Your Aquarius Side and Friendships to 2023
If you have a stellium in Aquarius (more than three factors in that zodiac sign) then your Eleventh House of friendships and groups is unusually packed. What happens to those friendships when Saturn, Jupiter and then Pluto all pass through Aquarius? Have friends been lost, or has the friendship changed? That’s typical of this long cycle.
68 Responses
Jessica, you always amaze me with your insights. I tend to turn over and over the things that you write and do see how they apply to me. I am always amazed! Thank you! I have Virgo sun at 4degrees and have Uranus at 8 in cancer. I also have a pisces stellium. I have already experienced this rejection from a group that I thought would be my forever group. I pulled away some and found that I was feeling much happier and freer. It makes me afraid to completely break with this group but I feel I don’t fit anymore. It is one person who has excluded me and I see that others will just follow this. Is it possible that this is what you are talking about? I’m not even a cancer.
Thank you. The group situation with you is really nothing to do with your Virgo Sun (and of course everything I have written here is only for people with a Cancer Sun). It is very likely you have Aquarius factors in your chart but you need to log in so I can see. Thank you.
Jessica i have completed my profile but nothing seems to happen. Am I doing something wrong? I would dearly like your opinion about this matter as I am planning to remove myself from a group that I have been a part of for some time….thanks so much!
I’m afraid your chart still isn’t showing so please check the website for FAQ and other solutions. You can also try Support, of course.
Hi Jessica, my chart is showing now!! If you would let me know what you think I would be so grateful…..thanks!
Actually your South Node at 28 Virgo in the Sixth House of daily workload – and your body – is the most important thing here. Why? Because Uranus is crossing slowly back and forth over 28 Aries and this is the first and last time this will ever happen. Outside factors, or other people, will ask for change. Quite radical change. You might even say, revolutionary. This will trigger some very old patterns you have about the way you work; the way you serve other people; your sense of duty. This also sparks issues about how your body serves you, and how you deal with food, drink, doctors, fitness, drugs, healers, dentists, therapists, surgeons and the rest. You’ve actually had this going on already but it’s going back and forth 2018, 2019 so it’s important. A long wake-up call about a different way of doing things.
You had suggested that virgos need to figure out who or what was against them this year and to eliminate it…..perhaps this is what is going on?? I believe because of the energy in pisces at this time.
People with the Sun in Virgo have transiting Neptune in their Seventh House, which often describes the person against them, or opposing them. Neptune about confused and confusing situations and people, and sometimes fuzzy thinking – or blind spots. If you remember that Neptune is about the ocean, scuba-diving and the sea, you will begin to see how one can be unclear about rivals, enemies or opponents. Why? There is no clear vision. In general if you have the Sun in Virgo, sharpen all six senses so that if you get a funny feeling about someone, or a hunch that something is vaguely wrong – you go to great lengths to find out exactly who and what you are dealing with. Don’t just let anybody or anything into your world, okay?
Hi Jessica! I am amazed everyday by your insight, thank you so much for your time. Will you tell me what may be coming with Uranus in Taurus? I have gone through so many hard lessons with work and my social life over the years and I’ve had lots of heartache. I hope I’m on the up now. Thanks again!
Thank you. I can see why your social life has been such hard work. You have both Ceres and Psyche in Aquarius in the Eleventh House. You have issues with women, either in particular groups (like a netball team, to give you a silly example, or a hens’ night party of bridesmaids, to give you another one!) I find Ceres and Psyche very interesting in Aquarius because although so many women pay lip service to feminism, the truth is, they can be absolutely appalling to other females. It’s actually funny when you think about it. Anyway, the good news is, you are on your way to fixing, repairing and solving so many issues about your social life as Jupiter and Saturn both in Aquarius in the years ahead will help you to do the work and succeed. In fact from 2023 friendship will transform your life. The more you can find out about group psychology the better. Really study how groups work. It will stand you in good stead for the rest of your life. You need to remember that what you create with friends, and with groups, will last forever. It will outlive you. In fact your legacy will be a community or circle of people and all that they achieved – you will see why after Pluto moves to Aquarius, some years from now.
