In September 2017 everyone is saying goodbye to the Cassini and Saturn experiment. In your horoscope, Saturn is also on the way out of Sagittarius. On a global level many of the predictions you read about below (first published here on 8th September 2015) have come to pass. Saturn, Cassini and Grand Finale astrology is about taking a deep breath as we watch Saturn slowly pass out of this sign. We’re still in the waiting room but this is Saturn’s last hurrah in Sagittarius as Cassini also exits.
Sagittarius rules foreign people and places, travel, immigration, religion, publishing, the worldwide web itself – and globalisation. Saturn rules fear, obstacles, delays, thwarted process and often – sad, serious, stuck situations.
Do You Have Sagittarius Factors?
If you have Sagittarius factors in your chart then Saturn, Cassini and the Grand Finale of this cycle suggests you have spent 2016-2017 dealing with anything from issues about your citizenship, to questions about foreign people and foreign belief systems. Perhaps terrorism has touched your life through six degrees or (I hope not) directly. If you study or work in a university, then funding cuts may have affected you. This has been a hard, hard cycle – but we really are proceeding towards a Saturn Grand Finale!
Saturn entered Sagittarius, the sign which rules travel, airlines, space travel, religion, the internet and universities on September 18th, 2015. The cycle runs until December 21st 2017 and so now, in September 2017, we are are seeing Saturn, Cassini and Grand Finale Astrology come to pass – three more months to go!
True Predictions from 2015
Here are five astrological predictions which you first read here back on 8th September 2015.
Astrology is about knowing what not to do. Saturn is about accepting unavoidable realities and inevitable consequences – and then working with them. You never blindly stumble into any big, new decisions about travel, religion, the internet, airlines, space travel, religion when this cycle occurs.
As a general rule, who/what appears right on the start of any new Saturn cycle is usually a good indicator of what to examine more carefully. Research more thoroughly. Concorde was being funded, to fly again (for special events) just as Saturn went into Sagittarius. Anyone investing in Concorde in September 2015 should look into that decision very deeply in 2016 and 2017.
On 9th November 2014 you read dated forecasts about the new flight and airline challenges in 2015. This cycle continues in 2016 and 2017.
Back on 9th November 2014, you read on this website – “Saturn in Sagittarius will ground aeroplanes and spacecraft in 2015, on or within 48 hours of these dates, when we see important astrological aspects in that sign. Mars in Gemini opposite Saturn in Sagittarius, Friday 15th May, 2015.”

Here is another striking Saturn in Sagittarius event which took place on May 17th 2015, just two days wide of the original prediction you read here, back on 9th November 2014, six months earlier.
On May 17th 2015, CNN reported that hacker Chris Roberts had told the FBI he had successfully hacked into aircraft computer systems.

More dates in the Saturn in Sagittarius cycle, predicted back in November 2014, have already tallied with major airline and flight headlines. What happened when the Sun in Gemini stood opposite Saturn in Sagittarius Saturday 23rd May? On 23rd May, a Singapore Airlines Airbus lost power between Singapore and Shanghai. Two days later on Monday 25th May four international flights in New York and New Jersey were the subject of anonymous telephone threats. US military jets escorted an Air France flight into New York City (The Guardian).
Then there was the Full Planting Moon on Tuesday 2nd June, when the Moon in Sagittarius stood opposite the Sun in Gemini. Unusually, a Qantas flight from Melbourne to Los Angeles made an emergency landing in Sydney. Across America, all United flights were grounded on Tuesday 2nd June too, as reported in Time magazine.
Another date mentioned in the November 2014 prediction? Monday 4th May. On Tuesday 5th May, the world heard that the Germanwings pilot suspected of deliberately crashing a plane into the French Alps had practised a descent on a previous flight on the same day (ABC News).
Mercury Retrograde is in Sagittarius again, November 15th 2017 through December 20th, 2017 – the end of the Saturn cycle.
September 18th 2015 to December 20th 2017 sees the most serious crisis in 29 years for airlines and the travel industry, as hacking, airline closure, industrial action, fuel price rises and technical failure link to Saturn’s cycle.
