Your Uranus Sign and Your Lifetime Revolutions
If you’re a Premium Member, you’ll have your personal birth chart in front of you and can see your Uranus sign. It reveals where you have a lifetime of regular revolutions. Radical changes, every few years, which set your life in a different direction each time.
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Over many years, this is gradually where you evolve most. You progress most. Why? Because you’re constantly leaving the past behind. In this story I’ll look at tips and tricks and pro astrology secrets you can use, to get the most from your Uranus Sign.
It was the first planet to be discovered with a new invention – the telescope. It was discovered with help from a woman who would become the first professional female astronomer in Britain. Another first! Uranus in your chart shows a lot of firsts, over your lifetime.
Which is Your Uranus Sign?
Uranus in Gemini
You reject the vocabulary your parents had, or your grandparents – and invent new lingo. (The word lingo is very Uranus in Gemini). You were an early adopter of the internet and mobile phones. You got excited about colour television coming in, and every hi-tech advance since has enthralled you. Your attic or garage is full of old phones, televisions and computers because you have a high churn rate. You do best when you embrace the many different languages and education levels you see online and cut others a lot of slack.
Uranus in Cancer
You are far more open to alternative ways of being a mother, parent or grandparent than other people. In fact, your own life may tell that story, no matter if you wound up being a step-parent, single parent or just a godparent (no children for you). You are also permanently intrigued by better ways to organise your apartment, house or garden and move more, and renovate more, than other people. You do best when you allow individual family members to do their own thing, as much as possible, and give them a lot of space.
Uranus in Leo
Your lifetime history with pregnancy is a long book with many different chapters, no matter if you ended up becoming a parent or not. It’s the same with marriage, common-law marriage, separation and divorce. The loaded subject of children and young people, and how they should be raised, and educated, is one you know very well. Why? Because you’ve seen so much chopping and changing, churning and revolution here. You do best when you give children, godchildren, stepchildren or youth as a whole, a lot of wiggle room.
Uranus in Virgo
You are never satisfied with just one, permanent way of eating, drinking, exercising or sleeping. You experiment with all the alternatives, over the course of your lifetime. Your work and employment situation are never stable for long. Yet, you are also never bored for long! Over the course of your lifetime you will find that job questions always come back to your own independence – and the need for freedom of others. You do best when you give colleagues, employers and clients a lot of space and room to move.
Uranus in Libra
The old way of dating, and marrying, or even co-habiting, is not relevant or interesting to you, and you will be experimenting with pairs and partnerships for your whole life. The downside to this is that your love life is full of those sudden lightning bolts that come from nowhere. You can churn through emotions in one relationship rapidly, or churn through a lot of dates. Again, and again, you come up against freedom, space and independence as central issues, sexually and emotionally. You do best when you are open to all the many ways of relating between people – across the old-fashioned boundaries of gender and sexuality.
Uranus in Scorpio
We associate Uranus with D.I.Y. and in fact it was discovered by two ‘Do It Yourself’ astronomers. One of them was a musician and the other was his sister and housekeeper. You grew up during Punk and no matter what kind of music you like today, you have an indie or D.I.Y. approach to money, houses, business, charity and apartments. This is even more important to you, when it comes to relationships. You are not interested in the old model of male breadwinner-female householder. You will be most affected by cryptocurrency, out of all the Uranus signs and are an early adopter of PayPal, frictionless payment, swiping and so on.
Uranus in Sagittarius
You don’t travel the way your parents or grandparents did. They used to save up for a two-week holiday every summer and see a travel agent. You do your own thing, using Airbnb and budget airlines. You are also a glamper and home-exchanger. You may be a genuine world citizen who moves countries or cities every few years. You are a lifelong ‘student of life’ and never stop learning on the worldwide web. Webinars were made for you. You do best when you give others a lot of space with their religious, scientific or spiritual views. Tolerance suits you as the loaded subject of beliefs is a big one in your life.
Uranus in Capricorn
Success and status for you does not come the way your parents or grandparents experienced it. They got in on the ground floor and climbed the ladder. You have your own path to the top. You are going through a transformation cycle with college, university or career as you go past 2020 and after 2023 will stop chopping, changing and churning, but have set off on quite a different path to future success as a result. In fact, what you do will create ‘the new business’ or ‘the new politics’ as you want to cut away the past.
Uranus – Accepting the Shock of the New
I often get comments from readers going through a Uranus transit, or a transit to natal Uranus. This means a travelling (or transiting) planet is landing on the same sign and degree as Uranus in their birth chart, or they have Uranus himself crossing their horoscope and inhabiting the same sign and number as an important factor in their astrological chart.
You can check it for yourself any time by looking at where Uranus is, on the front page of my website. If you have anything in Aries 28, 29 for example he will be passing by in 2019. If you have anything in Taurus 1, 2, 3, 4 he will also be passing by (and on through the rest of Taurus, for some years to come. That is going to radically change the way you do your banking).
How to deal with Uranus Transits or Transits to Uranus
The best thing to do is take a deep breath and understand that if something or someone leaves your life suddenly, it is because had you stayed in that pattern – you would have been tied down. A good example is the woman who is dumped by her boyfriend, out of the blue. She does not know it at the time, but had they stayed together, she would have become serially pregnant and lost her career and freedom.
Another example is losing your job. The sudden retrenchment when a company folds. Again, Uranus is removing a career that would have always tied you down, forcing you to find a new direction in your life, where you have far more independence. A good example of this is the man who is made redundant without warning, who then falls back on a hobby, which pays. This eventually becomes his own business and he ends up being self-employed and free.

Look for Freedom
The trick with Uranus in your chart is to look for what or who makes you feel free. Other key words might be ‘wild’ and ‘independent’ and ‘liberated’ and the idea of space is very important too. If you have Uranus in Libra, for example, you may be better off in a polygamous relationship with two lovers. Maybe you are bisexual and need the freedom of loving both genders.
If you have Uranus in Virgo and the idea of exercise makes you groan, it is because you have never found a kind of exercise that makes you feel free. School Physical Education was too bound by rules and regulations and commercial gyms can also be too regimented for you. Try wild swimming or hiking.
Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for secrets, tips and tricks to getting the most from Uranus in your birth chart.
95 Responses
Here I am representing the Uranus in Sagittarius (06 degrees) and what you have written for Uranus in Sagittarius really describes me, I have other Sagittarius planets too (Jupiter (05), MC(05), Neptune(28), South Node (25) , working abroad -changed a few countries already- quite a long time now. My sun is in gemini (10).
I was wondering how I could best use my upcoming Jupiter conjunct with natal Jupiter/Uranus. I have been trying to change the organisation that I work and also the country in the last year, will I finally get much needed change ?
Also, I finally purchased my 2019 astrological report and really looking forward to join the forums. Thanks so much for all your work.
