What happens when Pluto (transformation) goes through Capricorn (corporations) for sixteen years? Big business is completely changed, and that directly or indirectly affects your own work. The days of one job for life are well and truly over.
Pluto moved into Capricorn in 2008 and stays to 2024.
January 27th 2008 to June 14th 2008
November 28th 2008 to January 21st 2024
September 3rd 2024 to November 19th 2024
Look up your birth chart below. If you have birth chart factors in Capricorn then Pluto will conjunct, or sit on, those factors – bringing a year of job change for you. There will probably be demotions and promotions, which Pluto rules. He himself was demoted in 2006 by astronomers and his mother-in-law in Roman mythology, Ceres, was promoted at the same time.
In 2016 Pluto moves between 14, 15, 16, 17 degrees of Capricorn. If you have horoscope factors in that sign, matching those numbers, then you can expect to see a reshuffle in your chosen workplace, industry, field, business or profession.
This will either directly impact you, or have an effect on the way you work through six degrees of separation.
If you were born with Capricorn factors at 13, 14, 15 degrees this happened to you, back in 2015 (although if you have them at 14 and 15 the process continues in 2016).
If you have Capricorn factors from 0-13 then this change in the balance of power in your chosen profession, industry or field is now history. It’s behind you.
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If you have Capricorn chart factors, you are ambitious. It may be dormant and only triggered when we have transits (travelling planets, asteroids or points) moving through Capricorn. However, part of you is ‘mountain goat’ in astrology. That means you know how to climb patiently to get to the top. The farther away your goal is, the more natural it seems to you. Capricorn is about moving steadily from one rung on the career ladder to another. It is about ‘social mountaineering’ or ‘social climbing’ so that you ‘get ahead’.
Pluto is about the sweeping transformation in the balance of power (demotions and promotions, typically) which reshuffle positions across the board. This empowers people who had no control before – but it also forces those individuals, businesses, corporations or governments who dominated to find a different kind of empowerment.
Pluto was found in 1930, the year that Hitler came second in the German elections. It was also the year that research into what would become atomic weapons, later, started to gather speed. The year 1930 was a game-changer. It was the beginning of a massive reshuffle in the balance of power across Europe, then Asia, then America which would ultimately result in the Second World War. It was the aftermath of that war which was the real Pluto effect though; the United Nations became a reality and America became a nuclear superpower.
Pluto told us what he was about, back in 1930. The symbol, as a timing device in your horoscope, will always describe people, organisations or nations which seek total control and ‘world domination’ (actually, sometimes it’s not even a joke!)
In Capricorn, the sign which symbolises the mountain goat, the modern mountain is the corporate skyscraper.
Another symbol is a government building with its layers of hierarchy, from the Mail Room on the ground floor to the people at the top – literally – with the views over the city.
When Pluto goes through Capricorn, and particularly when it is triggered by other planets, there is always a massive down/up shift within the skyscraper, or the government. This has a domino effect on employment and business nationally, then internationally.
The Global Financial Crisis we endured when Saturn was in Scorpio is now over. It finished, in astrology terms, in 2015. During that time corporations and governments went through classic Pluto reconstruction and deconstruction. This had a chain reaction impact on your own industry, business or field. It may even have directly affected you.
Pluto’s role in your horoscope is to empower you – differently. This may mean, that if you are in a job which gives you no control, the universe must move to put you out of that job, so you are forced to seek another way of working. This time, it will be a way of working that puts you in charge of your own life.
This is the cycle when people are made redundant, take a severance pay package and start their own business. Or they seek an alternative job where they are far more their own boss.
Another common outcome of this cycle is enforced job sharing. The company you are in changes its direction and suddenly your old role is split between yourself and one or two other people. You are forced to share. Made to compromise! Yet – you find out that it ultimately makes you and the whole department more powerful. Pluto has handed you more control than you ever had, as long as you are prepared to share.
Promotion can and does happen in a spectacular way on this cycle. Pluto can elevate you. When this happens, it’s not just about your professional life. It’s also about your social status, so you might assume an impressive title, or gain access to the kind of income that guarantees a more prestigious address, public schools for your children, and a ticket into members’ clubs.
Demotion is unusual on this cycle but this can also empower you – in a new way. Pluto himself was demoted in 2006 by astronomers who reclassified his status. He is now a dwarf planet. He was ‘dwarfed’ by the system.
