Your Aquarius Side and Friendships to 2023
If you have a stellium in Aquarius (more than three factors in that zodiac sign) then your Eleventh House of friendships and groups is unusually packed. What happens to those friendships when Saturn, Jupiter and then Pluto all pass through Aquarius? Have friends been lost, or has the friendship changed? That’s typical of this long cycle.
53 Responses
Wow. I’ve been looking forward to this all month long. Thank you so much for posting it Jessica!
I have significant factors in Gemini, Leo and Sagittarius, so this is all resonating with me on many, many levels. I’ve been toying with the idea of launching a blog for a while now – would it be wise to do that in September?
I’m excited and a tiny bit petrified to watch this unfold over the next 18 months. I’ve been told that 2017 is going to be my year. Now there’s no denying it. 😉
Your blog will skyrocket by October. It will grow in 2017 or create a green shoot, like a good tree, which becomes an even bigger success story in your life garden!
Thanks, Jessica!
I’ve been waiting for this horoscope :-). One thing in curious about, though, is that as a Leo, I’ve never wanted kids, and I’m not very comfortable around most of them. I’m going to be 50 next month, and single at the moment.My kids have four legs and fur! Would pets count, or am I likely to have to deal with a partner with kids or grandkids?
I love animals as much as you, but they don’t count as children in astrology. The younger generation (born 20+ years after you, so 30 and under) may come to you through a new lover’s family or godchildren. Sometimes the connection is paid or unpaid work. A godchild and even a boys’ school may be the path towards these Leo/Fifth House experiences. You’ll know it when you see it. Take your time and do some homework/research. Don’t just plunge in, especially in August.
My love life has been a disaster for the last 5 years…I’m Leo sign, Leo ascendant, Mars In Sagittarius, Venus in Libra…..Will I find Love from now through 2017?..Thank you 🙂
You have been suffering through Saturn in Scorpio in your Eighth House, hitting all your Scorpio stuff, which rules sexually intimate relationships which always involve money, possessions or property (even if it’s just wanting to name someone in your will!) You are in a fantastic position to heal from the past, get closure, roll away obstacles to happiness in relationships and be with someone new, starting in the second week of September, with a solid opportunity by October 2017. And the best of British luck, you deserve it after all the merde you have been through.
Hi Jessica. Thanks for this very thorough birthday horoscope. Your interpretations are amazing. I’m curious how the Jupiter in Libra cycle will affect my relationship with a former partner. I have Pluto at 2 Libra and he has Proserpina at 2 Libra. In the myth, Jupiter intervenes to bring Proserpina back to Earth and her mother Ceres but Proserpina has eaten a pomegranate so a compromise is struck and her time is divided between the her husband and her mother. What should I expect when Jupiter reaches 2 Libra later this year? My partner was born April 29, 1974 in Long Island, New York at 11:30am.
I love the fact you are working with the mythology. Okay, you have many Libra/Leo factors in your personal birth chart (Seventh House of partnership and Fifth House of children, godchildren, nieces and nephews). September 2016 through October 2017 will change your life for the better, either with this person or a superior lover. This transit is not necessarily about you, for this man. It could easily be about another woman, so be aware of that. Just focussing on yourself, you will be given the chance to remove any obstacles to a happy equal relationship within weeks and by 2017 could easily be in a balanced relationship, if you do the work. Use your journal to sketch, take notes and use your timing.
No, because I use the Natural House system. This is for people born with the Sun in Leo.
Even though I have Moon & Asc in Leo, I was so eagerly waiting for this write up, like always ☺ Thank-you
Will Jupiter trine Psyche, Chiron, Proserpina mean any significant, particularly, Psyche as it with coincide with Sq my natal sun. Right?
And could you elaborate when you meant Juno enters Sagittarius “to commit” as it will trine my natal moon & GO over my natal mercury, Uranus.
Honestly I am so loving astrology. Because my chart since last November is getting lit up regularly . So I am excited to use whatever I have learnt from you & other astrologers.