This is an old prediction about a Brexit which came true, from 2015 – The Schengen Agreement which means 26 European countries have no passport or border control will transform or be scrapped. Why? It came in on 14th June 1985 with horoscope factors in Sagittarius and Gemini which will be hit by Saturn. But wait. There’s more. Britain will leave the European Union by December 20th 2017. Greece will also leave the European Union by 2017.
Who is affected most by the end of ‘free and Easyjet’ travel within Europe? People born in the ‘Sagittarius’ generations. The days of hopping on a bus, cheap plane or Eurostar without border controls are over.
February 18th 1981 to March 20th 1981
November 17th 1981 to February 14th 1988
May 27th 1988 to December 2nd 1988
January 4th 1970 to May 2nd 1970
November 6th 1970 to January 18th 1984
June 22nd 1984 to November 21st 1984
January 16th 1995 to April 20th 1995
April 20th 1995 to November 10th 1995
November 10th 1995 to January 25th 2008
Sagittarius rules religion. We are going to see a revival of the old Holy War between Christianity and Islam on a serious new scale. In fact, when Pluto was in Sagittarius centuries ago, Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and crucified. It was on this same cycle that we hit the 9/11 terrorist attacks. (Data by Raymond White, Madalyn Hillis-Dineen and Patricia White at Alabe). Saturn is now moving over the same position as Pluto in Sagittarius. The other Holy War which is back, in a major way, is science versus religion. The Neptune-Saturn squares trigger it.
The Science Versus Religion war will resume November 27th through December 4th 2015 and June-July 2016.
Pope Francis has Sagittarius patterns in his horoscope which will be triggered by Saturn in Sagittarius. As the cycle began he started his tour of Cuba and America. The Vatican will be powerfully affected by this new cycle.
In 2016 we are going to see Neptune in Pisces clash with Saturn in Sagittarius. Unfortunately cults are going to make headlines again. Is it a smart idea to be more sceptical, less blindly accepting, of cults now? Yes. Saturn in Sagittarius says ‘Even if it doesn’t call itself a cult – if it takes money from people – it may well be.’ We are going to see serious, even sad consequences of the cult culture in 2016 unless we stop problems before they happen.
When Saturn was in Sagittarius in 1956, 1957, 1958 the world was shocked by The Cambridge Spies. Universities will once again play home to the new breed of terrorist, traitor and spy.
Between September 18th 2015 and December 20th 2017, colleges/universities will be revealed as terrorist havens.
Wikipedia launched on 15th January 2001 in the Pluto in Sagittarius cycle and so did Amazon’s physical book sales (1995) and its Kindle launch (2007). They are both marketed at the ‘Sagittarius’ generations. Both will be hit hard.
Between September 18th 2015 and December 20th 2017, Wikipedia and Amazon will need to transform to survive.

Cassini, Saturn, Grand Finale Astrology and Your Sagittarius Side
If you have factors in the last five degrees of Sagittarius – your personal birth chart shows 25, 26, 27, 28 or 29 Sagittarius placements – then September-December 2017 is also your personal ‘grand finale’ with issues about all the things this zodiac sign rules. Travel and travellers. Foreign places and foreign people. Religion and all belief systems. Education and academia. Publishing and the worldwide web. Give yourself time and space to deal with the last few months of the cycle as the planet of fear, rigid response, brick walls and hard times, slowly moves out of this sign.
I hope you’ve found it interesting to see predictions from 2015 about 2016 and 2017 and seen for yourself how this cycle has worked. Saturn transits always teach us something and the harder it is to learn, the more valuable it becomes later on. In fact, what you were forced to learn the hard way on this cycle will stand you in good stead for future plans and projects for some years to come.
Just one last word – this isn’t over yet! Cassini, Saturn and the Grand Finale are powerful reminders that Saturn is caught in change, but as this slow-moving planet finally moves out of Sagittarius he has a few grinding statements for us, before we can finally shut the door in December 2017. By Christmas, Saturn will be in Capricorn and that’s a whole different story again. You can talk to me on Twitter about the changeover right now @jessicacadams
Lead photograph: Artist’s concept of the Cassini spacecraft at Saturn. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
76 Responses
Hello Jessica,
Thanks for the article about Saturn in Sagittarius, it’s interesting.
I only missed one subject, connected to Sagittarius (Jupiter): everything to do with justice, the law, judges, the lawful rights of the people etc. Can you please comment on that?
