Your Aquarius Side and Friendships to 2023
If you have a stellium in Aquarius (more than three factors in that zodiac sign) then your Eleventh House of friendships and groups is unusually packed. What happens to those friendships when Saturn, Jupiter and then Pluto all pass through Aquarius? Have friends been lost, or has the friendship changed? That’s typical of this long cycle.
37 Responses
Hi Jess
Happy New Year!
Would this be a good year to change my career? I’m currently self employed (I have a takeaway sandwich shop) but am thinking of doing something different. It will still be dealing with the public which I love and also sales but the chance to make some serious money. Am I just feeling like this because of Saturn square my natal Saturn? I have been doing my current job since 1996 and feel like a change but am a little apprehensive! Any insights on this? Love Nikki x
Happy New Year, Nikki. You are strongly Scorpio with a big pattern in the Eighth House of finance, charity and business. It’s only natural that you want to do more in that department. You may want to juggle a smaller attempt at the second business alongside the existing shop until you find out how much work is actually involved – if that is possible it would be useful. This isn’t so much Saturn square Saturn, as the fact that you have Ceres transiting Scorpio at the moment and triggering just about everything you have in that sign.
Dear Jessica & team, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!! Safe, prosperous and many blessings for all.
I have really loved the articles, and am trying to plan my calendar accordingly – being in Perth with my little family I can’t make any of the east coast meet-ups this time (especially with school term starting up in Feb) but hoping there are some in the west “when the stars align”.
Very intrigued for my new moon and birth chart alignments. Even though I am studying law, just wondering – would the January 06 or December 26 new moons be good for approaching art galleries/organisations for my work in paintings?
Besides being Aries, I am Taurus rising and so find the both solar as well as rising sign horoscopes seem to apply pour moi.
Thank you very much Jessica & co…
EJ 🙂
I often stop in Perth on the way from Melbourne to Dubai, so an event in Western Australia makes sense, E.J. and there are some great galleries there. You would also gain from looking around the country, actually, and at overseas galleries or online sales portals. The reason I say that is Jupiter’s transits of your Ninth House of export, regional distances and foreign affairs for the first time in 12 years. You were also born with Jupiter in your Second House of sales, so you may want to use the Taurus New Moon for business too.
Hello Jessica,
I am a Libra with with a few planets in Capricorn.
What is the best way to make the New moon on the 6th work with me to create great changes??
Thanks in advance.
Thinking long-term about your success is the best way, as 2020 is a golden year – quite serious – but also the answer to so much of what you want. You might also want to think about 2021, 2022 as the last years you have, to get to the top of your game. To really hit the heights and establish a project which goes on serving you for many years into the future, or to establish your name or reputation with an award, special title or big hit. Capricorn is about aiming very, very high and taking a long time to achieve – yet it is all possible as you are going through that New Moon, but also the Capricorn weather to come of 2020.
Hi, Jessica, thanks for posting this. I’ve always wondered if the full/new moons have any affect on our natal moon. Mine is Pisces. My sun is Taurus and you say the March new moon is a good one for me… is it especially good since it’s also Pisces?
The Pisces Moon is always about needing to be needed – behind the scenes. So you are very good at being the power behind the throne, or just being an invisible presence on any project, or in any group. You are also a natural psychic or healer. Perhaps both. March is really about understanding that when the Sun in Pisces crosses your Moon, it’s like a conception. Something is seeded or ready to grow and be born later. In Pisces and your Twelfth House it will be behind the scenes, below the surface, secret, mysterious or invisible to other people. Yet – very special. A good example would be starting a diary, or beginning voluntary work on a counselling phone line where you are only known by a false name! Both are very Piscean things, but I have also seen people start healing courses too.
Hi Jessica,
Happy New Year!!!!
I have Virgo rising, and since I missed the lottery for this year’s personalized horoscope, could you please let me know if I would be able to get a good job and a possibly buy a house.
Thank you!!!!
