Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, may be interested in astrology (or not) but she is certainly living her new Pluto cycle to the full. So can you. It’s about power and it’s potent right now, in May 2016 – with ongoing benefits, if you use it. One specific department of your life is where you can push a lot of new buttons and see life-changing results. You can find out more about that below. The rules? To gain the power, use your willpower. Angelina Jolie (below) is a Gemini who has used her Pluto cycle (charity) since 2008 to transform her life from Hollywood actress to global humanitarian superstar.

Aries – Career. Unpaid work. Vocation. Project. Full-Time Parenting. Study. Success.
Taurus – Travel. Study. Teaching. Publishing. Education. Beliefs. Foreigners. Web.
Gemini – Money. Apartment. House. Business. Charity. Possessions. Company.
Cancer – Partner. Former Partner. Potential Partner. Enemy. Rival. Opponent.
Leo – Lifestyle. Body. Workload. Fitness. Health. Service. Duty. Routine.
Virgo – Babies. Children. Teenagers. Lovers. Youth. Junior Generations. Heirs.
Libra – House. Apartment. Family. Town. Country. Household. Patriotism. Property.
Scorpio – Internet. Multimedia. Publishing. Communication. Language. Education.
Sagittarius – Cashflow. Bargains. House. Apartment. Bank. Business. Charity.
Capricorn – Image. Portraits. Film. Photography. Title. Role. Profile. Packaging.
Aquarius – Secrets. Invisibility. Mystery. Enigmas. Confidentiality. Psychology.
Pisces – Friendship. Groups. Clubs. Teams. Committees. Social Media. Socialising.
I’m not saying you haven’t had a similar cycle before. Of course you have, more than once, since 2008 when Pluto first moved into this sector of your chart (above). If you think about Capricorn Kate Middleton, as she was then, you’ll quickly realise that her appearance/image/title changes have been there for her three times in the last eight years. Once, when she married. Twice, when she gave birth to her son. Three times when she gave birth to her daughter.
Now, she is using her fourth Pluto moment to relaunch herself at the National Portrait Gallery in London and on the cover of British Vogue. By the way – as someone who began her career writing about astrology at Vogue – I have to say, that cover is one of their very best.
Again, I don’t know if the Duchess of Cambridge is interested in astrology (although Princess Diana certainly was). She has managed to choose exactly the right colours and style for her sign, though. Capricorn is an earth sign associated with earthy browns and rusts. That’s also a bit of a mountain girl look, she has there – suitable for the mountain goat royal.
In your own life, you have already had three stunning opportunities to completely transform the area of your life I mentioned, above – since 2008. Now, in May, you have a fourth. It began slowly, in a small way, when Pluto was Station Retrograde on Monday 18th April.
Pluto begins to climb in your life, intensifying as he moves backwards, forming a stunning trine to the True North Node at 16 Virgo on Thursday 9th June. He does it again on Sunday 12th June. His ‘backward’ motion (actually an illusion, but it has real effects in astrology) means you have two bites at the cherry. Maybe three. What is the cherry? Potency.

Cancerian Benedict Cumberbatch (in Sherlock, above) is another real-life example of someone using his/her Pluto power the right way.
He is currently having a key partnership cycle. It began in 2008 when he was just another actor, but his double act with Martin Freeman as Dr. John Watson has transformed his fortunes. In this cycle, he also married. More Pluto power.
Prince William is another Cancerian. In the same cycle, he married Kate Middleton. Astrology does not have to be complicated. Sometimes it is very simple!
There is only one way you get the reins on a Pluto transit. You have to summon up all your willpower to control yourself, and use enough self-mastery, to get what you want. Pluto moves quite slowly. It can take months, but the impact is also lasting. Pluto sometimes teaches us about the need to take control, by giving us critical moments when we feel we don’t have the reins at all.
Just as you’ve had three solid chances to find lasting control since 2008, I am sure you can remember one truly difficult period in your life when this Pluto cycle showed you just how helpless you were to take charge, or assert yourself, in the face of situations, organisations or people which took your power away.
It is through these extremes that we ultimately figure out how very much we do want to run our own life, and how we’re going to do that. In May 2016, the answer is willpower.
