

The Libra Birthday Horoscope 2016 to 2017

You are on this planet to balance the scales with a whole chain of people who challenge you to pursue equality, symmetry and harmony.

Libra, with your Premium Member birth horoscope you can read the predictions for the next 13 months on a personal, private level – as well as a public one. Your love life (past, present, potential) is the big story. So what’s in store?

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131 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica! I have so been waiting to read this – thank you for another insightful read. I am logged in a premium member, so I hope you are able to see my birth chart. The question I have is a about the “partners, double acts, etc”. I am happily married since Jan 2015, and whilst life has been tough in certain aspects, we as a couple have made great progress in our relationship and continue to do so. What other aspects can partnerships apply to? The greatest concern for me has been my close family – terrible conflict with mother, sibling, etc. Does this make a partnership? Cash flow problems have started easing off and I hope these continue to get better. Any advice is received gratefully.

    1. You are asking about your mother and sibling which is actually about Cancer, the sign – not Libra. You were born with Ceres in Cancer in the Fourth House of family. The answer is – share. Sometimes you will be at the top and all-powerful. Sometimes you will have no power. Both are fine. Learn to accept a world of family, property and ancestry where you are sometimes intensely successful and at other times, on the losing game. It is all part of life. We all have Ceres in our chart somewhere! Read more on Ceres on this website to find out more or pick up 2020 Astrology, free.

  2. Hello Jessica,

    Sometimes I don’t feel I relate to being a Libra. In my personal chart I have 7 placements in Sagittarius (Saturn, Uranus, Moon, Juno, Bacchus, Cupido & Ascendant), 4 in Scorpio (Mercury, Venus, Pluto & Diana) and Leo (MC, Apollo, Aesculapia & Psyche) followed by 3 in Libra (Sun, Ceres & South Node), Aries (Vesta, Minerva & North Node), Gemini (Fortuna, Chiron & DESC) and Aquarius (IC, Ops & Salacia). What does my birth chart show for me in the coming year?

    1. Yes, you are more Sagittarian than Libran. With Saturn in Sagittarius, your normal instinct to travel or even emigrate is cut short until end 2017 as the global climate on flights, airports, airlines, visas, residency – is not particularly easy. Yet when Jupiter enters Sagittarius from late 2018 through 2019 there will be reform. That is your cue.

  3. Hi Jessica, It’s a nice birthday treat to sit and read my horoscope for the year. I have a question which has been eating away at me for some time.
    I know that there is a change or merger coming in my professional field. I have been watching and waiting, putting everything on hold to see what occurs. I’ve put a lot of effort and dedication into my work for the last 7 years for little return, resulting in a poor bank balance and a lot of stress, however the freedom that I have is priceless. Ideally I would like to take over the business or play a bigger part but just don’t have the funds to buy into it.
    Do you see me being a part in the change or is it time to move on.

    1. Thank you, I am glad you like your birthday report. Put on your Sherlock houndstooth cap and pull out your magnifying glass and watch the numbers and conversations, final week of October through third week of November. Also watch the financial pages and read what’s going on out there. It all helps you long-term and in fact you will make or save money substantially from winter 2017 through winter 2018. The only question is, through work or other means? That is where the watching/waiting comes in and the Sherlock hat. Actually, as you will see within 13 months, there will be a ton of small businesses springing up around you, within 30 k radius, with women at the helm. Keep talking and switch hats when you socialise. I am not sure why I am talking hats with you! Psychic flash – you wear them or your mum/grandmother/did! Irish?

  4. Thank you so much. I am in bed struck by asthma. This gives me lots of hope. I was in and out of your web site waiting for this. Can you kindly check my job situation because I blow up an opportunity when Jupiter was in 10th house Cancer. Since then hit the low point in my career. Due to a reshuffle I joined an admin pool where we are treated like retards or sometimes maids. I am trying to escape this place. When Jupiter trined my ascendant I got my resume done professionally by a piscean. I applied for a job when Jupiter trined my natal N Node. I didnt get the job but I have a good resume and I am actively looking for jobs. I don’t want to waste these special times so I wanted to use them . I lost two opportunities to an Aries woman who very competitive and treat the team members so badly. Two women had depression and OCD respectively and I am healing my injury we aren’t up to speed with this person. I am totally unhappy with the way we are treated. If the workers comp pays me I would leave this place. I often imagine myself as a marriage celebrant . I want to celebrate the equal marriages. I don’t know where that vision came from but I am seriously considering. My husband suggests translation (tamil to English) for government agencies. Until I establish a career I need a job. Any insights please? Thank you.

    1. I am glad this gives you hope and very sorry you suffer with asthma. I understand your frustration at being treated like a maid in the last job. I also understand the issues with the Aries woman. I love your husband’s suggestion and also your dream of being a marriage celebrant. Take a deep breath (literally, with asthma) and begin to allow yourself the space to entertain impossible things before breakfast (I am quoting Lewis Carroll here, I think Alice in Wonderland is often a good brief for living). You are going to see a major reshuffle in your field/industry/business. You could find a space for yourself there. I actually think you could do far more interesting things. Small animals need care. Work is global now thanks to the internet. You also need to paint/draw which will not make you an income but it will help you a lot. Your father is a good key/clue to so many things. Look at that. Look at Scotland as well, please. This may be 1/2 years in the future but look.

  5. Hope you and yours are well, Jessica – and that you are enjoying Jupiter in Libra already. And, happy early birthday to me with this awesome article – great job! I have been feeling exactly as you have said in this article with neptune – very lost and at sea with my daily routine. I am glad to see some grounding coming up. I am curious to know what new position or project becomes a priority for me – hope it’s positive. Also, that’s it with PLUTO! You said it perfectly – I have been “waiting” for an offer. And, I have a feeling this “offer” will be with my future new partner. Will you please dive into that one for me with my chart and/or your psychic abilities. I know we are our own psychics, but you really help me unravel things – you have no idea. Tears…(good ones) 🙂 Thank you, again, Jessica!

    1. Thank you very much. Yes, friends, lovers and family are all doing well – also the dogs! Thank you for your compliment. As you are asking me about psychic issues, I have the name ‘David’ for you. I do not know what this means but I hope it will be useful. I also have a message, to separate the notion of winning/victory from love, as the two are not compatible. There is no laurel wreath and crown with love, it functions in a different space altogether. Again, I do not know what this means, I am just passing it on to you.

      1. So glad to hear! Wow! Thank you, Jessica; this was all very useful as usual. ! I think that is something I needed to hear about “love”. The name “David” may be missing a couple of letters, but surely you are on to something. Very nice – gives me hope. Thanks a million, Jessica! xx

  6. Hi Jessica,

    I’m a Gemini (June 17, 1984; 1:37 pm; Granada Hills, CA) but I have a Libra asc, Pluto and Panacea in Libra, and Libra is in my 5th house. I have been single for 10 years working on myself, I have no children, and I’m ready for a relationship. There is one person in my life who is a friend (his birthday is 8/8/1984, 8:03 am, Los Angeles, CA) and I feel like the energy for us might not be right and that we’re best as friends. There doesn’t seem to be enough stability coming from him so far, I get the feeling he’s not ready to commit, maybe because of the up and down energy from Uranus in Aries. Can you see how our energy may work towards each other? If not too well how can I use the energy of Jupiter best to help me bring forth meeting someone new into my life? I’m making plans to travel the rest of this year and all of next year to try connecting with people from other places to give a boost to me putting myself out there to meet someone since I was a hermit at home most of last year. Do my plans look like a good idea for me or will it be difficult with saturn in Sag and opposite my sign? I just want to make sure I’m using this energy best to my advantage and look out for things that might make it difficult. 😉 Thank you.

    1. Your Leo love interest has major issues about past pregnancies in his life, current children/godchildren/stepchildren/nieces/nephews and his feelings about ever being a father again. This does not last (the hard work is over from Christmas 2017 when Saturn leaves Sagittarius) but you would have to take a deep breath and sign up for an epic journey if you two were to start something more serious than friendship. You are in luck if you want to date someone new. The big barn dance starts now. As you were born in California and your love interest was born in Los Angeles, I think I have to raise Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie here. They are the first celebrities to advertise the basic message of this 13 month cycle. It’s a barn dance. We will fall in love based on our separations, divorces and splits – and those of other people. We will also learn to honour the Jupiter in Libra message – ‘equal but different.’ Hey, you could even end up passionate about a shorter lover (!)

  7. Yes, you are more Libran than any other zodiac sign. You should enjoy the next 13 months, drilling down deeply into issues about gay men and their equality/rights – but also the truth about marriage. It’s a long road but it’s a good one. I suspect you will see the first paragraph in the chapter near 1st October either for yourself or someone who matters so much to you. This goes into the world of children, too – boys and girls, blue and pink, equal but different. You will learn a lot – and I hope, enjoy a lot. It’s deeply meaningful, this cycle, and to 2017, so rare.

