Anyone who has even glanced at The Book of World Horoscopes by Nick Campion will feel as if they have just fallen into a vat of porridge when they begin looking for the ‘true’ Scotland chart. This applies to all aspects of Great Britain and the United Kingdom, too. It’s a fascinating mess, going back centuries. There are several horoscopes created for various political shifts, to the point where as an astrologer, you find yourself wishing that great Scotch drinker Scottie from Star Trek would beam you up and talk you through it. One gigantic clue, though, is the September 18th, 2014 referendum on Scottish independence and the May 7th, 2015 election which saw the S.N.P. gaining a landslide victory in Scotland.

The Detective Work Begins on the Horoscopes
Is there a common factor linking all these charts? Fortunately for our sanity, there is. It exists at 13 degrees of the signs. Using it, we can also predict when Scotland can hope to try for independence from England a second time – either by poll or by other means. The United Kingdom Union chart set for 1st January 1801 at 00.00am in London shows the North Node at 13 Aries, and South Node at 13 Libra. That immediately tells you something about the U.K. and that’s the inner conflict this ‘united’ kingdom has about being in partnership (Libra) and being in competition (Aries). Scotland and England have played this out. Sometimes Ireland takes on the game, but at the moment it happens to be Scotland.These are the Nodes, too, so this is repetitive stuff. History repeats.
On the day of the recent election, 7th May 2015, we began with a Full Moon on Monday 4th May, as the Sun sat on 13 Taurus opposite the Moon at 13 Scorpio. Jupiter was at 13 Leo.
The United Kingdom and England Horoscopes
The Scotland chart for 16th March 0842 set for 4.21pm in Edinburgh shows Uranus at 13 Aries square Mars at 13 Cancer. And that’s not all. Various incarnations of the British/English/UK chart ‘porridge’ show the same degree resonating throughout history.
UK Independence 21 March 0287 at 5.05am London – Mars 13 Gemini
UK Independence 20 March 0410 at 00.10am London – Mars 13 Capricorn
Battle of Hastings 14th October 1066 5.28pm Seniac, Hastings – Saturn 13 Virgo
UK England Republic 27th March 1649 12.00 Noon London – Uranus 13 Sagittarius
On 18th September 2014, Scots went to the polls to answer the question: “Should Scotland be an independent country?”- Jupiter was at 13 Leo. This is exactly where he stood on the 7th May 2015 election as well.
Who are the key players in the S.N.P. movement? Alex Salmond (Mercury 13 Capricorn) and Nicola Sturgeon (Vesta 13 Virgo, Hygeia 13 Cancer). If you don’t use asteroids, Vesta is Saturn’s daughter and Hygeia is Jupiter’s great-granddaughter. Vesta describes situations where one man is surrounded by many women (like a harem in the temple of the Vestal Virgins). You might also say it’s Alex Salmond and the S.N.P. or PM Cameron and Westminster. I find it fascinating that this amazing female politician is carrying Vesta in her psyche! The asteroid Hygeia is about protection, security and ‘prevention is better than cure’ and it’s in the fiercely patriotic sign of Cancer in Nicola Sturgeon’s chart.
The chart for Edinburgh shows the Sun at 13 Gemini, North Node at 13 Leo, South Node at 13 Aquarius. That one is set for May 28th, 1329 at 12.01am in the Julian calendar, in Edinburgh.
My Scotland Prediction from September 2014
This is what you read in The Astrologer’s Diary, back on September 15th, 2014. “First up, will Scotland become independent following the vote on Thursday 18th September? I was shown a horoscope at the Astrological Association conference for the start of polling which reveals Saturn, the planet of pessimism, fear and paranoia in the Second House of the economy. It’s the Private Frazer (Dad’s Army) planet – the catchphrase being ‘We’re all doomed. Doomed, I tell ye!’ . That looks like a ‘No’ vote to me. The Scots will vote against independence on the basis of economic fear, shown by Saturn in the Second House. However, if you are a ‘Yes’ voter the good news is, they are holding the election on Mercury Retrograde Shadow, so this result will not stick. There will be another vote in time to come – wait.”
