Your Aquarius Side and Friendships to 2023
If you have a stellium in Aquarius (more than three factors in that zodiac sign) then your Eleventh House of friendships and groups is unusually packed. What happens to those friendships when Saturn, Jupiter and then Pluto all pass through Aquarius? Have friends been lost, or has the friendship changed? That’s typical of this long cycle.
194 Responses
Hi Jessica, l am a Cancerian born the 8th of July 1965 in Melbourne, Australia at 10.pm….l am so happy to hear that things are getting better for me towards the middle of this year and the next. Firstly l have my Sun in Cancer at 16′..l have 3 planets in Libra… Diana in Libra 21′ Mars in Libra 04′ Aesculapia in Libra 14′ and 2 planets in Scorpio..Moon in Scorpio 18′ Neptune in Scorpio 17’R…l am single and was wondering what my love life will bring me……l have never been in a serious relationship and was hoping its in the cards for me?? l would love to know your insights about my love life, and life in general……Thank you!!!
Wow, you’re going to benefit so much from Jupiter going into Libra from September 2016 and then forward into Scorpio the following year. Libra is about partners as you know, and Scorpio is about sexually intimate agreements over money, houses, apartments, business and so on. Jupiter is the great gardening planet. By that, I mean he does the weeding for you and digs up the rocks. He clears the soil for new people, new growth, new hope, new life. If you have prepared the ground then someone/something fabulous will take hold there in the final quarter of 2016. If you need to do some heart gardening, or other work on yourself/your world to clear the way – October makes it so easy for you!
Hi Jessica Your reading is so spot on I am crying. My child and I both have Cancer, Libra and Scorpio aspects the Saturn transit & alcoholic ex (stellium in Scorp/psychopath ) nearrly did us both in. I look forward to August as the child I raised won’t communicate with me and I don’t know what to do! Blessings to you Artemis
It will get better. Let time pass with your child. Sometimes the healing has to happen on the child’s timetable not the adult’s.
Hi Jessica
Thanks for your year ahead horoscopes I love reading them. So many of the Cancer aspects you mention are happening in my life, possible relocation overseas, selling property, ending relationship. Given my chart I am wondering which of the aspects you mention might most strongly affect me?
Thanks in advance
It’s a pleasure. I’m glad you are ‘doing’ your Cancerian chart. Your birth horoscope hasn’t popped up though – so I can’t read it, apologies.
Hello Jessica,
I just wanted to say thank you so much for such a beautiful, generous article.
It made me cry one minute and my heart leap with excitement the next.
I have Cancer Sun and Mars in Libra both at 17degrees.
I actually have 3 planets in Cancer (17 degrees Sun, 1 degree Mercury and 13 degrees True Node) and 4 planets in Libra (17degrees Mars, 24 degrees Pluto, 29 degrees Aesuclapia &22 degrees Diana) so your final paragraph was so wonderful to read.
I am so very excited and hopeful for all that this new phase will bring.
Kind regards,
Thank you so much. And it’s great to exchange tweets with you on Twitter too. You are strongly Cancerian, of course, so tap into July in a big way and figure out your next step with your people and your place. Your private chart is triggered then along with your public chart, later in October.
Helle. Thank you for the detailed bday horoscope. I am having Bacchus 19*Libra Proserprina 14* Libra ; Vulcano 17*Libra; South Node 05*Libra. Would appreciate if you could give me some dates on what should I expect regarding the much awaited big love. Thank you
You will experience whatever you need to move towards a great partnership. It may be closure with your ex. It may be an obstacle you need to remove from your life. It may just be as simple as meeting the right person. The first fortnight of October begins the cycle for you and it is karmic so there is past life stuff here to use. From there you should begin to see developments from November 2016. You’ll just love Jupiter on your Bacchus at 19 Libra in the run-up to Christmas. Stand under some mistletoe and see what happens!
Hi Jessica,
Thanks for the site, love it! I have Libra factors in Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto & Juno. I also have lots of factors at 22,23,24 degrees mentioned in your Ceres post. Planning for a few good years as you mentioned! I’m also quitting a career and hopefully moving house very soon. Not sure if this is a question or comment, but hoping all will work out. Thanks again!
Ah, thank you. And how amazing that you are quitting a career and also moving – you are meeting your horoscope perfectly. You will love what happens to relationships and partnerships of all types, once Jupiter moves into Libra and conjuncts your stellium.
Hi Jessica,
I have cancer rising, does any of this also apply to my personal chart?
I am interested in moving house by the end of the year and I also have reorganisation plans at work. Hope you can tell me more about this or anything else that stands out in my chart. Thank you.
No, this won’t apply to your personal chart because I use the Natural House system. I’m glad you’re doing what your horoscope says you should be doing, though! You have the North Node at 1 Cancer and Apollo a few degrees later – so what you are waiting for here is the New Moon on July 4th to really light your way. It’s a big fresh start.
Hi Jessica, I love reading your well researched articles. As a Cancerian with Libra and scorpio factors I was wondering what lies ahead for me. Relationships have been strained both personally and professionally. I have MC 07° Libra 50′ , Diana 28° Libra 59′ 56″, Moon
05° Scorpio 00′ 01″, Hygeia 01° Libra 07′ 38″, Mars 24° Scorpio 14′ 33″, Cupido 27° Libra 15′ 10, thanks Sonia
Thank you so much. That’s a very independent streak you have with former, current or potential partners. And with enemies you would be positively Diana-like! It does improve for you. Once Jupiter enters Libra from September his famous ‘healing, helping’ impact will bring you healing or closure.
Thank you so much. That’s a very independent streak you have with former, current or potential partners. And with enemies you would be positively Diana-like! It does improve for you. Once Jupiter enters Libra from September his famous ‘healing, helping’ impact will bring you healing or closure.
Hi Jessica
Thanks for the opportunity. I’ve got
Sun in 8 Cancer,
Moon in 11 Cancer,
Vesta in 22 Cancer,
Proserpina in 27 Cancer and
SN in 7 Cancer.
Minerva in 26 Taurus,
Bacchus in 14 Taurus, and
Psyche in 9 Scorpio.
Fortuna in 23 Libra,
Uranus in 18 Libra,
Pluto in 1 Libra and
Panacea in 5 Libra.
I am wondering what lies ahead for me. Thanks heaps!
Thank you for writing that all out! Bang! Fortuna in Libra. When it comes to your relationships with your former, current or potential partners, you tend to ‘spin the wheel of fortune’ with them, and for them, without even realising you do it. You may put someone up on top, as if he or she is king or queen, then inevitably they come crashing down. Or – you reach a low point with them – then put them back up as king or queen! This makes partnerships and even closure with an ex (or crushes on someone new) volatile and unpredictable. You can double that message in June. Try to be aware of how you blindly enact patterns with these kinds of partnerships. Sometimes you do it with enemies or rivals. Again – have a look at that. Hit ‘Fortuna’ on Search on this website and read about her in your complimentary EBook.
Oh Wow! Spot on with the crashing king! Thank you so much! I see I’ve got work to do on this.
Hi Jessica,
I am born on 19th July 1985 at 11:55pm and I am going through hell with regards to getting married.. my parents want me to settle down soon and I have been involved with a Virgo man since 2012 and his family is disapproving our relationship and recently in March we had a big argument and I am currently heart broken… my heart still beats for him and not able to move on…I know he really loves me… I don’t know how I can help myself… not sure what is happening at his end and if I will ever get married…my younger brother is already getting married this December and the pressure on me is three fold now..
I am very sorry about this situation. From September 10th you enter the best cycle in 12 years for family matters so hope, healing and solutions are on the way. Jupiter, an ancient timing device for answers and expansion, enters your Fourth House then, and you are in a very good position to pursue things with your parents and younger brother, okay? Focus on the relatives. Not so much the man, although I am sure that is hard. Use this cycle to look for win-win solutions involving the family and set a goal for the first two weeks of October 2016 when the New Moon appears over the rooftops. If you believe in the spirit world talk to your family in spirit and ask them for guidance.
Hi Jessica, thank you for your time and efforts in answering all of the queries here.
Also, most your predictions, in the general section are so ture..
I am an Aries ascendant with cancer sun, and I often read for both and they both play out all the time as you say… 🙂 thanks again!
Hi Jessica,Thanks for the time and knowledge you put into your work! i am gemini with a strong cancerian signature, moon, ops, bachus, diana, proserpina all in cancer, currently finishing touches to the house before putting it on the market, moving countries…. all the balls are in the air
Excellent, you are completely ‘doing’ your Cancer stellium, as they say. July-August is your time. Download the new quarterly journal by the way as it’s all about that. It will be here 1st July.
Hi I wanted to know if you do personal readings if so how much and how soon?
Thank you. I have a waiting list of one year for personal readings for 2017 and this is a bespoke service for my Premium Members. Our wait list has now closed for next year but you are welcome to join and put your name down for 2018.
Hi Jessica,
I’ve got a few Libra, Scorpio factors, and Sun in Cancer. Would luv to know what might be instal for the balance of 2016 and into 2017.
Watch the offer or solution for your house or apartment in the first week of October. This story runs into 2017. Aim for the biggest and the best. If this is not about your home, it will be your home town or homeland.
Dear Jessica, I noticed that you posted the birthday horoscope for Cancer but not for Gemini. Why is the Gemini birthday horoscope for Premium members only?
I am posting birthday horoscopes with sections exclusively relevant for Premium Members and their personal birth charts, contained within more general Sun Sign information – trialling it to see how you all feel – so far, so good.
Hi Jessica
Love your website! Its my go-to site. Keen to know how I will be affected in 2017– Im a June 23 Cancerian lady turning 50 next year. The above Cancer blog fills me with hope.
thanks Jessica!
Thank you. You will have a much better living space/local area by that first New Moon in October. Look up and you’ll see it.
Hi Jessica,
I just read the horoscope for this coming week (27-3), and noticed I have Mars in Cancer at 11 (plus moon in Virgo at 10) aspecting this week. I just wanted to know, anything important related to this…? Thank you in advance, I highly appreciate all your help.
Yes you have Mars and Hygiea in Cancer so July is action time to protect the future of your home, house, apartment, home town, homeland, family, household and so on – the person, place or situation which needs the biggest care will trigger that. Time to move on it.
Hi Jessica, my partner and I have been wanting to move house for some time, but have been stuck due to factors out of our control. Which Jupiter in Libra dates should I be looking out For?
I have: Sun 20* cancer, Mercury 4*cancer, Saturn 9* cancer, Minerva 18* cancer
You will be fine. Bigger factors than you are at work, in your favour, from the second week of September. In the first two weeks of October there is an amazing solution or opportunity. You will be able to move or renovate successfully by this time next year.
Hi Jessica, I’m cancer 13 July 84,with Cap Moon and Scorpio ascending… Its been a massive overhaul of my life in the past 3.5 years. Had a son in Feb 2012, lost dad April eclipse 2014, and ended relationship in April 2015. Self employed looking for stability again, new career.. and possibly a new love.
I am sorry about your father passing. Even when we know they are safe in spirit, it is still a big loss to bear. You will get insights on your former partner in December 2016, January 2017 which help you find full closure and healing and possibly a new relationship for 2017.
How will I get affected with my cancer placements? Saturn, mars, Apollo and ops getting triggered. I am desperately looking for some healing for my son, Aug 11,2003 born in Bombay and hope ops will help.
Keep shining, my beacon of hope 🙂
You are in the right cycle to find answers for your son that will help both of you. Please do all you can, now through 10th August. Even if things go backwards and forwards from that date until October, there are options for you. If you have not already written a request to your family in spirit, and also your spirit guides, for help for your son – do so now and leave it out overnight.
