Venus Retrograde and A Day Without A Woman

In one area of your life, ruled by Aries, you will also experience a complex kind of chemistry with others which never resolves as it would normally. She'll also dance backwards through Pisces - so that's two areas of your life which are on rewind.

Venus is the planet of complicated relationships. She is about to go retrograde, or appear to move backwards, from Saturday March 4th,  2017. In one area of your life, ruled by Aries, you will also experience a complex kind of chemistry with others which never resolves as it would normally. She’ll also dance backwards through Pisces – so that’s two areas of your life which are on rewind.

This is a good painting of Venus by Rubens, who captured her in various poses. This shows her vanity. She’s often pictured with a mirror. The ‘complicated’ part of the relationship is usually down to ego or narcissism and a tremendous concern with physical appearances. The Venus symbol in astrology – a circle on a stick – is actually a neat little reduction of the hand-mirror symbol. (Rubens: Wikimedia Commons. Planets: New York Public Library). 


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Venus by Rubens – Venus Retrograde rules.


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The Venus symbol (second from Left) is a stylised mirror.



Premium members can check their chart below, just by logging in. Which area of your life is most affected by these unresolved, complicated questions about appearances, vanity, ego and relating to others? Well, it you have a stellium (more than three personal chart factors) in Aries, in your personal birth chart, it may well be You, You, You which is the area of delay and reversal. A typical example would be a relaunch or rebranding which goes forwards, backwards and sideways – and often stuck along the way. Venus gets stuck at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 degrees of Aries so if you have horoscope factors there, women or female influences in particular, having an impact on your image, will take you back and forth.

If you have Pisces chart factors then the Venus Retrograde is about the secret you cover up, or the invisible and uncredited role you play behind the scenes. Again, it may be females or female influences taking you back and forth. Venus will retrograde at 26, 27, 28, 29 Pisces.

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If there are no Pisces or Aries signature in your personal chart then you’re more likely to feel the Venus Retrograde ‘stuckness’ in the area of your Solar Chart (Sun Sign Chart) which shows the headlines of your life: First of all, with Venus Retrograde in Pisces, you can expect replays/rewinds regarding ‘complicated relationships’ in these areas. We’re talking a loop that goes round from February to May 2017. Normally I wouldn’t rate a Venus Retrograde as particularly important, but as you already have Neptune (confused and confusing situations) in Pisces too, it looks as though March in particular will take you backwards, forwards, sideways, up and down. It will take a bit of time to sort this out, particularly if women are involved.

PISCES Name. Face. Persona. Profile. Presentation. Packaging. Reputation. Style. Shape.
ARIES Secrecy. Invisibility. Classified Material. Confidential Information. The Unsconscious Mind.
TAURUS Friendship. Groups. Camaraderie. Community. The Hive Mind. The Collective.
GEMINI Success. Achievement. Status. Ambition. Position. Mission. Vocation. Calling.
CANCER Education. Academia. Travel. Foreigners. Publishing. The Worldwide Web.
LEO Finance. Business. Taxation. Philanthropy. Values. Materialism. Inheritance. Mortgages.
VIRGO Partners. Former Partners. Potential Partners. Enemies. Rivals. Opponents.
LIBRA Routine. Lifestyle. Service. Duty. Body. Rituals. Drugs. Doctors. Drink. Food. Healers. Fitness.
SCORPIO Children. Babies. Pregnancy. Godchildren. Young Relatives. Youth. Lovers. Sex.
SAGITTARIUS Home. Home Town. Homeland. Family. House. Apartment. Household.
CAPRICORN Communication. The Worldwide Web. Multimedia. Language. Hearing. Reading. Speech.
AQUARIUS Money. Property. Charity. Possessions. Salary. Debt. Banks. Savings.

For Venus Retrograde in Aries, you’re looking at the headlines of your life being affected as follows –

ARIES Name. Face. Persona. Profile. Presentation. Packaging. Reputation. Style. Shape.
TAURUS Secrecy. Invisibility. Classified Material. Confidential Information. The Unsconscious Mind.
GEMINI Friendship. Groups. Camaraderie. Community. The Hive Mind. The Collective.
CANCER Success. Achievement. Status. Ambition. Position. Mission. Vocation. Calling.
LEO Education. Academia. Travel. Foreigners. Publishing. The Worldwide Web.
VIRGO Finance. Business. Taxation. Philanthropy. Values. Materialism. Inheritance. Mortgages.
LIBRA Partners. Former Partners. Potential Partners. Enemies. Rivals. Opponents.
SCORPIO Routine. Lifestyle. Service. Duty. Body. Rituals. Drugs. Doctors. Drink. Food. Healers. Fitness.
SAGITTARIUS Children. Babies. Pregnancy. Godchildren. Young Relatives. Youth. Lovers. Sex.
CAPRICORN Home. Home Town. Homeland. Family. House. Apartment. Household.
AQUARIUS Communication. The Worldwide Web. Multimedia. Language. Hearing. Reading. Speech.
PISCES Money. Property. Charity. Possessions. Salary. Debt. Banks. Savings.


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Venus, Cupid, Bacchus and Ceres by Rubens.



If your personal birth chart reveals Pisces or Aries factors at these degrees, you’ll be strongly affected.

Normally we wouldn’t really care about a complicated relationship that goes back and forth, but because Venus is also alongside Uranus (revolutionary change and independence) in Aries, it looks as if March, April, May will be particularly important in deciding how fast and far the changes will happen, and how smoothly. If you have Aries factors at 1-13 then this is personal; it’s about the way you look or appear to the world. If you’re on a diet to lose weight with a female counsellor, she may go back and forth with you, or you may find your weight loss goes backwards and forwards. That’s one example. Another one is your profile as a single or married man. If you have Aries 1-13 factors then a woman/women may stall that with you.

Pisces factors at 26, 27, 28, 29 degrees are also important in your birth chart. This is about what you cover up and hide. It is about classified and confidential concerns. It is about any invisible role you play behind the scenes where others are the name or face and you are submerged from view. Again, what we seem to have here is a woman/female influence taking you backwards and forwards.

Including the pre and post shadow periods, what we have is this time-frame:


Venus Retrograde in Pisces and Aries 2017 – Diary Dates

Venus (complicated relationships, female influence) crossed 26 to 29 Pisces from 30th January to 3rd February. She then repeats herself from April 3rd to 28th. Venus does the same complicated dance in the sign of Aries, from February 4th right through to May 19th.

One way to check is to look back at the headlines of your life (see lists, above) and note what was going down in February in both areas of your life. Complicated relationships? Female/s in the picture? Nothing resolved yet? Tick, tick, tick. Please allow even more time for these connections to play themselves out.


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It’s pretty much what you’d expect. When she’s moving normally, Venus coincides with important affairs, or crucial phases in existing marriages or relationships. When she’s not all tied up with the male-female dance of intimacy, Venus is usually the star of the show when there is female-to-female jealousy. Venus loathed competition from other women. Thus, her reputation for complicated relationships – they are not necessarily about sex between a man and woman, they are sometimes about a mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law. They can also be about a mother’s intense relationship with her own son. I’ll make a note of the important Venus aspects in your weekly and monthly horoscopes for March, April and May (into early June, when the cycle ends) so you can track what’s going on. I’ll leave you with another Rubens portrait. This shows her with Adonis.



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Venus and Adonis by Rubens.



Venus rules complicated relationships, as we’ve seen. These can be with lovers, husbands, sons, or daughters-in-law. What happens when Venus is retrograde, or appearing to travel backwards, in the sign of Pisces? Pisces rules the Twelfth House (secrets) of your personal birth chart. If you happen to have horoscope factors at Pisces 26, 27, 28, 29 (or the other person does) there may be a confidential, classified or clandestine relationship which goes backwards and forwards.

Venus Retrograde, in Pisces or Aries, is a bigger deal than usual in your horoscope – because she is accompanying slow-moving outer planets like Neptune and Uranus, both of which are change-bringers in your life. So the ‘extended play’ of a complicated relationship, either behind the scenes (Venus in Pisces) or directly affecting your image (Venus in Aries) will have a stronger impact than usual. Of course, placed in Aries, Venus Retrograde is front-and-centre. She’s obvious! I’m sure you know that red is the Aries colour. On the ‘women’s strike’ across the world on March 8th, right at the start of Venus Retrograde, the organisers have asked both men and women to wear red that day, in sympathy.

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Photo by Corinne Kutz. Day Without a Woman.



If you want to know a real-world example of how astrology works, look at the Wednesday 8th March protest, A Day Without A Woman, where women around the world are going on strike for the day, or wearing red in solidarity. Even the lights on the Statue of Liberty have gone out! If you think about Venus ruling women, and her turning retrograde just as women freeze their lives for 24 hours, you’ll see why a retrograde can result in situations sticking, or standing still, or turning backward. My daily horoscope column for March 8th, 2017 will not appear in solidarity. Please wear red to support us, even if you can’t also go on strike. I guess this is a case of the astrologer making a prediction that she then fulfils…but I hope you understand why your daily column will not appear on March 8th and why it matters. 


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222 Responses

  1. Hello there!

    The only thing I have going on in Aries i believe is my IC. Any significance? Or should I just be looking at where my sun is in this case?

    Thanks Jessica

  2. Dear Jessica,
    I can think of a relationship with my female and a male relative that is like you stated above, and currently it is at its worse. We have lost trust and love and affection for each other due the circumstances we are in. Jealousy and insecurity is also a part of this drama.It makes me very sad sometimes. But we are also in the process of becoming independent of each other leaving behind the codependency. I have
    Moon at 27 Aries
    Venus at 28 scorpio
    Only other factor at aries is
    ceres at 6 aries.
    How will this effect me.
    Thank you for your time.

    1. Ceres at 6 Aries in your First House of name, title, image, personal appearance is being criss-crossed by Venus so issues about ‘Me’ since February won’t be over until May. Ceres is about control and compromise. So this is not about your family at all. It is about how you are seen and appear.

  3. Dear Jessica,
    My Aries stellium is Jupiter, Chiron & Panacea right?
    Which area of my life should I be concerned about?
    Thanks a lot! NP

    1. The Venus Retrograde only goes from 1 through 13 degrees so you won’t have any exact triggers, but in general, your Me Agenda since February goes back and forth (image, profile, packaging, presentation) until May, partly because of a complex relationship.

  4. Morning jessica
    I have retro venus passing over my sun… what would that mean for me in the coming year since i see venus is retro in my solar return….is there a old flame coming back…i am currently single..thank you

    1. Not so much love. You were born with the Sun in Aries in the First House (Natural Houses) which rules your personal appearance, reputation, title and image. This was a story through February and won’t really be resolved until May. A woman or female-dominated organisation/trend is probably part of it. Neptune at 29 Libra in your Seventh House of former, current and potential lovers is the one to watch, later this year, as Jupiter makes a conjunction right at the end of the cycle – so you’re looking at the final quarter of 2017.

  5. Hi Jess,

    What a whopper of a clue you’ve just given me there with Venus and Adonis. This really is 1999 all over again, isn’t it? We’ve just come off an eclipse now, with another on 21st August across the US. The 1999 UK eclipse was 11th August when Venus was also retrograde. Do you think this is a case of the 21st century taking one last step back before its infancy is finished for good and it becomes an 18yo adult?

    For me, so much of my life is mirroring 1997-99, it’s utterly ridiculous. But, I really would like to feel some benefit from Jupiter. By rights, I ought to be first in the queue at 0′ Libra. In a year that has promised so much, it’s been riddled with strife and setbacks and that recent hideous Nodal Grand Cross. I could do with some good news even if it is a case ‘benefits last, benefits longest.’

    Thanks for all your excellent work,

    1. I’m glad the painting of Venus and Adonis triggered something, KC. Yes, we are seeing a 1999 flashback – and judging by people leaving comments here, it’s personal as well as global (you are obviously experiencing it personally). You have such a large, complex and contradictory stellium in Libra in your Seventh House that it may not be until October when Jupiter makes his final pass on your chart that you realise it was basically one big book, not just a short story. Watch what happens when Jupiter conjuncts Juno.