Minnie, you have this stunning Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 5, 6 degrees of Sagittarius in your Ninth House to enjoy and work with, from this point forward. Thank you for purchasing the 2019 Report – this means I can also discuss your chart with you in the 12 forums ahead. Your name is interesting. Did you know that the Mini was launched on this same cycle? There’s a clue. You were born to explore, in your own region and country, but also around the world. When Jupiter crosses 5, 6 Sagittarius between December 2nd-10th the key will appear. It may take some time to open the door, as Mercury has been going backwards and forwards, but once he crosses 5, 6 Sagittarius again on December 18th, 19th you are on your way. Ceres then goes to 5, 6 Sagittarius February 11th-17th. At this time of year people travel. Big hotel and flight offers come up. There are sales on everything from cars, to boats, to train fares. You welcome visitors from afar, but also eye the map. It’s also the time of year when people launch courses, workshops, classes and so on. You will find so many options here you will be spoiled for choice, but as Jupiter spends such a long time in Sagittarius and ultimately ends up conjunct your South Node at 25 Sagittarius in November 2019, you would have to say it’s a year of outstanding, unforgettable travel in the mind. You may switch countries again, as you realise the exchange rate suddenly started working for you and that one project or person is just irresistible. Start your engine, Minnie.
My Uranus is in Taurus, 29°. My family is struggling right now due to my husband’s job in the auto industry. He has been a factory worker in Indiana (Fiat-Chrysler) for 23 years and is a Sagittarius. Being told they are watching the Stock Market daily and basing overtime on that, layoffs too. Thank goodness he has seniority, but we are tired of the stress. Not sure what we have facing us and our financial future? It’s affecting our marriage, has been for many years.
I am so sorry about the stress of your husband’s job at Fiat-Chrysler. I don’t have his chart, obviously, but I do have yours. You are strongly Taurus and know how to make money and save money. Your values are very important to you. What you will or will not sell your soul for. Who or what you consider to be so precious that it is priceless. You are now entering a very long cycle as Uranus goes through Taurus. You had a false start in May 2018, which is probably when discussions began about overtime, layoffs and the rest. From March 2019 the cycle takes hold properly and until 2025 you will need to adapt and adjust to changing times. Staying flexible and being open to what is so new, is a very good idea. In fact, your story will reflect the wider economy and you will find others are also in the same situation – having to do things so very differently. You may find it interesting to hit Uranus in Taurus on Search and look at previous features I wrote on the massive changes to come for the world economy 2019-2025. The trick with this cycle is to move, when things move around you. I’ll give you the example of 1781 in the United States. The writing was on the wall for the slave economy. British rule was over. America was becoming independent. The people who understood that and embraced the new, did very well and their New York descendants still own property today. The people who got left behind were those who resisted change. Be like the smart New Yorkers of 1781. By the way, you have someone in spirit watching over you. I can feel them. Male. You will be guided.
(Smiling through tears!) Thank you, so very much, dear Jessica <3 I appreciate EVERYTHING you just helped me with. And yes, I believe I may know the man you're speaking of, and I trust his guidance! Thank you for your concern about my husband's job, and I will relay everything to him. We will remain flexible and evolve with the changes over the years!! Move when things move. And, I am going to search through Uranus again now! Thank you so much!
It’s a pleasure, but don’t cry – you will be fine.
Hi Jessica, great post! Can you please tell me what mars, Uranus and Neptune combination in saggitarius mean for me? Thank you Jessica
Thank you. You are strongly Sagittarian and you ‘live’ in your Ninth House. You were a natural student at school or found your own subjects to learn about in the school library. Even then you were also the go-to source for other students because you knew so much about a particular class. You may have experimented with writing when you were younger. Today you have the internet and you took to it like a duck to water. You have also been placed in fated situations where you were put overseas, or had foreign faces in your world who taught you so much about a particular culture. All these bits and pieces of your past will come together from Christmas Eve with a terrific agreement in January and a whole year full of opportunities to visit countries you have never been to before, or regions of your own country. You will also be thrown a wonderful chance to learn more – because you never stop learning – and to use the web in an exciting new way.
Hello Jessica,
I have Uranus in Leo and I am wondering how the aspects in my chart to my Uranus affect the impact or how I deal with a transit to my Uranus.. I have Mars, Saturn, Vesta and Vulcano which aspect my Uranus by semi sextile, square and sextile. Thanks for helping me to figure this out.
You are strongly Leo and have a stellium in the Fifth House including Uranus, Deidre. This is really common in the charts of people who have unplanned pregnancies and must then make huge decisions about parenthood. It is also found in the charts of people who teach the young on some level – it may not be formal education – it may be mentorship, guidance or setting an example in other ways. When I say ‘the young’ I mean people born 20+ years after you. This pattern in your chart is not noticeable all the time, yet whenever you have transits to it, as you’ve just had in 2017 and 2018 (the North Node in Leo) you have to figure out what you owe the young and what they owe you. We also find Leo patterns in the charts of people who devote time and energy to paid work, as well as unpaid work, which involves children or young adults. You’ve crossed a bridge over the last year or two. You’ve reached conclusions about your role, and what you will and will not do. Now, you can take a break from this issue as we are out of the Leo weather. You can move onto other things.
Not sure if I’ll have the energy for this…I have Uranus in Leo and Taurus in Minerva and my husband has Uranus in Virgo13 and Taurus in Jupiter 23 as well as a Taurus moon 19 degrees…any information or guidance is appreciated.
Uranus at 18 Leo in the Fifth House of your birth chart is alongside the Moon at 28, the MC at 0 and Apollo at 4 Leo, so this is really about being a mother, carer, teacher, nanny (Mary Poppins) or voice of the children (J.K. Rowling) with a huge investment of time and energy. The Moon has always shown motherhood because of course it is tied to the 29/29 day menstrual cycle and even at Stonehenge they were trying to measure it! Those cycles told our astrological ancestors about fertility, pregnancy and birth. The MC or Midheaven is about your vocation or calling in life. Your highest achievement. Again, in Leo, in the Fifth House, it is about children and young people. Apollo is how you lead – your leadership ability – and we also find it here. The great disrupter is Uranus, though, as although this is the horoscope of someone who is Queen to a younger court, Uranus is really about how you turn away from that occasionally and create your own revolutions. This only really happens when you have transits to Leo and your Fifth House and we are now well and truly over that cycle in your life. You had the North Node going through Leo (karma) and also a chain of eclipses – in 2017, 2018. There has been quite a story here for you about the world of children or young people. You now get a long break from that. Your husband is quite different. He was born into the Uranus in Virgo generation and so his body is at the core of so much. If ever there was a person who needed to get in touch with his body, and stay in touch with it, this is him. It may be sport, yoga, a particular way of eating (like veganism) or healing, but when that changes for him, everything changes. Again, it only comes up when the transits trigger it, and we’re not really into major Virgo transits at the moment. Long-term, his finances go through a revolution. Uranus goes to 19 and then 23 Taurus from 2023.
Thankyou Jessica, I definitely relate to all of this, my children are my priority. So right on about my husband and his body, he goes to the gym regularly and try’s to maintain a healthy weight and good nutrition…he does love food and enjoys my cooking but is very disciplined when he has the five extra pounds to lose. I hope the revolution of his finances will be ok, because that’ll put him over the edge. He works very hard and needs to feel financially stable.
