True Predictions, New Predictions May 2018

It's always good to check with the astrological weather every so often, just to see how your horoscope is tracking. Astrology can and does predict the future - as you can see here - over a year in advance.

True Predictions, New Predictions May 2018

It’s always good to check with the astrological weather every so often, just to see how your horoscope is tracking. Astrology can and does predict the future – as you can see here – over a year in advance.

Astrology is alternative time. The people’s time, if you like, because it gives us a global view of what we, the people, need to know – months or years before it happens. So what have seen out there in May 2018, since you read this, last year? We’ve been talking a lot about May 15th as the first day of the Uranus in Taurus revolution and it’s now 21st May. So let’s check the news.


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TRUE PREDICTION – Why You’ll See Changes Start April, May 2017

The cycle itself, kicking off from May 2018, will be volatile, move very quickly and leave us with our jaws on the floor. Yet – we are also going to see the storm building in a small, slow way in April and May 2017. This is rather like watching storm clouds being charged – we will be able to gaze about 12 months into the future and see how things are already tingling. We’ll feel those electrons. In fact, conditions for a perfect world economic storm will build.

The investigation into Donald Trump and his circle and the fall-out from that. Climate change. The rising boom in people power, working against corporations and politicians, rising in popularity. The rise of cryptocurrency. The increase in crowd-funding. These are just a handful of elements at work. There will be more.

When Uranus goes into Taurus in May 2018, and for many years afterwards, we will see this chopping and changing with banks, or their new equivalent – and online marketplaces. We will also see it with competing currencies. After 2018 the old days of one bank, one card, one currency are over. Finished. Wall Street used to fix the value of things, along with other markets. Not any more. What things are worth – and why – and when will become a huge question. Watch the FTSE and the pound. Crazy.


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Uranus in Taurus at Zero Degrees in May 2018

If you realise that Uranus in Taurus (banks, currency, your money) only just started at 0 degrees, bang on 15th May (the exact date when the HSBC Bank made the first trade-finance deal with blockchain in history) – you can see how far we have to go.

Uranus will take around seven more years to crawl past 1, 2, 3 Taurus and onto 27, 28, 29 Taurus at the very end of the cycle. Until then, we’re seeing – just a week after his entry – the radical changes with Wall Street and beyond – we expected. In fact, the physical buildings and structures at Wall Street (above) are literally on the move! You read “Watch the FTSE” – well just look at what the FTSE has been doing, within 7 days of Uranus changing signs, below.

May  2018 – Record Highs on the FTSE 100 and US Treasury Yields

FTSE 100 at record high after trade war truce, but pound hits 2018 low …

FTSE 100 hits record high as Trump trade war fears ease

FTSE 100 hits record high as trade war fears ease

UK average house price hits record high but number of sales is falling …

Wall St. drops as Treasury yields surge

Welcome to the New Cash Craziness

And how can we overlook this, which arrived just after Uranus entered Taurus, on 15th May 2018?

WankCoin Is The Porn Cryptocurrency Token You Knew Was Inevitable

This is just the start of what will be an overwhelming, often exciting, sometimes dangerously risky new marketplace of competing cryptocurrencies. Uranus rules electricity, of course, which may explain why there will be new fears for our global supply, given the huge amount of power that c-currency absorbs. Add to this, the electric car phenomenon, the impact of that on oil prices and the rest – and this is going to be a whole new world.

Stay tuned for more True Astrology/New Astrology predictions.

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29 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica, thanks you for the information. I praying that Uranus Transit now will shake up car insurance and make the company responsible for poor quality work on paint job. My natal chart has transit Uranus square my natal Taurus at the same time it opposit my Neptune in o deg Scorpio and trines off at my natal Jupiter another o degree in Virgo.

    Jessica could you please try to explain these many natal plants connection to transit Uranus. Because I just can not figure out so much in life. ..( and I a Capricorn). My car which is really (mars) has been ruined by xxx firm now I have to go down legal challenges to get the xxx firm to be responsible. That not east here in Australia, because the rich get richer why the poor keep getting trodden on.

    I am senior now, I do not have money and or energy to battle. I am burnt out.. thanks to Pluto and Uranus over the past yearsssss.