In mythology he was also ‘shrunk down to size’ by his brother Jupiter, as Pluto had tried to take (and take over) in typical Plutonian fashion. He had taken Proserpina, the young daughter of Ceres, the goddess who ruled agriculture and the four seasons. When Ceres complained, Jupiter – the supreme God to the Romans – took charge. Pluto was told he had to hand Proserpina back for six months of the year, to her mother Ceres.
This symbol can sometimes result in being ‘cut down to size’ or being ‘downsized’ or affected by ‘cutbacks.’ Which is exactly what happened in mythology 2000 years ago, and in astronomy in 2006.
How did Pluto gain, in the myth? The reality is, when Jupiter took over the situation, the four seasons – Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter – were invented. It became a whole new world. Pluto got to be the boss of Proserpina during Autumn and Winter. He was given a new, different, important role in a transformed universe.
Even when you are forced into downsizing, or changing your role, on this cycle – you wake up in a brand new professional or business world where, if you play your part, you can access the controls in a new way.
This is why astrologers talk about Pluto in terms of letting go. The process affecting your career, industry, business or field is much easier if you just let nature take its course.
Sometimes Pluto’s lesson to you, is that you have dominated. You have tried to do what Pluto himself did, and take over. You have ‘taken’ territory in your field, business or industry that did not belong to you. Consequently you will be cut back.
Pluto can sometimes turn up as a bully or dominatrix in the workplace. It never lasts long. The Pluto cycle is about transformation and sooner or later, people who unfairly dominate others, or just go overboard trying to control everything, are moved out, sideways or down. The Pluto process is about a level playing field in a new world, with different players assuming different kinds of power.
Remember Pluto’s discovery in 1930? The Second World War saw dictatorships. None of those dictators lasted.
At various points on his journey through Capricorn, Pluto makes exact patterns with other planets that give the changes, a particular flavour.
Nigel Farage (below) and his political party UKIP want to see Britain leave the E.U. at the June 2016 referendum. They want the United Kingdom to become independent from Europe. Farage argues that Britons should not be dictated to, by politicians in Brussels. Mr Farage wants Britain to trade with any country she likes, around the world – without restriction.
Pluto in Capricorn with all its focus on dictators, has chosen to announce himself via the issue of foreigners/foreign control – but why in 2016?
The answer lies with Saturn in Sagittarius. When this planet (representing tough realities) moved to 16 Sagittarius in March 2016 it formed an exact semi-sextile to Pluto at 16 Capricorn. What does Sagittarius rule? Foreigners. Travel. Export.
As I write this in 2016 we have eight more years of the Pluto in Capricorn cycle, left to run. The best way to track your personal horoscope is to read your weekly astrology forecasts on this website. When there are key Pluto patterns in Capricorn, they will be listed in the Premium Members’ section so you can see if your own chart is affected. When Pluto hits the same degree as any of your own planets, asteroids, angles or points – that will be a milestone for your career, unpaid work or life at university.
Sometimes the ‘job’ is being a father or mother. If you value your son or daughter, and the family role, more than the actual work you do – that can also be the status switch. Being the head of the family, in your eyes, can be like occupying the CEO role on the top floor office of a Manhattan skyscraper.
76 Responses
Hi Jessica, another fantastic article! Enjoyed the Love Revolution blog too, gives me hope. Couple of things- my birth chart is incorrect, something has gone wrong. Could you please ask your team to take a look. Thanks
I am a Cancer, with ascendant in Capricorn 26 and Pluto in Cap 14. Life has been upside down since 2008. Went through separation, moved continents/countries, gave up a job, lost a business(during separation) and lost 3 jobs since then.
When will things change for me career wise, in what field will I find success and stability? Or is going to be an on going process? Please give me some clarity. So need some reassurance. appreciate your insight and time. Thanks
You are the second person to mention an incorrect birth chart so please hit Support so my webmasters can follow up with you. I am sorry for this technical issue we are having. I will wait until it’s corrected, to look at your question – but so far this does not sound like a Pluto issue to me. He hasn’t reached your Ascendant yet. I’ll come back to you when the technical problem with your horoscope is fixed.
Thanks, Jessica. Your support team is fabulous! Took care of the chart right away. My thanks to them.
Would you please take a look at my chart and help me get some clarity? Thanks in advance. You are wonderful!
Thanks so much Mini, I will pass that onto James, Justin and Alyas. Did you know you have a stellium in Libra? You are going to love the final quarter of 2016 and most of 2017 – things grow, and grow, and grow with your former, current or potential partner. On a work level if you were two be in a professional duet at this time you would love it. I think you may be offered a double act to work inside. But look at love too. This could be huge.