Hi Jessica,
I have my North Node in Cancer and Saturn and Vulcano in Aquarius. Uranus is in Virgo. How I will be affected?
You are a Sun Virgo so actually you are reading something meant for Sun Cancer people! Just having the North Node there won’t mean any of this applies to you, although Vulcano in Aquarius is important. Long-term, you will be learning a lot about friendships and sexual relationships. Vulcano was the god who found his wife in bed with another man. You have Vulcano in the Eleventh House of friends so I expect that questions about marriage, love, fidelity, adultery and the rest will surround one friend in particular by 2023.
Hi Jessica,
I have Saturn and Apollo at 25/26 Cancer, Hygeia too, and Mars at 11.
I noticed that every time there are patterns around the 11 degrees, especially Cancer, things happen in my life, especially in regards to home, family, etc. Also noticed that in my daily horoscope, for today, you mentioned issues with children, etc, taking until the end of the year to solve. And now I’m starting a (legal) “battle” for my godson, just started this very week actually, but I’ll wait until Mercury retro is over to pursue it. He’s a Leo, born with Jupiter in Aquarius at 21 degrees like my Sun in Aries.
Would love to know your thoughts on these.
Thank you so much.
Yes, your horoscope is working out – although I am sorry there is a battle regarding your godson. He will find his friends help him through any family politics. You are karmically tied and have past life debts and credits with each other. The karma is over by the end of this year and this is really about putting the highest spiritual values – compassion, truth, forgiveness – and the rest – first. This is the stuff in the soul bank for you, the godson and his parents and it’s time for debts and credits to be sorted out, which is why it’s so intense – the North Node in Leo will do that. Have a look at the feature I wrote on the Leo weather too – hit Search.
Hi Jessica,
How fantastic – this Cancerian girl is ready for some change. I have the Sun, Ops,North Node & Apollo in Cancer and Descendant & Saturn in Aquarius. And as for the six (!) planets/ asteroids in Virgo in the sixth house, you are so right about rejection – after years & years of serving everyone in the household ( husband, children, animals ) I have shocked my family by making statements such as , ” I have gone off cooking ” & ” Can somebody else feed the pets ?! ”
Would appreciate some of your insights if possible. Thank you for all that you do and happy travels.
I love your way of dealing with the rejection theme of this cycle. I am sure the pets’ jaws hit the floor, but it was time…Have you experimented with your new look yet? You will by 2019, if not. It’s a relaunch. Part of the fun is the new look, plus Instagram or other ways of fooling around with your profile photographs.
Love your response! Smiles! Excited for you Denise!
How very interesting ; in the last couple of months I have been thinking a lot about doing some things differently along the lines of a ‘ new look ‘ as you called it. The timing felt right to start to put some focus there so I have been slowly doing that. I have also been going through a re-evaluation of relationships and goals. A relaunch would be wonderful & joyfully welcomed. Thank you dear Jessica for the good news !
Thanks Jessica, this gives me hope. Being a cancerian through and through, the people I surround myself with are a huge aspect of my life and sense of happiness, so this totally rings true. Since relocating to a new country and city in 2014, I have felt quite isolated and lonely in terms of a social circle, both at work and outside of work ( making friends as a new mom is not quite as easy!) and hope that this is a sign of better times to come.
New friends will come along and change your life – expect equality and diversity in the group, as they will come from all genders, ages, backgrounds, nationalities and some will be gay – and some will be straight. You’ll learn a lot from your new mates. It may be online, too.
Thank you for the response! So looking forward to it all now !!!
Wow Jessica, as usual you are right on point! I’m a Cancer who is taking on a new job by June, and am wondering if I should still stick with some of my old work (part-time), or just break clean.
I don’t have any Aquarius factors, so I understand if you can’t answer-just wanted you to know how much this prediction speaks to me!