Hi Jessica , thank you for an amazing post . I am going through a really rough patch in life with my financial position since last 3 years . My biz has crashed and I am left with very little hope, I am torn apart . Im trying to figure out what went wrong , but I’m not able to conclude looking at my birth chart . Please advice me on what is affecting me and how soon will I be able to come out of my financial crunch with banks and similar . Thanks for your help
Okay let’s have a look at Taurus and Scorpio in your chart, as they are the usual suspects when we go through tough financial times. I am truly sorry you are being put through this stress. You were born with Neptune in Scorpio and see loaned money as an escape from the real world. You no longer do – good. The credit card, bank loan or mortgage are usually the culprits when someone has problems with Neptune in Scorpio, because the banks use advertising to make us (almost) believe the shopping or home is actually ours! You are not alone in this and a lot of people have suffered with this placement. The good news is, from September 10th you are in a very lucky cycle with your house or apartment and perhaps the help of a relative or flatmate. From that point until October 2017 you could save or make money by leaning very hard on ‘home’ and finding gains there, or ways to reduce the costs to you. When in doubt go back to family, household, house, apartment, home town or homeland. And do not doubt. This will be okay. You will get out of this.
how come you posted the entire cancer birthday horoscope, and gemini only got a few sentences and the offer to see more with a premium membership?
I am trying a new way of offering birthday horoscopes to see what people think. Thank you for your comment, I have taken it on board.
Dear Jessica
congratulations on your excellent anticipation and reading of Brexit. Its very impressive. I enjoy your weekly forecasts here and on Get the Gloss, many thanks for your generosity.
You’ve also been spot on in your reading of heavy parenting for cancer from 2012.
My own chart is June 29,1957 11.16 in the morning.
I have
a Virgo Ascendant
Saturn in the 4th in Scorpio
Jupiter in the 6th
sun and Mercury in the 11th and
Mars Moon Venus and Uranus in the 12th in Cancer.
I know you’re hugely busy, but please tell me, is it more of the same or do things get better ?
More power to you, and much gratitude
Thank you, I will pass that onto Get The Gloss, my favourite website. I am not sure what house system you are using but you don’t have Uranus in Cancer in the Twelfth, using my methods. You have it in the Fourth. Try the Natural House system.
Hi Jessica, I don’t normally comment but I’ll give this a go due to the previous interesting questions and comments.
My birth date is the exact same day as Lucinda. 8 July 1965, earlier time of 4.10am in Sydney. Most of the factors are the same, Sun 15 Cancer, Moon 8 Scorpio, Neptune 17 Scorpio, Mars 4 Libra, I have a Grand trine in the water signs with Saturn at 17 Pisces.
Allot of what your saying in the article makes sense to my current situation. I’ll try to be brief.
-Looking at moving house, I’ve been in the same home since 1992 but have had a few years of hell with terrible neighbours I’ve had to deal with. Developments in the area are also pushing the move question.
-I’m not happy at work, been with the same company for over 20 years.
-I’ve not been in a relationship since 2002. Retired myself.
-I have a daughter I’ve not seen since 1992. She is an Aquarian born in 1990. Has allot of planets in Capricorn and jupiter and moon in Cancer. 8 years ago this month, I wrote to her in 2008 and she replied in 2011. Requested I write to her again early last year and the reply was negative. My daughter has a Scorpio mother.
I’ve been working on the personal aspects of my life for the past few years but the progress has been very slow. Possibly resistance to change. Thanks Jessica.
Wow, you have found (almost) an astrological twin there, although you will have some substantial chart differences and life differences too. (Your destiny changes according to the chemistry with your family, friends and crucially partners – and also where you work and live – all this creates a different destiny ‘cocktail’ which is uniquely yours). I am so sorry about your neighbours. We have all been there. Likewise, the developments in your area. You have so much going on, I am going to address it as follows. Buy a scrapbook. Buy some textas. Use your new quarterly Journal for timing. Draw, make notes and reach for the broad outline of what you want so much. Work. Home. Love. Daughter. Spend a long time on it. Really mean it. Leave both out overnight next to your bed. Then put them in a safe hiding place. Continue to focus, feed the journal, add more colour, sketches, cut-outs from magazines. Then come back to me in six months.
Hi Jessica,
I have a lot of factors in Scorpio – psyche, Diana, MC, Uranus and Moon. My Sun, Jupiter and Desc is in Cancer. Pluto and Bacchus in Libra & Ceres and Ascendant in Capricorn.
I have some issues with my spouse where I wish to sort out things in the best possible way. But I’m involved with another friend. What shift will happen when Jupiter enters Libra.
Okay, you will find everything moves forward from 2nd August when Mars finishes his retrograde in Scorpio. You are dealing with unresolved tension caused by what went down in 2013 and perhaps 2014. You will know it’s a whole new world and different atmosphere from the final week of October and into November. If the issue with your spouse is money or property then you have your fullest answer from final quarter 2016 into 2017 when answers not possible in years arrive.
Hi Jessica so looking forward to your 2020 book. Loved handbag astrology. Thank you for a lovely birthday horoscope.
I have Jupiter 28 libra59’2 R
and Jupiter 21Libra 55’02”
What does this mean. My birthdate is 29th June 1958. I have spend a lot of time worrying about my daughter who suffers depression. She is getting better though.
Anyway Thank you Jessica.
I am so sorry about your daughter. Depression is such a serious test. Try everything – I am sure you know to start with Black Dog Institute online – and then read Dorothy Rowe, Steve Biddulph (whom I have met, or know, and trust) and perhaps look at dream therapy, hypnosis, Reiki (look at Kerry McNally, whom I also recommend personally, and her work) – and for dreams, Jane Teresa Anderson, another friend. We have to throw everything we can at depression. Okay – so you will be thrilled by your Jupiter Return in Libra. Watch when he moves past your own Libra factors at 21 and 28 Libra in 2017. Your quarterly journal for 2017 will show you the exact dates and you can create happiness in your life with your former, current or potential partner then. Every door opens. Go through every door!
I have Libra and Scorpio factors but I’ll also have my Jupiter Return in Sept 2016, so hooray!
Jupiter is conjunct Saturn in Libra my chart and my Saturn return in 2010 was a very tough one. I’m kind of hoping that this will perhaps mark the resolution some of the issues that have been ongoing since then… do you have any thoughts on that?
Thanks in advance 🙂 I’m blown away at how generous you are with your time in these replies.
It’s a pleasure to reply – I knew I would have a lot of questions in June and July so have left time for it. Okay – you are quite right about your own horoscope. You sound like a natural astrologer to me, by the way. Yes, Jupiter will resolve very specifically the issues you had with your former,current or potential partner (then) back when Saturn was in Libra. Watch the transits using your Astrology Journal. The quarterly instalment is due July 1st and you can actively work with your cycles for love and partnership. Also, if you have the, disputes.
Hi Jessica,
I was born July 1st 1961. Same as Dianna but born in Sydney Australia. Had my children same years as she did as well. Fortunately for me, I have had a much simpler life and still married to the same man for 35 years with no serious hiccups along the way. Not sure if you can see my birth chart as I am logged in while I write this but if not, can send you my horoscope factors. I can tell you I have the Sun at 8 in Cancer. Let me know which other factors you would like to know about and will send those to you.
Wow, same horoscope as Princess Diana – different place and time – yet you had your children when she did! Of course the horoscopes for Sydney, your partner, your children and your own parents have also mixed with yours differently. You should be pretty happy with the financial and property solutions and opportunities, final quarter next year into 2018. I expect Diana’s investments, after her death (her legacy to her children) will accumulate then too. We are up for a global boom and you will enjoy your share of the cake.
Hi Jessica!
Thanks once again for that interesting article!
I have Camcer factors,except the sun , in Venus,Ceres,Panacea,Cupido and Psyche.
I also have Scorpio in Jupiter and Aesculapia and Libra in Uranus and Minerva.
So I hope some of my issues will be resolved in the coming,2,years?
Thanks in advance ! It’s amazing how you find time to reply to all these answers!
P.s. May I ask you smthg? I was on the waiting list for the lifetime horoscope ,beginning on 2017 but I don’t know what happened and missed it.,
Are you going to have new openings, like it happened with 2016 horoscope ? Or it will be only for 2018 horoscope?
Thank you once again
Kind regards
Marina K
Thank you. Premium Members can waitlist for a 2018 horoscope within a few months, please check the newsletter for details. You will be very happy with your house or apartment by Christmas as you complete one dream or get on the first step to a dream come true in 2017. You can’t do anything without a proper feeling of home, sanctuary and security, yet this will come your way so easily – that changes everything.
Hi Jessica, Thank you so much for such a detailed birthday horoscope and for the guidance you provide each day on your website. I was born on 14 July 1961 and have the Sun in Cancer at 21. I also have Libra in Ops at 27 and Proserpina at 10, and Scorpio in Neptune at 8, Diana at 15 and Hygeia at 19. Your birthday horoscope certainly hit the mark for me as I’ve had a pretty rough few years since my husband passed away in 2013 and also the few years before while he was very ill. Your report has given me some hope that the next few years will be much brighter for me. I’d be very interested to know if there are any specific times that I should look out for. Thank you again.
I am so sorry about your husband. You are moving into a much happier phase of your life and I would like you to use your journal and begin making notes/drawings about what you want from your home, and your family. Look at healing for your heart as well. Watch the cycles in your journal, particularly the New Moon in October 2016 and start goal setting and daydreaming. You will be amazed at how astrology can work.
Hi Jessica,
I am a premium member, born July 18, 1975 my sun is Cancer at 25 Degress, I also have Mercury 11 cancer , Saturn 22 Cancer, Juno 12 Cancer, Vulcano 16 Cancer, and I am wondering about timing with relocation. I recently lost my job (due to a hidden enemy who I thought was my mentor and confidant) so I am really up in the air about where I will live, thinking about just buying a RV and traveling around since I have been in school, graduate school and working professionally for so long maybe I need a break haha…I trust your astrology tremendously and feel so up in the air right now I thought I would ask what you saw in my chart.
You also talk about money and property with Taurus and Scorpio factors. I lost my father last year and when I read this part about wills, and such it had me really worried about losing my mother. I have a north node 29 Scoprio/South node 29 Taurus, mars 12 Taurus, and ceres 27 Taurus. Should I be worries or on high alert?
Thanks so much for all that you do for all us fans, I know you are really loved and we are all so thankful for you…
Thank you, you are very kind. Please don’t worry about losing your mother, on account of your chart as astrology does not show death and never will. You are so Cancerian that you may also need more time to get over the loss of your father. Before you buy a RV and travel, have a look at who/what makes you feel at home. I am sorry about the enemy you had at work. You only get this cycle every 240+ years and you have done well to get through it.
Hi Jessica. I’ve had a pretty rough month around the full moon with my job and relationships and wondering how to proceed. Any hints? Also wondering about the Scorpio and Leo stellium effects
Cancer – sun, mercury, Venus, Ceres, Hygeia, Psyche
Libra – Pluto, Vulcano
Leo – Saturn, Apollo
Scorpio – Uranus, cupido, north node
Thanks for your guidance
I’m sorry you have had a rough time with work and love. You have Pluto and Vulcano in Libra, so the relationship with a former, current or potential partner takes off, to your total satisfaction, in a new direction – starting in the second week of September, with clear results by 2017. right now, though, you should focus hard on your house, flat, town, country, family or household. Use your journal to set goals and create what you need.
Hi Jessica, thanks so much for the year-ahead report! I’m a Cancer at 29 degrees, with Libra at 14 degrees Uranus in the 2nd house, Libra in Cupido and Juno.
Scorpio in Lillith and Hygeia.
Your article is right on point for me, everything’s been very busy and in flux in terms of renovations, considering moving house, new incredible Pisces/Leo moon partner since last year with talks about merging two households with two teens on each side. I have no idea what is going to happen and with Libra in Uranus highlighted, I hope the “surprises” will be good ones…?