Hi Jessica, my birth chart is fixed, but it’s not the Aries 0 Natural that you follow. Looking at this chart, everything is different. Would you please clear the confusion for me. Many thanks for your time and comments.
I have written about the different house systems on this website if you want to see why I use Natural Houses (also known as Aries 0 Ascendant). Thank you.
Thanks for another insightful post. I have 5 planets in Capricorn, including Diana at 16 Capricorn, which is currently conjunct with Pluto at 16 Capricorn. Issues of freedom and control versus security and family responsibilities (I also have five planets in cancer) have been a theme in my life over the past few years. I had to give up work for ten years (2001-2011) in order to raise a family; as a result, my career and personal life suffered. Is the current conjunction in 16 Capricorn an encouragement to pursue my own independent path in order to get some control back in my life or is that to do with getting a better work/family balance? Many thanks in advance for your comments; it is hard to read one’s own chart.
Cheers, I do appreciate your comment. Okay, you’re doing a pretty good job of reading your own horoscope – I am impressed. What you are missing is Apollo at 16 Cancer. So you were born with an exact opposition from Diana at 16 Capricorn (career) to Apollo at 16 Cancer (home and family) which is being triggered as Pluto goes over 16 Capricorn. Giving up work to raise a family is a classic example of that opposition, as whenever heavenly bodies are opposite in the chart (in facing-off signs) you have inner conflict and issues to deal with. I think you need to wait for Pluto to move away from 16 Capricorn when the situation will be behind you. The end of 2017 achieves this for you. In the meantime, recognise that you are being empowered by the situation. Pluto always offers you a way to run your life and also become rather powerful, in terms of other people too. It’s a challenge but you will win this. Once the transit is behind you, it’s a whole new life. You may want to really explore the Cancer-Capricorn axis by reading more about it, and how it manifests. Read up on Apollo and Diana too. Even, look at the art works based on these two deities. The paintings can often act as great triggers for the intuition and how to make your own life easier.
Nice! Thank you, Jessica. Love this – I have been seeing shifts/changes around me in my field and have been feeling more empowered by it. People leaving, newbies coming in, I become their mentor, becoming the “senior” person in my team, etc. Of course, I would love to know how Pluto will continue to effect me with my job. Also, am wondering if my passion for fashion will succeed. Will I gain any power in another (fashion/beauty) field? Fyi – I noticed that my birth chart is off (this has happened before). My info is correct in the “member’s profile”, but my chart shows up very bizarr-o. It is not aligned with my info at all. I wonder what you see on your end (I am Sun 26 libra with a few planets in Capricorn: Ceres 16 Cap; Juno 27 Cap…).
Thanks so much. First of all – if your information is correct but your horoscope wheel is not matching that, please click on the Support button on the website. If you do have horoscope factors in Capricorn, then your entire career transforms to 2024. If you are interested in fashion and beauty, then watch the transits of Neptune, which describes how the world escapes from reality (which is haute couture and cosmetics, let’s face it). Neptune in Pisces for the long haul suggests you would do quite well with anything fantasy/fake/unreal as people long for that. Lady Gaga is a pretty good example. Women who look like Barbie dolls are another, but let’s not go there!
Hi Jessica, I am a relatively new member. As I am reading information about career change, potential redundancy and basically having more control over the way you work. I am actually astonished as these thoughts have been playing out in my mind recently. I have the potential to be offered redundancy and feel I’m at a crossroads and have been seriously thinking about taking that leap of faith and branching out. Thanks for the amazing insight into the world of astrology.
Thanks so much. It sounds as if you are having a direct Pluto transit, so you may have one or more factors in Capricorn – and possibly Virgo too.
Thoroughly enjoyed Pluto going over my Venus Neptune & particularly Sun.I am changed would be an understatement.
Work wise the best time I had was 2012-2014. Other than it every year has been Crawls. Something about this planet that it forces you to transform the way you think, you see.Many a times I have felt the more you transform, the more Pluto keeps on giving you
Still Bacchus,Minerva,Vesta meeting is left
Pluto is often feared by astrologers/astrology fans but it’s a symbol of empowerment, if you accept that everything has to change and you have to ‘work’ the situation. America did very well out of Pluto during the Second World War. It made her a superpower despite the pain of Pearl Harbour, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Dear Jessica, a really inspiring article. I started my new job. My old one is about to be liquidated. It feels right to leave and hope I will have been done at the end of June. And then it is over.