Thank you, it’s good to hear the astrology is on point. Ask your Astrology Oracle cards about taking on two jobs at once!
Can I know how it will effect Scorpio too pls?
If you are married, then the marriage will need to change radically in order to survive the next few years and it will be obvious from May, with more challenges in 2019.
This is awesome – I learned a lot about Cancer and find it interesting that a couple of the teachers I work with that are from Mexico/Mexican descent were cancer Spanish teachers – wow – so true! I don’t have a question, but I would love to read more about Uranus and your “predictions” for all signs. Great job!
Thank you. Hit Search for more on Uranus or pick up 2020 Astrology, which I’m proud to say was the top Amazon astrology bestseller in America last Christmas.
Hi Jessica. Thank you for yet another wonderful article. Based on my chart, can you please tell me which part will mostly be affected? You really nailed it with ”cancer doesn’t mean happy family”. To be honest I’m just worried if I’m on the right path of achieving that someday soon with current partner(Leo), since it’s been really hard the past years. Thank you for your time.
Neptune at 6 Capricorn opposite your Mercury at 7 Cancer will not help with your family – but it does get easier over time. Communication (Mercury the messenger) is not easy with at east one close relative and maybe more. If you and Leo are pursuing a family of your own, there is a fair amount of past life karma Leo must deal with this year, regarding you – and then big decisions wait in 2020, with more to come from 2023 if you are still together. Again, this is fate.
Hi Jesica I can’t really think of anyone at the moment that this group might be ans I don’t have any planets in Aquarius in my chart does that mean it won’t be as significant for me ?
Thank you
It’s unusual not to have a group of friends, even on Twitter, but perhaps you prefer your family? You don’t have Aquarius factors in your chart, though, so friendship and groups, clubs, teams and so on are not really central to your existence, it’s true.
Hello Jessica,
This is really an interesting article for me cause I am not a cancerian. It touches on many areas of my chart with cancer, Taurus, and Aquarius. In my yearly prediction, you spoke heavily about my family tree, relationships and children. How did you see this playing out in May. FYI. My dad, brother and my daughter is born on July 18. Best regards!
It’s really not just May. It’s 2018, 2019 and beyond. There are issues about boundaries with members of your family and the rules need to be made clear. People in your family have been crossing the line for years and this may be about the actual space within a house or apartment, or it may be personal space. Sometimes we see an actual home manifesting the boundary issues, because the walls start to crack, or the water leaks through, or noise travels through walls. This situation needs to be contained or controlled with your family even if the actual home is intact, because life can be awfully confusing and confused without boundary management.
You are incredible and very very accurate. It started in Dec. I said enough is enough. Thank you Jessica.
Thank you.
Dear Jessica,
I see the changes coming. There has been ups and downs with friendships since a long time, I have rejected people and people have rejected me as well. Though I am tied to different groups of people and communities, I’m never attached to anyone. At the same time I have a very deep soulful friendship which has had its share of ups and downs.
Aquarius factors are in Salacia 10 degrees and Juno 3 degrees. Cancer factors are in Sun 21 degrees, Jupiter 18 degrees, and Descendant 24 degrees. How is my friendship with my particular friend as well as the groups and communities going to evolve.
Juno at 3 Aquarius in your Eleventh House is something you could work with, by itself, for many years to come. Why? The South Node will cross 3 Aquarius so you will experience karma – going back years, but also lifetimes – with a friend, who is part of a group. From there, we look as far into the future as 2020, because Jupiter will also move across 3 Aquarius, then Saturn, then finally from 2023 onwards, Pluto. This is a massive transit of many years duration which will utterly transform the friendship and the group. For the ‘what’ you need to hit Search and your ebooks and look up Juno and the rest.
Hi Jessica, thank you for your time. I have a stellium in Cancer and Aquarius. Saturn in Cancer makes it a rather heavy cross to bear. How does this Uranus cycle look for me, considering my sun in Taurus too?