      1. Wow, if that’s when Jupiter hits my Juno, that’s the last sentence of the book!

  6. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for another interesting article. I have Jupiter 16 Aries, Fortuna 21 Aries & Diana 26 Aries . Could you please offer your insights?
    Many thanks in advance,

    1. Venus retrogrades 1 through 13 degrees of Aries so will miss triggering your chart factors exactly, but in general, issues about your look, image, title, reputation, brand swing back and forth now.

  7. Hi Jessica,

    I have a fair few planets in Aries – Sun, Venus, Bacchus & Psyche in 0-13 degrees. Is this a tricky time for me?

    Many thanks,

    1. You actually have your Venus Return in Aries in the First House of image across this period, which is quite important. Strongly Aries women tend to use their hair, face, shape, wardrobe in their careers, or as a tool for wrangling lovers. The mirror and camera really matters, but then there is also the question of self-promotion, reputation and so on. With Venus in Aries returning to her own place in your chart, the first half of 2017 is all about ‘Me’ and what ‘Me’ means – and how to figure out a situation where women, in particular, are having an impact on that. It may help to avoid the usual Venus traps (Venus Fly Traps) of female competition, jealousy, narcissism and so on. If you have ever found that other women are jealous of you because of your looks, then you will know what I am talking about.

    1. K, Venus will cross Cupido in Aries in your First House and get stuck. This is important because Venus is the mother of Cupido in astrology. A matter affecting your title, reputation, name or appearance (Aries) which you are passionate about (Cupido) will attract some complex questions (Venus) which go backwards and forwards (Venus Retrograde). Watch what happens when Venus reaches Cupido’s degree in Aries – you can track that on this website.

  8. Love & Light Jess:

    I have a stellium in Aries. What’s going on with me and Venus?

    07° Aries 22′ 58″
    07° Aries 24′ 59″
    11° Aries 13′ 26″
    24° Aries 11′ 07″
    22° Aries 22′ 20″


    1. Vee, your reputation, personal appearance and brand is a bigger deal for you than other people, because you have hard karma (Saturn) here but it’s also your life’s calling (MC) and your past life lesson (North Node). This pattern commonly turns up in the charts of people whose name is their job (used car yard owners who have an eponymous business, or actors whose image is their work) but we also see it with people who are in the ‘Me’ game in other ways – women who have marriages partly based on being beautiful, so with an element of trophy wife to the relationship. With Diana (the need for freedom) and Proserpina (negotiation) also in Aries you are inevitably going to be caught up with major questions about how you look and appear in the first half of 2017 and I suspect it will be quite revolutionary for you, as Uranus (radical change) is also going over 22 Aries and 24 Aries, between now and May 2018. This is your Me Revolution but it will be complicated. It will probably also involve a woman/female influence.

  9. Hi Jessica …I have factors in Pisces and Aries including quiron ….how this will affect me? gracias as always


    1. Venus Retrograde across your Pisces factors is about what you cover up or do without credit. Venus Retrograde across your Aries factors is about your appearance, reputation, name and profile. What you probably thought would be completed by the end of February is not and you may need to wait until May for everything to be finally resolved.

  10. Hi Jessica! I have Ceres at 12 Aries will this have much of an effect on me? Thank you very much!

    1. Ceres in Aries in the First House describes a woman whose personal appearance and image is her power – you are naturally good at controlling this, and running it – yet this is also where you constantly have to strike deals with other people or the world in general, reaching compromises. Normally your profile, name, reputation, style or look would not be that big a deal, but as Venus is criss-crossing Ceres I suspect the first half of 2017 is all about figuring out a way to be yourself, or promote yourself, that will take longer than usual. Take your time.

  11. Hi Jessica,

    I have Mars 03° Aries — So this going to be personal, if I read correctly? I just signed up today and am completely new to this, so forgive me if this is a dumb question, aha.


    1. Welcome and I hope you enjoy reading about your birth chart. This is not a dumb question. You have Mars in Aries in the First House of image, profile, reputation and title – also personal appearance. You know how to push yourself forward, be upfront and front up to the world. You are aware of your brand and strongly self-aware. Mars in Aries in the First House is not afraid to fight for her reputation, thrust herself forward or actively pursue new ways to push a particular image, no matter if it involves the gym or a very particular way of handling the internet. With Venus crossing over Mars back and forth, 2017 opens with a major question here about how you are seen, and how you appear, and yet it will take twice or three times as long to sort out as you might normally expect. Watch what happens on the days when Venus goes to 3 Aries. That’s in your daily planetary guide if you want to check it, on the website.

  12. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for another great article!
    Do you have any thoughts/insight when looking at my chart?

    1. Your Aries stellium will be affected, so we’re talking about the way you appear or look to the world, and a woman or female organisation which impacts that (and has already started) yet without a quick outcome or a straightforward process.

  13. Hi Jessica,
    Will the Venus retrograde affect me? ( I have Ic at 1 Aries )
    Thanks for your great astrology site!

    1. If you really were born right on the dot of 2.30am then your IC is 1 Aries in the First House, so you have inherited (IC) from your family (IC) your face, body type and shape (Aries) and your ability to front up (Aries) to life. You have new choices to make about this, as Venus crosses over 1 Aries, but they will not be made quickly or easily. It is common for an Aries IC person to strongly resemble a family member, this generation or another.

  14. Hi Jessica just ended a friend relationship with a narcissit who ive known since 2003. I wont be letting her back in.
    How does this affect me i have 4 in Aries, 2x21Jupiter &panacea, 1 @24 chiron 14 Vesta?
    Thanks for the great article and feedback.

    1. Your friendship with the narcissist is about your Aquarius stellium in your Eleventh House of friendship (nothing to do with Aries) and yet, it’s not entirely over, as when the Node moves to Aquarius from May, there is still some unfinished karmic business to clear up, which may be necessary between you both by 2018.

  15. I have Jupiter in Aries at 1, Mercury in Pieces at 1, as well as the North Node in Aries at 11. Can you offer any insight?

    Thank You

    1. Jupiter and the North Node in Aries describe your natural luck (Jupiter) and karma from another life (North Node) in regards to your appearance (Aries) and presentation, packaging, self-promotion and profile (Aries). Venus going over 1 and 11 Aries will trigger this, but in a way that keeps things suspended (retrograde) or even reverses them (retrograde).

  16. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for the article and insights.
    I’ve always wondered how a Venus Retrograde phase might be different if you are born with Venus in Retrograde (like me, Venus R Aries). Also, I’ve heard many astrologers warn against marriage during Venus in Retrograde. I did, am very happily married. I could say I didn’t ‘feel myself’ appearance wise at the wedding, but feel this is superficial. I’d be interested in your thoughts.
    Many thanks,

    1. Thanks Yolande. Born with Venus Retrograde in Aries in the First House of image – you won’t notice the stuckness every day, but when you have major transits over Venus, you may have issues with photographs, hair, your name on business cards, your title online, your social media profile and so on. I am not sure why marrying on Venus Retrograde would be a problem unless she was in your Seventh House of marriage at the time – so, in Libra.

  17. This makes so much sense, usually, I do the whole resolution thing in January, but this year I only got enthusiastic about exercising more, thinking about my appearance, etc., in February. Lots going on in Aries.

  18. Hi Jessica, I have Aries ascendant in 5 degrees 32, and Mars in aries at 20 degrees 22. What does this mean for my love life?

    Capricorn 10°50′ Ascendant Aries 5°32′
    Moon Libra 22°30′ II Taurus 11°13′
    Mercury Capricorn 27°46′ III Gemini 9°15′
    Venus Sagittarius 18°09′ IV Cancer 3°45′
    Mars Aries 20°22′

    1. It means nothing for your love life because Aries does not rule your love life. Libra and Leo rule your love life and you are also using a house system which looks just a little bit 17th century to me – Placidus? Try Equal Houses.

  19. Hello Jessica,

    As I write this I have just met with my Piscean friend that I used to teach with.

    I am always amazed at how the astrology is so literal in my life.

    I am currently trying to decide if I should return to work. My children ( a crab and a lion) are 3 and 1.

    Could you please tell me how my chart is affected?

    Thank you very much.
    Kind regards,

    1. Thanks Nicole. Astrology can be quite literal sometimes. Yes, you will return to work – probably with a clear choice possible for you in April – and yet it will not be what you expect or predict.

  20. Greetings Jessica,

    I have a number of different planets at the degrees mentioned in your post:
    Mercury 7 Aries
    Bacchus 9 Aries
    Juno 26 Pisces
    Aesculapia 27 Pisces
    Oh, and Aries is my seventh house. What might I come to expect to encounter this Venus Retrograde? I always appreciate your insight!

    1. Obviously a commitment (Juno) involving a secret (Pisces) or a hidden role (Pisces) is connected (one degree’s difference) to a situation or person which is never truly over (Aesculapius) and a woman (Venus) will take you back and forth with this (Venus Retrograde). You then move onto the image, reputation and appearance issues I’ve described. Watch what happens when Venus moves to 7 Aries and repeats herself. That’s when the story (Mercury) will get stuck or change.

  21. Dear Jessica

    I have 3 planets in Aries, but the Venus retrograde for me will trigger Mars at 6 deg and Aesculapia at 11 deg. My relationship with my husband often gets ‘complicated’. 🙂

    I would dearly love to know your insights into how this season affects me.

    Thanks and Blessings

    1. You have Fortuna at 23 Libra in your Seventh House, which rules your husband, so every high is a low (about to unfold) and every low is a high (about to unfold). You can find out more about Fortuna in your ebooks. Nothing to do with Venus Retrograde. What you are experiencing is Jupiter circling 23 Libra and Uranus circling 23 Aries, with your Fortuna in the middle.

  22. Hi
    You always make lovely analysis & relevant to modern day. In science female sign is represented by mirror?
    I also felt that 1998 – 1999 theme is returned a while ago. With Jupiter in Libra , it is not all rose and lolly pop.
    I have taken domestic violence due to my husbands temper, to my uncle who have confronted my husband etc. Unfortunately my husband has bullying violent nature which I put up with 16 years. He blamed me for his addictive habits, tense behavior & drinking habits which I now realize as emotional violence. He doesn’t like me standing up aganst him so he threats me..I am trying to stay as a family for the children. I cant imagine living alone . but all going to be in my expense? Venus in aries going oppos my libra stellium.

    1. Domestic violence is a crime and you need to report it now and call support help lines in your area. I don’t know where you live but you urgently need to act on this. I am sorry you are going through it.

  23. I’ve seen some mentions of north node hits…but my south node is in Pisces, how does that figure? (also have MC and Cupid in Aries being activated.)

    Thank you!

    1. Your South Node at 16 Pisces is probably more of an issue, long-term, as Neptune will ultimately move to 16 Pisces and you will experience a conjunction. Transiting Neptune conjunct the South Node in Pisces in the Twelfth House is quite unusual and it does require a bit of management, rather like going scuba diving or sailing. I am using this watery image because Neptune transits can feel as if we are all at sea, or floating, or in over our heads. You have past life experience of operating behind the scenes, in secret, or unseen by other people. Sometimes people have at least one life in a monastery or convent, for example. This past life experience repeats in this life, so there may be a pull towards solitude, or privacy, or you may actually end up repeating yourself by never being really acknowledged or noticed for some of the things you do. Once Neptune moves to conjunct your South Node, this will be really brought home to you, yet you may need extra grounding and stability at this time as the transit can be quite confusing and confused. In other words, you will need to keep it real and keep your feet on the ground.

  24. Hi, Jessica. Will you help me understand how Venus Retro is relevant in my chart? One with no aries signature? I get that I am a Libra and partners, etc., but anything specific I should see with this retro action? Thank you!

    1. You just won’t be affected. Yet – you will notice other people who are – people very bound up with their personal appearance, reputation, profile, role, title and so on – the packaging!

  25. Would Venus at 12 Aries be the root of a lot of drama with most women in my life? Whether ‘best’ female friend, mother, mother in law, sister in law etc etc….I am not consciously at least jealous of any of them, though some of them apparently are envious of me. I long for a peaceful co-existence with others and form close-knit bonds but haven’t succeeded much.

