is about what lives forever, beyond you, so this is the contents of your will, but also what you inherit, likely from your husband. For the first time in your life, you are experiencing Uranus crossing 0, 1 Taurus in your Second House. He is a symbol of the revolution that needs to independence and new freedom. It is about radical change brought about by new technology, so I suspect the Blockchain revolution but also the wider implications of the Magnitsky amendment to the Money Laundering Act will have a direct impact on your shares, your pension or superannuation and so on. We would also include Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency in that. Uranus goes back to 0, 1 Taurus throughout March and until April 13th, but I suspect that with your Psyche at 1 Taurus, you would also feel the changes with Uranus at 2 Taurus as well, and this is the case in the second half of April, opening days of May, Christmas 2019, January and February 2020. This goes on for a while. Look up Second House, Psyche, Moon and Venus on Search and in your ebooks to understand what is being triggered. Look up Uranus to see what is doing the triggering. What history and astrology tell us about Uranus transits is that they suit people who want to break away from who/what confines them, traps them and restricts them – even chains them. Uranus cycles work very well for the rebels and revolutionaries, the originals, the outsiders and the innovators – the inventors. They don’t work very well for people who want to hang onto the past, or deny what is going on. You are going to have to reshape your budget and your values, your approach to money and your ‘life budget’ which is about the things money cannot buy. Do this with maximum information, E, and make sure you are right across the news about the world economy, property prices, shares and so on as it develops in 2019 and 2020.
Thanks Jessica – this is really helpful. I’m trying not to be overwhelmed with everything at the moment – I have a huge urge to move from my Sydney house where I’ve been for a long time but no idea where to go as yet and there are many influencing factors such as my partner, family etc. I’m trying to take one step at a time as calmly and quickly as possible and trusting/asking the universe for direction. Your articles/advice of late have really helped – I’m a second Saturn return Taurus with Chiron at 01 Pisces and 3 planets in Aries. Intuitively I can feel big change coming and these insights are invaluable!
Jupiter at 3 Capricorn trine Pluto at 3 Virgo in your chart is your whole answer. You are about to experience a grand trine as transiting Uranus goes to 3 Taurus. You will also have your Jupiter Return at 3 Capricorn from December 2019. There is a total life reshape. No hurry yet as the Supermoon, Chiron and Uranus are only just starting out from 0 degrees. Yet, later this year, and again next year, you will experience a tremendous need to go further and higher professionally (Jupiter in Capricorn) and take control of your workload and lifestyle (Pluto in Virgo). The opportunity will come from the global economic crisis and revolution we are set to see shortly. It will be a catalyst for you to make your moves and you will benefit from the storms. It’s rather like being the person who celebrates having the water tanks full when there’s extreme weather, who goes out to see everything in the garden has grown lovely when the sun comes out. That’s you over the next 12-24 months.
Good evening to you Jessica,
Hope all is great on your side of the world. Well I have a stellium in Libra, my moon, Chiron & MC in Aries. I have 1/venus in Leo, 00/Juno in Capricorn. Can you please share with me what you see?
Have a fabulous day since its early morning for you.
Thank you. Uranus at 2 and Mercury at 3 Libra are in the zone in 2019 and 2020 as Uranus will pass 2, 3 Taurus and quincunx them – and Chiron at 2, 3 Aries will oppose them. Uranus conjunct Mercury in Libra in the Seventh House is your ability to change – or not change – regarding former, current or potential partners. The partnerships may be purely work or deeply personal, like a marriage. Mercury suggests that the other person is always your sounding board or informant – you two are like a double-act on the telephone or computer. This is a lifelong pattern and it may be played with a chain of different people. Uranus is a symbol of regular ‘new, different’ episodes in your life and predictably unpredictable upheaval. Sometimes it manifests in battles or even wars. A more common outcome is a working partnership which is never straightforward or a known quantity, yet also produces utterly original, exciting and quite revolutionary results. This is where you will really feel the shift this year and next year. Look up Uranus, Mercury and the Seventh House on Search as this is where you’ll see the new cycles. The Supermoon itself is too wide, but as it is a Full Moon in your Seventh House, you should still give yourself and the other person time and space.
Hi Jessica, my husband has Aries rising at 0 degrees and he is a Taurus Sun 25 degrees. He’s currently looking for a new job.. any idea what this super moon means for him? I don’t have anything at 0 or 1 but where he moves, I will move.
Thank you for your advice.
Hmm, Aries Rising needs to be based on a strictly accurate clock time of birth. If he really does have an Aries 0 Ascendant then he will change his title and role by April – if the birth time is out it will come later – but it will involve a new look as well. For more on this look up Aries Rising or Aries Ascendant.
Hi Jessica,
I have a few factors at 0′ and 1′ but not sure how to interpret? Ant insights would be appreciated.
Thanks for article – always hold me spellbound.
Ps I saw an eagle today (unusual where I live) and took it as a good omen xx
Your Jupiter at 29 Sagittarius is the one to watch here. You have your Jupiter Return in Sagittarius in the Ninth House in 2019 for the first time in 12 years. That is why you saw an eagle. The Romans would have loved that omen. You will travel or relocate this year following a stunning opportunity. Of course people take vacations or move all the time, but this is so much more than just another trip or fresh space. It would expand your intellectual and spiritual horizons. This is a year for teaching or learning, no matter if you label it or not. You will also experience Ceres conjunct your natal Jupiter at 29 Sagittarius. You’ll ‘live’ in the Ninth House all year, doing deals and making compromises and utterly changing yourself and your life, via one foreign culture, place or nationality. Look up Jupiter, Jupiter Return and the Ninth House on Search, but also Jupiter in Sagittarius, as all this applies to you this year.
Love your response above about the Moon Landing signature – I have that, too!
Thank you.
Feels like a huge and sticky time. Husband out of work and I’m flying. Like a rebalancing in our relationship (I’ve been at home with the kids for 9 years). Interested in Vulvano at 0 degrees and also N and S node at 26. I’m going to see a healer (highly recommended) today and it feels big. I just woke up from a dream about it. Also dreamed that I was unblocking the toilet in my childhood home this week which felt like a huge dream (I was literally pulling out poos with my bare hands ). Don’t know how we’ll get out of the financial hole we’re in…but at same time I haven’t felt as good as this for years. It’s weird! Any thoughts gratefully received. Love your work so much. Thank you. X
You have a stellium in Cancer in your Fourth House of home, family, household and property and you have been dreaming about unblocking the loo where you grew up. That should tell you everything you need to know, as the North Node of past lives, karma and reincarnation is in Cancer in 2019 and 2020. People often speak their dreams when they are writing about other things and you say ‘huge and sticky’ in the first sentence. You also talk about a financial hole – like an S bend I guess. My reading of your chart and the dream is that you are remembering not only your childhood on an unconscious level but also past lives. You are unblocking and unlocking old patterns which your parents probably had, around money and property, or even grandparents, and great-grandparents. Keep writing your dreams down. You have Venus at 2 Cancer, you see, and Uranus and Chiron will both reach 2 degrees in 2019 and 2020. Look up Venus and the Fourth House when you finish reading this because that is what you are feeling. That is where things are going to change very dramatically. Your unconscious mind will also help you with solutions to the financial ‘hole’ which is of course what a loo is always plumbed into. There is a lot going on there. And you only have Uranus in Taurus sextile Venus in Cancer once in your lifetime – it is happening soon and will happen again next year too.