There is still the foreign job option, that would mean a radical change of place. Do you see such a change in my chart? DOB 15/10/74 12.01 pm in Germany. And could I benefit from that? It would mean more money and a prestigious job anyway. However,temporary. Is my future somewhere “abroad”? As I still wait for a reply from there I am not able to fully immerse my new job. This uncertainty is really terrible. I thank you in advance.
Wait until March is over as this is a confused and confusing month for you. You will know where you stand with your career in July. As for specifics, you need a birth chart.
Hi Jessica,
I am finding this very interesting as I am approaching a period during which my company is going through a takeover process & separately where I will find out in the next month if I attained a promotion that I have worked hard & hoped for. I have Ceres at 16deg Capricorn. I will be taking maternity leave in a few months so I feel like things career wise are very up in the air! Any extra colour that you that give is much appreciated.
You are right in the heart of this cycle. Your maternity leave is so well timed. Of course Ceres was a mother. But be prepared to negotiate a brand new agreement once you are back. It will take time.
Hello Jessica,
Very insightful article again. I checked my chart and it has Diana 17 Capricorn and some others. I also see from planetary movements that Pluto is at 16’57” Capricorn presently.
I’m very unhappy working in a project at the moment. I would be keen on finding another assignment to move on to. Is this something that will be possible very soon?
This can only happen about every 240 years and it’s happening now. Look at the art about Diana (including sculpture) and read up on her, in myth – and also on this website. Get to know your Diana because she is quite demanding. Once Pluto moves off that Diana degree your issues are over.
Wait for Pluto to move off Diana – this is why you are kicking so hard – not long to go now!
Hi Jessica,
As far as the chart glitches that people mentioned, I noticed that mine switched from 8/12/66 being the accurate August 12 to December 8, so the interpretation of month and day got flipped. I think it’s fixed now. 🙂 Re: Capricorn and career, I have no major planets in Capricorn, and it’s completely enclosed in my first house. Is that why I’ve never had any interest in a career? I’ve never been able to find work that doesn’t just feel like a drudge.
Thanks for your great blogs and site!
I’m glad you fixed this, apologies for the glitch. Yes, if you’re Capricorn-deficient you are not defined by your career. You are someone else, quite apart from The Job.
Dear Jessica,
Thanks for another post that makes me believe there is still hope in career journey!
I have Saturn 00° Capricorn 39′ 57″ Uranus 00° Capricorn 16′ 45″ Neptune 09° Capricorn 32′ 31″
Should I also expect that there would be a change in my career journey?
Most of the changes are behind you, actually, but with Proserpina at 23 Capricorn, when Pluto reaches 23 Capricorn, there will be a massive change in the balance of power in your industry, workplace or profession. Demotions, promotions, mergers, reshuffles and sideways moves will rule. At this point you will be put in the role of go-between who must liase between two powerful people or organisations. It will change your life. What to do until then? Get seriously, really good at negotiating and liaising between power brokers.
Hi Jess, Love the blogs. I find them very informative.
I’m born with Fortuna & MC at 14deg Capricorn. Whats your take on how this is affecting me at the moment. We’re really sweating on some good news on the business/financial front. It just keeps getting harder and harder to stay ahead in the retail sector.This eclipse also has me feeling a little out of sorts with these issues. Any comments are appreciated.
Warmest Regards
You will know where you stand once March is over. This is a confused and confusing time so please ask every detailed question you can and get clear – and get real. Do all you can to save or make money by September as you are being hugely protected by the best Jupiter cycle in 12 years.
Hi Jessica
Thanks for your kind insight that my daughter will extend her current resident contract till end May in the local theatre company Her sun is in Aquarius 16 degrees. Pluto in Capricon touches her Neptune in Capricon 15 deg and N. Node 17 deg. She has Saturn in Capricon 29 deg, Uranus 11 deg and MC in Capricon 21 deg Juno 8 deg Capricon You wrote Pluto cycle teaches you how to empower yourself – differently. If her vocation does not give her any control in the workplace, should she pursue an independent path doing freelance work or broaden her horizons overseas ?
Thanks for all the astrological blogs which has been enlightening for me !
Your daughter will be absolutely fine. I am sure she is still getting over the last two years as it was massively stressful for her. This is rest, repair and recovery year. She should not be too ambitious for huge outcomes – just take it easy – work will come along – but her true calling and the biggest opportunity in 12 years for an amazing job, promotion or business result will arrive in late 2017 and 2018.
Good afternoon Jessica,
For years my work has been the cause of awful anxiety and insomnia which in turn has an effect on my fiancée. It feels like my job and sometimes my relationship is going to boom or bust. I would like to start my own business but is it a good idea. Perhaps you could offer some advice. It would be greatly appreciated.
