If you’re typical of your Sun Sign or have a stellium (more than three horoscope factors) in that sign, you may be a walking advertisement for Aries, Taurus, Gemini and so on.
Aries people born around March 21 through April 20 have a direct gaze. Their eyebrows often have the classic V shape of a ram’s horns (see below). Fashion legend Dame Vivienne Westwood is the perfect example. Aries is not afraid of anybody. In fact, the true Aries like challenging you with her stare, her attitude or her look. Aries women focus on their eye make-up and eyebrow plucking/liner as it doubles their grrrrl power.

Taurus likes to hang onto her hair. A fringe is common. This is the sign who likes haircuts least. Taurus is the most possessive of the 12 signs of the zodiac and one of her most precious possessions is a thick head of hair. For the male Taurus, hair loss is a real issue. The female Taurus can cling to her fringe (or bangs) well into her fifties or sixties. She had it when she was a little girl, and goddammit, she’s not going to give it up now.

Not only are the beautiful Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen genuinely Gemini, they are also genuinely twins. If you are born under this sign you tend to travel through life as part of a pair. You can team up with other Geminis, or with people who are your work or study partners, then become lovers. If you marry or move in with someone, he/she can easily become a work partner too. Many Geminis go through several duets in a lifetime.

Cancer people are often photographed with their arms above their head, or their arms folded in front of them. It’s the famous Cancer Claw motion. Just like real crabs, Cancerian people protect their space using their arms as a shield. It looks like they’re waving but they’re really defending. It looks like they’re stretching but they’re saying ‘This is my space.’ Cancer is one of the most fiercely self-protective of the 12 signs.

Leo owns a confident gaze. Steady, calm, assured – the Leo look says ‘Trust me. I’m in charge.’ America has now seen two unforgettable Leo presidents in Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. If you were born late July through late August you have a remarkable way of seeing cool, calm, confident and collected even when you are Jello on the inside. Leo eyes say a lot, even when they’re not talking. The message is ‘Listen up. I’m Leo.’

The amazing thing about Virgo women is – even when they’re looking thrown-together, with bedroom hair, it’s still been organised down to the last detail. Cameron Diaz didn’t just get that windswept fringe because she stuck her head out of the limo window on the way to the Oscars, you know. Cameron is also famous for her beautiful body. When life is going well for Virgo and she’s happy, her workout body is a thing to behold.

Isn’t it incredible that an image of Libra, which is centuries old (below), just happens to be an uncanny match for Gwyneth Paltrow, a few hundred years later? The key to Libra is balance, and that is why she pursues a balanced diet, a balanced lifestyle, – and simply cannot resist the bathroom scales. Only an unhappy Libra is ever off-balance, either with the bathroom scales or kitchen scales. Yoga, with its mat-balancing, appeals.

Scorpio has ruled the vagina, penis and buttocks (symbols for the the scorpion’s tail or anus) ever since the Middle Ages. It’s amazing how Scorpio Katy Perry seems to know this. The classic Scorpio tail-life position – as seen below – is sometimes done unconsciously by this sign, and sometimes purely by accident. A happy Scorpio is a fit Scorpio, and their conditioned butts, bottoms, fannies, asses and arses are always on display – after the gym.

Sagittarians like their hair, clothes and style to say ‘Great outdoors’ and that’s why the guys can never resist a beard, no matter if it’s hipster or traditional. A beard says Cowboy and as this sign is half-horse, that’s where Sagittarius is coming from. Sagittarian women can’t resist jeans. It doesn’t matter if they’re out of high fashion. The late November-late December woman really doesn’t care. Jeans say Cowgirl. She likes boots too.

Kate Moss followed me on Twitter once. For about five minutes. I was never so excited in my life.
She is the most fascinating model in the world, and when she agreed to pose as fellow Capricorn David Bowie, nobody was surprised. A classic Capricorn has amazing bone structure. Sculpted.

An Aquarius in Ancient Rome was actually the man who brought water to the people. Aquarius gives back. This is why Aquarians, born late January through late February, are always snapped at charity events, rallies, protest marches – or just in a crowd, making people happy. Aquarians dress to fit in with their tribe. Once they find their good cause, movement or fellow fan base, they match wardrobes or hair. But in their own way!

Justin Bieber relates to his star sign, Pisces, so much that he had a tattoo of a Koi fish applied to his arm. This is the most creative self-stylist of the zodiac. Why? Because Pisces rules imagination. It is also uncanny how much this exotic tropical fish (below) looks exactly like Justin Bieber in this photograph. Maybe the fish is a Belieber as well. Spiky fringe, check. Blowing bubbles, check.

6 Responses
I have several different stellium (stellia?) in my chart – is that weird? Or does it count as a stellium only with the major planets?
A stellium is any cluster of three or more horoscope factors in your chart. On average, in modern astrology, you should have three in any sign. To have three or more is a stellium. It’s big!
So according to my chart I have five stellium:
Libra – 6 (inc my sun sign)
Virgo – 6
Aries – 5
Capricorn – 3
Sagittarius – 3
Is that why relationships are so important to me, but also why I’m stubborn and headstrong (like an Aries)?
Juno at 8 Libra opposite Saturn at 8 Aries will do it! You will heal and fix this part of yourself beautifully, when Jupiter comes to 8 Libra – you will need to wait a little while for that, but by 2017 you will have sorted out so much about yourself, your love life history and your love life future. Please read more on Juno and Saturn and look at the paintings/sculpture of these two ancient archetypes. Juno is about commitment. In Libra, she is about marriage, or the ‘marriage’ between two people who need to sort out issues surrounding equality and fairness. Opposite Saturn (that part of you which has to work so hard) you can see why relationships are key to your existence, yet a struggle. You can figure this out and make it work and you have asked about this, at the best time in 12 years to address the issue.
Thank you so much! Your astrology work has brought me a lot of comfort lately and this certainly helps too 🙂
Kate Moss and David Bowie are poor examples of capricorns. A good example of an evolved, social capricorn is Bradley Cooper. Or Patrick Dempsey. Or Orlando Bloom. All three share certain facial features.
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