Jupiter Trine Pluto – Sunday 26th June 2016
On Sunday 26th June at 12.30pm in London, Jupiter at 16 Virgo will trine Pluto at 16 Capricorn. I hope you can see now how Pluto’s retrograde (backwards) motion means he can stick at a certain spot in your chart – in this case it’s 16 degrees of Capricorn, where he is also due to make his power felt on 9th June.
This ‘repeat, repeat, repeat’ pattern intensifies everything to your advantage. The beautiful trine from Jupiter the planet of opportunity and solutions, to Pluto, on 26th June will take you higher, not only in the area of your life I mentioned at the start of this story but in a second one too. What is it?
Well, if you do the work, between now and June – you stand to gain as follows.
ARIES Work. Body. Lifestyle. Routine.
TAURUS Babies. Children. Teenagers. Lovers.
GEMINI House. Flat. Family. Household.
CANCER Internet. Multimedia. Publishing. Education.
LEO Money. Property. Business. Charity.
VIRGO Image. Reputation. Profile. Title.
LIBRA Secrets. Privacy. Invisibility. Mystery.
SCORPIO Friends. Groups. Networks. Socialising.
SAGITTARIUS University. Career. Volunteering. Parenting.
CAPRICORN Travel. Education. Publishing. Internet.
AQUARIUS Money. Possessions. Business. Property.
PISCES Partners. Exes. Crushes. Opponents.
57 Responses
Hi Jess,
Thank you again for another illuminating article. I have Pluto 27 deg Virgo 41′ 25″ in my chart. Will this have any effect on my paid work, studies etc?
You were introduced to an important person, organisation or situation (maybe two or three) from February through April which you know very well could turn your success around. I hope you said yes to everybody and everything. If you didn’t, at least bask in the knowledge that someone, somewhere, thought you were capable of greater things. That is only going to deepen over the next few years. Always trust people who let you know that you are important or that your skills/talents/abilities are potent stuff. And develop those. You have build a body of knowledge, experience, ability and sheer instinct for at least one very special field, maybe more, and particularly as Pluto and Jupiter dance together, you’ll see one opportunity after another to take it further.
Hi, I have no capricorn factors in my chart, I have a 16′ at Virgo, do you have any advice, thanks.
You were given some real advantages which will help you so much, if you are self-disciplined, with children. I would also add serious lovers to that list, along with babies and teenagers. Everything has now been set in place and all you need to do is change your old habits and patterns so that you can reach out for the people, situations, organisations or locations – and use them to your benefit. The time is now.
Hi Jessica,
Thankyou for your wonderful work! I always look foward to Sundays as I get to read my weekly forcast from you ! I have a quick question if you didnt mind. I was born on 3rd August 1981 in Ballarat, Victoria. I am having alot of wonderful work and bussiness opportunities come forth this year, which I am enjoying and am very grateful for. I was interested to get your perspective regarding love and relationships for me in 2016.
That’s such a great compliment, thank you. I would love to say that love, sex and intimacy are a walk in the park for you in 2016 and 2017, but the reality is, you have Saturn passing through this zone of your chart. New lovers will be hard work and you have to ask yourself if you can pay the price. I suspect, given your age, you also need to be a total realist about pregnancy, fertility, contraception, potential stepchildren, adoption and the rest. There may also be learning curves about a lover’s own godchild, nieces, nephews and so on. Deep breath and take your time – yet what you learn by 2017 pays off in future and you will be so thrilled with your love life over the long term.
Hi Jessica,
My Pluto is in 23 deg Libra. How am I going to gain through this Pluto cycle being an Aries. From 2008, till date I have met two powerful bosses who have transformed my attitude towards career and a refined lifestyle.
Thanks a lot in advance
You have a stellium in Aries so I hope you have found a job, unpaid role, sport, hobby or interest where you get to be upfront and physical. That is almost as important as the career situation. Basically, you are in a very long-running phase when you are going to meet people, or become involved with groups or organisations, which remind you how powerful you can be. We all acquire roles, titles, labels and gigs through the course of our lives which may not define us at all. So if you are ‘this’ or ‘that’ professionally, don’t read too much into it, as it may be an old life of yours which was a more faithful reflection of your true power. Sometimes Pluto makes you go back, to get to the future.
I’m learning so much from you,
Have a great month. 🙂
Hi Jessica. Love your blogs especially with Pluto at 15 degrees Virgo in my birth chart and Pluto hovering around the same degrees in Capricorn. As I am in the process of reinvention do you see any significance as to my next career/life move? Thank you for your extremely insightful monthly/ weekly forecasts as well!