I am glad this astrological information works for you. Financial stability is a thing of the past for all of us after March 2019 but it’s okay and will work out if we all keep adapting to what is new and different – inventing the future – not hanging on to life as it was before 2017.
Uranus in Libra here. Anything coming up for me in regards to my birth chart.?I am not great at interpreting things yet. Haven’t done all of my homework . I’m working on it though. How do I figure out what aspects are compatible and which are opposing ? It is a bit overwhelming. Interesting, but a TON of information. I hope things are well with you. When you do your events in 2019, are you going to put them on a podcast? That would be awesome.
You were born with Uranus at 23 Libra so likely had a break-up, a highly unusual new dating option or a profound period of change in a relationship when you went through Uranus at 23 Aries, opposing that – in 2016 and 2017. This was not that long ago and it was probably a shock. It takes time to get over that kind of thing, but what that transit has done is to loosen things up so you are more open to alternative ways of dating, mating and relating. You were born into a generation which has seen equal marriage legalised, and is embracing the issue of binary people. This is radical and revolutionary by the old standards. Your generation is also here to put women in power. Libra is really about equality, fairness, balance – and the scales represent men on one side and women on the other. You might say the political h as intruded on the personal in the way you date, mate and relate. This is a long-term trend too, as Chiron in Aries is also going to oppose your natal Uranus in 2024-2026 so you are really reshaping your partnerships for quite a long time. As for podcasts – they’re coming!
Dear Jessica,
I have got Uranus in Scorpio at 15 degree, conjunct Pscyhe in my natal chart. Should I expect something like
John Travolta and Olivia Newton John in Grease? If yes, This kind of event has got a very good chance now, I think. Anyhow, enlighen me about the answer, please. Thank you for your answer in advance.
Get your black leggings ready. No, I’m joking. Actually the real story for you 2019-2026 is children. The world of children and young people will offer so many surprises, so many changes and nothing less than a revolution. Do not assume anything about yourself or your world because Uranus cycles have a habit of switching us onto different tracks, very quickly. You’ll see small signs and clues from March 2019.
Hello, Jessica,
Alongside a stellium, I have Uranus 0 Libra in the Seventh House. I finished reading your most recent blog posts on Uranus and Mars–informative and delightful, as always. However, I can’t help but feel like I am up on the crest of a roller coaster before it comes plummeting down in January/February/March. Having closed a door to a 17+ year marriage that was nothing more than a green-card and a professional ladder, I am choosing myself, my career, my freedom, my peace-of-mind. Would you helped to calm my frantic mind and heart and let me know what I can expect in the coming months? I am profoundly grateful.
Thank you. Your marriage is over and that’s not a total surprise, as Uranus at 0 Taurus aspected your own Uranus at 0 Libra for the first time in your life. They call this transiting Uranus quincunx natal Uranus in astrology and it’s big. NT you need to ground. You have been through quite a shock, even if you did choose it, and it takes time to get over that. Meditate and centre through your base chakra, go for walks on the grass and do grounding things like making soup or gardening. It really works as Uranus is a symbol of electricity and it is common to feel wired on these cycles. Your entire love life goes through a total reshape until 2023. Allow 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 for the reshape to happen and learn what you need to learn from the lover/s who will be your teacher. Just for the next few months, you’ll see a repeat of a situation, theme or person from around 19 years ago and that will be helpful. Remembering the past helps you build for the future.
Hi Jessica,
Finally I get it! Uranus 13 Libra. No wonder I’ve had so many relationship breakups. I honestly think I have split up with partners for every reason possible in the past, and I thought i was jinxed (or heavily Scorpio tuned). I am very happy with my current partner now though and I would hate for that to end too. If what I’m reading is right, give space and get space and I should live happily ever after?
Thanks in advance.
You have been through transiting Uranus opposite natal Uranus in your Seventh House of love, sex and partnership. You are now in brand new cycles where it is all about children. You don’t say if you are a parent or not, or he is. From March 2019 for many years to come you will figure out a radically different way to have children or young people in your world, where you are free to pursue alternative ways of mentoring and guiding them which sets both yourself and these younger faces free.
Jessica, thanks for the briefing into Uranus in Taurus. I see that I have a part of fortune in Aries 28° 01′ 27″ on an old print out. Is that a feature you consider?
Thank you,
Thanks Patrick. No, I don’t use the Part of Fortune. You have a great stellium in Sagittarius though so read what I wrote on Jupiter in Sagittarius – you’ll travel or travel in the mind in 2019 at the biggest and best level in years.
Hi Jessica, thank you for such an interesting post. I have Uranus in 28 Libra and have my ASC in 28 Sag and my DESC in 28 Gem. I don’t know what that means, but I can identify when you write that whatever you have in Uranus you want that feeling of electricity which I admit I do search for when I meet someone which is why I don’t like online dating because I can’t feel/see the zing or zap or spark! But maybe have to see it and think about it in a different way? (dating that is) Thanks
You may want to wait until Uranus finishes his cycle across 28 Aries (opposite natal Uranus in your chart) and is over 29 degrees and moving into Taurus in March 2019. From that point forward you can make more sense of the last few years in terms of dating, mating and relating. If your birth time is strictly accurate it has had double the impact on you, it has had on other people as this has been a time of great change, instability, rejection on both sides and a great deal of experimentation. Past March you will realise how much the last 2-3 years altered your view of love, sex and commitment – also what partnership should be. There will be more experiments in the years ahead and 2026 finds Chiron opposite your Uranus. That is a significant year for partnership for you.
I see my Uranus is in Scorpio, I have several factors in Scorpio and Taurus, anything I should be aware of that’s going to shock me?
Uranus is associated with shock only when people do not see which way the wind is blowing. People who are already across the impact of money laundering prosecution and the collapse of political and business leadership won’t be shocked at all by the events of 2019, 2020 and beyond. It will impact all of us, but the smart money is literally on figuring out different ways to earn, own or owe in the light of what is to come. We’re just not going to get through Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn (corporations, leadership) and Uranus in Taurus (currency, economy) without massive shifts by the end of 2020, but the more you read and network online the better off you will be. The future will be digital and it will be cryptocurrency – plus new kinds of ‘banking’ which bear no relation at all to the past. You were made to discover it.
Hi Jessica,
Uranus in Scorpio here & I chuckled at the description as it really fits! I am not living by ‘traditional’ male breadwinner rules at home (nor at work where I’m the only woman). I took on a renovation project in the past and haven’t carried cash in years since I discovered first contactless & then ApplePay!!! However, despite not wanting to change career direction, my husband (13th May 1982) is not happy with the direction his life has taken over the past few years, and he has been out of work for the last 2. He seems so stuck. With Uranus moving into Taurus do you think this could finally see him back working and in an area that enjoys? Where he feels happy?
Thanks again for your insights!!
Classic Uranus in Scorpio – thanks for the feedback. Your husband is stuck because he is a Sun Taurus and they get stuck more easily than the other 11 signs unless their personal birth charts are very different. I am so sorry he has been out of work for two years, Dee, but his relationship with work and money is going through a massive transformation not seen in over 240+ years. He is stuck between the past and present. He may also be living with depression which I assume a doctor has checked out. He will have financial, charity, business or property opportunities starting in a small way now, moving forward quickly from Christmas and there in front of him in January.