I am glad the article is right on point for you. Go for it with the households. It sounds like The Brady Bunch so I hope you get Alice as a housekeeper. You will be amazed at how fabulous a big family can be. You have a ton of Libra in your chart so you know how to bend over backwards to keep the other person happy and as long as you can both stick to the deal you strike in October this should be so satisfying for you.
Hi Jessica
Im pretty new to astrology as in dont know much, but signed up for premium on the back of your calling the brexit outcome. I was planning on publishing a book in the near future (avoiding that Mercury retrograde i guess). When would be the best time to aim for. Also with all the brexit stuff and possible economic/social issues in its wake, what brief advice would you give a cancerian to steer the best course =).
Thank you very much, I do appreciate it. The book trade is in tough times until Christmas 2017 so be aware of that. Saturn (pessimism, slow and stuck situations) is in Sagittarius (publishing) and everyone has to be far more inventive and flexible these days. Brexit will work fine. I get the craziness that’s out there – typical of this cycle – but long-term people will realise how beautifully timed the big move was, given the ultimate state of the EU and the Euro, in the years ahead. I can see the book issue with your Gemini-Sagittarius nodes. See how you go when lucky Jupiter goes into Sagittarius, end of 2018 into 2019. Rich pickings for writers then.
The past year has been awful for me…..it seems to be getting better now. I am not sure if have just adjusted to all this stuff and that’s why it seems better. Deep down I feel big things are on the horizon for me. The past year I have had to deal with a crappy new boss who is clearly trying to get me fired from my job or make me so miserable that I leave on my own. I have had some problems in my love life as well. I want to be able to win this thing with the crappy new boss with my work ethic and integrity, but my heart tells me I may have to find a new job and relocate. Can you tell me based on my chart what I can expect with my job and love life/relationships over the coming year. Based on reading this, it sounds like it might be in upheaval….Thanks so much and I love your site!
I am sorry about your boss. I can see the issue. You are hanging on when you should be free. You are clinging to who/what you know so that you have safety but actually you are not feeling safe, just frustrated! Use your journal (new out on 1st July) and begin working with the Virgo dates, but keep an eye on 2017 as well because you have such an amazing chance to be more independent and a lot more free. It’s like the Hoodoo Gurus song with you – What’s My Scene? You need to realise you have tons of choice. Like Tigger in Winnie the Pooh you need to find what you do, what your tribe is and what Tiggers like. You will. Don’t stand in your own way okay?
Hi Jessica. I am a Libra with all sorts of Cancer this week and apparently next week. Wednesday seems like 14 everything. Anything you can tell me? Thank you.
Monday 4th July
New Moon! Sun 12 Cancer conjunct Moon 12 Cancer
Mercury 9 Cancer trine Panacea 9 Scorpio
Tuesday 5th July
Mercury 10 Cancer quincunx Saturn 10 Sagittarius
Venus 21 Cancer semi-sextile Vesta 21 Gemini
Mercury 11 Cancer trine Neptune 11 Pisces
Vulcano 16 Cancer opposite Pluto 16 Capricorn
Sun 13 Cancer conjunct Proserpina 13 Cancer
Mercury 12 Cancer semi-sextile Apollo 12 Gemini
Wednesday 6th July
Sun 14 Cancer sextile True North Node 14 Virgo and trine True South Node 14 Pisces
Sun 14 Cancer sextile Ops 14 Virgo
Proserpina 14 Cancer sextile True North Node 14 Virgo and trine True South Node 14 Pisces
Mercury 14 Cancer sextile True North Node 14 Virgo and trine True South Node 14 Pisces
Mercury 14 Cancer conjunct Proserpina 14 Cancer
Venus 23 Cancer trine Mars 23 Scorpio
Mercury 14 Cancer sextile Ops 14 Virgo
Sure – you have until mid July to focus hard on what home means to you. Town, country, house, apartment, relative, flatmate. Who or what spells sanctuary? What do you need to fix or make more of? This sets you up for 12 months.
Hi Jessica,
so I don’t have my sun in Cancer, but I have my Descendant and Saturn in Cancer and I was trying to find the right place to ask you about this week’s horoscopes.
When you say to look at other degrees, am I right to interpret that the Sun, Prosperina and Mercury in Cancer will all affect me around this Wednesday? I’m trying to decipher the weekly extended horoscopes, but it still all feels like a foreign language to me! I’m sure I’ll figure it all out eventually…hopefully!
If you could spare a moment to help me decipher it, that would be awesome as it sounds so huge. Thanks so much for your time. xx
Sure, you have Saturn and the DC (Descendant) in Cancer in the Fourth House. From the final week of June through the third week of July, they are triggered – so you have to focus hard on your house, family, apartment, town, country and/or household. You are doing this correctly, but it does take time. It’s a good moment to figure out what ‘home’ actually means to you and spend some time thinking about it.
Oh thanks so much for clearing that up for me. I must keep studying! xx
Thank you – cheers. Use your new Horoscope Journal for this one. You can actually work with the Virgo cycles in particular (job) and set goals and create them – you can pick this up right now to print out.
I am sorry about the job. I am sure you can see Pluto is moving over your Capricorn Tenth House (career) placements. The changes in the balance of power around you won’t stop for some time. In other words it’s a changing game every time you look at it. The trick with this cycle is to figure out how to summon up all your willpower and self control to make a deep change – one which would give you more power. That may or may not apply to training. It may rest in quite a different place. Only you will know.
I’m not so sure about astrology after I had my chart drawn up by some one interested in the subject. She has a fascination with the Tudors, and told me that I share many characteristics with Henry VIII. Sun in Cancer, Moon in Aries, with Mars square something or other… Henry and I have one obvious thing in common, I think its called ‘commitment phobia’. Henry could have as many romantic affairs as maybe because he had the power to impose, and dispose. Where we divert is his solution to any problem was the headsman’s axe. Remove the man, or woman; remove the problem! I shudder to think that deep down I might have the capacity to do the same – if I had the power to do so that is. Moreover, being comparatively power-less though I have to compromise by making a dash for the emergency exit to escape entrapment. I must be saddled with some pretty bad karma by now. For the record I was born in east Birmingham, England, at 10.25hrs, 29th June 1948. Ironically on land gifted to Katherine of Aragon as part of her divorce settlement. How creepy is that? In mitigation I love to leave people behind me in a happier frame of mind than when I first met them.
Now, you win the prize for the comment that just made me put my beer down. You were born on land gifted to Katherine of Aragon? Heavens above, you might just have a bigger connection to Henry than you think!
Hi Jessica, I was born on the 30th June, 1959 at 7.30am (Australia, Sydney) with these:
Sun 07° Cancer 22′ 38″
ASC 14° Cancer 11′ 16″
Aesculapia 14° Virgo 00′ 54″
Apollo 14° Gemini 38′ 19″
Bacchus 00° Libra 01′ 40″
Ceres 14° Scorpio 33′ 05″ R
Chiron 27° Aquarius 15′ 50″ R
Cupido 26° Libra 38′ 10″
DESC 14° Capricorn 11′ 16″
Diana 14° Taurus 01′ 48″
Fortuna 28° Pisces 27′ 54″
Hygeia 14° Cancer 23′ 32″
IC 03° Scorpio 06′ 20″
Juno 11° Libra 48′ 01″
Jupiter 22° Scorpio 45′ 11″ R
Mars 17° Leo 21′ 45″
MC 03° Taurus 06′ 20″
Mercury 01° Leo 40′ 56″
Minerva 09° Taurus 25′ 58″
Moon 29° Aries 10′ 11″
Neptune 04° Scorpio 15′ 40″ R
NorthNode 08° Libra 53′ 19″ R
Ops 28° Taurus 21′ 13″
Panacea 07° Aries 01′ 24″
Pluto 02° Virgo 11′ 50″
Proserpina 01° Gemini 51′ 54″
Psyche 13° Aquarius 54′ 04″ R
Salacia 13° Capricorn 51′ 40″ R
Saturn 03° Capricorn 29′ 38″ R
SouthNode 08° Aries 53′ 19″ R
Uranus 14° Leo 15′ 54″
Venus 22° Leo 36′ 22″
Vesta 26° Leo 20′ 07″
Vulcano 06° Leo 01′ 00″
A rest would be nice 🙂
That was quite a lesson over the last few years. Understood, but a holiday in the Maldives would be delightful right about now 🙂
What am I now facing please kind lady?
Blimey, that’s a lot of typing! New romantic commitments or re-commitments are coming up if you want them as Jupiter goes over your Libra chart factors. That cycle starts in the second week of September. I suspect that with Jupiter also coming up to sextile your Leo chart factors, children, stepchildren, nieces, nephews or godchildren will be a major part of the story. You will grow through this person. Enjoy it!
Thank you Jessica…then grow I shall 🙂
I can always enjoy a holiday while I’m growing 🙂
Hi Jessica, love, love your site! In the past year, I have created positive changes in the realms of home and my transition from full-time work to university life. Minus the financial strain its been great! My main concern is I don’t apply the same authority when it comes to love; I continue to engage in fruitless relationships. This probably has a lot to do with me holding on to past lovers. Should I truly break away from these notions of romance? I think I’m lost in the fantasy that will never be fulfilled and require a stern scolding for not valuing myself highly enough! Thanks so much!
Thank you so much, I will pass that onto my webmasters James and Justin. Use your journal. When Jupiter passes over 4 Libra he will conjunct, or sit on, your Libra node. This rules the chemistry you have with your ex, as well as your potential lovers. This will be a tremendous learning experience for you, ushering in a much better situation in terms of building a new relationship next time. Not long to go.
Hi Jessica, it’s good to read there will be a lot of activity in different parts of life. Life has been tough and extremely challenging on so many levels. I am living in NZ, and want to move back to US, with my kids(grown up). Would it be a good move, easy and smooth? What kind of work /business /income sources I’m looking at in US? Would love to have a partner in life, will it happen a anytime soon?
Another question, I have Taurus 14 and Scorpio 14 at IC and MC. How does that affect my financial and house situation.
Need some clarity, Jessica. Please help. Thanks
You may want to watch US travel, visa and residency conditions now through the end of 2017 as Saturn (hard reality checks) is in Sagittarius, the sign ruling emigration and resettlement. Partnership is down to Jupiter crossing your Mars at 8 Libra – use your journal for that, to set goals and make clear intentions. It’s not far away now! The Taurus-Scorpio axis of your chart is really not a major issue for you until Jupiter goes into Scorpio, final quarter of 2017 and through 2018 when stunning opportunities and solutions for your money or property present themselves.
Hi Jessica, many thanks for your very useful posts and congratulations on the Brexit article! Thanks to it, I have found out about your website and have become a Member. Since 2011, I have had difficult years (I am cancer rising libra). I had to resign from my job at the end of 2014. Ever since, I have not been able to find a long-term position. Do you think I will find the “perfect” job any time soon (knowing that mercury will be retrograde soon) as I have just relocated to my home country? Thank you very much for your time.
Here are some data from my birth chart:
26° Cancer 35′ 37″
20° Virgo 34′ 41″
22° Cancer 53′ 40″
13° Gemini 31′ 15″
02° Sagittarius 33′ 15″
00° Libra 32′ 47″
08° Taurus 01′ 25″
00° Libra 38′ 26″
26° Scorpio 02′ 10″ R
22° Virgo 58′ 29″
06° Aries 50′ 23″ R
04° Capricorn 38′ 42″ R
07° Cancer 44′ 58″
06° Aquarius 24′ 21″ R
14° Cancer 26′ 02″
14° Capricorn 26′ 02″
11° Libra 19′ 45″
11° Aries 19′ 45″
02° Libra 01′ 47″
14° Libra 09′ 43″
00° Cancer 31′ 22″
02° Libra 44′ 28″
03° Virgo 30′ 20″
06° Cancer 39′ 13″
01° Gemini 42′ 08″
00° Aquarius 53′ 34″ R
01° Taurus 05′ 07″
27° Capricorn 34′ 58″ R
24° Leo 27′ 26″
24° Libra 44′ 27″
Too funny that you say ‘perfect’ job and you have Pluto in Virgo in the Sixth House of work! (Virgo rules perfection). You are in a fantastic position to pursue paid or unpaid work, part-time or full-time roles right now – into the second week of September. You have a beautiful sextile from Pluto at 22 Virgo (work) to Mercury at 22 Cancer (looking after people) which you could use, with immediate effect. Good luck!