Kind regards
Thank you. Jupiter is not particularly associated with the law – possibly because the legal system is so broad it takes in virtually every issue you can think of. Sagittarius is also not particularly associated with the law – unless you specifically tie it to the laws on illegal immigration, or the legalities of Amazon’s tax position. Sagittarius rules illegal immigrants as well as the book trade.
Dear Jessica my DOB is 26.11.1986, born in City kolkata, State: West Bengal, Country : India. Since september 2015 i have witnessed breakthrough in a relationship out of nowhere . This is the third time i am feeling the same when i was so confident to marry the person and has confused me to the bits . Can you suggest stability in my life and possibilities for my marriage . Awating your reply
The issue is children and you don’t say if either you, or your former/current/potential partner has them. April will show you what you need to do. Freedom is a very big factor when it comes to either having children, or bringing them into your life in some way. Very close to April 7th you will see why independence is the main issue.
Thankyou, like always, for your arrowed predictions and articles.
I just want to know what Saturn in Sagittarius will bring to me. Will have Saturn Return in November.
The thing that I am trying my luck and hardwork –
1)Getting emigration 2) trying to get a sadge sun girl in my family.
How do you see these sector progressing or diminishing
Dob – 30/12/1985(19:45) Delhi
It’s not a good idea to emigrate when you have your Saturn Return in Sagittarius. You obviously want a new place to live, but you would be better off thinking about this in April when you could have the freedom and space you want – and not necessarily in another country, just another home or town. April 2016 will also help you rethink what ‘family’ should mean to you.
Oops not a good idea
I have been reading you about the time ripe for immigration for Capricorn.
Well these things take time. That’s why I initiated this process.My Saturn return will happen in November this year.Could well take beyond November the whole immigration process.
I am so looking forward to your writeup on Saturn Return
The Saturn Return in Sagittarius story will be up shortly. Thank you.
Hi Jessica ,
Thank you so much for your reply last time .
I’m about to deposit money ( big amount of money ) to buy the house
( going to finish & settle in the end of 2016 )
And I about to start 1 new job & 1 self business to able to make big income , so I can saving & secure finances for my dream property .
Could you see that really happens ?
It’s could be my dream come true .
Does Saturn make any impact on my business or make it harder for me or affect on my brand / my name ?
My DOB : 07th Decamber 1980
12pm . HaNoi – North of VietNam .
Thank you so much for your time & your awesome work Jessica .
I greatly appreciate it . I’m waiting for you .
Best regard,
Tia .
You may want to make your name/brand/image less of a focus with your business. Make it about the product or end result, not yourself. However, you will be thrilled with your success either with this business, or another, by September 2016.
Hi Jess,
Could you please tell me where am I in your waiting list ?
Which I knew it’s a long , very long wait . But I just want to know if I’m near there .
In the meantime, please , could you see where my business/job/money going next ?
It was good for a month and then now stop still for about 2 weeks .
With my DOB & my personal data ….. Is that really I’m going to reach to my financial goal any soon ?
Right now I feel like I going to lose my strength & my motivative soon .
Thank you so much for your time Jess . I appreciate that .
Wish to hear from you so soon .
The waiting list for horoscopes is usually a year long, sometimes more, but all the 2016 horoscopes will be sent out in time for Chinese New Year, February 2016, when the forecast begins. In the meantime I have a Christmas present I think you’ll love – a personalised, bespoke, astrological journal that you can add to, throughout the year. It’s coming once we reach the Twelve Days of Christmas! I would like to see your personal horoscope here but I have a message saying you need to enter your data again – sorry. I am seeing a few of these so let me check with my trusty webmasters.
Thank you so much for your reply Jess .
My DOB :
7th December 1980 .
Time :
Place :
HaNoi – North of Viet Nam
Thanks a million .
You are a super Sagittarian with a really unusual stellium in that sign. Please take your time and take great care when making decisions about travelling, moving, teaching, studying and publishing in 2016, 2017. Do your research on foreign people and places in particular and the realities of those parts of the world, the situations there and the culture. Saturn is passing over every Sagittarian factor in your horoscope and he can be a very heavy teacher indeed if we do not do the research, do the homework and take precautions. And sometimes you can just avoid a problem by being aware. More happily, once you get to 2018/2019 I believe you’ll be tempted by an amazing offer to live in a different place and you will absolutely love it. Hanoi – your birth place – will seem very, very far away to you indeed.