  8. Hi Jessica,

    I have been an ardent follower of your website for the last couple of years. This is the first time I have purchased the premium content and I am really impressed by the content of the site.

    I have been going through a very depressing situation over the last couple of years and I am currently really not sure where I am going.

    To be precise got married in 2008 and then had to maintain a long distance relationship which was very hard and then after 2012 things got settled at the personal front where in my partner got a transfer. Then my professional front went into scrambles and I am still picking up pieces and have gone through a very depressing period.

    Now again there is unrest at home front with my husband work front. His birth date is 10/07/1982 6:30 p.m. Can you tell me whether we will be upgrade our life by moving into a bigger home and will come out of all the insecurities in the near future?

    1. Thank you, I am glad you are enjoying Premium Membership and I will pass that compliment onto my webmasters. I am not sure if your husband was born on 7th October or 10th July, but I can certainly read your chart. You have a lot of horoscope factors in the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Libra) and ever since 2008, believe it or not, Pluto has been going through Capricorn, so triggering these patterns in your chart. I am sure you have been struggling but it does get better. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, Jupiter now moves through the Cardinal sign of Libra until October 2017, so all the changes will work to your advantage. Secondly, you are becoming far more experienced at dealing with people, organisations or situations which want to take over. You have learned that you need to draw on your willpower and self-control to push back and this is the key to next year. Being the boss of yourself is the answer. It may not always be easy but it will give you the gift of empowerment, self-confidence and self-respect and it will change you forever. This is a long slow process, yet by 2024 you will be a new person. As a general rule, you should also be very sensitive to individuals, companies or even entities (like whole councils, political parties or governments) where you can see those whose only desire in life is to dominate. To quote Tears for Fears, ‘Everybody Wants to Rule the World.’ The moment you see that, you need to begin thinking very strategically and tactically so no more than one step is taken into your particular world! Pluto often delivers those who throw their weight around or want only one thing – power – and it is up to you to nip that in the bud.

      1. Thank you. My husband is born on 10 July 1982 6:30 pm. I am not sure about nipping bossy people at the bud. Basically I am a person who hates fights and will compromise.

        I really really like to know whether we will be able to move into new bigger house as the present one we are in very small and will our income and status increase in the coming year.

        Looking forward to your reply.

        1. Your choices with home improvements, renovations, redecoration or perhaps a move will begin with a bang in October and still be with you until the first week of February when you finally know where you stand. Try to get all the paperwork out of the way before December as the situation could go backwards and forwards for weeks. Watch what happens to interest rates, property prices and rent in October and November.

  9. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for this post. I have a libra ascendant hence I was wondering if I am going to find a job soon. I declined a job offer 3 weeks ago because I would have had to work with a previous very difficult boss. I hope I made the right decision as I am starting to lose hope work-wise. I am ready to relocate to a new city/country. Any insight would be greatly appreciated -:). Many thanks. Greetings from France!

    1. Bonjour et merci. Your Libra Ascendant is not the issue in your career. You were actually making these choices while Mercury Retrograde went through your Sixth House of work and it will take a couple of weeks (until 7th October) for you to find out everything you need to know, so you can make an informed choice. We also had an eclipse in the same zone of your chart so there is something or someone you are not seeing properly; if you have time, you may want to give yourself another week or two to really gather all the facts, not only about this particular job offer, but also your field in general. We are going to see a lot of chopping and changing by 7th October which may alter your position in terms of where to work, with whom to work, what hours – and so on. You have had a double whammy because in your personal birth chart as well as your Libra public chart, you went through an eclipse which hit the Sixth House (work) in both places at once.

  10. Hi Jessica, thank you for this! Very interesting stuff.

    You previously told me that I can look forward to a major healing process over the next few days, which I’m very much keeping my fingers crossed for.

    There are two other big things that I’m hoping for in the next year, and as a Libra sun with a number of other planets in Libra too, I’m wondering if you could tell me if either look likely this year, and if so, when to look out for them.

    First thing is the chance to meet someone – I’ve been single for years and have struggled for a long time in finding anyone new. As a very Libran person, this makes me pretty unhappy, as you can probably imagine!

    The second one is whether I will get a chance to properly connect with another person whom I have a lot of admiration for – I’ve been trying for a while, but it is always blocked by someone who I had a major argument with a couple of years ago. The person I’d love to connect with (on a platonic level) is a Taurus with an Aries stellium (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Ceres), and Saturn and Neptune in Libra, if that’s any help at all?

    Thanks again

    1. Thank you. The Taurus person has been enduring the most difficult love life cycle in 29 years and only just started to see how life might be! By the end of November, your Taurus friend will be in a new place, emotionally. Dating will be easier than it’s been for 12 years, as we are about to see the big global barn dance of the decade, thanks to separations and divorces. You may also find that your usual rules about who you want to date, change, as you come to see that ‘different but equal’ is the way forward. This will also open your eyes to far more love life choices than you permitted yourself in the past. This is actually the mission of any person with a Libra stellium – to develop relationships where there is a big difference in (for example) class, age, nationality – but find what bring two people together, nonetheless.

  11. Looking forward to any good news, because the last 3 years have been a nightmare with death of only sibling, lost love and an fragile parent.

    1. I am sorry you have been through a nightmare. Over the next 13 months you will develop a fulfilling and rewarding relationship with the world of children or younger adults (teens and twentysomethings) which will show you how soul-satisfying life can be. This may be on the personal level, so we’re talking about nieces, godchildren, nephews – or perhaps dating someone who has children. It can also be through your paid or unpaid work. You have a big Leo chart signature and were put on the planet to mentor, guide and lead a much younger generation and as Jupiter the planet of opportunity slowly sextiles that pattern, you will find wonderful new ways to connect with those born 20+ years after you.

  12. I love reading your posts – and always look forward to the birthday horoscopes! My partner and I are both Librans (me 24 September 1983, 7:30am Sydney, Aus and my partner 11 October 1981, 1:10am Drogheda, Ire) and it’s always interesting to see how what you’ve predicted plays out differently for both of us. Being an Irishman in Australia I think my partner will definitely continue to have issues around belonging and home – but are there any particular differences in what we’ll both be experiencing in the next 12 – 13 months that we should be mindful of?

    1. Thank you! If your partner is an Irishman in Australia then it will take a few years before he can resolve questions about his space and place in the world. As you are both Librans you will experience this transit differently, thanks to the different horoscopes of your immediate family, which creates the chemistry experiment. It is usually about a mother or grandmother on this cycle. In general, you two will rebalance the scales between you by October 2017 and perhaps even invent a new set of scales. The central issue will be equality.

  13. Dear Jessica, I have enjoyed your predictions over many years and you correctly predicted the problem that I had with two flats that I purchased about five years ago, that was not resolved until last year/early this year. Again as predicted by you.

    I was going to work for someone but I have declined to stay working for myself as I seem to have a positive vibe this week that this is the best decision for my family and me, but that I am thinking of relaunching myself and my business, building on what I have already achieved. My question is astrologically or using your psychic skills, after the recent years being quite challenging, does the future look brighter and do you please have any suggestions for me to make the most of what maybe coming my way?

    As always, thank you.

    1. Thank you. I am glad the prediction about your two flats was correct. You are going through the long, slow transit of Pluto (transformation, change in the balance of power) through Capricorn and your Tenth House of career and have been through some intense experiences. Most of this is behind you now. The trick with this cycle is to summon up the willpower and self-control to run your own success. As a general rule of thumb avoid organisations or people (contractually) who you suspect might want to take over, or just take! I am sure you have already had your fair share of this since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, but it’s not a bad idea to do some simple checks. If someone has lost one job after another or appears to have more than one professional feud going on, ask yourself if you’re not about to get involved with Ms/Mr Pluto in Disguise.

  14. Thanks for this most impressive read!

    There is a lot in there about partnerships, and I think my own partnership seems to be going well. My concern is more about career and I wonder if in fact this about a partnership in the career, rather than romantic space.

    Or perhaps both? There is a bit in there about homeland and place in the world. My sense of this is directed much further north (an entirely different continent, in fact) than my partner’s is. Is this going to be a source of friction? Indeed, my measure of success is directed more towards that northern journey than it is with my partner and perhaps these two things are incompatible?

    Thanks again!

    1. It’s very common to see professional partnerships begin or blossom on this cycle and it is about ‘special relationships’ rather like that between the United States and United Kingdom, as much as it is about marriages. You have plenty of time to choose where you will live, as Pluto will be with you in your property and homeland zone for quite a few more years. Most of your personal or business partnership decisions will come at Christmas, then with continuing choices in 2017.

