The FIFA Horoscope – Astrology Predictions for 2015, 2016

One look at the FIFA 1904 chart with its Mercury Retrograde in Taurus and you have to say - she needs a new horoscope. Fortunately, FIFA will get one.

Anyone who loves The Beautiful Game has been frustrated by the ugly side of the sport for years.  One look at the FIFA 1904 chart with its Mercury Retrograde in Taurus and you have to say – she needs a new horoscope. Fortunately, FIFA will get one. Astrology predicts a crisis in December 2016 leading to a totally new organisation for 2017. And that means a brand new birth chart, luckily for what we now know as FIFA! Before we look at a December 2016 rebirth for FIFA  written in the stars, though, look at an old prediction about FIFA made on November 19th 2013. Here’s what you read on this website  six months before the World Cup final on 13th July 2014. As you know, this just came to pass last week, during a series of May 2015 arrests:

Finally, we come to Saturn at 16 Scorpio. These are torn-up bets. This Cup Final is above all else, about gambling and big business but Saturn will dole out a very heavy lesson for anyone who puts that above their love of football.

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FIFA was born on 21 May 1904 with the Sun at 29 Taurus and Uranus at 29 Sagittarius. Transiting Saturn hits 29 Scorpio June-September, 2015. In fact, the chain of patterns at 29 degrees means that from 3rd June through 17th September, the current questions about FIFA do not stop. Yes, Blatter has retained his position – but this story is only just beginning. And how about this? David Beckham (who was involved with England’s unsuccessful World Cup bid alongside support from Prince William) has the Moon at 29 Capricorn and Uranus at 29 Libra. This same pattern affecting FIFA, is also tying up his horoscope. Another patriotic English footballer, Michael Owen, was born with the Moon at 29 Libra as well. This is fate. 

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There will be an action-packed enquiry into FIFA from 3rd June through 17th September 2015 as we see a long chain of patterns at 29 degrees hitting the FIFA horoscope, led by Saturn. However, my eyes are drawn to December 2016 when Saturn at 19 Sagittarius will oppose Pluto in FIFA’s chart, at 19 Gemini and trine her Moon at 19 Leo. Now, who else do you think has horoscope factors at 19 degrees? Why, it’s Sepp Blatter, who was born with the Sun at 19 Pisces. Here are the two charts, from Click to enlarge the horoscopes.

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The Blatter astrology chart clicks with FIFA.
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The FIFA astrological chart – a potent horoscope.



About 100 years after her creation, FIFA is due for a massive clean-up as Saturn moves to 19 Sagittarius. Along with her Pluto at 19 Gemini, as you see above, FIFA was also founded with Jupiter at 19 Aries and Mercury at 18 Taurus, which are very close by. Because these degrees also trigger the England football team chart, what happens to FIFA in December 2016 is also heavily fated for the England team. You can return to what you read on this website  a year ago to see why. The FIFA drama will unfold as early as 9th March 2016 on the total eclipse, with the Sun and Moon at 18 Pisces 56. That’s a massive cover-up. In fact, we may not even find out about every detail of that cover-up until months have passed.

If you work in football or happen to be investigating it – and you have an open mind about astrology – please have your radar switched on, within a day either side of that date – 9th March 2016. Then investigate the World Cup in June 2002 (Saturn at 18 and 19 Gemini, along with an annular eclipse at 19 Gemini and the Mean Node at 18 Gemini) and again in December 2002 (Jupiter at 18 Leo, Pluto at 17 Sagittarius). There are quite a few football fans in astrology who would like to know! If you are investigating FIFA  as far back as 2002 then please look at the Spain-South Korea game.  And look at the Italy games. I am a football fan as well as a professional astrologer and I cannot believe those horoscopes, 13 years ago.

All eyes are on the controversial FIFA decision to award the 2018 and 2022 World Cups to Russia and Qatar, respectively. But beyond that, the astrology says – look at the people on the pitch. BBC Panorama investigated corruption at FIFA on 11th June 2006, when Neptune was at 19 Aquarius. That’s a sensitive spot in the chart for both Blatter and FIFA and it’s going off again, in December 2016. 