Very interesting that you mention that schools will be revealed as terror cells. I live in the U.S.and I was just looking through my school’s program offerings and found that it has a Forensic Science High Technology Crime program that has a special separate program for Chinese students. I thought, WTF?!?! So, the U.S. Has been dealing with multiple security breaches all over the place at the hands of China and now we’re formally teaching them insider info?? I thought that was the craziest s#!t I’ve ever seen.
That was fascinating information. Thank you for letting me know!
Interesting read ! I’ve been living in Budapest (trying for my EU Hungarian passport ,which was refused this week btw based on a 1947 law which justified the confiscations ) pfew another subject ..
Was wondering if it’s going to start getting really weird here with the millions of refugees/migrants wanting to pass through here onto Germany and etc ….
It started with groups gathering at the train stations and looking very dirty and ragged so we gathered food and passed it around then you can see how it escalated ….this is going to get worse …right shall I stay here …or find somewhere else to live …indonesia ? any advise ?
26th jan 1959 Perth w aus 9.30 pm
Timely question! People who have been made homeless, escaping from war zones + those who are only economic migrants are not going to disappear, now through 2017 and nor will the problems this involves. You are going to see a huge crackdown on borders, passports, nationality and citizenship, now through 2017 so make sure your visa is up to date and you are on top of the rules, which will be changing constantly. In your own personal case, you may want to wait until the Node is out of Libra mid November, when the most stuck situation will end. Long-term think about the second half of 2016 and first half of 2017 if you want to uproot – but do be aware of all the new legalities (as mentioned above) which will be coming in.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you very much for the brilliant insights!
I strongly believe the predictions above will start to be manifested, actually some of them already did, say, the refugees problems are getting much worse and miserable now.
I have a personal concern and would like to ask for your opinion, i am doing oversea college (mostly in US) consulting business in Beijing, China, since transit saturn is in my 2nd house, the business is really slow now and i can hardly save money, should i keep running it, or should i change a direction? Will I make more money soon? I really want to get my own property soon. Is there any chance I will relocate back to US?
My DOB is Oct 29th, 1978, 5:10 AM, Jingmen City (Hubei Province) China, thanks a lot.
You need to be really cautious with your money and cashflow now through 2017 and you mention China – please read the story I wrote on China and the US markets, some months ago.
Hi Jessica! Thank you for all your predictions! I live in Albania and wanted to know if will be a great year 2016 to move in another country? I want to study in United States for finance and accounting . 7.09.1990
You don’t give your birth time so it’s impossible to speculate. In general there will be a global crackdown on borders, immigration (legal and illegal) and passports/visas, effective now, through 2017.
I am born in 7 september 1990, 5 AM . Thank you!
Take your time and take good advice, before you think about moving, or rent, or mortgages – now through 2017 – as once you have made a decision there will be realities about that, you seriously need to take into account. Do your research and homework thoroughly. This goes beyond experts you pay, to folk wisdom online.
Hi Jessica,
What do you say about a d/o/b May 8th, 1981 love cycle now?
Acs 22′ libra
Sun 18′ Taurus
Moon 19′ cancer
Mars 10 Taurus
Mercury 0.36 Gemini
Jupiter 0 in Libra
Saturn 3 in Libra
Uranus 28 in Scorpio
Neptune 24 in Sag
Pluto 22 in Libra
Thank you
Saturn at 3 Libra is the stand-out on the list. This eclipse is just one degree away at 4 Libra/4 Aries. If it involves a former, current or potential partner – wait. If it involves an enemy, rival or opponent – wait! You’re not just in the know, with this person. Not as you should be. And Saturn can be very hard work.
Hi Jessica ! I was born in Bucharest Romania on June 4th 1965 at 10:00 a.m.
I am having concerns about my long term marriage ( husband born same place on August 7 1957 at 9:30 a.m.) we have problems due to a third person in the marriage since 2012. ,,she was born in Constanta , Romania on July 14 th 1974(I don’t know time). My husband and I live in the U.S. For a very long time . ,, She ,, travels 2,3 times a year for a few weeks for Holliday affair , and hopes to get the man for a easier life in U.S . We have a daughter in college . He never wanted a divorce , he promised it is over with her , but I ,, feel her ,, clinging to us . I am tired with this situation and don’t know what to expect .