  15. Dear Jessica,

    I’m so happy to read your Libra post, thank you! I’ve been struggling for years whether to actively pursue my art business. My Taurus husband would love it if I would pursue a real estate career,(which I am not find of), but I am so drawn to a career including my artwork. I’m torn between helping out my family financially and following my joy. Money issues have plagued me for about 12 years now and I am losing faith that I can find a way to clear these issues up. When I read your posts, I feel like something might be changing for the better. Any truth to that? Thank you.

    1. You can actually follow your bliss and also make your life work financially. Jupiter in Taurus and Neptune in Scorpio people are often very good charity fundraisers. You may want to try that first in a small way and experience what it feels like to create abundance. Making money for homeless animals or people (for example) even in a modest fashion will show you what you can do. Usually this combination in a chart indicates someone who doesn’t really care about money at all – until it runs out. You may need to look at your old patterns, habits and attitudes almost as if you were a stranger, observing yourself. This comes easily from the final week of October to third week of November when the Sun will show you what you do right, and what you need to change. Neptune in Scorpio is often quite unrealistic about the nitty-gritty of making or saving cash, spending it, borrowing it and so on! You will always have a safety net (in this case it is probably your Taurus husband) but given that from 2017 you hit a cycle with huge potential you may as well start doing your homework now. There are many ways to make your life work and this New Moon near Halloween 2016 will reveal another one.

  16. I enjoy your scopes and continue to learn
    My question is about my moon sign it is in Gemin ,should I read the weekly moon sign as well as my Capricorn sign also in the near future are there any
    Fortunate indicators re money ie inheritance lottery win or extra funds
    Thank you kindly

    1. Thank you. Don’t read the Moon Sign (ever) because Sun Sign astrology is not based on that. Astrology cannot predict lottery wins or inheritance. It can show you a way to save or make money and you will discover that when you see what is happening with the banks, business, taxation or currency exchange and interest rates very close to 30th October.

  17. Hi Jessica,

    I’m hoping you can see my birth chart. I’m in a situation where the most important person in my life who I always thought as my soul mate (if the concept actually exist) has left me in an unfair limbo situation and has the sole power in closing the chapter. His birth date is 31 October 1979, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

    You mentioned fighting the good fight – but I feel there is no fight that I can give as I have no power or say in this (and have tried some options with no result). Do I just go on with my days and focus on myself like I’ve been doing?

    And you also mention the likely outcome – there is just one outcome I truly want – his full return to me. Is that likely or will I actually like the other outcomes even if I may not see it now?


    1. Fighting the good fight refers to Librans who are involved in law suits, protests, feuds or divorces. You are just in love with someone who is not coming back to you, or replying to you. Actually the issue is your shared Scorpio signatures, in both charts. So this goes beyond love and sex into the money, the house or the apartment. That is the core issue and this man has the Sun, Mercury (probably, although you do not give a birth time), Venus and Uranus in the sign of the Scorpion. You two are working out a core issue about marriage, cash and property (and power) and you will both separately reach your own decisions from the final week of October into the third week of November when at last you can see straight. If you are going to reconcile it would be obvious no later than November. If it’s over then your answer lies in the famous promenade a deux of the scorpions. If you hit Search and look up Scorpio you will see a story I wrote about this a few months ago. The way forward for you over the next 13 months is to pursue equal partnership for its own sake as that is entirely possible for you. More complex arrangements where your lifestyle and security are entwined with a lover’s are less simple. Yet – if you want to balance the scales with someone, that is possible, sexually and emotionally.

  18. Hi Jessica

    Since March 2009 my career has tanked, and I am now at a low level job and lower pay scale than I was 30 years ago. I’m broke. On top of that I have two elderly parents that require a lot of my time. Please tell me there’s something good coming my way again.

    Thank you!

    1. You have been through the notorious Saturn in Scorpio transit and as your Scorpio stellium is very close together, you found it did not rain, it actually poured. None of this was your fault – you were caught up in the Global Financial Crisis which hit everyone now in their fifties, born with Neptune in Scorpio – the Credit Crunch generation. Your outlook is excellent with money saved or made from the final quarter of next year. You can help yourself right now by watching your own patterns around money and property, now through November as you will pick up breakthroughs and insights which help you gain later. From the final week of October 2016 into the third week of November, you need to ask as many thoughtful questions about this as you can. Your elderly parents are of course part of a karmic loop with you and there are past life debts and credits to fulfil. You are being asked to put a price tag on the aspects of life that money cannot buy and they are your teachers.

      1. Hi Jessica,
        Thank you for your quick response. I honestly did not expect you to answer. I was just having a moment of being in a funk (maybe feeling sorry for myself since everyone around me is incredibly successful and I am the loser of the community) and I thought by typing my question to you I was really talking to the universe looking for some hope of when things would get better. Really hoping for a clue of when my career might be on an upswing again (if ever.) I did not expect a written response! Anyway thank you- you’ve already made me feel better and have given me hope that things will not always be as they are now.
        As far as my parents are concerned, if there is a Kamic debt to be repaid then they are repaying it to me in this lifetime. I have been blessed with terrific parents and I love them both very much. I have been given the Karmic gift of being able to help them in their time of need. The satisfaction I receive at the end of the day, knowing how much they appreciate what I do for them is the best reward there is. Taking care of loved ones is more rewarding than any career or worth more than all the money in Fort Knox. I just needed a reminder. Thanks.
        You are a very talented astrologer and I wish you continued success with your career. I will continue to be one of your biggest fans.
        Best wishes for a happy life.

  19. Hello Jessica,
    I enjoyed reading this interesting and insightful look int the Libra year ahead.
    As you have noted the last several years have been emotionally taxing. I have experienced turmoil in relationships with former and potential partners, and am having serious communication problems with my 30-year old female child, also a Libra.
    At 63 I am a newcomer to astrology; is there anything in my birth chart which might give further perspective?
    Thank you so much in advance.

    1. Two people born with the Sun in Libra can figure this out. You will see some old karma in 2017 as you are both able to settle past life scores and find a way to balance the scales. Give it time – but it’s next year, not this one. Pluto, Juno, Vulcano and the South Node are all in Leo in your Fifth House of parenthood, babies, children and young adults. 2017 is make or break for the relationship with her so you will gain hugely from counselling, self-help, useful books and other expertise on the complicated subject of motherhood. You can also start reading about those placements right now on this site or through your ebooks. You are a natural Queen to a younger court and it is important for your soul that the next generation inherits the legacy of your personality. Some people do this by teaching people aged 25. Other people do it by having intense relationships with their daughters. What 2017 will teach you, as you begin your Nodal Return, is how to spot your own patterns, heal the past and fix the future. It’s a big one! Start reading.

  20. Hi Jessica,

    I joined membership just to read this. 🙂
    I have a question hope you can answer me, I am trying to purchase a property this side of the Christmas, but you said the luck is in next year, does that mean its not good time to buy now?

    1. I hope you are enjoying Premium Membership! Okay, if you can complete purchase by the end of November you will avoid Mercury Retrograde, which begins with the shadow in December. You then have delays, changes and perhaps even reversals with the house or apartment, through December and January. One of the reasons for this is uncertainty in the jobs market as your potential buyers may not know where they stand with salary for weeks, bonus or retirement packages. So if you are going to do this, see what you can pull off by the end of November. If you must proceed with paperwork read the fine print after that point. Those are the Mercury Retrograde rules!

  21. Hi Jessica. The end of 2015 through March 2016 was a difficult period for me since I went through a nasty separation of which I have the feeling Karma was involved. I really was in love with this person and still have feelings for her but I have also met another women of whom we have many things in common. My ex relationship is a piscis born in 03/87 and the potential interest is a Gemini born in 06/1987. I would like to know if my future includes any of them and if so, when. Please help clear my future love life.

    1. I am sorry you went through this separation. I’m afraid I can’t see your personal birth chart so you will need to log in to ask me this question. Thank you.

  22. Hoping you can see my chart – not sure if I should make a change – maybe move to a new city? Feel like I’m on a hamster wheel. Recently laid off and perpetually single leads me to wonder if I should start fresh. Thanks for all of your articles!!

    1. You are strongly Libra and will develop one or more duets or double acts within 13 months. One could easily be the relationship that ends your single life. Another could be professional, very easily. Jupiter can’t make you do anything but it can hand you the tools, the timing, the place and the person as raw materials – the rest is up to you. It might help to remember that Libra is about ‘different but equal’ and that will help you take a new partner in the gigantic global barn dance that is unfolding (the big partner exchange). I am sorry you have been laid off. Your next job will help you escape from the real world. It’s not exactly dolphin tamer meets stage hypnotist, but it is a little bit out of this world. When you take it read the fine print on the paperwork so you are totally clear about the boundaries and how to stick to them.