You are an extreme Virgo type who lives for work and your body, mind and spirit connection is the key. Please go back to your body first. Look at your food, drugs, drink, doctors, fitness, healers, relaxation and the rest. Really read widely on the body, mind and soul and how they work together. You need to know that you are a super duper Virgo type and unless you begin using some really conscious body tools and techniques and putting the physical before the desk job – nothing will shift. In fact you could become a go-to person about body issues for other people once you are older. Your physical condition and physical state is everything! The rest will improve once you sort that out.
Dear Jessica,
Current Pluto transit is matching with Chiron 17 Aries and Vesta 17 Taurus. How does this effect my career as I have looking for break since long.
Also you mentioned that Pluto cycle results in different career path. Does that mean that chances of returning to same field and not supported.
April will show you everything and everybody you need to know about in your career. It is time to put freedom before so-called success and independence before guarantees. This may feel as if you are surfing some very wild waves in your old field, or quite another, but please keep surfing. You will never regret it. Radical change is coming in April and you must embrace it and experiment. Dance with life and see what and who comes up.
good day
I would like to know what my future holds and possible direction. but it seems that every “astrologer” needs to get paid before doing so. r u able to help without any payment?
name:juannita esmerelda haarhoff
date of birth: 1981031
country: south africa
city/town: cape town, bellville
date of birth: unknown
I’m afraid your date of birth as typed, does not make sense – 1981 03 31 maybe? Were you born on 31st March with the Sun in Aries? If so you can read all about Aries in your April horoscope.
Jessica I love the site, log on predawn every morning not to miss my daily horoscope. I have seen the career progress and big opportunities since June 22, 2015, i am missing predictions regarding love, am I operating in an astrological void in that area?
I love hearing that you log on before dawn to read your daily horoscope. You were born with Pluto and the North Node in Libra which rules the relationship you have with your former, current and potential partners. This is true partnership – proper, equal marriage or seriously balanced relating. When Jupiter moves into Libra from September a fantastic cycle begins, not possible in 12 years, which will heal, help, and move you on. By 2017 once Jupiter has conjuncted or sat on your Pluto and North Node, you will have a wonderful past life connection with someone or a reborn connection.
Hi Jessica,
Thanks a lot for this article. It is very interesting. I regularly follow your astrology articles and thanks again for the free information posted in your website. I have a question regarding Pluto. I am going a very strong transformation since 2010 career wise. I am curios to know more about this. From the article, I read that those with Capricorn 14, 15, 16 will continue to have this transformation also in the year 2016. I have no planets or asteroids in Capricorn but I have house positions Placidus(Capricorn 10:59), Houses(Capricorn 14.26). Further, I have Cancer sun (22), Leo ascendant (10:59), and Libra Moon (14: 2). Pluto (natal Pluto in Libra 6:41 ) is squared by my Mercury (4.26 in Cancer), at 2:61. While Moon conjuncts Pluto at 7:21. Neptune (natal in Sagittarius at 9:22 ) sextile Pluto at 2:41. I also have Uranus(28:23) and Eros(21:39) if that is relevant.
I would very much appreciate any information on this transition.
First up, don’t use Placidus as your house system! Either get a chart here using Natural Houses or see if any of the free chart websites will give you Aries 0 Ascendant. Placidus was a monk and had zero contact with the business world (or women, come to that). You will be astonished at how much April 2016 changes everything. Go with the changes. Don’t hang onto the past. You will be free. Independence is more precious than any other kind of success and you must chase what is new.
Hi Jessica. Great reading your Pluto articles. I have Pluto and Uranus at 15 and 14 degrees respectively in Virgo. In the past year I have relocated for family and work whereby I was quickly downsized from the large telecommunications firm I transferred to in my new location. I have not yet had the opportunity to replace this type of role. Based on my birth chart aspects do you foresee my work life coming back online soon?
Thank you – I am glad this Pluto story is useful for you. You are in the best work cycle for years, partly because you also have Ops and Salacia in Capricorn in your Tenth House of ambition, achievement and success. Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, optimism and win-win outcomes will make conjunctions to your Virgo (work) placements and trines (stunning) to your Capricorn placements by September so you are primed for something far more interesting, bigger and better.
You will go backwards and forwards with your Libra boss from mid April to early June so please don’t make up your mind about him as the story will change. The real question you need to answer is not about love and sex, it is about children (yours) or a future partner’s. Once you answer that the rest will be clearer for you. Regarding your success in life – April will blow your mind. You will be shown that the key is not ‘making it’ but being free. It’s time to be independent.