Fab post Jess! Any insights on what this would mean for me? Love Nikki x
Apollo at 1 Aquarius suggests you are a natural leader in a group, team, club or community. You are a multi-tasker when it comes to your social media, social life and particularly people power with a purpose, like a trade union or a football association. As Uranus will square your Apollo in March, April and Chiron will sextile it – and the Supermoon will trine it – you are looking at a whole new ball game (pardon the pun) or a whole new set of dance steps with a circle of people. This is going to come back to you in December 2020 which will change your life actually, with the group, as Jupiter and Saturn go over 1 Aquarius. From 2023 Pluto goes over 1 Aquarius for the first time in over 240 years, so whoever these people are, they are in your destiny.
Hello Jessica!
I was waiting for this post because of the t square that Uranus in the early degrees of Taurus sets up with my natal Uranus and Saturn. I feel protected knowing that the full moon in Libra, Sun and Chiron in Aries in the early degrees are all casting friendly trines and sextiles to my Saturn in Leo. However, the Sun and Chiron are quincunx my natal Uranus in Scorpio. Who will win this mix of aspects? The positives or the negatives. Then, I also have Aesculapia in Virgo at 0. Not sure how to interpret this given my situation.
My mother had a biopsy and is receiving her results on the day of the supermoon, which makes me really worried. Since this is the biggest thing in my mind right now, can you read my chart to tell me what to expect? I thank you so much in advance for your service!
Your mother is found in the Fourth House and you have Hygiea at 8 Cancer in the Fourth House. Hygiea is a symbol of protection and caution and ‘prevention is better than cure’ so pre-emptive plans regarding the family, house, apartment or household as a way of life, is where you’re coming from. It is quite common to want to cover all your bases with relatives, particularly your mother, as the Fourth House is very much about Mum, Mama or Mom. You can look up Hygiea on Search and in your ebooks after you finish reading this to see how she works in your chart. Without knowing your mother’s horoscope it is hard to say if the Supermoon will trigger any major decisions or not. You have enough at 0 and 1 degree to suggest a lifestyle change in 2019, with a new budget and also a new ‘time and energy’ budget. Expect to add things up differently even just with food shopping and to start making alterations to the 24 hours in your day. Change is coming so it’s a new way of living, working, budgeting and even doing the housework, sleeping, relaxing, pursuing fitness – everything.
Hello Jessica,
I thought I would share an update with you. Turns out that my mother has stage IV cancer and the prognosis is not good. I do not have her exact time of birth but she is Sun Scorpio and her North node is 0 Virgo. At this point my goal is to spend as much quality time with her as possible. This super-moon has certainly changed everything about my life. Can I ask what chart factors did you use to predict that I would have a complete lifestyle change?
Venus at 2 Virgo tied into the 1 degree factors in your chart shows a lifestyle change. I am very sorry to hear about your mother and of course she has the North Node at 0 Virgo. The sign Virgo rules lifestyle, daily routine, daily workload and above all – the body. You are experiencing something that has never happened before and will never happen again. Uranus at 0, 1, 2 Taurus and Chiron at 0, 1, 2 Aries at the same time. This is obviously affecting her as well but in a different way – I cannot see the rest of her chart. Virgo rules service and duty and here you will be serving her, just as she served you when you were very small. You will also learn a great deal about the body, mind and spirit as you both learn more about living with cancer. This life education comes for difficult reasons but it will also transform your life for many years to come. For more on this look up Sixth House (ruled by Virgo) and perhaps Chiron and Uranus. You are experiencing a trine from Uranus at 0, 1, 2 Taurus to your Venus in Virgo in the Sixth house, and a quincunx from Chiron at 0, 1, 2 Aries.
Hello Jessica,
Thanks for the message. I just wanted you to know that you are doing the highest form of service to people. You are an angel in my eyes. My mother was born on the 19th of November 1942 (13.0826802,80.2707184). I have to tell you that the universe has been sending me so many signals including urging me to watch the documentary Heal on Netflix. After watching that and reading an ebook about healing, I feel positive that my mother can beat this cancer despite the odds. She is already so upbeat about her daughters coming to see her from 2 different countries. I just want to thank you for your wise words and kindness.
Thank you so much, what a lovely thing to read. I am really pleased you saw the documentary and also found the book on healing. It is lovely that her daughters are coming to see her. I wish you the very best in discovering all you can about the mind, body and spirit connection and you can take strength and inspiration from so many people who have been on the same cancer journey.
I have Proserpina 29 Scorpio and
Moon 29 Gemini what will this deliver me as I am meeting my boss with hr representative after unfair, unthinkable, unbelievable, unimaginable performance review full of false accusations and label.
I cannot believe that this can happen in 2019.
Also I have an OWL on my window singing her who-ho song in the middle of night and scaring me to jump out of bed and slip in my bathroom floor because I am shivering from being terrified by the voice of owl and it feels she trying to tell me something…
How about this for unusual equinox event…
Thank you with love for all and any feedback…
An owl is Minerva and the Romans would have taken that very seriously – there is wise advice around you, from a woman, or an organisation dominated by clever women. Minerva is at 0 Taurus moving to 1 and then 2 Taurus, right next to Uranus at 0, 1, 2 Taurus. That has never happened in your lifetime. You have the MC at 2 Taurus. The MC is your highest achievement in life. In Taurus it is about money, charity, property, business, valuables – but also your value system. Minerva is telling you to figure out the true price of things. What is your life budget? You can look Minerva up on Search or in your ebooks. She is in the Louvre holding an owl.
Hi Jessica,
Now if I was a professional, I would have predicted you were going to write this wonderful piece, and saved up my request for a personal comment until this post !!!
This gives me hope.. Work is a nightmare, and I’m at yet another professional crossroad. I’m torn between hanging in, or leaving in favour of my mental happiness and try to find another role.
Any response would be so gratefully received… as greedy as that may seem.