  23. Hello Jessica I have been following you for a long time and enjoy all your posts. I have just joined as a premium member and read your birthday blog for Libra.I feel I am in a quandry and I am hoping you can help me. I have been worried and anxious constantly since 2008- my husband and I both lost our jobs but found another one both of us lower paid. We have had relationship issues.My son has been confused and depressed and moved back home and now my job seems to be under threat again. I just want to know when I can relax and enjoy life again, and even be happy. Are you able to look at my chart and help me?

    1. Thank you, I appreciate that. One look at your chart and I can see you have been put through a very difficult Saturn in Scorpio cycle. No wonder you have had salary and marriage issues at the same time, because Scorpio rules the sexually intimate ties that bind and the cords are financial. Know that the worst is over – that’s the first thing to remember. You will sort out the relationship over the next 12 months, or have it sorted out for you by destiny. You will find that after one last big discussion or decision about the financial or property side of your marriage (by November 2016) you can put the past behind you and look at quite different issues in your marriage, like what brought two very different people together in the first place – and what makes you equql – along with what is fair. The outcome by October 2017 at the very latest will be whatever is required to bring back harmony with this man, to your life. You will choose that and it will be an easy choice. You will also sort out the situation with your son next year. You are not alone with the uncertainty about your job as the whole world is going through this cycle together – and guess what – it began in 2008! Pluto moved into Capricorn, the sign we associate with business, and since then it has been nothing but one change after another. As we have this cycle for some years, and it will take you higher eventually, just as at one point it took you lower, you may as well shrug and let people get on with it. Your job is less important than your peace of mind and you cannot let that be controlled by what happens in the world as we are going to see a crazy number of promotions, hirings, firings, sideways moves and the rest, especially in 2019 and 2020. It is very important that you find a technique, activity or practise that reduces the worry and anxiety you feel. You need something that appeals to your intelligence so look at particular kinds of yoga which make sense to your mind as well as your body. Not all yoga is the same. You need a brilliant teacher or a brilliant book which goes into the effect of yoga on the nervous system in particular and also endorphins and hormones. It has to appeal to your intellect as well as your body otherwise you won’t stick to it. With your Virgo chart signature you are the kind of person who can have her entire life changed just by finding the right mind, body and spirit technique. They are out there. Quietly light a candle and ask for guidance so you can be led to what will work for you. I am being shown sunflowers for you – I am not sure why – perhaps you know, or will find out.

      1. Thank You Jessica for taking the time to have a look for me I really appreciate it- Its a lot to take in.You are correct in staying peace of mind is important to me and I like your suggestion re Yoga, which I will look into.
        I do know of a connection with Sunflowers in an indirect way-think of Van Gogh the Artist.
        I feel I need to sort out my relationship once and for all but I have found it hard to make a decision.My son has been a constant source of worry since 2012 and I long for him to sort out his career and get a full time job and be happy himself. Can you tell me anything more in relation to my son?
        I have a meeting next week too about by job- should I be making plans to move on? I really don’t want to.

        1. Focus on the breathing for the moment, even if you don’t have time to find the right yoga teacher or yoga DVD/book yet. Simple yoga breathing does not have to be a big deal and if you go online you will find the way to do it. That will be a good lesson for you in staying in your body, being the boss of yourself, putting yourself first – no matter what happens in work – the meeting is one of a whole number of meetings in your long-term future, all the way to 2020 and beyond, when you will constantly have to deal with other people’s work situations, which you did not create, but have to sort out! Sometimes you will be given a promotion or new role, sometimes you will go sideways, sometimes the task will not be right for you. As this is literally years of chopping and changing, you may as well use next week as a practise run to look past all this and get into your breathing and your self-trust and self-confidence and self-respect. Once you have it you will be affected neither by promotions or role changes, you’ll still be the captain of your own ship! Your son is at the heart of a cycle you can only have every 240+ years so I am not surprised you have been worried. You were born with the Moon at 16 Capricorn in the Tenth House of status, position and achievement. Motherhood is a job to you. Pluto is now moving over 16 Capricorn, backwards and forwards. Pluto describes situations or people which take over, and take. I am sure you feel as if either he is playing Pluto, or the universe is. I appreciate the pressure and strain of the situation. You also have Ceres at 20 Cancer, almost opposite, in your Fourth House of family. Ceres was the mother-in-law of Pluto in astrology and she had a daughter called Proserpina whom she had trouble letting go of. If you want to know more look up the Moon and Ceres. This whole pattern is being triggered now through 2017. Three things will help. Using tremendous self-control and self-discipline to run your own version of motherhood, for yourself. It will be very hard work but continue to take back your power. You will actually become empowered as a result of doing this and never lose it. Secondly, accept that you are going to have to share your son with either a) himself b) the world or c) other people. It may have to be a part-time ‘share’ or compromise. I wrote quite a long story about Ceres with quite a bit of feedback – it was about depression – perhaps you have it, perhaps you don’t, but it may be useful to read it – if you hit search. Bottom line, this will be okay. It will be fine. Pluto will not hover around 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 Capricorn forever and this too will pass. In the meantime you need to get onto your mind, body and spirit connection.

  24. Hi Jessica,

    I looked forward to reading this (one of the many reasons I joined). It’s been a hard few years and much of this sounds good.


  25. hi jessica ,

    i registered as a premier member for this article.:)

    i have sun in libra, ascended in taurus, venus in Scorpion and stelliums in scorpion,…, since 2009 i had been through such a horrible journey, in career, money,relationship…absolutely awful !Sometimes i just totally lose my hope and keep wondering my life will be sucks like that?!

    one issue really caught me is the relationship with a man born in 11/16/1980, as you can see, he has sun in scorpion and venus in libra–just match my signs perfect…there is absolutely love at first sight ~we met each other 15 years ago in college but didnt get into marriage coz we were both too young, too arrogant, then in the next 15 years we totally lost each other’s contact and had different life paths.Then we got back in touch in this year’s mercury retrograde cycle( late April! )and found us still in flame (but in struggles as well—he is in a bad marriage now)…i don’t know if its fate and i should go forward with him or just let him go .Can you please tell me from the astrology sign is this man ” the one” for me and is there any chance we could end up happily in marriage soon this time? Thank you very much!

    1. Thank you. Your Taurus-Scorpio factors were hit very hard by Saturn. I should explain the reason it hit you hard, was that it also hit billions of people at the same time, because so many of us were born with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Ceres or Pluto in Scorpio. In a way, you were stuck in a current that swept you along. This man would also have been affected by it. I should explain that there is no ‘one for me’ in love. Not according to astrology, anyway. There are several possible lovers for you at any one time. It depends what your soul needs. His bad marriage will be resolved by October 2017 either through counselling or separation. I strongly advise you not to get involved until you hear he has separated. We have a very difficult pattern at Christmas 2016 which could cause real issues if you become the third person in a love triangle. Please trust the future, though – if not with this man, then certainly with another, by October 2017 you will have a genuine opportunity to bask in a relationship with someone who can show you what equality feels like.

  26. Jessica hi. I wanted to know if my future love life includes my ex-girlfriend of which we separated about a year ago and happens to be a Pisces born on 03/87 or if it includes a Gemini of whom I work with and have a lot of things in common and was born on 06/1987. If neither, can you give me a heads up as to when I can expect that person to walk into my life. thx.

    1. The Astrology Oracle is best suited to these kinds of questions. You have access to it any time, with your membership. You need to test the Oracle first to find out that it is accurately describing your present (as this is about love, sex and relationships you may turn up House Five, Seven or Eight to tell you). Once you feel you are clicking with the cards, set a time-frame for your question (next year? next two years? rest of your life?) and ask what the Pisces brings to you, and what you bring to the Pisces, based on where things stand now. Do the same with the Gemini. Keep asking more questions until you crack the answers you need. On a purely astrological basis, Miss Pisces will not be able to give you a straight answer until after 7th October. Miss Gemini would be very, very hard work until Christmas 2017 – if you are prepared to take that on. Miss Gemini could also easily become pregnant so be aware of that.

  27. I read Merlin10 and thought a lot of this applied to me – job, partner, son issues, etc., since at least 2008. I’m a premium member too, if this helps for you to see my chart.

    Maybe it’s a Libra thing. Just retired, really nice man I see (for 8 years, but has been mostly friends), but I keep feeling that there is someone who is a better fit for me, a new vocation that will be meaningful. A few people have told me to write, but I am without direction. Would love to enhance my intuitive skills.