You will find you have an option to be helped by the family in 2019, 2020 or maybe move into a home back in the town or area where you grew up. Of course you could still be living there now. This is good karma and you are owed, from about the year 2000, and going back into past lives, actually. This may be buying a place, staying in one (being a guest or lodger) or finding some other way to develop a deeper relationship with the place where you come from – your history, heritage, culture and roots. There will be a reshuffle within the family by 2020 and it will have a huge impact, very likely involving your mother. Okay – on the job front – you have a ton of Aries in your chart so you are very good at fronting up to situations, being first, taking on challenges, asserting yourself and being the face or brand of a project or company. I hope you are already using this ability in your profession. You will find astonishing opportunities in 2020 which will reshape your future. For now, you need to deal with the departures, demotions, promotions and mergers taking place around you either at your actual work space or within your chosen field, profession or business. It’s a game of musical chairs. Find the chair which suits you.
I never know where to comment, so my comment is not about the new moon but about the daily ,
“It seems far away, but Christmas 2020 is calling you. You may emigrate then, graduate, publish your book or take a world trip. ”
Well I can see that 2020 is the opposition of 2005, and it was in 2005 when I (Gemini) emigrate.. do you have something written on 2005 ? It would be quite interesting to read !! Happy new year
You emigrated in 2005? That cycle is coming around again. You could easily move a second time in late 2020 or more likely 2021!
Yes ! I did..
Then I emigrate again in late 2013…
Because I think, it’s saturns Opposition and it seems to me he is doing things the opposite way as they were , so I don’t expect to emigrate in 2020/21 but I did as a child in 1990/91 … !
It is so very exciting and i try to figure out what i will experienced the next years..
Happy New Year Jessica,
Thank you for this post.
I have two jobs. My public sector job is the the main that I rely on currently but I want to be a successful business woman too.
Is it possible? Pluto also going to trine my ascendant throughout this year and next year. is it good?
Thank you for the insights.
You’ll have a job, or second job, within 2 years which is like a vacation. It is a holiday from reality. It is possible you will not be paid for it, of course, but let’s just hope you will be – and you will enjoy the break. It will not feel like regular work at all and it will help you see what it is like to do something most people would call a dream for you – or like a chapter in a book.
Dear Jessica
Happy New Year!
As a passionate reader of your posts, which helps me a lot to put light on fogginess, I am perhaps trying to understand my personal issues regarding love life and career. Both areas of my life are empty for a long time, in spite of my nice look and good career path in construction business in the past. Will this lunar eclipse in Capricorn together with other planets there, open any door for me this year? Situation is almost claustrophobic. Any insights?
As a Premium member my data are known.
Thank you very much.
Thank you. The love life is really down to children, MV and how you feel about being a mother or stepmother. The honest truth about this is what has been guiding your hand, or your heart anyway, since 2008. By 2023 you will have reached a firm conclusion with yourself – if you are prepared to accept a stepchild, a godchild, niece or nephew as the only young face you will ever really have in your life – or if you will accept I.V.F. or adoption. Knowing yourself really, really well in relation to this and being frank about any previous relationships where there was unplanned pregnancy, a stepchild and so on will help you figure things out emotionally or sexually in a way that really works for you. And nobody else. Try not to worry too much about what is supposed to happen or what makes other people happy. Once you are very clear on the children issue, you will find that your heart takes you where it needs you to be. If you have mixed feelings about being a parent then you may have a pattern of being infatuated with people who are never going to have sex with you, let alone be committed. And that keeps you safely out of parenthood! That is one example of how this cycle can play out. You will be relieved to know that after 2023 you are no longer caught up in it, but I think you will have made some really honest choices with yourself by then. Your entire career is going to change from December 2020 and 2021 is unforgettable with the final transformation also from 2023. February 2019 will give you the smallest clues about that! So watch what crosses your path next month, it is the first sign that something really big is going to shift over the long-term. It will be a totally different lifestyle too.
I’m an Aquarius and I’m sooo happy to hear I’ll get in shape!! I’gained so much weight in the past 2 years and trying to lose it now and start exercising!!! Very good things await!! Thank you for great news , Jessica!!!!
Dear Jessica,
I posted this question on Twitter, but just realized that it probably belongs here.
Regarding the upcoming eclipse on January 20th/21st I think, if I’m not mistaken, that you once wrote in a blog post that some of Hillary Clinton’s politics challenges (I believe the Benghazi issue specifically) was exacerbated and stemmed from her location of travel at the time of some eclipse in past years.