Hi Jessica, I am a premium member but unsure how to understand a personal birth chart. Could you help me understand. Thank you
Pick up my new book 2020 Astrology – free – on 1st August and that will help. There is a lot of information for you on this website too, so you can start decoding your chart. You’re strongly Aquarian, did you know? You express yourself through groups, involving one or more friends. Clubs, teams, societies, associations are all part of that path.
Hi Jessica,
My birthday is July 11 1968 (Time 11.55 am, Eastern NSW, Australia). What can i say it’s been many hard years since June 2009 with respect to work/ unpaid work/ family responsibilities.
Thanks i appreciate your guidance,
Kind regards
That’s longer than the average Saturn cycle in your Sixth House of work, housework and unpaid work. I suspect the real problem is you aren’t being radical enough. You have Uranus (freedom, independence) in your Tenth House of life mission. If you ignore the need to be revolutionary you tend to get ultra stuck. You can read more about Uranus on this website.
Hi Jessica,
I’m cancerian (born 17th July 1987, 11.58pm in Melbourne)
I keep seeing you mention October 2016 as a big deal. This is the month that I’ve decided to leave the city I’ve been living in for the last two years to return to the one I’ve always felt was home. There are so many question marks around how it will change things, what will stay the same and what might come after the big move.
Any thoughts?
You’ll love it. Immaculate timing!
Hi Jessica.
I am a prime member and wrote to you on your post about Neptune. You suggested I should try something new. Yesterday, I handed in my notice, I’d been working in an IT sales job, selling to schools. I started in the New Year and I’ve hated every second of it. Beforehand I worked for an exam board (sales),but my team were made redundant and before that I worked in recruitment (again sales and again education). I lack mobility due to a few spinal fusions, but my biggest lack is drive and passion. I’m 54 in eight days time and have no man in my life, having struggled with abusive relationships. My daughter (a Scorpio) is agoraphobic (she’s got a Cancer ascendant -would that be a possible trigger? I’ve just realised this conjuncts my sun and actually my ascendant conjuncts her sun. Spooky) but she’s getting better slowly.
So I’ve made my first move, to dump a job that made me depressed.Brave or stupid? Are there any indications in my chart of whether I should move out of the field of education and sales. I trained as an illustrator, but left that career behind because of peer pressure, as it wasn’t secure. I would love some help and direction. I have a pile up of placements in Pisces (Hygea @ 6; Moon @ 9; Chiron @ 10; Jupiter and IC @ 12) and directly opposite in Virgo (Venus, Vulcano & Pluto @ 8; Apollo@ 11; MC @ 12; Phsyche @17 and Panacea @ 21). I have a fair few in Cancer (Sun @27,Mercury @17, Juno @20, Vesta @23 and Ceres @18) and in Scorpio (Ascendant@ 18, Neptune @ 10 and Minerva @1). So I guess I’m a bit watery and think I can be too wishy-washy in my thinking. I think if I were happy in my work,my life would feel so much more fulfilling. Thanks for your time, Jessica.
I am always glad when people give up jobs they hate. Life is too short. Put the man thing to one side for the moment, because the real issue here is your body. You need to ground yourself on the earth and get back into your body as fast as you can…find something you can do every day for half an hour, even with mobility issues – what can an expert tell you to try? You are a good example of someone pushed and pulled between your Pisces side and Virgo side. Virgo rules the body and with the current transits, you need to address that first. You will figure out the work one you figure out the body. Your daughter’s issues won’t be her Cancer Ascendant but she may be helped by the work of Dr. Claire Weekes. Have a look online.
Hi Jessica. I am a premium member and my moon and jupiter are in cancer and i am cancer ascendant. what do you see in my birthchart re: love life, possibility of meeting someone?
Actually, your Cancer stellium has nothing to do with your love life. You are waiting for Jupiter to get to 14 Libra where he will conjunct your Pluto at 14 Libra. Use your journal to work this pattern in 2017 although there will be hints and clues from the second week of September as Jupiter moves into your Seventh House of love.
Hi, I’ve been reading this article since I have discovered that my birth chart has loads of factors in Cancer but I’m a Leo Sun, Cap Ascendant. I’m not sure how to work out what it means to have such a busy Cancer house 4. This is a new way for me to look at astrology and I’m having fun reading your website.
Mercury 25° Cancer 01′ 34″,
Venus 15° Cancer 12′ 22″
Saturn 12° Cancer 33′ 26″
DESC 27° Cancer 22′ 33″
Minerva 25° Cancer 25′ 58″
Cupido 02° Cancer 40′ 46″
My Dad’s cancer and my mother is Pisces (4 factors in Pisces as well). I’ve often pondered how I’ve inherited my parent’s traits – now I understand a bit more.
I’m not sure what the current situation for Cancer translates to my chart but at present I’m ‘at risk’ of redundancy in my current admin role and to remain in the company I need to be successful in a job interview. I work for a housing association and in particular work with the architectural team – I’ve enjoyed watching the building projects go from paper to new homes. So this seems like a 4th house Cancerian type of job sector. I’d like to stay if I can. I’ve never seen a restructure for a company be so messy, but it could work out well, or I find something new elsewhere. Is there anything to comment on regarding these Cancer factors?
Many thanks Anne
That’s so interesting, thank you. Yes, you have a Cancer stellium so your job with architects in a housing association suits you perfectly. Your Dad also being born with the Sun in Cancer is classic. Go back one or two generations and I guarantee you’ll find another Cancerian type in your family tree. I’m sorry work is so unstable. There is a long, slow process of change starting in your chosen field, July through October and you will need to make compromises, deals and trade-offs with other people and destiny itself, yet you were born to work in this area so focus on your enjoyment of watching buildings go from paper to new homes and use your journal to make notes, set intentions, make drawings of what you’d like to see yourself doing – either with these people or future employers.
Hi Jessica, Your comments are so useful – thank you. I was thinking that if we knew our horoscopes when we were young, we could consider our best career options. My father is an Architect and as a kid loved visiting county houses and wanted one of my own (life size doll house). Still love country houses..and visiting cities with amazing architecture e.g.Florence. At Uni I studied History of Art & Architecture (Oriental), but never saw after that a job in the building trade such as a Building Surveyor / Technician. We shall see what these deals and trade-offs occur – maybe I don’t get the job I would hope to be offered. I’m now working with a mentoring coach to help crystallise my thoughts on my aspirations and what makes me tick.
Thank you again. Anne
Hi Jessica, my birthday is on 4 July 1986 and I also have a stellium in Cancer. Would you be able to advise on timing in terms of how Jupiter moving into Libra will impact my life, and in which aspects? Many thanks.
A lot of the thoughts, options and turning points of the last two weeks regarding your house, apartment, town, family, country or household will become a bigger deal from October and by 2017 you should be very happy with the outcome.
Hi Jessica, thank-you for this wonderful site! The most pressing issue in my life right now is a Twin Flame connection. It’s been a bumpy road and I’m hoping things smooth out very soon! Money improvements would also be welcome! Here is my chart info. Hope this is adequate:
Sun 10 cancer 09′
Moon 16 sag 46′
Mercury 7 cancer 42′
Venus 7 Gemini 37′
Mars 14 Leo 22′
Jupiter 17 Pisces 49′
Saturn 8 cancer 35′
Uranus 23 libra 39′
Neptune 7 sag 24′
Pluto 4 libra 10′
Lilith 5 Aquarius 44′
Asc node 19 sag 18′
Ascendant 22 cancer 32′
Fortuna 20 Aquarius 51′
IV libra 1, 33′
V Scorpio 8, 39′
Thank-you so much!
Thank you. I don’t use Lilith so I’m not sure where you are getting your chart information from. Uranus, Pluto, Vesta and Proserpina are all in Libra in your Seventh House, which rules former, current and potential lovers. You have definitely had a bumpy road, though – why? Because transiting Uranus (radical change, freedom, independence, revolution) has been crossing 23 Aries, right opposite your natal Uranus at 23 Libra in the love zone. Bumps are normal at this time. You will see gradual opportunities for improvement from September 10th when transiting Jupiter the planet of solutions, growth and opportunity slowly begins to cross through Libra for the first time in 12 years and by 2017 should be so much happier, with this person or another. The Jupiter cycle may begin with a detox or clean-up so be aware of that. Hit ‘Jupiter in Libra’ on Search for more information.
Hi Jessica,
Thanks for taking the time to respnd to my message in advance. I am new to astrology although I have been reading your articles for sometime. I signed up after the Brexit articles were proven to be right and now I would like to learn more. Please can you share some insight into my chart please? My birthchart details are:
Birthdate – June 29th 1984
Sun 07 Cancer
Moon 12 Cancer
Mercury 15 Cancer
Venus 11 Cancer
Mars 12 Scorpio
Jupiter 08 Capricorn
Saturn 09 Scorpio
Uranus 10 Sagittarius
Neptune 29 Sagittarius
Pluto 29 Libra
Chiron 05 Gemini
Juno 25 Cancer
Vesta 28 Cancer
Thank you so much.
You have a stellium in Cancer so you find yourself through your sense of belonging to a place and its people – one family member in particular and one special place in your family history – village, town, city, country – are part of your astrological DNA. You express yourself through ‘home’ whatever that means to you and wherever that is. So far so good. The only issue for you is that you have Uranus and Neptune in Sagittarius (Generation Sagittarius) which rule foreign people and places. Sagittarius rules overseas travel, export and immigration. One of your greatest tasks, now through Christmas 2017 is to figure out a new way of interpreting ‘my people and my place’ with one eye on the map. Tremendous new rules, regulations and restrictions will affect you next year in particular with regards to how free you are to wander, roam or explore in the world, or even to deal with the world at large, away from home, on the internet. So – challenges ahead. On another note I can see you have Pluto at 29 Libra so 2017 will also bring you the biggest and best opportunity in 12 years to upgrade and improve the relationship you have with a former, current or potential partner. A truly equal partnership is possible with less of the power and control issues you are accustomed to in the past.
Hi Jessica,
I have just signed up for my Premium membership.
Would you be at all able to offer a hint of some better times headed my way in terms of love/relationships?