    Also, though we divorced, I am now helping my ex in another country after a massive stroke, since my son can not. He has started working on a new business, which I invested in. He is a great young man of whom I am very proud. It’s been rocky and there is distance between us. I had a dream in early 2007 that I was descending into concrete structure on an escalator with the words “hell” written in many languages. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. You are the best!

    1. You and Merlin 10 are both going through the same Pluto in Capricorn cycle in terms of the family. I have looked at your personal birth chart and seen your Libra stellium. You are over the worst but you still have some healing to do. This will happen now through your birthday in 2017. Your ex and his stroke are part of that healing, because despite being divorced you are doing a classically Libran thing, which is to maintain a relationship (and an important one) after separating. Only a heavily Libran person can do this! You have past life karma with your son which will be obvious to you in the second half of 2017 as you realise you are going through a story with him you recognise. You will complete the karma. You will also be able to finally turn the corner after your divorce between now and your birthday as Jupiter is a tremendous healer and helper, no matter how difficult things have been to date. You will have the chance to date someone new. Your dream sounds very dark from 2007. Have a look at the work of Betty Shine online, a brilliant British medium who left us all her knowledge about working with the chakras and aura. I feel you need to learn how to balance your chakras and close your aura before you sleep and Betty’s lasting work will help you. I have the word ‘John’ for you clairvoyantly.

      1. Jessica,

        Thank you for your quick response! You have brought so much clarity and new insights. I have not ever thought about some of the things you just told me. I will look at the work of Betty Shine, work on the chakras and aura, as well. Thank you for giving me this wonderful birthday gift of hope and healing!! May it be returned to you tenfold!

  28. Hi Jessica,

    I lost my job in 2008. Since then I have not returned to be contracted. I have presented me to examinations and interviews without success and a possible partner I deceived. I have been worried and anxious about cash. Now, new interviews and contacts have arisen and I go away to presenting again to examinations. In particular some in this week (interview and examination). Please could you tell me if my chart has a real good Jupiter influence like a have read for Libra about those subjects? There’s something good coming my way again?. Thank you so much

    1. I am sorry you lost your job! Eight years is a long time and it must have been very hard. You are having a Neptune cycle in your Sixth House of work. This means you need to be a total realist about what you are suited for; what you can do – and what you cannot do. Have you seen a career counsellor? Have you picked up any more skills/training/education since you lost your job in 2008? Neptune can be very confusing and it is easy to feel lost. The trick with this cycle is to forget daydreams or fantasies about work and instead look at what the market wants, and make sure you can offer it. You also need to be a realist about salary. The good news is, we will be going through the biggest financial and business shift in years from November and by February there will be all kinds of new vacancies, part-time jobs, relief positions and so on. If you are not already in a new position by then, do your research November-February and see what people need these days. Here’s a clue. Nobody has any time so people want anyone who can save them time and effort – and bring their services to their door!

  29. Hello Jessica
    Just joined and wondered about you giving extra info after monthly horoscope. If you have aspects in your own chart close to the numbers mentioned , is that near enough? Or do your numbers need to be the exact same, in order for the extra info about dates and results to be true?

    1. A one degree orb is enough (you can search Sacred Geometry on this website to see how it all works). One degree’s difference will still give you the pyramid shapes – for example – that make up chart patterns. So, for example, if you have anything in your chart at 19 or 21 degrees you will still have a milestone at Christmas when Jupiter moves to 20 Libra opposing Uranus at 20 Aries.

  30. Dear Jessica,
    I so love your insightful reports. I wish I was confident in reading my own chart. It’s my Birthday today. Can you take a look for me and share anything significant you may see. I’d so appreciate it. I respect your interpretations. Thank You

    1. Happy Birthday! You don’t have to read your own chart, that’s what the astrologer is for. I think of all the things I could tell you about your Libra stellium (unusually high count of Libra factors), it’s the relationship reshaping that matters most. Why? Because this holds good for the next 12 years. You are in the unusual position of having life/other people challenge everything you thought you knew about partnership, love, sex or marriage at the moment. This has been unfolding very slowly over the last four or five years. At the same time, you are now ready to go to the next level with one person in particular – your former, current or potential ‘other half’ – over the next 12 months. You will be able to take everything you learned about freedom, space and independence since 2011 and apply it to the chemistry you have with this crucial individual in your life. Easter 2017 will be particularly interesting, given the choices you can make. By May 2018 this cycle is well and truly over but while it is here, exploring how to balance the scales with someone special, or even construct a new set of scales, will be time well spent. In about 12 years from now, you will see why, as Jupiter returns again to Libra, the sign which dominates your personal birth chart so much. You might call balancing the scales your life’s quest and you will ‘work’ equality, harmony and symmetry the way some other people work their jobs.

  31. Hi Jessica! Thank you so much for all the insight you provide for us. I became a premium member because your horoscopes have really been speaking to me regarding my career and work since August. I graduated college at the peak of the recession in 2009 and job satisfaction and financial security felt almost unobtainable for me until I got my current job in November 2015.

    Since April, my boss has been dropping tantalizing hints about promotions, growth opportunities, raises, etc. due to my performance, abilities and interests. At the end of August, I heard that these things would not be happening after all, but — as you predicted for me — a week later I heard our director was reconsidering and may want to change my position (in a good way) after all.

    Nothing else has changed since then and I have been reminding myself to appreciate all I do have rather than impatiently waiting to get more, and to remember that who I am is so much more than what my job is.

    But yesterday my boss let slip some more interesting gossip — that she feels overwhelmed by her position, and that I am being eyed by another team for a vacancy they are about to have. I’m actually not interested in that one, though, because it would mean working with some difficult personalities!

    What I’m wondering is, is this position she told me about — is this (marketing) the big opportunity you had been mentioning in my horoscopes since August? Or is something still going on with the original direction that I DO want to move in (contracts)? Should I keep anticipating a new title/role in the near future or should I keep focusing on being satisfied with what I have now?

    Thank you so very much for any insight you can provide


    1. That is so lovely to read, thank you. I am glad the predictions have been useful for you in your job. Don’t over-think this, even though you have a stellium in Virgo and thus analyse everything in detail. Your boss is obviously picking up your strong Virgo chart signature as women who have this tend to be priceless to their employers. You have, of course, been sent back and forth by Mercury Retrograde in Virgo from 10th August to 7th October so basically, what you thought was in place – may not be – and what you thought you knew – you did not. This is perfectly fine as it will all sort itself out by February 2016 when we are through the second Mercury Retrograde cycle, which will pass through your Tenth House of career. You are ultimately destined for the most fantastic success in 2019 and 2020 and even though the current zig-zag will take you up, down and sideways, it is actually part of what is to come. So trust yourself and be true to yourself. Keep on doing your Virgo signature performance, attending to meticulous detail in your quest to deliver something on-point. Honour your need to do the job really well. You are going to see massive reshuffles in your workplace or general field by February but if you just do what you do best, destiny will put you where you are meant to be. This then plays a part in the most staggering promotion, sought-after position or award 2019-2020 when you have your Jupiter Return in Capricorn in the Tenth House of ambition. If you do sign or accept signatures December, January then read the fine print on changes or delays with the process and get it in writing.

  32. Hi Jessica, I finally got my subscription and i love it, the service is worth it. I only have a question that maybe can’t get an answer. In summer 2009 I decided to be much more in control of my life if i wanted to achieve something, so i started to work on myself. I obtained something, something solid, and i proceed, but every now and the i was overwhelmed and stuck in the worst way possible (depression, freeze, not meeting deadline, self descrutcion) and everyte i got up again to work on myself and get better. I guess someone could say that this back and forth is life, and i would normally agree with that. But the outbursts, the silly self destruction mechanism clashed too much with a rational and the well educated and functioning mind i have. I first started to rely on astrology in the beginning, then i studied some phsychology for self analysis and that kind of worked, until i got some money to spend for a good therapy, last year in june. I was contemplating a yet failed attempt to get something started with the man i love when i took that decision. I felt a huge crisis was about to hit and i thought it was better to get a safety net. Well, it was hell instead. This particular person came back, in november. willing to try, and i hit every crazy i could. I was terrified. I wish i could show him my love but i just couldnt. We never got anything started. Meanwhile it was impossible for me to function due to the theraphy. At last, in june, he told exasperated to vanish from his life and my therapist gave me a diagnosis of a recovering borderline disorder. At first, i fought against the idea. I felt it wasn’t fair. I worked so hard to discover it was all in vain. Now i’m accepting it. It is so hard, no shorcuts, all pain.
    Fact is, i am lonely. I have a super group of friends and people whom love and accept me, but my family is invalidating, and i have no partner. I still love this man. I see no way for him to come back to me, but i’d like to. I dream about it.
    I never had a boyfriend in 15 years. I’m not lying to you when i say i’m beautiful and sweet and i’m rarely without no offers for dinner or hang out but i know what i like at first sight, and i couldn’t help of having feeling forthis guy at once. I’m starting to feel something in my chart might say that’s not my destiny. Something about my venus and my moon. He’s a capricorn, by the way. I just wish somehow we could rise from ashes…but i know everyone must face disappointment and not aspect too much. It just kills me to think that at 34 i might never know what is to feel reciprocate love.
    Thank you for your time, i hope i made myself clear in this letter.