Hi Jessica – thanks so much for your reply. Spot on again! It is a relief to know opportunities are on the horizon for him. I honestly wish more for Uranus & Jupiter to bring more upside for him than me, so to think that the picture for him 12 months out is encouraging means a lot.
sigh. this is not related to Uranus, but thinking about the slow moving planets made me check where they were and Pluto is right there at 19 degrees Cap opposing my sun in cancer. When does this end?? I feel its grip, and I’m not winning in this fight. 🙁
You’ll be fine. Pluto transits are slow, but they force you to find your self-control and willpower so that you run your own world, captain your own tight ship and eventually you sail into easier waters. If you feel that anyone/anything is trying to take over and dominate, rest assured that every Pluto cycle since 1930 and its discovery has shown us that such people or organisations fail. They just do. In the meantime you get to work on your sense of self, self-respect and self-understanding and end up being permanently empowered and forever changed once this cycle is over. Give it time.
Hi Jessica
It’s my solar return today, and I have Uranus
00° Sagittarius 45′ 04″ I was just wondering what this means in terms of my solar return
Happy Birthday! The next 12 months brings Jupiter and Ceres in Sagittarius, crossing over your Sagittarius stellium in the Ninth House. The Ninth House is where you live, so do look it up on Search when you have finished reading this. You have the biggest and best chances in 12 years to spend far more holiday time in a place you love, but also to visit a destination you have never been to before, which changes your thinking in every way. The reason for this is your own financial position, or your free time, or work opportunities in new places – there is also the likely prospect of big currency swings on the world market which make a particular place too tempting, as it gives you more bang for your buck than you have seen in years. New travel routes or options are also going to be on offer in 2019. One or two cultures in particular which are so literally foreign to you, will take you on an incredible ride next year. It starts now in the smallest way. Think about the person who turned up, or turned up again, in the last few weeks. He or she is an agent of change for you with one destination.
Good Day Jessica,
You have such a wonderful gift, wish I could interpret my chart in a better understanding way. As far as I can see I have one Taurus placement ,Minerva @ 13 and Uranus @ 19 Leo.
I have struggled for the last two years with finding a well suited place for me to work. Currently I am in a work situation that is not providing a good money source and worse a good emotional environment. I work for a Taurus sun person, who can be very “bullish”.
Please advise me on a way forward.
Your insight is much appreciated.
Thank you. Work is ruled by Capricorn and one look at your chart and I can see Venus, Mars, Saturn and Ceres all in Capricorn in your Tenth House of career. Look up the Tenth House when you finish reading this, because it’s where you live. You also have Salacia and Cupido in Capricorn. There are so many factors here it’s known as a stellium and you are strongly Capricorn, thus ambitious to get to the top, either in terms of High Society or your career. Perhaps both. You will do whatever it takes to do well in life, and hang on and hold onto the top when you get there. Slow and steady wins the race for you. At the moment you are going through the toughest cycle in 240+ years so you need to give yourself time and space, possibly more rest and sleep. Pace yourself. You will need to keep slowly moving through 2019 but from Christmas 2019 a solution or opportunity is in sight, thanks to a new role, promotion, fresh project or similar. The year 2020 is a game-changer for you and by the year 2023 you will look back at this period in your life and understand it was the making of you. You were born to be successful and you will be. You will go a very, very long way in life from where you started out, but you are also being tested at the moment. No doubt about it. This is not so much about Uranus, but it is most certainly about transiting Pluto, Saturn and the South Node in Capricorn in your Tenth House and then the arrival of Jupiter in your Tenth House from December next year. Think like a mountain goat.
Hi Jessica, great post! Can you please tell me what Mars, Uranus and Neptune combination means for me?
Thank you Jessica
Thank you. You had a preview of this in 2018 but it hasn’t really started yet. Your reach in other countries, among other nationalities and cultures – and their reach with you – is set to become an evolving, never predictable, always challenging, constantly exciting part of your life. From March 2019 you will be on a new uncharted course of many years’ duration when you are going to learn so much about who and what used to be foreign to you. It still is in many ways but you also need to learn, and you will. You may seriously consider emigrating or spending far more time in another country, and even if that is not possible, the world will come to you, through their influence. In your own birth chart, you were born with Uranus in Virgo in the Sixth House along with Pluto. You are typical of your generation in that your life path is about taking back control of your own body and health, your own wellbeing, even though the pharmaceutical industries, medical profession, supermarket chains and food and drink producers would also like to own you! In many ways the battle for control is being fought on the front lines of your own two arms and two legs. It can take years to see this for what it is. Perhaps you already have and so you have particular rules for yourself about what you eat, drink and put into your body. Discovering your own power and freedom through the body is why you are here. It is a lifelong quest but the golden rule is – think for yourself, look after yourself – your body is your body and not anybody’s body.
Thanks Jessica, that last line really resonates for me.
I have Uranus at 19 deg Sagittarius. Is it significant that I also have at 19 degrees Venus in Scorpio and Salacia in Aquarius?
Yes. Uranus at 19 Sagittarius in your Ninth House of travel and travel in the mind is a symbol of constant churning, chopping and changing when it comes to the journeys you take geographically but also intellectually. Uranus shows where we have no routine and are never truly settled or still. The semi-sextile to Venus at 19 Scorpio suggests it impacts financial relationships, or the deals you make on a personal level about your house, apartment, possessions, taxation, business or banking. The sextile to Salacia in Aquarius also suggests friends and groups are involved.
Hi Jessica, with Uranus soon to pass over 0 Taurus, I have Uranus at 0 Virgo along with the Moon and and Saturn at 0 acquarius and aesculapia at 0 Pisces ( not to mention prosperina at 29 Saggiertius and Minerva at 29 libra), what dies this mean for me? What do I need to watch out for? Thank you!!
You have a huge pattern at 0 degrees and so the arrival of Uranus at 0 Taurus for the second time in 12 months will have a big impact. The Moon, Saturn and Uranus across Aquarius 0 and Virgo 0 are all about to be aspected by transiting Uranus. This is the economy, banking, big business and currency in your own country – and around the world – having a ripple effect on your friendships, the groups you belong to (Aquarius) and particularly your paid and unpaid work, or studies (Virgo). Aesculapia at 0 Pisces will be less obvious to you as it concerns what you cover up, do alone or hide. There is likely to be an impact on your healthcare and health insurance too (Virgo). The golden rule with Uranus transits is, when life changes, you change too. Don’t try to hang on tightly to the way things were in 2017 and previously. This is a new world, financially, and you need to keep up. Do all the reading and discussion you can so you are across this. A typical example would be a change in the value of your currency which affects membership of your trade union, or a big shift with the banks which also affects your job. You also have those 29 degree placements too, so the transition from 2018 to 2019 will genuinely feel like ‘old year, new year’ and you will benefit from leaving the past behind in March 2019. The faster you can take in what is happening and research your options, the better off you will be.