    1. Vesta at 3 Libra quincunx Vulcano at 3 Pisces in your chart will do it. Whenever women find themselves the object of jealousy by other women, I always check Vesta in the chart and sure enough, you have an exact quincunx pattern. Vesta symbolises the Vestales, or Vestal Virgins, of Ancient Rome. They were a group of women who were chosen to live together, with one male authority, the Pontifex Maximus. If they lost their virginity they would be buried alive, so as you can imagine, the atmosphere between the women was intense, and sometimes quite threatening. Vulcano is a symbol of self-control and willpower in your chart, but it is also quite emotionally explosive, like a volcano being held down. One thing I would say, straight away, is that you need to look at the role a male is playing. So – this is nothing to do with Venus – but everything to do with Vesta. YOu can read more about Vesta in your ebooks. She is best managed by the women uniting together against the male. I have seen this with baby boys who manipulate their mothers, aunts and grandmothers. I have also seen it with husbands who encourage the women to compete with each other.

      1. Bang on!! My son has exasperated me by sneaking over to my mom-in-law to overrule my restraints. I had to defer to her due to respect. My ‘best’ friend felt insecure due to me, with any men in her life, despite knowing my near-military and ascetic approach to life and that I never encourage male attention. Sadly we don’t communicate anymore. My husband too unconsciously sabotages communication by leaning on his parents in conflicts. How can i unite with women in these spaces? My Piscean moon picks up a lot of undercurrents disturbing my balance, so I have chosen to isolate myself and step out only when necessary. Vulcano would be helpless in Pisces, a sign that knows no boundaries?

        1. Astrology is always bang-on if the birth details are correct – thank you. Your Vulcano in Pisces is in your Twelfth House so it may be quite unconscious to you. (The Twelfth House rules the unconscious mind). Actually, just by talking about this openly, you are already on the way to helping resolve the issues. Your son and husband are both putting themselves in the role of Pontifex Maximus and without realising it,you are possibly doing or saying things (even just thinking them, or showing them through body language) which spells c-o-n-t-e-s-t to other women. Next time try siding with the women and ignoring the men. I once knew a male astrologer who had a huge Vesta problem in his chart but because he used Vedic he refused to look at it. He did not have sex with women on the basis of a cult involvement, but he made a point of courting women and leading them on, so he appeared to have a harem. Being in astrology, a female-dominated profession, he also had no trouble automatically being surrounded by female faces. I once ignored him to see what would happen, and devoted my attention exclusively to the women at the table. His face turned to thunder and he stormed off. Very funny. When you have a Vesta problem, dethrone the Pontifex Maximus and see what happens. Be aware, too, of your unconscious need to be ‘Queen’ with Vesta. Your dreams may reveal a few things!

  26. Hi Jessica –

    I have Hygeia at 8 Aries, North Node at 13 Aries, and Chiron at 3 Aries. I have no factors at all in Pisces, but plenty of other horoscope factors in the degrees mentioned above, but not in the same sign. What can I expect during this Venus retrograde? Many blessings to you for all you to to help us!

    1. Thank you. Your North Node in Aries in the First House suggests that in a previous lifetime, or perhaps many lifetimes, you were in a role where your title and uniform were very important to you. Perhaps you were in the army, navy or air force – or even worked as a pilot! You were all about the exterior and the image – it said who you were. In this lifetime you have chosen to explore this idea of packaging and presentation one more time, and with Hygiea and Chiron also in Aries in the First House, you swing between wanting to play it safe, and wanting to see what you can get away with. You’ll have this front and centre for many weeks, and yet may go back and forth with one matter until it is resolved.

  27. Hi Jessica,
    Hope you’re well. I am a bit concerned about this Venus retrograde because some things in my life seem like they’re finally starting to shift and I’m afraid of getting my hopes up and being disappointed and disillusioned yet again. My Uranus has been doing my head in. A person that is very hot and cold ‘came back’ at Christmas and again today. Both times completely out of the blue. I can’t work out if this is good or bad. It makes me smile when it happens, but then it evaporates so quickly and I’m left thinking “What just happened???” Since Venus and Mars have been in Aries, my business has picked up remarkably. Is that due to slow down with the retrograde? Also, I quickly wanted to thank you and compliment you on the Asianscopes this month. Amazing!

    1. Thank you K, I am glad you like your Asianscope. Uranus at 21 Libra and your Moon at 22 Libra in your chart form a rare conjunction. I hardly ever see it, and you have it almost exactly. Basically, the relationships you share with your former, current or potential partners (Libra, Seventh House) are strongly affected by your need to be needed (the Moon) but also a pattern of rejection – you reject them, they reject you, and the dance goes on. It means a tremendous amount of excitement, freedom and new beginnings, on a regular basis, but it also means that life is never still or serene. When you say ‘hot and cold’ and ‘out of the blue’ you are describing Uranus in your chart. Why is all this so intense at the moment? Because transiting Jupiter is at 22 Libra and transiting Uranus is at 22 Aries, so you have a major pattern going on. This is both an opportunity and a challenge. One thing that may help is to treat this as an experiment and a journey. Like an expedition into unknown territory until October. Try to remove any ideas about where it’s going, or what it should be, and the rest. Uranus is about trying out ‘the new world’ and nothing more than that. Later on you will have a chance to run your life differently, as transiting Uranus opposite your natal Moon-Uranus conjunction will not last forever and in fact, from 2018, it will feel like a different world to you. One of the major issues to consider for you and this person is independence. This involves a big long look at marriage as an institution, children, your parents’ marriage, the other person’s parents’ marriage, what commitment means to both of you, and the rest. In this respect, your erratic, unpredictable love interest is your teacher.

  28. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for another wonderful article!
    Will Venus retrograde have any impact on me?

    1. Than you. Yes. You will notice the impact if your birth time is exactly correct. You have your MC in Aries. This means that your calling in life; your vocation; your ambition – is tied to self-promotion. It is also very much about your image, personal appearance, and the superficial aspects of who you are. It’s rather like having a title, a uniform and a reputation that precedes you and does the work for you. This will be a major concern for you until the cycle ends and the situation will go back and forth – but remember, it depends on your having a spot-on birth time.

  29. Hi dear Jessica,

    I was wondering how does a Venus retrograde affect someone with a natal Venus retrograde? I am sensing this as an extremely important time in my life, a sort of a turning point and I feel like my chart is gonna light up like a Christmas tree in the coming months (Venus retro @ 6deg, Mercury @ 7 deg, MC @ 12 deg… Also this lovely Venus rules my 0 deg Taurus Sun, 2 deg Moon and 25 deg Mars). I’d appreciate if any insight on what I should focus on would be given 🙂 Thank you so much,.



    1. Adriana, you don’t say what sign your Venus Retrograde is in. If you have Venus Retrograde in Aries, though, this is your Venus Return. If that is the case, then the issue is the way you look and appear, and yes – you will find it reshapes your future.

  30. Hello Jessica, I am a novice at all this astrology stuff, but absolutely fascinated by your seemingly scientific approach to predicting events. This has been really convincing as I have been following you for a few months now, and trying to get at least a vapour of how all this works. If I give you what I know about my birth plus one or two big moves, can you give me some pointers to how to begin marrying up events with what looks like your geometry? I was born 28th September, 1953 in the jungles of Paraguay about 200 miles north, n.east of Asuncion, in the ‘early evening’. In our parlance the afternoon ended at 17:30. To pinpoint the spot more precisely, we were near a collection of wooden/grass houses (village) called Rosario, which I note is now on the map. If it is of any significance, we were about 50 to 100 miles from the Tropic of Capricorn (any use?). (My English parents joined a commune of mostly German people/continental people, and after a few years were sent out to Paraguay). My life has been super complicated, geographically, mentally, and emotionally, and I moved with my family to different parts of the world as the adults made various decisions, but the biggest move in my book, was the time I decided to stay away for good after being chucked out of the isolated commune for the third time. That was in America, and it was a week before Thanksgiving, 1983. The following summer I wrote home that I was not returning. Another big move, for me, was returning to England on the 30th June, 1985. And the last move I made was to here (Cotswolds, England) on the 16th May, 2014. My life has been a huge jumble of great difficulty, pain, as well as happiness and exhilaration. I am at present trying to emerge from a stagnant, fogginess and don’t seem to advance much. According to your daily, weekly, and monthly etc, it is all about partners past, present, or future. Since my husbands death seven years ago, 29th March, 2010, I have been on my own. So I am assuming that my job is to sort relationships out in a manner of how I attach to relationships. I would like to see more clearly how I can guide myself out of my tangle now, which seems to mirror my complicated life. Any hints? Where do I start? I would be grateful for your wisdom. LOVE following you via your writing, so than you. (Ooops – rather long. Sorry).

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words. I suspect you have important patterns across Cancer and/or Capricorn in your horoscope, and Sagittarius as well, but as you are not logged in, I can’t see your birth chart at the moment. Do you want to try again?

  31. Hi Jessica,
    Have my moon @23 in Aries. How do I read this phase? I still haven’t got over my image thing. My jib profile downgraded after migrating in Aug’15. Still don’t see that improving in near future..

    1. Venus Retrograde isn’t affecting your Aries Moon, but Uranus in Aries certainly is. You only have this cycle once in your lifetime. Uranus, the planet of revolution, freedom, change and independence is passing across 23 Aries (he is currently at 22 Aries, so close enough for you to notice) and between now and May 2018 you are very likely to alter your title, name and perhaps your hair, style, shape and so on. Even if you do not alter this yourself, it may be changed for you.

  32. Hi Jessica,
    almost all my Aries stellium are in the numbers you list, and I have Chiron at 26 Pisces. My relationship situation has actually improved recently so the idea of a Venus retrograde right now makes me a little depressed!

    1. Your Aries stellium isn’t about your love life, it’s about your image, brand, profile, title, role or personal appearance. Your relationship situation will have automatically improved as Jupiter (help, healing, solutions) goes through Libra and your Seventh House of love and sex.

  33. HI Jessica,

    Thank you so much for your reply re Venus Retro – very interesting!

    I just wanted to check something: My birth chart that appears on the website, is that what is considered a ‘progressed’ chart? I notice the house positions are different from my original birth chart. Ie Gemini was on the Asc/1st house, not Aries as it is now.

    Thanks again,

    1. This isn’t a progressed chart, but it does use the Natural House system. I hope that answers your question. If you are curious about all the different house systems like Placidus, Equal, Koch and the rest – just hit Search.

  34. Hello Jessica,

    Another wonder perspective / insight – I a currently involved in a complicated re-connection with my mother (after a Thanksgiving 2016 family-shattering event involving my sister), and having numerous transits involving Pisces 8-13 (Chiron, Mars, Bacchus, and Mercury) along with being an Aries – Aries rising. Can you offer any other guidance over the upcoming months and anything involving direct contact with lawyers, family, and being able to rebuild a bond which has been broken by financial greed?

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you. Whenever people talk about family problems I always look to Cancer placements in their horoscope, because Cancer rules your relatives and also the Fourth House of your chart, which is about the family tree. Sure enough you were born with Vulcano at 22 Cancer in the Fourth House. What is happening at the moment is known as a T-Square and T stands for tension. The ‘T’ shape in your chart is created by Uranus at 22 Aries and Jupiter at 22 Libra, making sharp angles to your Vulcano at 22 Cancer. This is going to be a slow journey so please prepare for that. Rather like an old house, your family will need patient renovation and reconstruction over some years, as Saturn moves into Capricorn this Christmas, and will ultimately move to 22 Capricorn, where he opposes your Vulcano – and Pluto will eventually move to 22 Capricorn, where he does the same thing. So we’re talking years of patient rebuilding, not months, and yet you will be able to lean on your strengths. Read more about Vulcano in your ebooks, but in general, this is a horoscope symbol of self-control, fiery willpower and an iron grip! The more action you have at 22 degrees in your chart, the more you will lean on your Vulcano and learn to work with this side of yourself. Vulcano is famous in mythology for being pushed to the brink by his wife, but he summoned up all his willpower and controlled his emotions, emerging as the winner. Once this cycle is over you will have a new family. I wish you the best in getting there.