You have 0-1 patterns all over the place Zoe and it is actually the pattern in Sagittarius in your Ninth House of study which is most important. You are in a very good position to retrain, upskill or add another string to your bow in 2019 and as Uranus and Chiron dance across 0, 1, 2 degrees in 2019 and 2020 the option would be there. Rather than living a nightmare at work, find something that appeals to your need to travel in the mind and journey further with the big subjects – the fact that another culture, nationality or country was involved would be the real temptation. It’s out there for you this year and to some extent next year.
Hi Jessica,
Thanks for the wonderful post as always. I have Jupiter at 01°Capricorn, Salacia 01° Aquarius,
Apollo 01° Leo. I also have Pluto at 29° Virgo.
I am a Sun Cancer so have been going though a very unstable few years in my career since Uranus was transiting my career area. You say that Chiron will now be affecting my career. I have Chiron in Aries so will be experiencing my Chiron return over the next year or two. What do you see this supermoon starting for me?
Thanks Ciara. This is a total career reshape of course, with your Jupiter Return in December 2019 in your Tenth House of achievement, ambition, success and status. The pathway begins now, as you are leaving behind the 29 degree traffic which hit your Pluto (your need to control) in Virgo in your Sixth House of work, service and duty. There will be a real click, as you realise 2018 and prior is now history, and 2019 is the future. Uranus at 0, 1, 2 Taurus will trine your Jupiter so it looks as though the ripple effect of the next global financial revolution will affect what you do for a living – or study. It is likely to come out of the blue, as Uranus is the electrical storm that just breaks from nowhere, and yet you will find that what unfolds works for you – with more to come at the end of the year, when you’d have to bet your chances of a promotion, new position or fresh project were very high, as December reshuffles are so common. The Chiron Return is about your title, of course, in Aries and the First House of presentation, profile and packaging. There may also be a statement here about the sort of wardrobe you require!
Hello Jessica. I enjoyed the article, as usual. I have Psyche at 0 in Virgo. What effect will this have on me? Thanks
Thank you. Your service and duty to others, be they humans or even animals, will outlive you. Psyche describes what is immortal about you and what goes on forever! This is very likely to be your work, of course, and Psyche at 0 Virgo is really about jumping through hoops in your career, your unpaid work and also your housework – so that you end up making your life a really lasting statement. Virgo and the Sixth House are also about the body, mind and spirit – so covering all the bases from physical fitness to food, to surgery, to drugs or healers. Again, there is a ‘forever’ statement here. As Uranus trines your Psyche in March, April 2019 and Chiron makes the quincunx, with the Supermoon to act as trigger, you’ll find that you are in a position to write something in stone. What is on the internet, of course, often outlives us. If you were asking me this question hundreds of years ago, I might have thought you were a valet – a valet used to serve the monarchs! The only thing that stopped a valet serving, was ill health. They were often like doctors to the royalty they worked for, or apothecaries. If you are curious about Psyche do look her up on Search or in your ebooks.
Dear Jessica,
In 1999 I discovered Susan Miller and last year I found out about this site from hers.
It‘s changed my life.
I‘m going through my Chiron return at 1 Aries, I have the North Node and South Node at 0 Aries and 0 Libra, so many factors at 0 and 1 degrees and the moon at 29 Cancer.
Almost every new and full moon so far in 2019 has triggered my chart – I feel I am a completely different person in every way from one year ago – May 21, 2018 to be precise.
I‘m embracing what comes but a bit nervous this week as regards relationships and money, to be honest.
Thanks so much.
Thank you. Susan Miller has sent a lot of her readers to this website with her kind recommendation. She’s a good friend! Okay, so you are really going far, far out of the old 29 degree cycle that had an impact on your house, apartment, home town, homeland, household or family in 2018 and early 2019. The new story in your life is really about your profile, brand, image and appearance as you have your Chiron Return in Aries. The Full Moon will wake you up in regard to that. The Supermoon opposite suggests 2-3 days of time and space would be handy as you have a lot to think about where your title, name, portrait and so on is concerned. The catalyst would be your former, current or potential partner. Perhaps someone you already know is the opposition. Further on, Uranus will semi-sextile your Chiron and North Node and quincunx your South Node so a general revolution ‘out there’ in the world will bring you to a point where you want to show people around you what is possible with your name, face or brand these days. I have seen this transit before with people who experiment with a false name or avatar and a second identity.
Bonjour Jessica !
C’est le printemps ! Happy Springtime to all of you and thanks for writing this excellent article. I have a few things at 0 and 1 ° in my chart. Would you know what I should expect ? Merci, lots of love.
Merci beacoup! Angles at Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer and Capricorn will be triggered here – if your birth time was strictly accurate to the minute. Taurus and Scorpio are your finances, house or apartment, charity, valuable possessions or business. Cancer is home (again, property) and family, and Capricorn is career. If you really were born at that time then March and April are an important crossroads for you when you could switch jobs, get a second income source, reshape plans with your home and so on. Uranus the revolution planet is at work.
Dear Jessica,
Merci beaucoup for your answer ! Hope it’ll be a smooth revolution (not one with a guillotine :)).
Oh my God! was all I kept saying as I read it, all along.
I have
mars 0° aries
Moon-vesta conjunction at 28-27 libra
Other factors tying up in this pattern are:
Juno 29 leo
Cupido 29 virgo
Saturn-uranus conjunction at 29-28 sagittarius
Asc 0 scorpio & Desc 0 taurus
Just this week I have started getting in touch with people (mostly women) who can guide me with pursuance of pilates certification. Money and my physical condition is a serious limitation here though. I have also started to seek guidance from a male gemini friend for a film making course who happens to be a cinematographer. Also on the upcoming aries new moon I will launch a new profile on social media. It will the first in the series of a vision that I am bringing to reality.
I dont know if something will come out of it or not. But if it does it will be life changing. I am a scorpio btw. (15°)
Thank you for all that you do on this platform.
Pilates is about Virgo and the Sixth House and you have Cupido in Virgo at 29 – obviously your appearance is Aries and the First House. So your horoscope is ticking over, right on time. March and April are the months to watch.
Oh my gosh Jessica, I have an Aries Stellium amd so many factors at 29. April 19 is making me nervous.
Capricorn, Cancer, Gemini factors at 29 degrees in your chart should not make you nervous! You are just ending a long phase with the internet, communication, telephones, understanding, speech, reading and writing, listening/hearing/deafness – which has involved a family member, or a member of your household. At the same time these basic communication issues have been there with work, unpaid work or another role. This Full Moon is the last bump on the road before you take the exit off the motorway. This period in your life may also have been about the actual house or apartment, which Cancer rules. Your Aries stellium is really no big deal – you are just going to relaunch your look, and your title or name, over the next few years. Maybe skip the actual Full Moon for big decisions or action plans regarding career, home, family, internet as you’ll have enough to sort out anyway without piling more on your plate. You had Uranus at 29 Aries for quite a few months and also Chiron at 29 Pisces triggering all that in your chart, so this Full Moon is really about the hangover from last year/early this year. Look up Tenth House, Fourth House and Third House on Search or in your Ebooks because those are the three areas of your life where this has all played out.