Happy Leo month
That’s great feedback to hear, thank you very much. I have to point out you won’t be at all affected by the Leo Birthday Horoscope as it’s based on the solar chart (Sun Sign House System) and won’t apply. You’re asking about Jupiter in Libra – yes, this will benefit you, indirectly, as you are going to see people enter business partnerships, get married, leave business partnerships, divorce – and all this action involving one or more duets or couples will have a beneficial effect on you through six degrees of separation. One example would be a potential lover becomes available because she leaves a bad marriage. Another would be a new employer who begins his own company with his wife, and is hiring. Watch this unfold slowly from September.
Jessica, thank you so much for this post, which I consider as an early birthday gift 🙂
Yesterday I was going through last year’s birthday horoscope, and – seeing things in retrospect – it is really amazing how accurate it was! Thank you for doing this for us!
As far as the future is concerned, I am still restless about finding a professional project that I can really belive in. I am assuming it is courtesy of Pluto trolling my 6th house for such a long time. Is there something to look forward to?
Also, as another member has mentioned, there has been an on-going romantic disaster for the past 4 and half – 5 years. Most of the people I have met (and keep meeting) are the shallow type, not looking for anything committed. I currently have Saturn transiting my 5th house – I really want to have a child, but I am starting to lose hope about meeting the right partner. Are there any good news in this area?
I’m glad your birthday horoscope was accurate for you. Your Descendant is 25 Scorpio so Saturn was right on that, also at 25 Scorpio, and of course the Descendant rules your partner and Scorpio rules intimate relationships where the money, house or apartment is also involved. You should be hopeful (in fact you should be wildly optimistic) as once you are into 2018 Jupiter goes into Scorpio and in 2018 he’s in Sagittarius so keep on dating/looking but remember the best in love and possibly parenthood or stepparenthood/godparenting is yet to come – we’re looking at 2018-2019. There are professional projects to believe in, too, but you have to take a risk.
Hi Jessica, thanks for the horoscope, I had been eagerly awaiting it.
Quick question – I find myself at a cross roads with regards to my work, I just cant seem to find the passion or get excited about it anymore – which was very much the case earlier. Equally i am searching for more meaning to my life and i feel for the first time that I would be content if i have kids and a family – but no man in site.
I was wondering with all the talk on children, do you possibly see a love, long term relationship for this coming birthday year for me? Thanks much in advance!
You need a more powerful job, or you need to look for greater power in your current position. There will be changes in December, January when you can make a move towards that. You will have a chain of opportunities to get into a relationship or restart the old one, starting September 2016, throughout 2017 and into 2018 as you have Libra/Scorpio factors which will bring satisfying choices. Don’t sit on your hands waiting for Jupiter, though, get out there and use the chances you will be given. You could easily be in a commitment by 2018.
Thank you, I was so eager to read my birthday horoscope ! I have a clothes store in France but my husband and I have started an e-shop and blog. We’ve been working very hard on this website for a year and the feedback is positive. This could be a good year to express myself and write more, as this last year I had a lot of trouble writing and getting the message across ! We’ve been putting off for a long time now the idea of travelling to find new items for our store, So I guess this will be the year !
On the other hand though, I’m struggling as a parent…I have a teenage daughter from my first marriage and she and my second husband don’t get along. Not easy. Also my finances have been pretty tight for the last couple of years, once jupiter is our of Virgo does there seem to be something positive in my finances for 2017?