Much love 🙂
It’s a long, slow image relaunch. This may be Facebook, if you are on there (apologies if you are not) as Facebook is clearly headed for serious problems. I’m looking at 2018, 2019 as you have Uranus moving through Taurus in your First House of profile, appearance, title, reputation and brand. That is your Solar Sign chart. In your personal birth chart the same thing is happening. We have your Natural House chart here with Aries on the First House of ‘Me’ and sure enough, Chiron is moving across there. So in general, you are going to end up with a radically different look, perhaps a name change, and certainly a dramatic relaunch of who you are, online and in the real world.
Hi Jessica, I was born on 23rd June 1983 at 09:35 A:M. in India. Kindly tell me how the stars are going to effect my life in the next few years. I am mentioning my factors in details herein under.
Sun Cancer 1°10′
Moon Sagittarius 6°27′
Mercury Gemini 13°24′
Venus Leo 16°21′
Mars Gemini 25°52′
Jupiter Sagittarius 2°58
Saturn Libra 27°47′
Uranus Sagittarius 6°07′
Neptune Sagittarius 27°46
Pluto Libra 26°46′
Lilith Aquarius 10°53′
Asc node Gemini 25°01
Well, you know, that’s not a big ask at all (I’m joking). Okay, so you are using Lilith, which is peculiar, because she has no place in modern astrology. I sometimes see her called Black Lilith or Dark Lilith. In our astrology, we use Roman/Latin archetypes and symbols, which began with Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn some 2000+ years ago in Italy, and then developed with Uranus from 1781, Neptune from 1846 and Pluto from 1930. Later on we acquired software that allowed us to add the ‘family tree’ or relatives which belong to these originals. So today we use Ceres, who was Pluto’s mother-in-law and was recently promoted to planet status. You don’t list Ceres either which is a real problem. Are you using one of those free astrology websites which aren’t up to date? I think so. Okay, the most I can do for you is look at your Sun in Cancer and read your Solar Sign chart. The most useful thing I can tell you, is that in 2018, 2019, 2020 you will be reshaping your relationship with your former, current or potential partner in a way that will endure for some years. So when you make those massive decisions about marrying, moving in together, having a child, separating or divorcing – you need to know that you are creating your long-term future. This means taking your time, doing your research and understanding what it means to have Jupiter, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto all in your solar Seventh House. Even Cancerians who have been married for years and have produced a child could divorce on this cycle. You tell me nothing about yourself so I’m afraid that is the best I can offer.
Thank you. You are kind.
Okay, the trick with money and work is to understand that the world you inhabit now will not be the same in six or seven weeks’ time! In fact we are going to see the world economy turn upside-down. What people relied on – the financial infrastructure – will not be there in the same way and perhaps not there at all. So if you want to make money in the right career, you need to watch what is going on from the middle of May and then see where the gaps are. Fill the gaps. We are going to see an unbelievable new wave of online and smart phone options for people to save, buy, sell, trade, pay and the rest. Apps will be part of that. The smart money is on people who can make it work for them and for that, you need to be in the know. Keep reading widely and testing things in a small way, until they prove themselves in a larger way.
Hi Jessica.
I’m still confused. When am I not these days.
You keep mentioning that certain components in this article depends on people’s personal charts. I am asking for another. If I join for a month with their personal details, could you tell me how it would effect their chart please?
Also why is Uranus in Taurus specifically pertinent to Cancerians only?
Regards Miss L
Thank you Miss L. At the moment, we’re looking into providing Premium Members with an extra chart service so you will eventually be able to send time, date and place of birth, of partners, family, friends and so on. Trust me, Alyas is working on it! I would hit Support until then to see if it’s possible to double up on membership. Uranus in Taurus isn’t specific to Cancerians, at all, but they will feel it most strongly, as they are also dealing with Pluto in Capricorn at the same time…I’ll look at all the 12 signs closer to the time.