Nicola Sturgeon and David Cameron
The more I look at these horoscopes the more I think we’re looking at a transit of an outer planet – Pluto and/or Neptune – at the crucial 13 degree position. Because Pluto was discovered in 1930 as the timeline for the development of nuclear weapons began, I suspect that when Pluto hits 13 Capricorn we are going to see Trident at the heart of the next big push back against England. Scotland wants to get rid of Trident. PM David Cameron does not. In fact, Nicola Sturgeon promised to stand firm against “the obscene status symbol that is a new generation of Trident nuclear weapons”.
Summer-Autumn 2015 and the Trident Issue
Pluto hits 13 Capricorn in July, August, September 2015 and there are oppositions to the Sun on Monday 6th July and Mars on Wednesday 15th July from Cancer (an intensely patriotic sign) which will trigger questions about Trident. As long as they don’t actually trigger Trident itself (duck!) we should be safe. Pluto then moves back into 13 Capricorn in October 2015 and this is fascinating, because Jupiter will be at 13 Virgo from October 12th through 16th. At this point I think the bargaining will begin between PM David Cameron and the extraordinary Nicola Sturgeon. Why? Because Virgo is a symbol for the N.H.S. and there is much to discuss. Pluto lingers at 13 Capricorn in November 2015 when he is gone for good.
Penny Thornton and the Scotland Horoscope
I am grateful to the astrologer Penny Thornton for reminding me of another horoscope where the powerful 13 degree position in her newsletter analysis of the Acts of Union chart, set for 1st May 1707 at 00.001 in London. In this one, Mars is at 13 Cancer. Now that’s really going to be triggered in 2015. And of course, you can date this whole push for independence back to the Uranus transit at 13 Aries – followed by a partial eclipse at 14 Aries/Libra in April 2015, which was just one degree away.
Anne Whitaker on the Scotland Horoscope
There are other charts too. Back in 1999 Glasgow astrologer Anne Whitaker made a remarkable prediction about her country using a chart for Scotland timed for the crowning of Malcolm the Second at Scone on 25 March 1005 at noon. She wrote “…there is a death/rebirth process going on in Scotland’s ties with England and the UK. The outcome of that is by no means clear, many Scots wanting nothing less than the end of the long marriage with the UK…”

Here’s another major event which triggers the 13 degree position. Back on 13th September 1997 when the Scots voted for their own parliament, Jupiter stood at 13 Aquarius. The Guardian reported, “Scottish nationalist leader Alex Salmond delivered an apocalyptic prophecy yesterday that Scotland will be independent in his lifetime after a sweeping referendum result that transformed the British political landscape.” So will Mr Salmond’s prophecy win out?
Looking at 13 Degrees of Scotland and the Future of Independence
Prime Minister David Cameron has sensibly ruled out another referendum on Scottish independence, but has that actually put the wind up Scotland’s kilt? It seems unlikely. The rolling positions of Uranus at 13 Aries and then Pluto at 13 Capricorn have started something that will be very hard to ignore. This is not going to go away – Saturn will be at 13 Sagittarius in January 2016, and again in June that year, when Neptune slowly begins to move into position too. In July 2016 the North Node is at 13 Virgo and the South Node is at 13 Pisces. That’s quite a summer for Scotland, to put it mildly. Jupiter moves to 13 Libra in November 2016, keeping the heat on.
Fate? April 2017 through January 2019 and the 13 Degrees of Scotland Pattern
Finally in April 2017 Neptune hits 13 Pisces. He is there in May 2017 as well when Jupiter reaches 13 Libra. And then something really interesting happens – Jupiter stations at 13 Libra in June 2017 which is like being hit repeatedly in the head with a large stick of Edinburgh Rock. Remember that Node position in the U.K. chart at 13 Libra which was set off by the election on 7th May 2015? By this point in history it will be two years behind us, but the essential issues about Libra – partnership, equality, fairness – will be absolutely massive in the national psyche of both countries in June 2017.