I’m glad you like your birthday horoscope, I will pass that onto my webmasters who make it all look so goo. Okay, so the situation with your teenage daughter will improve dramatically from Christmas 2017, but until then you need to get good advice from books, websites and/or counsellors on dealing with adolescent girls and also second marriages/blended families. That will really help you so you are not doing this by yourself. You have the Nodes in Scorpio/Taurus so were hit very hard by Saturn in Scorpio. The worst is over and this is the hangover, with progress in fits and starts from 2nd August and a new beginning possible in October/November. Definitely focus on the internet, public relations, advertising, promotion, social media, blogging with your e-shop and as a little experiment, use your journal to set goals and see what happens in the first week of October. I suspect that you have been given benefits and advantages which may not be about cash, but cash-in-kind (for example, possessions or property) over the last 12 months as any Leo who has not seen a steep rise in income will have at least seen huge savings in other areas, lent items, free access to precious objects etc.
Dear Jessica,
Thanks so much for this really interesting birthday horoscope. I too have been looking forward to it! I have lots of Leo factors and my life is currently a thesis to finish and an ex-lover who I have gently been moving away from who also has a Leo sun sign extremely close to my own birthday. Lots to think about. If there is there anything that you can add I would be extremely grateful.
Best wishes
Thank you! The thesis may seem like it’s never finished, because even if you hand it in, the discoveries go on until May 2018. You will never regret studying, though, as the long-term future will reveal to you just how much incredible learning you did in these years. It’s the kind of learning that changes you forever. You are in the best place in 12 years to get the right closure/new chemistry with your ex, from September 10th.
Hi Jessica,
I started reading your astrology years ago when I was in a legal quagmire from 2012 to 2015 and then another one blew up from 2015 that is still unresolved. My childhood family has been challenging too. And for all my efforts to change my situation, it has felt like I am stuck and nothing will move forward. But I stumbled upon your astrology sometime in 2012 and it gave me hope. I wonder if anything will change for me this year?
You were born with Vesta conjunct Apollo at 2 Cancer in your Fourth House of family. You need to find out what the pattern is with one male/two or more females. A father with an ex-wife, new girlfriend and two daughters is one example. A little boy who has a mother, sister and no father is another one. Look at your family tree. Then look up Vesta on this site and how to deal with it. You will get healing and closure with the family situation from the final quarter of next year and by 2018 will have moved on. The legal situation I can’t comment on without seeing all the charts. In general, should you be hopeful about life? Hell, yes. In fact you’re going to love a new project (in your life by October) so much.
Hi Jessica, I too am 50 this year and really looking back, I struggle to see a time where I was completely happy with my love life for any length of time – I am currently (almost) alone again and have been for 2 years, I have a very on/off relationship which although I feel he is the love of my life and I have known him since we were 16, he isn’t available and feel I have had the wool pulled over my eyes regarding any feelings he has for me, so I do realise its time to get rid and move on but it feels very empty and wonder if you can see when this will change and if there is any hope for an old soul!
You have a vast stellium in Leo in the Fifth House of your horoscope, so the answer to your question is basically motherhood and the choices you made to bypass pregnancy or step-parenting (I am assuming you are child-free as you don’t mention your children). Age is irrelevant in astrology and you are never too old to marry or move in with someone new – or have a two-home relationship without living together. The choices you made about babies in your past have set up your entire life story/love story in quite a fated way and in many ways you are dealing with that bottom line. Digging more deeply into how you would feel about step-parenting, co-godparenting, becoming an Aunt by marriage (or even Great Aunt!) in future will unlock a lot of possibilities you are not seeing at the moment. You do need to have an honest conversation with this man and the Jupiter conjunction to your Moon in September (at 0 Libra) would be ideal. I suspect September-October will completely change your destiny anyway, in terms of what you learn and discover (at last) about love, but if you ever wanted to time ‘the conversation’ with this person, the next few weeks is astrologically amazing.
Thank you very much Jessica spot on although it wasn’t a choice to be child free but that is probably the biggest issue thank you so much
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for posting this birthday horoscope. I read Your horoscope every day and it has cheered me up and helped me go through hard times.
I got broken hearted in july and I have been trying to get over him. I feel kind of ok now. However I am not so sure if I can meet someone new. I sometimes wish my ex would come back. I wonder if I can find my new love?