    Please I would be greatful for your insight of all my 0 degree plants and transit Uranus ( effect) as you are aware I am yet to go through this pass of degree 3 times until 2019.

    I feel so battered now lost faith in ( hope ) ( truth) ( hard work)
    Thanks you

    1. Neptune at 0 Scorpio is your problem here. You have Neptune (the holiday from reality) in Scorpio (finance, insurance, possessions) in the Eighth House of joint money matters. Uranus just arrived at 0 Taurus and is right opposite Neptune in your chart! I am sure you do feel quite battered by the experience and I am sorry you are going through it. Are you absolutely sure you want to fight this? Uranus opposite Neptune is really hard work and this aspect hangs around into early 2019. It’s your choice but if this was my chart I would put a price tag on my peace of mind. You are not the only person going through this cycle. Have a look at ‘transiting Uranus opposite natal Neptune’ online and see what others are also dealing with! The holiday from reality is the Neptune part. It’s a bit of a bubble, as insurance often is. Uranus is unfortunately the wake-up call. Looking further ahead you will love 2019 for the vacation/trip or the foreign people who come to you. Jupiter will sit right on your Juno. You’ll love that.

      1. Thanks Jessica, on that note….after all my fights during the past years, I find another way. I must watch my heath. So sad I hate life because it’s been very difficult too long.

  2. Hi Jessica. I religiously follow your work, it has inspired me tremendously. And it has been a great consolation especially during my Saturn Return. I am writing you for any piece of advice as I my heart has been broken. Nothing in my life goes right. I lost my job last year in Feb and I couldn’t get a job ever since. Since a few months (with Mars in Sagittarius this year) I started studying German to maximize my chances to get a job and I really did tremendous progress. My Saturn Return in 2017 has been horrific. It always happens that I go to interviews, everything goes right and then I get a rejection. Jupiter in Scorpio has really made his presence felt, like a huge protection balloon. Recently, my ex lover with whom my Saturn Return was particularly horrific started to reconnect, slowly. He was looking to hire an Executive Assistant and he hinted he could consider me, since I speak German. I asked the Astrology Oracle if the job would become indeed mine. He showed me Venus and the 2nd house. And just tonight, I got rejected again for the job. I asked the Oracle and the response was Saturn in the 10th house and then Aesculapius in the 8th house. Even if he does come back, I don’t feel that being right. This man has left me alone in the worst times of my life. But on the the other hand, I just couldn’t get a job for so long. It’s been terrible, the way my self-confidence plummeted. And I lost my strong faith in God. I know Jupiter will enter Sagittarius in a few months but I feel my destiny has been stuck to this man which on one hand, never helped me and on the other, kept coming back into my life. I am awaiting now to pass the Full Moon in Sag and then to start again applying for jobs. And Saturn conj Neptune opposite Chiron in my chart, any advises regarding that? So many thanks.

    1. I am sorry you are having such a rotten time with your career, and also with this man. You asked The Astrology Oracle if the job would become indeed yours and got Venus and the 2nd house and you were rejected again for the job. You then went further with the Oracle and the response was Saturn in the 10th house and then Aesculapius in the 8th house. I hope you can see this is telling you the same thing – that Venus is about complicated relationships and the Second House is about money. In fact, Venus was quite a rejecting goddess. She rejected her own daughter-in-law Psyche and her own husband Vulcan. So you certainly just experienced that. You can and will have a financial comeback/resurrection/revival based on this reading, as Aesculapius in the Eighth House is about money/house/apartment/business which comes back from the point of no return. Your German skills have nothing to do with him, but everything to do with the future. We associate foreign languages with Sagittarius and the Ninth House and you have a stellium there, including Psyche. I mentioned Venus rejecting her daughter-in-law – that was Psyche herself! Stick with the German skills and keep your eyes on a role involving foreign people and places as when Jupiter moves into Sagittarius in November you are on the road to the biggest and the best, and will either travel or move within 12 months, to your total satisfaction. I really question why you are involved with this man. If he is playing Venus, then he’s making your life very dramatic and complex! Yet your success does not depend on him and you are in fact heading towards one of the luckiest cycles in 12 years if you want to bring your German language skills into play. In the meantime keep applying for work. I think you need to sort out what you are actually going for here. Do you want him back as your lover? Because having that and having a job may not be the same thing. You may need to sit down with a notebook and write down what is actually going on and what you are actually seeking.