Diego Maradona has compared members of the board to dinosaurs. He said “Fifa is a big museum. They are dinosaurs who do not want to relinquish power. It’s always going to be the same.” Astrology says, it’s not. This horoscope prediction is being made ten months ahead, but what happens in March 2016 and particularly December 2016 will melt FIFA down, ready to be recreated in a new form for 2017.


FIFA does not permit video evidence during matches. In 2008, FIFA President Sepp Blatter said: “Let it be as it is and let’s leave [football] with errors. The television companies will have the right to say [the referee] was right or wrong, but still the referee makes the decision – a man, not a machine.” (Wikipedia). As South Korea’s controversial 2-1 win over Italy and penalty shoot-out defeat of Spain at the 2002 World Cup have been questioned again in the Italian press (and the astrology says they are right to do that) we are going to see fans’ phone camera footage, secret recordings, text messages, e-mails and other evidence come to light. These are Gemini things, and it is FIFA’s Pluto in Gemini which will be on the  line in 2016. 


In December 2016 we’ll be seeing Jupiter moving over 18 and 19 Libra, and Saturn moving over 18 and 19 Sagittarius, so that’s narrowing the dates for FIFA drama down to December 9th-22nd 2016. We would then be waiting for Pluto to move to 18 and 19 Capricorn, which takes place from February 2017 until February 2018 – that’s the change in the balance of power to come, as there are exits, demotions, promotions and new appointments.  It’s like the carve-up of Europe after the war. Goodness, they might even put some women in charge.

What else is happening to the FIFA horoscope in December 2016? Uranus is at 20 Aries sextile Saturn at 20 Aquarius in the FIFA chart. Saturn in Aquarius for FIFA means fear is at the heart of everything she does. If Uranus brings the revolution for Christmas 2016 then that’s a great present for everyone. What else is at 20 degrees in December 2016? Chiron is at 20 Pisces. He is semi-sextile Saturn at 20 Aquarius in the FIFA chart. This is a real gamble as I am making predictions 19 months before they happen) but let’s make a clear-cut forecast for all those sceptics who moan about astrology being ‘vague’.

On, or very close to, these dates – Friday 9th December, Saturday 10th December, Wednesday 21st December, Thursday 22nd December 2016 –  FIFA will go through a revolution which radically changes world football. The organisation will be reformed or even replaced. One of the biggest changes for the 2018 game will be the introduction of video to assist World Cup referee decisions on the pitch.

Friday 09 December 2016

02:24:02 UT – Uranus (20 ar 43’57” Rx) trine Apollo (20 le 43’57” Rx)

10:37:30 UT – Chiron (20 pi 42’2″) quincunx Apollo (20 le 42’2″ Rx)

10:55:19 UT – Apollo (20 le 41’58” Rx) trine Diana (20 sa 41’58”)

11:00:04 UT – Chiron (20 pi 42’2″) square Diana (20 sa 42’2″)

12:30:36 UT – Uranus (20 ar 43’32” Rx) trine Diana (20 sa 43’32”)

Saturday 10 December 2016

12:29:45 UT – Uranus (20 ar 42’33” Rx) semi-sextile Chiron (20 pi 42’33”)

Monday 12 December 2016

06:56:07 UT – Sun (20 sa 40’57”) trine Uranus (20 ar 40’57” Rx)

07:58:07 UT – Sun (20 sa 43’35”) square Chiron (20 pi 43’35”)

Wednesday 21 December 2016

01:34:58 UT – Saturn (20 sa 6’17”) semi-sextile Bacchus (20 cp 6’17”)

17:15:43 UT – Uranus (20 ar 34’59” Rx) square Bacchus (20 cp 34’59”)

Thursday 22 December 2016

02:40:10 UT – Chiron (20 pi 52’14”) sextile Bacchus (20 cp 52’14”)


If you are a total astrology addict, then please see the list of dates at the end of this story, also showing the massive amount of action at 29 degrees from now (May 30th 2015) through September. If you don’t use the asteroids of modern astrology, what is about to happen, may convince you.

31st May 2015 Following a dramatic enquiry into bribes, rigging and gambling from 3rd June through 17th September 2015, there will be a further cover-up job on, or very close to, 9th March 2016 involving e-mails, text messages and/or hacking. Nothing will be fully resolved about the reputation and involvement of Sepp Blatter or the future of FIFA until December 9th through 22nd, 2016 which is absolutely critical for the future of the beautiful game – world football. The final transformation of FIFA will take place February 2017 through February 2018 with new appointments that transform the balance of power across the globe.