Interesting. You also have a bunch of chart factors at 0-1 degree so any time there is an ingress (a planet or asteroid, or a Node, moves into a brand new zodiac sign) you see one major department of your life shifting. Thus, I suspect, life is always about invention and reinvention for you. The next truly important ingress is Jupiter into Libra on September 10th and you will feel it so powerfully. Jupiter will be at 0 then 1 Libra and trigger your horoscope. People, organisations, places or situations which are the gift that goes on giving, will take you higher then. As a general rule, though, watch the final week of any month as the Sun will always be making an ingress into a new zodiac sign and as he goes from 0 to 1, you’ll feel that ‘all change’ again.
Hi Jessica, thank you for your work, but I am so confused! I feel like I’m in a crazy tough cycle right now with money, love and my appearance…how can I tell from my chart what is happening? I’m new to all this and find it rather confusing. Can you tell if there’s light at the end of the tunnels for me?
Thank you,
Love will be sorted out from the final quarter of this year, and by the end of 2017 – assuming you are happy to either date someone new, fix things with the current person – or get closure with an ex partner, by that stage. You are having a stonking Jupiter cycle which can only occur every 12 years, lighting up all your Libra factors, and if you read more about Libra on this website you will see it is all about partnership. If your appearance is an issue make May dress rehearsal month when you jot down notes about ‘Me’ you can change later. From 7th June you can put your final thoughts into action. Money? Okay. Get experience and get expertise on your side. Take your time and do your homework/research. Seek wisdom and take it s-l-o-w-l-y.
Thank you so very much. After reading your reply to me, I had possibly the best night’s sleep in a very long time. I am so grateful to you. xx
I am very happy about that, thank you.
Thank you for another insightful blog post on the power of Pluto. You suggest looking at the Sun sign in order to know which area of life Pluto is likely to affect. I have a question about something that has been confusing me for a long time. Although my sun sign is Virgo, I was told twice in the past (by an astrologer first and then a psychic medium) that ‘I was born at the wrong time and should have been a Leo’. I am not too sure what to make of that comment but I do feel and look more like a Leo than a Virgo. Can people be born under the wrong Sun sign? And should I be looking at Leo predictions instead of Virgo? And what about those other signs where we have many planets (like 5 or more?) Could these also influence the area of life where we may stand to gain from Pluto, in order words should we be doing a synthesis of all the different influences in our chart? Or is it more accurate to simply stick to your actual Sun sign?
My apologies Jessica about this over confused/confusing question. Maybe I am just overthinking all of this, which could indeed be a good Virgo trait, as in the art of ‘brain tangling’.
Thanking you in advance for any help detangling my poor brain.
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Panacea and Psyche are all in Leo so you truly live the Lioness life. Please stick to your Virgo prediction, though, as your predictions are based on your solar chart (Sun Sign) and nothing else. What does it mean to have a stellium in Leo? Basically part of your life mission is to lead, mentor and guide a much younger generation born 20+ years after you. You can do this by being a very special mother, aunt or godmother. You can do this by taking paid or unpaid work involving small children, school students or young adults. You are the Queen who holds court with the young and leaves the legacy of her personality to the generation coming behind her. Inspiration for you – Sun Leo people like J.K.Rowling and Beatrix Potter. Sun Leo Princess Anne is also an inspiration to the young. Madonna has an entire teenage fan base who view her as the all-powerful ‘Grandmadonna’!
Many thanks Jessica for clarifying the importance of the solar chart and clearing a lot of my confusion. I think you are spot-on (as always) about the Leo Stellium as I am highly likely to move to an academic role in the near future and teach the generation born 20+ years after me. I cannot help but add ‘likely’ however as my gut instinct is telling me that this may not be quite the story to come and I have learned to listen to my instinct more as I am getting older. The future will eventually tell…
Thank you so much.
A favourite song of mine. Know every word of material girl. Dancing around kitchen
I think it will all make a lot more sense when Mars is no longer retrograde (appearing to move backwards) in Scorpio. That’s not too long to wait.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for your brilliant work.
I have had Pluto hovering over my Asc at 16 Capricorn for some time. It has been intense. can I look forward to a Pluto opportunity?