  3. Hi Jessica,
    I have a question about today’s aspects . Transiting Jupiter in Scorpio is exactly trine Neptune in Pisces and at 7PM EST transiting Jupiter in Scorpio will be exactly on the ascendant, conjunct my natal Neptune in Scorpio. Is today a good day to play the lottery – drawings are at 7PM EST.
    Please disregard previous comment.

    1. Never use astrology to play the lottery. The reason is really simple. If there was a system that worked, do you honestly think I’d be writing this? I would be holed up in my stately home in the English countryside, bathing in Pol Roger and drinking it at the same time!

  4. Hello Jessica,
    I’ve been studying and trying to practice trading, it’s been rather dismal as far as the results go.
    I’ve been on the sidelines for awhile now trying to figure out what is the best direction to proceed in is .

    From my studies the 28th and or the 29th is looking like a good starting point, does that make sense from an astrological standpoint?

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights.

    1. Chris, trading is about three things – you, the astrological weather and the horoscope of the company you are backing. So – you have Vesta at 10 Scorpio in your Eighth House of finance. You have Hygiea at 8 Taurus in your Second House of cash flow. Proserpina at 4 Scorpio, in your Eighth House of finance. There is a pattern here at 4, 8 and 10 of the Taurus-Scorpio axis so you need to work with the Moon in Taurus and Scorpio each month, to keep a record of what happens to the shares you want to back. Do you have a useful chart for the share market? Taking it apart, Vesta is about situations with one male and two or more females, and gender politics. This has nothing to do with making money but everything to do with the people politics in a company you back, or in your own personal situation. Hygiea is about ‘prevention is better than cure’ and is essentially about protection, pre-empting problems, shielding and ‘safety first’. It’s about insuring against the worst. Proserpina is how you moderate between two powerful people or two powerful organisations. This is how you operate as a go-between. You would be able to spot definite patterns at 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Scorpio-Taurus twice a month, with a two-day window each time, so see what works and what doesn’t work. In terms of opportunity, it was back when Jupiter was crossing Scorpio at these degrees, that you would have seen the biggest prospects. Uranus in Taurus across these degrees, starting in a serious way from 2019, will radically change how you think and revolutionise your approach towards money. At this point you will be able to hang a price tag on what it means to be free – free from, or ‘free to…’ in some way.

  5. Hi Jessica, search for the suggestion to read ‘ transit Uranus opposite natal neptune’ on your web site. I could not find it.

    Please send me the link, if you can.

    JESSICA I ALSO HAVE AT 0degree at the same time transit Uranus square natal Uranus then also transit Uranus trine natal Jupiter on my natal chart. So how does the ( three) 0 degree natal plants effect the transit Uranus. How does all these astrology 0 degree plants sort out what in ( play).

    It’s a square v a trine v a opposition. (A bowl of mixed influences in a Uranus transit soup)

    Thank you for the support.