Hi Jessica,
Uranus is close to my Sun in Libra. I seem to burn through physical energy quickly and end each day tired out. My mind is active too which can leave me feeling frayed. I work with yoga, diet and meditation to help this. Does this sound like a Sun/Uranus thing? Thanks, Laura
Your Sun is 2 degrees away from Uranus and the conjunction is in Libra in your Seventh House, so it is more about your former, current and potential partners – and any enemies, rivals or opponents. You are well-known for ‘the rejection dance’ that goes on with these people as every so often you have transits over your Sun and Uranus and the old pattern begins again. It involves saying no, to particular people, or the old ways of dating, mating and relating. It also involves being rejected or sidelined. It can be quite hard to handle until you realise that these upsets are part of life and in fact each time there is another ‘No’ on either side, more freedom arrives. Freedom is very precious and this independence and space for either you, he or she each time the rejection dance happens, is to be used. Feeling tired and anxious is really more Virgo. You have Mercury the planet of the mind at 20 Virgo in your Sixth House of mind, body and spirit. Mars at 17 Virgo. Pluto at 27 Virgo. Minerva at 15 Virgo. South Node at 2 Virgo. That’s what we call a stellium – you have more than three factors there. Look up Virgo and the Sixth House when you finish reading this, because that is where you live. Yoga, diet and meditation are all ways through. You also need to look at past lifetimes spent in duty and service (possibly as staff, or in a factory or the armed forces). The South Node shows old karma and in Virgo you have issues about doing the right thing by other people, but also feeling servile. Your body will often express what you are not dealing with, avoiding or denying. If you are tired and under stress begin by looking at your paid and unpaid work, first of all, but also your housework. Every time the Moon goes through Virgo, every month, keep a journal to find out what is going on and write down your dreams. You can track the Moon position on the front page of this website.
Thank you Jessica for your detailed response, I appreciate it. The Virgo stuff, work and house work chimes especially. I’ll check out the moon cycles!
Hi Jessica,
I‘m really enjoying the site and your unique way of forecasting and describing predictions and events.
I cannot though, seem to access my birth chart – I just get a blank screen. Any advice?
Thanks, Chris
Thanks Chris. I’m sorry about this issue – I get a blank screen when I click on your chart too – please do contact Support and let them know – I hope this can be resolved quickly and easily for you.
Jessica, your work is fabulous and wonderful and your words were soothing for me more than once. I am writing to you in sheer desperation: this is what’s happening in my chart now (unfortunately, I cannot afford a Premium subscription just for the moment): I have Neptune at 7 Capricorn, Chiron 7 Cancer, Bacchus 5 Sagittarius, Ascendant 16 Sag, Aesculapius 20 Sag, Saturn& Uranus 27 Sag. I am a Libra, 27 deg. Been struggling with unemployment and a devastating breakup just this summer. Been studying a foreign language for the better part of the year and just this Monday, following a job interview, I was offered to be flown in for another job interview. It was totally unexpected. Thing is, I know this is probably Jupiter but I had a horrible experience during my Saturn Return with that particular city and I am afraid to go back. Something super traumatic for me happened during the August 21 eclipse that triggered my Saturn and Uranus and I still don’t know all the details. And I cannot find the courage to go back, much less to move there and live there. I just spent all week crying. I am guessing this is the Saturn-Chiron opposition? Plus, my Midheaven is 09 Libra so should I expect more trouble ahead? Any advice at all would be incredibly appreciated. Thank you so much and I must say I always feel wonderful when I visit your website and read your articles.
Stick with the foreign language. Jupiter in Sagittarius is here in your Ninth House and it will help you throughout 2019. I am not sure why you are crying. You will be given one amazing opportunity after another to gain from travel, moving or emigrating and you only see these kinds of solutions and options every 12 years. The choice is of course yours, but fear of that city, based on your previous Saturn Return, is misplaced fear. That was then, this is now. And there are no particularly difficult transits to your 9 Libra Midheaven in 2019. See what is possible!
An interesting article Jessica. I have Uranus in Libra at 9 degrees. I suppose my unconventional take on marriage has been that my husband worked in an evening shift in a restaurant. When I went to work he looked after our children during the day. He also worked weekends as as a school teacher we had our quality time during the school holidays.. We did this for 12 years and I liked the freedom and autonomy until the ‘passing like ships’ was too difficult as our children got older and they needed us to be together. So in 2017, we had our first year as a regular family with a dad who worked 9 to 5. I think we are still fine tuning our dance of independence while within a family context though. Is this Uranus in Libran patterns?
That’s a terrific real-life example of Uranus in Libra in the Seventh House. You also have your MC (Midheaven) in Libra, the sign of marriage, and Minerva (wisdom) in Libra too. This has really helped you turn the partnership into an original statement and factor in the need for space and freedom on both sides. Your husband’s evening shift in a restaurant, caring for children during the day, gave you a different take on partnership. Uranus leaves Aries from March 2019 so the years of planetary oppositions are almost over and life will be much more predictable. You will not stop evolving, though, as Chiron in Aries is now coming in, and the Chiron oppositions to your Libra factors over many years will once again challenge you to keep changing the rules of the relationship. Chiron is a tremendous teacher.
Hi Jessica!
Have been visiting your website for a while now and am only just starting to understand my chart. I’ve noticed I have Uranus in Capricorn 2 degrees and wondered if that will be a direct effect for me? You talk about the Uranus transit being full of shock or the unexpected and wondered what that might mean for me in the coming new year?
Thanks for the posts they’re helping me slowly disect how I can understand what’s going on!
You actually have a range of factors very close to 2 degrees including your natal Uranus at 2 Capricorn in the Tenth House of career. Transiting Uranus coming through at 0, 1, 2, 3 Taurus will aspect that pattern in your birth chart from March 2019. National and global shifts in the economy will have a direct impact on your career (Uranus in the Tenth House) and it would be in your interests to be in a flexible position where you can quickly adapt and adjust to changing times. Learning how to move, when the occasion demands it, is the best thing to do on Uranus transits and a great deal of freedom, space and independence will be on offer – probably quite suddenly – within the organisation where you work now, your chosen field, or perhaps a second place of employment if you have moved across by then.
Hi Jessica,
I have Uranus in Virgo, so this is related to freedom, independence? And how will Prosperina in Taurus 02 be effected?
Thanks so much for your explanation!
Thank you. Your North Node at 0 Taurus and South Node at 0 Taurus are even more important than your Proserpina at 2 Taurus, though they are all very close together. Transiting Uranus will cross 0, 1, 2 Taurus from March 2019 and radically change your money, house, apartment, business or charity situation as this planet is associated with revolution, freedom and independence. This is national and global economics and business trends having an impact on your own approach towards all that you earn, own or owe and you will need to be flexible so you can quickly adapt to changing times. Your natal Uranus in Virgo is in the Sixth House in Virgo so you have a lifetime of invention and production at work, generating new and original ways to do the job.