Hi Jessica! I’m so grateful for your columns. I am in a place in my life where I MUST make changes but not only am I stymied by indecision, but I have no really good choices to make. I need more work, but have not been able to find anything despite sending out several resumes/month. I need to consider whether to let go of a vacation home in NZ, even though my daughter just started University in Auckland. OR – should I sell the home I’m currently in because I can’t find work in this state anyway? I am waiting for the Universe to provide some guidance and I meditate on this daily, but fear takes over. My question is this. Do factors at 28 degrees count during this second “bump” count, because I have Mercury, Uranus and Neptune at 28 degrees, but nothing at 29. I know you’ve written before to allow for 1 degree either direction. Does my chart suggest I should keep waiting – or just pull the trigger and DO something?
Thank you so much!
Thanks Kris. You were born with Saturn (hard work) at 1 Sagittarius in your Ninth House of travel, relocation, teaching, studying, publishing and multiculturalism. Diana (freedom) at 1 Leo in your Fifth House of children. Apollo (leadership) at 1 Cancer in your Fourth House of home and family. No wonder you feel you have to make changes. You are experiencing transiting Uranus at 0, 1 Taurus and Chiron at 0, 1 Aries, and you are sitting on a Supermoon at 0 Libra. I suggest you look up Saturn, Ninth House, Diana, Fifth House, Apollo, Fourth House to get a feel for the way you live out the patterns. You don’t know if you should sell your vacation home in New Zealand, or sell the home you live in now. You have not found work. Let the Full Moon/Supermoon pass as it’s not the time to choose. Take a deep breath because this will evolve now through 2020, as you are really watching the transits of Uranus (independence, radical change, revolution) at 0, 1, 2 Taurus and that means now through May, then again December 2019, January and February 2019. So – this was never going to be a quick decision. Quite outside yourself, there will be an economic shift in New Zealand and around the world, actually, which will affect small business, industry, and obviously the interest rates on mortgages and the value of homes. This weather will directly affect you. There is no ‘perfect’ in this as Saturn in Sagittarius is involved, at just 1 degree of the sign and we find Ceres (necessary compromise) moving to 0, 1, 2 Sagittarius in July and August this year. That winter in New Zealand seems like the moment you have to strike a deal with yourself, other people and the universe, actually. What does work for you is knowing that you will find freedom, space and independence as a mother. Diana is a symbol of a woman who rejects motherhood and marriage, actually, and she is alive and kicking in your horoscope. She is waking up in 2019. Your daughter’s new life at university is an obvious example of how you have just been released. You are also a natural leader with all family and home matters, and that will also come to you in 2019. So you are in a really strong position but you are going to have to change. You will know exactly when. And it will work out. Do look up those chart factors I mentioned and have a look at the paintings of these archetypes too – Diana, Apollo, Saturn. Diana in particular will speak to you. She is always pictured with a greyhound. If dogs are a feature of the new life don’t be surprised.
Hello Jessica,
Very excited about change, my life is plain boring…
However, I don’t know how all this will affect me. I have moon in Cancer @1 degree, Chiron in Pisces @1 degree, Vesta in Gemini @1 degree. I also have Jupiter in Capricorn @29, Uranus in Leo @29, and Fortune in Libra@29. No factors that all in Aries.
Can you please untangle this for me?
Thank you!
We love you!
Your Moon at 1 Cancer and Apollo at 1 Virgo are the most important factors here. Your birth time is bang on 12.00 and so I won’t use the angles as it is unlikely you were actually born at that minute, and they will change even if the midwife or doctor was slightly out. To be born with the Moon at 1 Cancer in the Fourth House of family, household, property, home, home town and homeland makes you a classic maternal figure and mothering type, either with tenants, your own children, your own parents, flatmates – and I have seen the pattern with women who don’t care about the family so much but give their lives to the National Trust and ‘mother’ their colleagues as they set about saving heritage buildings. The sextile to Apollo, a symbol of leadership, in Virgo in your Sixth House of daily routine, work, service and duty suggests that this really is about the home for you and you would be a superb professional housekeeper in a stately home as much as you would be a natural ‘earth mother’ type within your own residence. The transit of Uranus at 1 Taurus will form amazing new patterns in your life, now through April, so this is a fresh start for you with the house, apartment, garden, family or household. There is a revolution taking place with the banks and property prices out there and it will have a six-degrees of separation impact on you. The 29 degree Full Moon will make an impact but it won’t change your life. Just allow time and space as you see it coming to pass 18th-20th April as it will pick up your horoscope. You may want to schedule really big events or decisions another time as it will be quite enough for you to have to focus on what is already there, which will certainly require a choice, about your role in life, your status and success, children, partners and so on.
Dear Jessica,
The new moon on 5th of April got me excited after reading your great article. Because I have Chiron at 14 degrees Aries. You also mentioned for the full moon to watch for 0 degrees , I have Fortuna at 0 degrees Libra and Minerva 0 degrees in Pisces. I would love to hear your comments on these 🙂 Thank you once again.
This is a total life reshape actually, in 2019 and 2020. You were born with Fortuna (where you blindly influence the fate of other people) at 0 Libra in your Seventh House of former, current and potential partners. Minerva (your wisdom) at 0 Pisces in your Twelfth House of secrets, classified information and confidential matters. Salacia (how you explore alternatives) at 0 Aquarius in your Eleventh House of groups and friends. Proserpina (how you bridge the connection between two people, or two sides) at 0 Cancer in your Fourth House of family and household. The Supermoon will usher in a phase when Uranus (radical change, freedom, space, independence) at 0, 1 Taurus and Chiron (lessons) at 0, 1 Aries will present you with a situation you never expected. It will liberate you, turn you in a new direction and set you free from something or perhaps someone which restricted you far more than you may have realised. You will also be taught. This may be by a teacher, professor, author or expert, or by an organisation. Sometimes the teacher comes in disguise. The life reshape really comes from the line-up you have at 2 and 3 degrees, which comes straight after this 0 degree pattern. December 2019 brings your fortunate Jupiter Return at 2 Capricorn in the Tenth House of success, square your natal Pluto at 2 Libra in the Seventh House of former, current and potential partners. You also have factors in Sagittarius in your Ninth House of travel, study, teaching, foreign people and places and publishing which will be triggered. A door will open to a very different kind of partnership chemistry in 2019 thanks to the transits through Libra and this may be a work partnership, marriage or sexual relationship. This Supermoon is the key and you open the door and take the journey in 2019, 2020, with quite obviously a step up professionally or with your social status in December 2019 with a possible relocation or major new travel agenda in 2020.
