Released on 1st August 2016 as an ebook, 2020 Astrology – Your 5 Year Horoscope Guide by Jessica Adams is based on the 12 million hit website, and covers every aspect of modern 21st century astrology. It’s your way of discovering your personal birth chart, as you’ve never seen it before – and predictions through 2020.
About 2020 Astrology * Introduction * Sun Signs * Moon Signs * Welcome To The New You * Your Ascendant * Your Horoscope Factors * Your Aspects * Using Your Chart * Mod Astrology * Fortuna * The Joy of Jupiter * Saturn * Freedom! Uranus * Pluto * Love * Money * Your Body * Mercury Retrograde * Dates With Destiny * Life On Mars * Your Venus Return * Dogstrology * Eclipses * Full Moon * New Moon * Here Comes 2020 * Is America Capricorn? * Sacred Geometry
About The Book
2020 Astrology – Your 5 Year Personal Horoscope Guide is interactive, so that you can read chapters on your computer, Kindle or iPad and refer to your own birth chart on Jessica’s website at the same time. Regular updates, exclusive extras for Premium Members and tie-in events around the world will also appear here. Visitors to have first chance to add the ebook to their library – it will be released to Amazon later this year.
From Jessica
Thanks for dropping by to find out more about my new ebook. When we found out that our website had been visited 12 million times in 12 months I thought it would be great to give readers like you even more as a way of thanking you for an incredible year. This book is a fully updated and extended edition of 2020 Vision which was published by Penguin Books almost ten years ago. Astrology has changed dramatically since then with the demotion of Pluto and I needed to rework that book! Beautifully designed by Creative Director Mark Elder, this is one to take away on your next vacation or to smuggle into the bath. Best of all, with this book and your birth chart, you can find out who you are.
Exclusive extras which accompany the book, include –
Find Your Ascendant or Rising Sign Without a Birth Time
All About Your Ascendant or Rising Sign and Your Appearance
The Astrology of Harry Potter and J.K.Rowling
Your Saturn Sign and House and Your Saturn Return

3 Responses
Looking forward to Astrology 2020. I started this journey a few years ago with the Cosmo, bedside astrologer which gave the 1 year outlook cant wait to start planning in 5 year spans. Now if I could just get a plan for lunch, Lol, Have a great day.
Hi Jessica,
Very much looking forward to reading your new book. Thanking you in advance.
regards CR
Congratulations Jessica for the book. MINAXSHI
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