The fact that Neptune is so close at 14 Pisces only adds to the story. In July and August Neptune remains at 13 Pisces. Then he is back there in February 2018 as the North Node moves closer, at 14 Leo. In March 2018, Neptune is at 13 Pisces and the North Node is at 13 Leo. Neptune returns to 13 Pisces in October, November, December 2018 – and then in January 2019 Jupiter moves to 13 Sagittarius, in the same month that Saturns hits 13 Capricorn. Neptune is still very close by at 14 Pisces, so you would have to say January 2019 is either the month for the second independence referendum (the one PM Cameron did not want to have) or some other massive break between the two countries.
Jupiter supplies the hope for a better future. Saturn puts the fear of God into people. Combine those with Neptune and its longing for escape, and you have an incredible month for the fate of Scotland. After that, the 13 degree pattern which began building in 2014 breaks, and destiny will have done her job. Data from and The Book of World Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion.
20 Responses
aw hurry up Indy, I’m sick of paycuts being skint working a lot. High bills high taxes.
I think Trident will sort that out for you!
Hi Jessica,
Wow, I’m trawling thru old blogs that I never read and this one pops up! June of 2016? The EU ref? I’m almost like a cynical bystander at the sheer folly of what is happening right now in British politics! You call Nicola Sturgeon outstanding and she is, the most impressive poltician in these isles by a country mile. More blogs please, you’re awesome!
Thanks so much. You reminded me of this prediction, actually, so thank you.
Hi Jessica
Your prediction on Brexit was amazing!
You have also predicted that Scotland will vote to leave the Union and hitch its wagon to the EU.
So what will happen to Scotland when your prediction of the EU collapse happens?
Karen :O)
Thank you. When the EU begins to break up every nation will have her own brand new horoscope based on her new constitution. This is years away. However, that will tell us what is in store. In general, every nation from 2018 must adopt a new way of trading, taxation, currency and so on.
Thanks Jessica!
Scottish Referendum: Jessica it looks as though you’ve got it right again! Most Scots reckoned that the earliest date for another Referendum (if ever) would be 2020 following another UK General Election. Another in which the Conservative (Tory) party would be elected once again: A political party that the Scots don’t vote for but have had to suffer anyway year after year (decade after decade).
Now of course the Brexit decision, whereby the Scots voted to remain in the EU, has altered that course altogether. Another Scottish Referendum may be held around the autumn of 2018, as per Alex Salmond’s comments in The National newspaper (only UK newspaper supporting Independence) yesterday. The date of the result of the Referendum doesn’t equate with an official Independence Day which could ultimately relate to January 2019.
What I’d really appreciate knowing now is which chart you used to identify a second Referendum in late 2018 / early 2019. Was it the 1801 chart and if so which house system did you use?
Sending all my best wishes, Shirley.
Thank you Shirley. I have to say, the astrological charts for Scotland and England are amazing, as they speak the truth every time. I didn’t realise that most Scots thought 2020 would be the year for another referendum. That is too far away according to the horoscope. If Alex Salmond thinks 2018 is likely, that’s fascinating. Your best source for charts is The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion. There are far too many to list here, but if you can borrow this book from the library, you will be amazed at the information you find. For the United Kingdom I always use the 1801 chart and I use the Natural House system which puts Aries 0 on the First House cusp and uses whole sign, equal houses. The key to the chart is Ceres which most astrologers ignore. This planet was actually discovered on the same day the United Kingdom was formed, which is why she has never been truly united. Ceres in the UK chart is under heavy transits which is why Scotland will want to be free sooner rather than later. I suspect the United Kingdom will not be united for much longer.