There is no easy answer for you with this, because your birth date and your husband’s birth date tell me this is serious stuff. I’m afraid this Cancerian woman is on a power trip and using her ‘power’ over your husband to make herself feel better. Do not waste any more time and energy thinking about her, please. The best advice I can possibly give you, is to concentrate on your daughter. Your daughter could bring you so much happiness and pride, second half of 2016, first half of 2017. She’s the priority. Give to her, and the rest will be irrelevant. Beyond this, if you decide to break up, please try and organise the house or apartment for yourself before September 2016 when your chances are best.
Hi Jessica
Just became a member and loving the extra knowledge and info.
I was wondering if you could take a sneak peak at my chart
My business seems to be slowing day by day and I seem to be at our crossroads. Not knowing whether to walk away and start a fresh or sit tight. Our huge mortgage worries me
Many Regards .
You have Scorpio and Taurus horoscope factors which have led you into business, but also put you through a very tough 2-3 years. Why? Saturn has been in Scorpio, so either sitting on one side of your chart, or opposing the other side. You need to get past this Full Moon in the final week of October, which will also take place in Taurus and Scorpio. It takes time for a cycle to end. I am sure you can see how things can only develop and improve for you, as nothing is as bad now as it was in 2013 and you are over the worst. You also have some fascinating possibilities to play with. You still don’t have the full picture, though, so please try and wait until the Full Moon at the end of October (look up and you will see it) to really assess your situation. What you are actually waiting for is employment/economic trends to improve all around you, and this is happening now, even if you can’t see i yet. This will mean more cashflow in your business, or in quite another, which you may realise you can switch to. Please don’t give up just yet. Give this a little bit more time.
Will do Jessica.Thanks for the positive words
Hi Jessica,
I love reading your articles and mapping the topics to my life/what’s happening in the world. My husband and I are pinning to move back home to Australia and start a family after a couple of years in the US. Our only real anchor here is jobs. Could you have a look at my chart (I’m a member) and tell what’s in store for the next 6-9 months, is starting a family and moving home favorable? Thanks so much!
Thank you very much. You are strongly Sagittarian so I can see why you wanted to explore America. You will get all the information you need about property and residency from the end of February through March 2016 and I suspect what you need most of all is clarity, as nothing has been very simple or manageable about home/property for a long time. This will help you decide. You will also have the financial discussion you need in December. By then you’ll also be aware of career prospects and that might change everything!
My birthdate 8 Dec 1969.
I have been bored and stagnant in life although quite OK financially, mainly through property investments.
Quit my job recently and started studying overseas for a change.
Dont ever feel like working in a corporate world or 9 to 5 job. Maybe go into business or rental property investment. Really like property though
Is it right move? and how will my financial status by in the next 2 years or so?
Your ruler Jupiter is throwing opportunities and solutions your way in this new cycle, which sees the planet climbing over your Midheaven. It’s still very new though – you haven’t even begun to tap what is possible – so give yourself time. You have until around this time next year to expand. Long-term, your financial status is always best worth assessing when the Sun goes through Capricorn, around Christmas through January of any year, through 2024.
Wow, I remeber reading this article the exact day you had published it, sitting at a french airport and waiting to board a plane to Canada. I travel a lot and do business that has do to with import and export, so I was thinking about all the reprecussions this Saturn in Sagittarius could have, I had a strange shiver down my spine, and tried not to think too much about it. At that time, there was the Charlie Hebdo attack, but now there is the horrible attacks of 13th november in Paris, and the closing of boarders in France. I had a sudden flash and re-read your article today, and sadly we are looking at events that concord with your predictions (not that I doubted their accuracy, but more like dreading the outcome of such events). I was wondering how we can work with this difficult cycle. I am living in France, I am in commerce, we depend on import/export, tourism, and we travel a lot. We also know a number of people in our situation. Any advice ? What do you see for France? Thank you so much !