Sun 03° Cancer 44′ 51″
Moon 15° Libra 16′ 20″
Mercury 28° Gemini 08′ 18″
Venus 18° Taurus 21′ 04″
Mars 14° Taurus 12′ 11″
Jupiter 18° Gemini 30′ 17″
Saturn 14° Leo 28′ 49″
Uranus 07° Scorpio 52′ 22″ R
Neptune 14° Sagittarius 14′ 52″ R
Pluto 11° Libra 24′ 11″
Chiron 04° Taurus 53′ 44″
Juno 14° Scorpio 52′ 43″ R
Vesta 14° Leo 00′ 46″
Ceres 03° Libra 38′ 24″
MC 11° Gemini 56′ 38″
IC 11° Sagittarius 56′ 38″
ASC 16° Virgo 05′ 38″
DESC 16° Pisces 05′ 38″
Diana 06° Leo 27′ 17″
Fortuna 08° Scorpio 40′ 48″ R
Minerva 20° Aries 03′ 44″
Bacchus 26° Libra 05′ 38″
Apollo 01° Cancer 11′ 29″
Aesculapia 24° Sagittarius 21′ 44″ R
Hygeia 17° Virgo 24′ 28″
Panacea 29° Cancer 58′ 35″
Ops 12° Cancer 08′ 07″
Salacia 09° Aquarius 07′ 23″ R
Proserpina 07° Cancer 07′ 27″
Cupido 05° Taurus 01′ 48″
Vulcano 26° Aries 51′ 04″
Psyche 11° Virgo 52′ 27″
NorthNode 21° Libra 24′ 38″
SouthNode 21° Aries 24′ 38″
You will love September 2016-October 2017 as you resolve any issues which are obstructing your path to equal partnership with a lover. If you need to roll away anything which has been preventing a relationship this will happen more easily than you dreamed. If you are with someone anyway, you two will go to the next level. If single, a stunning potential date will appear, or reappear. Have fun.
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and for the glimmer of hope (it’s felt pretty hope-less for a long time).
Thanks again.
Trust me. You are going to LOVE Jupiter in Libra. It will reshape your foundations in life so that when you come home, it really feels like home. It is that sense of belonging to a place which you need, to allow yourself to take off and explore what is on offer out there for you.
Jessica, I am fascinated by the accuracy of this birthday horoscope. Especially the part about the new moon in capricorn on Dec 29…it is eerily correct as capricorn is my husband’s sun sign and we have been going through a power struggle for years, but it has intensified over the past 7 or 8 years mainly because I have been trying to assert myself and my freedom. I am curious to see what type of turning point this new moon will bring. I am also curious about my future because it says if you are a cancer sun and have scorpio and libra factors in your natal chart, the next two years are going to be fantastic. I am excited to find out what opportunities I will have.
Sun – 19 Cancer
Ascendant – 5 Scorpio
Ops – 4 Scorpio
Psyche – 8 Scorpio
Neptune – 23 Scorpio
Panacea – 27 Libra
Vulcano – 27 Libra
Juno – 28 Libra
Bacchus – 20 Libra
Ceres – 26 Libra
South Node – 13 Libra
Thank you, I am glad this horoscope is speaking to you. The worst is over and the best is yet to come. Either with this man (who changes and embraces equality) or quite another, you are going to see stunning opportunities not possible in 12 years, starting September and taking you through 2017 into 2018. This is the kind of cycle when people fix their bad marriages and find love again (and prosper) or find, to their relief, that there is a way out which is less trouble than they feared, and go onto date someone new – and even commit to them. There. Astrology has spoken again!
Hello! I’m indeed looking to move this year. Could you advise me on specific timing? I’ve been looking at places but haven’t found anything yet. I’m wondering if I should stop looking for now and restart the search in October. I also have had 5 different jobs in the past two years. (I’m starting the 5th one in August.) The change has been good but I’m also exhausted. Can you tell me if this job I’m starting is likely to stick for a while? If not, do you have a sense of when my next big move will be? Uranus is doing his job, but I’m definitely ready for some smooth sailing. Thanks!
Start looking for your new home, second week of September and you should have a really clear idea by October. If that’s not your first choice, then 2017 will give you a fantastic second option, probably in February when the numbers/figures become clear to you, or even as late as July/August next year if you are really holding out for your dream home. It’s hard to say if this job will last without seeing the chart for the organisation and perhaps your employers as well, yet 2017 is the last time you will have to deal with a change of position *or* personnel around you – at least in a way that tires you out. You need to ground yourself if you are feeling wired/tired/tense from this Uranus transit. Walking is great. So is gardening.
Hi Jessica, my Zodiac sign is Cancer – moon (Aquarius) Ascendant Scorpio. Do you see me moving and accepting a new job in the next few months? Thank you.
You could easily move in September or October, but if not, I suspect March-April is crunch time for both home and new job!
What do you mean by crunch time? Thanks Jessica.
Crunch time – it’s now or never – stay or go, yes or no – there is a dramatic choice.
Hi Jessica, my birthday is 4 July 1986, Sun Cancer, Moon Gemini, Virgo Ascendant – I have just resigned and will start a new job on 17 October, can you advise if that time frame is ideal? Also, any advice on opportunities and timing for moving out and also relationships? Thanks.
There is no ‘ideal’ on this cycle, but there is ‘okay’ and you will find that work in 2016-2017 is exactly that – okay – until you move into the really incredible opportunities for promotion, awards or coveted new jobs from the final quarter of 2018 into 2019. Moving out of home? Wish very hard on the New Moon in the first week of October and draw a picture of what you want from an apartment, house, local environment – and people. You will be thrilled at what comes your way. Love? You have major decisions to make about your former, current or potential partner in December 2016, January 2017 which affect the next six months.
Hi Jessica,
Am only just now getting to this birthday article and would love some insight about timing this coming year, considering I seem to have quite a lot in cancer
Sun 04° Cancer 44′ 14″
Mercury 26° Cancer 14′ 26″
Mars 28° Cancer 28′ 27″
ASC 24° Cancer 50′ 13″
Apollo 25° Cancer 23′ 24″
SouthNode 26° Cancer 02′ 54″ R
Am also interested in work issues as it relates to the placement of:
Jupiter – 03° Capricorn 16′ 05″ R
And love as I have:
Uranus 14° Libra 12′ 09″
Juno 06° Libra 27′ 52″
Hygeia 02° Scorpio 57′ 16″
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
Thank you (also three times). The Cancer stellium is whopping. Read more about this sign in my new book, 2020 Astrology, free to download here. As a general rule, December and January of any year get you thinking about the family, house, apartment, home town, homeland or household. Not only because it is Christmas, but because Pluto and other planets in Capricorn, passing through, will always oppose your Fourth House. Love? Best cycle in 12 years starts September. Problems solved and new opportunities improve sexual and emotional connection. Work? 2019-2020 will change your life. Again, pick up the new book to read about that.
Hi Jessica once again thank you for the work you put into these horoscopes it is truly breathtaking. I have just been reading my birthday horoscope AGAIN !! And I notice I have quite a lot of plants retrograde.
Should I be worried !
My Capricorns factors are Ops 17 Capricorn 07 0 R Salicaia Cap 25′ 27″ R
Libra Factors 21 Libra 55′ 02″ Tauraus Valcano 08 Tauras 35′ 24″
And nearly all my scorpios are retrograde
Neptune scorpio 50″R Fortuna 15 scop 30′ 31″ R Bacchus 01 scop 09′ 54″ and Psyche 08 scorpio 18′ 18″ R . Just starting to feel as if Im making a good life for myself. Thanks in advance Bernie dob 29 June 1958
Happy birthday for June, Bernie. Retrograde planets and other horoscope factors don’t tend to show themselves until you have transits (travelling planets which trigger them). Every now and then you will hit episodes in your life where you launch yourself, only to find you are stuck. This is the most common outcome of a retrograde planet like Neptune, for example. As you have a stellium in Scorpio in the Eighth House I will focus on that to show you an example. The Eighth House rules your money, house, business, charity, possessions, apartment. It particularly rules sexually intimate arrangements about that (like the boyfriend who is the beneficiary of your will) or deadly serious agreements (the life insurance you possess). As you had Saturn going through Scorpio and the Eighth House from the final quarter of 2012, through 2013, 2014 and most of 2015 – you very recently went through a slow, stuck cycle when I expect you tried to ‘active’ your Scorpio side and fix issues or resolve your concerns. Yet, you had stop-start progress. Forwards, backwards, forwards. That is what retrograde planets do. As we recently saw Mars Retrograde in Scorpio this year, I expect you went through this again, right up to the end of July. Allowing yourself to be stop-start with Scorpio stuff helps. You can look up the meaning of the other signs/houses on this website or by downloading 2020 Astrology, free, now.
Saturn in Capricorn from December 20th, 2017 is a big global reality check for corporations and big business. We are going to see problems with the actual skyscrapers they have built, either in terms of structure or air conditioning, water, sewage and so on. Some of these ugly high rise temples to ‘Capricorn’ stuff like ‘success’ will even come down by March 22nd, 2020. Saturn is part of a stellium in Capricorn 2017-2020 including Jupiter, Pluto and Ceres so if you are thinking about the future, bear in mind that the corporate world is going to move through the mother of all crises and transformations. Worst hit will be ‘Generation Capricorn’ who are in their twenties and were born with outer planets in this sign. Cater for them and you’ll have the secret to the universe by 2020!
Hello Jessica, I loved your brexit report which I read several times and at once completely understood the will of the “poor” people against the so call elite. You have got me studying astrology again seriously for the first time in more than a decade. I have to say that after buying the premium content (which is very reasonable) for a year, I am fascinated by the Sun in Cancer, Jupiter into Libra transit to come. My first grandson was born under this 12 years ago in October , good eh.??? But since then my home and family life has gone down the pan, I feel now that I will never have a home that suits me, it never suits my husband and I cannot function always moving because he always finds fault. I have Cancer sun @ 21 degrees, Mercury at 13 degrees Cancer, Moon in Libra @5 degrees and Neptune in Libra at 27 degrees. Is there any hope for me, I feel I have always been jinxed and at 60 its not got a light at the end of the tunnel, especially as I cannot access my state pensions for 6 years so no autonomy re money. as usual. Hope you can reply, and I am looking forwards to the us election in November, you say Clinton well, not a choice really, but I feel very sorry for the vast majority of poor there, especially with the August 2017 eclipse over the USA THEN, WHAT DO YOU THINK ? Miss Jessica.xxxx,
That is a huge compliment and I am thrilled that my Brexit predictions got you studying astrology seriously again. I am very sorry to hear about your troubles with your home and family life. Age is irrelevant to astrology as you know, as it is about cycles, not the number on the cake. So let us have a look at your chart and see what is going on. For a start, you are a classic Cancerian, as you have a stellium of four factors in that sign. The Sun at 21 Cancer in the Fourth House of home, family, heritage, home town, homeland, culture, history, kinsfolk, houses and apartments – and also Mercury at 13 Cancer, Vulcano at 21 Cancer, Psyche at 26 Cancer. Did you realise you have an exact opposition between Mercury at 13 Cancer (how you think and speak about family and property) and Juno at 13 Capricorn (your ambition, expressed through commitments like marriage)? I will leave you to work with this as it’s very personal. The reason you have been going to hell and back is Pluto crossing 13 Capricorn, so conjunct Juno and opposite Mercury. I expect Christmas 2015 could have been a lot easier. Pluto is still very close, at 14 degrees in September and October 2016 but then the pattern breaks and you will be enormously relieved. You should also be very happy with Jupiter’s conjunction to your Moon at 5 Libra and Neptune at 27 Libra. Deep down you are a lover and a partner. The first conjunction occurs in the first week of October. Use your journal as much as you can to bring about the broad goal you have. Financially? That’s another story but a revolution is coming in 2018 and it will set so many people free.
Thank you so much Jessica, much appreciated indeed. And yes, last Christmas was a lot easier, I have also been dealing with life insurances up to Sept 9th, and saved quite a lot of money this year to move to a last home(hopefully.) And, I never thought I could be so ruthless about saving. I will try to work out the Juno opposite Mercury aspect. Trying to get to grips with the asteroids up there in astrology. Thank you again. ps. You meant an extremely possessive husband.Right? Never wants me out of his sight. I’m so good at picking husbands, you go 12 years without one and get one the same as the last one!!!!! So, funny.
Hi Jessica,
Would you mind letting me know when the Jupiter cycle is likely to hit my horoscope please?