I am sorry, sometimes life really is extremely difficult. Have you ever heard that hideous expression, ‘Flogging a dead horse?’ Sometimes love is impossible because we are doing just that. In other words, the universe does not want you to be with this person – it has something much stronger and better in mind – so you are repeatedly shown brick walls, obstacles, problems or a big flat ‘Zzzzz.’ At a certain point you should give up. But please stay hopeful because from September the entire world is going to turn onto the biggest and best relationship, marriage, partnership, love and sex cycle in 12 years. Surf that wave! If you are prepare to accept that two people can be different yet equal you will be very, very happy in 2017.
Born with Mercury, Uranus, Bacchus, Apollo and Ops in Libra – the sign of sexual and romantic partnership – you are in your best position in 12 years to co-create a new relationship when Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and problem-solving, goes into Libra from September 2016 through 2017. The rest is up to you. Of course, you can reject the potential lover in question!
In April you have a stellium in your solar Sixth House of work which will give you more space, independence and freedom with your paid work, unpaid work and housework – than you have seen in months. Go with the changes. They are meant to be.
Hi Jessica. Thank you for another great post. I had goosebumps reading my weekly forecast this week as a Scorpio with Virgo and Capricorn both sitting at 17. Today ( Thursday) I was confirmed in a new role in sessional lecturing for students in my discipline, in my area of passion ( which had taken me, seemingly away from the orignal qualification back in 2008).
Eerily accurate! Thanks again for an outstanding site.
That is such fantastic news. I am thrilled your astrology prediction came true and you are lecturing about something you feel so passionate about. Congratulations!
Hi Jessica,
Another interesting article about how Pluto can affect so much.I am not good at how signs and planets affect each other in a chart but I do find it intriguing how the essence of your daily and weekly horoscopes relates with situations many a times.
I am neither good at reading the charts and placements of the signs otherwise would have loved to give you as much details but vaguely I can see I have Pluto 26• in Sagittarius Virgo ascendant Gemini moon and Capricorn sun in my birth chart.(30/12/79 23:20,Jammu India)
I wonder if I will ever get stability in my career and personal life,every time I start believing life’s just got on track I loose the balance and grounds shifts under my feet.
I would really appreciate if you could provide some insight into my situation.
I’m glad the astrology is working for you. As a general observation, be aware that with Pluto in Sagittarius (which rules travel, foreigners, education, books, the internet, academia) you are going to have Saturn slowing everything down and making it more hard work for you from 2017. Be aware of that before you commit yourself. It is much easier for you to pursue all this before September 2016 when you have Jupiter’s protection. After that it will be very challenging for you so be conscious of that before you take on (for example) the idea of moving to another region/country or studying/teaching – or even export/import which would also apply. Your best bet is a career which is local, familiar, involving your own people/place as Jupiter is going into your Tenth House of success from September 2016 and by 2017 you should be very happy with your achievement. Just be careful with that Pluto in Sagittarius placement, as it can only be conjuncted by Saturn every 29 years and you may want to minimise the impact.
Hi Jessica,
Many thanks for your kind insight.
Honestly I am still not sure what to do with this idea of moving abroad as moving overseas few years back showed me the wildest challanges(both in career and personal life)and life lessons learnt the hard way but I am a different person now(repeated transformations)and still undergoing challenges and evolving as an individual.
I am currently in my home country trying to pursue the idea of moving abroad again though the immigration matter has been very difficult so far but I am going to take your advice of exploring local options too.
Many thanks again for your valuable time and I am going to enjoy more of your horoscopes on this website and GTG too.
Hi Jessica, love your articles and find I go back to them time after time always taking away something I’ve previously missed. Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Sagittarius and the Lunar Eclipse at 3 Libra, oh my! Would love to know your thoughts on the Libra Lunar Eclipse, thanks so much!