Lots of love from Japan,
I’m really pleased that astrology has helped you get through hard times and cheered you up. You have a Libra stellium. You were born for partnership. Not just sexual – also professional. In fact, you may have two or more partnerships in your life. You will be over your ex from September 2016 and have the chance of a new relationship by October 2017. You may even have the chance of two new relationships as Jupiter moves through Libra.
Sorry, I thought I’d replied to this. Moon in Libra? You’re laughing. From September 10th you have 13 months to get over the break-up. You will either meet a new potential lover, or this other idiot will sort himself out and come back to you. Either way you can’t lose! Waving to Japan.
Hi Jessica! I’m brand new here and wanted to ask where I am with my birthday being in the cusp? Not sure where I fall between Leo and Virgo… I just look back after and see what points hit the mark. Most times it is both. This has been a crazy year and I’m hoping (at some point) I right my boat and have a bit of smooth sailing, even if for a brief time? Also, I am wondering if the love life will come back around to a glowing point?
This is a great website and thank you for providing a great ‘search’ tool!
You are a Leo with Virgo factors, so you no doubt express yourself as a Virgo, but actually, your future is all about being a Leo. Love? Okay, the question to answer now through Christmas 2017 is about your past, present or potential parenthood. You can’t even get onto sex, romance, marriage and the rest until you wrestle with a milestone issue about pregnancy, babies, children, stepchildren, godchildren, nieces, nephews and so on – yesterday or tomorrow – in the context of partnership. That’s the big deal and that’s what will influence your choices. Cycle ends Christmas 2017.
Jessica there were these psychologist authors u recommended somewhere on this site about relationships and who wrote about parenting th same authors have written about dating . Can u recall please and write them again . Thank you . It will be much help .
Long time ago, but I think you may be talking about my friend Steve Biddulph who has written about men, relationships and children in a very famous series of bestselling books.
Yes absolutely . Thank you so much. I am so sorry I bother you with so many silly questions just another one if you could answer as well . Thank you
Jessica regarding emigration . I am very keen in applying for canada pr in coming future . However I want to travel to some other country as well as I wish to pursue some course related to linguistics especially with specialisation in french . I am planning to change my career path as I really want to become a professor in near coming future . However, so far people have been a bit skeptical about my this emigration process because of my age which you can see from my chart I suppose . Can you please suggest anything if at all is it possible for me to emigrate abroad as well change my career path . Any dates timing tips will be really helpful which may strengthen my process . Thank you
If I was in your position I would not bother with Ninth House matters (emigrating, becoming a professor) until Saturn was out of Sagittarius and Jupiter was in! Alternatively I would make tracks now but take my time and accept obstacles and waiting games until Christmas 2017. In actual fact, what we are going to see when Jupiter moves into Sagittarius from the end of 2018 and into 2019 is a new world order, when it comes to emigration, trade, passports, visas, export, import, foreign students and so on. Jupiter is a problem solver and many of the issues which the world is fighting about now, like refugees, residency, open borders/closed borders and so on – will be sorted out from that point. At the moment we are well and truly in the heaviest of all Saturn in Sagittarius cycles so nothing is fast or easy. One thing you should look at with an eye on the future, is the use of the worldwide web to educate people using translation. Keep watching the technology there because by 2019 we are going to see the most exciting breakthroughs in online (and other emerging high-tech) advances which will bring students around the world to exactly the right professors, lecturers or teachers. Pursue French now, despite all the effort and see the pay-off later. Look at other languages too. We are moving towards a better educated world and you will be a direct beneficiary of that if you can be ahead of the trend.
Thank you Jessica . Loads of blessings to you
Dear Jessica,
I am brand new to your site, which looks amazingly rich with knowledge. Always had an interest in astrology, that I never pursued (went for academic study, psychology). For a very long time, I am struggling in the professional life, lack of meaning, purpose, autonomy and control, as well as injustice and discrimination, and cannot really stand to be a part of corporate life any longer. On the other hand, restructuring is occurring and getting severance payment would help me in going independent as an entrepreneur, in coaching field. What is the best timing that I go independent, and any other advise on this major change is hugely appreciated, as it does feel scary, and I truly would never want to go back to any company again.