Hi Jessica. Thank you for the article, I am a beginner and really enjoying the learning experience when I read the blogs and your responses. I have Urnaus in Leo, but I can’t relate to the explanation in the blog. I have a stepson and nephews. Other than them – and they are now adults, I don’t have much to do with children. Perhaps I am not interpreting the information correctly. I also have four factors each, In five houses. Please advise how to interpret which ones define my personality, or do they all equally? If this is the case it would be very confusing. I have bought the 2019 astrological report and will hopefully learn more through the forums. Thanks!
I’m glad you are enjoying your introduction to astrology. You don’t have much to do with children because at some point, you decided not to have them, or were unable to have them. This is very common with Uranus in Leo in the Fifth House. You have done it your way, by having a stepson. You have four factors in Taurus, which is 1 more than the average, and so have a Taurus stellium. You also know you are a Sun Taurus (it is your zodiac sign) so that is a good place to begin with your horoscope. Look up the Second House on Search when you read this, as it is important to your life path. You will also learn a lot by watching the transit of Uranus (radical change) through Taurus, from March 2019 for many years into the future. When it moves to 19, 23, 24 (it will pass Taurus 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24) this planet will trigger major questions for you about your finances, house, apartment and your independence and freedom. That is rather a long way off, but if you are still a Premium Member then, we can discuss. In the meantime, it’s a good idea to have flexible future financial planning so when life changes, you can change with it. That’s a basic astrology rule with the planet Uranus.
Hi Jessica,
I have Uranus in Scorpio – any insights please on how this may impact me over the next 12 months? Your description about not being interested in traditional male breadwinner relationships is dead on – that is SO not me (although I get that others may have a different view).
Thank you!
You have your North Node at 13 Scorpio and South Node at 13 Taurus too. The Nodes describe karma and past life experience, so it’s interesting that you have them in the signs of marriage and money (Scorpio) but also individual income (Taurus). If you are not interested in traditional male breadwinner relationships, it is probably because you have done it before, many times, and need to progress in this lifetime. Your Uranus in Scorpio placement in the Eighth House is set to become very important from March 2019 for many years to come, as transiting Uranus goes through Taurus, right opposite, and slowly begins to trigger that Taurus-Scorpio axis of your chart. Revolutionary changes are coming with your country and world economies, and you will need to adapt and adjust, so try and leave as much wiggle room as possible in your forward planning. Uranus will oppose Uranus (in astrology it is called transiting Uranus in opposition to Uranus) and that is a radical change which will allow you to ‘remember’ your past life experiences with money, houses, apartments, possessions or charity. Your instincts are worth listening to, yet you will also benefit from reading widely, right around the subjects of 2019, 2020 and 2021 which will be banks and one world currency, as well as cryptocurrency.
Hi Jessica,
Uranus is currently sitting directly on my Minerva at 29 Aries opposing my Ceres at 28 Libra. I suddenly realized there was a solution to refinance that I couldn’t see before. It suddenly became very clear but will require me to compromise with the bank and my business partners. It is lots of back and forth (Mercury retrograde)…. I also have Bacchus at 28 Scorpio and my ASC at 0 Cap. I love it when the astrology makes sense. Do you have any insights?
Your Bacchus at 28 Scorpio in the Eighth House will help you, as you enjoy the process of making deals or striking bargains. You are now on the long and winding road to a solid outcome or agreement in January. Between now and mid-December you will be going over old ground, changing what was apparently in place before, tweaking and sometimes trimming – cutting – what you had from September or October. That’s fine. There’ll be a compromise in January and then by February you have moved onto other things.
Hi, Jessica. I’m wondering about what happens when Uranus and Saturn are really close together, like in my chart (plus Aesculapia in the mix)? When a transit hit one, it’s going to hit the other but they seem to be very opposite to each other in what they value.
Uranus at 29 Sagittarius and Saturn at 0 Capricorn are just one degree away from each other. You were born with Uranus conjunct Saturn, but in two different signs, and thus two different houses. Aesculapia at 29 Sagittarius is conjunct Uranus and also involved. The whole pattern will be triggered by transiting Uranus at 29 Aries, so now through March 2019 is transition time for you. Uranus conjunct Aesculapia in your Ninth House is about a revolutionary period of extreme change which ushers in a whole new world for you as a traveller, student, migrant, teacher, publisher, writer or internet user. Perhaps a combination of that. Foreign or regional differences are very likely to be involved. A situation, place or person you assumed was virtually over, will come back. This has an impact on your career, studies or unpaid work from March 2019, as Uranus at 0 Taurus trines your Saturn. Time to examine old fears and realities about success and ask yourself if the walls you have built around yourself, to protect what concerns you professionally or academically, are still the right kind of walls. Right at the end of 2019 Jupiter goes over Uranus and Aesculapia at 29 Sagittarius and you will have a stunning opportunity to travel or travel in the mind. Watch that, it’s going to be big. Jupiter then goes to 0 Capricorn so you’d have to say the end of 2019 is a new role, project or job which very likely involves foreign or far-flung faces.
Hi Jessica,
My Uranus is in Libra @ 7 and Venus also in Libra @24. What is that to say for my ununderstandable breakups in partnerships and marriages?
Again my Neptune is in Scorpio @28, Mars in Leo @28, Lilith in Leo @ 29 andMidhevean @29 Taurus. Will Uranus Cross over my Chart and if yes what may happen at all?
You have Uranus at 7 Libra and Venus at 24 Libra, Neptune at 28 Scorpio, Mars at 28 Leo – and I don’t use Lilith. Try not to confuse the symbols of astrology. Our archetypes are Roman and come from the Latin. Lilith is not part of that. You are concerned about your love life. The worst is over. Trust that. Try not to dwell on what happened. The future will look and feel very different from March 2019.
Hi Jessica,
I have Uranus in Leo@29, what this means for me in 2019, as a scorpio?
You are a Sun Scorpio with Uranus at 29 Leo who is learning so much about the world of babies, children or young people. Transiting Uranus at 29 Aries is set to make a trine to natal Uranus, in your Fifth House of parenthood, substitute parenthood (being a godmother or aunt, for example) and all kinds of paid and unpaid efforts involving younger people. Long-term, you will be floating through a fascinating and unusual phase of your life when nothing is really ‘real’ with the world of children, in the sense that you used to understand it, before 2011. That’s fine, and this bubble is a good one to ride along in, but you might still want to navigate and get clear about where the bubble is going!
Dear Jessica,
I have Uranus 02° Scorpio 06′ 48″, What can I expect over the next year or so?
Also what can you see in terms of me been in a stable relationship next year. Although I always go for different/none traditional sexual relationships and always crave for freedom.
Many Thanks!
Nuwan, you have spent about 7 years experimenting with different people and some very new, quite radical ways of being with others. You have turned people down, or turned them away, quite a lot. You have also yourself been told ‘No’ by others, or just sidelined by them, but this is coming to an end. In fact from March 2019 you will be in the right space to lead a much more predictable life. The chopping, changing and churning since 2011 will end. You will eventually meet, or re-meet, a potential lover who you will see as your teacher. He or she will teach you what it is possible to get away with in the game of partnership. Children will be a huge part of your choice-making from Christmas 2020 and particularly after 2023. In fact, younger faces will change your life.