  35. Hi Jessica,

    I am so glad that I discovered your site back in November; I absolutely love it! I was wondering if the Venus retrograde will reveal anything about a previous relationship that I was in. We first started talking in late June of 2015 (about a month before the previous Venus retrograde) and broke up in late November of 2015 (because I didn’t like the arrangement that he wanted). I still think about him all the time.

    I have Venus at 6 Aries
    Proserpina at 6 Aries
    Ceres at 7 Aries
    Diana at 23 Aries
    Since I have my sun in Taurus, my ascendant in Taurus, and my moon in Libra, I am also ruled by Venus.

    If not during Venus retrograde, do you think anything will be revealed later on in the year? I read your Jupiter in Libra piece and I have Jupiter at 5 Libra (R), my Moon at 20 Libra, and Aesculapia at 8 Libra (R). I have also gotten hints about his interest on those three key dates in November 2016 that you mentioned in my November monthly horoscope (as well as on January 20, which you mentioned in the dailies), but he has not contacted me directly yet.

    P.S. I was born in the year of the Rooster

    Have a wonderful March and thank you for all the work that you do!

    1. Thank you, I will pass that compliment onto James, Justin and Alyas. Your Aries stellium is actually about your image, personal appearance, reputation and profile. You will certainly have new choices to make about that as Venus retrogrades over 6 and 7 degrees, but nothing to do with love. What really is important is your Moon at 20 Libra in the Seventh House, which rules desire, commitment, former and potential partners. For the first time in 12 years, Jupiter is in Libra and will ultimately makes his way to 20 degrees, sitting right on your Moon. So – between now and October, when the cycle ends, you are in a very good position to get back together with this person or begin a new relationship with someone else. Your Moon in Libra in the Seventh House reveals that you need to be needed in a partnership. You mother your lovers. Jupiter is opportunity, so when he sits on your Moon for the first time in over a decade, you have a rare and important chance to do just that!

  36. Hi
    I feel like I’ve been through the wringer this week and I’m not done yet. Reading about the retrograde makes me feel like I’m about to go relive a bad period in career that I don’t care to repeat and I want to stay optimistic like my Leo Sun but my natal Pisces ascendant is making me cry at work these days. What gives?


    1. Saturn is passing over 26 Sagittarius and you have a number of personal birth chart factors at 25, 26 degrees so you are feeling it very strongly. Your career is shown by your Salacia at 26 Capricorn in the Tenth House of mission, position and ambition. What is happening can only take place every 29 years, as Saturn makes an exact semi-sextile to this. Meanwhile Saturn (slow, stuck, serious, sombre situations) is also triggering other factors too. This is temporary. Nothing to do with your Pisces Ascendant, but everything to do with transiting Saturn aspecting your chart. You will need more sleep and more time out, so try to be kind to yourself after work and on weekends, even if you are just lying there for an hour with an eye bag pillow and some music playing. You are headed for spectacular success in future, by the way, as from the end of 2019 Jupiter enters Capricorn and will conjunct your Salacia giving you the biggest and best opportunity possible in 12 years.

  37. Hi Jessica, thanks for your amazing insight and knowledge. I met somebody special last september 2016, and it has been complicated. He has a sun in capricorn, moon in libra at 22 degrees 30, and Aries ascendant at 5 degrees 32. He also struggles with commitment issues as pointed out in your ‘Jupiter in Libra predictions’ article for his particular degrees. His date is 1st January 1989, timing is 11:38 am. My date is 30 september 1990, and my timing is 23:8 pm. Please advise me as to whether this will work out. As you can see, he also has Jupiter is transiting his seventh house in libra, and we met when the sun was following venus in the partnership zone as we both has major factors in libra. I can’t help thinking this was something really special, and it might still work out.

    1. The issue is children, parenthood or the desire to avoid parenthood. You don’t say if either of you has children, wants them, or does not want them – yet for him it will be a central question for several months.

      1. Thank you for this breakthrough Jessica! When we spoke about children, I wasn’t being honest with myself and told him that I really wanted them. (My last relationship fell through for this reason, and I didn’t want to make the same mistake) He told me he wanted them too, but perhaps we were both being dishonest to please each other. He messaged me later saying he wasn’t sure it could work, but didn’t say why. I assumed it was commitment issues and cut him off completely. I’ve been seeing signs and just getting a strong intuitive feeling that he could be my soulmate? (I’m usually quite skeptical, and not a hopeless romantic, but I can’t shake the feeling off that something really important went wrong.) Thanks for your guidance Jessica!

  38. Hi Jessica,

    Fascinating read as always!

    I have Aries across 1-13 degrees in Chiron, Hygiea and north node. How does this impact my work life with regard to venus retrograde?

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you. Past life karma for you spent in an incarnation where your uniform and title defined who you were, comes back to you, and yet the choices will take you back and forth. In this life it is also about packaging, presentation and profile.

  39. Jessica

    Its been some time since I last I’m an Aries I feel like this is personal!!
    Id really appreciate some insight into the direction of my life the next few months, looking forward or looking back?


    1. Venus Retrograde will cross your Sun and Aesculapia in Aries in the First House so yes, there are image and appearance questions here, and particularly in regard to the limelight or spotlight. There is also an aspect of your reputation or look, which is about to revive, or come back from the point of no return.

  40. Dear Jessica,

    I have Moon in 28 deg Pisces and Panacea in 13 deg Aries. Since January I sarted my own business. And it advance veeery slowly. Should I expect the problems in this area of my life?

    Thank you!

  41. Well, that first painting was like looking at my own torso’s reflection in the mirror!
    I have Pisces and Aries factors all over the place. Specifically, is there anything that may affect my body issues. ?
    I am not going to even ask about complex relationships…that seems to be my fate.
    Thank you Jessica. I do love the way you integrate works of art into your articles.
    By the way I live in a country known as the island of Venus 🙂

  42. Hi Jessica!

    As always, a great article! I have a huge stellium in Pisces and just one planet in Aries. I have been through some difficult times in relationships for a very long period. This has really affected my self esteem in the dating area. I have a hard time putting myself out there – almost as if I malfunction as soon as someone shows any interest!

    Does my chart show movement in the dating arena and maybe even an improvement in how I approach it during this retrograde?

    Thank you for your insight.

    Love and light,

    1. Thank you AJ. You have Cupido (desire) in Libra (love, sex and commitment) and Jupiter (help and healing) moves onto your Cupido later in 2017. Nothing to do with Venus Retrograde. Look at everything you have in Libra in the Seventh House of marriage, divorce, separation, common law marriage. You have Pluto in Libra.Find out about that in your ebooks.

  43. Jessica, I thought I would really feel the solar eclipse along with Venus rx and the upcoming full moon. Nothing much happening for this piaces girl. What’s really going on with me.

    1. I’m surprised you’re not making major decisions about your money, house, business or apartment yet – or realising you’re going to have to make them, by April.

  44. Hi Jessica,

    I have Aries factors at sun and moon at those degrees. Is my image/face going to be affected? I’m surrounded by mostly men at work but I do live in a house with all females but there hasn’t been any drama there. In fact, that has been going well. On the other hand, work and office politics has been intense where I do feel the stuck-ness.

    1. There you go. Work and office politics involving women (or possibly just one woman) which has an effect on how you are seen, and appear – and are regarded. This doesn’t last long but you may need some fancy footwork while Venus is retrograde.

  45. Dear Jessica,
    My IC is at 28 Pisces. My birth chart is exact. What do you think I can expect? In which area of my life? Thank you for your answer in advance.

    1. The IC or Immum Coeli describes your family tree, heritage and roots – where you come from – so in Pisces this is about relatives from the most recent generation, or further back, who hide secrets, work with classified information, operate behind the scenes, or have careers or private lives where they are unseen, invisible and never acknowledged nor credited. The person who immediately comes to mind is the person at the heart of a short story in your life, which will be rewritten and paused, before you finally reach the ending. The IC in Pisces is sometimes evident in families where there was a police officer or military person (classified) or sometimes a skeleton in the closet (family secrets).

  46. Hi Jess, I do have a strong aries / pisces chart so there will be no doubt in my mind that this Venus retrograde will stir up lots of house 1 & 12 issues for me. However, what I wanted to know is with Jupiter in Libra for a greater part of this year, will this be as good as time as any to meet someone new? Tx 🙂

    1. Yes of course, T – and you will either meet someone new, or find the time is finally right with a familiar face. Of course, you have to dance all the way to the middle, to meet the other person in the centre. Don’t let this opportunity (by October) fly away from you. It can help to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and read hearts and minds.

  47. Hello again, Jessica, Thank you for being patient with me – I am logged in now, as I thought I was before, when I wrote to you on the 4th. I am the English Libran, born in the Paraguayan jungle, on 28th September,1953, on a Spring ‘early’ Evening. Also, I am a snake in the asianscope which I have just been reading, and which is so enlightening and delightful to read. I have also just glanced at my next week’s guide from you which is extremely pertinent. I have been experiencing increasing health issues over the last 25 years, and on Tuesday (the exact day you say body, doctor, health issues will need to be faced) I have an appointment with the specialist Rheumatologist to sort out fibromyalgia/fibromyalgia-like issues. I am nervous that something more sinister is afoot. Going off piste a bit from my original questions, could you now just reassure me that all might be well. I would be most grateful to you. You also said that I might have patterns across cancer or Capricorn issues. What do those two indicate? And as a snake I should probably have been expressing myself eloquently in some shape or form all my life. However I have only just in the last couple of years found how much I LOVE writing, painting pictures in the mind with words, after having been silenced in the very strict religious commune for my first thirty years. Having read and thought about much of your words for libra and others today I wonder if, just perhaps, my time has finally arrived, to express my self after many years of serving/enabling others for the most part of my time. Also, where do the others get their information on the elements that they are which seem to be attached to their Asianscope animal year. I.e. ‘dog wood’ or ‘ monkey fire’. Where is that from and what does it mean? Lots of questions. I would be really grateful for some direction. And big thank yous to you. Be well, Olwen.

    1. Olwen, I still can’t see your birth chart, so unfortunately you’re not logged in – hit Support and see if the chaps can help you. I appreciate all the issues you are talking about and will remember. And as to the Asianscopes question – yes, Chinese tradition is all about the elements for each sign, but I am using a modern, Westernised version of Asian astrology, so it’s radically different.

  48. Morning Jessica,
    This is a not related specifically to the above article but about this week’s horoscopes and just wanted to get it in somewhere.
    I know it is only Monday morning and the week is just unfolding but wow,wow & triple wow.
    In the cast of my life, you have absolutely nailed all the current & ongoing themes for the different players. Loving the crystal clarity and appreciate all the information and your unique interpretations which we can use as guidelines, reference points and support systems as we then grow, learn, navigate and support ourselves and others.
    Bless you and thank you for the markers on the highway.
    Have a wonderful week.

  49. Dear Jessica, I hope this finds you well in the UK. My comment is rather a question about the whole Pisces shooting match at the moment particularly with regard to persona. As an actor/writer/director and teacher i wear lots of hats and while that may confuse a lot of people it absolves me from the tedium of doing just one thing. However, financially and in the fame stakes i just puddle around in a very restricted fish bowl. Could you kindly give me some sense of action i need to consider/ implement to enable me to become more mainstream – i am very shy (and private) about self promotion. You’ll find my birth chart is really banged up with planets and asteroids at the moment – how do i swim out of this with the grace and wisdom of a porpoise? thank Jessica, you’re the best. Brenda

    1. Thank you Brenda. You’re actually a writer, first and foremost. I assume you have used a pen name, or experimented with an alter ego? That’s what your chart is saying you must do.

      1. thank you Jessica for such clarity. writer first and foremost but the last thing to ‘gel’ so to speak. I’ve never used a pen name nor considered the alter ego thing but it makes good sense as one can say so much more under a different guise. thank you thank you this certainly gives me focus. I’m so grateful.