Thank you so much. I’m glad you asked me this question because the eclipse is right on your Sun. We are seeing the Sun at 3 Aries opposite your natal Sun at 3 Libra, with the Moon bang on at 3 Libra completing the pattern. Basically – you are not seeing the full story, or being shown the full picture, with/about your partner. If you do not have a partner this applies to your former or potential partner. If an enemy is more important to you currently than past/present/potential love, then the ‘blind spot’ will be about that person. All this is actually quite benign. The eclipse precedes Jupiter the problem-solver and opportunity-bringer in Libra from September 2016. So don’t be concerned. But do skip now through Thursday, please, for major decisions or judgement calls about this person. An eclipse conceals more than it reveals and it’s not wise to do anything drastic or make any snap conclusions when you have one, especially when it’s picking up your Sun in the Seventh House of the Natural House horoscope, which rules this man or woman…
Hi Jessica,
I have Ceres in 15 deg Capricorn and Ascendant in 24 deg Capricorn. Pluto is in 14 deg Libra. Iwork in a foreign country and has major issues at work. Back home I have few businesses yet to pick up. Could you please tell me when I will be successful in my business and what is happening with my career at the moment.
Thanks a lot in advance.
As I write this Pluto is at 17 Capricorn, preparing to backtrack to 16 Capricorn, so you are having an intense time which can only happen every 240 years! I am sure you have major issues at work. It will get better, but please try to be open to change in 2016 and allow for the fact that you are going to have to share/compromise. The power or control will need to be meted out between individuals or companies. April 2016 is a major time for you and very close to April 7th there will be a new beginning for you in your old work/business field or another. You will be free then. In fact you will realise it means more to you, to have freedom, than it is to be ‘successful’…make sure you go for independence in April, nothing else will do.
Hi Jessica
I have Salacia 13 Cap and Fortuna 19 Cap with Pluto at 3 Virgo. As my career seems to have gone to sleep since last autumn I wondered if you see any turnaround in the near future. It does seam to be all bound up with a never ending drama around home and location which I can’t seem to resolve with any degree of permanence. It’s all further complicated by my husband (b.18/07) taking a redundancy package this month.
Thanks for any insight you can offer.
The transformation of your career will ultimately be so intense that you may be glad you had a sleepy period – you will be put in situations where you could wield tremendous power, among powerful people and/or through an organization which changes lives. I realise that you are a can-do person from your chart, who wants to roll her sleeves up and get to work in a more effective way. With those Capricorn positions, nothing can really shift yet, but perhaps you could think about studying part-time or even casually pursuing an interest you have, which could definitely assist a superior position later. Adding another string to your bow is a good thing to do right now. Within two weeks (end of April) you will realise the key to your home is freedom and independence. It can be hard for earthy people (you are very earthy) to let go, break free and break out, yet this is the answer. Security and familiarity need to come second to genuine independence. I feel you’ll be shown this very shortly. It’s your choice, of course, but I think you’ll be so tempted by the idea of rejecting who/what has been confining you and restricting you, perhaps to a degree you never realized. Your husband’s redundancy package will ultimately help your property move or renovations from the final quarter of this year into 2017 when he will be over the moon about the results, and of course you get to share in the happy outcome too.
Thank you Jessica for such a thoughtful and detailed response – as always.
Best wishes
Hi Jessica,
My birth chart has Sun was in Capricorn at 17° 28′, Mercury was in Capricorn at 18° 43′,
Jupiter in Capricorn at 15° 43′ and Saturn was in Capricorn at 20° 25. Also Mars was in Cancer at 05° 29. My life/career changed dramatically beginning in 2008 when I decided to be a full time carer for my father, he passed away in 2010, I married in 2011. But my career of 30 plus years has continued to evaporate. Will this continue, or has Pluto got something good in store for me careerwise?
You will be put firmly on track with your career after September and by 2017 will have happily fixed most of your issues. You will either add a second string to your bow or become involved with projects/people which expand your range regionally or internationally – think big from this time. The Cancer-Capricorn patterns are typical of people who are torn between family and career – and in fact becoming a full-time carer for two years is a massive achievement by itself. Happier times are in store.
I find it unusual to know that you were not given new freedom and independence in April (which is now over, as we deal with the last day). That transit of Uranus should have been mind-blowing in terms of the new space you have – another way to describe it is, room to move. By now you should have seen a radical change which has significantly altered one area of your life, maybe more – and be waking up to find that you have been released from a situation where you were more confined and restricted, than you knew.
Hi Jess,
I have Venus at 16 Capricorn. Work has definitely been a difficult place to be for a while. Contemplating taking a year off even though I have had some time off this year. What can I expect or look out for with Pluto?
Thank you.
