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Venus Retrograde in Leo 2015 and Your Horoscope

How will Venus Retrograde in Leo July-October 2015 affect your horoscope?

WATCHING THE VENUS RETROGRADE RELATIONSHIP CYCLE. Venus Retrograde in Leo runs now (July 2015) through 8th October. How will it affect your horoscope? The first thing to know is that we’re going to see a lot of changes involving love, sex, children, relationships, teenagers, pregnancy, babies, marriage, partnerships – backwards and forwards, until October 2015. And that has a ripple effect on you. It may affect you directly, so this is about your love life. It may be a knock-on effect, so your finances are touched. Or your work. Will it work for you? Absolutely. This comes on the back of a wonderful Jupiter cycle where so much potential was set up for you, July 2014 through August 2015. Just remember – backwards and forwards.

ARIES – Sex, love, lovers, step-parenting, adoption, pregnancy, children, godchildren, stepchildren, youth.
TAURUS – Property, houses, your town, your country, your household, your family, apartments, home.
GEMINI – Internet, media, film, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, words, ideas, images, speech.
CANCER – Money, business, property, companies, shares, charity, trading, exchanging, possesions.
LEO – Image, appearance, identity, brand, reputation, hair, face, body, profile, status, standing.
VIRGO – Secrets, uncredited efforts, unseen work, privacy, therapy, counselling, altered states.
LIBRA – Friends, groups, teams, rock bands, political parties, societies, associations, clubs, networks.
SCORPIO – Career, success, status, standing, industry, profession, university, college, corporation, ambition.|
SAGITTARIUS – Travel, export, foreigners, study, teaching, religions, internet, publishing, beliefs.
CAPRICORN – Cash, property, charity, business, banking, shares, trading, saving, spending, debt.
AQUARIUS – Former, current and potential lovers, work partners, duets, double-acts, enemies, foes.
PISCES – Lifestyle, workload, body, health, fitness, food, daily routine, exercise, medicine, drugs, healers.

Venus is an ancient symbol of love, sex, partnerships, marriage and affairs. If you have the Sun in Aries or Sun in Aquarius, she will pass through your zone of relationships, backwards and forwards, for around two months. Nothing will stick at this time, no matter if you are deciding to start an affair, finish a marriage, have a child or make a milestone decision about children.

Whatever sign you are, the ripple effect of so many backwards-forwards choices made by people about their love lives or children now, will oddly affect you – it may be your profile, cash, projects, family, job, and so on. Watch.


Retrogrades are a great time to rethink, reschedule, rehearse and reconsider. Not so great for ‘final’ choices, for all you Aries and Aquarius people. The astrology says, even if Aquarius Sun Ellen de Generes doesn’t make it public, her marriage to Portia de Rossi will go through a classic backwards/forwards cycle, now to October. But what does it mean for all the signs of the zodiac. And you?

closer weekly july 28 2014 ellen degeneres portia de rossi were renewing our vows 442x600 - Venus Retrograde in Leo 2015 and Your Horoscope
Aquarius Ellen de Generes

If you watch what happens to the Aries and Aquarius people in your circle of friends, your family or your work/college/university circles, you’ll see just how chain reactions happen in astrology. People may make up, break up, make up now – and of course this affects those around them. There may be decisions to have babies which are then reversed. Business partnerships and work partnerships are also affected at this time.

There will be a blast from the past for so many people who once had professional duets or double-acts, who find them surfacing one more time. Jennifer Aniston (Aquarius) is a very good example of this. Right on the Mercury Retrograde cycle through Leo, she found her old 1995 Microsoft Windows promotional video coming back to haunt her, with hilarious effect. The return of Venus Retrograde is not always about love and sex. It’s often duets, full stop. This is her duet with Matthew Perry. Back.

*Update August 14th, 2015 – this cycle also turned out to be about her secret wedding – but you read it here first, back on 31st July!

The ‘return’ effect of Venus now, appearing to move backwards in the sky, will affect your world through six degrees of separation as pairs, duets, marriages, relationships and partnerships of all kinds are sent back to the future. This impacts your own decision-making, no matter if you are hoping to fall into bed with someone who is ‘not sure’ about his relationship, or trying to recover old ground with a former business partner or professional other-half. This is Venus, below. I photographed her in Rome, with her arm around Mars (left) as it’s such a wonderful image of what Venus does! Mars was her adulterous lover. (She was married to Vulcan when they began their affair). Venus is a seducer. She uses her beauty and charm to captivate men. When she retrogrades you’re going to see lots of emotional wheeling and dealing go backwards and forwards – and backwards.

Venus and Mars in Rome 449x600 - Venus Retrograde in Leo 2015 and Your Horoscope

The most famous example of Venus Retrograde is Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. Elizabeth Taylor was married to her (difficult) soulmate from March 15th 1964 to June 26th 1974. She married him right on Venus Retrograde in Cancer, the sign which rules sex and parenthood for Pisces (her sign). She then went through another Venus Retrograde in August 1967, this time in Virgo, the sign which rules marriage and divorce for Pisces. The cycle closed off in May 1972 when Venus was Retrograde in Cancer again! Elizabeth and Richard were back together again from October 10 1975 through July 29, 1976. This time she walked into Venus Retrograde in August 1975, in the pre-honeymoon period. Venus was retrograding in Virgo, in Elizabeth’s house of marriage and divorce again…Richard Nolle at Astropro has fascinating Venus Retrograde tables here .