    1. You sound as if you have really suffered through this and I am sorry you have been put through it. Unfortunately you have not logged in so I cannot see your birth chart. When you post again please let me know your main questions. You are very young at 34 and have a long life ahead of you so please don’t fret too much right now. All things are possible!

      1. I did! I just changed name to not reveal my name. 27/09/82, Fano (PU). I’ll be glad if stars can at least tell me where to head to.

        1. Name change is a classic outcome of Jupiter in Libra – and Mercury in Libra, in October 2016. I’m not sure you are logged in, though, as your birth chart is not showing up. Thank you.

          1. Hi Jessica…i’ve not change my name in real life 🙂 just here, on the post, after i red the comment policy note. I’m logged in right now. Do you see the chart now? Could you please help?

          2. Thank you. Aesculapia at 20 Scorpio in your Eighth House is the most important point in your chart. When it comes to sexually intimate financial agreements (Scorpio) or deadly serious paperwork about property, possessions or money (Scorpio) you are a miracle worker (Aesculapia) who can revive, resurrect and revitalise (Aesculapia) any situation which was dying, on the brink or even ‘over’. This is a major story for you in December when Jupiter moves to 20 Aries, Saturn moves to 20 Sagittarius and Uranus moves to 20 Libra. You have a milestone decision to make then about your house, apartment, land, money, business, possessions or charity. Find out more by picking up your ebooks and reading about those factors in your chart.

  33. Good Day
    I think I am correctly logged in …..trying to figure out if my previous message got through..I am a libra 10/18/1938 I have read your astrological predications but question i f I am a libra. I appear to have libra traits good and bad but so far this wonderful year has been dismal…….in all areas, when will it get better if ever…..or is it that I cannot see the sunshine.

    1. You have a Saturn transit going through the sign of Sagittarius, and so Saturn will conjunct (or sit on) a big part of your horoscope as he moves across this sign. Saturn describes slow, stuck and serious situations which can sometimes be rather sad too. This is temporary! Everyone has this cycle and this is your turn, as it takes 29 years for Saturn to arrive at this spot. Sagittarius rules your worldwide web, foreign, regional, travel, publishing or educational agenda. If you already find any of these aspects of life frustrating, you’ll know this is part of your issue. The common sense answer is to pull back on these and minimise their importance in your life, just until Christmas 2017 when Saturn leaves Sagittarius for good. In the meantime, you are one month into the new Jupiter in Libra cycle. You were recently given an opportunity to enhance your profile, position yourself in a much better light – or keep better company. People and organisations with tremendous prestige, respect or glamour have been circling you and I hope you said yes – but not only that – I hope you responded with huge enthusiasm and a willingness to give 200%. Know when an opportunity is staring you in the face and take it further. It’s like being a writer and realising you could become an Executive Producer on a project. It’s like being an actress and realising that a special new role, created by that writer, could make you a star – and force you to get fit.

      1. Good Day
        Jessica was gracious enough to answer my question and I had a follow up ,I realize you are so very busy can you tell me where on the website I can read about Saturn transiting Sagittarius and maybe I can fathom out the answer to my question
        Thanks for all you do

      2. You wrote to me that Saturn was transiting Saggitarius ,and it seemed that you suggested I withdraw until December 17 ……this is the work that I do internet blogs publishing and writing , after several years of a ailing husband and a daughter who had a TBI while in a marathon I I need to work, finances are at a very low ebb I am at a loss as I thought this was to be a good year and now after your response do not know how to handle .do I go into a hold or struggle through…have looked on your site for others who have similar problems to no avail.with the ailing husband it is difficult to leave on distant jobs although I make myself available

        1. Okay, not sure I would ever use the word ‘withdraw’ but more time and space for yourself, definitely. The only issues you have are with your blogs, publishing and writing which are long-term development not short-term gain. That is the 29 year Saturn in Sagittarius cycle as Saturn goes through your Ninth House and you have to jump hurdles one by one. If you saw Chariots of Fire you will remember the scene where Nigel Havers trains by taking each hurdle with a full champagne glass balanced on top, trying not to spill it. That is where you are at. Your rewards come, hugely, from the final quarter of 2018 when Jupiter goes into Sagittarius and everything you did now through 2017 pays off. The money? Okay, watch the world! You need to start looking at what the huge swings with currency, exchange rates, jobs, the sharemarket and the rest spell for you in November. This may seem remote and large but it will get you where you live. The US and UK are going through transformation and you can save or gain from this, even by identifying new markets, but you need to watch those headlines. They will come thick and fast shortly. Even the media mergers happening now are going to make waves in your industry.

          1. Thank you for your time, knowledge,and consideration. I think I now have the bigger picture.

  34. Hi Jessica,
    Having just signed up and read the Libran horoscope for next year, I am very excited and relieved to see that Jupiter is going to give a much needed boost in my finances! We have had a lot of upheaval and stress in this area since 2012. My birth details are 11/10/59 , Melbourne Australia at approx. I was just wondering if, given that my rising sign is also Libra and I have a some planets in Libra as well, I can be a little more confident that this beneficial aspect will apply. I love reading your forecasts and look forward to the extra content available in the membership. I have been to a couple of the meet ups in Melbourne and am going to try and get there this Friday. Hope to see you then.
    Thanks Jessica,
    Fiona S. x

    1. Thank you Fiona. And you are very welcome at the next Melbourne astrology evening, this Friday (bring your chart). You will really enjoy Jupiter’s transit through Libra and into Scorpio as well. In fact, the financial opportunities or solutions will happen very quickly for you, in October and November 2017. You can gain a lot just from tracking the economic, business and financial news not only in Australia but around the world, now through the third week of November, as a great deal of what is about to change, will directly affect you later on. One example of that might be an emerging market – another might be currency exchange – one more example might be changes with taxation or property prices. You will see why in one year’s time.

  35. Hi Jessica, firstly I’m a new member and am LOVING the plethora of information on the site, very insightful & well put together. Secondly, I’m having a large number of blocks/stagnantion in various areas of my life. I’m trying to sell a property currently but having no luck. Also having tax issues come up & general financial instability with large unexpected outgoings in the last few months. I’ve been single for the past 3 yrs too & feel blocked in this area of my life also. Would love any insight into this so I can understand the purpose of these trying times! Was super excited to see the good energy with Jupiter in my sign but it’s yet to manifest!
    Wishing you all the best, Victoria

    1. Thank you, I am glad you are enjoying your membership. Jupiter in Libra is about your image, full stop. Not so much other aspects of your life. It is great for enhancing your reputation or brand, adding lustre to your name (often by association with amazing people) or helping relaunch your look – yet tax, property, money are nothing to do with Jupiter in Libra. You just missed a chance to date someone. You may even have had two chances. Maybe neither person appealed? Maybe you didn’t read the signals or chase hard enough? There will be more chances in 2017 so don’t worry. Your financial situation is not your fault. It is the massive Saturn in Scorpio cycle which brought the world to a grinding halt late 2012 through 2015 with a hangover in 2016. Use the New Moon near Halloween 2016 to read the times. To quote Mr. Dylan, they are a changin’ and you need to see what is possible now. Jupiter will do you one favour after another but the trick with this cycle is to realise when you are being thrown an unusual solution or opportunity. It will not be perfect but it will be good.

      1. Hi Jessica, thanks for your comment. Very insightful. Good to know that about Jupiter! I was a little perplexed by the missing out on dating someone as I haven’t met anyone recently who was even single. Do you see love life improvements over the next year from my chart? I’ll keep an eye for what happens around the new moon in terms of financial opportunities! All the best.

        1. Thank you. Perhaps you have been around someone who was interested in you (although you were not interested in them)! It does happen on this cycle. You definitely have at least one potential date by next year, and more – depending on how you feel about making compromises.

  36. Hi Jessica. You had recommended I use the love oracle to seek answers regarding two possible love interest in my ex (pieces) and a coworker(gemini). I haven’t been able to get the information I needed however from an astrological level the Gemini was going to be hard work until Christmas 2017 and she could become pregnant. Well you were right on that. I want to know if my future involves my ex. The library birthday horoscope talks about balancing the scales with the person that matters most to me, are you referring to her?