  50. Hi Jessica,
    Further to my previous comment, I have just found out that the meeting scheduled for week commencing 8th May 2017, is now scheduled to go over three days; 8th, 9th and 10th May 2017 as my matter it is connected with two other women. I am not sure if this information is significant.
    Kindest Regards

    1. AH, you have that big Pisces signature in your chart which makes you extremely sensitive, which is very useful in so many ways, but it can also make you feel ungrounded and confused. Because this situation is obviously stressful you are doing what you always do, which is turning on your psychic radar full blast to try and ‘read’ things. This is fine up to a point but it can also drain you, so you are flat-tired even if you have had sleep the night before – and can also make you feel very unsteady. There is a brilliant solution to this and it is called daily balancing of the chakras and closing of the same. There are a number of techniques in library books, or online, which can help you.

  51. Jessica:

    How would this Venus retrograde affect me. I do not have any factors in Aries, I do not have any factors in Pisces in the degrees you mentioned. I could not figure our what was the ” headlines of your life” in my solar chart. Can you please help.


  52. Hi Jessica – could really use some insight in to a situation. I recently addressed a relationship of a former lover in Jan (He’s a Taurus, I’m a Virgo). I outlined the situation as him manipulating me emotionally, and then ignoring me but coming back when he wants attention. We have been very close friends for 8 years, he loves me and I love him but as a typical taurus, he took too long and I am married with kids now. He began to distance himself from me after the birth of my last child, I gave him ample space, and he eventually turned to ignoring me. I told him that our relationship had run it’s course and no longer served me in a positive way. He basically said nothing, showed no emotion and I told him to never speak to me again because he wouldn’t address my concerns but wanted to indirectly talk to me on social media. This all happened in the days leading up to the first Eclipse and climaxed on the 11th. I am a Pisces moon 5th house and he’s an Aries moon 9th house. The theme’s of this eclipse hit home for me as I am saying goodbye to him, however I didn’t necessarily want to ice him out I just wanted him to acknolwedge and be accountable for the circumstances of our relationship. This has now deeply hurt me as I feel like I destroyed our friendship in order just to keep things clarified on a emotionally level, I felt personally attacked and manipulated and he refuses to even acknowledge that. Do I need to say goodbye to this and stop putting effort into it? It’s left me really unsettled. As I thought he cared about me but in typical taurus fashion, retreated. I don’t even think I want to talk to him but I want clarity and closure he’s not given me. Thanks for any insight you provide.

    Him: Venus Gemini Mars Capricorn Mercury Aries
    Me: Venus Leo Mars Virgo Mercury Leo

    1. You’re a Sun Virgo and that’s all you need to know. You are living with Neptune and Chiron in your solar Seventh House, and they have been there for so many years that it can be hard to remember just how unreal your situation has become. You also have Pluto transiting your solar Fifth House. The Seventh House describes the scales you share with him on the other end; the Fifth House describes your children and role as mother. It’s the latter which you need to keep in mind – your children. Unless they immediately come first you will have to live with the outcome until 2024, when they are obviously older and you will be a lot older and wiser. You also have Venus and Mercury in Leo in your Fifth House in your actual personal birth chart so it’s all about being Queen to your younger court and making that your absolute priority.

  53. Hi Jessica,

    My natal moon is at 7 Aries in the 5th house. I am happily divorced with 2 young ones, but haven’t dated anyone since Dec 2015. Any insight with the Venus Rx?


    1. Dana, Venus Retrograde in Taurus won’t make any difference to your dating. Your Moon is actually in the First House in the Natural House system.

  54. Hey Jessica, crazy quick general question /blog request…I noticed that for most things in my life, I seem to need to do/go through it twice… For example braces, money issues, etc…it got me thinking about my Gemini stellium and wondering if there was any correlation between having the “twin influence” in one’s birth chart and life experience /issues repeating themselves? is it possible to do a blog post on it, if you notice these troublesome twin trends too? I think hi it would be fascinating to hear about others experiences! Thank you and good luck in Ireland! xx

    1. Good question, thank you. See those factors in your chart at 6 degrees? They have an R next to them which means Retrograde. They line up with your Mercury, also at 6 degrees. Mercury is how you plot, plan, communicate, negotiate and schedule – so often, when you do that, you get a couple of ‘repeat, repeat’ retrograde stories taking place at the same time. Any time you get patterns at 6 degrees you may go back and forth. It’s not so much a Gemini thing, just that you have some retrogrades all lined up in your birth chart, so you re-do, reschedule, rethink, review, repeat…!

      1. Aaahh, that’s so interesting! Thank you for explaining this. It helps me understand a lot about those ‘repeat,repeat’ issues! xx

  55. Hi Jessica,

    I always thought I did not have any Pisces in my chart and just realized that I have 16 Pisces in Panacea and Venus almost on the same degree. How would that affect my Pisces story?

    1. Panacea in Pisces in your Twelfth House is square Venus in Sagittarius in your Ninth House. It’s really no big deal, but there is a small point of tension between your relationships with people who affect your travel, worldwide web use, education – and what you cover up and hide from others. It may be most obvious when you actually spend time with other cultures/nationalities.

  56. Dear Jessica , thank you for your patience – your lovely staff have set up a chart for me, and one of your books is winging its way to me so that I may better educate myself on this subject. In the meantime, some direction from you regarding my current situation would be received most gratefully. Kind regards, Olwen.

    1. Thank you Olwen. Looking over your birth chart, my eyes are drawn to Mercury at 21 Libra conjunct Neptune at 22 Libra in your Seventh House. This house of your chart describes the quality of the chemistry you share with your former, current or potential partner. The partnerships can be romantic or professional. The reason this is important in 2017 is that Jupiter is crossing 21, 22 Libra for the first time in about 12 years. So, you have a rare opportunity to greatly improve the relationship you have with one person in particular; possibly more. You communicate best in partnership situations and can think about the other person, on the opposite end of the scales from you. In fact, these kinds of chemistry experiments with just one other person can be the most tremendous escape from the real world for you. You are able to achieve ‘no boundaries’ with the other person in a way which borders on the psychic; you certainly find it easy to merge, mentally, with partners of all kinds. This will be a real growth area for you this year.

  57. Hi Jessica,
    I’m curious about this. I have Chiron in Aries 5 (retrograde) and my Moon sign is Aries 12. I’ve been having a difficult time with a ‘rebel without a cause’ Sun sign Aries/ Venus in Pisces colleague at work for two years now and every time it looks like the situation might be resolving, something turns it on its head! I just wonder how this story is going to play out and if there will be a satisfactory outcome for me, her and my other colleagues?

    1. Actually the issue is Proserpina at 12 Virgo in your Sixth House of work. Nothing to do with your Aries placements. You are the ‘bridge’ who acts as a go-between, linking two different sides, two different people and/or two different organisations. Normally you do this without any obstacles. You have Neptune passing over your chart at 12 Pisces, making an opposition. So, you have transiting Neptune opposing natal Proserpina in your Sixth House of work, daily routine, duty and service. Once Neptune moves off that degree this person and situation will no longer be an issue. She may be acting out Neptune for you, have planets in Pisces, or have Neptune aspects prominent in her chart. Thus, she may be affected by alcohol, drugs or even prescribed drugs. She would certainly have zero boundaries as Neptunian people tend to be a bit of a mess. They are all over the place, all the time, and there is nothing to contain or control them. I am sorry you are being put through this but the good news is, it does not last. In the meantime please regularly protect your aura. You can find exercises online which will help you do this.

  58. Despite the fated sense of being true loves, my lover and I decided to end the sexual/romantic part of our relationship and take some necessary space since we can’t be together. It’s complicated, there’s nothing wrong between us but the short version is that he lives across the country had an open relationship that’s now closed.

    I discovered that his Venus is in 26 degrees and 59 minutes in house 8, Mars retrograde in Libra in 1 degree in house 3, Uranus retrograde in Sagittarius 3 degrees in house 4, and Neptune retrograde in Saggitarius 26 degrees in house 5.

    How will this VR affect us? The dates I’ve read about the VR all seem to coincide with being in town, near me. Even us taking a step back fits with the retrograde.

    1. You are using a different house system so I need to spin this chart. Mars in Libra is in the Seventh House of love, sex and commitment, not the Third House – and that’s important. Venus Retrograde won’t impact that, but you have been in a relationship with someone who has had transiting Uranus at 1 Aries oppose his Mars in the Seventh House of commitment, followed by transiting Jupiter at 1 Libra conjunct it. Watch what happens when the faster moving planets begin to pass through Libra in the second half of 2017 as he’ll have a major decision to make about you or another woman.

  59. Wow , great work Jessica ! I just love your site ! First time leaving a comment …I actually have picses in my 7thhouse with true node Aries . Does this mean I project Aries traits in my 7 house ? I seem to always attract fire signs . Also , Aries in my 8thhouse along with Jupiter retrograde. I hope this is good news for my relationship ?!

    1. Pisces rules your Twelfth House in the Natural House system, and Aries rules your First House. You can find out more about that on this website if you use the Search button.

  60. Hi Jessica

    I know you get inundated but I posted a commented on the 4th March and have had no response yet those after me have, this is it below in case you didn’t get it first time round 🙂

    Hi Jessica

    Thank you for all your insights, you do an amazing job.

    My sun is Sun is 10° Cancer 06′ 45″ and Moon 22° Leo 43′ 18″. I also have the following going on during this period:
    Saturn 17° Pisces 12′ 28″ R
    Chiron 22° Pisces 32′ 30″ R
    MC 27° Pisces 43′ 26″
    Bacchus 23° Pisces 01′ 00″
    Ceres 00° Aries 51′ 25″
    I met a guy in January and there seemed to be a massive mutual chemistry but out of nowhere in the middle of Feb he put the brakes saying he wasn’t ready for a commitment after being the one who was so full on. His sun is in Pisces but that’s all I know, he wants to remain friends and take things easy and although I’ve heard from him we have no plans to see each other. Will Venus retrograde affect us, do you think this is a blip and he’ll be back?

    We are both divorcees with childrenin their early twenties and have come through very tumultuas times over the last 9 years so both felt fate had played a hand in our meeting and it was time for new and happy starts.

    Thanks again, have a great March x

    1. Thank you. You met this man during Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn in your solar Seventh House of love and sex – so unfortunately you got the classic reversal that can happen on this cycle. I’m sorry you have been let down by him. The Venus Retrograde in Pisces has nothing to do with your relationships, and nor does the Retrograde in Pisces. What I can tell you is that from Christmas 2017 through 2020 your entire love life will transform and you will make the decisions that alter the rest of your life. Truly, there is no rush.

  61. Hi Jessica — do you ever do personal readings? My sun is in Pisces at 21 degrees, my Venus is in Aries at 19 degrees, and my Mars is in Aries at degrees. What do you think I should anticipate during the Venus Retrograde?

    1. My personal chart waiting list for 2018 has closed but as a Premium Member you can hear about the waitlist for 2019 and any cancellations, first. The Venus Retrograde will result in indecision, delays or even reversals involving women/girls, which will have an impact on you for some weeks. One way to think about this transit is to remember the Statue of Liberty just lost power – and women around the world went on strike for 8th March.

  62. Do you see healing for my thyroid in my chart? I am trying to do some natural stuff-Lemon Balm, instead of the awful side effect medicine.

    1. You have a stellium in Virgo in the Sixth House (your body) and Jupiter (benefits, solutions) will slowly sextile, or make a very useful pattern, with that – from October 2017 into 2018.

    1. Both house systems I use for you, Natural House and also Solar House, show a major question about courtship or children (perhaps both) this year and issues about independence will require an answer.

  63. Hi Jessica
    Apologies for asking in the wrong discussion.
    On 25/3/17 Sun conjunct Venus at 4 degree Aries which is opposite to my Natal Sun in Libra 4 degree – on my six month B Day. Is this significant?