Hi Jessica. I have my Vesta at “0” degrees. No idea what that means. Bless you for your time ❤️
Vesta at 0 Aries and Venus at 1 Virgo are both triggered by the transits of Uranus at 0, 1 Taurus and Chiron at 0, 1 Aries and also the Supermoon at 0 Libra. Vesta in Aries in your First House of reputation, appearance, image and profile suggests competition with other women, or girls, as a recurring pattern. This may be because you are in a profession where you have to make sure your hair, make-up, wardrobe and accessories pass muster, or because you present in the dating game, or in the business of being married, as a woman who is vying for number one position with a man, against firm competition from his ex-partner, mother, daughter and so on. Vesta is a powerful horoscope factor and you can look Vesta up on Search when you finish reading this. I have seen this pattern with track athletes who compete with other women. The quincunx to Venus in Virgo in your Sixth House of body and workload does suggest that your physical shape is where a lot of this gets played out. How you look. You might also play out the competition at work, at university or college, or with unpaid work. You will notice this issue comes up repeatedly in 2019, starting now and it is a good time to be aware of your patterns with other females. Reading about the First House and Sixth House will show you more too.
Goodness God, what a start to March. I am focused on acads abroad, still in great deadlock Jessica, and since March 8th 9th, very sudden changes (one positive done, that it is forever is my prayer) on the home, property front has got me now to think about that also. Traveled short distance for this last three days, aware it was necessary and that good I am here at present to get it done. Else some rotten people thought they had it easy.
Mum just told me next six months she’s here with me and focus is the house and other familial stuff which I find secondary that can be done later. Am worried that she is taking more that we should be at this time. The house , property work should be completed in full , and that is my focus now that from March 8th 9th. Six months?, I told her, I have my academic research , news from profs , none yet. My life is on the line, I’m struggling with no professional guidance and we got into an argument, even as I try to be calm with her (I’m Aries, but my Mars is in Cancer. Why am I so talkative, blunt and energetic, isn’t that Mars in Aries?).
You’ve just put in Aries 2019 forecast , Jessica, (my DOB is 21st March) and all I want to do is get this property work completed that came up from March 8th 9th, and move abroad for acads. Now I’m barely able to focus on my acad work, am so so tense about the home front. I’m finding this very very difficult. I feel why am I being pulled on to a different track now? Madness, this energy all around. I just want to leave , but fighting for research options , money is one thing. The house stuff is another direction. I feel so overwhelmed.
Apologies Jessica, I just felt like writing this. Yes, I am Aries 1st day, and have Taurus and Scorpio factors I have (Chiron in 3 Taurus, Uranus in 16 Scorpio, with Fortuna at 8 Scorpio) apart from my Sag factors (five in Sag with Neptune and Mid heaven at 18 and 26). It’s just March 8th 9th onward, my mind is now made to focus on these house property matters , which am thankful that came up at this time, when I’m here at present. At the same time, has me so unsettled about my own life what I have to do – academic research. moving abroad. I know all has to be done, I’ll do it, calmly , it’s just, I feel what is happening. It’s all so so sudden and so intense. For me and as well mum and sis , but they are settled. I’m not, professionally.
Keep thinking , why are bad people repeating in our lives (me, mum, sis – they are the best and deserve the best). Why..
Then I read about Uranus in Taurus, Chiron in Aries, Ceres cycle and I can barely breathe. It’s so overwhelming. What forces are they. Some tests these are. Thank you for your blog, Jessica. Appreciate much.
You are an Aries so I will read your Sun Sign chart as I do not have your birth chart in front of me. This shows the headlines of your life, and we find the North Node of karma in the sign of Cancer transiting the Fourth House of your horoscope, which rules your family and particularly your mother. This is about life as it was in the year 2000 and 2001, and you are now due a karmic return with your mother or another relative. This current karmic cycle ends in May 2020. It is very likely that if you have Cancer and Fourth House factors in your birth chart, or she does in hers, that you two have past life connections and are in fact living out a soul contract. I hope she is looking after you and your health.
Please tell me something good, please…based on my chart! 🙂 Thank you, Jessica!!
Transiting Jupiter conjunct Neptune at 16 Sagittarius in your Ninth House in July, September 2019 will give you a huge opportunity to escape from the real world by travelling, studying, teaching, publishing (online or on paper), moving or heavily involving yourself with other cultures and belief systems. You may do 2-3 things on that list at the same time. It would be a total departure from the everyday and ordinary. Another world.
Hi Jessica,
This supermoon, new moon, and double full moon seem to be filled with tons of possibilities! I have Ceres at 0 Sco and Bacchus at 1 Sag. My husband has Mercury at 0 Sco. I know that some things began to be triggered on March 7th. In fact, he started a new job on the 11th which will change some of the ways we divided the household work. I also have my S. Node at 15 Aries which conjuncts his Midheaven. And lastly, I have Minerva at 29 Aries and my Asc at 28 Sag and he has Uranus & Panacea in Leo at 28 & 29. I am curious about what you see in regards to these factors. I am working on my own creative project and feel overwhelmed by the decisions about the next steps and where I should place my focus. I know that as a partnership, it’s likely my marriage has a large effect on the overall picture.
Any insights are much appreciated!
Thanks Amy. If your husband has Mercury at 0 Scorpio in the Eighth House of marriage and mortgage, sex and money, family and property, legacy and inheritance then he is directly affected by Uranus at 0, 1 Taurus and Chiron at 0, 1 Aries. Your Ceres at 0 Scorpio is conjunct his Mercury so it makes sense that you are both affected together. I suspect the 28 and 29 degree patterns really belong to that 19th April Full Moon in Libra. You don’t say if you have children or not, but as he has Uranus and Panacea at Leo 28 and 29 in the Fifth House, the issue then for him would be about pregnancy, adopted or foster children, sons and daughters, godchildren, future parenthood and so on. Allow time and space 18th-20th April as a Full Moon needs it for decisions. That Full Moon is really far less important than this transit of Uranus though. I am sure you know it is a horoscope symbol of the need for radical change, in changing times. Your husband’s new job has led to a division of housework, but it’s more than that. You will need to strike a deal (Ceres is about deals and compromises) not only with him, but perhaps with organisations and other individuals, as Uranus transits 0, 1 Taurus. This is the case until April 13th 2019. You have Jupiter at 3 Cancer in the Fourth House so were born lucky with both family and property, and in fact Uranus will sextile (make a flowing pattern) with this in May 2019, so it really looks like the first and second quarter of 2019 is about firm decisions regarding home and household, using your natural ‘born lucky, born protected, born to help’ Jupiter in Cancer to move things along.