I first read this article on the day it was published, sitting at a French airport waiting to board a plane to Canada…I remember sinking in my seat reading about how saturn in Sagittarius could change our lives, because I had just created a new import/export business, and had to travel a lot. Also in light of the Charlie Hebdo attack, the massive migrant influx plus the rise of extremism and racism, I was thinking about the repercussion that this could have in our lives as a nation. I remember hoping that this would’nt be true (not that I doubt your predictions but more because that I doubted the consequences it could have in our lives).Now after the tragic events yesterday night in Paris, all of a sudden I remebered this article that I wanted so much to forget, realizing that Saturn gives you no choice but to look at things how they really are.
When you say that Saturn in Sagittarius is about smart avoidance, it makes me reflect on my own life. How can travel less? How can I just stop something (a business) that I had just started? After re-reading your article this morning, I recognized how much your writing has changed so much for me. It has lit a spark in me making me go deeper into my unerstanding of astrology and therfore of myself. Thank you!
Thank you Jessie. To quote from this article, “Your 2015-2017 holiday will be affected by the new airline and travel realities. Be prepared.” And of course, to import/export business in particular. I am afraid Saturn is not going away in a hurry and Sagittarius has long been associated with both religion and travel. As I write this in London, Gatwick has just been evacuated. I don’t buy into fear and terrorism and I will be happily travelling to beautiful Paris this winter. However – on the most common-sense level – you know that Saturn slows down and freezes what it touches. So as it says in the article I wrote two months ago, the days of hopping on and off Eurostar or Easyjet are gone.
I replied elsewhere – but yes, the astrology was pretty specific about the new Holy War and also the bringing down of borders in the E.U…much as I’d love to say the worst is over, with Saturn in Sagittarius in 2016 and 2017 Europe has a lot to learn and a long way to go.
Hi Jessica. I’m approaching a crux in terms of art/work/career/new home (I am combining artistic and academic paths), and I feel like it’s being orchestrated to some degree by the baton of Saturn in Sagittarius. Something to do with love too (though I am content to be single) – basically all the enduring pillars will go through some shift. I’d love to hear any insight into this! Especially with the Nodes shifting smack into my Virgo IC/ Pisces MC axis. My birth data: 01/22/82 2PM Manila, Philippines. Thank you so much for your generosity and brilliant writing.
What a lovely compliment, thank you. You have a stellium in Sagittarius, the sign which rules academia and the arts. You are entering a two year cycle when everything will move very slowly. You are right in identifying Saturn as holding the baton. The tempo of your life will drop and you will need to adjust to this. In time, things will change again and particularly when Jupiter goes through Sagittarius in 2018-2019 you will be astonished at how far and how fast you travel academically. The Nodes don’t really affect your chart so much as Saturn, which is the big one. He takes 29 years to move like this and you will need to adjust. With Mars, Saturn, Diana and Apollo in Libra, your house of dating, marriage, sex, love and commitment is full of very different symbols which tell me you often contradict yourself. You want the total freedom of Diana, who refused to marry and have children – but you also have Saturn there, so in some ways the great work of your life is going to have to be – partnership. All this will come to a head when Jupiter enters Libra in September 2016 and by 2017 you will have been given one substantial opportunity to be with someone. I can’t say if you’ll take it or not, but it would change your life.
AMAZEBALLS. My heart is pounding and my head is whirring as I read this. Thank you for this precious information!
Thank you very much. I think ‘amazeballs’ is a fantastic compliment for astrology!
Dear Jessica,
Any thoughts or suggestions for me about finances and relationships in 2016? My birthday is December 17, 1961 8:00 am South East Coast?
Also a friend would like to know the best place to travel on his birthday, (December 3, 1974 born in Tokyo, Japan 5:15 pm) to reap great financial vibrations for the 2016 year.
Thank you very much.
fri, December 3, 1974 Tokyo, Japan would like to know the best place to travel to obtain great financial vibration
There are no financial vibrations in astrology. Actually, there are no vibrations full stop. Astrology is just an alternative timekeeping tool. I wrote a Sagittarius birthday report last week which covers money and relationships in 2016.