My question is if a transitory location affects the effect an eclipse has on a person and therefore, when possible, should travel be avoided when an eclipse is taking place?
Also, in a previous post, I asked the question of potential “good” periods of time during this year in which IVF or fertility treatments would be more likely to be successful or on the other hand unlikely. It feels a bit of now or never and I would appreciate your advice before going blindly..
I missed the forum in a vital year for my self development. Your advice is invaluable and has kept me sane for years. For this I wholeheartedly Thank you!
Wishing you a magnificent 2019
Thank you
You have a good memory. What Hillary did was chase the eclipse – to Australia – during the Benghazi situation. As an astrologer I had my hands over my eyes because it was such a bad idea to do that. Way too much in the shadows around her, and she was in the dark. That is long behind her but as with all eclipses which are local to a place – we’ll never know the full story. North Carolina was hit by an eclipse and voting cover-ups in the 2016 election so that is another example. In general if you are in an eclipse affected location, just don’t judge or act then. You are also chasing a child, which I appreciate is a huge issue for you. I’m sorry you missed the forum so let me go into detail with you here. Okay, starting in March 2019 and for many years to come, you must open up to what comes with children. It will be surprising, unexpected, maybe what you had never, ever thought possible. Try not to say ‘it should be this’ or ‘it must be that’ because the universe has some astonishing things in store for you. It will be unusual and yet also very exciting for you, as a parent or substitute parent. So stay open. Pursue IVF if you wish, but know it will be unpredictable. In general ask yourself how you would feel about adopting, or marrying someone with children, or marrying someone who has nieces and nephews which might become just like your own…I think it was in Alice in Wonderland that we were asked to imagine impossible things before breakfast and I would do that, if I were you. You’ll be astonished, exhilarated and electrified by what comes to pass over the next few years, but don’t expect what you expect.
Hi Jessica, happy new year to you!
I’ve made the firm decision to try my hand at freelance writing and have begun writing articles and working on finding online publications to submit them to. Will I become a successful enough freelance writer this year, to the point where I could consider it a lucrative side gig? Cheers! xx
Put it this way. Your chances are at their highest in 12 years. Not just freelance writing, but all kinds of writing and publishing endeavours, across all media, including new media – and don’t discount prizes in contests either.
This is fantastic Jessica. Thanks! Funnily enough I had a ping to start entering writing contests a mere few days before you replied to my comment. So far I have already one won prize! I also did a oracle reading seeking the outcome to my competition entries within the next few months and received “Jupiter & 8th House”. Super excited! Just wanted to share with you 🙂 xx
Now that’s a great Astrology Oracle reply. There is something big to be gained from your contest entries.
Hi Jessica,
Could you help shed a little light on my current work situation. Will I benefit from sticking with my current work and will the new moon in July deliver something exciting?
Hope you have an awesome 2019
You’ll know where you stand with your current work by the end of January as other people are questioning how much control they actually have and you’re going to see changes, either in terms of the politics, or you’ll actually see people going or coming in – going up or sideways. It’s too early to call at the moment but you should know where you stand with the actual people a lot better at the end of this month and can then make some informed decisions. This is also going to be the case with other work places within your chosen field – they will also be seeing gaps – and those gaps will need filling. July is really important for family, home, property.
Jessica, All your predictions are spot on. As a Cancer mom what worries me is my elder daughter. She went to university 3 times from past 5 years and dropped out all 3 times wasting thousands of dollar. Lot of behaviour issues like lies, anger, attitude, hygiene, health. I had to separate from my husband to save her from bad group when she was 17. She is an adult now whose natal chart is up loaded here. no job, no education staying in my house locked in her room. I am fighting a loosing battle everyday. Recently she was telling me that she wants to go back to North America(she is a citizen)and fix her university outstanding balance, study and work. I am afraid if she go back to her antiques? show some light on, how is her future will be? Any hope?. Is there any light at the end of the tunnel ? Thanks alot. God Bless.