Yes, with Venus in Capricorn you don’t just have professional relationships, you have relationships which happen to involve your profession – Venus in your Tenth House in the Natural House system describes career connections which contain more passion than ‘professional’ behaviour, as Venus is a 2000+ year old symbol of strong emotion, as you can see from reading about her involvements with Mars, Cupido, Psyche and Vulcan. Wherever we have Venus in our chart, we tend to make complicated relationships, no matter if she is in a work house, a money house or wherever. The good thing about Pluto transits is that balance is always restored. The person, situation or organisation which dominates, takes and takes over never lasts very long. With Proserpina at 26 Virgo you will have an opportunity which can only come every 12 years to take on a terrific go-between role with paid or unpaid work, in August 2016 when Jupiter moves to 26 Virgo and conjuncts Proserpina. She was the ‘bridge’ between Pluto and Ceres in myth. That moment in your life is not so much about towering ambition it is about making the wheels go round for other people in a project, or with an organisation, which needs someone to keep two rather powerful people or entities happy.
Hi Jessica
I have moved to a state I love, but other than that the last seven or eight years have been really tough, what’s going on generally and on the job front please an when will it get better
Thank you for your time
Born with the DC, Bacchus and Apollo in Capricorn you are ambitious but are obviously dealing with Pluto (who entered Capricorn in 2008) slowly transforming your chosen career beyond all recognition. This is a slow cycle. Adjust and adapt by remembering that willpower will put you in a powerful position. In fact, if you’re not becoming empowered you may need to question what you are up to – perhaps more self-control is needed. Pick up my free ebook 2020 Astrology on 1st August as there is a lot on Pluto you can work with, in that book, to turn things around.
Hi Jessica thank you gractiously for taking the time, it means so much! You are such an amazing person for doing all this I am so very greatful, thank you
Thank you. It is a pleasure. I appreciate your membership of our website!
Hi Jessica ,
I always read your astrological posts. My birth date is 1st May 1975 in Pune , India at 1220pm and i have been experiencing a lot of struggle as well as high points in this Pluto transit upto now. I have also applied for immigration to a foreign country , which is long distance from India, the beginning of 2016 and the preliminary work started end of 2015.
Could you give me any idea when i might succeed in this initiative?
With regards
Gopal Poruri
You’re one of those people who has Neptune in Sagittarius and the Ninth House so you escape from the real world through the fantasy of travelling or moving countries and cultures. You also have the North Node there so you have done this before (Rahu and Ketu in Vedic). Your problem is Saturn in Sagittarius at 11 degrees, right on your fantasy-prone Neptune, peaking in September-October which will slow you down a fair bit. You may need to take your time with this cycle – for more information hit Neptune and Saturn on search.
DOB 6 February 1978 06.18 AM Targu Mures, Romania
Pluto cross my ascendant and transiting Jupiter will conjunct natal Pluto in 8th. What can be my expectations regarding carrer, business and wealth.
You are using a completely different astrology system to me so I can’t really comment, except you have Pluto in Libra in your Seventh House (Natural House system) not your Eighth. You have not said please or thank you, either. Good manners cost nothing, as my grandmother used to say!
Dear jessica, i have just behun to read your previous blogs and surprised at the plethora of information! Just could not resist to ask this question…I only have proserina at 19 capricorn along with pluto at 19 libra. I can totally relate to the bullying and forced sharing at work.I had to complain about someone senior at work ’cause she wont do her share and that changed do many things for better.
Also can relate to me not being defined by career. I am sooo not ambitious when it comes to career. The place i work is going to be privatized early next year. I want to move into public sector before that.
Could you take a look on my chart and see if i am in for anything exciting.
Thanyou so much.
Your exact square from Proserpina at 19 Capricorn to Pluto at 19 Libra has been triggered by Uranus at 19 Aries in what is called a T Square in astrology. T stands for tension. The shape in your chart actually looks like the letter T as well. You may want to read more about Pluto in particular as he will travel to 19 Capricorn and repeat the T pattern in 2018. Make sure the contract for the position you have then allows you control and gives you power, so that you are not being dominated by one person or organisation. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to get a second opinion on the contract, actually, as you only get one Pluto transit like this in your life.
Hi Jessica,
The late Jonathan Cainer was quite clear that the sign of Capricorn has the attributes of a Mere Goat and not as a Mountain Goat which you seem to use.
Dear Jessica,
You are remarkable! Your willingness to duplicate the people who write to you and help them in a way that is acceptable to them is wonderful. You also make me laugh at some of the comments you make to some who don’t appreciate this opportunity for clarity and improvement! Thanks so much for all this understanding. I am reading your informative material and find so much revealed. May you be rewarded now and in the future for helping so many.
Donald Bohn
Donald, what a nice message to read as I have my morning coffee and look at the latest posts. You’re too kind. You have the Moon in Aquarius, I note.
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