Hi Jessica. Great article and very timely for me as I feel like I’m about to quit my job and start a new chapter which will inevitably bring changes to the support network. I have Salacia and IC in Aquarius and am looking forward to change and meeting some kindred spirits. How do you think this will affect me?
Mars 2 Virgo and Fortuna at 2 Virgo will do that for you, in the Sixth House of work, because Uranus is due to cross 0, 1, 2 Taurus sooner rather than later. In fact, you also have Chiron in Taurus at 1, so the whole pattern will go off like a fireworks display in May and June. Sure, the Aquarius factors are important, but what you are actually going to see is your instinct to stretch boundaries, and push the envelope (with salary, business, charity, possessions, property, taxes) being woken up, by quite shocking and revolutionary changes all around you, affecting your angle on finance. This is really the world coming to meet you, and you need to read Uranus in Taurus to see what is coming. Mars conjunct Fortuna is really about your need to push hard and fast in life, through work, and this will also be woken up. So, although I expect you will be making all kinds of plans for yourself, it may not be until the second half of May, June and beyond that you realise all bets are off. This is a new world. It will be liberating, as Uranus always offers you independence.
Wow Jessica. Nail on head. I’ve got six placements in Cancer, including my Sun and the past Uranus years have been a tad exhausting while he was conjunct my Moon and squared my Sun. I don’t find Uranus energy easy, more like an overactive and exhausting child. (Maybe because he’s conjunct my natal Mars?) As he passes through Taurus he’ll be sextile to my planets in Cancer, do you think this indicates a more positive energy? I’d like to quietly nest; settled in a Cancerian sort of way – at 68 feeling too old for Uranian jump starts!
Thank you. If you are strongly Cancerian you have been dealing with Pluto’s opposition from Capricorn, apart from anything else, and that can strike at the core of who you are, and what you are all about. Then Uranus in a square aspect as well – it has been a long stretch. The Uranus sextiles will definitely help. Uranus in Taurus in your Second House will slowly sextile all your Cancer placements in your Fourth House so I hope you can see that shocks to the economy and radical changes to the property market will help you with the value of/cost of your particular house or apartment. Beyond the actual price or cost of your place in the world, you may find that new technology comes in online which makes it easier to pay for renovations or repairs, for example. Some of it will be really quite clever and liberating.
Great article Jessica, exciting times ahead for Cancerian friends!
Would be great to hear some insight for other Sun signs as well.
Sure, Justina, I’m posting about Uranus in Taurus for all the signs today.
Right again. I have been married 20 + years with teenage children. I changed career direction in November and I’m still shocked at what I’m doing. I have read your other articles but struggling to read my own chart. Can you take a look! Thanks again!
Thank you. Your entire marriage and family life will change, as you have enough at 0, 1 degrees of the marriage and children signs, Libra and Leo, to ensure that 2018 and 2019 will radically alter your ideas about what a partnership should be, and what parenthood should be. Essentially Uranus will enter Taurus at 0, then move on to 1, 2 degrees by next year. By doing that, Uranus will square your Leo Sun and Mercury in the Fifth House, which is your teenagers and perhaps other children or young people in your world. Uranus will also quincunx your Libra Jupiter and Uranus, which is really like a new set of scales between yourself and your partner. Libra rules both sides of the scales, with the other person on one end, and you on the other. Forget the old balancing act. There will be a new one with a massive emphasis on freedom, space and independence.
Hello Jessica,
This article had me “ feeling all the feels”!
My chart is heavily Cancer and Aquarius and I am so nervous about what this means for me.
I have definitely felt continuously rejected at my workplace and yet, crab-like, I am still there.
Could you please look at my chart and tell me how this new cycle may manifest for me?
I am very grateful for any insights.
With love.
It’s okay. The rejection dance is almost over. Give it another 12 months or so, and this weird state of affairs with your profession will end. You represent something so different and so new, to particular colleagues or employers, that they are threatened by you. Don’t take this personally. They just don’t get it. You will be stunned to see how very different life is in 2020 and beyond. In fact, from that point onwards, you’ll be accepted – even appreciated. Your outsider status will melt away. There will also be a change of the old guard in your profession so those ‘boring old farts’ as the British call them, will be out of your space!