Thank you very much. Pluto is actually triggering a few personal birth chart factors for you. The trick with Pluto is to look at how others have used the same resources, tools, people, places, plus factors and opportunities which surround you – and made themselves powerful. It’s like moving into a new office near a swimming pool and fitness centre and being overweight. If you use your self-control and swim/train every day then you will physically end up as strong as the admirable creatures you see strutting their stuff on the deck. Alternatively, I could use the example of being given a dream work situation and drawing inspiration from others who have done so much, with exactly what you have. I am sure you can see your own potential, particularly in terms of work, study, business – or your particular talents or expertise. The only thing stopping you from transforming yourself and your life into something super-potent is either a) your own lack of discipline (very common on a Pluto cycle) or b) your own reluctance to be as powerful as you might be. That is also really common – women in particular are not raised to want power, or to be potent. Yet we deserve that.
Hi Jessica,
I am a Cancer with Capricorn factors in Asc and Ceres. My Pluto is in Libra 14 deg.
First question is regarding my career – recently joined a new place where I have to share the power with another. I have my own business as well but yet to pick up. How long will it take me to completely move into my own business/power in the career.
Second question about my love life – I’m still not able to get over the hurt with my ex and she is still hanging onto my life. I have met another woman, an Aries, and we share a good rapport and friendship, but I’m hesitant to go deeper with her. How will this play out eventually.
Thank you.
You will actually have both situations at the same time, for the duration of Saturn in Sagittarius. So, into 2017, you will have both the independence you want (Uranus in Aries) and the restriction of sharing power (Saturn in Sagittarius). You will notice a massive improvement from 2018 so try and pay your dues now. Your Aries friend will be making a swift choice about you or another potential lover from October so if you really want her, don’t waste any more time. She wants the biggest and the best from the end of 2017 and will get it. Maybe it’s you! Finally – if you watch crabs on the seashore you will see how they hang on. They clutch with their pincers, and they do not let go. All those famous cartoons about crabs grabbing your big toe on the beach are based on the truth – crabs grab. Actually, your ex is not hanging onto your life, you are hanging onto your past. That is something else Cancerians do, but the Full Moon in July will sort you out. When you see the Moon becoming almost perfectly round and white in the night sky, that is your chance to really cross the bridge once and for all with her.
Pluto and Sun in Aries – my experience. In Jan 2006 Pluto entered my otherwise empty 10th. My career was good but my workplace becoming toxic. My boss, a bully, had made me a target I’d seen him do this to others over the years but foolishly never thought it would happen to me (I’d achieved industry awards and successes for the company) I left in 2007. I was so damaged and scarred by this, doubted my sanity, belief in my abilities and trust in any workplace. Since then I have done freelance work that wasn’t great, had social security support and therapy. Also in this time I have been in college courses to gain more qualifications to move careers but this has been a struggle and incomplete (due to finances, depression/health issues).
Pluto in my 10th has been a slow death of my working life. I don’t know what’s coming but I don’t want more of it. Last month Uranus entered my 2nd house bringing my worst financial position ever with no freelance work since focusing on study earlier this year (which I’ve now given up).
Questioning my direction and abilities, not knowing where to focus efforts..
Transiting Jupiter and north node are conjunct natal vertex and Uranus respectively. How can I do this astro better?
I am sorry you have been through this horrible experience at work, but you are not the only one, and many people have experienced the stress of control freaks, bullies, power players or dominators since this cycle began. In general, when you feel as if you have gone backwards or are stuck, Pluto is nagging you to take your power back. To reclaim who or what originally made you so potent! You have to examine your resources, assets, advantages and pluses (all earned) and really push them, even if you feel you are truly challenging other people or the world by doing so. Pluto responds well to that. I don’t work with the vertex but I do work with Jupiter, the North Node and of course Uranus. If this is an exact conjunction (zero degree orb) then you have the best opportunity in 12 years to benefit from who and what you reject, which also rejects you. Please read more about Uranus on this website. What does Uranus in Virgo mean? It means you distance yourself from whatever you invent and create in your work or study life. You reject it. Then, the new world begins. You have a new world of work or study waiting and it will be unprecedented, unusual and unorthodox, and the Jupiter conjunction will time the situation for you. Best thing to do? Go along with the revolution.