    1. The story on Uranus and Neptune aspects should be visible today, Wednesday 23rd May, London time. So you were born with a square, which is exact – Uranus 0 Leo in your Fifth House, square Neptune 0 Scorpio in your Eighth House. As so many people born in the 1950’s have this, I am quite familiar with it. Essentially there is often an issue about pregnancies in the past which either end in abortion, or sometimes result in an unplanned child. This is Uranus in Leo. It may or may not be true in your case but it is very common. I am sure you can see how Uranus is about shock, and revolution, and radical change – and in Leo in the Fifth House of parenthood, it often results in people who have babies on their hands they never planned. There are often issues here about wanting children/not wanting children or being in love with people who have strong views in either direction. The results can fracture even the strongest partnerships as it is hard to marry someone who wants to be a parent when you do not, or the reverse. We also see this pattern in people who go ahead with children – to the shock of all around them – and then find that the relationship breaks up, with resulting strain on the single-parent family which results. There can be mixed feelings about actually being a father, or a mother, and the strain this puts on personal freedom and independence. I mention all these variations on a theme with Uranus in Leo for others who are also reading this. With Uranus we always get acts of rebellion. So sometimes it’s about rebelling against a partner who does not want children – lashing out by sleeping with the first available person who can supply them. Sometimes it’s about rebelling against the mother of your own child, or the child in question – full stop. It is usually very sudden and it can create a break with/a break from the past, which is what Uranus rules. Where does the Neptune square come in? Well I am sure you know Scorpio is about sex and money. It is marriage and mortgage, usually – that is very common. There are variations on a theme here too. For example, moving in with a lover, and sharing the home, but never getting married. Blending possessions in a common space. Also, having lovers move in, but not charging them rent. Then there is the question of providing financially for a child even after a break-up. Neptune can be confusing and confused. There are no boundaries but no rules either. Nothing goes in writing or is ever laid out in any detailed way, so when there is a separation or divorce, it can be very messy. With Uranus coming along at 0 Taurus to trigger this square, you must now return to the past to help reshape the future. This may mean rethinking what happened to you, or others, with a new angle, in a new light, so that you can set about making progress in a brand new way. I am not saying it will be easy, because Uranus transits seldom are, but as always with these cycles – be honest with yourself and others about what is actually true. Keep it real and authentic. Deal with who and what is there and be upfront about it, with yourself and others. Lose an illusion, fast!

  6. Jessica, what’s with the “do you have blah blah degrees in taurus etc”?…I am reading the daily horoscopes and I am thinking what is ALL this Blah?….it’s a waste of space…please put in something simple or nothing at all .
    No more Wank thanks

    1. This information is for Premium Members who use the information with their personal birth charts for tailor-made, exclusive predictions. I am sorry this is not simple enough for you to understand. Also, there is no capital W in Wank.

  7. Hi Jessica, another fantastic article. Thank you! Since it seems that you talked quite a lot on cryptocurrencies, is it possible for you to write a blog posting on analysing different cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ethereum, litecoin, ripple, etc.? It’ll be great for readers like us if we could get more in-depth insights from you. Thank you very much.

    1. It’s a smart idea as all these cryptocurrencies would have charts, and that’s what we need to focus on, in astrology. I am meeting my friend Kate shortly – who is fascinated by the sharemarkets – and we are toying with the idea of buying shares as part of a real-time astrology experiment and how-to guide for readers. If this happens, you are very welcome to look at the methods we are using and see how we go! It might work for you too. Stay tuned.

  8. Jessica, what do you see for the future of Barnes and Noble? I love going there because it feels beautiful and books are something to believe in. I’m sorry but I’m getting nervous about what’s happening for them soon.

    1. I like Barnes and Noble too. In fact, they sell my books. They will reshape their business in 2019 and benefit from it – don’t worry!

      1. Thanks, Jessica. I’m a bit of a worrywart. What do you see for the future of graphic novels, though?

        1. Graphic novels will be huge in 2019 as the technology for push-button publishing becomes easier and the scope becomes exciting – this goes beyond enhanced ebooks into something more. Jupiter (expansion) is in Sagittarius (books) in 2019 you see. This is also why Barnes and Noble will be in a fantastic position to make changes.

  9. I am wondering about Real Estate w/ Uranus in Taurus now. I read your article a bit of time ago. From what I’ve read in RE worlds, the market will be stable until 2022, 23 or 24, in which a course correction will probably occur. I wonder what you think. Thanks for your reply.

    1. Property is ruled by Cancer and we will see the North Node (repetition, karma) move into Cancer from Tuesday 6th November. This is important as in April 2019 we find the North Node opposed by Pluto in Capricorn, and a little later, in May 2019, Saturn also opposing the North Node, from Capricorn. This suggests tremendous pressure on the housing market worldwide so I very much doubt we will see stability until 2022! Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are about government and big business, and April-May 2019 shows the most intense karma for people at the top, which will also affect housing.

  10. Jessica, thank you for revisiting this topic, I bought stocks in August ’17 and sold some in November, concerned the market would crash before I could sell without cap gains believing I had made the money to be made. Boy was I wrong, the price has tripled. I kept a few and appreciate this article as a reminder, but wonder if I will see the reward of this purchase after August of ’18? Or should I sell now?