Thank you and best regards!
Thank you. Actually, astrology is now back at the universities, where it started out, although for many years prejudice by academics and politicians kept it locked out of the curriculum. Very sad, considering it is an historic subject in its own right, far older than some forms of medicine or literature. You are feeling the full weight of the Pluto in Capricorn cycle and anticipating the arrival of Jupiter, Ceres and Saturn in Capricorn across 2019-2020, so your timing is right. As I am sure you know, Capricorn rules corporations and restructuring is common when Pluto goes through this sign. Further ahead, corporations as a whole will be in crisis 2019-2020 and be forced to change. In the here and now, if you intend to leave, get the paperwork finalised by 1st December if possible otherwise it will be delayed by Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn, until the end of January. The shadow period begins in early December. This restructure will be messy business with people changing their minds, computer issues, paperwork concerns and the rest as you will see December-January – so be aware of that. Coaching? I am not surprised you want to do that as you have Neptune in Sagittarius in the Ninth House of education and academia (which I guess is why you went to university in the first place). Just be aware that Saturn is also in Sagittarius until Christmas 2017 and areas like coaching will see the wheels turn rather slowly, not perhaps as rapidly and easily as you would like. It may be useful to look at alternative ways of making a living, too, and either give yourself time out over the Mercury Retrograde period of December-January to ultimately make final choices next year, or process the alternatives very quickly and make your move in November. With that chart, you could certainly find ingenious ways to work part-time in education, training, tutoring but you may find that now through 2017 is rather hard work, with the rewards coming later, when Jupiter moves into Sagittarius 2018-2019. By then the internet will have opened up new ways to learn and teach not possible in 12 years and the new technology will mean a booming business for the teachers, lecturers and coaches of the world.
Dear Jessica, thank you so very much for all your insights, I truly appreciate it. I will then await until spring next year to venture on my own, as you do not mention that I will be myself affected by layoff/severance in the near future. All the best to you!
Please read the answer again to make sure the answer is really clear – thank you. You also need to read ‘How to Use My Astrology’ on this website.
Thank you, Jessica, have done so, several times over, thanks again
Hi Jessica,
I have started interviewing with companies to change my job for a better pay. I had a disappointing experience yesterday and am feeling discouraged right now. But, I have to continue looking as I need the money to take care of my parents as well as to buy a house. Can you see any change of jobs with a pay increase in the next 6 months for me in my chart?
Thank You very much as always!
You may want to organise the career issues by 1st December if possible as we go into Mercury Retrograde in December and January when you will find that there are changes, delays and reversals affecting the interview process. I understand that you want more money to take care of your parents and also buy a home. You will be in your best cycle for doing this from October 2017 and by 2018 will have had two or three incredible chances to do just that. For the moment, see what you can do by 1st December. After that you will certainly have opportunities as your own workplace as well as other people’s will go through lots of reshuffles, chopping and changing and people will want replacements as well as part-time cover – however get it in writing and read the fine print as by February, you may find what was initially said is not the final outcome. Good luck!
Hello Jessica,
I have a question with regards to the relationship/child aspect of the horoscope.
I am currently single with no children but volunteer for a charity that deals predominately with children and have a job that works with the younger generation too. Would the work with children be the main aspect of my horoscope or does it look as if a relationship is possible too?
You are acting out that aspect of the Fifth House/Leo and as you will see by the end of next year at the very latest, a relationship is possible two. Actually, more than one if you want it. You are making changes in your life which will open the door to a really interesting lover!
Louise, thank you. It all happens next year with Mr. Leo, your ex partner but it is hard to say if this is with you or another woman. He does have choices – wider choices than he’s had for a while – yet you will see it all unfolding between 2017 and 2018. That Node in Aquarius will sort a few things out if you do not have closure and it sounds as if you don’t. The wheel turns in May. You can’t really rush these things but he does need to sort out the children he never had/had just before Christmas – that’s a lingering issue.