Thank you Jessica for your insights, they inspire hope for these Pluto affects! Natal planets in Virgo; Uranus 20º Pluto 18º Moon 7º, if I understand correctly they have/will all have transits of north node and Jupiter this year. I’m not sure what is meant by creating then rejecting something, is it the same as detaching? I hope I’ll work it out.
Viva la revolución!
Uranus in Virgo your chart works like this – you invent projects, roles and goals. You then reject them. You distance yourself from them. Yet – they take on a life of their own anyway and you realise you have a new world of work around you. This is common to your whole generation, but it is personal to you in 2016. It’s rather like writing a book, then rejecting it – then realising the book is being bought by people anyway, so you have to accept that this is where work is actually at, for you. Or – you fall into something you don’t really want to do, professionally, only to find that you are in such demand that you have to make this your career. Read more about Uranus on this website. It is often misinterpreted. In the natal chart it describes what you produce, create, invent, spawn, breed and generate (in Virgo, through work) only to separate yourself from it. Despite this separation, it takes on a life of its own and you accidentally invent a new career. Uranus in mythology was the father of the Titans, only to hold them in contempt – so he shoved the children back inside Gaia, his wife (the earth) where they eventually broke free, once Saturn had castrated Uranus. Along with these liberated children who made up the new world, Venus was accidentally born from semen mixed with sea water (the semen had been spilled when Uranus was castrated by Saturn, his son, the Titan). If you look at the history of Uranus and its discovery in 1781 you will see it is a story of tremendous rejection which accidentally gives birth to a new kind of astronomy. Caroline Herschel was rejected by her family as she was not married. William Herschel rejected his country. Uranus had many names, including The Georgian Star, all rejected until the astronomer Bode suggested Uranus. This new planet then became part of a new world. The revolution is always there with Uranus but if it is in your natal (birth) chart you do not start it or want it – it happens to you, or around you. You are the accidental catalyst for the revolution. This was true last year and it will be true this year as the Virgo transits sweep your birth chart.
Thank you, thank you, I think I get it. The falling into something…really resonates, story of my working life. Hope I can accidentally create a new career I actually want ; ) Going to read more on Uranus now. xx
Thank You so much for your astrological insights, Jessica. I love the way you interpret and communicate astrology. I hope I will be able to get a reading from you next year, but, in the meantime, I have a question.
I am overwhelmed with the amount of changes in my life that might have started in late Dec 2013 or early 2014 and picked up speed in late September 2015 and continuing even now. I actually relocated to a different city thousands of miles away, changed to a different job in the same company and struggling to find a place to live (right now staying at my sister’s place). In this process I also left a budding relationship behind. I was feeling stuck since 2009 and quite unhappy (career wise as well as confusing personal relationship(s)). 2014 and 2015 were really bad for my state of mind. I have a well paying job. I realized in April – June 2015 timeframe that I HAVE to make an effort to get out of the rut I was in and be my old self. So, I relocated to stay closer to family. I grabbed a good career opportunity and changed my job in Feb 2016. April 2016 literally made me feel free and liberated and boom after one week of solitude I became what I wanted to be. I haven’t felt this sharp or focused or peaceful since 2009. Changes are still happening – this time for people around me which are affecting my plans. When will these changes stop? I am trying to buy a house in my current city but I don’t know why but I have a feeling that I am going to move/relocate again. When will I be able to establish a more permanent residence? Can astrology suggest if it would be the current city or a different one? Thank You so much for your guidance either way.
You could easily move by 2018 or just travel more – yet from 2018 all the changes would be over. This feeling of being unsettled will ultimately stop, but you are in a cycle when you must explore, discover and roam. You can do this by living in two places, or living in one and working in another. You can also do it by taking up work which allows you to commute long distances. I suspect that once Jupiter goes into Scorpio from the final quarter of 2017, into 2018, you will be able to settle for good and be thrilled at what you achieve, either because you commit to renovations in the house or apartment you have now, or because you uproot in late 2017 or 2018 to a home that you know is ‘the one’. Either way, for 2016 and 2017 please surf the change, yet look forward to settling down from 2018.