    I am also in a very hard spot regarding a real love interest. I have put in the work, with this secret love, more than I ever have before with less reciprocation than my least amorous prior loves. I feel I should let him go, and make room for/allow someone who actually wants to match efforts into my life. My chart shows Chiron at 1 degree Taurus, am I Supposed to hold out for this timing to see real results with this beau or am I correct to abandon ship and allow Uranus to flip my world in another direction?

    Lastly, My professional life has turned me in a backward direction. After a very public layoff in Feb, I have returned to a position I dreaded when I left in Dec ’15. Is there a new lesson to be learned in this space or should I be actively seeking to leave this return??

    Thanks in advance,Your insights would be most helpful!!!

    1. You have a 15, 16, 17 degree pattern in Scorpio in your Eighth House of shares and finance. Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, growth, good outcomes, benefits and ‘more’ is crossing 15, 16, 17 Scorpio in 2018 and you’re in a great position. In fact on Thursday 31st May we find Jupiter at 15 Scorpio quincunx Juno at 15 Aries, so May 30th, 31st and June 1st will bring you the chance to commit. Sunday 19th August we find Jupiter at 15 Scorpio trine Neptune at 15 Pisces, which is huge. Allow 24 hours either side of that date. We have a New Moon at Virgo 17 on Sunday 9th September which is also quite useful. Your love life would be related to this if you two also have financial or property interests together. Scorpio rules sex and money, and death and property (legacies, wills). Chiron at 1 Taurus really has nothing to do with love and sex – it is about the daring financial moves you will be tempted to make in June – but in general, 2018 is your year to see how far you can get, with a sexual relationship which also has a pay-off in terms of a home, or business. Your career also obviously dovetails with finances. Get to know your three Scorpio placements. Happiness is actually about ‘doing’ your chart and Uranus, Diana and Psyche all in Scorpio in your Eighth House suggest that you are far more independent and keen to be free, than most other people. Diana in particular is a symbol of feminism, independence and the urge to roam, not commit. This is the year to really look at the truth about marriage for you, or even common law marriage, and figure out a plan. Luck is on your side.

  11. Hi Jessica

    Really interesting articles, the one I’m really hoping you maybe able to help with please is my time of birth . I read your article about doing chart for asce when you get married or changed jobs . I’m really not confident in working out my chart . I would love to know my asc and clearer on the rest of my chart as I have a huge move / life change planned . Selling up and moving across the world and so excited . I would like to know / check all will be well .

    My dob 6th May 1970 , time 5.38am ? Bromley Kent UK

    I was married 19th May 2016

    Any insights you can provide to give me concrete info on my time of birth if that’s actually correct would be fantastic . Give I’m late 40s it would be great to finally know . Thank you

    1. It’s a ton of work to rectify a chart, so you may want to hire a good astrologer to do that for you. Have a look at some of the people on my Twitter list who all have pretty happy clients. Good luck.

      1. Thank you for taking the time to respond , I did call Astology shop in Covent Garden too .

        Any insights into my dob Taurus and the big move to NZ & job change later in 2018 with my husband if you have time . I would be very grateful for any insights

        1. You may want to consult the best experts you know on the issue of future finance, particularly in relation to taxation, exchange rates, superannuation/pension and so on, and peer into the future. Get right across this, as Uranus will eventually arrive at a spot right on your Taurus stellium, in your Second House of banking, property, savings, investment and the rest. So, this isn’t just about talking to NZ finance professionals, but also those at home, so you can go thoroughly into the realities of emigrating. One very likely outcome of deciding to stay in New Zealand long term is a total shift in your values. You may find, for example, that you place a higher value on freedom, leisure time and the rest, and less value on shopping or having a status symbol address. That could be very interesting for you, being so strongly Taurus. This is a common chart pattern in downsizers and alternative lifestylers. However, Uranus can be so wildly unpredictable that if you already count yourself as a neo-hippie, you might find you become a major business brain, a few years from now. Then, as now, it will be all about the dollars. I love New Zealand. It’s so beautiful.

  12. Thank you for responding, really appreciate the insight.

    I am looking forward to the freedom, not to be driven by work / money / no quality home life . So I’m defo on for the kiwi lifestyle with my kiwi hubby . Thanks again and do really find your articles great reads

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