Louise, if you have a nine-year-old son and you have had fights that have been so worrying to neighbours they have ended up involving the police, then you need immediate help from professionals who are qualified to assist both you and your son in the situation. If you have not yet reached out to a telephone counselling service in your area, please do that immediately or ask sympathetic teachers at his school for advice. This is all about your son. He has to come first.
Hi Jessica
Love your horoscopes, it is just eerie how absolutely you say things which are bang on! I was just re-reading my birthday horoscope – the reason being I recalled that you had mentioned not to impulsively jump into anything August 22/23 2016 and around this period.
I forgot all about this and just had an oops moment – I was literally swept off my feet by a guy I met exactly around this time. It’s pretty much over now as he went from wanting to marry to being confused to developing cold feet and refusing to commit but still wanting me in his life; I have given him an ultimatum as else this would have gone in circles… I note you mention that whatever one did during this time would have heavy consequences for months to come…Is this over then? Or is there a second chapter perhaps waiting…. as you can see I am still hopeful! His date of birth of this is useful is jan 5, 1980, born in Kolkata at 1:06 pm…. thank you so much in advance
Thank you. I’m really pleased the astrology is so bang-on for you. The man who arrived near August 22nd (Mr. Capricorn) is actually all about the children next year. He has massive decisions to make about his role as father (yes, no or maybe). This is actually what is behind his behaviour. It is also not your problem. He will work it out, all by himself. It won’t be easy for him.
Hi Jessica, the cycle ‘destined to teach you about parenthood or substitute parenthood until December 20th’ is right here for me now! My husbands ex wife has told us that we have to have his son, who will be 16 in April, from the end of May, permanently after his GCSE’s. I have no children, we live in Switzerland currently but would have to return to the UK (!) if this was the case. My stepson is a Crystal child (I know this, his parents don’t, his mum absolutely thinks it is nonsense) and he shows many signs of OCD, ADD and autism in the material sense. Is this my calling? Is this my path? I feel that I am being drawn to heal him, but living with I’m permanently is a whole different ball game, he could be with us for another 10 years. Is this the ‘commitment move of Sagittarius Nov 6th to Feb 3rd…wed myself to something life changing ….role in the world of teenagers’ role for me? Any information would help. Thank you. Shelley
Shelley, there is past life karma at work here. Next year the Node moves into Leo and your Fifth House of stepchildren. It stays there until 2018 and crosses your Leo chart placements, one by one. By 2019 the karma is complete. The debts and credits will be balanced and life will feel full circle for you. Until that time you have some rewards to enjoy and some work to do, as well. Both your Leo chart and your personal chart show the same story. I do think 2017 will take up a lot of your time and energy but as you probably suspect, karma must be completed. You may well have known your stepson in another incarnation, playing different roles.
Hi Jessica,
I have lurked for a bit and finally became a member! Wonderful, informative articles and information! I created my chart here and found it to have a late Cancer ascendant here. I don’t usually use natural houses, but I’m intrigued! My Leo house is full and I’m wondering what kind of year I have left from now :). Thank you!
Your lurking days are over, welcome to Premium Membership. Thank you! Your Leo Stellium in the Fifth House is about lovers who bring pregnancy, or invite issues about step-parenting. Heavily Leo people usually find their love lives are changed forever by accidental pregnancy, or by a partner getting someone else pregnant – or asking them if they will become a stepmother/stepfather. Beyond that, the heavily Leo person is all about mentoring, teaching or guiding younger people. For you, this ranges from children through teens to twentysomethings. Your entire life is going to change in 2017 and 2018 regarding all of the above as the Node moves into Leo. What you did in 1999, 2000 will come back to you in some way. Karma is rotating and you have some rewards to collect and some closure to get.
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