Thank you very much Louisa. Apollo at 2 Cancer under a sextile from Uranus at 1, 2, 3 Taurus is what you will feel first. Apollo in Cancer in your Fourth House describes how you lead the family, and how you lead by example when it comes to your house, apartment, land, home town and homeland. Uranus will come along and sextile Apollo, so this feels like a national and global economic shift, affecting property prices, local currency – and possibly the careers or financial positions of family members. It will most certainly affect how you see your home. As I’ve said to other readers on the Uranus in Taurus forums, we are moving towards a digital one-world currency and tax-free online market places and ‘banks’ and I’m sure you can see how this will affect house prices, mortgage interest rates and the rest.
Hi Jessica,
I have a very large stellum in Cancer, would you be kind enough to explain what you see this cycle meaning to me please?
Sure. What you will feel the most is the North Node moving into Cancer, from the end of this year, and throughout 2019 you will become aware that situations from around 19 years ago with your mother, father, siblings or other family members are coming back to you. They will be disguised or reshaped but essentially it’s a flashback. The same might be said for a flatmate or live-in partner if that person was your main family the last time the North Node went through this sign. There is karma beyond this. It actually goes into past life stuff and you absolutely knew at least one family member in a prior incarnation and maybe many more. What you will take away most from 2019 and beyond is that it is time to get closure, write a final chapter and close the book on a family story which has been going around forever. The issue may appear to be a house, flat, home town or homeland question but actually it’s about past life stuff. You owe, but are also owed.
Hi Jessica, what a fascinating article! I’ve read it at least a dozen times and I’m still processing the information. I’m a sun Cancer with a Taurus stellium and so much of what you’ve written resonates. I’ve been an expat for more than 20 years, I’m not very close to my family (mother!), my career has been in upheaval since 2011, etc. I’m curious about this rejection you mention. My career is booming with potentially a big promotion on the horizon, my marriage is solid – any thought on how this rejection might present itself? You know how us cancers hate rejection…
The rejection dance in your career has been going on for years, but it’s now at an end as Uranus slowly prepares to move out of Aries and your solar Tenth House of career. The big promotion may be part of that. The cycle ends for good in 2019. When you say ‘No’ to who/what has always been there in your profession, or the profession says ‘No’ to you – you are liberated to be independent of them, or it. That’s really what this cycle is about. The upheaval since 2011 has forced you to do your own thing, be your own person and go your own way, yet this is now almost over and with a few breaks, from May you should start to see ‘that was then, this is the future.’
Hi Jessica, I am cancerian Who has not only dealt with rejection career wise, but some disturbing relationships too. I just want to understand why. The good news is that I’ve become very accepting of situations and don’t take anything personal anymore. In fact I laugh as I see positions that I am qualified for being given to people who have no idea what to be done. At some point I had to mentor a person who was given the position I was unfairly disqualified for. Anyhow, my love life is what’s troubling me now. I met a man during 2008 who instantly became a close friend and we have what I deem to be a very deep relationship in the way we get each other. At times I think he is my soul mate. He married the love of his life during 2015. I am trying and praying to get away from him because our relationship upsets his wife, but it’s hard to. What is causing all of this? When does it all end? It is a painful situation but also the best because I have a friend who understands me without me having to say or do much.
In 2008 Pluto entered Capricorn for the first time in over 240 years, so your friendship with this (married) man has been there the whole time. Thus, it’s a Pluto relationship. Not healthy. I don’t know if you are open to astrological advice, but you should stop this immediately and focus on 2019 when you will be offered the chance to join a group of people from different cultural/national backgrounds who are as fascinated by a special subject as you are. It may be formal learning. It may be Meetup. It may be an online forum where you never meet at all. It will be one of the biggest and best things you can do for yourself as Jupiter (good fortune, solutions) goes through Sagittarius and your Ninth House of life education and ‘travel in the mind’.