Dear jessica what will come up for me with regards to travel in 2016 I born dec 19th 1971 birth I think but j usually use default time of 6 am when I’ve had a an astrology report done as I wish to travel to Australia this year when do you see it being a good time and it to be a positive out come as I don’t want have to wait another year or two as been paiently waiting to go since August 2012 to meet some one I been talking to since 2012 and I hope I meet him this year and iam hoping for a future with him in Australia what Co you see is the best positive out come for this as I’ve had enough obstacles and test and learnt lesson for pass 7 years longer going on in my life i dont need any more .and need some good positive news I relly wish this will be my year for long term travel and also positibe out come with my visa what do you perdict on this year 2016 as i thought this year was going to be a more positive one and more favourble for long distant travel .and aldo visa,s and immigration. Now saturn is going to spoil and cause delays for me once again ive had enough delays for a long time i dont want any more from the planets .Iam decan 3 saggitaruis dec 19th 1971
In general, you need transits through Leo to get the most from your holidays so if you are based in England, that’s rather lucky – the Sun always transits Leo from the final week of July through to the third week of August. I can’t really comment on these other issues without a birth chart as they’re pretty complicated.
Dear Jessica,
Saturn moved to Sagittarius on 18 Sept 2015 and I got a job again after 4 yrs and started working on 1st Oct 2015( back to Europe)
I have pending litigation against my previous employer for salaries in Netherlands from Dec 2011 till date (4 yrs).
Do you see me getting my 4 yrs salaries any time soon? The parent company is in UK hence its taking long time.
My DOB 31-08-1979 (Virgo sun-sign)
This is a really big question. You might want to become a Premium Member so I can look at your birth chart in more detail. In general, if the issue is salary, then April will bring a milestone decision by you about your money which will set you free. And you can’t buy freedom.
Hi Jessica! First, an observation – does the Conservative party in Britain have Saturn in Sagittarius? It seems to be having a few problems at the moment and although this would tend to fill me with glee, I’m instead filled with dread.
I really do fear that Britain will sleepwalk out of the EU, dragging a very recalcitrant Scotland with it. 2016 seems like it’s going to be a year of massive upheaval politically and socially, I might have to hide in a room with my typewriter and just chronicle it!
The Tory party has a couple of different charts, so I will have a closer look this week. The United Kingdom is going through a massive shift not seen in 240 years and it all started on that series of Uranus/Pluto squares. April 2016 is the turning point for independence – that New Moon is about two weeks away now, but the astrology says, we ain’t seen nothing yet!
Hi Jessica
All of a sudden I have lawsuits against me, even a revival of a very old one. Can you advise why this is happening. DOB 24.11.1976 south Africa
I am sorry about this, it must be very stressful for you. We have a lot of retrogrades this year, so that’s why you’re seeing the replay and revival of this (for retrograde planets, put ‘re’ in front of everything). You will have to wait for the wheels to spin backwards and forwards in 2016 but the final quarter will help everyone concerned move towards a fair, just and reasonable outcome – if you are still waiting by then. The scales of justice will be balanced more easily once Jupiter moves into Libra, from September.
i was born with x6 planets in sag (26.11.1995-16:5 pm Skopje, Macedonia). whether this year will be crucial for me?
Take it slowly. Saturn will conjunct your Sagittarius stellium and your relationship with people from other nationalities and cultures in particular will require tremendous dedication, patience and learning. Language and cultural differences require true devotion, yet it you can master this you will be far better off from 2018 onwards.
Hi jessica
Having a lot of strife in my love relationship.Dob 11 th dec 1966 Trivandrum,India.Any relief soon in this sector ?Any chance of a happy relationship in the near future?
Have a look at the other girls or women involved. Is there an ex-wife or ex-girlfriend hanging around you, or are there daughters/mothers/nieces/grandmothers on either side of the situation? If so, your issues may come from that. Do look up Vesta in your Asteroid Astrology e-book and on this website to find out what is going on. After September 2016 you have the best chance in 12 years to fix any concerns and move onto a more rewarding kind of relationship.
Let my nephew, birthdate is 6/12/1992 moved into my home on April of 2015 and he is still living with me…He has created strange environment in the house… I am in the process of moving him out of the house as soon as possible to restore the peacefulness. I have given him until August 2016 to find place to live with my financial assistance…I am certain the position of Saturn in Sagittarius is affecting him in a negative way..My birthdate is 9/02/1961. What is the best month for him to move?
The issue is actually Neptune in Pisces in the Fourth House of your nephew’s solar chart, which means there are no boundaries at home. You also have Ceres going through your Fourth House at the same time. This will work out in the end. You will have to strike a deal with him. You may want to do this once Mercury has gone out of shadow, from October – if you pursue changes now, you will run into Mercury Retrograde.