    Having going through marital woes for the past 16 years, this year feels like make or break. My family (mum’s side is a close knit) are very supportive which give me a lot of strength to stand up against the bully – my husband who is a tense person. He kicked his mother out of our house and said it was because of me. He used emotional violence and sometimes physical violence too. He has never accepted his faults and I have been through hell with this man.

    For the past 16 years, I gave him three children; He gave away my money to others without telling me; I have paid his debts; he gambled my wages;I took care of him during his depression and 4 year unemployment. Now putting up with his temper tantrums. I drove him towards gambling, he went out with his friends because I was no fun etc. His accusations are hard to bear. When I stand up to him now he is using violence and threat to burn the house or poison our food. I cant take it too light. I was kind to him and try to take him to therapies. He never went instead he told me I was the one who needed therapy. I did go to a few therapists. It got clear to me that someone is a bully. Do you see an end to this relationship sooner or later?

    My Chiron at 15 degree Aries, does it say that I will have wounded relationship. Since I was a teenager I never attracted good men. You use natural house system, I know but if you use sun sign what does my Chiron say? Thank you for your kind reply and blessings..

    1. Go straight to the police if you have not already done so. If your husband is being violent, threatening to burn the house or poison your food, you need the law on your side immediately – and other kinds of support too – reach out to organisations which can help you. This is nothing to do with Chiron in your chart – and Chiron is not a wounded healer. You could easily end this marriage, in 2017 or 2018, given your chart, but first of all it is crucial that you use the law. It is there to protect you.

  64. Dear Jessica, I have a general question for you. I’ve read somewhere that one’s chart can tell if one will have kids or be partnered up/married in life. According to that source, an empty fifth and seventh house indicate an ‘infertile’ chart, i.e. one has a predisposition not to get married or have little ones. I personally call BS, because my understanding from your texts is that you cannot really predict that, and if you were to look at marriage and kids, you would look at traditional Leo, Libra, Scorpio placements, and NOT their ruling houses in one’s personal chart. Even so, what would an empty Leo, Libra, Scorpio placement indicate, or any empty placement for that matter? Would it mean no such activity in one’s life, or difficulty achieving the purpose indicated by that house? I’m not asking about myself, have more than enough aforementioned placements to keep me spinning, however just as a general rule of thumb & your opinion really. Many thanks and sorry for a loooong, philosophical question :s Merci xxxxx

    1. An empty Fifth House and/or Seventh House do not show infertility, or lack of marriage. There are plenty of people out there who have empty Fifth Houses and Seventh Houses and multiple marriages and children behind them. What it does show, is that it doesn’t define the person. It doesn’t really say who they are. They are not the wife, the husband, the mother, the father – they are their own person. Often these people are interested in sexual relationships for other reasons. There may be a Cancer chart signature so it’s all about the mortgage and the merging of two families, or a Scorpio chart signature, so it’s all about the money, along with the sex!

  65. Hi. I am confused with the “high” numbers 26, 27, 28, 29. I took a peek at my birth chart and get degrees:

    Moon is in 00 Degrees Pisces
    Mercury is in 17 Degrees Pisces
    Venus is in 01 Degrees Pisces
    Mars is in 21 Degrees Virgo
    Jupiter is in 20 Degrees Taurus
    Saturn is in 08 Degrees Pisces
    Uranus is in 12 Degrees Virgo
    Neptune is in 19 Degrees Scorpio
    Pluto is in 15 Degrees Virgo
    N. Node is in 19 Degrees Gemini

    or is this what you see?

    Body Sector Plus House Sign Loc. Ret. Latitude Velocity Sec.18
    Sun : Sec 34.002 – [ 2nd house] 11Pis39’22” – 0:00’00” +1.00286 17.501
    Moon: Sec 34.508 – [ 1st house] 0Pis40’34” – 4:44’37” +12.5281 17.754
    Merc: Sec 33.491 – [ 2nd house] 17Pis16’18” – 1:18’12” +1.92635 17.245
    Venu: Sec 34.674 – [ 1st house] 1Pis24’21” – 1:17’09” +1.24793 17.837
    Mars: Sec 14.976 – [ 8th house] 21Vir27’31” R + 4:03’55” -0.37609 7.988
    Jupi: Sec 27.753 – [ 4th house] 20Tau13’05” – 0:47’03” +0.15099 14.376
    Satu: Sec 34.155 – [ 1st house] 8Pis05’09” – 1:34’45” +0.12185 17.577
    Uran: Sec 15.852 – [ 8th house] 12Vir51’11” R + 0:49’00” -0.04384 8.426
    Nept: Sec 9.751 + [10th house] 19Sco58’41” R + 1:46’58” -0.00620 5.375
    Plut: Sec 14.753 – [ 8th house] 15Vir07’10” R +14:38’59” -0.02645 7.876
    Chir: Sec 33.829 – [ 2nd house] 17Pis53’39” + 4:17’56” +0.06148 17.414
    Node: Sec 24.222 – [ 5th house] 18Gem46’25” R + 0:00’00” -0.05298 12.611

    Can you please tell me the difference/similarities? for MY Venus/Pisces/Aries retrograde for 2017?

    1. This is an astrology method/system that I don’t use, I’m afraid. In general, you have a Pisces stellium in your Twelfth House. You can read more about Pisces and the Twelfth House on this website. It’s important and you do need to know about it.

  66. Hi Jessica,

    I have Chiron in Aries (13 degrees) and Porsepina in Pisces (29 degrees)…so I was just wondering what Venus retrograde in those two signs will mean for me?

    Thank you

    1. When it comes to your image, Jo, or your personal appearance, reputation or self-promotion and ‘Me’ branding – you are used to seeing what you can get away with – and that is usually quite a lot. Venus across Chiron will remind you of this, although the relaunch process this time around will take longer than usual because a woman or female organisation will stand still, stall or even reverse. Proserpina in Pisces is your secret or behind the scenes role as a go-between who goes between two people or two sides. Again, that will be stop-start for a while.

  67. Hi Jessica,
    I have my south node in 29deg Pisces. What does the venus retrograde signify for me?


    1. The South Node is the same old situation coming back again – past life repetition or this-life rewind. It involves a secret you hide, or an invisible, unrecognised role you play behind the scenes. As Venus passes 29 Pisces this will be resurrected. And resurrected again. And finally resolved.

  68. Hi Jessica,

    This was a super interesting read…
    My chart has
    Sun in pisces 16°57′
    Moon in pisces 13°58′
    Venus in pisces 9°48′
    Asc. in virgo 2°31′
    Mercury in Aquarius 25°09′
    Mars in Taurus 27°41′
    Jupiter Taurus 29°30′

    Could you perhaps tell me how Venus retrograde will be affecting me?

    1. Thank you. It’s possible you don’t have your full horoscope to use here, but from what I can see – Venus won’t hit your horoscope at all.

  69. Hi Jessica – reposting

    I think I am affected – but not sure entirely – if you can help. There’s definitely something unresolved I can think of with a person with the below details;

    31 October 1979, Dhaka Bangladesh (no birth time details).

    And with personal appearance and so on, do I have a story there too?

    1. Focussing on your birth chart only – yes, this is about your personal appearance, name, title, reputation, image and brand. The same story is being told twice in your chart – yet it will take longer to sort out than usual.

  70. Hi Jessica,

    I’m looking at my chart and I noticed that I have:
    – Aries sun at 8 degrees
    – Cancer Asc 15 degrees squaring Pluto in Capricorn
    – Natal Pluto in libra at 20 degrees, in my 5th house conjunct Jupiter in libra and squaring Pluto in Capricorn in 7th house.
    I can feel the tensions of all these squares. (But I also don’t feel like much is happening in the romance/creativity or commitment/partnership sides of life).
    Can you help me understand how Venus retrograde will impact things for me?

    1. You are using a completely different chart system to me, so I need to spin your horoscope to make sense of it. Pluto is not in your Fifth House, using Natural Houses, he is in your Seventh House. Your Sun at 8 Aries is square nothing. The reason you are having problems with your love life, is that you were born with Pluto at 20 Libra in your Seventh House of sex, love, marriage, engagement, common law marriage, divorce and separation. Pluto is actually square to Juno at 20 Cancer in the Fourth House of rent, mortgages, family. Juno is an ancient symbol for the pros and cons of marriage. So you have a tremendous inner conflict about commitment, which you are acting out, by falling in love with people who are unavailable or who give you a complicated time. Read your ebooks to find out more about all this.

  71. Hi Jessica

    Please could you tell me how the retrograde will affect me. I have asteroids in Aries although I think it’s only Vesta that should be affected.


    1. Now through June, you’ll have a mini-episode about your appearance, title, name, reputation, image – which is part of a bigger change, affecting you until May 2018. Basically it is time to promote yourself in an exciting, new way. It’s time to look beyond who you are, when nobody is watching, and think more about ways to re-invent yourself, by using your wardrobe, body, accessories, car (perhaps) – and by adopting a particular kind of stance, attitude, persona, body language and so on. It sets you free. And actually you need to be liberated from your old self.

  72. Hello, Jessica

    I have Mars in Aries (9 degrees).
    My sun sign is Pisces in 17 degrees.
    Please tell me how Venus retrograde will affect me.

    1. It sounds as if you identify with your Pisces side, judging by your e-mail address, so I will focus on that. You will be drawn further into hidden, mysterious, occult, psychic or paranormal pursuits while Venus goes back and forth in this sign, going to another level with it all. Give it time.

  73. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for the post, I had assumed Venus retrograde would be about my love life but on reading your post it sounds like it’s actually affecting my career at the moment. I recently turned down an opportunity at work to do something that would have raised my profile but that I felt uncomfortable about doing. It was not “me”, so I politely declined. However my female boss has taken this very personally and our working relationship has become strained, she refuses to acknowledge or discuss the issue but I’m on the receiving end of some very passive aggressive behaviour in the office. I feel very anxious about how this is going to play out for me, any advice from what you can see in my chart? It’s against my nature to let this treatment continue but I’m scared about what will happen if I react and she’s a very powerful person in my organisation, with a lot of influence over HR and the owner of the company.

    Thanks in advance

    1. Venus Retrograde isn’t about your career, but your Capricorn stellium is. You have a cluster of horoscope factors in Capricorn, the most ambitious sign of the zodiac, in your Tenth House of work. I’m sorry about the politics with this woman. A tiny part of this is the profile-raising issue, with the role, but in general what you are experiencing is the first step towards a reshaped career, complete by 2020. In the grand scheme of things, the relationship with your boss is not going to matter very much, but overall, it looks as though the combined force of Saturn, Pluto and then Jupiter in Capricorn (from Christmas 2017) will make you think more intensely about where you’re going, and how you’re going to get there.

  74. Hi Jessica,

    thank you for this article – brilliant as always !

    I’ve got my Venus, Mercury, South Node and IC in Aries and my Sun in Pisces so I feel as if this retrograde might be important. Any thoughts?

    Thank you and keep up your great work!

    1. Thank you very much. Your Aries stellium is in your First House, where you promote yourself, use yourself as the battering ram/front line of whatever you want to do, and spend a lot of time – by necessity – reading what they say about you, how you are depicted, or checking your photographs/film footage. Image matters, from the accent you use, to the coat you wear, to the body language you promote or the message you send. This is now in the frame for the next few weeks and it may not be until the end of May that you really feel the story is complete.

  75. Hi Jessica,

    I have stelliums in both Pisces and Aries. How do you feel this Venus Retrograde will affect me? Still going strong with heavy Scorpio bf.


    1. There’s a role you’re playing behind the scenes where you don’t get any recognition or acknowledgement. Others are the name or face and you are the unseen operator pulling the strings. This is where you’ll be preoccupied for some weeks, yet the story will go backwards and forwards, or hit delays. Just keep an eye on your computer, e-mail and telephone as simple communication glitches could affect the progress.

  76. Hi Jessica,

    Can you please tell me how/if I will be affected by Venus retrograde? I can feel the wheels turning as far as how I am seen and heard at work. Will the retrograde cause a lot of backwards/forwards movement?

    Thanks for your help.