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The Vatican condemned Burton and Taylor’s affair, which began when both were married to others, as “erotic vagrancy”.Burton once said, “You can’t keep clapping a couple of sticks [of dynamite] together without expecting them to blow up”[43]. Sixteen months after being divorced, they remarried in a private ceremony in Kasane, Botswana. They were soon separated all over again and had a second, final divorce in 1976. Venus Retrograde was not the only issue in Taylor’s chart. But it was a key factor.

elizabeth taylor rich b on set of film cleopatra april 13 1962 - Venus Retrograde in Leo 2015 and Your Horoscope

If you have personal horoscope factors in Leo at the degrees listed below, please bear in mind that the following scenarios are extremely common on this cycle. However, you should adopt a ‘wait and see’ policy and avoid big commitments or sweeping decisions until at least 8th October, when Venus begins to operate normally again.

Classic scenarios now, if you have personal horoscope factors in Leo, include – 

Cougar relationship between older woman and younger man.
Unhappily married man with children open to affair with another woman.
Separated or divorced partners meet again and consider getting back together.
Child custody arrangements begin only to be changed once, or even twice.
Couples aiming for the divorce courts or counselling rethink and recommit.
Old lovers from the past return to those who are newly single, for any reason. They can even turn up at funerals!
The adoption or IVF process goes backwards and forwards, and backwards and forwards.
Decisions made about children, legacies, wills are made, then reversed, then re-made later.

You get the picture.

You’re looking for Leo chart factors at 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.

Leo Life Magazine - Venus Retrograde in Leo 2015 and Your Horoscope
Life Magazine

How to track the backwards/forwards motion of Venus against your Leo horoscope factors? Just look for the degrees (numbers) she lines up with your own chart. For example if you have Mercury at 28 Leo, then on Tuesday 4th August, you’ll be directly affected by these relationship/parenting/emotional/sexual merry-go-rounds! Why? Because Venus is also at 28 Leo. By the way, you can track every day that Venus moves on these same degrees in your chart. These are the days when your story moves on. There is a new chapter or a new rewrite. Allow 24 hours either side for global time differences.

Born with the Sun at 26 Leo, it’s hard to see how former U.S. President Bill Clinton can escape the ghost of Monica Lewinsky when Venus retrogrades over 26 Leo on October 2nd, 3rd, 4th 2015. Or is this about a new media interest in his marriage to potential President Hillary Clinton? Either way, this is an old tale, told again.

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Venus Retrograde hits Bill Clinton’s horoscope.


14:29:19 UT – Venus (28 le 43’2″ Rx) square Proserpina (28 ta 43’2″)

21:07:05 UT – Venus (28 le 36’23” Rx) conjunct Cupido (28 le 36’23”)

21:46:46 UT – Venus (28 le 35’42” Rx) conjunct Jupiter (28 le 35’42”) )

Wednesday 05 August 2015

15:08:09 UT – Venus (28 le 17’30” Rx) square Saturn (28 sc 17’30”)

Thursday 06 August 2015

01:23:32 UT – Venus (28 le 6’15” Rx) semi-sextile Mars (28 cn 6’15”)

Tuesday 11 August 2015

12:41:01 UT – Venus (25 le 15’7″ Rx) conjunct Apollo (25 le 15’7″)

22:48:22 UT – Venus (25 le 0’17” Rx) semi-sextile Ops (25 cn 0’17”)

Saturday 15 August 2015

05:22:19 UT – Venus (23 le 0’48” Rx) semi-sextile Minerva (23 cn 0’48”)

16:09:25 UT – Venus (22 le 44’4″ Rx) semi-sextile Panacea (22 vi 44’4″)

16:43:43 UT – Venus (20 le 16’10” Rx) trine Uranus (20 ar 16’10” Rx)

16:50:21 UT – Venus (20 le 16’0″ Rx) quincunx Chiron (20 pi 16’0″ Rx)

Friday 21 August 2015

02:45:31 UT – Venus (19 le 26’36” Rx) semi-sextile Juno (19 vi 26’36”)

03:22:08 UT – Venus (19 le 25’44” Rx) conjunct Hygiea (19 le 25’44”)

08:42:25 UT – Venus (19 le 18’10” Rx) conjunct Diana (19 le 18’10”)

Wednesday 26 August 2015

08:36:28 UT – Venus (16 le 47’40” Rx) square Bacchus (16 sc 47’40”)

Sunday 30 August 2015

05:09:20 UT – Venus (15 le 24’38” Rx) sextile Psyche (15 ge 24’38”)

Tuesday 01 September 2015

05:03:47 UT – Venus (14 le 55’5″ Rx) conjunct Mars (14 le 55’5″)

08:29:08 UT – Venus stations direct (14 le 23’18”)

Thursday 10 September 2015

00:53:15 UT – Venus (14 le 38’57”) semi-sextile Cupido (14 vi 38’57”)

Wednesday 23 September 2015

03:59:55 UT – Venus (19 le 15’25”) trine Uranus (19 ar 15’25” Rx)

Sunday 27 September 2015

12:15:51 UT – Venus (21 le 47’33”) sextile Psyche (21 ge 47’33”)

Tuesday 29th September 2015

20:16:43 UT – Venus (23 le 19’7″) semi-sextile Cupido (23 vi 19’7″)

Saturday 03 October 2015

19:17:39 UT – Venus (26 le 8’20”) quincunx Ceres (26 cp 8’20”)

Tuesday 06 October 2015

15:03:55 UT – Venus (28 le 18’32”) quincunx Salacia (28 pi 18’32” Rx)

Aries Jessie J. Aries Russell Crowe. Aquarius Oprah Winfrey. Aquarius Ellen de Generes. Aquarius Jennifer Aniston. Aries Lady Gaga. 
They may make it public, they may not, but they’re all doing the Venus Retrograde Shuffle!

Jessie J with her new boyfriend Luke Wolf James 600x399 - Venus Retrograde in Leo 2015 and Your Horoscope
Aries Jessie J is in the cycle.

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