Hi Jessica
Thank you , another great article. I have scorpio at 0 degrees withb stelliums in capricorn, scorpio, libra , virgo and leo…. a lot of stelliums. What does this all mean for me.
Thank you. Your Sun at 1 Scorpio in the Eighth House of sex and money, marriage and mortgage, legacy and inheritance, family and property is the one to watch here. For the first time in your life, Uranus the planet of radical change, will move to 1 Taurus and oppose that. You typically shine brightest and attract the most admiration and attention for your finances, house, valuables, charity, apartment, business and so on – in the context of personal relationships. When it’s not working so well, you can really feel the glare of the spotlight and vow to do better next time. The Eighth House has been associated with mortgages for centuries, and so we link it to the promise ‘Until death do us part’ in the wedding ceremony but also with the bank, which effectively has rights over any house or apartment! Now, you also have Chiron at 1 Aries coming to a quincunx with your Sun, and that Supermoon is very close at 0 degrees Libra, so that’s a big squeeze on you to change. You probably don’t like change a great deal when it comes to money in particular, but as Uranus will be close by at either 1 or 2 degrees until May 1st then again in December 2019, January and February 2020, you may want to keep life very simple. Keep the stakes low so you have less to alter in your life. I doubt there is any astrologer who would advise you to take out enormous loans, for example, when Uranus in Taurus is in opposition to your natal Sun in Scorpio. It would be the same with any new relationship – particularly a marriage – you would be advised to get the best professional opinion possible from a financial advisor. I hope that helps. I do feel January 2020 in particular is a real crossroads as Chiron goes back to 1 Aries then and of course Uranus is at 1 Taurus. That is when you need to chat to the experts.
Hi Jessica, i have Asc 2 Libra and Dis 2 Aries (and Mc Ic 2 too) What it means? How i am affect?
The Supermoon is at 0 Libra and so too wide to affect your 2 degree positions. In modern astrology we use an orb of 0-1 degree.
Hi Jessica,
I have been feeling this Full Moon quite a bit and have been waking up in the middle of the night and have been very bad tempered, especially with my Libra husband (which may be a result of the lack of sleep and/or the diet I have been ;). I have Chiron at 00 (Taurus) & Jupiter at 01 (Gemini) and also have my sun at 29 (Virgo), Ceres at 29 (Leo) – I also have always felt more Libra than Virgo and since I am on the cusp always wonder if I should be reading for Libra instead. Would you be able to help me understand this moon and it’s effects on my chart?
You have the IC or Immum Coeli at 16 Pisces in the Twelfth House of sleep and dreams. Neptune has been at 16 Pisces for the first time in your life so you are having major issues with your usual REM cycle. The IC is about the family tree, roots, heritage, culture and origins. To have the IC in Pisces suggests ancestors or relatives who were not quite on planet earth! They may have been scientists with theories, psychics with Tarot cards, meditators with candles or nuns with faith. This may sound odd but I would not be totally surprised if an ancestor or relative in spirit was not trying to contact you during your dreams, or while you are actually sleeping. Write things down when you remember then and see what you end up with. Regarding cusps, you feel more Libra than Virgo because you have a huge stellium in Libra. Never read the prediction for Libra, though, always Virgo. As you have Chiron at 0 Taurus, and the South Node at 3 Taurus, you also need to know that 2019, 2020 is a radical change for your finances, house or apartment and you will need to be in a flexible position so you can adapt and adjust quickly to changing times.
Dear Jessica
Thank you for your detailed article. I have 01 Libra and 00 Cancer, and with a heavy heart I am thinking of giving up being self employed and finding an employed position – whether this would be your reference to a new start/partnership? The reason being I seem to have been a busy fool of late as I have lost work through no fault of my own and I am wondering after 13 years whether my business has run its course or whether I should reinvent how I work, what I do and who I work with and stick with being my own boss?
As always, thank you.
Minerva, Salacia and Hygiea are all in Capricorn in your Tenth House of career which is a lifetime promise of solid success, achievement and fulfilled ambition. What you are going through now can only happen once in 240+ years and that is the triple, heavy cycle of Saturn, Pluto and the South Node in Capricorn, also in your Tenth House. This is an obstacle course but the hurdles become easier and more fun starting in the first week of December this year and 2020 will be unforgettable as Jupiter will conjunct Minerva, Salacia and Hygiea in your chart. You also have one of the angles in Capricorn but as the birth time is round-hour it may not be quite right, so I will set that to one side. Minerva is the Roman goddess of wisdom always seen with an owl. She was her father Jupiter’s right-hand woman and advisor and she was undoubtedly the model for Britannia, in Great Britain, still seen on old pennies. Salacia is Neptune’s wife usually seen draped in seaweed on dolphins! She is a symbol of two worlds, the ocean and the seashore, and how one can run two worlds or inhabit two realities, neither of them particularly real-world – but somehow make it all work beautifully. I expect you have two jobs, or perhaps an unpaid path with paid work – that would be typical. There would be nothing particularly ordinary or everyday about what you achieve, as it is a holiday or vacation from reality as far as most people are concerned. Hygiea is a symbol of self-protection and insurance. Prevention is better than cure. You are cautious and tend to be a pre-emptive striker where your success is concerned. You are now in a major life reshape and rethink, but if you wanted the best possible advantages you would wait until 2020 to make all the really big moves as Jupiter (solutions) will then be on your side all year. Minerva was born from his brain, actually. Have a look at all the factors I’ve mentioned here on Search and in your ebooks as these three goddesses are part of who you are and they are well and truly waking up. I would expect the intensity of the situation to end by 2023 when Pluto finally leaves Capricorn and the hard work aspects of it to leave you from December 2020 when Saturn moves out of Capricorn – yet it will feel like a downhill slope from December 2019, when Jupiter at least joins in.
Dear Jessica,
Fascinating, as always!
I have a lot of aspects at 29 degrees. How I will be affected?
You will find that lunar cycle across 29 degrees marks the end of 2018 and start of 2019. That was then, this is now. The new year did not really begin on January 1st, or even on Asian (Lunar) New Year. It begins for you once you can turn your back on Uranus at 29 Aries, once and for all. This planet is a symbol of quite radical change – revolutionary change – and yet it also involves being rejected. In turn, it involves rejecting others. I call this ‘The Rejection Dance’ and you had it last year. You also had Chiron at 29 Pisces, so there was a mentor, guide, teacher or guru figure who was also close by. You learned a lot and you changed a lot. Now, as you go into the new cycles starting from 0 degree, you have this Full Moon at 29 Libra to show you where things are at. Give yourself time and space on the 18th, 19th, 20th of April to absorb and process.