    1. Yes, the odds were high that the Gemini woman would become pregnant. You actually need to balance the scales with both women and this will happen more easily at Christmas. The question ‘Is this fair?’ is the right one to ask with both of these people. Christmas is a time to remember Christian values and ‘Do unto others as you would unto yourself’ is the golden rule. You would personally find it a huge relief to leave 2016 in a good place in regard to both these women. In 2017 you have a choice to make about one of them, or even a new third person, and March-April will show you why.

  37. Thank you Jessica. Can’t wait to see what 2017 has for me. It’s been a tough year. Does my membership renew automatically? I don’t have access to the Oracle.

  38. Hello Jessica,
    Thank you for your amazing readings! I have been reading your predictions for a long time now and can’t live without my premium content. As you have correctly predicted life has been pretty tough for my husband and I since about 2008 (he’s a Capricorn 7th January 1959). We are in the process of moving house again and it will be the 4th time we have moved since 2011. Can I afford to be optimistic about this move? Any insight you have would be very much appreciated.

    1. Thank you so much. I am sorry you are going through such a tough time – these cycles are meant to stretch us – but they also pass. I am not surprised about the moving, but on the plus side, each time you do it, your husband finds greater freedom. The lack of stability and permanence must be too much, though (especially with your chart) so you can relax about the long-term as from May 2018 you will find more stability. In actual fact December is quite useful because he will work with the idea that when the home, local area, or home life changes – you change with it. This becomes easier for him near Christmas and it will help you as well.

  39. Hi Jessica,

    I am always amazed at your accuracy. My husband of almost 20 years has left me. I am beyond sad and lost. I am a Sag and he a Libra. I read his and my horoscopes and was shocked at your accuracy. His birthday 10-19-1978 born per his mom approximately at 2:30 a.m. Your scope says he leaves which he did. My question is, do you see any reconciliation? Any chance to save our marriage? How will I be and come out of this painful time. Thank you for your hard work, but mostly your accuracy. Hope you are having a better time and enjoy the holidays!

    1. I am so sorry about this shocking loss. Sometimes I wish the astrology was not so accurate. Pluto is moving across your Nodes in Cancer/Capricorn (home and title – so, your home together and your role as partner) – and this only happens every 240+ years. Pluto tends to feel as if something/someone is trying to take over, and yet by using your willpower and self-control to create your own strategy, you find your power. By this time next year you will be more empowered than you thought possible and I think you will either change the look and feel of your home or even move. It may feel intense but you will also be stunned at how much more potent you feel in the world. Yes, there is a good chance to save your marriage but please don’t focus on that now. It is far more important for you to look at the children you had/did not have and begin to process that, because that is actually what this story is all about for you. For him it is about learning some difficult lessons about what is fair, just, equal about men and women, but also what is literally fair – legal – about any partnership which must end or change. As you will be in shock for a while, please try some meditation techniques and healing techniques using Betty Shine, my old favourite, whose work is free to listen to at YouTube. I can also tell you that someone in spirit is supporting you and looking after you.

      1. Thank you so much. This helps me cope with the pain. I love your last comment. I am not working. Will I find work in my field doing what I did or in Management? Will I do well and make a lot of money? Woth no job and separated I am trying to be positive. Thank you fkr your time and response at the most difficult time in my life. Thank you so very much and happy thanksgiving!!!!!!

        1. You have Jupiter in Capricorn in the tenth house of ambition. You are protected in career matters, so even when the worst happens (unemployment) you are always given help, support and backing. Looking at the long-term, 2019 and 2020 will change your career path dramatically as Jupiter returns to Capricorn (The Jupiter Return) but is also joined by Saturn, Ceres and Pluto in the Tenth House of your horoscope. It would not be unusual to switch fields or professions at this time. Study would work extremely well for you – or training. It would need to proceed slowly. You have the potential to create more than one string to your bow, so if you are not studying (free) or engaged in work experience, you may want to pursue that. With immediate effect.

  40. Thank you Jessica, I am happy things will get easier for my husband. The last five years have been really hard for him . xxx

  41. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you so much for the content that you publish on your site!!!!I love the information that you have provided and it is very helpful!!!! My question is in terms of Jupiter in my sign. I guess I thought that things would get better with Jupiter. The last few years have been full of unexpected changes and, to be honest, I am exhausted. I need positive change and I keep looking for the silver lining, but it seems like every time something positive happens, something profoundly negative comes along just after. I have many blessings in life and I truly am appreciative of them, but sometimes it feels like I am in the ocean and have been hit by a wave and knocked under water and just when I reach the surface and can take a breath, another comes along and pushes me under again. Since Jupiter entered my sign the following has happened: I ended up in the emergency room twice with two very unexpected and non-related illnesses; I found that my child had head lice from school while we were 1000 miles away from home visiting family that took a week and a half to eradicate because it had spread to all of us, including a very itchy and stressful two day drive home; my washer broke and leaked all over the place; my dryer broke; the valve on my tire broke off when I was filling the tire with air; and now I am sick again. All of these things have cost me an enormous amount of money and are increasing my debt, most of which I haven’t been able to afford, which has me stressing and trying to balance all of the unexpected expenses. Additionally, a man that I was best friends with for any years and in a relationship with for the first six months of this year, who lived 2600 miles away, who I love still very deeply, even after finding out that he lied to me when he said he was in the middle of divorce (which is why it ended with us), moved back to the area and acted as if he didn’t even know me and I was no more than a stranger on the street two weeks ago when I saw him, which hurt me more than anything my ex-husband that had multiple affairs starting in 2009 had ever done to me. Now, I am sick yet again with the flu. I’m barely able to sleep, I am sad and crying all the time, all the while telling myself that it will get better and that good things are coming. At this point, though, after all of the things that I have been through since about 2009 with job changes and life changes and living arrangement changes and being pummeled in the love department and an unexpected car crash last year and unexpected changes with friends and groups, I am just ready to give up. Is there anything to look forward to? I’ve tried fixing my budget, meditating, practicing positive visualization, praying, putting myself out there and dating. The truth is, though, that I don’t know how much more I have left in me. So, astrologically speaking, do things look like they might improve?

    1. You poor thing! First of all, Jupiter in your sign is really just about your image – relaunching yourself – which will happen when you are over the flu and moving into a new way of eating. I am going to zero in on the body first because it is also having an impact on your mood, thus the relatively small things like washer/drier/tyres are knocking you sideways. Whenever people use a lot of ‘water’ language to describe what they have been going through I look for Neptune transits and you mention waves/water/crying and of course it was your washer at fault. You were born with Neptune at 18 Sagittarius and for the first time in 29 years Saturn (stuck, slow situations) is slowly moving across that. You also have transiting Neptune at 9 Pisces right opposite your Minerva at 9 Virgo in the Sixth House (the body). Of all the stuff you are dealing with, it is aspects to your natal Neptune, but also transiting Neptune (double whammy) which tells you what is going on. So begin with grounding the body. (The flu is also obviously about Neptune stuff). Don’t even think about anything else until you have found the right way to eat and exercise. I think it is worth a long search online. I am very impressed with the Medical Medium Anthony William. He is endorsed by Gwyneth Paltrow and Naomi Campbell and he has some radical views on how our food affects us. What I like about him is that he is generous with his information, so please Google his website and see what he has to say. Of course, you need to find your own path. But…you were born with Minerva in Virgo in the Sixth House, so you know how to do this. You are just being temporarily side-swiped by Neptune. In actual fact I think the whole relaunch over the next few months will be partly about that. You will want to be as healthy as possible and thus will actually end up eating what works (which is actually very affordable) as opposed to what, frankly, has not served you at all. I actually think having a different relationship with your body will also be the key to different kinds of relationships. Those are also on offer. You are one of those people whose body affects her mind and mood quite strongly and you may not even be aware of that…if you think about the massive effect one tiny pill (contraception) can have on you, imagine what it does to you, to be eating X, Y or Z in quantities, every day of your life. The nice thing about trying a different way of eating, especially if you are willing to try Anthony’s recipes, is that you can test it for yourself. See how you look and feel in two weeks, maybe four weeks if you are prepare to hang in there. I think you need to earth yourself with fruit and vegetables (of the earth) and also put your feet on the ground and walk. You need to connect with the earth and know that you belong here. What you are doing – visualisation, prayer, meditation – is actually quite Neptunian. So when you are having a major Neptune transit, it’s actually quite useful to do something that’s real and solid instead. As for the man…I am afraid that he was part of that whole cycle. But like the lice, he has gone. Deep breath. Start real healing. Own your Minerva in Virgo.