This was a very interesting read. I think the last couple of Pluto cycles since 2008 have affected my circle of friends or my social life in general. Since I have Psyche at 18 Virgo, what would the implications of that be? How would this affect any potential partnerships?On a slightly separate note, I’d like to ask if there’s anything in my chart that shows several unsuccessful attempts at relationships. I’ve figured out that since I have a stellium in Libra, which is also my first house, a large part of my identity might be based on my relationship status. But I wanted to ask whether there are other factors or if its just the stellium biasing my opinion.
Thank you so much!
P.S. I’d like just to tell you that your tips on surviving through mercury retrogrades, which I’ve read over and over again, are really helpful, in a time when the events around me seem like they’re textbook mercury retrograde!!
Thank you. Born with the Moon, Saturn, Ceres and Salacia in Aquarius in the Eleventh House of friendship – you are always going to have a lot of work to do with old friends. This isn’t really relevant to the Pluto transit in Capricorn, nor your natal Psyche in Virgo. However, you have felt many years of issues with your social life, social circle, friendships (groups in general) because you have an Aquarian stellium involving Saturn (life lessons) and Ceres (compromise) which is never going to be particularly easy for you. As for relationships – better times are coming – read my blog post on Jupiter in Libra.
Dear Jessica hi again. I loved the Pluto article . So i took the courage to ask you more personal , detailed questions…
You suggest looking at the sun sign to see which area of our life will be affected. I am a cancer 16” but I have Pluto at in 27” in Virgo at my 4th house in my personal chart.
I am unemployed 5 years now(being an interior designer in Greece right now is a nightmare) but cannot find anything else either.,
I have a son and have been separated for 2 and a half years now (with a Saggitarious 03 Dec 1968) but since January i offer hospitality to him at the guest room so he can be able to start his new company .He told me for 3 months but i think it will take a lot longer.
So i am under a lot of pressure., is all these because of Pluto?
Now At the love front, since January i communicate through internet with a Leo (24 july 1970) and ,don’t laugh now, it feels like i know him forever and i ‘feel’ that we can actually be good friends in real life too. We have the same way of thinking , which i don’t easily find with Greek men here.
He is a bit famous here so i take things very slowly.(he is divorced with a son too)
Oh well,i think i wrote a lot!
Didn’t mean to tire you but The way you reply helps me see another perspective of the situation i am dealing each time.
and thank you once again for hearing me out
Thank you. Close to 27th August 2016, Jupiter stands at 27 Virgo conjunct Venus at 27 Virgo, both simultaneously conjunct your Pluto at 27 Virgo. This is a major opportunity or solution which could transform your working life for the better. In the Natural House system you have Pluto in your Sixth House of employment. Your Sagittarian ex should be useful with your son – correct? – if not, then you can request that. The Leo will have difficult issues with his son until 2017 so be aware of that. Take the work, housework, study and/or volunteering answer offered at the end of August. It will involve a keen sense of service and duty to other people and you will have to change the way you view work but it is a huge advantage to you.
Hi Jessica,
I’m in the process of buying a house (being slow and cautious as Mercury is in retrograde) – I’m wondering if this Pluto business is why I’ve had a hard time with finding places to live – problems with landlords, problems finding a place that’s “comfortable” (not just a house, but a city that feels right) since 2008.
What advice do you have for theJupiter trine Pluto and secrets?
Born with an unusual pattern at 0-1 Cancer (the sign ruling property and home) you literally had Pluto at 0-1 Capricorn right opposite this, since 2008. You have been well and truly ‘Plutoed’ and as this cycle takes 240+ years to return, it is momentous. Wait for Jupiter to get to 0-1 Libra in September 2016 which will bring balance to your situation. Mars will also move to 0-1 Capricorn in the closing days of September, so I reckon that month is your turning point. The trick is to weigh up other factors in your life (not just houses, cities, landlords) so that you can redistribute things in your life and find some more peace and harmony. At the moment it’s become too intense, and too loaded, according to your chart. It does stop!