Thank you. I am so sorry about your daughter, this must be very hard to live with, ongoing. Let me check your chart. The issue is boundaries – no rules – and the situation can be confused and confusing, from day to day. In fact it has been like this for years. This will work out in the end, but you can help things now by trying to avoid February 15th to April 15th to try and fix things with her as you will find you go backwards and forwards, get delayed, or she changes her mind – or you change yours. If you are going to sort this out try and do it before February 15th or give yourself a break and try again from the end of April onwards. You will see a huge improvement from March 2019 which I am pleased to share with you. You will know where you both stand and finally be able to have some kind of routine, order and schedule with her. So please use those dates to give yourself the best possible start with her. But after living with Uranus in Aries since 2010/2011 you have well and truly finished this cycle and it’s over – in terms of never knowing/not being sure/rejecting/being rejected – in about 3 months. Good!
Hi Jessica, thanks so much for this post. As you mention for Cancer, money is completely on my mind. I have never made less, and it’s getting really overwhelming. I’m working unpaid to complete my film, which I’ve been making since 2013 (although the seed was planted in 2007). Recently I decided to take only short-term or part-time gigs for money, so I can hopefully finish my film this year and move into the next phase. But the paid gigs haven’t been coming through like they have the past. I feel very strongly that I am on the right path, and signs seem to point in that direction, but do you see a time when all this hard work will start to pay off and I will become financially secure? Or am I just on the wrong path, and I should give up and get a full time job? I’ve been doing a ton of energy work around money, receiving, and letting go of limiting beliefs, but nothing seems to budge. Your posts for Cancer in 2019 and beyond make me feel optimistic, but it’s been such a long time since I’ve felt some relief. Thank you!
You are really living your values – putting a price on career satisfaction. You are wondering if you should get a full-time job and I think that choice will come after March 2019. In fact it may be in front of you by April. You may yet decide to stick to what you have been doing, which is living precariously, financially. You will make or save money in a brand new way in 2021 and from 2023 will be very powerful financially or in business. This will either be because of your film-making, or because you move into a field – or even marry/partner – on a level that puts you in control of money. Life can turn on a dime and it may do so for you, as early as Christmas 2020.
Hi Jessica,
Pluto will sit t either 20, 21 or 22 Capricorn most of this year, conjuncting my Salacia.
That’s a long time. What do you think is in store?
You will experience an organisation or person trying to take over, and sometimes it’s a situation (a trend in your career). You live in another world professionally and not the real one. It’s an escape, holiday or vacation from ‘real’ most of the time. That’s fine but Pluto on Salacia suggests powerful individuals or companies trying to shape that. Actually it’s a gift. You get to use your willpower and self-control and that makes you powerful and gives you new influence and effectiveness. And long-term the impact on your career will be really empowering.
Hi Jessica,
Can you tell me anything about the Ceres transit through Sag that is coming up? I have a stellium in Sag.
Also someday please write something on the Descendant so we can all understand it better. Should we marry someone whose Sun is in the sign of our DSC? Certain aspects or patterns to our DSC? A stellium in our DSC? What does it mean?
Thank you,
Yes, CG, I have written a long feature on Ceres in Sagittarius which will appear in time for her arrival, around January 26th (depending on your location in California, or Auckland, New Zealand!) Thank you for the reminder. I will also make a note about the Descendant. A lot of people at my events are curious about these angles of the chart. Marriage is about way more than the DC or Descendant, yet it does have something to say about how partners mirror us – they hold up a mirror to how we appear. I’ll develop my research and aim to have this posted a little later. Thank you.
ok thank you
Hi Jessica. Just to get some clarification if I am reading my chart correctly. It seems the new moons aligning with my chart will hopefully give me a better year in 2019 which in the past was uncertain and hard for a long time. Time to get into shape and hopefully I will succeed at it this time, might finally have that baby I been wanting for with my love of my life. (I keep asking him) Plus seems my finances will get better. Maybe I can sell my house as a reasonable price and clear my debt on it and then be bit more flexible with money. Might give me the flexibility to have that overseas holiday. The years of struggle seem to be coming to a end and moving on to happier times. Thanks Angela
You’ll definitely have your holiday, Angela. I just need to check your birth time as it is unusual for babies to be born right on the hour of 12.00 so is this an unknown time? You are on the cusp of Libra-Scorpio and it’s hard to tell about the other stuff without confirming your correct time..
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