Thanks 🙂
You have a heavy stellium in Libra in the Seventh House of your birth chart so you have a fair amount of past relationship baggage to unload.That will happen more quickly and easily than you imagined, now through October 2017 as Jupiter (the porter) relieves you of anything too difficult or demanding, emotionally, sexually, spiritually or psychologically, linking you to the past. Use your journal and your new calendar (next year, exclusively for Premium Members) to track Jupiter’s progress through Libra. When he hits the same degree (number) as your Libra stuff you’ll experience unusually positive breakthroughs and turning points. This also applies to any enemies, rivals or opponents who may have left their mark.
Great, thanks for the advice 🙂
Hello Jessica as always your predictions are eerily accurate. My niece, a cancer, as well as her husband, a cancer, have had many struggles in recent years. Back in July I recall reading this birthday horoscope. At the time my niece and her family were moving from a OK (they only lived there for a year) to FL. Just this evening I received a phone call and my niece and her husband said they were coming home (here in MI). I had to refer back to this post from June. Interesting enough they will be heading back October 1st. I pray everything works out!
Much Love – Bonnie
Dear Jessica,
I have the below Cancer, Scorpio and Libra factors:
Sun 19 degrees Cancer 26’23
Jupiter 18 degrees Cancer 12’14
Uranus 12 degrees Scorpio 21’09
Diana 16 degrees Scorpio 46’59
Psyche 09 degrees Scorpio 54’55
Moon 03 degrees Libra 55’38
Pluto 13 degrees Libra 59’13
Bacchus 06 degrees Libra 42’16
I also have:
ASC 19 degrees Pisces
Mercury 14 degrees Leo
Venus 00 degrees Virgo
Mars 15 degrees Virgo
Saturn 28 degrees Leo
Neptune 16 degrees Sagittarius
Chiron 09 degrees Taurus
Juno 04 degrees Aquarius
Vesta 07 degrees Sagittarius
Ceres 16 degrees Capricorn
MC 24 degrees Sagittarius
IC 24 degrees Gemini
DESC 19 degrees Virgo
Fortuna 20 degrees Pisces
Minerva 21 degrees Gemini
Apollo 05 degrees Virgo
“If so, you are among the luckiest of all Cancerian lovers, as the big answer you need, or the new person – or the next major step for love – is coming by October 2017.”
Kindly could you tell me about relationships and love and timing coming up for me?
You have a big Libra and Scorpio chart signature so this cycle, which began on 10th September 2016, takes you all the way through 2017 and into 2018 as well, when Jupiter moves into Scorpio. Thus, you have two years of opportunities to balance the chemistry beautifully with your former, current or potential partner. In fact, it will change your life and it is through this special understanding of how two people can meet each other in the middle, that you ultimately gain with a house, money, possessions or apartment – which you will see from the end of 2017 into late 2018. This may all happen with the same person, or perhaps more than one. Try to do all the talking by December 1st 2016 as you then have December and January delays, changes and reversals to put up with, which may be rather testing. Don’t be surprised if you go backwards and forwards with your former, current or potential partner over those two months. Yet, from that point forward, you will be heading in the right direction.
You can’t really avoid power issues if you were born with the Sun in Cancer as you have Pluto in your Seventh House for some years to come in your solar (public) horoscope. I work with two horoscope systems so you need to read both together. There is no ‘perfect’ in astrology and you will have fantastic opportunities to gain closure with a former partner, or pursue a new partner, now that Jupiter is in Libra. This shows up in your private birth chart. However – because you are a Cancerian you still need to look at questions about who/what is in control until the Pluto cycle ends. I hope that makes it clearer for you. We are now entering the big global barn dance that comes with Jupiter in Libra. People separate and divorce. They seen new love. Sometimes that means other people separate and divorce, too. It goes on. September/October is just the start.
Wheels will turn all over the place in November so see what is available then. In December and January there will be reshuffles, mergers, promotions, hirings, firings in a massive wave, yet even though you see options then too, read the fine print as what is offered may change or be rescheduled by February. It all possible hit the interview button late October through November. Common sense alone (never mind astrology) tells you that a new US President will change the world economy and all sorts of new possibilities will create a snowball effect of growth. Don’t give up on love either! Thank you.
Hi Jessica,
I have been having pluto in the 7th issues for a while , and with Saturn about to jump in there too will it get worse?? You once said that I had picked a lonely road (2011 or 2012) I think. I was on an overseas posting at the time. Now I am on another one but my husband is with me. According to my chart how will that work out and when will we go home?
any advice is gratefully received. Love your work! x
I don’t think I would ever use a phrase like that – picking a lonely road? In fact, you can’t see loneliness in the birth chart at all. Let me look at your chart as it sounds like your husband is your concern – and you also want to go home. You will make big choices (or have them made for you) about your marriage in November, December and Christmas 2016 will help you answer some of the biggest questions. From January 2017 it becomes slowly easier and by Christmas 2017 you no longer have an issue. Without seeing your husband’s chart it’s hard to say exactly when you will go home, but I can tell you that Christmas 2016 will be a relief as you will feel the worst is behind you.
Hi Jessica,
I have been looking for work for months now unsuccessfully. I am feeling quite depressed at the moment as I can’t see the end of the tunnel. On top of it, I have been back at my parents’ while looking for a job. Do you see any good news work-wise any time soon? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks for your assistance!!
I am so sorry to hear this. First of all, the depression is the main concern here so I assume you have seen a doctor? I can also recommend a very good website called Beyond Blue as a first step. Okay, you are having a Pluto transit through Capricorn, crossing 14 degrees (you can see this spot in your chart) and in your Tenth House of career. This is a deep change, and it only happens every 240+ years so I am not surprised you are feeling under huge pressure. This is okay and it will pass. I am sure it is not easy to be at your parents’ home either as that point in your horoscope is also being triggered. One of the things I would say about this cycle, which honestly does not go on forever, is that you gain from becoming your own boss. Perhaps this is literal. I do not know what kind of work you do. It also works in other ways – for example, by becoming the boss of your own life, your own way of living and being. It will take tremendous self-discipline, willpower and self-control but you can do this. It may mean changing your daily routine completely to factor in walking, which is a proven anti-depressant (hit Google to see the research). It may also mean that once you begin to slowly feel better, you start looking for other options beyond the usual. By that I mean, getting more skills through free training, online or in the real world. Thinking about other skills you could make money from, but are not looking at. Thinking about part-time as well as full-time work. There are any numbers of different things you can consider just while this Pluto cycle is with you. I am sure you know this but you need to feel better within yourself before you begin trying your options. So we are back to looking at the depression as the first step. You are not alone. You are having reactive depression to two major life stresses and you are not the first person to go through this. There is help and you do need to reach out for it. I wish you the very best. You can read more about Pluto cycles on this website or in your ebooks and I hope that helps too.
Thank you very much Jessica!
Thank you so much Jessica – I really appreciate you getting back to me.
TOB: 06:10am
POB: (13.0826802,80.2707184)
Sun 04° Cancer 22′ 12″
Moon 07° Libra 31′ 42″
Mercury 23° Cancer 48′ 50″
Venus 19° Taurus 09′ 58″
Mars 10° Cancer 59′ 35″
Jupiter 16° Aquarius 15′ 44″ R
Saturn 22° Scorpio 09′ 50″ R
Uranus 15° Sagittarius 13′ 04″ R
Neptune 02° Capricorn 10′ 48″ R
Pluto 01° Scorpio 59′ 54″ R
Chiron 10° Gemini 52′ 47″
Juno 01° Libra 11′ 00″
Vesta 24° Libra 03′ 16″
Ceres 06° Cancer 56′ 27″
MC 04° Aries 45′ 04″
IC 04° Libra 45′ 04″
ASC 09° Cancer 14′ 24″
DESC 09° Capricorn 14′ 24″
Diana 23° Gemini 35′ 43″
Fortuna 17° Sagittarius 19′ 00″ R
Minerva 14° Scorpio 34′ 22″ R
Bacchus 13° Capricorn 59′ 02″ R
Apollo 21° Leo 54′ 12″
Aesculapia 17° Taurus 46′ 10″
Hygeia 24° Aries 18′ 20″
Panacea 13° Aquarius 06′ 05″ R
Ops 27° Virgo 03′ 22″
Salacia 19° Aquarius 59′ 16″ R
Proserpina 02° Gemini 52′ 44″
Cupido 23° Leo 53′ 18″
Vulcano 04° Aries 36′ 37″
Psyche 19° Taurus 40′ 05″
NorthNode 17° Taurus 07′ 43″
SouthNode 17° Scorpio 07′ 43″
Hi Jessica,
I’m desperate to have a baby and was wondering how are my prospects in the coming year.
You have Apollo (leadership) and Cupido (inspires love) in Leo in the Fifth House of babies, adopted children, foster children and godchildren. In 2017 and 2018 the North Node will go through Leo and cross both these points in your chart. You have karma with the young person about to come into your life by 2018. You knew each other in a previous life. It is hard to say if this is a child you give birth to (though of course it may be) or a godchild or adopted child, but the Node shows reincarnation. This is a rare cycle so this will be a rare event. One way or another the younger generation is going to find you, and you will have known he/she before.
Hey Jessica. I just revisited this page and was surprised to see other Cancerians with the same concerns as mine. Babies. Maybe it’s the age, or just that time of the year, but for the last couple of years I’m stuck with this idea in my head and would be really grateful if you could help me understand better what are the chances for that happening anytime soon given my birth chart? Thank you
DOB: 16-Jul-1987, 23:00 (46.0593374, 20.622454)
Sun 23° Cancer 45′ 08″
Moon 11° Aries 20′ 31″
Mercury 07° Cancer 30′ 15″
Venus 13° Cancer 28′ 29″
Mars 06° Leo 27′ 52″
Jupiter 27° Aries 53′ 39″
Saturn 15° Sagittarius 24′ 06″ R
Uranus 23° Sagittarius 34′ 03″ R
Neptune 06° Capricorn 08′ 52″ R
Pluto 07° Scorpio 08′ 58″ R
Chiron 24° Gemini 59′ 08″
Juno 06° Pisces 38′ 44″ R
Vesta 27° Gemini 38′ 01″
Ceres 23° Sagittarius 30′ 56″ R
MC 15° Sagittarius 57′ 07″
IC 15° Gemini 57′ 07″
ASC 00° Pisces 52′ 38″
DESC 00° Virgo 52′ 38″
Diana 03° Capricorn 13′ 37″ R
Fortuna 05° Leo 59′ 32″
Minerva 15° Gemini 40′ 32″
Bacchus 19° Libra 53′ 28″
Apollo 12° Virgo 19′ 39″
Aesculapia 16° Virgo 19′ 06″
Hygeia 26° Cancer 28′ 23″
Panacea 08° Cancer 56′ 46″
Ops 25° Gemini 28′ 54″
Salacia 22° Aquarius 23′ 20″ R
Proserpina 14° Libra 04′ 13″
Cupido 08° Taurus 17′ 17″
Vulcano 17° Libra 11′ 44″
Psyche 17° Virgo 38′ 21″
NorthNode 05° Aries 14′ 28″
SouthNode 05° Libra 14′ 28″
Fortuna at 5 Leo is the one to watch here. You have Fortuna in your Fifth House of babies, children and Millennials, who come to you through godchildren, nieces, nephews, natural birth, adoption, fostering, step-parenting and so on. Fortuna is that part of you which blindly spins the Wheel of Fortune for others without knowing/seeing what you are doing. So, we might say, fate takes a hand in what is to come next year and in 2018 as the Node slowly moves through Leo. This does feel karmic in nature too – real past life stuff – because you were born with your own Nodes at 5 degrees of Aries/Libra exactly aspecting Fortuna. You also have Mars at 6 Leo, so close by, also in the Fifth House. Proceed as you wish, and make your moves, but I do think destiny is going to take a hand in what happens. We honestly do not see that Node in Leo very often!