  42. Gosh thank you, you were right!!! about bridges. It made no sense to me at the time but I thought about it before thinking I will just wait and see. I not only had to smash a bridge and then rebuild and mend it. It made me notice that I tend to bury things that are uncomfortable or difficult to deal with but sometimes you just cannot or should not do that. This aside, I really hope to be doing something amazing inspiring creatively and work wise in 2017, will my chart or Jupiter in Scorpio help me with that?

    1. I am glad you understand the message about the bridge. Creativity is not so much Scorpio – that is finance, property, business – but you are on track for developing a completely different relationship with money, trade, business, charity, selling, buying, collecting – and so on. Perhaps you already explored this earlier in your life. As Jupiter slowly opposes your Taurus stellium, which rules all these things, it would be worth exploring what is new and important, no matter if it’s an online innovation similar to Paypal or eBay, or something far more left-field. By 2018 you are definitely in the zone to be one of the innovators and pioneers and by 2019 what you discovered first will become mainstream to many. I see Taurus dominant in the charts of people who drop out and turn to alternative lifestyles where they barter what they need, grow their own food on their own land and so on.

  43. Hi Jessica. You mentioned to me back in Oct 29 post that I should be asking “is this fair” with both my love interest. Why is that so?. Also, what will March/ April 2017 show me? I am still not over my ex and supposedly she is getting married in that month. She is a pieces born 03/03/87. The libra birthday horoscope saids I will balance the scale with the person that most concerns me, is it referring to her.

    1. Yes, you will balance the scales with your ex and that is why I mentioned March-April and you now tell me she is getting married. One conversation, letter, e-mail or call should help you to ‘equalise’ with her and be at peace. I hope that happens and it works for you.

  44. Hi again Jessica:
    I started a message to you earlier but goofed!!! I have just become a premium member which is a Christmas gift to myself! Since my husbands (May 3/45) stroke a few years ago life has been not been easy. His health is in decline, I have had to list our home, I was recently laid off from an 8 year employment. We are planning on moving to eastern Canada (NB) when our home sells. Will things work out or the very least become easier?

  45. Hi Jessica. I have met a wonderful women of which happens to be an aquarius born 01/21/76. We have so much in common however I feel she is hiding something from her past. On my previous post you mention I have a choice I need to make and march/April will show me why. Is that choice having to pick between her and another women (ex). My Feb horoscope talks about babies in my life. I personally don’t have children but both of these women do. Which of the two is more likely to give me kids and is that the one that I will be choosing. Thx

    1. Your life is reflecting your horoscope and your horoscope is reflecting your life. Yes, you do have a choice to make and I reckon you need to use your Astrology Oracle, following the spread patterns I recommend for relationships, love and sex. This may help you get clear.

  46. Hi Jessica

    Couple of questions:

    – I mentioned last week that I’ve been given a rebalancing chance and taken it and let known my full position with significant other. And again I’ve had to make the position clear this week – so this will continue, I suppose, even if my mind/stance remain the same until May? Am I supposed to change my mind or an event may prompt that?

    – There’s a new and unexpected for me to undertake this year, financial decision in relation to selling of a property. I’m unclear as to any months to avoid or am I now in the clear to a) start planning initial items now until June and b) sell in July? Any dates that are good or it’s all good?

    Thank you.

    1. Shaolee, you will find that the balancing/rebalancing goes on for quite a while with this person, but by the time the Jupiter in Libra transit in October is over, you will have been given lots of good chances to sort out a different kind of relationship, or friendship, if that is what you prefer. It will work in your favour as Jupiter cycles always do. If you want to sell a property, that’s really not surprising as you have Mercury in the early degrees of Scorpio, in the Eighth House of serious finance, houses and apartments. Jupiter will cross your Mercury, starting in a small but powerful way, in October 2017 so you will have an amazing opportunity to either buy a new place (if you’ve sold by then) or actually commence your own sale. You have Pluto at 4 Scorpio, Mercury at 5 Scorpio so this is life-changing stuff, as Jupiter conjuncts both. By 2018 you could be in a considerably more powerful position with your house or apartment.

  47. Hi Jessica,

    Just wondering if you can give me some insights into my career and love life for 2017. Both have been fairly dismal since 2009!
    I have a number of Libra factors and Scorpio factors, with Picses rising.

    Thank you in advance

    1. Mercury at 21 Libra could help you in love and work, if you pursue partnership. You were born to ‘talk’ duets and double acts with Mercury in your Seventh House and we have some stunning, astonishing transits across that – until October. I do wonder if you have headed off potential partnerships of a sexual or work nature since September last year – it is really surprising that you haven’t taken the bait when it was offered. Sometimes radical change is so extreme that we walk straight past who/what is on offer. However – a couple of Batman-and-Robin duets are available to you, if you want them. At least one will be romantic in nature. Better get down that pole and run.

      1. Thanks Jessica! I love the way you write…it often makes me laugh. Down that pole i go 🙂

  48. Hello. On March 30, 2017 I posted 2 comments in the Aries Birthday 2017-2018 section instead of here, b/c I, like another poster, also don’t feel like a Libra (feel more like my Aries Ascendant 8 deg). (I have Leo Moon 11 deg, which I feel more as well & Venus in Scorpio which has always been very strong in me I feel. I feel it’s even ruled a lot of my major decisions. ). I do have 3 major planets in Virgo (Pluto, Mars & mercury) in 6th hse, but again, Really don’t feel like a Virgo either). My Libra sun 2 deg is in 6th hse and yes, my job was/is more important to me than other things in life (such as kids – childless by fanatical choice) (I find no interest whatsoever in/don’t ever fraternize with kids, kids organizations or people with kids either, anything related to kids bored me into a coma)…..but that is the case for many women in this modern age, not necessarily an astro thing I think….
    If posting in Aries birthday is incorrect, pls move my comments to this article’s area, where they might be more helpful to the general community members. Thanks!

      1. Super timing Jessica! Just last night, I was telling a friend, how – after reading more Premium Content (wow!) – that Maybe I had a ‘stellium in Scorpio’ but wasn’t 100% sure (Jupiter 7 deg 8th hse, Venus 15 deg 8th hse, Neptune 28 deg 8th hse, & asteroid Bacchus 7 deg 8th hse). The article on the Scorpio New Moon Oct. 30, 2016 w/ the ‘factors’ bit… ah-ha!
        Perhaps the hardest time ever (dubbed: “Halloween Hospital Hell” 2016) might be a ‘culmination’ of all the years of crap (crap, literally) & the ‘catalyst’ to what I’ve been hoping for, for years (repair/resolution/regeneration)… Only time will tell. Thanks Jessica, your skills & generosity = unparalleled! I’ll be advising Everyone who’s interested in Astrology to get a Premium Membership on your site.

          1. Jessica, if I may ask 1 last thing:
            Which monthly forecasts should I read? Libra or Scorpio?

            (I do apologize for my confusion.)
            (You wrote that I am ‘…more Scorpio than anything else…’ & yet I do indeed Now see my Chart’s loaded Virgo 6th hse, on top of it all – so bizarre I don’t feel ‘Virgo’ in the slightest.)

          2. Always read your Sun Sign for predictions. It shows the spotlight on you – the main news story of your life – if your life was on TV the Sun would be the lights on the camera. If you want to go beyond the news headlines for the back story, look to the personal chart. In the first instance, though, it is your Sun Sign forecast which will show the big picture.

  49. Hi Jessica,

    I am simply amazed by my birthday horoscope reading! Despite reading this today, you were so accurate about some very turbulent times in June, October 12th/13th, and December 10th of 2016. I recently went through a very painful (even though amicable) break up with a man whom I consider(ed) “the one”… and as I am a true Libra…this has been taking quite the toll on me. I have a very important career determining exam (my score determines my specialty in the field) coming up on the 17th of April, and I just can’t seem to get my head in the game completely. I had actually come upon your website while trying to assess what the stars had in store for me that day. Any advice?
    Lastly, above you mentioned that my confidence would skyrocket if I could remix the dynamic duo, as well as a chance for reconciliation or potential new romance around October 2nd…do you think there is a chance for us to get back together (his info: 01/07/91 LAT: 43.50646, LONG: 18.77854) if we adhere to the lessons of space and freedom?

    Thank you for your amazing guidance and insight!


    1. Thank you C – although I am sorry you had that very tough transit with your boyfriend. Your exam is best treated as a life chapter which will be rewritten at a later date, which should take the pressure off. You are sitting this exam on Mercury Retrograde so it may not be the full, final, fixed and finished story with that particular subject or task for you. If you want to get back together with your former lover, your chances are good, until October. It’s worth a shot.

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