Hi Jessica,
It is a very informative article. Thanks for the guidance. I have got admission in a journalism program at a university in Denmark. I will be leaving for it in august end. I simply wanted to know whether this would be a good move for me or should I look for any other program. I am still very confused about my ultimate career goal. I am also interested in fashion designing and opening up my own business. Kindly guide me asap. Also I want to start a YouTube channel soon. Should I do that? My DOB : December 2, 1990. Place of birth, Jalandhar, Punjab, India. Thanks.
Blimey, so just a few ambitions, then! Sagittarius? It really depends on how much Denmark is going to cost you. This is all going to be about the money in the end so try to figure out real costs/prospective gains as quickly as possible. You are in the most intense financial cycle in 248 years.
Most intense? Is that good or bad?. Well Denmark is going to cost me a lot but I have savings so it’s not an issue. Can you give any advice whatsoever regarding my career. As you can see I am very confused. And yes I am a Sagittarius. Please please, any career advice would be awesome. Thanks so much!!
Without a birth chart, the most useful thing I can tell you is that Mercury Retrograde is now in full swing in the Tenth House of your solar chart, which rules your career. He will remain retrograde until the first week of October 2016. Mercury rules paperwork, negotiation, transport and information. When he appears to travel backwards, so do our plans. You can read more about this notorious cycle in my book, 2020 Astrology, free to pick up from this site. Good luck.
My Neptune is at 28° Sagittarius in my chart, I wonder how this has been affecting me. Feels like I’ve been walking in mud trying to move forward making changes for my career and other things in life it just so slow! Am I getting benefit from Saturn move to Capricorn? Thanks
Neptune is about confusion and illusion. You can reach for money or property but you will need to bust a few myths and understand that everything remains as a wish, hope, daydream or fantasy until you actually convert it. You could be richer. You could have access to a great apartment, house or holiday home. Yet – you have to ‘make it so.’
Hi Jessica, I have been fascinated by your predictions but one sticks in the mind: Brexit by December 2017. Yet today, May, who has proved to be an unpopular and weak leader (thus not helped by Jupiter in Libra at all) declared the UK will not be leaving the single matket or free movement until 2021. She is a shill of the elite, totally the wrong person to orchestrate Brexit. Reading your many exvellent blogs, Uranus has not done its job of giving us freedom and independence at all. Is there something I am missing? I think we all have to remember that there have been umpteen.planetary cycles over the last 1,000 years and none has released us from the grip the 1% have of power. They simply will not give up easily. Theresa May is one of these Elite puppets. The EU will go from strength to strength unless we do something. It seems more than ever that the Universe wants the Biblical predictions of subservience to come true. I would love to have your take on this and thanks in advance, Soxy
Thank you Soxy. Brexit is coming. It’s actually unstoppable, along with the break-up of the Euro and EU. Why? Uranus in Taurus, coming in May 2018 and lasting for many years to come. Taurus is currency, Uranus is radical change, liberation and revolution. If May is not being a true revolutionary with all this, she may not last. I predicted a Swiss model almost a year ago now and I still believe that Great Britain will copy Switzerland. We’ll see!
Hi Jessica, I have a number of Sagittarius chart factors. What is the story for me in this September- December cycle? Should I wait for relocation/job change until Saturn enters into Capricorn?
Justina, Sagittarius is about relocation, though not jobs – unless you work with foreign people and places (and you don’t tell me what you do, so it is hard to say). In general, yes, wait until Saturn has left Sagittarius and we are also out of Mercury Retrograde Shadow in Sagittarius (January 2018) to make big relocation choices. Sagittarius rules emigration and ‘new life in a new place.’ Saturn is obviously rather an obstructive influence.
Hi Jessica !
I still hope that Brexit will take place as soon as possible and that my dear France will follow as well ! Thank you for you predictions !
My question is : Do you think that Catalonia will eventually get independant from Spain ? Could this lead to a rise of regionalism in Europe and especially in France ?
Thank you. Uranus in Taurus will not arrive until May 2018 but the promise ‘independence and currency’ is definitely here. Catalonia, like the rest of those European regions, is on her path to independence. I expect a wild currency shift will push the change and we would not see that until mid 2018, but I am sure you can see how the prediction is going to pan out.
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