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I have included the Jupiter-Saturn square at 28 degrees, which is just one degree out from the 29 pattern.  It’s historic and as the 2015-2017 clean-up of FIFA is also historic, I think it will be significant: it takes place on Monday 3rd, August 2015. Are you an astrologer? Do you have any forecasts to add to these dates I’ve mentioned, above and below? 

Wednesday 03 June 2015

18:52:05 UT – Bacchus (29 vi 34’57”) opposite Salacia (29 pi 34’57”)

Thursday 04 June 2015

22:40:35 UT – Venus (29 cn 19’8″) trine Vesta (29 pi 19’8″)

Friday 05 June 2015

05:34:04 UT – Venus (29 cn 35’51”) trine Salacia (29 pi 35’51”)

17:53:15 UT – Vesta (29 pi 36’9″) conjunct Salacia (29 pi 36’9″)

Wednesday 10 June 2015

12:58:41 UT – Minerva (29 ge 38’43”) square Salacia (29 pi 38’43”)

13:30:36 UT – Apollo (29 cn 38’44”) trine Salacia (29 pi 38’44”)

18:27:27 UT – Apollo (29 cn 43’38”) semi-sextile Minerva (29 ge 43’38”)

Tuesday 16 June 2015

22:56:58 UT – Vulcano (29 pi 41’19”) conjunct Salacia (29 pi 41’19”)

Wednesday 17 June 2015

06:28:41 UT – Ops (29 ge 41’25”) square Salacia (29 pi 41’25”)

08:04:21 UT – Saturn (29 sc 51’8″ Rx) trine Vulcano (29 pi 51’8″)

14:04:36 UT – Saturn (29 sc 50’12” Rx) quincunx Ops (29 ge 50’12”)

Friday 19 June 2015

18:19:13 UT – Saturn (29 sc 42’8″ Rx) trine Salacia (29 pi 42’8″)

Sunday 21 June 2015

06:51:15 UT – Sun (29 ge 36’40”) quincunx Saturn (29 sc 36’40” Rx)

09:18:39 UT – Sun (29 ge 42’32”) square Salacia (29 pi 42’32”)

Tuesday 23 June 2015

18:35:54 UT – Mars (29 ge 28’2″) quincunx Saturn (29 sc 28’2″ Rx)

Wednesday 24 June 2015

03:29:56 UT – Mars (29 ge 43’3″) square Salacia (29 pi 43’3″)

Thursday 25 June 2015

19:41:22 UT – Saturn (29 sc 21’14” Rx) trine Hygiea (29 cn 21’14”)

Friday 26 June 2015

21:38:53 UT – Hygiea (29 cn 43’23”) trine Salacia (29 pi 43’23”)

Sunday 28 June 2015

18:25:17 UT – Saturn (29 sc 11’57” Rx) square Juno (29 le 11’57”)

Tuesday 30 June 2015

05:01:15 UT – Juno (29 le 43’33”) quincunx Salacia (29 pi 43’33”)

Wednesday 08 July 2015

15:00:05 UT – Mercury (29 ge 42’48”) square Salacia (29 pi 42’48” Rx)

Wednesday 15 July 2015

15:56:41 UT – Psyche (29 ta 40’54”) sextile Salacia (29 pi 40’54” Rx)

Thursday 16 July 2015

07:09:16 UT – Venus (29 le 16’9″) semi-sextile Diana (29 cn 16’9″)

Friday 17 July 2015

00:37:34 UT – Diana (29 cn 40’24”) trine Salacia (29 pi 40’24” Rx)

15:30:08 UT – Venus (29 le 40’10”) quincunx Salacia (29 pi 40’10” Rx)

Saturday 25 July 2015

22:18:17 UT – Bacchus (29 li 24’25”) conjunct Fortuna (29 li 24’25”)

Sunday 26 July 2015

06:42:18 UT – Bacchus (29 li 35’55”) quincunx Salacia (29 pi 35’55” Rx)

19:39:37 UT – Fortuna (29 li 35’36”) quincunx Salacia (29 pi 35’36” Rx)