Thank you for your prompt response. Yes, I am open to astrological advise and that’s why I’m asking this. I’ve really been trying to get away from him. Which isn’t working. It would probably be easier if he behaved bad but he has always behaved respectfully and considerately in the most caring way I’ve ever known outside the comfort of my parents love. I’ve asked him to just behave bad to give me reason not to feel bad when I know being silent and distancing myself from him hurts him. I know this is too much to ask, but hopefully 2019 will present the opportunity for me to move away, relocate and change all my contact details. It will hurt I know, but I am sincerely not happy that his wife is not happy and it’s because of me. That hurts a lot!
I’m sorry but I just don’t have any birth details or a chart for you. I would guess you have a chart signature in Libra in the Seventh House of love, sex, marriage and common law marriage. I’m guessing, because Uranus in Aries is about to end his stay opposite your Libra factors, and Chiron is moving in. So that’s a massive sea change in love, for millions of people, and you sound like one of them. Break the pattern and fall in love with someone else. He is married. End of story. Hands off.
Thank you for this article it has been very helpful as I do feel that I have been in transition for awhile. Because of health issues I do not work outside the home and I am very fortunate to have an incredibly solid relationship. I do feel as if my friendship circle is starting to dwindle and the idea of rejection from both sides describes that well.although they make me sad..i do wonder about my desires to uproot and move to a foreign location And what they are based on. Such interesting times that you are touching on in all your articles..thank you!
Thank you!
Hi Jessica!
I am heavily Cancerian…I have Sun at 19 Cancer, Venus at 25 Cancer, Mars at 13 Cancer, Diana at 0 Cancer and Apollo at 3 Cancer. I also have Aquarius factors: Moon at 12 Aquarius and IC at 13 Aquarius.
I have been looking forward to having Uranus move out of Aries, as that was terrible and un-nerving as he squared my Cancer factors in my 10th house. All turned out OK for me though. I am blessed!
After reading this, I am wondering what kinds of shocks Uranus has in store for me now. I would certainly hope that since Taurus would sextile my Cancer factors, this will feel a little more comfortable than when Aries was squaring my Cancer factors.
I find it interesting that Uranus in Taurus talks about friends and groups. I am usually pretty good about interpreting astrology thanks to all you have taught me here on your website, but I am stumped here. I don’t have many friends, and the few that I choose to let in are very close to me. I am not a ‘group’ type of person by nature and I am happy that way as I prefer my own company instead of needing to be surrounded by a lot of people. Being around people stresses me out….I just get ‘peopled-out.”
Is there any way you can take a peek and help me out in interpreting this for me? Thanks in advance for your help. Also a huge thank you for giving me the knowledge to interpret my own chart instead of having to ask questions every week!!!!
Actually your Cancer factors are in the Fourth House in the Natural House system (in your personal birth chart). You have a large stellium, or unusually high number of Cancer placements, all in the Fourth House of home, home town, homeland, family, household and property. The past will influence the future when the North Node moves into Cancer from Tuesday 6th November 2018, so by 2019 you will see how this all works, for yourself. In fact the year 2019 will be very important in terms of your relatives, house, apartment and so on. You can hit Search to read more about the North Node or the Nodes in general, and also The Fourth House. When we are talking about the arrival of Uranus in Taurus, that’s a whole different situation. Uranus (the revolution) is at work in your Second House of money in your personal birth chart. In common with everyone else in the world, you will feel the ‘bump’ in the middle of May and June, as we begin to see how the new world economy will have to work. This does not affect you directly, but at a distance. In your Cancer horoscope, which shows your public self (not your private life) you will have Uranus in your Eleventh House of friendships. You can have a close circle of just a few people with the Eleventh House, and this is exactly what you have. It’s probably like a family to you. It is with these faces that you are suddenly going to deal with questions about freedom, space and independence that you have never experienced in your lifetime. All change.
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