Thank you very much for your time. It’s always a pleasure to read all your posts. I’m sort of new to this and still trying to figure out what each planet and body means and how it applies to present. One thing I’m pretty sure is you hit the nail with ” destiny is going to take a hand in what happens”. During my whole life, whatever I planned or wanted to do, it was always either delayed, happened earlier or didn’t happen at all, regardless of all my efforts to get what I want, when I want. And sometimes is beyond frustrating.
Thank you for your kind words. It is worth taking the time to get to know your chart because you will ultimately become your own best astrologer. It’s like learning to play music. Your timing issues are down to so many retrograde heavenly bodies in your chart. You see the R next to all of them? It just means that when you drive forward, the wheels then go backwards, then forwards, then stop. Not with everything in your life, of course, but with a great many issues. Sometimes, though, this will be to your total advantage. You will realise that you were saved from situations you did not want in your life, by this strange spinning wheel progress.
Hi Jessica
Thanks for the years of informative and interesting commentary, I love it! But I guess that’s not suprising I love the political stuff given I share my birthday 22 June 1970 with Elizabeth Warren, Meryl Streep and Cyndi Lauper.
I joined as a premium member because even just with my sun sign some of your stuff is uncanny. Having said that the difficult time you talk about from October 2012 to 2015 actually started for me in October 2011. While it is largely over, the impacts on my health are still hanging around (and yes I know you couldn’t be more accurate when you talk about the body vs work) but I’d like to know how much longer the health issues are going to hang around?
Warm Regards
00° Cancer 36′ 13″
10° Aquarius 58′ 50″
14° Gemini 27′ 27″
06° Leo 43′ 29″
13° Cancer 15′ 26″
26° Libra 04′ 20″ R
18° Taurus 14′ 10″
04° Libra 42′ 03″
28° Scorpio 42′ 05″ R
24° Virgo 45′ 30″
10° Aries 10′ 27″
23° Aries 52′ 52″
02° Virgo 12′ 28″
25° Aries 03′ 04″
17° Scorpio 12′ 42″
17° Taurus 12′ 42″
22° Aquarius 07′ 54″
22° Leo 07′ 54″
07° Capricorn 21′ 55″ R
23° Capricorn 58′ 03″ R
07° Leo 22′ 26″
09° Leo 44′ 20″
09° Cancer 27′ 06″
24° Leo 09′ 56″
04° Cancer 58′ 08″
00° Taurus 49′ 39″
06° Cancer 22′ 56″
29° Capricorn 31′ 25″ R
15° Scorpio 37′ 23″ R
24° Pisces 25′ 03″
09° Leo 39′ 50″
16° Taurus 41′ 38″
04° Pisces 49′ 10″ R
04° Virgo 49′ 10″ R
Thank you Sharlene. I can see why you go around with body issues – the South Node at 4 Virgo in your Sixth House will do that. Pluto at 24 Virgo is the other factor. In astrology the South Node describes the repeat, repeat, repeat issues we sign up for, in this lifetime, so that we can cultivate a sense of humour about them – a philosophical outlook – a more spiritual/soulful angle. I know the South Node can feel like Groundhog Day, as if you wake up to the same situations, no matter what you do. Yet, this is what forces you to work harder on your attitude, point of view, psyche and the rest. Your body forces you to work on your mind. The other side of the issue here is Pluto, so you find your empowerment (or not) through the body. The test here is to use self-discipline and self-control in order to be the Queen of your domain. Nothing to do with Seinfeld but in this case your body is your domain. It’s how you rule. Have you looked at food, drugs, drink? Have you looked at doctors? It is very common to have powerful, powerful entities which ‘run’ your body with Pluto in Virgo. So you may be ‘run’ by cigarette companies, if you smoke, or by the supermarkets and their food investors, if you rely heavily on supermarket food. If you have not started the search, then start the search. Ask yourself who or what pulls your strings, or yanks your chain, when it comes to your body. Then find out what has worked for others – tried, tested and trusted advice or ways to approach the body – which would make you lean hard on your self-control, perhaps, but also put you firmly in control. I would say this is part of your karmic journey, actually, because of that South Node in your Sixth House.
Merry Christmas Jessica,
I often go back over my birthday horoscope so with the New Year ahead, here I am reading it again. Just a couple of questions that I hope you can help me with. I have 7 factors in Cancer so wondering if you look at my chart if you can guide me on important dates with regards to the Jupiter in Libra cycle.
You also mention Capricorn factors and that you can give exact dates on these as well with regards to work related issues. I have 3 factors in Capricorn.
Thanks for your help in advance and hope you have an amazing 2017.
Cupido at 19 Cancer has just been squared by transiting Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus all at 19 degrees, so you have already passed one of the most important phases of the year, in terms of the relationship you have with a family member and the house, apartment, town or country you call home. I hope you took advantage of the situation, even though it would not have been without its challenges. Looking further ahead, your major Saturn in Capricorn transit will not begin until Christmas 2017, yet by 2018 you will need to make some major career decisions, with a big crossroads in 2019 and completion of your C.V. transition by 2020.
Hi Jessica,
Love your website, hope you had a great christmas. I’m curious as to what 2017 can bring to me. I had a horrendous breakup in July; after finding my ex was cheating on me, I broke up with him. Since then, great things have happened with my fitness, career and I have a new housemate+ new renovations to my place- all sounding familiar, I’m sure?!
I was pretty certain that I was going to start a family within the next 5 years with my ex. Now, I feel so unsure about that aspect of my future, and wonder if you could give me some guidance ? My dob is July 1st, 1982 and I have Moon aspects in Scorpio (16 degrees, 17″ 14″); Venus in Gemini (7 degree, 2″ 43″) Mercury in Gemini (17 degrees) and Mars in Libra (13 degrees, 10″, 06″). Not sure if that is enough information, also not really sure what it alls means(!)Thank you anyway and I wish you a prosperous new year!
You stand a very good chance of starting a family from October 2017 as in both the chart systems I use for you, Jupiter (new opportunity, expansion, growth) moves through Scorpio from that point, staying there until 2018 – and crossing your Moon, which describes your need to be needed. The Moon is an ancient symbol of mothers, stepmothers, aunts and godmothers and despite your horrendous break-up with your cheating ex-boyfriend, you might say that a path was being cleared for a new mothering role ahead. Jupiter can only conjunct your Moon in Scorpio once every 12 years and it’s coming. Of course you don’t have to say yes to this opportunity as it will involve your finances, house or apartment in a dramatic way, but if you wanted to take care of a young face/a new face it would be at your fingertips by 2018.
Hi, Jessica! Hope you had a great Christmas! And early wishes for a happy 2017! I’m not sure you received my comment; I posted it on December 8, 2016, but I see that it’s still awaiting moderation. In case you hadn’t seen my comment, I’ll re-post it (with some minor edits) here:
I’m a Cancer born July 1, 1977 at 7:45 a.m. I’m very concerned about my career. I left my old job in a city that I love to a new job in a city near my hometown and family – and then I was forced to resign from the new job. I then received an offer to my dream job in a wonderful new city, but the offer was rescinded. I haven’t had a steady job in my profession (I’m a lawyer) in 9 months. My dream job is work as a federal government attorney. I’ve applied to a number of such jobs recently.
I’m not sure if I’ve read your instructions or my chart correctly, but here are some aspects from my birth chart:
Sun 09 Cancer 38′ 11″
IC 19 Libra 52′ 15″
North Node 20 Libra 51′ 48″ R
Ceres 05 Libra 13′ 19″
Bacchus 28 Libra 06′ 32″
Fortuna 08 Scorpio 46′ 48″ R
Mercury 11 Cancer 35′ 19″
Uranus 07 Scorpio 46′ 48″ R
Pluto 11 Libra 25′ 38″
Proserpina 09 Cancer 35′ 19″
Juno 14 Scorpio 30′ 41″ R
Apollo 04 Cancer 58′ 2″
Ops 14 Cancer 56′ 25″
I’d really appreciate any insight that you can provide about my career. Thank you!
Thank you for your patience. I am slowly returning to work after Christmas and have 1,818 comments and questions, so there is a delay – but I always answer most people, eventually! I can see why you are concerned about your career if you haven’t worked for months. There is a conflict between doing what is exciting, new, radical, different – and doing what feels safe, secure, comforting and reassuring. That conflict is working itself out in your career. If you can’t decide between either, then sometimes the outcome is no action at all. Please be reassured that 2017 is the last year you will have to deal with so many obstacles and waiting games. From 2018 you will be free and in 2019 you will be extremely happy. The Moon at 16 Capricorn is your whole answer here. You have the Moon in your Tenth House of career and Pluto is very close by, also in Capricorn. This can only happen every 240+ years so you are in a milestone phase of your ambitions, now through 2020. Stick to your dream of federal government work. From 2019 through 2020 there will be a massive upheaval in governments across the world and with your caring Moon you will be needed. You are a ‘mother’ figure to your colleagues, employers, clients, staff and that mothering job will be very important as we also see Jupiter, Saturn, Ceres in Capricorn alongside Pluto. You can read more about this historic phase in my latest ebook 2020 Astrology, free to download here. Please keep padding your canoe through 2017 because you will be white-water rafting in the years to follow.
Hi Jessica, Happy New Year! Question about Capricorn factors, I’m a Cancer with South Node (three degrees from sun) in Cancer, North Node in Capricorn (in my 5th house) I’m a writer who has had rather dramatic ups and downs with my career over the last years (ranging from no job to highly successful job to no job again), currently at least one interesting job opportunity ahead early in the new year (second job interview for a promising job in January). I also have an unpublished novel I’ve been encouraged by fellow writers to publish myself, (I can’t find an agent and seem to not be able to get it off the ground on my own so far.) I also have Jupiter at 0 degrees of Capricorn. Wondering if you have advice or what might be ahead, especially since Pluto in Cap has been an enormous drag since 2008 and I’m eyeing December 2017 with great trepidation, relationship-wise (Saturn AND Pluto in Cap??). Any insight would be much appreciated! Thanks, Jessica!!
Happy New Year. Jupiter at 0 Capricorn is almost semi-sextile Neptune at 2 Sagittarius in your chart, so you were born lucky (Jupiter) in your career (Capricorn) and it is tied in a rather fated way to your writing (Sagittarius) as well as to foreign/regional differences, which Sagittarius also rules. Neptune supplies the rest. You will find that every time you have transits over 0, 1, 2 degrees in your chart it either rains but it pours. I am sure Saturn going over 0, 1, 2 Sagittarius was pretty tough – yet you will have Jupiter doing that in the final quarter of 2018, which is not long to wait. You might consider taking the core of the novel and using it in a different way – as a radio play, theatre play, app, podcast and so on.
Hi Jessica. Happy New Year! I have just signed up for the premium membership after many months of reading you daily, weekly and monthly horoscope. I am going through a really stressful period in my life and I was hoping you might be able to give me some insight by looking at my chart as to what is in store for me this year regarding my love life and my living situation. I have been a relationship for a few years but It’s been really rocky. I still love him very much and I am having a hard time leaving him. He is born Aprl 12/79 in the same city as me and at 6:30am.
Thank you. The future really does look bright so have faith – it will be a sunnier world for you by this time next year – and one of the reasons for that is the choice you will make about babies, stepchildren, nieces, nephews or godchildren with this man (or quite another). Before you get there, you do have some more thinking and talking to do. It may not be until the last days of January that you know for sure, so be kind to yourself and give yourself 3-4 more weeks to sort things out. There is no need to rush to a decision and in fact it will be easier if you don’t. Remember, the long-term issue is the children in your world, no matter if they are yours or somebody else’s, and that’s actually why some decisions must be made now.
Thank you Jessica for your reply. I am a bit confused because I don’t have any children nor any children in my life. Also there has been no talk about children either.