Dear Jessica, I am regularly amazed by the accuracy of your predictions. My attempt to change or transform my professional situation by changing to entirely new field failed.Yet still the situation in my oldjob is getting worse. I do not want to stay. Will there be another chance for a new and better job with better circumstances and conditions of work. Will I find a better jobsoon. Will it be in my hometown or somewhere else? Will it be related with my family? My DOB is 15.10. 74 germany
Thank you. Okay, so you are a Libra who has Neptune transiting her Sixth House of work and so you want a holiday from reality. You need an escape. The issue is mixing reality with the escape! I suspect things have become awfully muddled and unclear, mainly because they have been slipping and sliding for a very long time. However – there is hope. You have some sensible, practical, serious people or organisations around you – listen to them. Seek them out. As questions. It may not feed your wildest dreams but you do need to use these anchors. From there you can figure out a way to both discipline yourself and get real about work – yet hang onto bits and pieces of the escapism. The best analogy I can use is the surfing/swimming/scuba diving you do in the ocean and the way you can contain and control that by just using a pool on the beach. I will leave home and family for another time. But…now is the time to get real and section off some part of your talent/ambition/skill so that it remains nice and floaty, without losing the plot. You may need two jobs. One which is the icing and the cake, and the other which is a boring old sandwich.
Hi Jessica . Thanks a lot for you insightful information . I have Pluto in libra at 14 degrees and prospernia at 0 same sign . I suppose as far as I have read your website it relates to partners . I have left one partner after 20 years long relationship . But boy it did take a lot from me . Met another he is born on 11 november 1977 but it’s like repeating the same pattern of past though this one is seeking for divorce and is as complicated as the first one .how can I use this to my advantage as per general information given by you I have worked a lot so far with change of my lifestyle became vegan ,changed my drinkING habit from hard to only light although just smoking is left which I am trying to quit . But now I want to be married as well . How shall I work with this cycle in my favour . Please guide . Love has always been hard and in the end I generally lose . I do not want to lose this time . Any information will be really helpful in this regards . Thank you .
Thank you. Smoking will be easier to give up now than it has been for years so do try. You will be helped. Born with Venus, Mars and Pluto in Libra you will never lack for passion and understand seduction, longing and intimacy more than most. From September 2016 you will reshape what you have very successfully or if you deserve someone else, will be offered a new lover to date by 2017 who could truly expand your world. Lucky you!
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for all your work.
I have IC-MC at 16 degrees in Virgo-Pisces /VIII-II houses, and my Sun is at 12 degrees in Aquarius.
Could you please advise on how to use the aspects below:
– Pluto trines the True North Node at 16 Virgo on Thursday 9th June and Sunday 12th June.
– Jupiter at 16 Virgo will trine Pluto at 16 Capricorn on Sunday 26th June.
I am not sure which house system you are using – it sounds as if it’s Placidus? Your Sun is in the Eleventh House according to the house system I use.
Yes, it’s Placidus. If I use the natural house system, will the IC-MC axis have the same coordinates?
I would like to know how Pluto trine my IC at 16 degrees Virgo will impact me. Should I use my will power?
Thank you.
Your IC and MC will go into a house, rather than sit on the cusp of the Fourth House and Tenth House. Pluto trine your IC is instantly noticeable – powerful people, organisations or trends affect your house, apartment, family or household. One example might be the council making new plans for your area. Another might be a relative laying down the law.
Could the IC signify also the country where I live?
Does the fact that Jupiter at 16 Virgo will conjunct my IC , help the things to be less dramatic with the Pluto trine at 16 Capricorn on 26th June?
Thank you.
The IC describes your homeland, usually, but if you moved to a country which feels more like home – that is also your IC. Jupiter’s conjunction will certainly help you. Pluto’s trine will tell you ‘How powerful do you want to be?’ and ‘How empowered do you want to become?’ Family is also very much an IC affair.
That’s for the great article! My Mars and Pluto are with a degree of one another at 0-1 Scorpio and I am a Capricorn. My Mercury is also at 0, and a Neptune/Jupiter conjunction within a degree at 28/29 degrees. I was interested to read about the ingress of heavenly bodies shifting an area of life. It makes sense. How can I manage the changes and what’s to come?
As soon as you see planets or asteroids approaching 0 (check this website for daily positions) you need to grab a notebook and make sketches/notes for a new life chapter – or maybe more than one. You’ll be amazed at how often what you intend to start, becomes real.
It has been true with the Pluto and have badly been effected since 2008 in forms of partners and rivals. You haves nailed it on all the articles that you write and it not just me but I see from the forum that you catch on every important aspect of astrology which other miss.
It has been since 2008 that my career has been on the downward trend. With 4 planets in retrograde what would be your advice on career aspects in month of May/June.