Thanks Jessica!
I’m surprised by the Children part though, since I’m into same sex relationships and currently have no intension of having children though.
Thanks again for your wisdom!
You may not adopt the children, nor be with someone who has them, but find that younger faces arrive in other ways. Some people become children’s authors on this transit. Others are asked to become godparents, NP.
HI Jessica,
Looking at my chart I’m Virgo, and your description above fits remarkably well. Looking at my chart I am Uranus in Virgo conjunction Pluto opposite the sun trine Ceres and Diana, so it seems a busy Uranus. Appreciate any extra insight you may be able to share
You are unusual in that you have Uranus at 17 Virgo exactly conjunct Pluto at 17 Virgo in the Sixth House of work, duty, service and the body. The Sun at 16 Pisces in your Twelfth House of secrets and the unconscious, is opposite by just one degree. Ceres at 17 Aries in the First House of image and appearance is tied into the pattern. Diana at 18 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career, ambition and success is also locked in. The first thing that occurs is that you also have transiting Pluto going over 17, 18 Capricorn in December 2018 so the entire pattern is activated. This is really about your working life (Virgo) and your need to invent and produce (Uranus) what is new and original. Pluto is about the need to control everything with the upper hand, although life may sometimes ask that you don’t! The Sun in the Twelfth House suggests that your unconscious often steers everything – you may be genuinely unaware of what you set up in your life, especially in your career, but also perhaps with your body, as any condition which puts you out of action at work may be a good example of your body acting out what your unconscious wants – like time off – or even a different job. Ceres in the First House is about your identity in the workplace, be it your title or what you wear. Diana is of course a symbol of the need for freedom and we also find her in the Tenth House, which is career rather than work, but still connected. You have been through a sweeping transformation of your working life, unpaid work or full-time study as Pluto has passed by in 2017, 2018 as you were dealing with a person or organisation which tried to take, or take over. Perhaps just a situation where you felt taken over! It affected what you do, how you do it, and how you are seen. Pluto is now well and truly moving away from that point in your chart and I expect you have learned a lot – and achieved a lot – as the only way to deal with those circumstances is to use your willpower, to empower yourself. In general, any time a transit goes over those degrees, by a slow-moving outer planet, you’ll find the whole story is told again, but in a slightly different way. Saturn will pass over 17, 18 Capricorn in February and March 2019 so this really looks like a complete reshape of your direction in life and your ambition. You can’t ignore what your body is telling you throughout. Even a simple thing like a common ailment may be speaking to you loud and clear about how you really feel about your colleague, employer, client, competitor and so on. Or even ‘success’ as a whole. We find taxi-drivers with this transit have back issues – their back is telling them they want to back out of the job and retrain for other things!
Thank you! You were born with Uranus in Scorpio in the Eighth House, which rules finance, houses, apartments, charity, business and possessions. It usually involves your former, current or potential partner. It frequently involves a family member. Uranus is briefly at 27 Aries, to form what is called a quincunx with your own natal Uranus at 27 Scorpio. Of course, you are negotiating a divorce. This will work out for you. What you are really feeling is *Ceres* in Scorpio and also *Mercury Retrograde* in Scorpio. Can I suggest you leave the feelings out of it? I am sure they are raw but after a decent amount of time to either grieve or feel the anger, you must focus on the deal. The deal will be done by the end of January and then you can leave this. It will be a compromise where neither you, or even a third party, gets 100%, but you and he (or others) do agree to share the control and redistribute the power. You’ll find a lot of rewriting of what you thought was there, back in October and November. And there may yet be a rewrite, of this current negotiation or discussion. This may be quite literal in that things have to be taken off the internet, or the paperwork has to alter, or whatever. This would be by December 15th. Ceres will be in your Eighth House throughout and once Mercury has stopped spinning his wheels and sending you back and forth like this, you’ll be on your way. On your way to a big January bargain, deal or agreement that means you can get to February and wave goodbye to it. Seriously. It’s ov-ah. You have Fortuna at 29 Scorpio too, so you are (again) having Uranus at 29 Aries aspecting that. She spins things around, but any lows become highs. If you want to know more look up Fortuna, Ceres, Scorpio and the Eighth House here, and in my book too. They tell this short-term tale.
Hi Jessica, I have Uranus at two degrees Cancer conjunct Mars 26 Gemini straddling my 9th and 10th houses. I’ve found the combination of their energies problematic. I’m a Cancerian with Libra rising and the heat and twitchy energy of the conjunction is sometimes exhausting when aspected by transit, and can be damaging when I kick off in anger and my self-control flies out of the window. Uranus has been travelling through my 7th with a divorce and then a five year on/off relationship, things calmed while it was in Taurus but now it’s happening again and cash flow is suddenly and unexpectedly dire – could this be linked with Uranus recently visiting my 8th? I’m at my wits end now, struggling with my personal life and financially, now feeling like a stunned rabbit in headlights, not knowing what to do, what decisions are the right ones. I’m strongly Cancerian and with Libra rising too (and Neptune conjunct my Ascendant), I’ve always wanted a quiet and steady life. But it’s been anything but! Can you see any calmer waters ahead as Uranus continues to travel through Aries before going direct in Taurus. My brain feels overwired, going round and round trying to decide the best way forward. Many thanks.
You have anger issues and have been going through a divorce and erratic relationship. Cash flow is also erratic, which does not help. Let’s have a look at your chart. Mars at 26 Gemini is in aspect to Juno at 26 Cancer, Jupiter at 27 Capricorn, Panacea at 26 Taurus. Pretty much every time you make a move with the family or your home (Cancer) or work (Capricorn) or money (Taurus) Mars in Gemini, in your zone of thoughts, words, ideas and opinions comes along too. No wonder you get stressed or feel angry. There are some good solutions for Mars. I am sure you know this is the planet of heat, anger, tension, adrenaline rush, action, impulse and defence/attack. In Gemini it stays in your head. Get it on the page. Write and write, do not edit yourself. Do it as often as you need to. Rip it up afterwards, please. So much of your peace of mind or state of mind depends on the words you frame in your mind – the way you articulate things to yourself. I suspect with Mars in Gemini you raise the heat by what you say in your thought bubbles. You also need to stay off the internet when you feel like this. And of course never text or email in the heat of the moment, those things stay around forever. Just keeping a diary and shredding it without judgement will make you feel so much better. I understand the anger lingering after divorce and also the on-off relationship. You need to get it out then you will have ‘said what you need to say’ without saying it. Then you can rip it up, which also feels good. Catharsis! Now, the money side of things – long-term you will be fine. You will be better than fine, actually. From the end of 2020, into 2021, 2022, 2023 and beyond you are in a massive new phase of transformation and opportunity. You will utterly reshape your situation. Right now, you need something to comfort you about the budget. I can give you February 2019 when you will be able to sort everything out, save money, make a bit (perhaps) and rethink every single number or column in your account or in your life. In the meantime, in addition to your diary or notebook, please think about a Buddhist meditation technique designed to deal with your anger. The Tibetan Buddhists are masters of this and much of it is free on YouTube or elsewhere. They have every reason to feel rage at what was done to them, but they laugh and smile. And it’s real. Find out how they do it!
