Good news. For so many people you know – and maybe you as well – great news! On Tuesday 30th June 2015 at 8.31pm in London (adjust for your time zone) Jupiter begins dancing at 21 Leo, ahead of a rare conjunction with Venus at 21 Leo on Wednesday 1st July at 7.50am. What else is at 21 degrees? Chiron is at 21 Pisces. On Thursday 2nd July, Diana is there at 21 Cancer. Mercury is at 21 Gemini on Friday 3rd July. Now, Jupiter moves on very quickly, but the pattern is set. It’s big and it’s beautiful. And it’s coming your way. This is where the focus will be in your solar chart. This is what people will see first.

ARIES Pregnancy. Sons and Daughters. Youth Projects. Godchildren. Adoption. Teenagers. Junior Demographics. Lovers.
TAURUS Houses. Apartments. Land. Family. Household. Flatmates. Tenants. Builders. Property. Landlords. Leases. Country.
GEMINI Ideas. Concepts. Websites. Telephones. Multimedia, Publishing. Voice. Songwriting. Speechmaking. Singing. Phones.
CANCER Money. Business. Houses. Banks. Apartments. Charity. Possessions. Shares. Funding. Settlements. Cash. Valuables.
LEO Image. Reputation. Name. Publicity. Advertising. Photographs. Film. Promotion. Public Relations. Reputation. Face.
VIRGO Secrets. Hibernation. Classified Information. Uncredited Work. Invisible Efforts. Privacy. Confidential Projects.
LIBRA Friends. Groups. Clubs. Political Parties. Teams. Units. Societies. Friends. Associations. Charities. Committees. Unions.
SCORPIO Career. University. College. Voluntary Roles. Success. Ambition. Social Advancement. Professional Achievement.
SAGITTARIUS Travel. University. College. Workshops. Seminars. Foreigners. Beliefs. Emigration. The Internet. Publishing.
CAPRICORN Money. Business. Settlements. Finance. Shares. Houses. Apartments. Banks. Possessions. Charity. Valuables.
AQUARIUS Former Partners. Current Partners. Potential Partners. Marriage. Engagement. Romance. Work Partnerships.
PISCES Work. The Body. Wellbeing. Health. Lifestyle. Daily Schedule. Daily Routine. Housework. Duty. Service.
All times for London – please adjust for your time zone. For you, your friend, your lover, your partner and/or your colleague, these are the days when the original luck factors from 30th June through 3rd July will really start to develop.
If you were born with anything at 21 in your chart, this is a really remarkable few weeks for you. Unforgettable, in terms of the growth, the hope, the expansion, the optimism, the sense of one department of your life being blessed…
Friday 10 July 2015
19:25:03 UT – Chiron (21 pi 26’14” Rx) sextile Proserpina (21 ta 26’14”)
Saturday 11 July 2015
08:32:17 UT – Chiron (21 pi 25’45” Rx) quincunx Bacchus (21 li 25’45”)
Sunday 12 July 2015
03:36:07 UT – Bacchus (21 li 51’55”) quincunx Proserpina (21 ta 51’55”)
Tuesday 14 July 2015
02:53:02 UT – Sun (21 cn 23’6″) trine Chiron (21 pi 23’6″ Rx)
Sunday 19 July 2015
09:27:49 UT – Chiron (21 pi 16’57” Rx) quincunx Cupido (21 le 16’57”)
10:08:50 UT – Mercury (21 cn 16’55”) trine Chiron (21 pi 16’55” Rx)
10:20:08 UT – Mercury (21 cn 17’55”) semi-sextile Cupido (21 le 17’55”)
Tuesday 21 July 2015
16:50:04 UT – Chiron (21 pi 13’50” Rx) opposite Aesculapia (21 vi 13’50”)
Monday 03 August 2015
06:44:36 UT – Mercury (21 le 44’19”) conjunct Apollo (21 le 44’19”)
Do You Have Personal Horoscope Factors at 21 Degrees of Any Sign?
If you have any of the planets, angles, nodes, asteroids or other heavenly bodies at 21 degrees, this part of yourself, and your life, will be beautifully massaged by the procession of travelling (or transiting) planets now trekking through 21 degrees. What begins with the classic opportunity and solution package of Jupiter will grow into something utterly remarkable by August. The Jupiter rules? Use it or lose it. Seize the Day.
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19 Responses
Wow! My sun is at 21 Capricorn!
Excellent. Recognition, attention and admiration (we hope) for your ambition, staying power and success story. Jupiter should massage that Sun very nicely. You shine when you climb the system and slowly get to the top.