Hi Jessica, do you have any thoughts on whether an independent Scotland will re-join the EU? I am devastated at having my freedom of movement stopped as my girlfriend is Polish (same sex couple so can’t get a marriage visa to Poland as they don’t recognise it) and so I am desperately hanging all my hopes on a Scottish passport! (My Mum is Scottish). Many thanks 🙂
The EU as we know it will cease to exist eventually according to the astrological charts. Scotland may make her own alliances in a new organisation to come. Obviously you want an answer now – of course – this is your love life! You may have to be patient as you are trying to deal with Sagittarian matters (foreign residency, passports) in the most serious, slow, stuck cycle in 29 years as Saturn passes through Sagittarius. It is over by Christmas 2017. In the meantime, one step at a time. Saturn works best, step by patient step.
Hi Jessica
As the Brexit Mark II in September seemed hardly to register, what do you think will make the UK actually leave the EU in March/April 2017? I know Uranus will sweep through,but what do you see physically occurring? The Remain camp are fighting back strongly with the MPs wanting a vote, and the manipulated markets with the fall of the pound are trying to shame the people who voted for Brexit. If the sheer hypocrisy of Scottish independence actually works, that means England and Wales will then be on their own. Scotland will try to stay within the EU, yet that body is predicted to fall apart..What will happen to both sets of countries once independent? Are you seeing all of Europe back again as individual countries as they once were centuries ago, but in a form of loose alliances? It seems humans learn nothing – unless we can grasp back control from the political elite who have manipulated our world for so long and still seem to be doing so. I am not impressed so far by Uranus’s bid for freedom, nor am I with Theresa May’s cabinet’s handling of it all (most were Remainers) Will, however, Uranus work quickly in 2017 and not get wound up in 2 years of protracted Brexit negotiations? It does indeed feel like we are going backwards to go forwards. Thanks for your thoughts, I always enjoy reading them. Best wishes, T
Thank you T. Just to repeat information posted elsewhere about my Brexit prediction: Diane James became UKIP leader (BBC News) 16th September. She obviously signed her agreement with a hidden get-out clause and thus the leadership turmoil began. The EU and the Euro will not last through Uranus in Taurus, starting May 2018 and continuing for many years. Any Uranus transit always involves the Rejection Dance, as those who break for freedom and liberty are always rejected by those who want the past to remain. The best example of this is 1781 when they found Uranus and in America, we saw the British being thrown out of power and the first serious legal challenge by a slave against her master – she won. Radical change on this transit always invites turmoil over the short-term but always ends up bringing freedom and a new world.
Thank you. I know now Scotland will be independent. So happy for my children and grandchildren.
And on 13 March Nicola calls the Scotref 2. On the same day Uranus was discovered in 1781! Exciting times indeed. Thanks for continuing to follow up on the developments of this Jessica.
Dear Jessica you are spot on once again. Nicola Sturgeon announced yesterday (around 11.00 am … 13/03/2017) that the Scots should be afforded another Referendum due to being dragged out of the EU against their wishes (62%).
Her announcement has really thrown the Westminster Establishment because they reckoned that she was always bluffing. We Scots always knew otherwise. In doing so at this time, Nicola Sturgeon has also scuppered Theresa May’s plans to use Scotland’s many resources and assets to negotiate with the EU (selling Scotland out). Nicola always ten steps ahead of May.
Nicola Sturgeon, very brave indeed, is also having to deal with hundreds of rape, torture and death threats online on a DAILY basis. I and many others of course are extremely concerned for her safety and wellbeing. Nevertheless she is staying the course.
Scotland with 1% of the EU population (9% of the UK pop) contributes 60% of its oil, is the second biggest gas provider and contributes 25% of wind and 25% of wave energy to the EU … tidal wave in its infancy said to be the most lucrative of all is being ‘stymied’ by Westminster at every turn (Energy is reserved to Westminster). And then our whisky accounts for 25% of all UK food and drink exports and our salmon tops the UK food exports. Research findings show that the Scots (assets) are the most highly educated adults in Europe and at the top of the league Worldwide. And there is far more of course.
England imports far more than it exports hence racking up 1.7 Trillion in debt. Scotland exports far more than it imports hence ALWAYS balancing the books.