Good day
Not sure this question gets answered here… previous question went unanswered ( I understand I read the guidelines, Jessica is only one person and cannot reach everyone) is how long after posting a question should I give up on checking back… I post my question again and maybe a reader has the answer
10/18/1938 Manchester England
If the number preceding the astro sign is close to the number in my chart does that reading have any bearing on me……example 17 Sagittarius while I have 19 Sagittarius and others are just one degree off ? and when will Jupiter cross Venus in my chart. In a previous answer to a question you spoke of money being in view for me can you tell me more……I have much confusion going on and so much to take care of it is overwhelming I had hoped to see some calm or manageable situations by now
Blessed Holidays
I have your question now. Let me show you the way the degrees (numbers) work in your chart. I realise there are a lot of numbers to look at in astrology. Basically, only ever use the first number before the zodiac sign. Juno 14 Sagittarius 09 30 should be read as Juno at 14 Sagittarius. Still on Sagittarius factors in your personal birth chart, you have Salacia at 12 Sagittarius 09 42 so, Salacia is at 12 Sagittarius. Both these placements are going to get you travelling or even moving, if you take the opportunity, in 2019. Watch what happens when Jupiter goes to 12 Sagittarius, then onto 14 Sagittarius. And it will be terrific.
HI Jessica I have Uranus libra 13 (part of a Libra stellium in 7th house- yes I need a lot of freedom in my relationships! You’ve helped me see that in previous posts- thanks for the insight! ) My partner also has Uranus libra 16 and ascendant libra 23. He broke up with his wife as Uranus conjunct his descendant at the start of this year. I’ve also been through the Uranus rejection dance mill over the last few years and would like some peace! Im a bit concerned as I think we started our relationship during a Uranus transit and have read this is not the best time as it only brings short exciting flings. What do you think of this? I‘m really ready for something a bit more settled! (We both have children from previous relationships btw but have yet to get to the stage where they are involved!)
I’m glad you are seeing how Uranus spells freedom in love. Your partner has also been seeing this planet work out in his life. Your love life will settle down from March 2019 and at last you will have a sense of some structure and predictability. A system! This comes at the end of a long period when you were never entirely sure where things were at, but you will be pleased to see what looks like peace, which you want very much. Your Moon at 28 Scorpio is the last thing to go, really, as you will have Ceres at 28 Scorpio in the weeks ahead with a new arrangement about the money, house, business, or apartment by the third week of January. Uranus also needs to pass 28 Aries, and finish a quincunx to your Moon, which he will do – and then you are at March 2019 and a completely different way of operating.
THanks Jessica- I will keep my fingers crossed for some peace then! Although I see that if there is a quincunx to my moon it will shortly follow with quincunx to his sun at Sagittarius 2 degrees so I guess there’s still a few hurdles to cross! Wishing you and all the team a wonderful Christmas and thanks for all your wise words this year.
Thank you, I will pass that on to Jodi, Justin and James and Alyas – and Kerry, Brooke and Sarah – have a wonderful Christmas break.
Hello Jessica, and happy December!
Oh boy…I have Uranus in Libra exactly opposite Mars in Aries…25 degrees…it’s very challenging right now with Uranus transiting right over the top! I actually really like Uranus, I love sudden and unexpected change. Can you please tell me what I can expect now that Uranus is beginning to move away from my Mars/opp. natal Uranus?
The man I was dating has natal Venus at 0 degrees Taurus. Not really working out well at the moment…!
Hope you’re well!
You are strongly Libran and ‘live’ in your Seventh House of former, current and potential partners. I am sure you have looked up the Seventh House on Search as that’s such a big part of your life and times, but also your happiness. Dealing with Uranus moving over the late degrees of Aries, right opposite Uranus at 25 Libra, has been part of the reason your date is not working out. This is really about money, a house and/or apartment. You have the Sun at 28 Scorpio, you see, in your Eighth House of sex and finance, marriage and mortgage, partnership and home. Uranus is moving right away from opposing your natal Mars, which is useful, but you still have Uranus at 28 Aries quincunx your Sun at 28 Scorpio. So that might explain a few things. This pesky transit, at the very end degrees of the sign, is well and truly over in March. At that point Uranus will go over the Venus position of your date, at 0 Taurus, so one way or another, together or not by then, you’d have to say March is a big decision month for both of you. It will be about love and sex, of course, but also very much – about how that translates into money or property. You can breath a huge sigh of relief after that, as the cycle is over.
Thank you…..just ..thank you. You are incredible, Jessica. I appreciate it.
Hi Jessica,
I just became a member and am so excited to learn from you!
Interesting how many posts include people with Uranus Libra 13. Recently I was openly dating two men. Ultimately both of those relationships ended in Oct. I’m wondering what is coming next, I’m feeling like I’d like to settle down with someone great…could you help me understand what my chart says to you?
Many thanks in advance Jessica!
Thank you! Minerva at 14 Libra conjuncts your Uranus at 13 Libra, Lou, so you do most of your teaching, advising, counselling and guidance through partnerships of all kinds, from work to personal – you have learned how to dance in the storms when they happen and use what you know to help yourself and others. You would have interesting relationships with your exes, your whole life. Dating two men, openly, is also an expression of Minerva (wisdom) and Uranus (accidentally inventing a new kind of love life for yourself). You may never settle down, in terms of life becoming predictable, but it will always be an exciting experiment for you. Watch what happens when Chiron moves to 13 Aries, right opposite Uranus, and onto 14, opposite Minerva. That is a few years away but that 12 month period will change your life.
Hi Jessica, I have Uranus in Virgo which now helps me understand why I have had so many different jobs and never a career. The past six years I have been immersing myself in photography and more recently film making while still working as a bookkeeper and working in my partners pub. I love the freedom and space photography gives in creative pursuit. What i would love is to stay with this and build it as part of my foundation?
You are on track with your Uranus in Virgo lifestyle, juggling jobs. You will have freedom and space professionally your whole life, both as a photographer and with other projects too. You also have Venus in Virgo in your Sixth House of work so could operate in a partnership. Jupiter at 0 Virgo gives you the blessing of constant opportunities. In fact, when Jupiter trines Jupiter in December 2019 you will have a sensational chance to go to the next level with your work. It can only happen every 12 years – results by January 2020 if you try.
Thanks Jessica!
It’s really interesting because I feel like Sun in Capricorn pulls me to desire a more traditional coupling in my life in spite of Uranus / Libra positioning. Hopefully with Venus at Scorpio my love life will be exciting regardless of the specifics. I’m definitely going to sign up for the waitlist for your personalizes astrology report on the off chance I can find out more!
Many thanks Jessica!
Thanks Lou, we’re also creating chart wheels for partners which might interest you.
Great thanks Jessica. I’ll use the search function to find them?
Yes, use Search and if you still can’t find – do contact Support. Thank you.
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