It is a fascinating pattern happening right now and I am thankful for you covering it in full depth, Jessica. I have numerous personal factors at 22 degrees, including Sun at 22.39 Gemini, although none at all at 21 degrees. Wondering here how this amazing patterns play out for the degree which in next to the one where all the action is?
Many thanks,
Jupiter will move to 22 Leo soon enough, so by August you will see positive-thinking, globally-minded people or organisations playing their part and helping you to expand the way you communicate. Apple gets you podcasting. Google gets you onto better social media. Away from the internet, maybe you hit a large foreign company which needs a translator. You get the picture.
Thanks Jessica,
I started MBA coursework study last week and my life has moved to another universe since; superior networking and professional development opportunities abound – must’ve discovered Alice’s key to open the garden gates…
Fabulous, congratulations!
I have the sun in Taurus at 21 (conjunct merc rx at 16) in 6th, so squared by jupiter/venus from the 9th. My focus right now is getting all my medical paperwork etc in order for pre employment at hospital and starting massage therapy in fall.
We use different house systems but I see where you are coming from. Keep an eye on the North Node in Libra which is in your solar Sixth House.
How exactly do I construct a solar chart…for now I can look at my whole signs and count around from my sun sign house as the 1st etc. If so then the transiting NN will be coming in to less than a degree to a conjunction to my natal Uranus/opposing natal Chiron. Also the venus/jupiter would then be in the solar 4th squaring my sun. hmmm, my older daughter moved back home about 2 weeks ago but I have to admit it’s been a bit irritating having her around because I had gotten use to just me and hubby in the house after she moved out over a year ago! I really need to spend some time looking at this chart now. Another question please? Do I use the degree of the sun as the Asc of the chart or start at 0 degree Taurus? Thank you so much!!
You’re a Taurus, right? Put Taurus 0 degrees on your Ascendant and count round in the usual order, so the second house cusp is Gemini 0, the third house cusp is Cancer 0 and so on. You don’t use any of your natal or birth chart positions at all. Just work with exact transiting aspects. You can of course just watch the transits of any planet or asteroid as they go through. So you currently have Venus and Jupiter in Leo, going through your solar Fourth House, and of course your issue with your daughter is Venus. If you read the myths about Venus you’ll quickly see that she had a huge problem with her daughter-in-law Psyche, which is pretty close! You can test your solar chart by going back to life before Jupiter went into Leo and your Fourth House, in July 2014, and seeing where you’ve attained growth, improvement, benefits or repairs. Specifically with the house or apartment.
I have Jupiter (Pisces) & Sun (Leo) at 21 (DOB: 8/14/86). Will it help in the areas where they are located? I was hoping the Jupiter trine to Uranus would bring something, but nothing came.
You have Jupiter in your Twelfth House so the effects are not obvious. We’re not talking money, love, success here. The Twelfth House is about hibernating. Covering up secrets. Pursuing what is mysterious. Not taking credit for things. This is actually where you have been seeing the biggest breakthroughs and growth. The benefits of Jupiter should be showing themselves about now – a situation best described as a rejection dance has led you to something very interesting, in terms of your image or profile.
How do I interpret it ? I have Venus at 21 Leo and Cupid at 20 Scorpio.
I am applying for my masters abroad right now.
DOB: 20 September 1991 / Capricorn asc.
If your degree abroad is your priority, be patient with the process, as the Venus-Jupiter conjunction is not really about that at all, in your chart. What is really crucial is the departure of Saturn from Scorpio and his arrival in Sagittarius (again) from September. Find out more about the realities of the housing or accommodation where you intend to go, and the truth about the local area. Internet forums will help you. Read the fine print on any details about rent, as well.
Hi Jessica,
Thankyou for the wonderful work you do!
I have Pluto at 21 degrees in Libra.
DOB 3rd August 1981
Also House cusps at 21 degrees for Sagittarius (2nd
house) and Gemini (8th House)
Thank you. There will be the opportunity for one of the most meaningful partnership phases of your life when Jupiter moves to 21 Libra. If you have any issues with a former partner these could so easily be healed then. You don’t have long to wait. Jupiter is almost in Virgo now, so think about 2016-2017 for the expansion of partnership. No ordinary partnership will do. You can be more powerful with someone than without, so think ‘power couple’ efforts like Bill and Melinda Gates.
I am an aquarius sun sign and taurus moon sign. Found the guy of my dreams last August only for things to go from bad to worse since December 2014. I want to get back with him but the ball isn’t In my court. will we get back together?
With this man and in fact all people on the planet, you will be amazed at what good manners can do. The words ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ make all the difference in love. And in life in general. Like this website.
Dob 8 February 1987 12. 50 pm india
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