Sunday 02 August 2015

08:16:32 UT – Venus (29 le 31’17” Rx) quincunx Salacia (29 pi 31’17” Rx)

Monday 03 August 2015

10:36:19 UT – Jupiter (28 le 17’1″) square Saturn (28 sc 17’1″)

Wednesday 05 August 2015)

21:05:16 UT – Cupido (29 le 3’2″) square Proserpina (29 ta 3’2″)

Thursday 06 August 2015

13:19:44 UT – Ceres (29 cp 28’4″ Rx) sextile Salacia (29 pi 28’4″ Rx)

17:38:11 UT – Ceres (29 cp 25’53” Rx) quincunx Cupido (29 le 25’53”)

19:24:36 UT – Cupido (29 le 27’51”) quincunx Salacia (29 pi 27’51” Rx)

Friday 07 August 2015

01:59:55 UT – Ceres (29 cp 21’41” Rx) trine Proserpina (29 ta 21’40”)

07:08:25 UT – Mercury (29 le 6’18”) conjunct Jupiter (29 le 6’18”)

09:43:28 UT – Mercury (29 le 17’48”) quincunx Ceres (29 cp 17’48” Rx)

10:51:12 UT – Proserpina (29 ta 27’20”) sextile Salacia (29 pi 27’20” Rx)

11:51:43 UT – Mercury (29 le 27’18”) quincunx Salacia (29 pi 27’18” Rx) 

12:02:25 UT – Mercury (29 le 28’5″) square Proserpina (29 ta 28’5″)

17:32:35 UT – Mercury (29 le 52’28”) conjunct Cupido (29 le 52’28”)

17:59:07 UT – Mars (29 cn 12’7″) semi-sextile Jupiter (29 le 12’7″)

18:43:42 UT – Mars (29 cn 13’19”) opposite Ceres (29 cp 13’19” Rx)

19:30:37 UT – Jupiter (29 le 12’56”) quincunx Ceres (29 cp 12’56” Rx)

Saturday 08 August 2015)

03:01:58 UT – Mars (29 cn 26’47”) trine Salacia (29 pi 26’47” Rx)

13:58:58 UT – Mars (29 cn 44’31”) sextile Proserpina (29 ta 44’31”)

20:14:34 UT – Jupiter (29 le 26’11”) quincunx Salacia (29 pi 26’11” Rx)

Wednesday 12 August 2015

04:07:27 UT – Aesculapia (29 vi 23’16”) opposite Salacia (29 pi 23’16” Rx)

Thursday 20 August 2015

19:45:34 UT – Apollo (29 le 14’52”) quincunx Salacia (29 pi 14’52” Rx)

Friday 21 August 2015

13:32:48 UT – Ops (29 cn 14’6″) trine Salacia (29 pi 14’6″ Rx)

Saturday 22 August 2015

15:05:56 UT – Sun (29 le 12’59”) quincunx Salacia (29 pi 12’59” Rx)

Wednesday 26 August 2015

23:13:38 UT – Mercury (29 vi 8’17”) opposite Salacia (29 pi 8’17” Rx)

Tuesday 01 September 2015

18:23:48 UT – Saturn (29 sc 1’40”) trine Salacia (29 pi 1’40” Rx)

Wednesday 02 September 2015

03:30:24 UT – Minerva (29 cn 1’13”) trine Salacia (29 pi 1’13” Rx)

05:43:45 UT – Saturn (29 sc 3’2″) trine Minerva (29 cn 3’2″)

Thursday 03 September 2015

03:55:26 UT – Panacea (29 vi 0’2″) opposite Salacia (29 pi 0’2″ Rx)

11:42:43 UT – Saturn (29 sc 6’45”) sextile Panacea (29 vi 6’45”)

Tuesday 08 September 2015

16:08:50 UT – Saturn (29 sc 23’37”) square Diana (29 le 23’37”)

Wednesday 16 September 2015

20:45:43 UT – Bacchus (29 sc 7’59”) square Hygiea (29 le 7’59”)

Thursday 17 September 2015

06:13:18 UT – Saturn (29 sc 56’24”) sextile Juno (29 vi 56’24”)


Extracts may be quoted for links/review.

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