Scotland has also contributed far more to the London Treasury per capita than any other country in the UK over the last 34 years, consistently, and yet we are considered to be ‘subsidy junckies’. Over £300 billion of our oil revenue has been squandered, (the proof of our potential wealth hidden away in a vault for decades), by Westminster with no oil fund in sight (McCrone Report .. YouTube). On a par with Iraq. They have stolen 6000 sq miles of our seas and 7 oil fields behind our backs (Stolen Seas … YouTube) and so it goes on.
GERS figures .. the big black hole that they all talk about .. relates to Scotland having to contribute to things it doesn’t want or need such as Trident, paying for Westminster debt interest, renovations to Royal residencies in England / Westminster, the House of Lords, everything beginning with the word ‘National’ in England, thousands of English Civil Servants / maintenance of related buildings in London, London sewers, English train lines, Royal family costs etc, etc.
Scotland has control over 17.5% of power over PIECEMEAL economic levers and welfare now (a poisoned chalice). Hence Westminster still has control of over 82.5% of levers. Prior to 2016 Scotland had 7% control over all levers. And yet we are still doing a far better job than Westminster against all odds.
Anyway Jessica Nicola Sturgeon mentioned a referendum date sometime between autumn of 2018 and spring of 2019. Again in line with what you suggested earlier Jessica.
Nuclear weapons which you referred to previously also: Michael Fallon, Westminster Tory Defence Minister, has been visiting Scotland on a very regular, but HIGHLY unusual, basis since Christmas 2016 to promote an expansion of the Nuclear base at Faslane.
Faslane, Scotland, he says will be the biggest base in Europe with the capacity by 2020 to accommodate Dreadnoughts (plus increased Nuclear radiation leaks, risk of accident and attraction for terrorists). The Scottish Government, Cross Party, have voted against having Nuclear weapons based in Scotland as have the vast majority of Scots, but hey who cares about the Scots as long as Westminster rules the roost.
The latest is even more horrific. As Westminster proposes to spend over £200 billion plus to renew the Nukes (not built in Scotland by the way … 98% of Trident related jobs are in England) they want to cut costs by removing Military Defence Guards and replace them with gun toting employees of private companies to ‘protect’ the Nuclear submarines at Faslane and Nuclear missiles at Coulport. The two companies that have been recommended have a hellish record. The SNP, Labour Party in Scotland and a number of Unions say it is “absolutely chilling and highly dangerous.”
D Trump with a special relationship wth T May plans to produce even more powerful Nuclear missiles. I can’t stand it not only on behalf of my country and the world in general but because I live within 20 miles of the most beautiful countryside in the world filled with England’s “toys” or more so phallic symbols as some would say.
Meanwhile we in Scotland face a practically insurmountable obstacle and that is the mainstream media. Not one newspaper in Scotland is owned / controlled by a Scot. Of over 40 newspapers one Sunday and one daily now (since 2015) support Independence and they are owned by a Unionist supporter! The BBC and STV are also pro-Unionist. We are totally reliant on the Internet which many elderly people don’t access. We are being bombarded on a daily basis with the Scots “too wee, poor and stupid” mantra.
It’s clear that this is going to be a David and Goliath battle. The strength, spite and revengefulness of Westminster knows no bounds.
Anyway Jessica do you still see us winning in late 2018 / early 2019? And if we do will we be allowed to found a half decent country without England (Westminster) trying to ensure that we fail?
Apologies for the length of my post.
Kind regards.
Hi do you still believe Scotland will be independent and when? when will be the indyref and when will go vote
This is a very old prediction now, but the horoscope for Scotland does seem to be working in terms of the timing (right now) and it was accurate about the first ‘No’ vote to be followed by a second chance to say ‘Yes’ later – so I think you can keep watching the story here. I’m standing by the prediction.
The propaganda from ‘Shirley’ makes North Korea seem normal!!!
what a long diatribe of wishful thinking..
Och, I can see the porridge flying on this post, but that ancient horoscope for Scotland is certainly speaking to us.
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