    1. Venus Retrograde has nothing to do with your career, but as a Leo you are feeling the build-up of horoscope factors in Taurus, which rules your ambition, mission and position. Yes, the wheels will turn backwards for a few weeks while we have Mercury Retrograde in Taurus, but if you can treat April/May as a dress rehearsal or first ‘take’ then you will get to the final performance and Director’s Cut eventually. What goes down for you over the next few weeks provides a big clue about May 2018 and beyond when nothing short of a revolution will radically change what you do, and how you do it, and for whom you do it!

  77. Dear Jessica – you have highlighted this being a time of former or potental partners. I certainly feel I can’t get a certain person out of my mind and heart right now no matter how I try. His birthdate 3 April 1979 – stellium in pisces, rising sign cancer. Life is constant and my energy open and positive, but the thoughts about him persist! Confusion about liasions, arrangements etc. is what I have experienced since 2014 and you have mentioned this to be a factor for Virgo for some time (and no doubt still to come). Can I expect some grounding and peace with this situation? Thank you and hope you have a lovely week!

    1. This Aries man is certainly in the zone for a new relationship by October, or the revival of an old relationship, but will it be with you? I suggest you use your Astrology Oracle for this one and try the Romeo and Juliet reading, or another pattern that appeals to you. It is quite true that you in a cycle, as a Virgo, when nothing is real and everything is confused and confusing, which is why I suggest the cards, because they can sometimes clarify to you exactly what is going on, and why you are making it happen.

  78. Hi Jessica,
    I have Saturn 24 Aries, North Node 13 Aries & MC 10 Sagittarius, Ascendant 03 Pisces. May I request you to offer your insights on my career?. I left my job in April 2013. I am wondering if can land a job in 2017?(DOB 10 July 1968)

    Many thanks in advance,
    DS Ram.

    1. DS Ram, you could easily return to an old way of making money, or saving money – after May – either going back to the same source from 1999, 2000 or a very similar one. I am sorry you’ve not been working for three years – that’s a long time. You’ll find the unpredictable situation ends in May 2018 but for now, it also looks as if freedom and independence are just as important to you as success. This is actually not a Venus Retrograde issue, it’s more connected with the Capricorn placements in your chart, and your solar chart too.

  79. Hi Jess,

    I think my earlier post might have suffered from tech gremlins. It’s funny how art mirrors life. I’ve just spent time looking at an art collection with lots of Venus and Cupid. Its sad modern art doesn’t do ancient mythology so much. In the retrograde shadow of Venus and old Aries lover pop up. I’m thinking that there’s more to come? He’s 27/3/83. it’s an odd tie that’s had random events that I can’t help but think are just written in the stars.

  80. Hi Jessica,
    Your work is inspiring, so thank you for this. Would you please tell me how this Venus rx will affect me?

    Thank-you, RR

  81. Hi Jessica,

    I have a stellium in both Aries and Pisces. How do you see the Venus retrograde affecting me?

    Many thanks

    1. You will go backwards and forwards with a matter which concerns your use of the occult (which means hidden) and so – Tarot, for example, or oracle cards, or similar. Perhaps mediumship or clairvoyance. Dreams are also a Pisces/Twelfth House matter. That is what you will notice most.

  82. Hi Jessica, I have 6 and 11 factors in Aries…at the risk of sounding terribly shallow, is this a dodgy time to get hair cuts and wardrobe makeovers? I am very much in the process of revamping my personal appearance…not as in cosmetic surgery, just the major hair and wardrobe transformations…I’m worried that with Venus in retrograde touching on those Aries factors, it may in fact create a mini personal disaster! Should I bow down to lady Venus until she’s back in business or just run with my plans now? (With an Aries stellium, it’s probably no real surprise to you that I should be asking a question like this, I guess!) Thank you as always for your time! xx

    1. This isn’t shallow at all, as appearances do matter a lot to strongly Aries people. Venus Retrograde is probably going to turn up as a female hairdresser or a female retail assistant – perhaps in full backwards mode. You may go round in circles a little with this so just be gently aware!

  83. Oh, thank you for not making me feel so vain and shallow! And thank you for the prompt response too! xx

  84. Dear Jessica,
    I’m going through hell at the moment at work, not being able to deliver a product to hundreds of female clients waiting for it. My face is printed on this product, so this is a very personal matter. The reason seems to be a technical problem over the Internet but I rather suspect that some of the people involved are not doing their job properly. I’m scared that my whole project will turn into a total fiasco. Can you advise me what to do ? Thanks in advance.

    1. Classic Venus in Aries Retrograde – but you have Jupiter there so you’re protected. You have a safety net over this. You are also somewhat psychic, as you probably know, so put yourself in the shoes of a female customer and ask yourself what she wants/needs from you. Go from there. She represents everyone.

  85. Hi Jessica,

    Not sure if you received my previous message, so I am sending this again.
    I have a stellium in Aries (0 Moon, 28 Diana, 20 Prosperina). They don’t fall in the right degrees as you mentioned above and was wondering if it will still have an effect or if it’s not the case. Would this affect my relationship at all?

    Thank you for the informative article and your always valuable advice.


    1. Maria, all the messages are there, but there are 2,367 of them today and the broadband in the UAE is not great. Your Aries stellium is not really going to show much, on this cycle, and if you are interested in your relationship, you really need to look at the Libra and Leo stuff in your chart…

      1. Hi Jessica,
        I have tried to renew my membership but had no response if the renewal has gone through and so I thought it was the same with the messages. I appreciate the long travels and the responses to other fans. Thank you for your kind response. The chart from your website shows I have a stellium in Libra and a couple of Leo factors too… Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing though?

        Thank you again – Maria

        1. Maria, best to hit Support again in this instance. And a stellium in Libra means you express yourself through partnerships of all kinds, from marriage to work partnerships. This will be underlined in 2017.

          1. Thank you Jessica. Support has come back!
            Thank you for your advice and guidance. Much appreciated

  86. Hi Jessica! I wanted to ask you may be a weird question but here it is – my ex cheated on me with a piscean woman. We had a good relationship. I was very hurt and I broke up with him. It still hurts after 8 months. At the end of February my ex tried to get in touch with me not directly but through a friend. I believe he regrets everything he has done. I have feelings for the man I met at the Scorpio New Moon in October. But ofcourse I am still somewhat interested in my ex. It may sound insensitive but I hope the piscean woman suffers her sins. She knew he was not single and she was the one who approached him after carefully examining his background and his friends. I strongly feel she is an energy vampire with a strange look in her eyes like she is not in the moment and her shoulders are always up her neck and leaning forward like she is hiding something. dob: 16/03/87. Can you please tell something about this? Thank you!

    1. It’s not a weird question. This woman born on 16th March is extremely insecure but also has a huge ego – fatal combination. She needs to prove to herself she is more desirable than other women, so she competes with them (not just you – also many other females) and targets men who are weak enough to find it flattering. She also targets other women who she knows will stage a contest with her/react to her, so she gets the thrill of knowing she has beaten them to the number one position. What you have here is classic Pisces-Aries passive aggression, unfortunately. It’s very indirect and it’s also a real pain – but can also be tremendously hurtful. Beyond the ego there is total insecurity, which comes from a weak mother who did not teach this person 101 feminism. Instead she can only find self worth and self value through ‘winning’ with men. This is so beneath your contempt it is not worth even thinking about any longer. Can you burn this off? A little ritual may help – make it up yourself. It is actually very easy for you to engage with these kinds of dramas as you have major Vesta patterns in your chart, but I am sure you would rather avoid the pain, so try to drop the pattern. He should only really be back in your life if it’s the two of you. Maybe with a cat or dog on the side, that’s it!

      1. Thank you so much! It means a lot. I should examine my Vesta patterns. I am usually competitive but also deep down very aware of who I am. Never lacked men’s attention but I have very strong limits. I was disappointed he didn’t priorities well. To be honest, in that case I took the highway – I never contacted him after what happened as I believe if you try to manipulate someone into a decision, it may be a success in the beginning but a fiasco in the end. As for her, you may be right about the insecurities – I can see her changing her pictures often, quoting on love and misery very often. She looks like drama on the inside, but seems to be “friendly or trying hard to be popular” (mostly with men) on the outside. I don’t see her having her circle of female friends.
        I like what you suggested – i little ritual to burn this off. I need this since I went trough a phase I would call a depression. But I really feel more myself and spiritually and mentally upgraded after a time. It’s like I was letting the poison run trough my system until every cell gave up its last drop of poison and it finally saw its way out. It is not that much the pain of me vs her (though I did the comparing thing when I first found out) but it is more the pain of the betrayal.
        I am always very pleasantly surprised you focus so much of your time on each message and I know they are a lot!

  87. Hi Jessica, I need to get my ‘stuff’ together by the end of June. And with stuff I mean primarily my studies and housing. I’m getting help with that from several women. But somehow I just feel like I’m in over my head and I keep avoiding it and stressing out. Does this have anything to do with Mars in 9 degrees Aries or something else in my chart. Is there anything in my chart that can help me get through this period? Thank you!

    1. You’re strongly Pisces and it’s very common to feel ‘in over your head’ as Pisces rules the fishes, and Neptune (the sea) rules Pisces. You know what works really well? Faking it until you make it. This is the secret of many successful Pisces types I know. You are a natural actress and can slip easily into the role of an organised, successful, woman. You literally play the part, make the moves, say the lines and ‘act’ it – and then miraculously, after a few weeks of faking it, you find it’s become real. Try it.

  88. Hello Jessica – I’ve been reading your column for months now and am astonished by the accuracy of your comments.

    My birth details are 17.7.49, London, 12.07 pm. This makes me Cancer, Libra rising using Equal house system. Venus retrograde seems to be ultra active for me. I met a man during her retrograde in 2014, we broke up during the retrograde of 2015, very painfully, the relationship had a karmic, soulmate element. He contacted me during, the Uranus/Jupiter opposition at the end of last year and, I was unsure.He recontacted me during the recent Uranus/Jupiter opposition. As retrograde Venus approaches my Descendent, he wants us to get back together, saying we are two pieces of a jigsaw, and in many ways he’s right. There were many positives in our relationship but he is a massive flirt, most of his friends are female and I felt insecure and triangulated. He’s Taurus, Capricorn rising with Venus conjunct Uranus in Cancer, 6th house conjunct his Descendent. We are both in our sixties.

    It’s a big decision for me because I don’t want to repeat the pain of the break-up for the but there is a draw.

    1. Thank you. You are both ideally placed to make this work from October 2017, into 2018. I am sorry you have been given the runaround with this man. If he has Venus conjunct Uranus he is always upsetting his own applecart and actually thrives in an erratic, unpredictable relationship. I am sure that is not what you want to hear, but every time he tries to seduce someone, he ends up rejecting either them or the idea of a relationship itself. You could both make this work from October, but you need to accept his Venus-Uranus side which will never be still. If not him, then another romantic option, will appear final quarter of this year, through to third quarter of 2018.

  89. Hi Jessica,

    I have been following you for the past 10+ years and love your work.

    I have been in a stop start relationship with an Aries man (27/03/1982) for the past 1.5 years. I am a Gemini, born 1/06/1981. I believe that deep down he still has feeling and wants to get back with his ex (16/11/1985) who now lives overseas but he has not honest or forthcoming with the truth. He has recently taken 6 months off work and is travelling abroad, I feel to reconnect with her.
    I want to understand as he has completely shut me out.
    I would love to understand this triangle I feel I am in and what lessons I am to draw from this as its been possibly the most hurtful and destructive relationships I’ve been in and cannot understand why I am drawn so far into it.
    I would love your insight

    1. Thank you very much. I am very sorry you are going through this with Mr. Aries. He has choices to make about children, babies, pregnancy and so on, which are heavily fated and karmic in nature, and begin in May 2017, taking him into 2018. You don’t say if either of you have children. Choices he made around 1999, 2000 now come back to visit him and that is one of the reasons he cannot make his mind up and has no emotional certainty about you, her or anyone else. Please know this is the toughest love cycle in 29 years and it ends for you at Christmas. Everything you learn has a purpose and it will help you make a good choice from the final quarter of 2018, into 2019 when a truly meaningful, equal partnership is on offer.