Hi Jessica – I just joined based on a friend’s reco and didn’t realize I could ask a question – clearly have been missing the comments section. My birthday is today and my sun is a 0 degrees Aries. This combined with other factors wondering what this might mean for me (particularly curious about new business ideas, writing and love if that helps!) thanks so much for a wonderful resource. Trish
I guess i should have said I live in North America so still March 21 for me –
Uranus, Proserpina, Vesta and Pluto in Libra are in charge of your love and sex life, all falling in the Seventh House of marriage, divorce, separation, common law marriage and also love rivals. If you look up Uranus, Proserpina, Vesta and Pluto and Seventh House on Search when you finish reading this – and in your ebooks – you will start to understand old relationship patterns better Trish. This is quite important as over the next few years Chiron will oppose Uranus, Vesta, Proserpina and Pluto as he goes through the zodiac sign of Aries which is opposite Libra. You are in the learning zone for love and knowing your chart is a good way to begin. If you are a Sun Aries with the Sun at 0 degrees of that sign, you are affected by the transits of Chiron at 0, 1 Aries conjunct your Sun and also Uranus at 0, 1 Taurus semi-sextile your Sun. March and April draw attention to your name, title, style, face and profile and there is a person, situation or organisation which will educate you about self-promotion so do take advantage of that – you would be fostered, mentored or guided. A classic example would be a stylist who shows you what you can get away with. Uranus close by suggests that radical changes in the bank, finance and economy sector around you will have a distant impact on how you present and package yourself. It may be that you find a new online bank that offers immediate and affordable loans, for example, whereas your old bank does not. So you borrow a small amount to organise a professional website for your writing. I am sure you can see how all this is working. Do use your Astrology Journal to make notes and start figuring out how to use the transits.
Yes, a new start is staring me right in the face. Had some educational dreams last night. Woke up in the morning warmly with a sense of achievement. My left eye jumped the whole day. Still sensing what it is trying to communicate.
How are you doing Jessica? Any views on Boeing and its butterfly-effect consequences worldwide?
Dreams can be so powerful. I’m very well, thank you, at my desk in Melbourne with a cup of tea answering your questions this morning. The Boeing story is classic Jupiter and Ceres in Sagittarius, the sign ruling holidays and vacations. Jupiter tends to clean up toxic situations and Ceres brings new beginnings. There is more to it than just Boeing. As you say, it has butterly-effect consequences. There is something wrong with the airline industry. We can only have this cycle once in 12 years so it’s big.
Hi Jessica! Thank you as ever for this fascinating post; I’m so curious what lies in store. The idea of two headlines makes so much sense as I’m trying to get two projects off the ground in my career. One moved forward, and has now been “stuck” for weeks (out of my hands), and the other is suddenly moving ahead rapidly. I have Juno 0˚ Sagittarius, Vulcano 0˚ Leo, and an Aries stellium, among other things. A rewrite of my name/image, career-wise, would not be unexpected at this point! Any insights? Thank you so much for your time.
Thank you! Juno at 0 Sagittarius is trine Vulcano at 0 Leo in your birth chart. You were born to commit or wed yourself to people, places and plans (Juno) involving travel or travel in the mind (Sagittarius) with emigration, study or worldwide web publishing (Sagittarius, Ninth House) being a distinct possibility throughout your life. This tends to happen whenever you make choices about pregnancy, babies, children or young people (Leo, Fifth House) even if they are not your own. The emotions tend to run deep (Vulcano) and a great deal of your power in life, and self-control, is discovered by these situations involving younger faces, or the possibility of a birth. So, a typical example would be going on extended holiday to Europe, where you fall in love with a person who has a child from a previous relationship. Or, you enrol as a student at college/Open University and find you are so good at the subject that you become a part-time teacher and have other people’s children in your class. There are variations on the theme and if you look up the Fifth House and Ninth House on Search and in your ebooks you will soon see how the pattern can be played. Look up Juno and Vulcano too. Juno is often shown by peacocks so if you see them, or see them in print form, you will know that’s what the Romans would have called a strong omen. The activity at 0, 1 degrees in your chart delivered by Uranus at 0, 1 Taurus and Chiron at 0, 1 Aries and the Supermoon at 0, 1 Libra is going to put this front-and-centre for you in March, April and in fact December 2020 will change your life, as Jupiter goes to 0, 1 Aquarius and Saturn goes to 0, 1 Aquarius in the fortnight after Christmas. That does sound as if you could so easily be moving, travelling, studying or teaching by January 2021.
Hi Jessica! This is crazy. My moon is at 0 Libra AND I have an Aries stellium AND my Fortuna is in Scorpio, and a bunch of my chart factors are at 11 or 22 so it seems like all kinds of stuff is getting triggered this month. I’m also having a really strange time of it… and Facebook is involved. I seem to be sort of blazing my own path right now but I’m wondering, do you have any insight into whether that is an illusion or if it will be lasting? What I can expect?
At some point I’m going to send you a list of all the things you’ve been right about in my personal life. It’s spooky, actually.
Thank you very much for the feedback. Yes, your Moon at 0 Libra is very much at the centre of the Supermoon Full Moon at 0 Libra opposite the Sun at 0 Aries. You are also experiencing transiting Uranus at 0, 1 Taurus making a quincunx and transiting Chiron at 0, 1 Aries making an opposition. You were born to take care of partners and partnerships and your ‘need to be needed’ finds its expression in duets and double acts of all kinds, no matter if they are sexual and romantic, or purely professional. You mother the other person, or tend the relationship protectively, instinctively and maternally. This is a lifelong pattern for you. At the moment it is challenged by a completely new person or situation, and this applies to your chemistry with a former, current or potential partner too. This goes on now through April but as Chiron returns to 1 Aries in December 2019, January 2020 it looks as though Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve (classically times when you think more about a certain someone) are also times of decision for you. You can find out more about Chiron on Search. He usually turns up as a person or situation designed to teach you about what is possible (not impossible any more) and where the boundaries have now moved to. There will be a need to step back from the circumstances surrounding yourself and a certain someone and figure out if you are going to change the rules or stand firm. Sometimes the issue is not a partnership but a battle of some kind: a contest or conflict. This is because Libra rules the scales and occasionally the person on the other end of the scales is not with you but against you.
