Your Aquarius Side and Friendships to 2023
If you have a stellium in Aquarius (more than three factors in that zodiac sign) then your Eleventh House of friendships and groups is unusually packed. What happens to those friendships when Saturn, Jupiter and then Pluto all pass through Aquarius? Have friends been lost, or has the friendship changed? That’s typical of this long cycle.
7 Responses
Hi Jessica, l am a cancer with my moon in scorpio…and my ascendant is pisces…will these birthday horoscopes affect me also…..or should l just stick to reading the cancer birthday horoscope and ignore these….?? l have been told that when l read my horoscope predictions l also need to look at my moon sign and ascendant also…What do you think???
Just read your Cancer horoscope – but look out for things like Jupiter conjunct your natal Pluto in Virgo, which will impact either your work or your body (and maybe both).
I’ve noticed in the year ahead, publishing is supposed to be a possible avenue for me to make a mark in. However, last year (as you accurately predicted) in July I received a welcome and hard-worked-for offer… a ten book contract! Shortly after that came an offer of representation by a literary agent. Unfortunately, by January 2015, it had all fallen apart (the publishing house’s contract terms weren’t great, and then suddenly and unexpectedly my agent retired).
As I’d been diligently working on improving my writing with the dream of being published since 2008, I didn’t give up – until July of this year, when yet another literary agent told me I was definitely good enough to get published, but the genre I write isn’t selling at present (which is why she declined to represent me at that time). She was far from the first to have told me that. But by that point, , it just became too much. So I applied for and accepted an offer for a job that doesn’t challenge me terribly much (though I am working with children, which I do adore, and you have mentioned many times in my forecasts) However, I primarily accepted the job because it allows me no time to even think of continuing to pursue a writing career.
Today is my birthday – the beginning of a new personal year for me. To be honest, I’m not much enthused by another year of same old, same old. That said, if I’m interpreting my chart correctly, it speaks of an improvement on the last few years of discouragement and disappointment where publishing (and life itself) is concerned. After actually experiencing them, however…I’d rather stay wide awake than dream any more. So my rather long winded question is this: should put this goal behind me…or give it the old Scorpio-will-prevail-at-all-costs try again?
I’m glad your horoscope was accurate. I’m sorry you have been on such a bumpy path with it, though. Of course you want to be published as you have a Sagittarius stellium in the Ninth House of books and e-books. Take your time, as Saturn (which slows everything down) will be crossing this zone of your chart as he also moves through Sagittarius. You should be thrilled when Jupiter goes into Sagittarius in 2018 and spends until 2019 throwing you opportunities. You don’t sit on your hands until then, but you do (perhaps) accept that some ideas are either best started and left in a drawer, or old projects can be left to ferment, like good wine. The children are more important than anything which is why the universe is pushing you there. In fact, what you experience and learn from the children may end up in your project. And it will be successful for you.
Hi Jessica. Just wanted to reflect how bang on accurate your Mercury Retrograde warnings were this year – I’m launching a business with a partner which has been beset with delays since July. Thankfully, as ive been following your site I’ve not been too stressed!
Will the forthcoming influences be positive for launching business for Scorpio ( Taurean ascendant)?
Thank you – I am glad the Mercury Retrograde advice was useful. I am not surprised you want to launch a business as your personal horoscope is packed with Scorpio and Taurus factors. Go in very slowly and ask lots of questions in November, December in particular as you need to find out the truth before you commit yourself too heavily to particular choices. You do need to be a total realist about the way business and consumer trends are going in 2016, 2017. Further ahead, successful and exciting business will be part of your *long term* future and when Jupiter goes into Scorpio in 2017 things take off properly – by 2018 I think you’ll be involved in quite radical and exhilarating new ideas about how to make money.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for your feedback. With a Taurean partner I’ve got lots of cautious counsel on hand!
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