      1. Thankyou Jessica. We both don’t have children, but perhaps this is on the cards for him.

        I appreciate your response and also that some reprieve from a tough love cycle is nearing and that there is a potential equal partnership coming down the track.

        Thankyou for your sights

        Happy International Happiness Day


  90. Hi jessica,
    Hope you are doing good. I am going through a really tough time in my career and feel like I have lost ground under my feet. I left my permanent ful time time job of 7 years , that involved travel, for two job very close to home. I started at the beginning of this month and was very excited. I left one of them after two weeks as I felt it was not for me as I felt out of place there from day 1. Now sticking to the other casual one but my confidence is all time low. Feel like things are not goig to work out here as well.
    Could you please have a look at my chart and see if there is a ray of hope.
    Is it ceres at 6 aries or proserpina at 19 capricorn.

    Thank you for your time and blessings.

    1. Thank you. You were born with Proserpina at 19 Capricorn in the Tenth House of career. Pluto has been moving across 19 degrees of Capricorn, back and forth, for some time. You have also had Jupiter at 19 Libra and Saturn at 19 Sagittarius at various points. This is a cycle which can only occur every 240+ years and yes, you will temporarily feel as if you have lost the ground beneath your feet. Proserpina describes your role as go-between, keeping two powerful people, or two powerful organisations, or two powerful sides – content. You are naturally skilled at negotiating the middle ground and yet it is also quite precarious trying to devote equal time and energy to both – and making sure that whatever arrangement is in place, keeps working. Normally you don’t have to think too much about this role you play, but right now you are questioning that, because of passing transits. This will get better. However, it is also part of a much bigger career change, taking place now through 2020 when not only Saturn but also Jupiter and Ceres will cross Proserpina in your chart. It’s not a bad idea to start thinking long-term – where are you going/where do you want to go, now through 2020? So much will be possible. It is also time to find out more about Proserpina in your chart so start hitting Search and have a look at your ebooks. You will in fact have a stunning opportunity to be the middle person or go-between with tremendously powerful people or companies, across this time-frame. Chopping and changing may be required until you are honest with yourself about how powerful you want to be, and how you feel about having control. Time to get real about that.

  91. Hi Jessica,

    The last Venus retrograde (2015) was terrible for me personally. I have seen no sign of Jupiter so far, and I really would like to feel some benefit from Jupiter. Did I miss my oppertunity with Jupiter being with my sun at 11 Libra? Do I have to wait for my Jupiter return which is when it is in Scorpio? I have seen very little if any improvement so far in this year that has promised so much. I have Chiron at 7 Aries (my only Aries factor) and Cupido at 28 Pisces. Can you tell me what you see in my chart. Thank you in advance.

    1. The Jupiter transit through Libra and your Seventh House covers 3 through 21 degrees of the sign and you have been steadily experiencing opportunities to improve and expand the relationship you share with your former, current or potential partners since the last quarter of 2016. The story continues this year, with stops and starts, until October 2017. Sometimes the issue is a feud or contest between yourself and another, in which case the door has been open to healing – and will remain open. Jupiter gives us the options, it does not wave magic wands or do the work for you – but according to all the laws of astrology, in one-on-one partnership situations of all kinds, with others, you have been given some pretty stunning options to date!

  92. Dear Jessica,

    I am an Aries Sun at 25 deg. (7th House), with Mars in Aries at 7 (6th) and Juno at 14 deg Aries(7th House cusp). Also Pluto is at 17 deg. Libra, Venus at 20 Pisces, Mercury at 29 Pisces.
    Lately, I am very concerned about an old relationship that lasted many years, began on the previous Leo NN – Aquarius SN cycle and ended when Saturn was in Libra.

    The thing is, it took me many years to get over this. And, more importantly, it took me some more time to realise that this is not really over at all. It’s like an open wound. It still hurts. I am rethinking if we could be together again and, for the first time in years, I have the courage to look for her and see how she’s doing. Will this cycle help me put an end to this hurt, one way or another? Is there a chance that we may be together anew?

    I would really appreciate any thoughts you might have on this.

    Thank you so much.

    1. It won’t hurt to reach out (do it before October 2017 though) and even if the outcome is not as dramatic as reconciliation, just finding out where you stand with this woman will help you move forward into better relationships. I use a different house system to you, so I need to spin your chart. You have the Sun in the First House, Mars in the First House, Juno in the First House – but the clincher for you is Pluto in Libra in the Seventh House. Jupiter is circling your Pluto so this is an excellent time to get to the bottom of everything. Jupiter is a big healer. You also need to read widely about what it means to have Pluto in Libra in the Seventh House, because your relationship with her ended when Saturn crossed that, also in Libra,also in the Seventh House. I use the Natural House system. Set your chart up at using it – I believe they call it Aries 0 Ascendant or similar.

      1. Dear Jessica,

        Thank you very much for your reply and your valuable insight. Your approach gives me a new perspective on things and, from a first encounter with Pluto in 7th material, the descriptions are very accurate and illuminating, indeed!
        Needless to say, as you rightly guessed, the separation took place when trans. Saturn was conjunct natal Pluto. From what I read, this was meant to be, and probably a good (even if painful) event for my personal evolution, like breaking the chains and old foundations in order to create new ones.
        I hope this Venus retro will help me fix the unresolved issues, because, obviously, there are still some remaining.
        Thank you so much, I am sending you my warmest wishes.

  93. Hi Jessica
    i really like your website, and blog. so much informations about astrology!
    i have a question about me and my boyfriend, im pisces sun 15 degrees, Scorpio asc, Capri moon and venus in pisces. my boyfriend is a taurus sun 29 deg cancer asc, Libra moon and venus in cancer, we are having big troubles about his past relationships with women, some of them are still in contact with him, but he insists they are just friends. i feel like he will always cling to the past and that im waisting my time because i believe our moon signs are not compatible.’
    thank u

    1. Thank you, I will pass that compliment onto James, Justin and Alyas. I reckon your boyfriend has a Vesta problem in his chart. Do his horoscope at and see what sign Vesta is in, and what patterns she makes. You can read more about Vesta on this website.

  94. I’m a Taurus Rising at 24:54 with Aries Sun at 05:52 , Venus in Aries at 03:29, how will Venus retrograde affect me and my relationships?

    1. Relationships are not really defined by your Taurus ascendant at all, but being an Aries in 2017 is great for relationships, no matter if you want to fix a problem, get closure on an issue with him/her or just pursue someone new. All doors are open until October.

      1. Will I be negatively affected when Saturn retrogrades into Scorpio once again?? I have my Moon and Pluto in the 7th house. Pluto 14:46 , Moon 21:21… I have been through the ringer a lot in the past 4 years!

  95. Hi Jessica,
    Pisces rising 1 degree, moon leo 26, and sun gemini 12 here, just finished my saturn return (sag) in December.
    Any advice for the Uranus restlessness I am feeling now in terms of my finances or work/career situation? I have passed through or passing through a crossroads. Help!
    Thank you much!

    1. Sun in Gemini will do it. You have Pluto (the need for transformation) in your solar Eighth House of finances, house and apartment. He is there for some years, so you are not going to settle for anything that does not allow you to find power, use power and understand power. So, this has to go beyond mere salary. It’s something else/something extra.

  96. Hi Jessica. Love your work. Do you think my instinct is right, as I feel a huge revolution coming in with my partner, this month? Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you. Yes, your instinct is right. This is a revolution (until October) and you and your partner need to throw out the old set of scales you both used to work with, and find a new pair of scales that suits you better.

  97. Hi Jessica.
    Will you have a look at my chart and tell me how this plays out with the long on -off relationship I have with the aries man with sun @19′ aries, moon @9′ leo, venus @ 0′ aries, mercury @ 27′ aries, mars @ 10′ cancer, jupiter@ 3′ taurus, saturn @ 26′ cancer, uranus@ 5′ scorpio, pluto@ 10′ libra?
    We fell in love the first time we met in 2008, were on and off until he broke up with me in 2012, (my own annus horribulus) but never really let go. We’ve tried many times to be friends because we still love each other but it’s always ended in tears (mine) and then we’ll not speak for a couple of months but always find an excuse to talk again. This time we haven’t spoken since July 2016 which was when I finally decided that I’d had enough emotional torture and I’ve felt so free ever since. These 9 months are the longest we haven’t spoken and then here we are again. And while I still feel liberated from all the heartache I still absolutely love him. I’ve dated others since we broke up and am currently seeing someone else but no one seriously because no-one compares to him. We’re repeating a pattern but is this another end or beginning? Or a reminder of what I can’t have and that I need to keep focus on me? What does all the venus-jupiter-saturn-pluto-uranus action going on in both his and my chart mean? Your always sharp and wise insight would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot.

    1. Nothing to do with Venus Retrograde, so much – which is only a short term transit. What you are actually looking for is a lifelong, repeated pattern of relationship difficulty, as this has been going on for the last nine years. Unlocking that can help you understand why you do, what you do, and why you chose to fall in love with this person, and not the billions of other men on the planet! You have the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Uranus and Pluto all in Libra in the Seventh House, so the first step towards having an easier love life is to find partnerships outside this man. Not sexual, nor romantic. Just partnerships. They may be duets inside a charity. They may be double-acts at work. They may be one-on-one arrangements within a shared apartment or house. The more you can assemble these, the more heat is taken off this man. You are both in the best position in 12 years to sort things out, before October and you might want to start by exploring other kinds of duets with different people, so you can balance the scales (which is your life’s task) in different ways. There is also the loaded question of the man you are currently dating, who is also on the other end of the scales from you! You mention him last, and say it’s not serious, but anyone in a relationship with you, if you have a Libra stellium, matters very much. Space does not allow me to go into what it means to have the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Uranus and Pluto in Libra, but start looking at your ebooks, and this website, and across the web – and look at the art and sculpture, which can sometimes speak more to you than anything else. I realise how difficult and painful the last few years have been with Uranus in Aries exactly opposite your Libran stellium. On top of that you also had Saturn going through Libra. The good news is, from February 2019 your life will never be that challenged again, as Uranus is well and truly out of Aries, and it will be an awfully long time before you see Saturn in Libra again, either. Calmer waters lie ahead. But do the work this year, if you can. Find out what you need to find out; learn what you need to learn; progress as much as you possibly can with the business of being heavily Libran!

  98. Hi Jessica, this theme is spot on with what I’m experiencing – complicated, replays and rewinds since late last year. Please check my chart…going forward, should I expect the current relationship to expire or blossom? I have a lot of Aries:
    29° Aries 06′ 31″
    08° Aries 12′ 03″
    05° Aries 46′ 23″
    03° Aries 55′ 10″
    02° Aries 53′ 48″

    1. You are heavily Aries. I am glad the astrology is spot-on. You are concerned about relationships? That has nothing to do with Aries, but everything to do with Libra. You have Mars at 23 Libra and are experiencing cycles which will never occur again in your lifetime. Jupiter at 23 Libra. Saturn at 23 Sagittarius. Uranus at 23 Aries. One thing you might want to look at, is your impatience about love and sex. Also your need to fight. You can fight the person you are with, or you can fight the rival who once had them, or still wants them. Understanding Mars in your chart will help you a lot. You can look that up here or in your ebooks. Look at the paintings of Mars too. What can you see in the art that also helps you with yourself? 2017 (until October) is a major year of repair, healing and progress, as you find easier/better ways to push, rush, compete, take and be first – all in the game you are playing with your former, current or potential partner.

  99. HI Jessica,
    My rising sign is Aries at 6 degrees, so the venus rx will passing over my ascendent. what usually happens here, or things to look for?

    1. Your Rising Sign or Ascendant describes your image, appearance, title, name, profile and so on. Your packaging and presentation. Venus moving across this brings a woman/women/men with female qualities into your life (a hairdresser would be typical, or more ambitiously, a woman who graces you with a new role at work). It’s hard to say without seeing your full chart. In any case, the situation will move back and forth for an unusually long time, as Venus dances back and forth.

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