I have Pluto in Virgo and two factor 3/26 in Capricorn and a member of the premium forum. Appreciate if you can have a look at my chart and advice.
I will read your public chart and also your private chart. Publicly, you are going through Uranus in the Tenth House (and have been since 2011) so nothing stands still – everything is an experiment – and the most radical, even revolutionary changes have happened in your business, profession or industry. The trick with this cycle, which lasts until 2018, is to experiment. To innovate and invent. To explore and risk. If you try to hang on to who you were, or what you had, or the way things used to be, you tend to get the most disruptive side of this cycle. It usually involves a fair amount of rejection, so don’t worry, it’s not personal. You may also be rejecting people, systems or set-ups which you find to be tired, dated, stuck or stale. So this is the famous rejection dance of Uranus. Out of it comes freedom and independence – or it should! You should be doing your own thing and finding your own way at the moment. Your personal chart reveals Jupiter at 3 Capricorn, Pluto at 29 Virgo, Cupido at 22 Virgo and Psyche at 11 Virgo. You are in a fantastic position to either add study or a second job/unpaid work role you love to your general career as Jupiter goes to 22 Virgo in August 2016 and then 29 Virgo in September 2016. Long-term you are always protected in your chosen field. You will be amazed at what happens when Pluto goes to 3 Taurus in May 2018 and makes a stunning trine to your natal Jupiter at 3 Capricorn.
Proserpina, Vesta and Pluto at 1,3 and 4 Libra in the first house in placidus yet I have always been at the mercy of others due to circumstances. Ascendant at 16 virgo and a stellium in pisces makes me want to look forward to the June conjunction. How do I make the most of this please?
Your Ascendant at 16 Virgo is quincunx Fortuna at 16 Aquarius (if your birth time is exact) and thus, from June 23rd until 30th, Jupiter at 16 Virgo and Pluto at 16 Capricorn will create a pattern you will not experience again in your lifetime. This is about your image, title, role and personal appearance. It is also about a friendship, within a larger group of people. The most powerful individuals, organisations or situations will reshape how you are seen by the world. By the way – don’t use Placidus if you want a sex life. He was a monk!
Whoa no wonder I live like a monk, think like a monk, act like a monk!! My lifestyle is austere…. Will switch to natural this minute!!
But how does this work in synastry? My Jupiter will fall in everyone’s twelfth, or Uranus in seventh!!
Too funny. I have had vast experience using the Placidus house system for the readers of Cosmopolitan magazine and I have found it makes young woman quite unhappy. All house systems work, but they are reality filters, and this is the reality filter of someone who lived at a time when women were used as human floor mops. Synastry? Yes, you will ‘be’ Jupiter in the Twelfth House for those who have horoscope factors right on your Jupiter. I suspect you have already seen this. Likewise, you will ‘be’ Uranus for particular partners in your life, or even enemies.Once again, their horoscope factors would need to be right on your Uranus. Sounds painful, sorry.
Hi Jessica,
I wasn’t sure if this was the most appropriate blog to post my comment, but the Cap daily for Thursday 26 May completely sums up my experience yesterday and today.
‘Pluto in Capricorn has shown you the core issues about the way you are seen and appear. They are about control as much as anything else, and perhaps the misuse of power by others. They had the reins and didn’t hold them correctly. Now, over to you for a more considered reaction’.
I’ve been really messed around re interviews but carried on positively until yesterday when I’d had enough. I pulled out of the process, was persuaded to carry on (big mistake should have stuck by gut feel) and it ended with my professionalism being called into question! Gobsmacked! Talk about feeling stung.
An earlier response in a different post highlighted Jupiter going forward again on the 9th bringing opportunities – which it did – so I’m wondering what aspect of my chart Pluto is triggering? I have taken lessons away from this, and I’m sure I’ll laugh about it at some point.
Look forward to your insight.
See how you have Mercury at 11 Capricorn in your chart in the Tenth House of career? Neptune was at 11 Pisces on the day this occurred, triggering some confusion – and the Moon was in Capricorn, in the Tenth house as well. Beyond your regular Capricorn horoscope, your personal chart was telling you to clarify things. It is still possible there is a bit of muddle or confusion around your ‘message’ regarding your career so have a look at that. In general, though, from the first New Moon in Libra on October 1st you should have a brilliant new solution or opening within this work sphere or quite another.
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