You were born in 1979 so you may become pregnant. Astrology takes the long view here. He may also very much want/not want a pregnancy – again, astrology is taking the long view.
Hi Jessica. You are amazing and thank you so much for your response. We just had a discussion/argument exactly regarding kids. Unfortunately I don’t feel that I am ready for kids, not in this relationship anyhow. I know you said I should wait to make a decision but I am actually moving out this weekend. This is quite difficult and I was wondering if things are going to get easier in the near future for me?
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer me.
Thank you. You’re moving out, right after a Full Moon, and if you can’t wait – then you can’t wait. I do understand the stress of the situation. Be kind to yourself and give yourself time and space to change your mind later – not so much about this specific person and the question of pregnancy, but about your relationship with younger people in general. There are many roads to that later on in your life – a typical example is pairing off with someone who has children from a previous relationship. A door remains open for you.
Thank you so much for your answer. I will do my best to remain positive and look forward to the future.
Hey Jessica, I have my descendant in Cancer at 23 degrees and Saturn at 14 degrees, Scorpio at Ops at 20 degrees. I also have Libra factors at Uranus, Pluto and MC at 29, 6 and 11 degrees respectively. I realise I don’t fall into the Sun at Cancer but I have a lot of other signs that you mention and our home living arrangements need a healthy shake up…do you see any light for us during the year 2017? Thank you so much and wishing you a gorgeous 2017! xx
Thank you. You have been experiencing Pluto at 14 Capricorn right opposite your Saturn at 14 Cancer so no wonder you want to move. Mercury is also retrograding through 14 Capricorn so that’s a double whammy. You probably feel quite stuck! Later in the year you will have the option of moving back to a place you knew about 15 years ago, or returning to a domestic situation you had around 1999/2000. It won’t be literally the same, but it will be symbolically the same – like having your parents help you out financially, for example, or moving to a suburb which reminds you of your home town in your mid twenties. That kind of thing.
Yay oh yay! I am so stoked to read your reply. Thank you for taking the time to respond so quickly. I really appreciate all your hard work. xx
Thank you. It’s a pleasure.
Hi Jessica
I’ve signed up to premium and just read my birthday horoscope. I’ve been going through so many challenges in all areas for quite a few years now. I’ve recently divorced and the family home is up for sale. Please shed some light, timings and hope on the following areas based on my chart details below: House sale, new home, interviews and job, money/finances, love life (New or past love reappearing).
Thank you x
05° Cancer 41′ 08″
03° Sagittarius 05′ 04″
13° Gemini 52′ 31″
20° Taurus 17′ 17″
02° Sagittarius 29′ 34″ R
27° Virgo 52′ 00″
06° Taurus 28′ 32″
00° Libra 03′ 05″
26° Scorpio 21′ 45″ R
22° Virgo 34′ 20″
06° Aries 48′ 47″
09° Capricorn 34′ 40″ R
28° Gemini 18′ 06″
10° Aquarius 17′ 25″ R
18° Cancer 46′ 40″
18° Capricorn 46′ 40″
14° Libra 19′ 38″
14° Aries 19′ 38″
23° Virgo 45′ 03″
09° Libra 30′ 46″
22° Gemini 46′ 17″
13° Virgo 34′ 56″
24° Leo 23′ 06″
28° Gemini 24′ 20″
25° Taurus 35′ 49″
04° Aquarius 46′ 15″ R
22° Aries 48′ 03″
28° Capricorn 01′ 58″ R
15° Leo 28′ 33″
20° Libra 52′ 31″
16° Taurus 24′ 56″
14° Aquarius 27′ 40″ R
24° Pisces 43′ 19″ R
24° Virgo 43′ 19″ R
The divorce is best handled (until 2024) by planning Christmas very carefully and cautiously so that the risk of issues about control is kept way down. This may be money, children, nieces, nephews or godchildren. It may also be property. It pays to be aware of December and January, every year. You may also want to do your utmost to avoid any hint of a power struggle between you and your ex, particularly when new lovers come along for both of you. Having learned so much from your marriage, you will be ready for a new lover from October 2017 and this person may have children from a previous relationship or want them. The choice to date is yours. Please do use this year to get the house or apartment you long for, no matter if that involves renovating or moving. Make some sketches and notes to yourself in a little journal. Cut out pictures from magazines or use the internet to create a pinboard or digital mood board. Pinterest is excellent for that. You’ll be stunned at what comes your way by October.
Hi Jessica,
Very warm wishes for a truly happy and prosperous 2017. I have read the cancer yearly horoscope since my ascendant is in this sign (I hope I am right in doing so). In your brilliant article (as they always are), you mention the taurus and scorpio factors and Fortuna playing funny in November, and I indeed experienced that! I am writing as I find myself at crossroads in all fields of my life, and I didn’t manage to get a spot for afternoon tea in London for a consultation with you, unfortunately. I think action should be taken, but I feel completely paralysed and unable to see clearly. Could you please point out what I could do to better my situation?
Thank you, you are too kind. Don’t read Cancer if your Ascendant is there, though. This reading is only for Sun Cancer people. I am sorry I had to cancel the Fortnum and Mason readings in London, but I had a sudden family issue to deal with in Australia. Now – to your chart. Saturn has only recently passed over your Sagittarius Sun. This only happens every 29 years and it can feel like the brakes are on. Feeling paralysed is quite common. You may feel ‘frozen’ or stuck. This transit is now fading, but you do need to do some clean-up and clear-up after 2016. Space clear your bedroom or your flat/house if you have a space to yourself. If you don’t know how to space clear please Google the work of Karen Kingston or Denise Linn. You also need to space clear your computer. This will automatically space clear your brain! Now, find a notebook you like and write a long list of all you are thankful for. Small and big things. Say it out loud. Then write down what you can give or offer – for nothing – to the world this year. Then write a list of all you would like to happen. Just by doing that you will have made a massive energy shift in your world. Watch what comes. Follow up. You will no longer be paralysed or confused.
Hi Jessica,
I know this is coming at you late in the game, but I am very interested in how my Libra factors will affect me through this year.
Your Libra factors opened up opportunities for you in September, October 2016 regarding a former, current or potential partner.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful knowledge.
I have Sun 7 Cancer
True Node 20 Cancer
Psyche 8 Scorpio
Neptune 13 Scorpio
Moon 20 Libra
Panacea 22 Libra
Your insight would be much appreciated.
Your Moon and Nodes at 20 degrees are in a T Square (Libra, Cancer, Capricorn) so 2017 is really about the chemistry you share with your former, current or potential partner. It is also very much about one member of your family or household. I expect December probably kickstarted the main issue as near Christmas we saw Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus all line up at 20 degrees and change will be squeezed out of you, one way or another. You’re in the kind of cycle this year when anything/anybody which does not help you to grow, or even cramps your style, may have to be shown the door. If the set-up can be repaired so that it starts working for you, that’s great, but if it’s clearly beyond repair, I don’t think anybody would be surprised if you called a halt and looked for something/someone that gave you a ton more support, backing and space for a successful life.
Hello Jessica,
Your site is wonderful! I am a cancer 18 degrees.
I met somebody special just a couple of days before the New Moon in Scorpio, October 2016. Though feelings in both of us are strong, the situation is not clear and rivals are involved.
I have DESC 11 degrees Libra, Bacchus 16 degrees in Libra and Proserpina 12 degrees in Libra.
I have Pluto 07 degrees in Scorpio, Mercury 08 degrees in Cancer, Venus and Panacea 06 degrees in Cancer, and Hygeia 24 degrees in Cancer.
He is Cancer 0 degrees, with Mercury 16 degrees in Cancer and Mars 20 degrees in Cancer, Pluto in Scorpio 7 degrees.
My questions is – could this evolve in a lasting relationship through to when Jupiter enters my 5th house? and beyond? Thank you!
Thankyou, I will pass that onto James, Justin and Alyas. The New Moon fell at 7 Scorpio on 30th October 2016, so let’s see what you are experiencing. You were born with Pluto at 7 Scorpio so this was indeed the beginning of something important in your life. In fact, you probably felt (and still feel) quite obsessed. If he also has Pluto at 7 degrees then you are both well and truly poised for a financial/property based relationship, which is what Scorpio is all about. It’s never just about sex, lust or love – it’s always about the money, the apartment or the house. I expect you two will have to make up your minds across April 25th, 26th, 27th when we have a New Moon at 6 Taurus, which is only one degree away from opposing both your Pluto positions. The next big ‘bump’ in the process happens, as you suspect, when Jupiter moves to 7 Scorpio, which takes place in November 2017. That is an opportunity for problem-solving which can only happen every 12 years so this does seem rather fated.
Thank you, Jessica! You are so helpful with the detailed explanations. We both have strong feelings but there are some problems to deal with first.
Yes, he also has Pluto 7 degree in Scorpio. And he has Moon in Taurus 18 degrees.
You also mention in one of your blogs sexually charged property issues November – December 2016. Well, we both had to deal with sudden sexually charged property issues December 2016. And that triggered quite some tension in between us. Currently house issue is our main bump on the road.
I hope we can keep this. Though now it seems so confusing. Do you see anything about rivals?
It’s a pleasure. The property issues are typical when two heavily Scorpio people get involved. You will certainly have to deal, for some time to come, with a love triangle, or love quadrangle, if that is what you intend to do. There is no fast or easy way out of it, and all you can really do is try and keep the situation as simple as possible.
Jessica, you coudn’t have been more accurate about making up our minds around the New Moon in Taurus. He has made up his mind he needs to attend his duty. It is related to law. He is planning to do it exactly before the New Moon in Taurus. It has been a burden for him for some time now and it prevents him from dedicating himself to a good relationship.
Hi Jessica,
I have Libra factors 15, 16, 22, 24 & 28 degrees and I have Scorpio factors along with my Sun in Cancer. What can you tell me about lovers and timing?
Also – I have Capricorn factors 13 degrees. Can you provide me with timing on resignations, interviews etc. Personal birth horoscope: July 8, 1982 Windsor Ontario Canada
Thank you!
This entire year is about reshaping the relationship you have with your former, current or potential partner and you will see this develop in stages. It may mean taking a completely different approach or attitude, compared to your old patterns with love, sex, commitment and so on. It will work out well for you and I suspect December 2017, January 2018 will be the major decision period. You are very unlikely to stay in the same career situation, now through May 2018 and there may be events in April that contribute to that. Your entire career is set to transform, actually, and you may even move to another field, 2018-2020.
Hi Jessica,
I also have Capricorn factors – Moon 14 degrees, Diana 04, Neptune and MC 06.
Does this mean career change. I love my career field. I don’t want to change it. Could this also mean promotion?
I also have stellium of Libra factors, but I already bothered you with questions on the matters of the heart. Thank you!
Impatient about matters of the heart? Join the eleventy million people out there with Libra chart signatures who are also wondering/waiting/wanting – yet Jupiter in Libra will give you a fantastic opportunity to date, mate or relate in an interesting new way by October. The Capricorn transits which intensify from Christmas, peaking by 2020, will offer you massive changes. Promotion is possible, so is a sideways move or exit – stick with your core skills and talents throughout and keep upgrading your knowledge base as things shift.
Hi Jessica,
I think I get stuck in a bottle neck phase in terms of my feeling feedbacks regarding astrology. What factors have more influence in my chart? Which sign’s astrology takes more weight in my horoscope? Cancer, libra, Scorpio or Capricorn? I am longing for settling down… having my own families.
You’ll be the given the chance to join a blended family (stepparenting), start a new one (pregnancy) or actually reconstruct your old family tree so you discover new branches and enjoy new ‘leaves’ in the tree – all by 2024. You will be amazed at how much life changes from Christmas 2017 with most of the process under way by 2020, then by 2024 you can at last be satisfied that you know what a family means – and what a family should be.
Thank you very much!
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