Hi Jessica
Would you please help me understand how these transits will affect my career?. I’m in the middle of making big changes and hoping that the stars are on my side :). Thank you for all you do!. LauraH
You have Juno at 0 Capricorn in your Tenth House. You have a lifelong pattern of marrying (Juno) the job (Capricorn) because of your ambition to succeed to the top (Tenth House). Right now you have Uranus at 0 Taurus trine your Juno and Chiron at 0, 1 Aries square your Juno. No wonder you are making big changes. Your biggest period of solutions, breakthroughs and huge answers will be from December this year when Jupiter goes to 0 Capricorn and then slowly moves through your Tenth House, Laura. This is a complete career reshape. For more look up Jupiter and Tenth House. You might also look up Uranus, as he has made the trine to Juno – and Juno herself. This information is always in your ebooks too.
Thank you very much for taking the time and answer my question!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s a pleasure.
Hi Jessica, fascinating as always.
I do have Chiron at 0 Gemini and MC at 0 Leo. And an Aries stellium.
While I felt the 20 March supermoon may have had something to do with certain opportunities (to be) that came to me this week re my digital publishing venture, I didn’t notice anything to do with children. Or is my legacy connected to my venture? I have had to create them 2010 – 19 as I was being Uranused in work and in relationships.
I’d be grateful for your thoughts on this and the 19 April Supermoon, which seems to be connected to my triple conjunction in Libra, Asc, Pluto, Saturn. I also have Bacchus at 29 Aries, and Diana and Aesculapia at 27 something in Capricorn.
Hope to hear from you. And happy spring!
I love that word ‘Uranused’ which I haven’t seen before. I’m going to quote you on that! Chiron at 0 Gemini and the M.C. at 0 Leo and I.C. at 0 Aquarius are the stand-out patterns in your personal birth chart. However, I would add that you need a spot-on birth time to have the M.C. and I.C. at that degree. We can work with Chiron alone, though. You came into the world with Chiron at 0 Gemini in the Third House. Chiron is a foster-parent figure; a teacher, mentor and guide. This is how you educate. It is not done conventionally nor are you a conventional educator! I don’t think we would call Malcolm McLaren a standard ‘teacher’ when he showed the punks how to take on the system, but he certainly did it. You tend to show the way with multimedia, the worldwide web, writing, public speaking, and perhaps technology – computers or telephones. There may be languages involved. this is a lifelong pattern and you will always have a role in the world of words, ideas and images and likely take an outsider’s stance, as Chiron is very much about being outside the system, or away from the establishment. You can hit Search when you have finished reading this to read more about him. Look up the Third House too as this is where he/you reside. You are experiencing Uranus at 0 Taurus, the recent Supermoon at 0 Libra and Chiron himself transiting 0 Aries, all aspecting this part of your chart. The project, concept, plan or course which is centre-stage now through April is a showcase for your ability to teach, but in a rather distinctive, unusual and astonishing way.
Hi Jessica
Wondering if you can please provide me with some insight into how the super moon and next month’s full moon fit in with my situation?
It goes back to Jan 21st. I was offered a job overseas but unfortunately there was a stuff up (beyond my control) with the sponsorship/visa and it fell through. Only found this out at end of Feb, so I had to start applying again.
I was then offered another job overseas on the March super moon. Fingers crossed this time round is more smooth sailing with the visa paperwork. My finances are tight right now, the only draw back is the cost and time wait for the visa. Otherwise the job is fab. However, given my finances, I’m thinking maybe I’m better off in a job closer to home where the money is better. But I really want this overseas job.
What is the astrological story here?
Thank you for all your work.
Your stellium (unusually high cluster) in Sagittarius in the Ninth House is about travel and also travel in the mind. This is your year. You have Mars at 8 Sagittarius, Saturn at 8 Sagittarius, Juno at 11 Sagittarius, Ascendant at 9 Sagittarius and Bacchus at 21 Sagittarius. You inhabit the Ninth House so look that up on Search when you finish reading this. I am sorry your overseas job fell through and am not surprised another offer was made. Keep the faith. You were born to learn and teach, be a student of life, but also a mentor for others. You had Ceres right on 8 Sagittarius February 22nd to 25th so that was the compromise or deal, with others or the universe itself. You had Jupiter on 21 Sagittarius going into March, right on your Bacchus, which is all about enjoyment. Jupiter and Ceres continue to go back and forth through this sign and you would expect a second deal or compromise, likely sharing the controls or territory with others, when Ceres goes to 8 Sagittarius again May 22nd to 25th. Jupiter goes back to 21 Sagittarius in that period too, again – on your Bacchus. Even if you don’t take this, or there is some other obstacle, please don’t be concerned as the entire year is full of these two planets dancing around your Ninth House. You can and will spread your wings this year and the double whammy of both Ceres and Jupiter at 21 Sagittarius conjunct your Bacchus at 21 Sagittarius in the second half of October 2019 is your green light to end all green lights. There would be a real cultural, spiritual or religious learning experience here. Maybe an exchange. You’ll adore it.
Hi Jessica,
Please could you take a look at my chart and advise? Lots going on, a Libran ex-partner made a brief but healing visit at the time of the last full Moon in Libra, and currently in the process of looking at properties to purchase for relocation. Any potential pitfalls or pleasant surprises ahead?
Thank you.
The Full Moon you are experiencing in the sign of Libra takes place in your Seventh House of former, current and potential partners. It stands right opposite the Sun in Aries in your First House of image, identity, reputation, title, name and appearance. If your ex-partner is a Sun Libra person then this puts them at a crossroads decision, either about you or perhaps another lover or partner. You are strongly Libra yourself with a stellium (unusually high cluster) in the Seventh House. Take your time with this person or any other. You need a lot of time and space this weekend, into next week, before you allow your heart to draw conclusions. What you are set to experience over the next few years is Chiron in Aries opposing your Libra factors, and any new partner (or even any new partner who comes back to you) will be very hard work indeed, so you do have a lot of thinking to do about what you are prepared to set as a priority in your life before you go into another relationship or marriage. For more on what is ahead look up Seventh House and also First House and Chiron.
Thank you so much Jessica. Any thoughts about buying and selling property in advance of moving cities for a new job starting July please? Hoping this place will finally feel like home.
Also having read your articles re:Chiron must share with you – the ex partner turns 50 this year wrt Chiron return, and works as paediatric physician! Synchronicity?!
Well, Mercury Retrograde is over. You may want to ride out April and May to at least the third week of May, as we are going to see ups and downs, surprises, highs and lows with the economy that mean this is an unpredictable market for houses and apartments. Uranus (the revolution) is in Taurus, the sign which rules everything you own, earn and owe, and the Sun will also be in Taurus until the third week of May, exposing and highlighting just about all the changes. So you may want to take a bit of time, as you will need to ‘meet change with change’ on this cycle.
Thank you so much for your time and advice.
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